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14 | import * as babel from '@babel/types';
15 | import { AnalysisContext } from '../core/analysis-context';
16 | import { ParsedCssDocument } from '../css/css-document';
17 | import { ParsedHtmlDocument } from '../html/html-document';
18 | import { JavaScriptDocument } from '../javascript/javascript-document';
19 | import { ParsedJsonDocument } from '../json/json-document';
20 | import { ParsedDocument } from '../parser/document';
21 | import { ParsedTypeScriptDocument } from '../typescript/typescript-document';
22 | import { Feature, ScannedFeature } from './feature';
23 | import { ImmutableSet } from './immutable';
24 | import { AstNodeWithLanguage } from './inline-document';
25 | import { DocumentQuery as Query, DocumentQueryWithKind as QueryWithKind, FeatureKind, FeatureKindMap, Queryable } from './queryable';
26 | import { SourceRange } from './source-range';
27 | import { ResolvedUrl } from './url';
28 | import { Warning } from './warning';
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31 |
32 | export declare class ScannedDocument {
33 | document: ParsedDocument;
34 | features: ScannedFeature[];
35 | warnings: Warning[];
36 | isInline: boolean;
37 | readonly sourceRange: SourceRange;
38 | readonly astNode: AstNodeWithLanguage | undefined;
39 | constructor(document: ParsedDocument, features: ScannedFeature[], warnings?: Warning[]);
40 | readonly url: ResolvedUrl;
41 | /**
42 | * Gets all features in this scanned document and all inline documents it
43 | * contains.
44 | */
45 | getNestedFeatures(): ScannedFeature[];
46 | private _getNestedFeatures;
47 | }
48 | export interface DeclaredWithStatement {
49 | |
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57 | statementAst: babel.Statement | undefined;
58 | }
59 | declare module './queryable' {
60 | interface FeatureKindMap {
61 | 'document': Document;
62 | 'html-document': Document<ParsedHtmlDocument>;
63 | 'js-document': Document<JavaScriptDocument>;
64 | 'json-document': Document<ParsedJsonDocument>;
65 | 'css-document': Document<ParsedCssDocument>;
66 | 'typescript-document': Document<ParsedTypeScriptDocument>;
67 | }
68 | }
69 | export declare class Document<ParsedType extends ParsedDocument = ParsedDocument> implements Feature, Queryable {
70 | readonly kinds: ImmutableSet<string>;
71 | readonly identifiers: ImmutableSet<string>;
72 | |
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75 |
76 | _analysisContext: AnalysisContext;
77 | warnings: Warning[];
78 | languageAnalysis?: {};
79 | private readonly _localFeatures;
80 | private readonly _scannedDocument;
81 | private readonly _localFeaturesByStatement;
82 | |
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87 | private _begunResolving;
88 | |
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90 |
91 | private _doneResolving;
92 | constructor(base: ScannedDocument, analyzer: AnalysisContext, languageAnalysis?: {});
93 | readonly url: ResolvedUrl;
94 | readonly isInline: boolean;
95 | readonly sourceRange: SourceRange | undefined;
96 | readonly astNode: AstNodeWithLanguage | undefined;
97 | readonly parsedDocument: ParsedType;
98 | readonly resolved: boolean;
99 | readonly type: string;
100 | /**
101 | * Resolves all features of this document, so that they have references to all
102 | * their dependencies.
103 | *
104 | * This method can only be called once
105 | */
106 | resolve(): void;
107 | /**
108 | * Adds and indexes a feature to this document before resolve().
109 | */
110 | _addFeature(feature: Feature): void;
111 | /**
112 | * Get features on the document.
113 | *
114 | * Be default it includes only features on the document, but you can specify
115 | * whether to include features that are reachable by imports, features from
116 | * outside the current package, etc. See the documentation for Query for more
117 | * details.
118 | *
119 | * You can also narrow by feature kind and identifier.
120 | */
121 | getFeatures<K extends FeatureKind>(query: QueryWithKind<K>): Set<FeatureKindMap[K]>;
122 | getFeatures(query?: Query): Set<Feature>;
123 | private _getByKind;
124 | private _getById;
125 | private _getByStatement;
126 | /** Filters out the given features by the given kind. */
127 | private _filterByKind;
128 | private _isCachable;
129 | private _getSlowlyByKind;
130 | /**
131 | * Walks the graph of documents, starting from `this`, finding features which
132 | * match the given query and adding them to the `result` set. Uses `visited`
133 | * to deal with cycles.
134 | *
135 | * This method is O(numFeatures), though it does not walk documents that are
136 | * not relevant to the query (e.g. based on whether the query follows imports,
137 | * or excludes lazy imports)
138 | */
139 | private _listFeatures;
140 | private _filterOutExternal;
141 | /**
142 | * Get warnings for the document and all matched features.
143 | */
144 | getWarnings(query?: Query): Warning[];
145 | toString(): string;
146 | private _toString;
147 | stringify(): string;
148 | private _indexFeature;
149 | private _featuresByKind;
150 | private _featuresByKindAndId;
151 | private _buildIndexes;
152 | }