4.63 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Interface for a map that holds component references and passes them to components
3 * to establish dependencies with each other.
4 *
5 * Together with [[IReferenceable]] and [[IUnreferenceable]] interfaces it implements
6 * a Locator pattern that is used by PipServices toolkit for Inversion of Control
7 * to assign external dependencies to components.
8 *
9 * The IReferences object is a simple map, where keys are locators
10 * and values are component references. It allows to add, remove and find components
11 * by their locators. Locators can be any values like integers, strings or component types.
12 * But most often PipServices toolkit uses [[Descriptor]] as locators that match
13 * by 5 fields: group, type, kind, name and version.
14 *
15 * @see [[Descriptor]]
16 * @see [[References]]
17 *
18 * ### Example ###
19 *
20 * export class MyController implements IReferenceable {
21 * public _persistence: IMyPersistence;
22 * ...
23 * public setReferences(references: IReferences): void {
24 * this._persistence = references.getOneRequired<IMyPersistence>(
25 * new Descriptor("mygroup", "persistence", "*", "*", "1.0")
26 * );
27 * }
28 * ...
29 * }
30 *
31 * let persistence = new MyMongoDbPersistence();
32 *
33 * let controller = new MyController();
34 *
35 * let references = References.fromTuples(
36 * new Descriptor("mygroup", "persistence", "mongodb", "default", "1.0"), persistence,
37 * new Descriptor("mygroup", "controller", "default", "default", "1.0"), controller
38 * );
39 * controller.setReferences(references);
40 *
41 */
42export interface IReferences {
43 /**
44 * Puts a new reference into this reference map.
45 *
46 * @param locator a locator to find the reference by.
47 * @param component a component reference to be added.
48 */
49 put(locator: any, component: any): any;
50 /**
51 * Removes a previously added reference that matches specified locator.
52 * If many references match the locator, it removes only the first one.
53 * When all references shall be removed, use [[removeAll]] method instead.
54 *
55 * @param locator a locator to remove reference
56 * @returns the removed component reference.
57 *
58 * @see [[removeAll]]
59 */
60 remove(locator: any): any;
61 /**
62 * Removes all component references that match the specified locator.
63 *
64 * @param locator the locator to remove references by.
65 * @returns a list, containing all removed references.
66 */
67 removeAll(locator: any): any[];
68 /**
69 * Gets locators for all registered component references in this reference map.
70 *
71 * @returns a list with component locators.
72 */
73 getAllLocators(): any[];
74 /**
75 * Gets all component references registered in this reference map.
76 *
77 * @returns a list with component references.
78 */
79 getAll(): any[];
80 /**
81 * Gets all component references that match specified locator.
82 *
83 * @param locator the locator to find references by.
84 * @returns a list with matching component references or empty list if nothing was found.
85 */
86 getOptional<T>(locator: any): T[];
87 /**
88 * Gets all component references that match specified locator.
89 * At least one component reference must be present.
90 * If it doesn't the method throws an error.
91 *
92 * @param locator the locator to find references by.
93 * @returns a list with matching component references.
94 *
95 * @throws a [[ReferenceException]] when no references found.
96 */
97 getRequired<T>(locator: any): T[];
98 /**
99 * Gets an optional component reference that matches specified locator.
100 *
101 * @param locator the locator to find references by.
102 * @returns a matching component reference or null if nothing was found.
103 */
104 getOneOptional<T>(locator: any): T;
105 /**
106 * Gets a required component reference that matches specified locator.
107 *
108 * @param locator the locator to find a reference by.
109 * @returns a matching component reference.
110 * @throws a [[ReferenceException]] when no references found.
111 */
112 getOneRequired<T>(locator: any): T;
113 /**
114 * Gets all component references that match specified locator.
115 *
116 * @param locator the locator to find a reference by.
117 * @param required forces to raise an exception if no reference is found.
118 * @returns a list with matching component references.
119 *
120 * @throws a [[ReferenceException]] when required is set to true but no references found.
121 */
122 find<T>(locator: any, required: boolean): T[];