1 | <a id="intro"></a>
2 | # pino-pretty
3 |
4 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/pino-pretty)
5 | [](https://github.com/pinojs/pino-pretty/actions?query=workflow%3ACI)
6 | [](https://codecov.io/gh/pinojs/pino-pretty)
7 |
8 | This module provides a basic [ndjson](http://ndjson.org/) formatter. If an
9 | incoming line looks like it could be a log line from an ndjson logger, in
10 | particular the [Pino](https://getpino.io/) logging library, then it will apply
11 | extra formatting by considering things like the log level and timestamp.
12 |
13 | A standard Pino log line like:
14 |
15 | ```
16 | {"level":30,"time":1522431328992,"msg":"hello world","pid":42,"hostname":"foo","v":1}
17 | ```
18 |
19 | Will format to:
20 |
21 | ```
22 | [1522431328992] INFO (42 on foo): hello world
23 | ```
24 |
25 | <a id="example"></a>
26 | ## Example
27 |
28 | Using the [example script][exscript] from the Pino module, and specifying
29 | that logs should be colored and the time translated, we can see what the
30 | prettified logs will look like:
31 |
32 | 
33 |
34 | [exscript]: https://github.com/pinojs/pino/blob/fc4c83b/example.js
35 |
36 | <a id="install"></a>
37 | ## Install
38 |
39 | ```sh
40 | $ npm install -g pino-pretty
41 | ```
42 |
43 | <a id="usage"></a>
44 | ## Usage
45 |
46 | It's recommended to use `pino-pretty` with `pino`
47 | by piping output to the CLI tool:
48 |
49 | ```sh
50 | node app.js | pino-pretty
51 | ```
52 |
53 | <a id="cliargs"></a>
54 | ### CLI Arguments
55 |
56 | - `--colorize` (`-c`): Adds terminal color escape sequences to the output.
57 | - `--crlf` (`-f`): Appends carriage return and line feed, instead of just a line
58 | feed, to the formatted log line.
59 | - `--errorProps` (`-e`): When formatting an error object, display this list
60 | of properties. The list should be a comma separated list of properties Default: `''`.
61 | - `--levelFirst` (`-l`): Display the log level name before the logged date and time.
62 | - `--errorLikeObjectKeys` (`-k`): Define the log keys that are associated with
63 | error like objects. Default: `err,error`.
64 | - `--messageKey` (`-m`): Define the key that contains the main log message.
65 | Default: `msg`.
66 | - `--levelKey` (`--levelKey`): Define the key that contains the level of the log.
67 | Default: `level`.
68 | - `--levelLabel` (`-b`): Output the log level using the specified label.
69 | Default: `levelLabel`.
70 | - `--messageFormat` (`-o`): Format output of message, e.g. `{levelLabel} - {pid} - url:{request.url}` will output message: `INFO - 1123 - url:localhost:3000/test`
71 | Default: `false`
72 | - `--timestampKey` (`-a`): Define the key that contains the log timestamp.
73 | Default: `time`.
74 | - `--translateTime` (`-t`): Translate the epoch time value into a human readable
75 | date and time string. This flag also can set the format string to apply when
76 | translating the date to human readable format. For a list of available pattern
77 | letters see the [`dateformat` documentation](https://www.npmjs.com/package/dateformat).
78 | - The default format is `yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss.l o` in UTC.
79 | - Require a `SYS:` prefix to translate time to the local system's timezone. A
80 | shortcut `SYS:standard` to translate time to `yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss.l o` in
81 | system timezone.
82 | - `--search` (`-s`): Specify a search pattern according to
83 | [jmespath](http://jmespath.org/).
84 | - `--ignore` (`-i`): Ignore one or several keys: (`-i time,hostname`)
85 | - `--hideObject` (`-H`): Hide objects from output (but not error object)
86 | - `--config`: Specify a path to a config file containing the pino-pretty options. pino-pretty will attempt to read from a `.pino-prettyrc` in your current directory (`process.cwd`) if not specified
87 |
88 | <a id="integration"></a>
89 | ## Programmatic Integration
90 |
91 | We recommend against using `pino-pretty` in production, and highly
92 | recommend installing `pino-pretty` as a development dependency.
93 |
94 | When installed, `pino-pretty` will be used by `pino` as the default
95 | prettifier.
96 |
97 | Install `pino-pretty` alongside `pino` and set the
98 | `prettyPrint` option to `true`:
99 |
100 | ```js
101 | const pino = require('pino')
102 | const logger = pino({
103 | prettyPrint: true
104 | })
105 |
106 | logger.info('hi')
107 | ```
108 |
109 | The `prettyPrint` option can also be an object containing `pretty-print`
110 | options:
111 |
112 | ```js
113 | const pino = require('pino')
114 | const logger = pino({
115 | prettyPrint: { colorize: true }
116 | })
117 |
118 | logger.info('hi')
119 | ```
120 |
121 | See the [Options](#options) section for all possible options.
122 |
123 | <a id="options"></a>
124 | ### Options
125 |
126 | `pino-pretty` exports a factory function that can be used to format log strings.
127 | This factory function is used internally by Pino, and accepts an options argument
128 | with keys corresponding to the options described in [CLI Arguments](#cliargs):
129 |
130 | ```js
131 | {
132 | colorize: chalk.supportsColor, // --colorize
133 | crlf: false, // --crlf
134 | errorLikeObjectKeys: ['err', 'error'], // --errorLikeObjectKeys
135 | errorProps: '', // --errorProps
136 | levelFirst: false, // --levelFirst
137 | messageKey: 'msg', // --messageKey
138 | levelKey: 'level', // --levelKey
139 | messageFormat: false // --messageFormat
140 | timestampKey: 'time', // --timestampKey
141 | translateTime: false, // --translateTime
142 | search: 'foo == `bar`', // --search
143 | ignore: 'pid,hostname', // --ignore,
144 | hideObject: false // --hideObject
145 | customPrettifiers: {}
146 | }
147 | ```
148 |
149 | The `colorize` default follows
150 | [`chalk.supportsColor`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/chalk#chalksupportscolor).
151 |
152 | `customPrettifiers` option provides the ability to add a custom prettify function
153 | for specific log properties. `customPrettifiers` is an object, where keys are
154 | log properties which will be prettified and value is the prettify function itself.
155 | For example, if a log line contains a `query` property,
156 | you can specify a prettifier for it:
157 | ```js
158 | {
159 | customPrettifiers: {
160 | query: prettifyQuery
161 | }
162 | }
163 | //...
164 | const prettifyQuery = value => {
165 | // do some prettify magic
166 | }
167 | ```
168 |
169 | `messageFormat` option allows you to customize the message output. The format can be defined by a template `string` like this:
170 | ```js
171 | {
172 | messageFormat: '{levelLabel} - {pid} - url:{request.url}'
173 | }
174 | ```
175 | But this option can also be defined as a `function` with this prototype:
176 | ```js
177 | {
178 | messageFormat: (log, messageKey, levelLabel) => {
179 | // do some log message customization
180 | return customized_message;
181 | }
182 | }
183 | ```
184 |
185 | <a id="license"><a>
186 | ## License
187 |
188 | MIT License