1 | # Contributing
2 |
3 | ## Cloning PM2 development
4 |
5 | ```bash
6 | $ git clone https://github.com/Unitech/pm2.git
7 | $ cd pm2
8 | $ git checkout development
9 | $ npm install
10 | ```
11 |
12 | I recommend having a pm2 alias pointing to the development version to make it easier to use pm2 development:
13 |
14 | ```
15 | $ cd pm2/
16 | $ echo "alias pm2='`pwd`/bin/pm2'" >> ~/.bashrc
17 | ```
18 |
19 | You are now able to use pm2 in dev mode:
20 |
21 | ```
22 | $ pm2 update
23 | $ pm2 ls
24 | ```
25 |
26 | ## Project structure
27 |
28 | ```
29 | .
30 | ├── bin // pm2, pmd, pm2-dev, pm2-docker are there
31 | ├── examples // examples files
32 | ├── lib // source files
33 | ├── pres // presentation files
34 | ├── test // test files
35 | └── types // TypeScript definition files
36 | ```
37 |
38 | ## Modifying the Daemon
39 |
40 | When you modify the Daemon (lib/Daemon.js, lib/God.js, lib/God/*, lib/Watcher.js), you must restart the pm2 Daemon by doing:
41 |
42 | ```
43 | $ pm2 update
44 | ```
45 |
46 | ## Commit rules
47 |
48 | ### Commit message
49 |
50 | A good commit message should describe what changed and why.
51 |
52 | It should :
53 | * contain a short description of the change (preferably 50 characters or less)
54 | * be entirely in lowercase with the exception of proper nouns, acronyms, and the words that refer to code, like function/variable names
55 | * be prefixed with one of the following word
56 | * fix : bug fix
57 | * hotfix : urgent bug fix
58 | * feat : new or updated feature
59 | * docs : documentation updates
60 | * BREAKING : if commit is a breaking change
61 | * refactor : code refactoring (no functional change)
62 | * perf : performance improvement
63 | * style : UX and display updates
64 | * test : tests and CI updates
65 | * chore : updates on build, tools, configuration ...
66 | * Merge branch : when merging branch
67 | * Merge pull request : when merging PR
68 |
69 | ## Tests
70 |
71 | There are two tests type. Programmatic and Behavioral.
72 | The main test command is `npm test`
73 |
74 | ### Programmatic
75 |
76 | Programmatic tests are runned by doing
77 |
78 | ```
79 | $ bash test/pm2_programmatic_tests.sh
80 | ```
81 |
82 | This test files are located in test/programmatic/*
83 |
84 | ### Behavioral
85 |
86 | Behavioral tests are runned by doing:
87 |
88 | ```
89 | $ bash test/e2e.sh
90 | ```
91 |
92 | This test files are located in test/e2e/*
93 |
94 | ## File of interest
95 |
96 | - `$HOME/.pm2` contain all PM2 related files
97 | - `$HOME/.pm2/logs` contain all applications logs
98 | - `$HOME/.pm2/pids` contain all applications pids
99 | - `$HOME/.pm2/pm2.log` PM2 logs
100 | - `$HOME/.pm2/pm2.pid` PM2 pid
101 | - `$HOME/.pm2/rpc.sock` Socket file for remote commands
102 | - `$HOME/.pm2/pub.sock` Socket file for publishable events
103 |
104 | ## Generate changelog
105 |
106 | ### requirements
107 |
108 | ```
109 | npm install git-changelog -g
110 | ```
111 |
112 | ### usage
113 |
114 | Edit .changelogrc
115 | Change "version_name" to the next version to release (example 1.1.2).
116 | Change "tag" to the latest existing tag (example 1.1.1).
117 |
118 | Run the following command into pm2 directory
119 | ```
120 | git-changelog
121 | ```
122 |
123 | It will generate currentTagChangelog.md file.
124 | Just copy/paste the result into changelog.md