3.42 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Type definitions for pino-pretty 4.7
2// Project: https://github.com/pinojs/pino-pretty#readme
3// Definitions by: Adam Vigneaux <https://github.com/AdamVig>
4// Minimum TypeScript Version: 3.0
6type LogDescriptor = Record<string, unknown>;
8declare function PinoPretty(options: PrettyOptions_): PinoPretty.Prettifier;
10interface PrettyOptions_ {
11 /**
12 * Hide objects from output (but not error object).
13 * @default false
14 */
15 hideObject?: boolean;
16 /**
17 * Translate the epoch time value into a human readable date and time string. This flag also can set the format
18 * string to apply when translating the date to human readable format. For a list of available pattern letters
19 * see the {@link https://www.npmjs.com/package/dateformat|dateformat documentation}.
20 * - The default format is `yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss.l o` in UTC.
21 * - Requires a `SYS:` prefix to translate time to the local system's timezone. Use the shortcut `SYS:standard`
22 * to translate time to `yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss.l o` in system timezone.
23 * @default false
24 */
25 translateTime?: boolean | string;
26 /**
27 * If set to true, it will print the name of the log level as the first field in the log line.
28 * @default false
29 */
30 levelFirst?: boolean;
31 /**
32 * Define the key that contains the level of the log.
33 * @default "level"
34 */
35 levelKey?: string;
36 /**
37 * Output the log level using the specified label.
38 * @default "levelLabel"
39 */
40 levelLabel?: string;
41 /**
42 * The key in the JSON object to use as the highlighted message.
43 * @default "msg"
44 */
45 messageKey?: string;
46 /**
47 * Print each log message on a single line (errors will still be multi-line).
48 * @default false
49 */
50 singleLine?: boolean;
51 /**
52 * The key in the JSON object to use for timestamp display.
53 * @default "time"
54 */
55 timestampKey?: string;
56 /**
57 * Format output of message, e.g. {level} - {pid} will output message: INFO - 1123
58 * @default false
59 *
60 * @example
61 * ```typescript
62 * {
63 * messageFormat: (log, messageKey) => {
64 * const message = log[messageKey];
65 * if (log.requestId) return `[${log.requestId}] ${message}`;
66 * return message;
67 * }
68 * }
69 * ```
70 */
71 messageFormat?: false | string | PinoPretty.MessageFormatFunc;
72 /**
73 * If set to true, will add color information to the formatted output message.
74 * @default false
75 */
76 colorize?: boolean;
77 /**
78 * Appends carriage return and line feed, instead of just a line feed, to the formatted log line.
79 * @default false
80 */
81 crlf?: boolean;
82 /**
83 * Define the log keys that are associated with error like objects.
84 * @default ["err", "error"]
85 */
86 errorLikeObjectKeys?: string[];
87 /**
88 * When formatting an error object, display this list of properties.
89 * The list should be a comma separated list of properties.
90 * @default ""
91 */
92 errorProps?: string;
93 /**
94 * Specify a search pattern according to {@link http://jmespath.org|jmespath}
95 */
96 search?: string;
97 /**
98 * Ignore one or several keys.
99 * @example "time,hostname"
100 */
101 ignore?: string;
104declare namespace PinoPretty {
105 type Prettifier = (inputData: string | object) => string;
106 type MessageFormatFunc = (log: LogDescriptor, messageKey: string, levelLabel: string) => string;
107 type PrettyOptions = PrettyOptions_
110export default PinoPretty;
111export { PinoPretty, PrettyOptions_ as PrettyOptions }