1 | # <img src="https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5ea5d3315186cf5ec60c3ee4/5edf1c94ce4c859f2b188094_logo.svg" alt="Pip.Services Logo" width="200"> <br/> Portable Abstractions and Patterns for Node.js
2 |
3 | This module is a part of the [Pip.Services](http://pip.services.org) polyglot microservices toolkit.
4 | It provides a set of basic patterns used in microservices or backend services.
5 | Also the module implemenets a reasonably thin abstraction layer over most fundamental functions across
6 | all languages supported by the toolkit to facilitate symmetric implementation.
7 |
8 | This module contains the following packages:
9 | - **Commands** - commanding and eventing patterns
10 | - **Config** - configuration pattern
11 | - **Convert** - portable value converters
12 | - **Data** - data patterns
13 | - **Errors**- application errors
14 | - **Random** - random data generators
15 | - **Refer** - locator inversion of control (IoC) pattern
16 | - **Reflect** - portable reflection utilities
17 | - **Run** - component life-cycle management patterns
18 | - **Validate** - validation patterns
19 |
20 | <a name="links"></a> Quick links:
21 |
22 | * [Configuration Pattern](https://www.pipservices.org/recipies/configuration)
23 | * [Locator Pattern](https://www.pipservices.org/recipies/references)
24 | * [Component Lifecycle](https://www.pipservices.org/recipies/component-lifecycle)
25 | * [Components with Active Logic](https://www.pipservices.org/recipies/active-logic)
26 | * [Data Patterns](https://www.pipservices.org/recipies/memory-persistence)
27 | * [API Reference](https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-commons-node/globals.html)
28 | * [Change Log](CHANGELOG.md)
29 | * [Get Help](https://www.pipservices.org/community/help)
30 | * [Contribute](https://www.pipservices.org/community/contribute)
31 |
32 | ## Use
33 |
34 | Install the NPM package as
35 | ```bash
36 | npm install pip-services3-commons-node --save
37 | ```
38 |
39 | Then you are ready to start using the Pip.Services patterns to augment your backend code.
40 |
41 | For instance, here is how you can implement a component, that receives configuration, get assigned references,
42 | can be opened and closed using the patterns from this module.
43 |
44 | ```typescript
45 | import { IConfigurable } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
46 | import { ConfigParams } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
47 | import { IReferenceable } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
48 | import { IReferences } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
49 | import { Descriptor } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
50 | import { IOpenable } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
51 |
52 | export class MyComponentA implements IConfigurable, IReferenceable, IOpenable {
53 | private _param1: string = "ABC";
54 | private _param2: number = 123;
55 | private _anotherComponent: MyComponentB;
56 | private _opened: boolean = true;
57 |
58 | public configure(config: ConfigParams): void {
59 | this._param1 = config.getAsStringWithDefault("param1", this._param1);
60 | this._param2 = config.getAsIntegerWithDefault("param2", this._param2);
61 | }
62 |
63 | public setReferences(refs: IReferences): void {
64 | this._anotherComponent = refs.getOneRequired<MyComponentB>(
65 | new Descriptor("myservice", "mycomponent-b", "*", "*", "1.0")
66 | );
67 | }
68 |
69 | public isOpen(): boolean {
70 | return this._opened;
71 | }
72 |
73 | public open(correlationId: string, callback: (err: any) => void): void {
74 | this._opened = true;
75 | console.log("MyComponentA has been opened.");
76 | callback(null);
77 | }
78 |
79 | public close(correlationId: string, callback: (err: any) => void): void {
80 | this._opened = true;
81 | console.log("MyComponentA has been closed.");
82 | callback(null);
83 | }
84 |
85 | }
86 | ```
87 |
88 | Then here is how the component can be used in the code
89 |
90 | ```typescript
91 | import { ConfigParams } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
92 | import { References } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
93 | import { Descriptor } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
94 |
95 | let myComponentA = new MyComponentA();
96 |
97 | // Configure the component
98 | myComponentA.configure(ConfigParams.fromTuples(
99 | 'param1', 'XYZ',
100 | 'param2', 987
101 | ));
102 |
103 | // Set references to the component
104 | myComponentB.setReferences(References.fromTuples(
105 | new Descriptor("myservice", "mycomponent-b", "default", "default", "1.0", myComponentB
106 | ));
107 |
108 | // Open the component
109 | myComponentB.open("123", (err) => {
110 | console.log("MyComponentA has been opened.");
111 | ...
112 | });
113 | ```
114 |
115 | ## Develop
116 |
117 | For development you shall install the following prerequisites:
118 | * Node.js 8+
119 | * Visual Studio Code or another IDE of your choice
120 | * Docker
121 | * Typescript
122 |
123 | Install dependencies:
124 | ```bash
125 | npm install
126 | ```
127 |
128 | Compile the code:
129 | ```bash
130 | tsc
131 | ```
132 |
133 | Run automated tests:
134 | ```bash
135 | npm test
136 | ```
137 |
138 | Generate API documentation:
139 | ```bash
140 | ./docgen.ps1
141 | ```
142 |
143 | Before committing changes run dockerized build and test as:
144 | ```bash
145 | ./build.ps1
146 | ./test.ps1
147 | ./clear.ps1
148 | ```
149 |
150 | ## Contacts
151 |
152 | The module is created and maintained by **Sergey Seroukhov**.
153 |
154 | The documentation is written by **Egor Nuzhnykh**, **Alexey Dvoykin**, **Mark Makarychev**.