12.6 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3 * @license
4 * Copyright (c) 2018 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
5 * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
6 * http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt
7 * The complete set of authors may be found at
8 * http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt
9 * The complete set of contributors may be found at
10 * http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
11 * Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
12 * subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
13 * http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
14 */
15Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
16const chai_1 = require("chai");
17const dom5 = require("dom5/lib/index-next");
18const parse5 = require("parse5");
19const path = require("path");
20const html_transform_1 = require("../html-transform");
21const util_1 = require("./util");
23 * Replaces the Babel helpers, Require.js AMD loader, and WCT hack inline
24 * scripts into just some comments, to make test comparison simpler.
25 */
26function replaceGiantScripts(html) {
27 const document = parse5.parse(html);
28 for (const script of dom5.queryAll(document, dom5.predicates.hasTagName('script'))) {
29 const js = dom5.getTextContent(script);
30 if (js.includes('window.define=')) {
31 dom5.setTextContent(script, '// amd loader');
32 }
33 else if (js.includes('wrapNativeSuper=')) {
34 dom5.setTextContent(script, '// babel helpers full');
35 }
36 else if (js.includes('interopRequireDefault=')) {
37 dom5.setTextContent(script, '// babel helpers amd');
38 }
39 else if (js.includes('regeneratorRuntime')) {
40 dom5.setTextContent(script, '// regenerator runtime');
41 }
42 else if (js.includes('window._wctCallback =')) {
43 dom5.setTextContent(script, '// wct hack 1/2');
44 }
45 else if (js.includes('window._wctCallback()')) {
46 dom5.setTextContent(script, '// wct hack 2/2');
47 }
48 }
49 return parse5.serialize(document);
51suite('htmlTransform', () => {
52 const fixtureRoot = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'test-fixtures', 'npm-modules');
53 test('minifies html', () => {
54 const input = `
55 <html>
56 <body>
57 <!-- pointless comment -->
58 <p>Hello World!</p>
59 </body>
60 </html>`;
61 const expected = `<html><body><p>Hello World!</p></body></html>`;
62 chai_1.assert.equal(html_transform_1.htmlTransform(input, { minifyHtml: true }), expected);
63 });
64 test('does not add unnecessary tags', () => {
65 const input = `<p>Just me</p>`;
66 chai_1.assert.equal(html_transform_1.htmlTransform(input, {}), input);
67 });
68 test('compiles inline JavaScript to ES5', () => {
69 const input = `
70 <html><head></head><body>
71 <script>const foo = 3;</script>
72 </body></html>`;
73 const expected = `
74 <html><head></head><body>
75 <script>var foo = 3;</script>
76 </body></html>`;
77 util_1.assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace(html_transform_1.htmlTransform(input, { js: { compile: true } }), expected);
78 });
79 test('minifies inline JavaScript', () => {
80 const input = `
81 <html><head></head><body>
82 <script>const foo = 3;</script>
83 </body></html>`;
84 const expected = `
85 <html><head></head><body>
86 <script>const foo=3;</script>
87 </body></html>`;
88 util_1.assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace(html_transform_1.htmlTransform(input, { js: { minify: true } }), expected);
89 });
90 test('injects full babel helpers', () => {
91 const input = `
92 <html><head></head><body>
93 <script>const foo = 3;</script>
94 </body></html>`;
95 const expected = `
96 <html><head></head><body>
97 <script>// babel helpers full</script>
98 <script>const foo = 3;</script>
99 </body></html>`;
100 const result = html_transform_1.htmlTransform(input, { injectBabelHelpers: 'full' });
101 util_1.assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace(replaceGiantScripts(result), expected);
102 });
103 test('injects AMD babel helpers', () => {
104 const input = `
105 <html><head></head><body>
106 <script>const foo = 3;</script>
107 </body></html>`;
108 const expected = `
109 <html><head></head><body>
110 <script>// babel helpers amd</script>
111 <script>const foo = 3;</script>
112 </body></html>`;
113 const result = html_transform_1.htmlTransform(input, { injectBabelHelpers: 'amd' });
114 util_1.assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace(replaceGiantScripts(result), expected);
115 });
116 test('injects regenerator runtime', () => {
117 const input = `
118 <html><head></head><body>
119 <script>const foo = 3;</script>
120 </body></html>`;
121 const expected = `
122 <html><head></head><body>
123 <script>// regenerator runtime</script>
124 <script>const foo = 3;</script>
125 </body></html>`;
126 const result = html_transform_1.htmlTransform(input, { injectRegeneratorRuntime: true });
127 util_1.assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace(replaceGiantScripts(result), expected);
128 });
129 test('rewrites bare module specifiers to paths', () => {
130 const filePath = path.join(fixtureRoot, 'foo.html');
131 const input = `
132 <html><head></head><body>
133 <script type="module">
134 import { dep1 } from 'dep1';
135 </script>
136 </body></html>`;
137 const expected = `
138 <html><head></head><body>
139 <script type="module">
140 import { dep1 } from "./node_modules/dep1/index.js";
141 </script>
142 </body></html>`;
143 util_1.assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace(html_transform_1.htmlTransform(input, { js: { moduleResolution: 'node', filePath } }), expected);
144 });
145 suite('transform ES modules to AMD', () => {
146 test('external script', () => {
147 const input = `
148 <html><head></head><body>
149 <script type="module" src="depA.js"></script>
150 </body></html>`;
151 const expected = `
152 <html><head></head><body>
153 <script>define(['depA.js']);</script>
154 </body></html>`;
155 util_1.assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace(html_transform_1.htmlTransform(input, {
156 js: {
157 transformModulesToAmd: true,
158 }
159 }), expected);
160 });
161 test('inline script', () => {
162 const input = `
163 <html><head></head><body>
164 <script type="module">
165 import { depA } from './depA.js';
166 console.log(depA);
167 </script>
168 </body></html>`;
169 const expected = `
170 <html><head></head><body>
171 <script>
172 define(["./depA.js"], function (_depA) {
173 "use strict";
174 console.log(_depA.depA);
175 });
176 </script>
177 </body></html>`;
178 util_1.assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace(html_transform_1.htmlTransform(input, {
179 js: {
180 transformModulesToAmd: true,
181 filePath: path.join(fixtureRoot, 'foo.html'),
182 rootDir: fixtureRoot,
183 },
184 }), expected);
185 });
186 test('chains inline and external module scripts', () => {
187 const input = `
188 <html><head></head><body>
189 <script type="module">import { depA } from './depA.js';</script>
190 <script type="module" src="./depB.js"></script>
191 <script type="module">import { depC } from './depC.js';</script>
192 <script type="module">'no imports';</script>
193 <script type="module" src="./depD.js"></script>
194 </body></html>`;
195 const expected = `
196 <html><head></head><body>
197 <script>define(["./depA.js"], function (_depA) {"use strict";});</script>
198 <script>define(['./depB.js']);</script>
199 <script>define(["./depC.js"], function (_depC) {"use strict";});</script>
200 <script>define([], function () {"use strict";'no imports';});</script>
201 <script>define(['./depD.js']);</script>
202 </body></html>`;
203 util_1.assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace(html_transform_1.htmlTransform(input, {
204 js: {
205 transformModulesToAmd: true,
206 filePath: path.join(fixtureRoot, 'foo.html'),
207 rootDir: fixtureRoot,
208 }
209 }), expected);
210 });
211 test('resolves names and does AMD transform', () => {
212 const input = `
213 <html><head></head><body>
214 <script type="module">import { dep1 } from 'dep1';</script>
215 </body></html>`;
216 const expected = `
217 <html><head></head><body>
218 <script>define(["./node_modules/dep1/index.js"], function (_index) {"use strict";});</script>
219 </body></html>`;
220 util_1.assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace(html_transform_1.htmlTransform(input, {
221 js: {
222 transformModulesToAmd: true,
223 moduleResolution: 'node',
224 filePath: path.join(fixtureRoot, 'foo.html'),
225 rootDir: fixtureRoot,
226 }
227 }), expected);
228 });
229 test('compiles non-module script without AMD plugin', () => {
230 const input = `
231 <html><head></head><body>
232 <script>const foo = 3;</script>
233 </body></html>`;
234 const expected = `
235 <html><head></head><body>
236 <script>var foo = 3;</script>
237 </body></html>`;
238 util_1.assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace(html_transform_1.htmlTransform(input, {
239 js: {
240 compile: true,
241 transformModulesToAmd: true,
242 }
243 }), expected);
244 });
245 test('does not transform when "nomodule" script present', () => {
246 const input = `
247 <html><head></head><body>
248 <script type="module">
249 import { depA } from './depA.js';
250 console.log(depA);
251 </script>
253 <script nomodule="">
254 // Handle browsers without ES modules some other way.
255 </script>
256 </body></html>`;
257 util_1.assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace(html_transform_1.htmlTransform(input, { js: { transformModulesToAmd: true } }), input);
258 });
259 test('adds AMD loader to entry point before first module', () => {
260 const input = `
261 <html><head></head><body>
262 <script>console.log('non-module');</script>
264 <script type="module" src="depA.js"></script>
265 </body></html>`;
266 const expected = `
267 <html><head></head><body>
268 <script>console.log('non-module');</script>
270 <script>// amd loader</script>
272 <script>define(['depA.js']);</script>
273 </body></html>`;
274 const result = html_transform_1.htmlTransform(input, {
275 injectAmdLoader: true,
276 js: {
277 transformModulesToAmd: true,
278 },
279 });
280 util_1.assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace(replaceGiantScripts(result), expected);
281 });
282 test('does not add AMD loader when no modules', () => {
283 const input = `
284 <html><head></head><body>
285 <script>console.log('non-module');</script>
286 <script src="depA.js"></script>
287 </body></html>`;
288 const result = html_transform_1.htmlTransform(input, {
289 injectAmdLoader: true,
290 js: {
291 transformModulesToAmd: true,
292 },
293 });
294 util_1.assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace(result, input);
295 });
296 test('adds hack for Web Component Tester', () => {
297 const input = `
298 <html><head></head><body>
299 <script src="web-component-tester/browser.js"></script>
301 <script type="module" src="depA.js"></script>
302 </body></html>`;
303 const expected = `
304 <html><head></head><body>
305 <script>// wct hack 1/2</script>
307 <script src="web-component-tester/browser.js"></script>
309 <script>// amd loader</script>
311 <script>// wct hack 2/2</script>
313 <script>define(['depA.js']);</script>
314 </body></html>`;
315 const result = html_transform_1.htmlTransform(input, {
316 injectAmdLoader: true,
317 js: {
318 transformModulesToAmd: true,
319 },
320 });
321 util_1.assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace(replaceGiantScripts(result), expected);
322 });
323 });
325//# sourceMappingURL=html-transform_test.js.map
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