1 | Polyglot
2 | ========
3 |
4 | Polyglot is an internationalization library for [express](http://github.com/visionmedia/express). It's template-agnostic, based on JSON files, and less than 200 lines of code. Compatible with express 3+.
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6 | ## Usage
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8 | Install with `npm install polyglot`:
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10 | var i18n = require('polyglot')
11 |
12 | app = express()
13 |
14 | app.use(express.cookieParser())
15 | app.use(express.cookieSession())
16 | app.use(i18n())
17 |
18 | # register template locals
19 | app.locals(i18n.locals)
20 |
21 | Check the [example](https://github.com/ricardobeat/node-polyglot/tree/master/example) app.
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23 | ### Options
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25 | app.use(i18n({
26 | debug : false // enable debug messages
27 | , default : 'en' // default language
28 | , path : '/lang' // path for .json language files
29 | }))
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31 | ### Language files
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33 | Translation files are `.json` files containing the translated strings. The default directory is `/lang`. To add a new language, just create an empty .json file with the language code as it's name (i.e. `de.json`).
34 |
35 | See https://github.com/ricardobeat/node-polyglot/blob/master/example/lang/pt.json
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37 | String definitions are automatically added to all available languages by adding the `updateStrings` middleware to your express config:
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39 | app.configure('development', function(){
40 | app.use(i18n.updateStrings)
41 | })
42 |
43 | ### Templating / locals
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45 | All the following examples are based on [handlebars](http://github.com/donpark/hbs) templates.
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47 | Registering `app.locals(i18n.locals)` is simply a shortcut for:
48 |
49 | app.locals({
50 | __ : i18n.translate
51 | , _n : i18n.plural
52 | , languages : i18n.languages
53 | })
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55 | In addition to that, `i18n()` registers a middleware which sets `req.lang` and `req.locale` containing the user's settings.
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57 | See the `/example` folder for an implementation using Handlebars helpers.
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59 | #### i18n.translate
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61 | Takes a string and returns a translation based on your current session preferences (`req.session.lang`)`.
62 |
63 | {{ __('hello') }}
64 | // en: 'hello'
65 | // pt: 'olá'
66 |
67 | #### i18n.plural
68 |
69 | Takes `[n, singular, plural]` or `[n, zero, singular, plural]` arguments. Using `i18n.translate` with the same arguments will use plural automatically.
70 |
71 | {{ __(1, "%s cat", "%s cats") }}
72 | // en: '1 cat'
73 | // pt: '1 gato'
74 |
75 | {{ __(0, "no cats", "%s cat", "%s cats") }}
76 | // en: 'no cats'
77 | // pt: 'nenhum gato'
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79 | #### i18n.setLanguage
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81 | To change the current language call `i18n.setLanguage`, passing the user's session object and desired language code:
82 |
83 | app.get('/lang/:lang', function(req, res){
84 | i18n.setLanguage(req.session, req.params.lang)
85 | res.redirect(req.headers.referer || '/')
86 | })
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88 | Accessing http://yourapp/lang/de will set language to `de`, *if* it is defined in the i18n.languages object.
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90 | ### Source code and tests
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92 | Polyglot is written in coffeescript and distributed in js. [Read the annotated source here](http://ricardobeat.github.com/node-polyglot).
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94 | Run tests using `mocha` or `npm test`. You need `coffee-script` and `mocha` installed globally on your machine.