3.6 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
4 * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
5 * http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt
6 * The complete set of authors may be found at
7 * http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt
8 * The complete set of contributors may be found at
9 * http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
10 * Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
11 * subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
12 * http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
13 */
14import * as babel from '@babel/types';
15import { MapWithDefault, ScannedClass, ScannedFeature, ScannedMethod, ScannedProperty, Warning } from '../model/model';
16import { ScannedPolymerElement } from '../polymer/polymer-element';
17import { ScannedPolymerElementMixin } from '../polymer/polymer-element-mixin';
18import { Visitor } from './estree-visitor';
19import { JavaScriptDocument } from './javascript-document';
20import { JavaScriptScanner } from './javascript-scanner';
21export interface ScannedAttribute extends ScannedFeature {
22 name: string;
23 type?: string;
25declare type ClassType = ScannedPolymerElement | ScannedClass | ScannedPolymerElementMixin;
27 * Find and classify classes from source code.
28 *
29 * Currently this has a bunch of Polymer stuff baked in that shouldn't be here
30 * in order to support generating only one feature for stuff that's essentially
31 * more specific kinds of classes, like Elements, PolymerElements, Mixins, etc.
32 *
33 * In a future change we'll add a mechanism whereby plugins can claim and
34 * specialize classes.
35 */
36export declare class ClassScanner implements JavaScriptScanner {
37 scan(document: JavaScriptDocument, visit: (visitor: Visitor) => Promise<void>): Promise<{
38 features: ClassType[];
39 warnings: Warning[];
40 }>;
41 /**
42 * Handle the pattern where a class's superclass is declared as a separate
43 * variable, usually so that mixins can be applied in a way that is compatible
44 * with the Closure compiler. We consider a class ephemeral if:
45 *
46 * 1) It is the superclass of one or more classes.
47 * 2) It is declared using a const, let, or var.
48 * 3) It is annotated as @private.
49 */
50 private collapseEphemeralSuperclasses;
51 private _makeElementFeature;
52 private _getObservers;
53 private _getObservedAttributes;
54 /**
55 * Extract attributes from the array expression inside a static
56 * observedAttributes method.
57 *
58 * e.g.
59 * static get observedAttributes() {
60 * return [
61 * /** @type {boolean} When given the element is totally inactive *\/
62 * 'disabled',
63 * /** @type {boolean} When given the element is expanded *\/
64 * 'open'
65 * ];
66 * }
67 */
68 private _extractAttributesFromObservedAttributes;
70export declare class PrototypeMemberFinder implements Visitor {
71 readonly members: MapWithDefault<string, {
72 methods: Map<string, ScannedMethod>;
73 properties: Map<string, ScannedProperty>;
74 }>;
75 private readonly _document;
76 constructor(document: JavaScriptDocument);
77 enterExpressionStatement(node: babel.ExpressionStatement): void;
78 private _createMemberFromAssignment;
79 private _addMethodToClass;
80 private _addPropertyToClass;
81 private _createMemberFromMemberExpression;
82 private _createPropertyFromExpression;
83 private _createMethodFromExpression;
85export declare function extractPropertiesFromClass(astNode: babel.Node, document: JavaScriptDocument): Map<string, ScannedProperty>;
86export {};