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14 | import * as babel from '@babel/types';
15 | import { ElementMixin } from '..';
16 | import * as jsdocLib from '../javascript/jsdoc';
17 | import { AstNodeWithLanguage, Document, Feature, Method, Privacy, Property, Resolvable, ScannedFeature, ScannedMethod, ScannedProperty, ScannedReference, SourceRange, Warning } from '../model/model';
18 | import { DeclaredWithStatement } from './document';
19 | import { Demo } from './element-base';
20 | import { ImmutableMap } from './immutable';
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33 | export declare class ScannedClass implements ScannedFeature, Resolvable {
34 | readonly name: string | undefined;
35 |
36 | readonly localName: string | undefined;
37 | readonly astNode: AstNodeWithLanguage;
38 | readonly statementAst: babel.Statement | undefined;
39 | readonly jsdoc: jsdocLib.Annotation;
40 | readonly description: string;
41 | readonly summary: string;
42 | readonly sourceRange: SourceRange;
43 | readonly properties: Map<string, ScannedProperty>;
44 | readonly staticMethods: ImmutableMap<string, ScannedMethod>;
45 | readonly methods: ImmutableMap<string, ScannedMethod>;
46 | readonly constructorMethod?: ScannedMethod;
47 | readonly superClass: ScannedReference<'class'> | undefined;
48 | readonly mixins: ScannedReference<'element-mixin'>[];
49 | readonly abstract: boolean;
50 | readonly privacy: Privacy;
51 | readonly warnings: Warning[];
52 | readonly demos: Demo[];
53 | constructor(className: string | undefined, localClassName: string | undefined, astNode: AstNodeWithLanguage, statementAst: babel.Statement | undefined, jsdoc: jsdocLib.Annotation, description: string, sourceRange: SourceRange, properties: Map<string, ScannedProperty>, methods: Map<string, ScannedMethod>, constructorMethod: ScannedMethod | undefined, staticMethods: Map<string, ScannedMethod>, superClass: ScannedReference<'class'> | undefined, mixins: Array<ScannedReference<'element-mixin'>>, privacy: Privacy, warnings: Warning[], abstract: boolean, demos: Demo[]);
54 | resolve(document: Document): Feature | undefined;
55 | /**
56 | * Allows additional properties and methods
57 | * to be added to the class after initialization.
58 | * For example, members found attached to the
59 | * prototype at a later place in the document
60 | */
61 | finishInitialization(methods: Map<string, ScannedMethod>, properties: Map<string, ScannedProperty>): void;
62 | }
63 | declare module '../model/queryable' {
64 | interface FeatureKindMap {
65 | 'class': Class;
66 | }
67 | }
68 | export interface ClassInit {
69 | readonly sourceRange: SourceRange | undefined;
70 | readonly astNode: AstNodeWithLanguage | undefined;
71 | readonly statementAst: babel.Statement | undefined;
72 | readonly warnings?: Warning[];
73 | readonly summary: string;
74 | readonly name?: string;
75 | readonly className?: string;
76 | readonly jsdoc?: jsdocLib.Annotation;
77 | readonly description: string;
78 | readonly properties?: ImmutableMap<string, Property>;
79 | readonly staticMethods: ImmutableMap<string, Method>;
80 | readonly methods?: ImmutableMap<string, Method>;
81 | readonly constructorMethod?: Method;
82 | readonly superClass?: ScannedReference<'class'> | undefined;
83 | readonly mixins?: Array<ScannedReference<'element-mixin'>>;
84 | readonly abstract: boolean;
85 | readonly privacy: Privacy;
86 | readonly demos?: Demo[];
87 | }
88 | export declare class Class implements Feature, DeclaredWithStatement {
89 | readonly kinds: Set<string>;
90 | readonly identifiers: Set<string>;
91 | readonly sourceRange: SourceRange | undefined;
92 | readonly astNode: AstNodeWithLanguage | undefined;
93 | readonly statementAst: babel.Statement | undefined;
94 | readonly warnings: Warning[];
95 | readonly summary: string;
96 | readonly name: string | undefined;
97 | |
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100 | readonly className: string | undefined;
101 | readonly jsdoc: jsdocLib.Annotation | undefined;
102 | description: string;
103 | readonly properties: Map<string, Property>;
104 | readonly methods: Map<string, Method>;
105 | constructorMethod?: Method;
106 | readonly staticMethods: Map<string, Method>;
107 | readonly superClass: ScannedReference<'class'> | undefined;
108 | |
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116 | readonly mixins: ReadonlyArray<ScannedReference<'element-mixin'>>;
117 | readonly abstract: boolean;
118 | readonly privacy: Privacy;
119 | demos: Demo[];
120 | private readonly _parsedDocument;
121 | constructor(init: ClassInit, document: Document);
122 | protected inheritFrom(superClass: Class): void;
123 | /**
124 | * This method is applied to an array of members to overwrite members lower in
125 | * the prototype graph (closer to Object) with members higher up (closer to
126 | * the final class we're constructing).
127 | *
128 | * @param . existing The array of members so far. N.B. *This param is
129 | * mutated.*
130 | * @param . overriding The array of members from this new, higher prototype in
131 | * the graph
132 | * @param . overridingClassName The name of the prototype whose members are
133 | * being applied over the existing ones. Should be `undefined` when
134 | * applyingSelf is true
135 | * @param . applyingSelf True on the last call to this method, when we're
136 | * applying the class's own local members.
137 | */
138 | protected _overwriteInherited<P extends PropertyLike>(existing: Map<string, P>, overriding: ImmutableMap<string, P>, overridingClassName: string | undefined, applyingSelf?: boolean): void;
139 | /**
140 | * This method is applied to a single member to overwrite members lower in
141 | * the prototype graph (closer to Object) with members higher up (closer to
142 | * the final class we're constructing).
143 | *
144 | * @param . existing The existin property on the class
145 | * @param . overriding The array of members from this new, higher prototype in
146 | * the graph
147 | * @param . overridingClassName The name of the prototype whose members are
148 | * being applied over the existing ones. Should be `undefined` when
149 | * applyingSelf is true
150 | * @param . applyingSelf True on the last call to this method, when we're
151 | * applying the class's own local members.
152 | */
153 | protected _overwriteSingleInherited<P extends PropertyLike>(existing: P | undefined, overridingVal: P | undefined, overridingClassName: string | undefined): P | undefined;
154 | /**
155 | * Returns the elementLikes that make up this class's prototype chain.
156 | *
157 | * Should return them in the order that they're constructed in JS
158 | * engine (i.e. closest to HTMLElement first, closest to `this` last).
159 | */
160 | protected _getSuperclassAndMixins(document: Document, _init: ClassInit): Class[];
161 | protected _resolveReferenceToSuperClass(scannedReference: ScannedReference<'class' | 'element-mixin'> | undefined, document: Document): Class | ElementMixin | undefined;
162 | emitMetadata(): object;
163 | emitPropertyMetadata(_property: Property): object;
164 | emitMethodMetadata(_method: Method): object;
165 | }
166 | export interface PropertyLike {
167 | name: string;
168 | sourceRange?: SourceRange;
169 | inheritedFrom?: string;
170 | privacy?: Privacy;
171 | }