3.41 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1const path = require('path')
2const chalk = require('chalk')
3const textTable = require('text-table')
4const gzipSize = require('gzip-size')
5const formatWebpackMessages = require('@poi/dev-utils/formatWebpackMessages')
6const prettyBytes = require('@poi/dev-utils/prettyBytes')
7const logger = require('@poi/logger')
8const prettyTime = require('pretty-ms')
10class PrintStatusPlugin {
11 constructor(opts = {}) {
12 this.opts = opts
13 }
15 apply(compiler) {
16 compiler.hooks.invalid.tap('show-rebuild-reason', file => {
17 const d = new Date()
18 logger.log(
19 chalk.dim(
20 `[${d.getHours()}:${d.getMinutes()}:${d.getSeconds()}] Rebuilding due to changes in ${file}`
21 )
22 )
23 })
25 compiler.hooks.done.tapPromise('print-status', async stats => {
26 if (this.opts.clearConsole !== false && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') {
27 require('@poi/dev-utils/clearConsole')()
28 }
29 if (stats.hasErrors() || stats.hasWarnings()) {
30 if (stats.hasErrors()) {
31 process.exitCode = 1
32 }
34 // Print prettified errors and warnings
35 const messages = formatWebpackMessages(stats.toJson())
36 if (messages) {
37 const { errors, warnings } = messages
38 for (const error of errors) {
39 console.error(error)
40 }
41 for (const warning of warnings) {
42 console.error(warning)
43 }
44 }
45 // Print full stats in debug mode
46 logger.debug(() =>
47 stats.toString({
48 colors: true
49 })
50 )
51 } else {
52 if (this.opts.printSucessMessage) {
53 logger.done(
54 `Build completed in ${prettyTime(stats.endTime - stats.startTime)}`
55 )
56 }
57 // Print file stats
58 if (
59 (this.opts.printFileStats || logger.options.debug) &&
60 !process.env.CI &&
61 process.stdout.isTTY
62 ) {
63 logger.log()
64 const assets = await Promise.all(
65 stats.toJson().assets.map(async asset => {
66 asset.gzipped = await gzipSize(
67 stats.compilation.assets[asset.name].source()
68 )
69 return asset
70 })
71 )
72 const data = assets.map(asset => {
73 const filename = path.relative(
74 process.cwd(),
75 path.join(compiler.options.output.path, asset.name)
76 )
77 return [
78 path.join(
79 path.dirname(filename),
80 chalk.bold(path.basename(filename))
81 ),
82 chalk.green(prettyBytes(asset.size)),
83 chalk.green(prettyBytes(asset.gzipped))
84 ]
85 })
86 data.unshift([
87 chalk.bold('file'),
88 chalk.bold('size'),
89 chalk.bold('gzipped')
90 ])
91 data.push([
92 '(total)',
93 chalk.green(
94 prettyBytes(
95 assets.reduce((result, asset) => result + asset.size, 0)
96 )
97 ),
98 chalk.green(
99 prettyBytes(
100 assets.reduce((result, asset) => result + asset.gzipped, 0)
101 )
102 )
103 ])
104 logger.log(
105 textTable(data, {
106 stringLength: require('string-width')
107 })
108 )
109 }
110 }
111 })
112 }
115module.exports = PrintStatusPlugin