3.27 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1const path = require('path')
2const merge = require('lodash.merge')
4const env = process.env.BABEL_ENV || process.env.NODE_ENV
5const isTest = env === 'test'
7const validateBoolOption = (name, value, defaultValue) => {
8 if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
9 value = defaultValue
10 }
12 if (typeof value !== 'boolean') {
13 throw new TypeError(`Poi babel preset: '${name}' option must be a boolean.`)
14 }
16 return value
19module.exports = (
20 context,
21 {
22 jsx = process.env.POI_JSX || 'react',
23 jsxPragmaFrag,
24 flow,
25 typescript,
26 env,
27 namedImports = process.env.POI_NAMED_IMPORTS
28 } = {}
29) => {
30 jsxPragmaFrag = jsxPragmaFrag || 'React.Fragment'
32 if (typeof namedImports === 'string') {
33 namedImports = JSON.parse(namedImports)
34 }
36 const isVueJSX = jsx === 'vue'
37 const isReactJSX = jsx === 'react'
39 // Enable flow and typescript by default at the same time
40 // typescript transforms will only be applied to .ts .tsx files
41 const isFlowEnabled = validateBoolOption('flow', flow, true)
42 const isTypeScriptEnabled = validateBoolOption('typescript', typescript, true)
44 const presets = [
45 [
46 require('@babel/preset-env'),
47 Object.assign(
48 {
49 modules: isTest ? 'commonjs' : false,
50 targets: isTest
51 ? {
52 node: 'current'
53 }
54 : {
55 ie: 9
56 }
57 },
58 env
59 )
60 ],
61 !isVueJSX && [
62 require('@babel/preset-react'),
63 {
64 pragma: isReactJSX ? 'React.createElement' : jsx,
65 pragmaFrag: jsxPragmaFrag
66 }
67 ],
68 isTypeScriptEnabled && require('@babel/preset-typescript')
69 ].filter(Boolean)
71 const plugins = [
72 // Strip flow types before any other transform, emulating the behavior
73 // order as-if the browser supported all of the succeeding features
74 isFlowEnabled && require('@babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types'),
75 // JSX config
76 isVueJSX && require('@babel/plugin-syntax-jsx'),
77 isVueJSX && require('babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx'),
78 // stage-3 features
79 require('@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import'),
80 [
81 require('@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties'),
82 {
83 // Enable loose mode to use assignment instead of defineProperty
84 loose: true
85 }
86 ],
87 [
88 require('@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread'),
89 {
90 useBuiltIns: true
91 }
92 ],
93 [
94 require('babel-plugin-assets-named-imports'),
95 {
96 loaderMap: merge(
97 {
98 svg: {
99 ReactComponent: '!@svgr/webpack?-prettier![path]'
100 },
101 md: {
102 ReactComponent: `!babel-loader?${JSON.stringify({
103 babelrc: false,
104 configFile: false,
105 presets: [__filename]
106 })}!@mdx-js/loader![path]`
107 }
108 },
109 namedImports
110 )
111 }
112 ],
113 require('babel-plugin-macros'),
114 [
115 require('@babel/plugin-transform-runtime'),
116 {
117 helpers: false,
118 regenerator: true,
119 absoluteRuntime: path.dirname(
120 require.resolve('@babel/runtime/package.json')
121 )
122 }
123 ]
124 ].filter(Boolean)
126 return {
127 presets,
128 plugins
129 }