5.15 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3 * @license
4 * Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
5 * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
6 * http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt
7 * The complete set of authors may be found at
8 * http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt
9 * The complete set of contributors may be found at
10 * http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
11 * Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
12 * subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
13 * http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
14 */
15Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
16const async_work_cache_1 = require("./async-work-cache");
17const dependency_graph_1 = require("./dependency-graph");
18class AnalysisCache {
19 /**
20 * @param from Another AnalysisCache to copy the caches from. The new
21 * AnalysisCache will have an independent copy of everything but from's
22 * dependency graph, which is passed in separately.
23 * @param newDependencyGraph If given, use this dependency graph. We pass
24 * this in like this purely as an optimization. See `invalidatePaths`.
25 */
26 constructor(from, newDependencyGraph) {
27 const f = from || {};
28 this.parsedDocumentPromises = new async_work_cache_1.AsyncWorkCache(f.parsedDocumentPromises);
29 this.scannedDocumentPromises =
30 new async_work_cache_1.AsyncWorkCache(f.scannedDocumentPromises);
31 this.analyzedDocumentPromises =
32 new async_work_cache_1.AsyncWorkCache(f.analyzedDocumentPromises);
33 this.dependenciesScannedPromises =
34 new async_work_cache_1.AsyncWorkCache(f.dependenciesScannedPromises);
35 this.failedDocuments = new Map(f.failedDocuments);
36 this.scannedDocuments = new Map(f.scannedDocuments);
37 this.analyzedDocuments = new Map(f.analyzedDocuments);
38 this.dependencyGraph = newDependencyGraph || new dependency_graph_1.DependencyGraph();
39 }
40 /**
41 * Returns a copy of this cache, with the given document and all of its
42 * transitive dependants invalidated.
43 *
44 * Must be called whenever a document changes.
45 */
46 invalidate(documentPaths) {
47 // TODO(rictic): how much of this work can we short circuit in the case
48 // none of these paths are in any of the caches? e.g. when someone calls
49 // filesChanged() for the same files twice without ever calling analyze?
50 // Could end up saving some work in the editor case.
51 // On the other hand, copying a half dozen maps with maybe 200 entries
52 // each should be pretty cheap, maybe not worth the effort.
53 const newCache = new AnalysisCache(this, this.dependencyGraph.invalidatePaths(documentPaths));
54 for (const path of documentPaths) {
55 // Note that we must calculate the dependency graph based on the parent,
56 // not the forked newCache.
57 const dependants = this.dependencyGraph.getAllDependantsOf(path);
58 newCache.parsedDocumentPromises.delete(path);
59 newCache.scannedDocumentPromises.delete(path);
60 newCache.dependenciesScannedPromises.delete(path);
61 newCache.scannedDocuments.delete(path);
62 newCache.analyzedDocuments.delete(path);
63 newCache.failedDocuments.delete(path);
64 // Analyzed documents need to be treated more carefully, because they have
65 // relationships with other documents. So first we remove all documents
66 // which transitively import the changed document. We also need to mark
67 // all of those docs as needing to rescan their dependencies.
68 for (const partiallyInvalidatedPath of dependants) {
69 newCache.dependenciesScannedPromises.delete(partiallyInvalidatedPath);
70 newCache.analyzedDocuments.delete(partiallyInvalidatedPath);
71 }
72 // Then we clear out the analyzed document promises, which could have
73 // in-progress results that don't cohere with the state of the new cache.
74 // Only populate the new analyzed promise cache with results that are
75 // definite, and not invalidated.
76 newCache.analyzedDocumentPromises.clear();
77 for (const keyValue of newCache.analyzedDocuments) {
78 newCache.analyzedDocumentPromises.set(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]);
79 }
80 }
81 return newCache;
82 }
83 toString() {
84 let result = `<AnalysisCache`;
85 if (this.scannedDocuments.size > 0) {
86 result += `
87 scannedDocuments:
88 ${Array.from(this.scannedDocuments.keys()).join('\n ')}`;
89 }
90 if (this.analyzedDocuments.size > 0) {
91 result += `
92 analyzedDocuments:
93 ${Array.from(this.analyzedDocuments.keys()).join('\n ')}`;
94 }
95 if (this.failedDocuments.size > 0) {
96 result += `
97 failedDocuments:
98 ${Array.from(this.failedDocuments.keys()).join('\n ')}`;
99 }
100 result += '>';
101 return result;
102 }
104exports.AnalysisCache = AnalysisCache;
105//# sourceMappingURL=analysis-cache.js.map
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