8.16 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict'
3const path = require('path')
4const spawn = require('child_process').spawn
5const test = require('tap').test
6const fs = require('fs')
7const rimraf = require('rimraf')
9const bin = require.resolve('../bin')
10const logLine = '{"level":30,"time":1522431328992,"msg":"hello world","pid":42,"hostname":"foo"}\n'
11const noop = () => {}
13test('cli', (t) => {
14 const tmpDir = path.join(__dirname, '.tmp_' + Date.now())
15 fs.mkdirSync(tmpDir)
17 t.tearDown(() => rimraf(tmpDir, noop))
19 t.test('loads and applies default config file: pino-pretty.config.js', (t) => {
20 t.plan(1)
21 // Set translateTime: true on run configuration
22 const configFile = path.join(tmpDir, 'pino-pretty.config.js')
23 fs.writeFileSync(configFile, 'module.exports = { translateTime: true }')
24 const env = { TERM: 'dumb' }
25 const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin], { env, cwd: tmpDir })
26 // Validate that the time has been translated
27 child.on('error', t.threw)
28 child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
29 t.is(data.toString(), '[2018-03-30 17:35:28.992 +0000] INFO (42 on foo): hello world\n')
30 })
31 child.stdin.write(logLine)
32 t.tearDown(() => {
33 fs.unlinkSync(configFile)
34 child.kill()
35 })
36 })
38 t.test('loads and applies default config file: .pino-prettyrc', (t) => {
39 t.plan(1)
40 // Set translateTime: true on run configuration
41 const configFile = path.join(tmpDir, '.pino-prettyrc')
42 fs.writeFileSync(configFile, JSON.stringify({ translateTime: true }, null, 4))
43 const env = { TERM: 'dumb' }
44 const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin], { env, cwd: tmpDir })
45 // Validate that the time has been translated
46 child.on('error', t.threw)
47 child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
48 t.is(data.toString(), '[2018-03-30 17:35:28.992 +0000] INFO (42 on foo): hello world\n')
49 })
50 child.stdin.write(logLine)
51 t.tearDown(() => {
52 fs.unlinkSync(configFile)
53 child.kill()
54 })
55 })
57 t.test('loads and applies default config file: .pino-prettyrc.json', (t) => {
58 t.plan(1)
59 // Set translateTime: true on run configuration
60 const configFile = path.join(tmpDir, '.pino-prettyrc.json')
61 fs.writeFileSync(configFile, JSON.stringify({ translateTime: true }, null, 4))
62 const env = { TERM: 'dumb' }
63 const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin], { env, cwd: tmpDir })
64 // Validate that the time has been translated
65 child.on('error', t.threw)
66 child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
67 t.is(data.toString(), '[2018-03-30 17:35:28.992 +0000] INFO (42 on foo): hello world\n')
68 })
69 child.stdin.write(logLine)
70 t.tearDown(() => {
71 fs.unlinkSync(configFile)
72 child.kill()
73 })
74 })
76 t.test('loads and applies custom config file: pino-pretty.config.test.json', (t) => {
77 t.plan(1)
78 // Set translateTime: true on run configuration
79 const configFile = path.join(tmpDir, 'pino-pretty.config.test.json')
80 fs.writeFileSync(configFile, JSON.stringify({ translateTime: true }, null, 4))
81 const env = { TERM: 'dumb' }
82 const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, '--config', configFile], { env, cwd: tmpDir })
83 // Validate that the time has been translated
84 child.on('error', t.threw)
85 child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
86 t.is(data.toString(), '[2018-03-30 17:35:28.992 +0000] INFO (42 on foo): hello world\n')
87 })
88 child.stdin.write(logLine)
89 t.tearDown(() => child.kill())
90 })
92 t.test('loads and applies custom config file: pino-pretty.config.test.js', (t) => {
93 t.plan(1)
94 // Set translateTime: true on run configuration
95 const configFile = path.join(tmpDir, 'pino-pretty.config.test.js')
96 fs.writeFileSync(configFile, 'module.exports = { translateTime: true }')
97 const env = { TERM: 'dumb' }
98 const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, '--config', configFile], { env, cwd: tmpDir })
99 // Validate that the time has been translated
100 child.on('error', t.threw)
101 child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
102 t.is(data.toString(), '[2018-03-30 17:35:28.992 +0000] INFO (42 on foo): hello world\n')
103 })
104 child.stdin.write(logLine)
105 t.tearDown(() => child.kill())
106 })
108 t.test('cli options override config options', (t) => {
109 t.plan(1)
110 // Set translateTime: true on run configuration
111 const configFile = path.join(tmpDir, 'pino-pretty.config.js')
112 fs.writeFileSync(configFile, `
113 module.exports = {
114 translateTime: true,
115 messageKey: 'custom_msg'
116 }
117 `.trim())
118 // Set messageKey: 'new_msg' using command line option
119 const env = { TERM: 'dumb' }
120 const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin, '--messageKey', 'new_msg'], { env, cwd: tmpDir })
121 // Validate that the time has been translated and correct message key has been used
122 child.on('error', t.threw)
123 child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
124 t.is(data.toString(), '[2018-03-30 17:35:28.992 +0000] INFO (42 on foo): hello world\n')
125 })
126 child.stdin.write(logLine.replace(/"msg"/, '"new_msg"'))
127 t.tearDown(() => {
128 fs.unlinkSync(configFile)
129 child.kill()
130 })
131 })
133 t.test('cli options with defaults can be overridden by config', (t) => {
134 t.plan(1)
135 // Set errorProps: '*' on run configuration
136 const configFile = path.join(tmpDir, 'pino-pretty.config.js')
137 fs.writeFileSync(configFile, `
138 module.exports = {
139 errorProps: '*'
140 }
141 `.trim())
142 // Set messageKey: 'new_msg' using command line option
143 const env = { TERM: 'dumb' }
144 const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin], { env, cwd: tmpDir })
145 // Validate that the time has been translated and correct message key has been used
146 child.on('error', t.threw)
147 child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
148 t.is(data.toString(), '[1594416696006] FATAL: There was an error starting the process.\n QueryError: Error during sql query: syntax error at or near SELECTT\n at /home/me/projects/example/sql.js\n at /home/me/projects/example/index.js\nquerySql: SELECTT * FROM "test" WHERE id = $1;\nqueryArgs: 12\n')
149 })
150 child.stdin.write('{"level":60,"time":1594416696006,"msg":"There was an error starting the process.","type":"Error","stack":"QueryError: Error during sql query: syntax error at or near SELECTT\\n at /home/me/projects/example/sql.js\\n at /home/me/projects/example/index.js","querySql":"SELECTT * FROM \\"test\\" WHERE id = $1;","queryArgs":[12]}\n')
151 t.tearDown(() => {
152 fs.unlinkSync(configFile)
153 child.kill()
154 })
155 })
157 t.test('throws on missing config file', (t) => {
158 t.plan(2)
159 const args = [bin, '--config', 'pino-pretty.config.missing.json']
160 const env = { TERM: 'dumb' }
161 const child = spawn(process.argv[0], args, { env, cwd: tmpDir })
162 child.on('close', (code) => t.is(code, 1))
163 child.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
164 t.contains(data.toString(), 'Error: Failed to load runtime configuration file: pino-pretty.config.missing.json\n')
165 })
166 t.tearDown(() => child.kill())
167 })
169 t.test('throws on invalid default config file', (t) => {
170 t.plan(2)
171 const configFile = path.join(tmpDir, 'pino-pretty.config.js')
172 fs.writeFileSync(configFile, 'module.exports = () => {}')
173 const env = { TERM: 'dumb' }
174 const child = spawn(process.argv[0], [bin], { env, cwd: tmpDir })
175 child.on('close', (code) => t.is(code, 1))
176 child.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
177 t.contains(data.toString(), 'Error: Invalid runtime configuration file: pino-pretty.config.js\n')
178 })
179 t.tearDown(() => child.kill())
180 })
182 t.test('throws on invalid custom config file', (t) => {
183 t.plan(2)
184 const configFile = path.join(tmpDir, 'pino-pretty.config.invalid.js')
185 fs.writeFileSync(configFile, 'module.exports = () => {}')
186 const args = [bin, '--config', path.relative(tmpDir, configFile)]
187 const env = { TERM: 'dumb' }
188 const child = spawn(process.argv[0], args, { env, cwd: tmpDir })
189 child.on('close', (code) => t.is(code, 1))
190 child.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
191 t.contains(data.toString(), 'Error: Invalid runtime configuration file: pino-pretty.config.invalid.js\n')
192 })
193 t.tearDown(() => child.kill())
194 })
196 t.end()