1 | # Pinyin Split
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7 | [![ISC-licensed](https://img.shields.io/github/license/pepebecker/pinyin-split.svg)](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/isc/)
8 |
9 | ## Install
10 |
11 | ```shell
12 | npm install pinyin-split
13 | ```
14 |
15 | ## Usage
16 |
17 | ```js
18 | import split from 'pinyin-split'
19 |
20 | console.log(split('本:wodemaoxihuanheniunai!'))
21 | // ['wo', 'de', 'mao', 'xi', 'huan', 'he', 'niu', 'nai']
22 |
23 | console.log(split('本:wo de mao xihuan he niunai!'))
24 | // ['wo', 'de', 'mao', 'xi', 'huan', 'he', 'niu', 'nai']
25 |
26 | // return everything and wrap pinyin into lists
27 | console.log(split('本:ni jiao shenme mingzi?', true, true))
28 | // ['本:'['ni'], ' ', ['jiao'], ' ', ['shen'], ['me'], ' ', ['ming'], ['zi'], '?']
29 |
30 | // return everything and don't wrap pinyin into lists
31 | console.log(split('Nǐ huì shuō Yīngwén ma?', true))
32 | // ['Nǐ', ' ', 'huì', ' ', 'shuō', ' ', 'Yīng', 'wén', ' ', 'ma', '?']
33 | ```
34 |
35 | ## Related
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37 | - [`pinyin-utils`](https://github.com/pepebecker/pinyin-utils)
38 | - [`find-hanzi`](https://github.com/pepebecker/find-hanzi)
39 | - [`hsk-words`](https://github.com/pepebecker/hsk-words)
40 | - [`cedict`](https://github.com/pepebecker/cedict)
41 | - [`mdbg`](https://github.com/pepebecker/mdbg)
42 | - [`pinyin-or-hanzi`](https://github.com/pepebecker/pinyin-or-hanzi)
43 | - [`hanzi-to-pinyin`](https://github.com/pepebecker/hanzi-to-pinyin)
44 | - [`pinyin-convert`](https://github.com/pepebecker/pinyin-convert)
45 | - [`pinyin-rest`](https://github.com/pepebecker/pinyin-rest)
46 | - [`pinyin-api`](https://github.com/pepebecker/pinyin-api)
47 | - [`pinyin-bot-core`](https://github.com/pepebecker/pinyin-bot-core)
48 | - [`pinyin-telegram`](https://github.com/pepebecker/pinyin-telegram)
49 | - [`pinyin-messenger`](https://github.com/pepebecker/pinyin-messenger)
50 | - [`pinyin-line`](https://github.com/pepebecker/pinyin-line)
51 | - [`pinyin-chrome`](https://github.com/pepebecker/pinyin-chrome)
52 | - [`pinyin-cli`](https://github.com/pepebecker/pinyin-cli)
53 | - [`hanzi-cli`](https://github.com/pepebecker/hanzi-cli)
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55 | ## Contributing
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57 | If you **have a question**, **found a bug** or want to **propose a feature**, have a look at [the issues page](https://github.com/pepebecker/pinyin-split/issues).