39.8 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Project: https://github.com/pinojs/pino.git, http://getpino.io
2// Definitions by: Peter Snider <https://github.com/psnider>
3// BendingBender <https://github.com/BendingBender>
4// Christian Rackerseder <https://github.com/screendriver>
5// GP <https://github.com/paambaati>
6// Alex Ferrando <https://github.com/alferpal>
7// Oleksandr Sidko <https://github.com/mortiy>
8// Harris Lummis <https://github.com/lummish>
9// Raoul Jaeckel <https://github.com/raoulus>
10// Cory Donkin <https://github.com/Cooryd>
11// Adam Vigneaux <https://github.com/AdamVig>
12// Austin Beer <https://github.com/austin-beer>
13// Michel Nemnom <https://github.com/Pegase745>
14// Igor Savin <https://github.com/kibertoad>
15// James Bromwell <https://github.com/thw0rted>
16// TypeScript Version: 4.4
18import type { EventEmitter } from "events";
19import * as pinoStdSerializers from "pino-std-serializers";
20import type { SonicBoom, SonicBoomOpts } from "sonic-boom";
21import type { WorkerOptions } from "worker_threads";
25//// Non-exported types and interfaces
27// ToDo https://github.com/pinojs/thread-stream/issues/24
28type ThreadStream = any
30type TimeFn = () => string;
31type MixinFn<CustomLevels extends string = never> = (mergeObject: object, level: number, logger:pino.Logger<CustomLevels>) => object;
32type MixinMergeStrategyFn = (mergeObject: object, mixinObject: object) => object;
34type CustomLevelLogger<CustomLevels extends string, UseOnlyCustomLevels extends boolean = boolean> = {
35 /**
36 * Define additional logging levels.
37 */
38 customLevels: { [level in CustomLevels]: number };
39 /**
40 * Use only defined `customLevels` and omit Pino's levels.
41 */
42 useOnlyCustomLevels: UseOnlyCustomLevels;
43 } & {
44 // This will override default log methods
45 [K in Exclude<pino.Level, CustomLevels>]: UseOnlyCustomLevels extends true ? never : pino.LogFn;
46 } & {
47 [level in CustomLevels]: pino.LogFn;
48 };
51* A synchronous callback that will run on each creation of a new child.
52* @param child: The newly created child logger instance.
54type OnChildCallback<CustomLevels extends string = never> = (child: pino.Logger<CustomLevels>) => void
56export interface redactOptions {
57 paths: string[];
58 censor?: string | ((value: any, path: string[]) => any);
59 remove?: boolean;
62export interface LoggerExtras<CustomLevels extends string = never, UseOnlyCustomLevels extends boolean = boolean> extends EventEmitter {
63 /**
64 * Exposes the Pino package version. Also available on the exported pino function.
65 */
66 readonly version: string;
68 levels: pino.LevelMapping;
70 /**
71 * Outputs the level as a string instead of integer.
72 */
73 useLevelLabels: boolean;
74 /**
75 * Returns the integer value for the logger instance's logging level.
76 */
77 levelVal: number;
79 /**
80 * Creates a child logger, setting all key-value pairs in `bindings` as properties in the log lines. All serializers will be applied to the given pair.
81 * Child loggers use the same output stream as the parent and inherit the current log level of the parent at the time they are spawned.
82 * From v2.x.x the log level of a child is mutable (whereas in v1.x.x it was immutable), and can be set independently of the parent.
83 * If a `level` property is present in the object passed to `child` it will override the child logger level.
84 *
85 * @param bindings: an object of key-value pairs to include in log lines as properties.
86 * @param options: an options object that will override child logger inherited options.
87 * @returns a child logger instance.
88 */
89 child<ChildCustomLevels extends string = never>(bindings: pino.Bindings, options?: ChildLoggerOptions<ChildCustomLevels>): pino.Logger<CustomLevels | ChildCustomLevels>;
91 /**
92 * This can be used to modify the callback function on creation of a new child.
93 */
94 onChild: OnChildCallback<CustomLevels>;
96 /**
97 * Registers a listener function that is triggered when the level is changed.
98 * Note: When browserified, this functionality will only be available if the `events` module has been required elsewhere
99 * (e.g. if you're using streams in the browser). This allows for a trade-off between bundle size and functionality.
100 *
101 * @param event: only ever fires the `'level-change'` event
102 * @param listener: The listener is passed four arguments: `levelLabel`, `levelValue`, `previousLevelLabel`, `previousLevelValue`.
103 */
104 on(event: "level-change", listener: pino.LevelChangeEventListener<CustomLevels, UseOnlyCustomLevels>): this;
105 addListener(event: "level-change", listener: pino.LevelChangeEventListener<CustomLevels, UseOnlyCustomLevels>): this;
106 once(event: "level-change", listener: pino.LevelChangeEventListener<CustomLevels, UseOnlyCustomLevels>): this;
107 prependListener(event: "level-change", listener: pino.LevelChangeEventListener<CustomLevels, UseOnlyCustomLevels>): this;
108 prependOnceListener(event: "level-change", listener: pino.LevelChangeEventListener<CustomLevels, UseOnlyCustomLevels>): this;
109 removeListener(event: "level-change", listener: pino.LevelChangeEventListener<CustomLevels, UseOnlyCustomLevels>): this;
111 /**
112 * A utility method for determining if a given log level will write to the destination.
113 */
114 isLevelEnabled(level: pino.LevelWithSilentOrString): boolean;
116 /**
117 * Returns an object containing all the current bindings, cloned from the ones passed in via logger.child().
118 */
119 bindings(): pino.Bindings;
121 /**
122 * Adds to the bindings of this logger instance.
123 * Note: Does not overwrite bindings. Can potentially result in duplicate keys in log lines.
124 *
125 * @param bindings: an object of key-value pairs to include in log lines as properties.
126 */
127 setBindings(bindings: pino.Bindings): void;
129 /**
130 * Flushes the content of the buffer when using pino.destination({ sync: false }).
131 * call the callback when finished
132 */
133 flush(cb?: (err?: Error) => void): void;
137declare namespace pino {
138 //// Exported types and interfaces
140 interface BaseLogger {
141 /**
142 * Set this property to the desired logging level. In order of priority, available levels are:
143 *
144 * - 'fatal'
145 * - 'error'
146 * - 'warn'
147 * - 'info'
148 * - 'debug'
149 * - 'trace'
150 *
151 * The logging level is a __minimum__ level. For instance if `logger.level` is `'info'` then all `'fatal'`, `'error'`, `'warn'`,
152 * and `'info'` logs will be enabled.
153 *
154 * You can pass `'silent'` to disable logging.
155 */
156 level: pino.LevelWithSilentOrString;
158 /**
159 * Log at `'fatal'` level the given msg. If the first argument is an object, all its properties will be included in the JSON line.
160 * If more args follows `msg`, these will be used to format `msg` using `util.format`.
161 *
162 * @typeParam T: the interface of the object being serialized. Default is object.
163 * @param obj: object to be serialized
164 * @param msg: the log message to write
165 * @param ...args: format string values when `msg` is a format string
166 */
167 fatal: pino.LogFn;
168 /**
169 * Log at `'error'` level the given msg. If the first argument is an object, all its properties will be included in the JSON line.
170 * If more args follows `msg`, these will be used to format `msg` using `util.format`.
171 *
172 * @typeParam T: the interface of the object being serialized. Default is object.
173 * @param obj: object to be serialized
174 * @param msg: the log message to write
175 * @param ...args: format string values when `msg` is a format string
176 */
177 error: pino.LogFn;
178 /**
179 * Log at `'warn'` level the given msg. If the first argument is an object, all its properties will be included in the JSON line.
180 * If more args follows `msg`, these will be used to format `msg` using `util.format`.
181 *
182 * @typeParam T: the interface of the object being serialized. Default is object.
183 * @param obj: object to be serialized
184 * @param msg: the log message to write
185 * @param ...args: format string values when `msg` is a format string
186 */
187 warn: pino.LogFn;
188 /**
189 * Log at `'info'` level the given msg. If the first argument is an object, all its properties will be included in the JSON line.
190 * If more args follows `msg`, these will be used to format `msg` using `util.format`.
191 *
192 * @typeParam T: the interface of the object being serialized. Default is object.
193 * @param obj: object to be serialized
194 * @param msg: the log message to write
195 * @param ...args: format string values when `msg` is a format string
196 */
197 info: pino.LogFn;
198 /**
199 * Log at `'debug'` level the given msg. If the first argument is an object, all its properties will be included in the JSON line.
200 * If more args follows `msg`, these will be used to format `msg` using `util.format`.
201 *
202 * @typeParam T: the interface of the object being serialized. Default is object.
203 * @param obj: object to be serialized
204 * @param msg: the log message to write
205 * @param ...args: format string values when `msg` is a format string
206 */
207 debug: pino.LogFn;
208 /**
209 * Log at `'trace'` level the given msg. If the first argument is an object, all its properties will be included in the JSON line.
210 * If more args follows `msg`, these will be used to format `msg` using `util.format`.
211 *
212 * @typeParam T: the interface of the object being serialized. Default is object.
213 * @param obj: object to be serialized
214 * @param msg: the log message to write
215 * @param ...args: format string values when `msg` is a format string
216 */
217 trace: pino.LogFn;
218 /**
219 * Noop function.
220 */
221 silent: pino.LogFn;
222 }
224 type Bindings = Record<string, any>;
226 type Level = "fatal" | "error" | "warn" | "info" | "debug" | "trace";
227 type LevelOrString = Level | (string & {});
228 type LevelWithSilent = pino.Level | "silent";
229 type LevelWithSilentOrString = LevelWithSilent | (string & {});
231 type SerializerFn = (value: any) => any;
232 type WriteFn = (o: object) => void;
234 type LevelChangeEventListener<CustomLevels extends string = never, UseOnlyCustomLevels extends boolean = boolean> = (
235 lvl: LevelWithSilentOrString,
236 val: number,
237 prevLvl: LevelWithSilentOrString,
238 prevVal: number,
239 logger: Logger<CustomLevels, UseOnlyCustomLevels>
240 ) => void;
242 type LogDescriptor = Record<string, any>;
244 type Logger<CustomLevels extends string = never, UseOnlyCustomLevels extends boolean = boolean> = BaseLogger & LoggerExtras<CustomLevels> & CustomLevelLogger<CustomLevels, UseOnlyCustomLevels>;
246 type SerializedError = pinoStdSerializers.SerializedError;
247 type SerializedResponse = pinoStdSerializers.SerializedResponse;
248 type SerializedRequest = pinoStdSerializers.SerializedRequest;
251 interface TransportTargetOptions<TransportOptions = Record<string, any>> {
252 target: string
253 options?: TransportOptions
254 level?: LevelWithSilentOrString
255 }
257 interface TransportBaseOptions<TransportOptions = Record<string, any>> {
258 options?: TransportOptions
259 worker?: WorkerOptions & { autoEnd?: boolean}
260 }
262 interface TransportSingleOptions<TransportOptions = Record<string, any>> extends TransportBaseOptions<TransportOptions>{
263 target: string
264 }
266 interface TransportPipelineOptions<TransportOptions = Record<string, any>> extends TransportBaseOptions<TransportOptions>{
267 pipeline: TransportSingleOptions<TransportOptions>[]
268 level?: LevelWithSilentOrString
269 }
271 interface TransportMultiOptions<TransportOptions = Record<string, any>> extends TransportBaseOptions<TransportOptions>{
272 targets: readonly (TransportTargetOptions<TransportOptions>|TransportPipelineOptions<TransportOptions>)[],
273 levels?: Record<string, number>
274 dedupe?: boolean
275 }
277 interface MultiStreamOptions {
278 levels?: Record<string, number>
279 dedupe?: boolean
280 }
282 interface DestinationStream {
283 write(msg: string): void;
284 }
286 interface DestinationStreamHasMetadata {
287 [symbols.needsMetadataGsym]: true;
288 lastLevel: number;
289 lastTime: string;
290 lastMsg: string;
291 lastObj: object;
292 lastLogger: pino.Logger;
293 }
295 type DestinationStreamWithMetadata = DestinationStream & ({ [symbols.needsMetadataGsym]?: false } | DestinationStreamHasMetadata);
297 interface StreamEntry<TLevel = Level> {
298 stream: DestinationStream
299 level?: TLevel
300 }
302 interface MultiStreamRes<TOriginLevel = Level> {
303 write: (data: any) => void,
304 add: <TLevel = Level>(dest: StreamEntry<TLevel> | DestinationStream) => MultiStreamRes<TOriginLevel & TLevel>,
305 flushSync: () => void,
306 minLevel: number,
307 streams: StreamEntry<TOriginLevel>[],
308 clone<TLevel = Level>(level: TLevel): MultiStreamRes<TLevel>,
309 }
311 interface LevelMapping {
312 /**
313 * Returns the mappings of level names to their respective internal number representation.
314 */
315 values: { [level: string]: number };
316 /**
317 * Returns the mappings of level internal level numbers to their string representations.
318 */
319 labels: { [level: number]: string };
320 }
322 interface LogFn {
323 // TODO: why is this different from `obj: object` or `obj: any`?
324 /* tslint:disable:no-unnecessary-generics */
325 <T extends object>(obj: T, msg?: string, ...args: any[]): void;
326 (obj: unknown, msg?: string, ...args: any[]): void;
327 (msg: string, ...args: any[]): void;
328 }
330 interface LoggerOptions<CustomLevels extends string = never, UseOnlyCustomLevels extends boolean = boolean> {
331 transport?: TransportSingleOptions | TransportMultiOptions | TransportPipelineOptions
332 /**
333 * Avoid error causes by circular references in the object tree. Default: `true`.
334 */
335 safe?: boolean;
336 /**
337 * The name of the logger. Default: `undefined`.
338 */
339 name?: string;
340 /**
341 * an object containing functions for custom serialization of objects.
342 * These functions should return an JSONifiable object and they should never throw. When logging an object,
343 * each top-level property matching the exact key of a serializer will be serialized using the defined serializer.
344 */
345 serializers?: { [key: string]: SerializerFn };
346 /**
347 * Enables or disables the inclusion of a timestamp in the log message. If a function is supplied, it must
348 * synchronously return a JSON string representation of the time. If set to `false`, no timestamp will be included in the output.
349 * See stdTimeFunctions for a set of available functions for passing in as a value for this option.
350 * Caution: any sort of formatted time will significantly slow down Pino's performance.
351 */
352 timestamp?: TimeFn | boolean;
353 /**
354 * One of the supported levels or `silent` to disable logging. Any other value defines a custom level and
355 * requires supplying a level value via `levelVal`. Default: 'info'.
356 */
357 level?: LevelWithSilentOrString;
359 /**
360 * Use this option to define additional logging levels.
361 * The keys of the object correspond the namespace of the log level, and the values should be the numerical value of the level.
362 */
363 customLevels?: { [level in CustomLevels]: number };
365 /**
366 * Use this option to only use defined `customLevels` and omit Pino's levels.
367 * Logger's default `level` must be changed to a value in `customLevels` in order to use `useOnlyCustomLevels`
368 * Warning: this option may not be supported by downstream transports.
369 */
370 useOnlyCustomLevels?: UseOnlyCustomLevels;
372 /**
373 * Use this option to define custom comparison of log levels.
374 * Useful to compare custom log levels or non-standard level values.
375 * Default: "ASC"
376 */
377 levelComparison?: "ASC" | "DESC" | ((current: number, expected: number) => boolean);
379 /**
380 * If provided, the `mixin` function is called each time one of the active logging methods
381 * is called. The function must synchronously return an object. The properties of the
382 * returned object will be added to the logged JSON.
383 */
384 mixin?: MixinFn<CustomLevels>;
386 /**
387 * If provided, the `mixinMergeStrategy` function is called each time one of the active
388 * logging methods is called. The first parameter is the value `mergeObject` or an empty object,
389 * the second parameter is the value resulting from `mixin()` or an empty object.
390 * The function must synchronously return an object.
391 */
392 mixinMergeStrategy?: MixinMergeStrategyFn
394 /**
395 * As an array, the redact option specifies paths that should have their values redacted from any log output.
396 *
397 * Each path must be a string using a syntax which corresponds to JavaScript dot and bracket notation.
398 *
399 * If an object is supplied, three options can be specified:
400 *
401 * paths (String[]): Required. An array of paths
402 * censor (String): Optional. A value to overwrite key which are to be redacted. Default: '[Redacted]'
403 * remove (Boolean): Optional. Instead of censoring the value, remove both the key and the value. Default: false
404 */
405 redact?: string[] | redactOptions;
407 /**
408 * When defining a custom log level via level, set to an integer value to define the new level. Default: `undefined`.
409 */
410 levelVal?: number;
411 /**
412 * The string key for the 'message' in the JSON object. Default: "msg".
413 */
414 messageKey?: string;
415 /**
416 * The string key for the 'error' in the JSON object. Default: "err".
417 */
418 errorKey?: string;
419 /**
420 * The string key to place any logged object under.
421 */
422 nestedKey?: string;
423 /**
424 * Enables logging. Default: `true`.
425 */
426 enabled?: boolean;
427 /**
428 * Browser only, see http://getpino.io/#/docs/browser.
429 */
430 browser?: {
431 /**
432 * The `asObject` option will create a pino-like log object instead of passing all arguments to a console
433 * method. When `write` is set, `asObject` will always be true.
434 *
435 * @example
436 * pino.info('hi') // creates and logs {msg: 'hi', level: 30, time: <ts>}
437 */
438 asObject?: boolean;
439 formatters?: {
440 /**
441 * Changes the shape of the log level.
442 * The default shape is { level: number }.
443 */
444 level?: (label: string, number: number) => object;
445 /**
446 * Changes the shape of the log object.
447 */
448 log?: (object: Record<string, unknown>) => Record<string, unknown>;
449 }
450 /**
451 * Instead of passing log messages to `console.log` they can be passed to a supplied function. If `write` is
452 * set to a single function, all logging objects are passed to this function. If `write` is an object, it
453 * can have methods that correspond to the levels. When a message is logged at a given level, the
454 * corresponding method is called. If a method isn't present, the logging falls back to using the `console`.
455 *
456 * @example
457 * const pino = require('pino')({
458 * browser: {
459 * write: (o) => {
460 * // do something with o
461 * }
462 * }
463 * })
464 *
465 * @example
466 * const pino = require('pino')({
467 * browser: {
468 * write: {
469 * info: function (o) {
470 * //process info log object
471 * },
472 * error: function (o) {
473 * //process error log object
474 * }
475 * }
476 * }
477 * })
478 */
479 write?:
480 | WriteFn
481 | ({
482 fatal?: WriteFn;
483 error?: WriteFn;
484 warn?: WriteFn;
485 info?: WriteFn;
486 debug?: WriteFn;
487 trace?: WriteFn;
488 } & { [logLevel: string]: WriteFn });
490 /**
491 * The serializers provided to `pino` are ignored by default in the browser, including the standard
492 * serializers provided with Pino. Since the default destination for log messages is the console, values
493 * such as `Error` objects are enhanced for inspection, which they otherwise wouldn't be if the Error
494 * serializer was enabled. We can turn all serializers on or we can selectively enable them via an array.
495 *
496 * When `serialize` is `true` the standard error serializer is also enabled (see
497 * {@link https://github.com/pinojs/pino/blob/master/docs/api.md#pino-stdserializers}). This is a global
498 * serializer which will apply to any `Error` objects passed to the logger methods.
499 *
500 * If `serialize` is an array the standard error serializer is also automatically enabled, it can be
501 * explicitly disabled by including a string in the serialize array: `!stdSerializers.err` (see example).
502 *
503 * The `serialize` array also applies to any child logger serializers (see
504 * {@link https://github.com/pinojs/pino/blob/master/docs/api.md#bindingsserializers-object} for how to
505 * set child-bound serializers).
506 *
507 * Unlike server pino the serializers apply to every object passed to the logger method, if the `asObject`
508 * option is `true`, this results in the serializers applying to the first object (as in server pino).
509 *
510 * For more info on serializers see
511 * {@link https://github.com/pinojs/pino/blob/master/docs/api.md#serializers-object}.
512 *
513 * @example
514 * const pino = require('pino')({
515 * browser: {
516 * serialize: true
517 * }
518 * })
519 *
520 * @example
521 * const pino = require('pino')({
522 * serializers: {
523 * custom: myCustomSerializer,
524 * another: anotherSerializer
525 * },
526 * browser: {
527 * serialize: ['custom']
528 * }
529 * })
530 * // following will apply myCustomSerializer to the custom property,
531 * // but will not apply anotherSerializer to another key
532 * pino.info({custom: 'a', another: 'b'})
533 *
534 * @example
535 * const pino = require('pino')({
536 * serializers: {
537 * custom: myCustomSerializer,
538 * another: anotherSerializer
539 * },
540 * browser: {
541 * serialize: ['!stdSerializers.err', 'custom'] //will not serialize Errors, will serialize `custom` keys
542 * }
543 * })
544 */
545 serialize?: boolean | string[];
547 /**
548 * Options for transmission of logs.
549 *
550 * @example
551 * const pino = require('pino')({
552 * browser: {
553 * transmit: {
554 * level: 'warn',
555 * send: function (level, logEvent) {
556 * if (level === 'warn') {
557 * // maybe send the logEvent to a separate endpoint
558 * // or maybe analyse the messages further before sending
559 * }
560 * // we could also use the `logEvent.level.value` property to determine
561 * // numerical value
562 * if (logEvent.level.value >= 50) { // covers error and fatal
563 *
564 * // send the logEvent somewhere
565 * }
566 * }
567 * }
568 * }
569 * })
570 */
571 transmit?: {
572 /**
573 * Specifies the minimum level (inclusive) of when the `send` function should be called, if not supplied
574 * the `send` function will be called based on the main logging `level` (set via `options.level`,
575 * defaulting to `info`).
576 */
577 level?: LevelOrString;
578 /**
579 * Remotely record log messages.
580 *
581 * @description Called after writing the log message.
582 */
583 send: (level: Level, logEvent: LogEvent) => void;
584 };
585 /**
586 * The disabled option will disable logging in browser if set to true, by default it is set to false.
587 *
588 * @example
589 * const pino = require('pino')({browser: {disabled: true}})
590 */
591 disabled?: boolean;
592 };
593 /**
594 * key-value object added as child logger to each log line. If set to null the base child logger is not added
595 */
596 base?: { [key: string]: any } | null;
598 /**
599 * An object containing functions for formatting the shape of the log lines.
600 * These functions should return a JSONifiable object and should never throw.
601 * These functions allow for full customization of the resulting log lines.
602 * For example, they can be used to change the level key name or to enrich the default metadata.
603 */
604 formatters?: {
605 /**
606 * Changes the shape of the log level.
607 * The default shape is { level: number }.
608 * The function takes two arguments, the label of the level (e.g. 'info') and the numeric value (e.g. 30).
609 */
610 level?: (label: string, number: number) => object;
611 /**
612 * Changes the shape of the bindings.
613 * The default shape is { pid, hostname }.
614 * The function takes a single argument, the bindings object.
615 * It will be called every time a child logger is created.
616 */
617 bindings?: (bindings: Bindings) => object;
618 /**
619 * Changes the shape of the log object.
620 * This function will be called every time one of the log methods (such as .info) is called.
621 * All arguments passed to the log method, except the message, will be pass to this function.
622 * By default it does not change the shape of the log object.
623 */
624 log?: (object: Record<string, unknown>) => Record<string, unknown>;
625 };
627 /**
628 * A string that would be prefixed to every message (and child message)
629 */
630 msgPrefix?: string
632 /**
633 * An object mapping to hook functions. Hook functions allow for customizing internal logger operations.
634 * Hook functions must be synchronous functions.
635 */
636 hooks?: {
637 /**
638 * Allows for manipulating the parameters passed to logger methods. The signature for this hook is
639 * logMethod (args, method, level) {}, where args is an array of the arguments that were passed to the
640 * log method and method is the log method itself, and level is the log level. This hook must invoke the method function by
641 * using apply, like so: method.apply(this, newArgumentsArray).
642 */
643 logMethod?: (this: Logger, args: Parameters<LogFn>, method: LogFn, level: number) => void;
644 };
646 /**
647 * Stringification limit at a specific nesting depth when logging circular object. Default: `5`.
648 */
649 depthLimit?: number
651 /**
652 * Stringification limit of properties/elements when logging a specific object/array with circular references. Default: `100`.
653 */
654 edgeLimit?: number
656 /**
657 * Optional child creation callback.
658 */
659 onChild?: OnChildCallback<CustomLevels>;
661 /**
662 * logs newline delimited JSON with `\r\n` instead of `\n`. Default: `false`.
663 */
664 crlf?: boolean;
665 }
667 interface ChildLoggerOptions<CustomLevels extends string = never> {
668 level?: LevelOrString;
669 serializers?: { [key: string]: SerializerFn };
670 customLevels?: { [level in CustomLevels]: number };
671 formatters?: {
672 level?: (label: string, number: number) => object;
673 bindings?: (bindings: Bindings) => object;
674 log?: (object: object) => object;
675 };
676 redact?: string[] | redactOptions;
677 msgPrefix?: string
678 }
680 /**
681 * A data structure representing a log message, it represents the arguments passed to a logger statement, the level
682 * at which they were logged and the hierarchy of child bindings.
683 *
684 * @description By default serializers are not applied to log output in the browser, but they will always be applied
685 * to `messages` and `bindings` in the `logEvent` object. This allows us to ensure a consistent format for all
686 * values between server and client.
687 */
688 interface LogEvent {
689 /**
690 * Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds, the time is taken from the moment the logger method is called.
691 */
692 ts: number;
693 /**
694 * All arguments passed to logger method, (for instance `logger.info('a', 'b', 'c')` would result in `messages`
695 * array `['a', 'b', 'c']`).
696 */
697 messages: any[];
698 /**
699 * Represents each child logger (if any), and the relevant bindings.
700 *
701 * @description For instance, given `logger.child({a: 1}).child({b: 2}).info({c: 3})`, the bindings array would
702 * hold `[{a: 1}, {b: 2}]` and the `messages` array would be `[{c: 3}]`. The `bindings` are ordered according to
703 * their position in the child logger hierarchy, with the lowest index being the top of the hierarchy.
704 */
705 bindings: Bindings[];
706 /**
707 * Holds the `label` (for instance `info`), and the corresponding numerical `value` (for instance `30`).
708 * This could be important in cases where client side level values and labels differ from server side.
709 */
710 level: {
711 label: string;
712 value: number;
713 };
714 }
718 //// Top level variable (const) exports
720 /**
721 * Provides functions for serializing objects common to many projects.
722 */
723 export const stdSerializers: typeof pinoStdSerializers;
725 /**
726 * Holds the current log format version (as output in the v property of each log record).
727 */
728 export const levels: LevelMapping;
729 export const symbols: {
730 readonly setLevelSym: unique symbol;
731 readonly getLevelSym: unique symbol;
732 readonly levelValSym: unique symbol;
733 readonly useLevelLabelsSym: unique symbol;
734 readonly mixinSym: unique symbol;
735 readonly lsCacheSym: unique symbol;
736 readonly chindingsSym: unique symbol;
737 readonly parsedChindingsSym: unique symbol;
738 readonly asJsonSym: unique symbol;
739 readonly writeSym: unique symbol;
740 readonly serializersSym: unique symbol;
741 readonly redactFmtSym: unique symbol;
742 readonly timeSym: unique symbol;
743 readonly timeSliceIndexSym: unique symbol;
744 readonly streamSym: unique symbol;
745 readonly stringifySym: unique symbol;
746 readonly stringifySafeSym: unique symbol;
747 readonly stringifiersSym: unique symbol;
748 readonly endSym: unique symbol;
749 readonly formatOptsSym: unique symbol;
750 readonly messageKeySym: unique symbol;
751 readonly errorKeySym: unique symbol;
752 readonly nestedKeySym: unique symbol;
753 readonly wildcardFirstSym: unique symbol;
754 readonly needsMetadataGsym: unique symbol;
755 readonly useOnlyCustomLevelsSym: unique symbol;
756 readonly formattersSym: unique symbol;
757 readonly hooksSym: unique symbol;
758 };
760 /**
761 * Exposes the Pino package version. Also available on the logger instance.
762 */
763 export const version: string;
765 /**
766 * Provides functions for generating the timestamp property in the log output. You can set the `timestamp` option during
767 * initialization to one of these functions to adjust the output format. Alternatively, you can specify your own time function.
768 * A time function must synchronously return a string that would be a valid component of a JSON string. For example,
769 * the default function returns a string like `,"time":1493426328206`.
770 */
771 export const stdTimeFunctions: {
772 /**
773 * The default time function for Pino. Returns a string like `,"time":1493426328206`.
774 */
775 epochTime: TimeFn;
776 /*
777 * Returns the seconds since Unix epoch
778 */
779 unixTime: TimeFn;
780 /**
781 * Returns an empty string. This function is used when the `timestamp` option is set to `false`.
782 */
783 nullTime: TimeFn;
784 /*
785 * Returns ISO 8601-formatted time in UTC
786 */
787 isoTime: TimeFn;
788 };
790 //// Exported functions
792 /**
793 * Create a Pino Destination instance: a stream-like object with significantly more throughput (over 30%) than a standard Node.js stream.
794 * @param [dest]: The `destination` parameter, can be a file descriptor, a file path, or an object with `dest` property pointing to a fd or path.
795 * An ordinary Node.js `stream` file descriptor can be passed as the destination (such as the result of `fs.createWriteStream`)
796 * but for peak log writing performance, it is strongly recommended to use `pino.destination` to create the destination stream.
797 * @returns A Sonic-Boom stream to be used as destination for the pino function
798 */
799 export function destination(
800 dest?: number | object | string | DestinationStream | NodeJS.WritableStream | SonicBoomOpts,
801 ): SonicBoom;
803 export function transport<TransportOptions = Record<string, any>>(
804 options: TransportSingleOptions<TransportOptions> | TransportMultiOptions<TransportOptions> | TransportPipelineOptions<TransportOptions>
805 ): ThreadStream
807 export function multistream<TLevel = Level>(
808 streamsArray: (DestinationStream | StreamEntry<TLevel>)[] | DestinationStream | StreamEntry<TLevel>,
809 opts?: MultiStreamOptions
810 ): MultiStreamRes<TLevel>
813//// Callable default export
816 * @param [optionsOrStream]: an options object or a writable stream where the logs will be written. It can also receive some log-line metadata, if the
817 * relative protocol is enabled. Default: process.stdout
818 * @returns a new logger instance.
819 */
820declare function pino<CustomLevels extends string = never, UseOnlyCustomLevels extends boolean = boolean>(optionsOrStream?: LoggerOptions<CustomLevels, UseOnlyCustomLevels> | DestinationStream): Logger<CustomLevels, UseOnlyCustomLevels>;
823 * @param [options]: an options object
824 * @param [stream]: a writable stream where the logs will be written. It can also receive some log-line metadata, if the
825 * relative protocol is enabled. Default: process.stdout
826 * @returns a new logger instance.
827 */
828declare function pino<CustomLevels extends string = never, UseOnlyCustomLevels extends boolean = boolean>(options: LoggerOptions<CustomLevels, UseOnlyCustomLevels>, stream?: DestinationStream | undefined): Logger<CustomLevels, UseOnlyCustomLevels>;
831// Pass through all the top-level exports, allows `import {version} from "pino"`
832// Constants and functions
833export const destination: typeof pino.destination;
834export const transport: typeof pino.transport;
835export const multistream: typeof pino.multistream;
836export const levels: typeof pino.levels;
837export const stdSerializers: typeof pino.stdSerializers;
838export const stdTimeFunctions: typeof pino.stdTimeFunctions;
839export const symbols: typeof pino.symbols;
840export const version: typeof pino.version;
842// Types
843export type Bindings = pino.Bindings;
844export type DestinationStreamWithMetadata = pino.DestinationStreamWithMetadata;
845export type Level = pino.Level;
846export type LevelOrString = pino.LevelOrString;
847export type LevelWithSilent = pino.LevelWithSilent;
848export type LevelWithSilentOrString = pino.LevelWithSilentOrString;
849export type LevelChangeEventListener<CustomLevels extends string> = pino.LevelChangeEventListener<CustomLevels>;
850export type LogDescriptor = pino.LogDescriptor;
851export type Logger<CustomLevels extends string = never, UseOnlyCustomLevels extends boolean = boolean> = pino.Logger<CustomLevels, UseOnlyCustomLevels>;
852export type SerializedError = pino.SerializedError;
853export type SerializerFn = pino.SerializerFn;
854export type SerializedRequest = pino.SerializedRequest;
855export type SerializedResponse = pino.SerializedResponse;
856export type WriteFn = pino.WriteFn;
858// Interfaces
859export interface BaseLogger extends pino.BaseLogger {}
860export interface ChildLoggerOptions<CustomLevels extends string = never> extends pino.ChildLoggerOptions<CustomLevels> {}
861export interface DestinationStream extends pino.DestinationStream {}
862export interface LevelMapping extends pino.LevelMapping {}
863export interface LogEvent extends pino.LogEvent {}
864export interface LogFn extends pino.LogFn {}
865export interface LoggerOptions<CustomLevels extends string = never, UseOnlyCustomLevels extends boolean = boolean> extends pino.LoggerOptions<CustomLevels, UseOnlyCustomLevels> {}
866export interface MultiStreamOptions extends pino.MultiStreamOptions {}
867export interface MultiStreamRes<TLevel = Level> extends pino.MultiStreamRes<TLevel> {}
868export interface StreamEntry<TLevel = Level> extends pino.StreamEntry<TLevel> {}
869export interface TransportBaseOptions extends pino.TransportBaseOptions {}
870export interface TransportMultiOptions extends pino.TransportMultiOptions {}
871export interface TransportPipelineOptions extends pino.TransportPipelineOptions {}
872export interface TransportSingleOptions extends pino.TransportSingleOptions {}
873export interface TransportTargetOptions extends pino.TransportTargetOptions {}
875// Bundle all top level exports into a namespace, then export namespace both
876// as default (`import pino from "pino"`) and named variable
877// (`import {pino} from "pino"`).
878export { pino as default, pino };
879// Export just the type side of the namespace as "P", allows
880// `import {P} from "pino"; const log: P.Logger;`.
881// (Legacy support for early 7.x releases, remove in 8.x.)
882 export type { pino as P };