10.9 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
4 * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
5 * http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt
6 * The complete set of authors may be found at
7 * http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt
8 * The complete set of contributors may be found at
9 * http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
10 * Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
11 * subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
12 * http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
13 */
15 * The global namespace of features contained in an analysis.
16 *
17 * Top-level members are unnamespaced, everything else is contained
18 * in a namespace. Often an analysis will contain only one namespace at
19 * the root.
20 */
21export interface Analysis {
22 schema_version: string;
23 /** All elements found. */
24 elements?: Element[];
25 /** All toplevel functions found. */
26 functions?: Function[];
27 /** All element mixins found. */
28 mixins?: ElementMixin[];
29 /** All toplevel namespaces found. */
30 namespaces?: Namespace[];
31 /**
32 * All toplevel classes found that were not covered by one of the other types.
33 *
34 * e.g. classes that are elements are only found in `elements`
35 */
36 classes?: Class[];
37 /**
38 * An extension point for framework-specific metadata, as well as any
39 * metadata not yet standardized here such as what polyfills are needed,
40 * behaviors and mixins used, the framework that the package was written in,
41 * tags/categories, framework config files, etc.
42 *
43 * Framework-specific metadata should be put into a sub-object with the name
44 * of that framework.
45 */
46 metadata?: any;
49 * The base interface, holding properties common to many nodes.
50 */
51export interface Feature {
52 /** Where this feature is defined in source code. */
53 sourceRange?: SourceRange;
54 /**
55 * An extension point for framework-specific metadata, as well as any
56 * metadata not yet standardized here such as what polyfills are needed,
57 * behaviors and mixins used, the framework that the element was written in,
58 * tags/categories, links to specs that the element implements, etc.
59 *
60 * Framework-specific metadata should be put into a sub-object with the name
61 * of that framework.
62 */
63 metadata?: any;
65export interface SourceRange {
66 /**
67 * Path to the file containing the definition of the feature,
68 * relative to the parent feature, or the package if the feature has no parent
69 * (e.g. elements).
70 *
71 * If blank, the feature is defined in the same file as its parent.
72 */
73 file?: string;
74 start: Position;
75 end: Position;
77export interface Position {
78 /** Line number, starting from zero. */
79 line: number;
80 /** Column offset within the line, starting from zero. */
81 column: number;
83export declare type Privacy = 'public' | 'private' | 'protected';
84export interface Function extends Feature {
85 /**
86 * The globally accessible property-path of the namespace. e.q. `Polymer.dom`
87 */
88 name: string;
89 /** A markdown description for the namespace. */
90 description?: string;
91 summary?: string;
92 params?: {
93 name: string;
94 type?: string;
95 }[];
96 return?: {
97 type?: string;
98 desc?: string;
99 };
100 privacy: Privacy;
102export interface Namespace extends Feature {
103 /**
104 * The globally accessible property-path of the namespace. e.q. `Polymer.dom`
105 */
106 name: string;
107 /** A markdown description for the namespace. */
108 description?: string;
109 /** A markdown summary for the namespace. */
110 summary?: string;
111 elements?: Element[];
112 functions?: Function[];
113 mixins?: ElementMixin[];
114 namespaces?: Namespace[];
115 classes?: Class[];
117export interface Class extends Feature {
118 /** The name of the class. */
119 name?: string;
120 /**
121 * The path, relative to the base directory of the package.
122 *
123 * e.g. `paper-input.html` or `app-toolbar/app-toolbar.html` (given that
124 * app-toolbar lives in the app-layout package).
125 */
126 path: string | undefined;
127 /** A markdown description. */
128 description: string;
129 /** A markdown summary. */
130 summary: string;
131 /**
132 * Paths, relative to the base directory of the package, to demo pages for
133 * this feauture.
134 *
135 * e.g. `[{url: 'demos/index.html', description: 'How it works'}, ...]`
136 */
137 demos: Demo[];
138 /** Names of mixins applied. */
139 mixins?: string[];
140 /** The properties that this feature has. */
141 properties?: Property[];
142 /** The instance methods that this feature has. */
143 methods?: Method[];
144 /** The static, class-level methods that this feature has. */
145 staticMethods?: Method[];
146 privacy: Privacy;
147 /**
148 * The class, if any, that this class extends.
149 */
150 superclass?: string;
152export interface ElementLike extends Class {
153 /** The attributes that this element is known to understand. */
154 attributes?: Attribute[];
155 /** The events that this element fires. */
156 events?: Event[];
157 /** The shadow dom content slots that this element accepts. */
158 'slots': Slot[];
159 /** Information useful for styling the element and its children. */
160 styling: {
161 /** CSS selectors that the element recognizes on itself for styling. */
162 selectors: {
163 /** The CSS selector. e.g. `.bright`, `[height=5]`, `[cascade]`. */
164 value: string;
165 /**
166 * A markdown description of the effect of this selector matching
167 * on the element.
168 */
169 description: string;
170 }[];
171 /** CSS Variables that the element understands. */
172 cssVariables: {
173 /** The name of the variable. e.g. `--header-color`, `--my-element-size`*/
174 name: string;
175 /** The type of the variable. Advisory. e.g. `color`, `size` */
176 type?: string;
177 /** A markdown description of the variable. */
178 description?: string;
179 /**
180 * A markdown description of how the element will fallback if the variable
181 * isn't defined.
182 */
183 fallbackBehavior?: string;
184 }[];
185 /** If true, the element must be given an explicit size by its context. */
186 needsExplicitSize?: boolean;
187 };
189export interface Element extends ElementLike {
190 /** The tagname that the element registers itself as. e.g. `paper-input` */
191 tagname?: string;
192 /**
193 * The class name for this element.
194 *
195 * e.g. `MyElement`, `Polymer.PaperInput`
196 */
197 name?: string;
198 /**
199 * The tagname that the element extends, if any. The value of the `extends`
200 * option that's passed into `customElements.define`.
201 *
202 * e.g. `input`, `paper-button`, `my-super-element`
203 */
204 extends?: string;
205 /**
206 * The class that this element extends.
207 *
208 * This is non-optional, as every custom element must have HTMLElement in
209 * its prototype change.
210 *
211 * e.g. `HTMLElement`, `HTMLInputElement`, `MyNamespace.MyBaseElement`
212 */
213 superclass: string;
215export interface ElementMixin extends ElementLike {
216 /**
217 * The name for this mixin.
218 *
219 * e.g. `MyMixin`, `Polymer.PaperInputMixin`
220 */
221 name: string;
223export interface Attribute extends Feature {
224 /** The name of the attribute. e.g. `value`, `icon`, `should-collapse`. */
225 name: string;
226 /** A markdown description for the attribute. */
227 description?: string;
228 /**
229 * The type that the attribute will be serialized/deserialized as.
230 *
231 * e.g. `string`, `number`, `boolean`, `RegExp`, `Array`, `Object`.
232 */
233 type?: string;
234 /**
235 * The default value of the attribute, if any.
236 *
237 * As attributes are always strings, this is the actual value, not a human
238 * readable description.
239 */
240 defaultValue?: string;
241 /** The identifier of the class or mixin that declared this property. */
242 inheritedFrom?: string;
244export interface Property extends Feature {
245 /** The name of the property. e.g. `value`, `icon`, `shouldCollapse`. */
246 name: string;
247 /** A markdown description of the property. */
248 description: string;
249 /**
250 * The javascript type of the property.
251 *
252 * There's no standard here. Common choices are closure compiler syntax
253 * and typescript syntax.
254 */
255 type: string;
256 /**
257 * A string representation of the default value. Intended only to be human
258 * readable, so may be a description, an identifier name, etc.
259 */
260 defaultValue?: string;
261 /** Nested subproperties hanging off of this property. */
262 properties?: Property[];
263 privacy: Privacy;
264 /** The identifier of the class or mixin that declared this property. */
265 inheritedFrom?: string;
267export interface Method extends Feature {
268 /** The name of the property. e.g. `value`, `icon`, `shouldCollapse`. */
269 name: string;
270 /** A markdown description of the property. */
271 description: string;
272 /**
273 * An array of data objects describing the method signature. This data may be
274 * incomplete. For example, only argument names can be detected from an
275 * undocumented JavaScript function. Argument types can only be read from
276 * associated JSDoc via @param tags
277 */
278 params?: Parameter[];
279 /**
280 * Data describing the method return type. This data may be incomplete.
281 * For example, the return type can be detected from a documented JavaScript
282 * function with associated JSDoc and a @return tag.
283 */
284 return?: {
285 type?: string;
286 desc?: string;
287 };
288 privacy: Privacy;
289 /** The identifier of the class or mixin that declared this property. */
290 inheritedFrom?: string;
292export interface Parameter {
293 name: string;
294 type?: string;
295 description?: string;
297export interface Event extends Feature {
298 /** The name of the event. */
299 name: string;
300 /** A markdown description of the event. */
301 description: string;
302 /**
303 * The type of the event object that's fired.
304 *
305 * e.g. `Event`, `CustomEvent`, `KeyboardEvent`, `MyCustomEvent`.
306 */
307 type: string;
308 /** Information about the `detail` field of the event. */
309 detail?: {
310 properties: Property[];
311 };
312 /** The identifier of the class or mixin that declared this property. */
313 inheritedFrom?: string;
315export interface Slot extends Feature {
316 /** The name of the slot. e.g. `banner`, `body`, `tooltipContents` */
317 name: string;
318 /** A markdown description of the slot. */
319 description: string;
321export interface Demo {
322 /** A markdown description of the demo. */
323 description?: string;
324 /** Relative URL of the demo. */
325 url: string;