3.41 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1const url = require('url')
2const Server = require('webpack-dev-server')
3const opn = require('opn')
4const chalk = require('chalk')
5const launchEditorMiddlewarre = require('launch-editor-middleware')
6const getPort = require('get-port')
7const address = require('address')
8const launchEditorEndpoint = require('@poi/dev-utils/launchEditorEndpoint')
9const logger = require('@poi/logger')
10const unspecifiedAddress = require('../utils/unspecifiedAddress')
11const isPath = require('../utils/isPath')
13module.exports = poi => {
14 const command = poi.cli.handleCommand(
15 'develop',
16 {
17 desc: 'Run app in development mode',
18 match(name) {
19 return !name || isPath(name)
20 }
21 },
22 async () => {
23 const compiler = poi.createCompiler()
25 const devServerOptions = Object.assign(
26 {
27 hot: poi.options.hotReload !== false,
28 quiet: true,
29 historyApiFallback: true,
30 overlay: true,
31 noInfo: true,
32 disableHostCheck: true,
33 publicPath: compiler.options.output.publicPath
34 },
35 compiler.options.devServer,
36 poi.options.devServer
37 )
39 const existingBefore = devServerOptions.before
40 devServerOptions.before = app => {
41 app.use(
42 launchEditorEndpoint,
43 launchEditorMiddlewarre(() =>
44 console.log(
45 `To specify an editor, sepcify the EDITOR env variable or ` +
46 `add "editor" field to your Vue project config.\n`
47 )
48 )
49 )
50 existingBefore && existingBefore(app)
51 }
53 if (typeof devServerOptions.proxy === 'string') {
54 devServerOptions.proxy = {
55 '/api': {
56 target: devServerOptions.proxy,
57 changeOrigin: true,
58 pathRewrite: {
59 '^/api': ''
60 }
61 }
62 }
63 }
65 const host = poi.options.devServer.host
66 const port = await getPort({ port: poi.options.devServer.port, host })
67 if (port !== poi.options.devServer.port) {
68 logger.warn(
69 `Port ${
70 poi.options.devServer.port
71 } has been used, switched to ${port}.`
72 )
73 }
75 const server = new Server(compiler, devServerOptions)
76 server.listen(port, host)
77 let lanIP
78 poi.on('show-develop-logs', () => {
79 let msg = `\n ${chalk.green('App running at:')}`
80 const isUnspecifiedAddress = unspecifiedAddress(host)
82 const localURL = url.format({
83 protocol: 'http',
84 hostname: isUnspecifiedAddress ? 'localhost' : host,
85 port
86 })
87 msg += `\n${chalk.bold(` - Local: ${localURL}`)}`
88 if (isUnspecifiedAddress) {
89 const lanURL = url.format({
90 protocol: 'http',
91 hostname: lanIP || (lanIP = address.ip()),
92 port
93 })
94 msg += `\n${chalk.dim(` - On Your Network: ${lanURL}`)}`
95 }
97 logger.log(msg + '\n')
99 if (poi.options.open) {
100 opn(
101 url.format({
102 protocol: 'http',
103 hostname: unspecifiedAddress(host) ? 'localhost' : host,
104 port
105 })
106 )
107 }
108 })
110 return {
111 devServer: server
112 }
113 }
114 )
116 command
117 .option('host', {
118 desc: 'Server host'
119 })
120 .option('port', {
121 desc: 'Server port'
122 })