1 | 'use strict'
2 |
3 | const path = require('path')
4 | const spawn = require('child_process').spawn
5 | const test = require('tap').test
6 |
7 | const bin = require.resolve(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'bin.js'))
8 | const epoch = 1522431328992
9 | const logLine = '{"level":30,"time":1522431328992,"msg":"hello world","pid":42,"hostname":"foo","v":1}\n'
10 |
11 | test('cli', (t) => {
12 | t.test('does basic reformatting', (t) => {
13 | t.plan(1)
14 | const child = spawn(process.argv0, [bin])
15 | child.on('error', t.threw)
16 | child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
17 | t.is(data.toString(), `[${epoch}] INFO (42 on foo): hello world\n`)
18 | })
19 | child.stdin.write(logLine)
20 | t.tearDown(() => child.kill())
21 | })
22 |
23 | t.test('flips epoch and level', (t) => {
24 | t.plan(1)
25 | const child = spawn(process.argv0, [bin, '-l'])
26 | child.on('error', t.threw)
27 | child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
28 | t.is(data.toString(), `INFO [${epoch}] (42 on foo): hello world\n`)
29 | })
30 | child.stdin.write(logLine)
31 | t.tearDown(() => child.kill())
32 | })
33 |
34 | t.test('translates time to default format', (t) => {
35 | t.plan(1)
36 | const child = spawn(process.argv0, [bin, '-t'])
37 | child.on('error', t.threw)
38 | child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
39 | t.is(data.toString(), `[2018-03-30 17:35:28.992 +0000] INFO (42 on foo): hello world\n`)
40 | })
41 | child.stdin.write(logLine)
42 | t.tearDown(() => child.kill())
43 | })
44 |
45 | t.test('does search', (t) => {
46 | t.plan(1)
47 | const child = spawn(process.argv0, [bin, '-s', 'msg == `hello world`'])
48 | child.on('error', t.threw)
49 | child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
50 | t.is(data.toString(), `[${epoch}] INFO (42 on foo): hello world\n`)
51 | })
52 | child.stdin.write(logLine)
53 | t.tearDown(() => child.kill())
54 | })
55 |
56 | t.test('does search but finds only 1 out of 2', (t) => {
57 | t.plan(1)
58 | const child = spawn(process.argv0, [bin, '-s', 'msg == `hello world`'])
59 | child.on('error', t.threw)
60 | child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
61 | t.is(data.toString(), `[${epoch}] INFO (42 on foo): hello world\n`)
62 | })
63 | child.stdin.write(logLine.replace('hello world', 'hello universe'))
64 | child.stdin.write(logLine)
65 | t.tearDown(() => child.kill())
66 | })
67 |
68 | t.test('does ignore multiple keys', (t) => {
69 | t.plan(1)
70 | const child = spawn(process.argv0, [bin, '-i', 'pid,hostname'])
71 | child.on('error', t.threw)
72 | child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
73 | t.is(data.toString(), `[1522431328992] INFO : hello world\n`)
74 | })
75 | child.stdin.write(logLine)
76 | t.tearDown(() => child.kill())
77 | })
78 |
79 | t.end()
80 | })