19.8 kBPlain TextView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright (c) 2016 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
4 * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
5 * http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt
6 * The complete set of authors may be found at
7 * http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt
8 * The complete set of contributors may be found at
9 * http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
10 * Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
11 * subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
12 * http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
13 */
15import * as path from 'path';
16import * as logging from 'plylog';
17import {Analyzer, FsUrlResolver, PackageRelativeUrl, ResolvedUrl, Severity, UrlLoader, Warning, WarningFilter, WarningPrinter} from 'polymer-analyzer';
18import {ProjectConfig} from 'polymer-project-config';
19import {PassThrough, Transform} from 'stream';
20import {src as vinylSrc} from 'vinyl-fs';
22import {LocalFsPath, pathFromUrl, urlFromPath} from './path-transformers';
23import {AsyncTransformStream, VinylReaderTransform} from './streams';
25import File = require('vinyl');
27const logger = logging.getLogger('cli.build.analyzer');
29export interface DocumentDeps {
30 imports: PackageRelativeUrl[];
31 scripts: PackageRelativeUrl[];
32 styles: PackageRelativeUrl[];
35export interface DepsIndex {
36 // An index of dependency -> fragments that depend on it
37 depsToFragments: Map<PackageRelativeUrl, PackageRelativeUrl[]>;
38 // TODO(garlicnation): Remove this map.
39 // An index of fragments -> html dependencies
40 fragmentToDeps: Map<PackageRelativeUrl, PackageRelativeUrl[]>;
41 // A map from frament urls to html, js, and css dependencies.
42 fragmentToFullDeps: Map<PackageRelativeUrl, DocumentDeps>;
46 * A stream that tells the BuildAnalyzer to resolve each file it sees. It's
47 * important that files are resolved here in a seperate stream, so that analysis
48 * and file loading/resolution can't block each other while waiting.
49 */
50class ResolveTransform extends AsyncTransformStream<File, File> {
51 private _buildAnalyzer: BuildAnalyzer;
53 constructor(buildAnalyzer: BuildAnalyzer) {
54 super({objectMode: true});
55 this._buildAnalyzer = buildAnalyzer;
56 }
58 protected async *
59 _transformIter(files: AsyncIterable<File>): AsyncIterable<File> {
60 for await (const file of files) {
61 this._buildAnalyzer.resolveFile(file);
62 yield file;
63 }
64 }
68 * A stream to analyze every file that passes through it. This is used to
69 * analyze important application fragments as they pass through the source
70 * stream.
71 *
72 * We create a new stream to handle this because the alternative (attaching
73 * event listeners directly to the existing sources stream) would
74 * start the flow of data before the user was ready to consume it. By
75 * analyzing inside of the stream instead of via "data" event listeners, the
76 * source stream will remain paused until the user is ready to start the stream
77 * themselves.
78 */
79class AnalyzeTransform extends AsyncTransformStream<File, File> {
80 private _buildAnalyzer: BuildAnalyzer;
82 constructor(buildAnalyzer: BuildAnalyzer) {
83 // A high `highWaterMark` value is needed to keep this from pausing the
84 // entire source stream.
85 // TODO(fks) 02-02-2017: Move analysis out of the source stream itself so
86 // that it no longer blocks during analysis.
87 super({objectMode: true, highWaterMark: 10000});
88 this._buildAnalyzer = buildAnalyzer;
89 }
91 protected async *
92 _transformIter(files: AsyncIterable<File>): AsyncIterable<File> {
93 for await (const file of files) {
94 await this._buildAnalyzer.analyzeFile(file);
95 yield file;
96 }
97 }
101export class BuildAnalyzer {
102 config: ProjectConfig;
103 loader: StreamLoader;
104 analyzer: Analyzer;
105 started: boolean = false;
106 sourceFilesLoaded: boolean = false;
108 private _sourcesStream!: NodeJS.ReadableStream;
109 private _sourcesProcessingStream!: NodeJS.ReadWriteStream;
110 private _dependenciesStream!: Transform;
111 private _dependenciesProcessingStream!: NodeJS.ReadWriteStream;
112 private _warningsFilter: WarningFilter;
114 files = new Map<PackageRelativeUrl, File>();
115 warnings = new Set<Warning>();
116 allFragmentsToAnalyze: Set<LocalFsPath>;
118 analyzeDependencies: Promise<DepsIndex>;
119 _dependencyAnalysis: DepsIndex = {
120 depsToFragments: new Map(),
121 fragmentToDeps: new Map(),
122 fragmentToFullDeps: new Map()
123 };
124 _resolveDependencyAnalysis!: (index: DepsIndex) => void;
126 constructor(
127 config: ProjectConfig,
128 /** If null is given, we do not log warnings. */
129 private readonly streamToWarnTo: (NodeJS.WriteStream|
130 null) = process.stdout) {
131 this.config = config;
133 this.loader = new StreamLoader(this);
134 this.analyzer = new Analyzer({
135 urlLoader: this.loader,
136 // TODO(usergenic): Add option to polymer-build to propagate a protocol
137 // and host option to the FsUrlResolver.
138 urlResolver: new FsUrlResolver(config.root),
140 moduleResolution: config.moduleResolution === 'none' ?
141 undefined :
142 config.moduleResolution,
143 });
145 this.allFragmentsToAnalyze =
146 new Set(this.config.allFragments.map((f) => f as LocalFsPath));
147 this.analyzeDependencies = new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
148 this._resolveDependencyAnalysis = resolve;
149 });
151 const lintOptions: Partial<typeof config.lint> = (this.config.lint || {});
153 const warningCodesToIgnore = new Set(lintOptions.ignoreWarnings || []);
154 // These are expected, as we never want to load remote URLs like
155 // `https://example.com/` when we're building
156 warningCodesToIgnore.add('not-loadable');
157 this._warningsFilter = new WarningFilter(
158 {warningCodesToIgnore, minimumSeverity: Severity.WARNING});
159 }
161 /**
162 * Start analysis by setting up the sources and dependencies analysis
163 * pipelines and starting the source stream. Files will not be loaded from
164 * disk until this is called. Can be called multiple times but will only run
165 * set up once.
166 */
167 startAnalysis(): void {
168 if (this.started) {
169 return;
170 }
171 this.started = true;
173 // Create the base streams for sources & dependencies to be read from.
174 this._dependenciesStream = new PassThrough({objectMode: true});
175 this._sourcesStream = vinylSrc(this.config.sources, {
176 cwdbase: true,
177 nodir: true,
178 });
180 // _sourcesProcessingStream: Pipe the sources stream through...
181 // 1. The resolver stream, to resolve each file loaded via the analyzer
182 // 2. The analyzer stream, to analyze app fragments for dependencies
183 this._sourcesProcessingStream =
184 this._sourcesStream
185 .on('error',
186 (err: Error) =>
187 this._sourcesProcessingStream.emit('error', err))
188 .pipe(new ResolveTransform(this))
189 .on('error',
190 (err: Error) =>
191 this._sourcesProcessingStream.emit('error', err))
192 .on('end', this.onSourcesStreamComplete.bind(this))
193 .pipe(new AnalyzeTransform(this));
195 // _dependenciesProcessingStream: Pipe the dependencies stream through...
196 // 1. The vinyl loading stream, to load file objects from file paths
197 // 2. The resolver stream, to resolve each loaded file for the analyzer
198 this._dependenciesProcessingStream =
199 this._dependenciesStream
200 .on('error',
201 (err: Error) =>
202 this._dependenciesProcessingStream.emit('error', err))
203 .pipe(new VinylReaderTransform())
204 .on('error',
205 (err: Error) =>
206 this._dependenciesProcessingStream.emit('error', err))
207 .pipe(new ResolveTransform(this));
208 }
210 /**
211 * Return _dependenciesOutputStream, which will contain fully loaded file
212 * objects for each dependency after analysis.
213 */
214 dependencies(): NodeJS.ReadableStream {
215 this.startAnalysis();
216 return this._dependenciesProcessingStream;
217 }
219 /**
220 * Return _sourcesOutputStream, which will contain fully loaded file
221 * objects for each source after analysis.
222 */
223 sources(): NodeJS.ReadableStream {
224 this.startAnalysis();
225 return this._sourcesProcessingStream;
226 }
228 /**
229 * Resolve a file in our loader so that the analyzer can read it.
230 */
231 resolveFile(file: File) {
232 const filePath = file.path as LocalFsPath;
233 this.addFile(file);
234 // If our resolver is waiting for this file, resolve its deferred loader
235 if (this.loader.hasDeferredFile(filePath)) {
236 this.loader.resolveDeferredFile(filePath, file);
237 }
238 }
240 /**
241 * Analyze a file to find additional dependencies to load. Currently we only
242 * get dependencies for application fragments. When all fragments are
243 * analyzed, we call _done() to signal that analysis is complete.
244 */
245 async analyzeFile(file: File): Promise<void> {
246 const filePath = file.path as LocalFsPath;
248 // If the file is a fragment, begin analysis on its dependencies
249 if (this.config.isFragment(filePath)) {
250 const deps = await this._getDependencies(this.analyzer.resolveUrl(
251 urlFromPath(this.config.root as LocalFsPath, filePath))!);
252 this._addDependencies(filePath, deps);
253 this.allFragmentsToAnalyze.delete(filePath);
254 // If there are no more fragments to analyze, we are done
255 if (this.allFragmentsToAnalyze.size === 0) {
256 this._done();
257 }
258 }
259 }
261 /**
262 * Perform some checks once we know that `_sourcesStream` is done loading.
263 */
264 private onSourcesStreamComplete() {
265 // Emit an error if there are missing source files still deferred. Otherwise
266 // this would cause the analyzer to hang.
267 for (const filePath of this.loader.deferredFiles.keys()) {
268 if (this.config.isSource(filePath)) {
269 const err = new Error(`Not found: ${filePath}`);
270 this.loader.rejectDeferredFile(filePath, err);
271 }
272 }
274 // Set sourceFilesLoaded so that future files aren't accidentally deferred
275 this.sourceFilesLoaded = true;
276 }
278 /**
279 * Helper function for emitting a general analysis error onto both file
280 * streams.
281 */
282 private emitAnalysisError(err: Error) {
283 this._sourcesProcessingStream.emit('error', err);
284 this._dependenciesProcessingStream.emit('error', err);
285 }
287 /**
288 * Called when analysis is complete and there are no more files to analyze.
289 * Checks for serious errors before resolving its dependency analysis and
290 * ending the dependency stream (which it controls).
291 */
292 private _done() {
293 this.printWarnings();
294 const allWarningCount = this.countWarningsByType();
295 const errorWarningCount = allWarningCount.get(Severity.ERROR)!;
297 // If any ERROR warnings occurred, propagate an error in each build stream.
298 if (errorWarningCount > 0) {
299 this.emitAnalysisError(
300 new Error(`${errorWarningCount} error(s) occurred during build.`));
301 return;
302 }
304 // If analysis somehow finished with files that still needed to be loaded,
305 // propagate an error in each build stream.
306 for (const filePath of this.loader.deferredFiles.keys()) {
307 const err = new Error(`Not found: ${filePath}`);
308 this.loader.rejectDeferredFile(filePath, err);
309 return;
310 }
312 // Resolve our dependency analysis promise now that we have seen all files
313 this._dependenciesStream.end();
314 this._resolveDependencyAnalysis(this._dependencyAnalysis);
315 }
317 getFile(filepath: LocalFsPath): File|undefined {
318 const url = urlFromPath(this.config.root as LocalFsPath, filepath);
319 return this.getFileByUrl(url as PackageRelativeUrl);
320 }
322 getFileByUrl(url: PackageRelativeUrl): File|undefined {
323 // TODO(usergenic): url carefulness bug, take an extra careful look at this.
324 if (url.startsWith('/')) {
325 url = url.substring(1) as PackageRelativeUrl;
326 }
327 return this.files.get(url);
328 }
330 /**
331 * A side-channel to add files to the loader that did not come through the
332 * stream transformation. This is for generated files, like
333 * shared-bundle.html. This should probably be refactored so that the files
334 * can be injected into the stream.
335 */
336 addFile(file: File): void {
337 logger.debug(`addFile: ${file.path}`);
338 // Badly-behaved upstream transformers (looking at you gulp-html-minifier)
339 // may use posix path separators on Windows.
340 const filepath = path.normalize(file.path) as LocalFsPath;
341 // Store only root-relative paths, in URL/posix format
342 this.files.set(
343 urlFromPath(this.config.root as LocalFsPath, filepath), file);
344 }
346 printWarnings(): void {
347 if (this.streamToWarnTo === null) {
348 return;
349 }
350 const warningPrinter = new WarningPrinter(this.streamToWarnTo);
351 warningPrinter.printWarnings(this.warnings);
352 }
354 private countWarningsByType(): Map<Severity, number> {
355 const errorCountMap = new Map<Severity, number>();
356 errorCountMap.set(Severity.INFO, 0);
357 errorCountMap.set(Severity.WARNING, 0);
358 errorCountMap.set(Severity.ERROR, 0);
359 for (const warning of this.warnings) {
360 errorCountMap.set(
361 warning.severity, errorCountMap.get(warning.severity)! + 1);
362 }
363 return errorCountMap;
364 }
367 /**
368 * Attempts to retreive document-order transitive dependencies for `url`.
369 */
370 async _getDependencies(url: ResolvedUrl): Promise<DocumentDeps> {
371 const analysis = await this.analyzer.analyze([url]);
372 const result = analysis.getDocument(url);
374 if (result.successful === false) {
375 const message = result.error && result.error.message || 'unknown';
376 throw new Error(`Unable to get document ${url}: ${message}`);
377 }
379 const doc = result.value;
380 doc.getWarnings({imported: true})
381 .filter((w) => !this._warningsFilter.shouldIgnore(w))
382 .forEach((w) => this.warnings.add(w));
384 const scripts = new Set<PackageRelativeUrl>();
385 const styles = new Set<PackageRelativeUrl>();
386 const imports = new Set<PackageRelativeUrl>();
388 const importFeatures = doc.getFeatures(
389 {kind: 'import', externalPackages: true, imported: true});
390 for (const importFeature of importFeatures) {
391 const importUrl = importFeature.url;
392 if (!this.analyzer.canLoad(importUrl)) {
393 logger.debug(`ignoring external dependency: ${importUrl}`);
394 } else if (importFeature.type === 'html-script') {
395 scripts.add(this.analyzer.urlResolver.relative(importUrl));
396 } else if (importFeature.type === 'html-style') {
397 styles.add(this.analyzer.urlResolver.relative(importUrl));
398 } else if (importFeature.type === 'html-import') {
399 imports.add(this.analyzer.urlResolver.relative(importUrl));
400 } else {
401 logger.debug(
402 `unexpected import type encountered: ${importFeature.type}`);
403 }
404 }
406 const deps = {
407 scripts: [...scripts],
408 styles: [...styles],
409 imports: [...imports],
410 };
411 logger.debug(`dependencies analyzed for: ${url}`, deps);
412 return deps;
413 }
415 _addDependencies(filePath: LocalFsPath, deps: DocumentDeps) {
416 // Make sure function is being called properly
417 if (!this.allFragmentsToAnalyze.has(filePath)) {
418 throw new Error(`Dependency analysis incorrectly called for ${filePath}`);
419 }
421 const relativeUrl = urlFromPath(this.config.root as LocalFsPath, filePath);
422 // Add dependencies to _dependencyAnalysis object, and push them through
423 // the dependency stream.
424 this._dependencyAnalysis.fragmentToFullDeps.set(relativeUrl, deps);
425 this._dependencyAnalysis.fragmentToDeps.set(relativeUrl, deps.imports);
426 deps.imports.forEach((url) => {
427 const entrypointList = this._dependencyAnalysis.depsToFragments.get(url);
428 if (entrypointList) {
429 entrypointList.push(relativeUrl);
430 } else {
431 this._dependencyAnalysis.depsToFragments.set(url, [relativeUrl]);
432 }
433 });
434 }
436 /**
437 * Check that the source stream has not already completed loading by the
438 * time
439 * this file was analyzed.
440 */
441 sourcePathAnalyzed(filePath: LocalFsPath): void {
442 // If we've analyzed a new path to a source file after the sources
443 // stream has completed, we can assume that that file does not
444 // exist. Reject with a "Not Found" error.
445 if (this.sourceFilesLoaded) {
446 throw new Error(`Not found: "${filePath}"`);
447 }
448 // Source files are loaded automatically through the vinyl source
449 // stream. If it hasn't been seen yet, defer resolving until it has
450 // been loaded by vinyl.
451 logger.debug('dependency is a source file, ignoring...', {dep: filePath});
452 }
454 /**
455 * Push the given filepath into the dependencies stream for loading.
456 * Each dependency is only pushed through once to avoid duplicates.
457 */
458 dependencyPathAnalyzed(filePath: LocalFsPath): void {
459 if (this.getFile(filePath)) {
460 logger.debug(
461 'dependency has already been pushed, ignoring...', {dep: filePath});
462 return;
463 }
465 logger.debug(
466 'new dependency analyzed, pushing into dependency stream...', filePath);
467 this._dependenciesStream.push(filePath);
468 }
471export type ResolveFileCallback = (a: string) => void;
472export type RejectFileCallback = (err: Error) => void;
473export type DeferredFileCallbacks = {
474 resolve: ResolveFileCallback; reject: RejectFileCallback;
477export class StreamLoader implements UrlLoader {
478 config: ProjectConfig;
479 private _buildAnalyzer: BuildAnalyzer;
481 // Store files that have not yet entered the Analyzer stream here.
482 // Later, when the file is seen, the DeferredFileCallback can be
483 // called with the file contents to resolve its loading.
484 deferredFiles = new Map<LocalFsPath, DeferredFileCallbacks>();
486 constructor(buildAnalyzer: BuildAnalyzer) {
487 this._buildAnalyzer = buildAnalyzer;
488 this.config = this._buildAnalyzer.config;
489 }
491 hasDeferredFile(filePath: LocalFsPath): boolean {
492 return this.deferredFiles.has(filePath);
493 }
495 hasDeferredFiles(): boolean {
496 return this.deferredFiles.size > 0;
497 }
499 resolveDeferredFile(filePath: LocalFsPath, file: File): void {
500 const deferredCallbacks = this.deferredFiles.get(filePath);
501 if (deferredCallbacks == null) {
502 throw new Error(
503 `Internal error: could not get deferredCallbacks for ${filePath}`);
504 }
505 deferredCallbacks.resolve(file.contents!.toString());
506 this.deferredFiles.delete(filePath);
507 }
509 rejectDeferredFile(filePath: LocalFsPath, err: Error): void {
510 const deferredCallbacks = this.deferredFiles.get(filePath);
511 if (deferredCallbacks == null) {
512 throw new Error(
513 `Internal error: could not get deferredCallbacks for ${filePath}`);
514 }
515 deferredCallbacks.reject(err);
516 this.deferredFiles.delete(filePath);
517 }
519 // We can't load external dependencies.
520 canLoad(url: ResolvedUrl): boolean {
521 return url.startsWith('file:///');
522 }
524 async load(url: ResolvedUrl): Promise<string> {
525 logger.debug(`loading: ${url}`);
526 if (!this.canLoad(url)) {
527 throw new Error('Unable to load ${url}.');
528 }
530 const urlPath = this._buildAnalyzer.analyzer.urlResolver.relative(url);
531 const filePath = pathFromUrl(this.config.root as LocalFsPath, urlPath);
532 const file = this._buildAnalyzer.getFile(filePath);
534 if (file) {
535 return file.contents!.toString();
536 }
538 return new Promise(
539 (resolve: ResolveFileCallback, reject: RejectFileCallback) => {
540 this.deferredFiles.set(filePath, {resolve, reject});
541 try {
542 if (this.config.isSource(filePath)) {
543 this._buildAnalyzer.sourcePathAnalyzed(filePath);
544 } else {
545 this._buildAnalyzer.dependencyPathAnalyzed(filePath);
546 }
547 } catch (err) {
548 this.rejectDeferredFile(filePath, err);
549 }
550 });
551 }