138 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var jsCommon;
3!function(jsCommon) {
4 var DOMConstants;
5 !function(DOMConstants) {
6 DOMConstants.escKeyCode = 27, DOMConstants.enterKeyCode = 13, DOMConstants.tabKeyCode = 9,
7 DOMConstants.upArrowKeyCode = 38, DOMConstants.downArrowKeyCode = 40, DOMConstants.leftArrowKeyCode = 37,
8 DOMConstants.rightArrowKeyCode = 39, DOMConstants.homeKeyCode = 36, DOMConstants.endKeyCode = 35,
9 DOMConstants.backSpaceKeyCode = 8, DOMConstants.deleteKeyCode = 46, DOMConstants.spaceKeyCode = 32,
10 DOMConstants.shiftKeyCode = 16, DOMConstants.ctrlKeyCode = 17, DOMConstants.altKeyCode = 18,
11 DOMConstants.aKeyCode = 65, DOMConstants.cKeyCode = 67, DOMConstants.sKeyCode = 83,
12 DOMConstants.vKeyCode = 86, DOMConstants.wKeyCode = 87, DOMConstants.xKeyCode = 88,
13 DOMConstants.yKeyCode = 89, DOMConstants.zKeyCode = 90, DOMConstants.DocumentBody = "body",
14 DOMConstants.Anchor = "a", DOMConstants.EditableTextElements = ":text, textarea",
15 DOMConstants.EditableNumericElements = '[type="number"]', DOMConstants.disabledAttributeOrValue = "disabled",
16 DOMConstants.readonlyAttributeOrValue = "readonly", DOMConstants.idAttribute = "id",
17 DOMConstants.styleAttribute = "style", DOMConstants.hrefAttribute = "href", DOMConstants.targetAttribute = "target",
18 DOMConstants.blankValue = "_blank", DOMConstants.selfValue = "_self", DOMConstants.classAttribute = "class",
19 DOMConstants.titleAttribute = "title", DOMConstants.srcAttribute = "src", DOMConstants.contextmenuEventName = "contextmenu",
20 DOMConstants.blurEventName = "blur", DOMConstants.keyUpEventName = "keyup", DOMConstants.inputEventName = "input",
21 DOMConstants.changeEventName = "change", DOMConstants.cutEventName = "cut", DOMConstants.keyDownEventName = "keydown",
22 DOMConstants.mouseMoveEventName = "mousemove", DOMConstants.mouseDownEventName = "mousedown",
23 DOMConstants.mouseEnterEventName = "mouseenter", DOMConstants.mouseLeaveEventName = "mouseleave",
24 DOMConstants.mouseOverEventName = "mouseover", DOMConstants.mouseOutEventName = "mouseout",
25 DOMConstants.mouseClickEventName = "click", DOMConstants.pasteEventName = "paste",
26 DOMConstants.scrollEventName = "scroll", DOMConstants.dropEventName = "drop", DOMConstants.focusEventName = "focus",
27 DOMConstants.focusInEventName = "focusin", DOMConstants.focusOutEventName = "focusout",
28 DOMConstants.selectEventName = "select", DOMConstants.messageEventName = "message",
29 DOMConstants.loadEventName = "load", DOMConstants.beforeUnload = "beforeunload",
30 DOMConstants.inputAndSelectEventNames = "input, select";
31 }(DOMConstants = jsCommon.DOMConstants || (jsCommon.DOMConstants = {}));
32}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
34var powerbi;
36!function(powerbi) {
37 !function(PowerBIErrorResourceType) {
38 PowerBIErrorResourceType[PowerBIErrorResourceType.ResourceCodeReference = 0] = "ResourceCodeReference",
39 PowerBIErrorResourceType[PowerBIErrorResourceType.EmbeddedString = 1] = "EmbeddedString";
40 }(powerbi.PowerBIErrorResourceType || (powerbi.PowerBIErrorResourceType = {}));
41 var PowerBIErrorResourceType = powerbi.PowerBIErrorResourceType, ServiceErrorToClientError = function() {
42 function ServiceErrorToClientError(serviceError) {
43 this.m_serviceError = serviceError;
44 }
45 return Object.defineProperty(ServiceErrorToClientError.prototype, "code", {
46 get: function() {
47 return ServiceErrorToClientError.codeName;
48 },
49 enumerable: !0,
50 configurable: !0
51 }), Object.defineProperty(ServiceErrorToClientError.prototype, "ignorable", {
52 get: function() {
53 return !1;
54 },
55 enumerable: !0,
56 configurable: !0
57 }), Object.defineProperty(ServiceErrorToClientError.prototype, "requestId", {
58 get: function() {
59 return this.httpRequestId;
60 },
61 set: function(value) {
62 this.httpRequestId = value;
63 },
64 enumerable: !0,
65 configurable: !0
66 }), ServiceErrorToClientError.prototype.getDetails = function(resourceProvider) {
67 var errorDetails;
68 return errorDetails = 6 === this.m_serviceError.statusCode ? PowerBIErrorDetailHelper.GetDetailsFromTransformError(resourceProvider, this.m_serviceError) : PowerBIErrorDetailHelper.GetDetailsFromServerErrorStatusCode(resourceProvider, this.m_serviceError.statusCode),
69 PowerBIErrorDetailHelper.addAdditionalInfo(errorDetails, this.m_serviceError.errorDetails, resourceProvider),
70 PowerBIErrorDetailHelper.addMessageAndStackTrace(errorDetails, this.m_serviceError.message || null, this.m_serviceError.stackTrace || null, resourceProvider),
71 errorDetails;
72 }, ServiceErrorToClientError.codeName = "ServiceErrorToClientError", ServiceErrorToClientError;
73 }();
74 powerbi.ServiceErrorToClientError = ServiceErrorToClientError;
75 var PowerBIErrorDetailHelper = function() {
76 function PowerBIErrorDetailHelper() {}
77 return PowerBIErrorDetailHelper.addAdditionalInfo = function(errorDetails, pbiErrorDetails, localize) {
78 if (pbiErrorDetails) for (var i = 0; i < pbiErrorDetails.length; i++) {
79 var element = pbiErrorDetails[i], localizedCode = localize.getOptional(PowerBIErrorDetailHelper.serverErrorPrefix + element.code), additionErrorInfoKeyValuePair = {
80 errorInfoKey: localizedCode ? localizedCode : element.code,
81 errorInfoValue: element.detail.type === PowerBIErrorResourceType.ResourceCodeReference ? localize.get(PowerBIErrorDetailHelper.serverErrorPrefix + element.detail.value) : element.detail.value
82 };
83 errorDetails.additionalErrorInfo.push(additionErrorInfoKeyValuePair);
84 }
85 return errorDetails;
86 }, PowerBIErrorDetailHelper.addMessageAndStackTrace = function(errorDetails, message, stackTrace, localize) {
87 if (message) {
88 var additionErrorInfoKeyValuePair = {
89 errorInfoKey: localize.get("AdditionalErrorInfo_ErrorDetailsText"),
90 errorInfoValue: message
91 };
92 errorDetails.additionalErrorInfo.push(additionErrorInfoKeyValuePair);
93 }
94 if (stackTrace) {
95 var additionErrorInfoKeyValuePair = {
96 errorInfoKey: localize.get("AdditionalErrorInfo_StackTraceText"),
97 errorInfoValue: stackTrace
98 };
99 errorDetails.additionalErrorInfo.push(additionErrorInfoKeyValuePair);
100 }
101 return errorDetails;
102 }, PowerBIErrorDetailHelper.GetDetailsFromTransformError = function(localize, serviceError) {
103 var message = localize.get("ServiceError_CannotLoadVisual"), key = localize.get("ServiceError_CannotLoadVisual"), val = serviceError.message, additionalInfo = [];
104 additionalInfo.push({
105 errorInfoKey: key,
106 errorInfoValue: val
107 });
108 var errorDetails = {
109 message: message,
110 additionalErrorInfo: additionalInfo
111 };
112 return errorDetails;
113 }, PowerBIErrorDetailHelper.GetDetailsFromServerErrorStatusCode = function(localize, statusCode) {
114 var message = "", key = "", val = "";
115 switch (statusCode) {
116 case 2:
117 message = localize.get("ServiceError_ModelCannotLoad"), key = localize.get("ServiceError_ModelConvertFailureKey"),
118 val = localize.get("ServiceError_ModelConvertFailureValue");
119 break;
121 case 3:
122 message = localize.get("ServiceError_ModelCannotLoad"), key = localize.get("ServiceError_ModelCreationFailureKey"),
123 val = localize.get("ServiceError_ModelCreationFailureValue");
124 break;
126 case 1:
127 message = localize.get("ServiceError_ModelCannotLoad"), key = localize.get("ServiceError_ModelFetchingFailureKey"),
128 val = localize.get("ServiceError_ModelFetchingFailureValue");
129 break;
131 case 4:
132 message = localize.get("ServiceError_CannotLoadVisual"), key = localize.get("ServiceError_ExecuteSemanticQueryErrorKey"),
133 val = localize.get("ServiceError_ExecuteSemanticQueryErrorValue");
134 break;
136 case 5:
137 message = localize.get("ServiceError_CannotLoadVisual"), key = localize.get("ServiceError_ExecuteSemanticQueryInvalidStreamFormatKey"),
138 val = localize.get("ServiceError_ExecuteSemanticQueryInvalidStreamFormatValue");
139 break;
141 case 0:
142 default:
143 message = localize.get("ServiceError_GeneralError"), key = localize.get("ServiceError_GeneralErrorKey"),
144 val = localize.get("ServiceError_GeneralErrorValue");
145 }
146 var additionalInfo = [];
147 additionalInfo.push({
148 errorInfoKey: key,
149 errorInfoValue: val
150 });
151 var errorDetails = {
152 message: message,
153 additionalErrorInfo: additionalInfo
154 };
155 return errorDetails;
156 }, PowerBIErrorDetailHelper.serverErrorPrefix = "ServerError_", PowerBIErrorDetailHelper;
157 }();
158 powerbi.PowerBIErrorDetailHelper = PowerBIErrorDetailHelper;
159}(powerbi || (powerbi = {}));
161var powerbi;
163!function(powerbi) {}(powerbi || (powerbi = {}));
165var powerbi;
167if (function(powerbi) {
168 function createGeoTaggingAnalyzerService(getLocalized) {
169 return new GeoTaggingAnalyzerService(getLocalized);
170 }
171 powerbi.CategoryTypes = {
172 Address: "Address",
173 City: "City",
174 Continent: "Continent",
175 CountryRegion: "Country",
176 County: "County",
177 Longitude: "Longitude",
178 Latitude: "Latitude",
179 Place: "Place",
180 PostalCode: "PostalCode",
181 StateOrProvince: "StateOrProvince"
182 }, powerbi.createGeoTaggingAnalyzerService = createGeoTaggingAnalyzerService;
183 var EnglishBackup = {
184 GeotaggingString_Continent: "continent",
185 GeotaggingString_Continents: "continents",
186 GeotaggingString_Country: "country",
187 GeotaggingString_Countries: "countries",
188 GeotaggingString_State: "state",
189 GeotaggingString_States: "states",
190 GeotaggingString_City: "city",
191 GeotaggingString_Cities: "cities",
192 GeotaggingString_Town: "town",
193 GeotaggingString_Towns: "towns",
194 GeotaggingString_Province: "province",
195 GeotaggingString_Provinces: "provinces",
196 GeotaggingString_County: "county",
197 GeotaggingString_Counties: "counties",
198 GeotaggingString_Village: "village",
199 GeotaggingString_Villages: "villages",
200 GeotaggingString_Post: "post",
201 GeotaggingString_Zip: "zip",
202 GeotaggingString_Code: "code",
203 GeotaggingString_Place: "place",
204 GeotaggingString_Places: "places",
205 GeotaggingString_Address: "address",
206 GeotaggingString_Addresses: "addresses",
207 GeotaggingString_Street: "street",
208 GeotaggingString_Streets: "streets",
209 GeotaggingString_Longitude: "longitude",
210 GeotaggingString_Longitude_Short: "lon",
211 GeotaggingString_Latitude: "latitude",
212 GeotaggingString_Latitude_Short: "lat",
213 GeotaggingString_PostalCode: "postal code",
214 GeotaggingString_PostalCodes: "postal codes",
215 GeotaggingString_ZipCode: "zip code",
216 GeotaggingString_ZipCodes: "zip codes",
217 GeotaggingString_Territory: "territory",
218 GeotaggingString_Territories: "territories",
219 GeotaggingString_VRMBackCompat_CountryRegion: "CountryRegion",
220 GeotaggingString_VRMBackCompat_StateOrProvince: "StateOrProvince"
221 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService = function() {
222 function GeoTaggingAnalyzerService(getLocalized) {
223 this.GeotaggingString_VRMBackCompat_CountryRegion = "CountryRegion", this.GeotaggingString_VRMBackCompat_StateOrProvince = "StateOrProvince",
224 this.GeotaggingString_Continent = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Continent").toLowerCase(),
225 this.GeotaggingString_Continents = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Continents").toLowerCase(),
226 this.GeotaggingString_Country = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Country").toLowerCase(),
227 this.GeotaggingString_Countries = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Countries").toLowerCase(),
228 this.GeotaggingString_State = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_State").toLowerCase(),
229 this.GeotaggingString_States = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_States").toLowerCase(),
230 this.GeotaggingString_City = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_City").toLowerCase(),
231 this.GeotaggingString_Cities = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Cities").toLowerCase(),
232 this.GeotaggingString_Town = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Town").toLowerCase(),
233 this.GeotaggingString_Towns = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Towns").toLowerCase(),
234 this.GeotaggingString_Province = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Province").toLowerCase(),
235 this.GeotaggingString_Provinces = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Provinces").toLowerCase(),
236 this.GeotaggingString_County = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_County").toLowerCase(),
237 this.GeotaggingString_Counties = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Counties").toLowerCase(),
238 this.GeotaggingString_Village = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Village").toLowerCase(),
239 this.GeotaggingString_Villages = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Villages").toLowerCase(),
240 this.GeotaggingString_Post = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Post").toLowerCase(),
241 this.GeotaggingString_Zip = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Zip").toLowerCase(),
242 this.GeotaggingString_Code = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Code").toLowerCase(),
243 this.GeotaggingString_Place = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Place").toLowerCase(),
244 this.GeotaggingString_Places = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Places").toLowerCase(),
245 this.GeotaggingString_Address = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Address").toLowerCase(),
246 this.GeotaggingString_Addresses = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Addresses").toLowerCase(),
247 this.GeotaggingString_Street = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Street").toLowerCase(),
248 this.GeotaggingString_Streets = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Streets").toLowerCase(),
249 this.GeotaggingString_Longitude = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Longitude").toLowerCase(),
250 this.GeotaggingString_Longitude_Short = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Longitude_Short").toLowerCase(),
251 this.GeotaggingString_Latitude = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Latitude").toLowerCase(),
252 this.GeotaggingString_Latitude_Short = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Latitude_Short").toLowerCase(),
253 this.GeotaggingString_PostalCode = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_PostalCode").toLowerCase(),
254 this.GeotaggingString_PostalCodes = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_PostalCodes").toLowerCase(),
255 this.GeotaggingString_ZipCode = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_ZipCode").toLowerCase(),
256 this.GeotaggingString_ZipCodes = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_ZipCodes").toLowerCase(),
257 this.GeotaggingString_Territory = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Territory").toLowerCase(),
258 this.GeotaggingString_Territories = getLocalized("GeotaggingString_Territories").toLowerCase();
259 }
260 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isLongitudeOrLatitude = function(fieldRefName) {
261 return this.isLongitude(fieldRefName) || this.isLatitude(fieldRefName);
262 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isGeographic = function(fieldRefName) {
263 return this.isLongitudeOrLatitude(fieldRefName) || this.isGeocodable(fieldRefName);
264 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isGeocodable = function(fieldRefName) {
265 return this.isAddress(fieldRefName) || this.isCity(fieldRefName) || this.isContinent(fieldRefName) || this.isCountry(fieldRefName) || this.isCounty(fieldRefName) || this.isStateOrProvince(fieldRefName) || this.isPlace(fieldRefName) || this.isPostalCode(fieldRefName) || this.isTerritory(fieldRefName);
266 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isGeoshapable = function(fieldRefName) {
267 return this.isCity(fieldRefName) || this.isCountry(fieldRefName) || this.isCounty(fieldRefName) || this.isStateOrProvince(fieldRefName) || this.isPostalCode(fieldRefName) || this.isTerritory(fieldRefName) || this.isGeoshapableEnglish(fieldRefName);
268 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isGeoshapableEnglish = function(fieldRefName) {
269 return this.isEnglishCity(fieldRefName) || this.isEnglishCountry(fieldRefName) || this.isEnglishCounty(fieldRefName) || this.isEnglishStateOrProvince(fieldRefName) || this.isEnglishPostalCode(fieldRefName) || this.isEnglishTerritory(fieldRefName);
270 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isAddress = function(fieldRefName) {
271 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ this.GeotaggingString_Address, this.GeotaggingString_Addresses, this.GeotaggingString_Street, this.GeotaggingString_Streets ]);
272 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isPlace = function(fieldRefName) {
273 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ this.GeotaggingString_Place, this.GeotaggingString_Places ]);
274 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isCity = function(fieldRefName) {
275 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ this.GeotaggingString_City, this.GeotaggingString_Cities, this.GeotaggingString_Town, this.GeotaggingString_Towns, this.GeotaggingString_Village, this.GeotaggingString_Villages ]);
276 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isStateOrProvince = function(fieldRefName) {
277 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ this.GeotaggingString_State, this.GeotaggingString_States, this.GeotaggingString_Province, this.GeotaggingString_Provinces, this.GeotaggingString_VRMBackCompat_StateOrProvince ]);
278 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isCountry = function(fieldRefName) {
279 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ this.GeotaggingString_Country, this.GeotaggingString_Countries, this.GeotaggingString_VRMBackCompat_CountryRegion ]);
280 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isCounty = function(fieldRefName) {
281 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ this.GeotaggingString_County, this.GeotaggingString_Counties ]);
282 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isContinent = function(fieldRefName) {
283 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ this.GeotaggingString_Continent, this.GeotaggingString_Continents ]);
284 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isPostalCode = function(fieldRefName) {
285 var result = GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ this.GeotaggingString_Post, this.GeotaggingString_Zip ]) && GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ this.GeotaggingString_Code ]) || GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ this.GeotaggingString_PostalCode, this.GeotaggingString_PostalCodes, this.GeotaggingString_ZipCode, this.GeotaggingString_ZipCodes ]);
286 if (!result) {
287 var whiteSpaceRegex = /\s+/, fieldNameWithoutWhitespace = fieldRefName.replace(whiteSpaceRegex, "");
288 result = GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldNameWithoutWhitespace, [ this.GeotaggingString_PostalCode.replace(whiteSpaceRegex, ""), this.GeotaggingString_PostalCodes.replace(whiteSpaceRegex, ""), this.GeotaggingString_ZipCode.replace(whiteSpaceRegex, ""), this.GeotaggingString_ZipCodes.replace(whiteSpaceRegex, "") ]);
289 }
290 return result;
291 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isLongitude = function(fieldRefName) {
292 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ this.GeotaggingString_Longitude ]) || GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ this.GeotaggingString_Longitude_Short ], !0);
293 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isLatitude = function(fieldRefName) {
294 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ this.GeotaggingString_Latitude ]) || GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ this.GeotaggingString_Latitude_Short ], !0);
295 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isTerritory = function(fieldRefName) {
296 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ this.GeotaggingString_Territory, this.GeotaggingString_Territories ]);
297 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches = function(fieldName, possibleMatches, useStrict) {
298 for (var nonWordRegex = /\W/, value = fieldName.toLowerCase(), i = 0, len = possibleMatches.length; len > i; i++) {
299 var possibleMatch = possibleMatches[i].toLowerCase();
300 if (useStrict) {
301 var indexofpossibleMatch = value.indexOf(possibleMatch);
302 if (indexofpossibleMatch > -1) {
303 var wordEndFlag = void 0, wordBeginFlag = void 0;
304 if (wordEndFlag = wordBeginFlag = !0, indexofpossibleMatch - 1 > 0 && (wordBeginFlag = nonWordRegex.test(value[indexofpossibleMatch - 1])),
305 indexofpossibleMatch + possibleMatch.length < value.length && (wordEndFlag = nonWordRegex.test(value[indexofpossibleMatch + possibleMatch.length])),
306 wordBeginFlag && wordEndFlag) return !0;
307 }
308 } else if (value.indexOf(possibleMatch) > -1) return !0;
309 }
310 return !1;
311 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.getFieldType = function(fieldName) {
312 return null != fieldName ? this.isLatitude(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.Latitude : this.isLongitude(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.Longitude : this.isPostalCode(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.PostalCode : this.isAddress(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.Address : this.isPlace(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.Place : this.isCity(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.City : this.isCountry(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.CountryRegion : this.isCounty(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.County : this.isStateOrProvince(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.StateOrProvince : this.isContinent(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.Continent : this.getEnglishFieldType(fieldName) : void 0;
313 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isEnglishAddress = function(fieldRefName) {
314 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Address, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Addresses, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Street, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Streets ]);
315 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isEnglishPlace = function(fieldRefName) {
316 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Place, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Places ]);
317 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isEnglishCity = function(fieldRefName) {
318 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_City, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Cities, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Town, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Towns, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Village, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Villages ]);
319 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isEnglishStateOrProvince = function(fieldRefName) {
320 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_State, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_States, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Province, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Provinces, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_VRMBackCompat_StateOrProvince ]);
321 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isEnglishCountry = function(fieldRefName) {
322 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Country, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Countries, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_VRMBackCompat_CountryRegion ]);
323 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isEnglishCounty = function(fieldRefName) {
324 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_County, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Counties ]);
325 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isEnglishContinent = function(fieldRefName) {
326 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Continent, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Continents ]);
327 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isEnglishPostalCode = function(fieldRefName) {
328 var result = GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Post, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Zip ]) && GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ this.GeotaggingString_Code ]) || GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_PostalCode, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_PostalCodes, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_ZipCode, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_ZipCodes ]);
329 if (!result) {
330 var whiteSpaceRegexPattern = new RegExp("s");
331 result = GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_PostalCode.replace(whiteSpaceRegexPattern, ""), EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_PostalCodes.replace(whiteSpaceRegexPattern, ""), EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_ZipCode.replace(whiteSpaceRegexPattern, ""), EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_ZipCodes.replace(whiteSpaceRegexPattern, "") ]);
332 }
333 return result;
334 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isEnglishLongitude = function(fieldRefName) {
335 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Longitude ]) || GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Longitude_Short ], !0);
336 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isEnglishLatitude = function(fieldRefName) {
337 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Latitude ]) || GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Latitude_Short ], !0);
338 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.isEnglishTerritory = function(fieldRefName) {
339 return GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.hasMatches(fieldRefName, [ EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Territory, EnglishBackup.GeotaggingString_Territories ]);
340 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService.prototype.getEnglishFieldType = function(fieldName) {
341 return null != fieldName ? this.isEnglishLatitude(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.Latitude : this.isEnglishLongitude(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.Longitude : this.isEnglishPostalCode(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.PostalCode : this.isEnglishAddress(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.Address : this.isEnglishPlace(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.Place : this.isEnglishCity(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.City : this.isEnglishCountry(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.CountryRegion : this.isEnglishCounty(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.County : this.isEnglishStateOrProvince(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.StateOrProvince : this.isEnglishContinent(fieldName) ? powerbi.CategoryTypes.Continent : void 0 : void 0;
342 }, GeoTaggingAnalyzerService;
343 }();
344 powerbi.GeoTaggingAnalyzerService = GeoTaggingAnalyzerService;
345}(powerbi || (powerbi = {})), "undefined" == typeof DEBUG) var DEBUG = !0;
347var powerbi;
349!function(powerbi) {
350 var UnknownClientError = function() {
351 function UnknownClientError(code) {
352 this.errorCode = code;
353 }
354 return Object.defineProperty(UnknownClientError.prototype, "code", {
355 get: function() {
356 return this.errorCode;
357 },
358 enumerable: !0,
359 configurable: !0
360 }), Object.defineProperty(UnknownClientError.prototype, "ignorable", {
361 get: function() {
362 return !1;
363 },
364 enumerable: !0,
365 configurable: !0
366 }), UnknownClientError.prototype.getDetails = function(resourceProvider) {
367 var details = {
368 message: resourceProvider.get("ClientError_UnknownClientErrorValue"),
369 additionalErrorInfo: [ {
370 errorInfoKey: resourceProvider.get("ClientError_UnknownClientErrorKey"),
371 errorInfoValue: resourceProvider.get("ClientError_UnknownClientErrorValue")
372 } ]
373 };
374 return details;
375 }, UnknownClientError;
376 }();
377 powerbi.UnknownClientError = UnknownClientError;
378 var HttpClientError = function() {
379 function HttpClientError(httpStatusCode, requestId) {
380 this.httpStatusCode = httpStatusCode, this.httpRequestId = requestId;
381 }
382 return Object.defineProperty(HttpClientError.prototype, "code", {
383 get: function() {
384 return "HttpClientError";
385 },
386 enumerable: !0,
387 configurable: !0
388 }), Object.defineProperty(HttpClientError.prototype, "ignorable", {
389 get: function() {
390 return !1;
391 },
392 enumerable: !0,
393 configurable: !0
394 }), Object.defineProperty(HttpClientError.prototype, "requestId", {
395 get: function() {
396 return this.httpRequestId;
397 },
398 enumerable: !0,
399 configurable: !0
400 }), HttpClientError.prototype.getDetails = function(resourceProvider) {
401 var details = {
402 message: null,
403 additionalErrorInfo: [ {
404 errorInfoKey: resourceProvider.get("DsrError_Key"),
405 errorInfoValue: resourceProvider.get("DsrError_UnknownErrorValue")
406 }, {
407 errorInfoKey: resourceProvider.get("ClientError_HttpResponseStatusCodeKey"),
408 errorInfoValue: this.httpStatusCode.toString()
409 } ]
410 };
411 return details;
412 }, HttpClientError;
413 }();
414 powerbi.HttpClientError = HttpClientError;
415 var IgnorableClientError = function() {
416 function IgnorableClientError() {}
417 return Object.defineProperty(IgnorableClientError.prototype, "code", {
418 get: function() {
419 return "IgnorableClientError";
420 },
421 enumerable: !0,
422 configurable: !0
423 }), Object.defineProperty(IgnorableClientError.prototype, "ignorable", {
424 get: function() {
425 return !0;
426 },
427 enumerable: !0,
428 configurable: !0
429 }), IgnorableClientError.prototype.getDetails = function(resourceProvider) {
430 var details = {
431 message: "",
432 additionalErrorInfo: []
433 };
434 return details;
435 }, IgnorableClientError;
436 }();
437 powerbi.IgnorableClientError = IgnorableClientError;
438}(powerbi || (powerbi = {}));
440var jsCommon;
442!function(jsCommon) {
443 var ArrayExtensions;
444 !function(ArrayExtensions) {
445 function intersect(target, other) {
446 for (var result = [], i = target.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) -1 !== other.indexOf(target[i]) && result.push(target[i]);
447 return result;
448 }
449 function diff(target, other) {
450 for (var result = [], i = target.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
451 var value = target[i];
452 -1 === other.indexOf(value) && result.push(value);
453 }
454 return result;
455 }
456 function distinct(source) {
457 for (var result = [], i = 0, len = source.length; len > i; i++) {
458 var value = source[i];
459 -1 === result.indexOf(value) && result.push(value);
460 }
461 return result;
462 }
463 function union(target, source) {
464 for (var i = 0, len = source.length; len > i; ++i) unionSingle(target, source[i]);
465 }
466 function unionSingle(target, value) {
467 target.indexOf(value) < 0 && target.push(value);
468 }
469 function range(source, startIndex, endIndex) {
470 for (var result = [], i = startIndex; endIndex >= i; ++i) result.push(source[i]);
471 return result;
472 }
473 function take(source, count) {
474 for (var result = [], i = 0; count > i; ++i) result.push(source[i]);
475 return result;
476 }
477 function copy(source) {
478 return take(source, source.length);
479 }
480 function sequenceEqual(left, right, comparison) {
481 if (left === right) return !0;
482 if (!!left != !!right) return !1;
483 var len = left.length;
484 if (len !== right.length) return !1;
485 for (var i = 0; len > i && comparison(left[i], right[i]); ) ++i;
486 return i === len;
487 }
488 function emptyToNull(array) {
489 return array && 0 === array.length ? null : array;
490 }
491 function indexOf(array, predicate) {
492 for (var i = 0, len = array.length; len > i; ++i) if (predicate(array[i])) return i;
493 return -1;
494 }
495 function rotate(array, offset) {
496 if (0 === offset) return array.slice();
497 var rotated = array.slice(offset);
498 return Array.prototype.push.apply(rotated, array.slice(0, offset)), rotated;
499 }
500 function createWithId() {
501 return extendWithId([]);
502 }
503 function extendWithId(array) {
504 var extended = array;
505 return extended.withId = withId, extended;
506 }
507 function findWithId(array, id) {
508 for (var i = 0, len = array.length; len > i; i++) {
509 var item = array[i];
510 if (item.id === id) return item;
511 }
512 }
513 function withId(id) {
514 return ArrayExtensions.findWithId(this, id);
515 }
516 function createWithName() {
517 return extendWithName([]);
518 }
519 function extendWithName(array) {
520 var extended = array;
521 return extended.withName = withName, extended;
522 }
523 function findItemWithName(array, name) {
524 var index = indexWithName(array, name);
525 return index >= 0 ? array[index] : void 0;
526 }
527 function indexWithName(array, name) {
528 for (var i = 0, len = array.length; len > i; i++) {
529 var item = array[i];
530 if (item.name === name) return i;
531 }
532 return -1;
533 }
534 function insertSorted(list, value) {
535 for (var len = list.length, i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
536 var diff_1 = list[i] - value;
537 if (0 === diff_1) return !1;
538 if (!(diff_1 > 0)) return list.splice(i + 1, 0, value), !0;
539 }
540 return list.unshift(value), !0;
541 }
542 function removeFirst(list, value) {
543 var index = list.indexOf(value);
544 return 0 > index ? !1 : (list.splice(index, 1), !0);
545 }
546 function withName(name) {
547 var array = this;
548 return findItemWithName(array, name);
549 }
550 function clear(array) {
551 if (array) for (;array.length > 0; ) array.pop();
552 }
553 function isUndefinedOrEmpty(array) {
554 return !array || 0 === array.length;
555 }
556 function swap(array, firstIndex, secondIndex) {
557 var temp = array[firstIndex];
558 array[firstIndex] = array[secondIndex], array[secondIndex] = temp;
559 }
560 function isInArray(array, lookupItem, compareCallback) {
561 return _.any(array, function(item) {
562 return compareCallback(item, lookupItem);
563 });
564 }
565 function isArrayOrInheritedArray(obj) {
566 for (var nextPrototype = obj; null != nextPrototype; ) {
567 if (_.isArray(nextPrototype)) return !0;
568 nextPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(nextPrototype);
569 }
570 return !1;
571 }
572 ArrayExtensions.intersect = intersect, ArrayExtensions.diff = diff, ArrayExtensions.distinct = distinct,
573 ArrayExtensions.union = union, ArrayExtensions.unionSingle = unionSingle, ArrayExtensions.range = range,
574 ArrayExtensions.take = take, ArrayExtensions.copy = copy, ArrayExtensions.sequenceEqual = sequenceEqual,
575 ArrayExtensions.emptyToNull = emptyToNull, ArrayExtensions.indexOf = indexOf, ArrayExtensions.rotate = rotate,
576 ArrayExtensions.createWithId = createWithId, ArrayExtensions.extendWithId = extendWithId,
577 ArrayExtensions.findWithId = findWithId, ArrayExtensions.createWithName = createWithName,
578 ArrayExtensions.extendWithName = extendWithName, ArrayExtensions.findItemWithName = findItemWithName,
579 ArrayExtensions.indexWithName = indexWithName, ArrayExtensions.insertSorted = insertSorted,
580 ArrayExtensions.removeFirst = removeFirst, ArrayExtensions.clear = clear, ArrayExtensions.isUndefinedOrEmpty = isUndefinedOrEmpty,
581 ArrayExtensions.swap = swap, ArrayExtensions.isInArray = isInArray, ArrayExtensions.isArrayOrInheritedArray = isArrayOrInheritedArray;
582 }(ArrayExtensions = jsCommon.ArrayExtensions || (jsCommon.ArrayExtensions = {}));
583}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
585var InJs;
587!function(InJs) {
588 var DomFactory;
589 !function(DomFactory) {
590 function div() {
591 return $("<div/>");
592 }
593 function span() {
594 return $("<span/>");
595 }
596 function checkbox() {
597 return $('<input type="checkbox"/>');
598 }
599 function ul() {
600 return $("<ul/>");
601 }
602 function li() {
603 return $("<li/>");
604 }
605 function button() {
606 return $('<input type="button"/>');
607 }
608 function select() {
609 return $("<select/>");
610 }
611 function textBox() {
612 return $('<input type="text"/>');
613 }
614 function img() {
615 return $("<img/>");
616 }
617 function iframe() {
618 return $("<iframe/>");
619 }
620 DomFactory.div = div, DomFactory.span = span, DomFactory.checkbox = checkbox, DomFactory.ul = ul,
621 DomFactory.li = li, DomFactory.button = button, DomFactory.select = select, DomFactory.textBox = textBox,
622 DomFactory.img = img, DomFactory.iframe = iframe;
623 }(DomFactory = InJs.DomFactory || (InJs.DomFactory = {}));
624}(InJs || (InJs = {}));
626var powerbi;
628!function(powerbi) {
629 function applyDefault(value, defaultValue) {
630 return void 0 !== value ? value : defaultValue;
631 }
632 var Double;
633 !function(Double) {
634 function pow10(exp) {
635 return exp >= 0 ? exp < Double.POSITIVE_POWERS.length ? Double.POSITIVE_POWERS[exp] : 1 / 0 : (exp = -exp,
636 exp > 0 && exp < Double.NEGATIVE_POWERS.length ? Double.NEGATIVE_POWERS[exp] : 0);
637 }
638 function log10(val) {
639 if (val > 1 && 1e16 > val) return 1e8 > val ? 1e4 > val ? 100 > val ? 10 > val ? 0 : 1 : 1e3 > val ? 2 : 3 : 1e6 > val ? 1e5 > val ? 4 : 5 : 1e7 > val ? 6 : 7 : 1e12 > val ? 1e10 > val ? 1e9 > val ? 8 : 9 : 1e11 > val ? 10 : 11 : 1e14 > val ? 1e13 > val ? 12 : 13 : 1e15 > val ? 14 : 15;
640 if (val > 1e-16 && 1 > val) return 1e-8 > val ? 1e-12 > val ? 1e-14 > val ? 1e-15 > val ? -16 : -15 : 1e-13 > val ? -14 : -13 : 1e-10 > val ? 1e-11 > val ? -12 : -11 : 1e-9 > val ? -10 : -9 : 1e-4 > val ? 1e-6 > val ? 1e-7 > val ? -8 : -7 : 1e-5 > val ? -6 : -5 : .01 > val ? .001 > val ? -4 : -3 : .1 > val ? -2 : -1;
641 var log10 = Math.log(val) / Double.LOG_E_10;
642 return Double.floorWithPrecision(log10);
643 }
644 function getPrecision(x, decimalDigits) {
645 if (void 0 === decimalDigits && (decimalDigits = Double.DEFAULT_PRECISION_IN_DECIMAL_DIGITS),
646 x) {
647 var exp = Double.log10(Math.abs(x));
648 if (exp < Double.MIN_EXP) return 0;
649 var precisionExp = Math.max(exp - decimalDigits, -Double.NEGATIVE_POWERS.length + 1);
650 return Double.pow10(precisionExp);
651 }
652 }
653 function equalWithPrecision(x, y, precision) {
654 return precision = applyDefault(precision, Double.DEFAULT_PRECISION), x === y || Math.abs(x - y) < precision;
655 }
656 function lessWithPrecision(x, y, precision) {
657 return precision = applyDefault(precision, Double.DEFAULT_PRECISION), y > x && Math.abs(x - y) > precision;
658 }
659 function lessOrEqualWithPrecision(x, y, precision) {
660 return precision = applyDefault(precision, Double.DEFAULT_PRECISION), y > x || Math.abs(x - y) < precision;
661 }
662 function greaterWithPrecision(x, y, precision) {
663 return precision = applyDefault(precision, Double.DEFAULT_PRECISION), x > y && Math.abs(x - y) > precision;
664 }
665 function greaterOrEqualWithPrecision(x, y, precision) {
666 return precision = applyDefault(precision, Double.DEFAULT_PRECISION), x > y || Math.abs(x - y) < precision;
667 }
668 function floorWithPrecision(x, precision) {
669 precision = applyDefault(precision, Double.DEFAULT_PRECISION);
670 var roundX = Math.round(x);
671 return Math.abs(x - roundX) < precision ? roundX : Math.floor(x);
672 }
673 function ceilWithPrecision(x, precision) {
674 precision = applyDefault(precision, Double.DEFAULT_PRECISION);
675 var roundX = Math.round(x);
676 return Math.abs(x - roundX) < precision ? roundX : Math.ceil(x);
677 }
678 function floorToPrecision(x, precision) {
679 return precision = applyDefault(precision, Double.DEFAULT_PRECISION), 0 === precision || 0 === x ? x : Math.floor(x / precision) * precision;
680 }
681 function ceilToPrecision(x, precision) {
682 return precision = applyDefault(precision, Double.DEFAULT_PRECISION), 0 === precision || 0 === x ? x : Math.ceil(x / precision) * precision;
683 }
684 function roundToPrecision(x, precision) {
685 if (precision = applyDefault(precision, Double.DEFAULT_PRECISION), 0 === precision || 0 === x) return x;
686 var result = Math.round(x / precision) * precision, decimalDigits = Math.round(Double.log10(Math.abs(x)) - Double.log10(precision)) + 1;
687 return decimalDigits > 0 && 16 > decimalDigits && (result = parseFloat(result.toPrecision(decimalDigits))),
688 result;
689 }
690 function ensureInRange(x, min, max) {
691 return void 0 === x || null === x ? x : min > x ? min : x > max ? max : x;
692 }
693 function round(x) {
694 return .5 + x << 0;
695 }
696 function project(value, fromMin, fromSize, toMin, toSize) {
697 if (0 === fromSize || 0 === toSize) return value >= fromMin && fromMin + fromSize >= value ? toMin : NaN;
698 var relativeX = (value - fromMin) / fromSize, projectedX = toMin + relativeX * toSize;
699 return projectedX;
700 }
701 function removeDecimalNoise(value) {
702 return roundToPrecision(value, getPrecision(value));
703 }
704 function isInteger(value) {
705 return null !== value && value % 1 === 0;
706 }
707 function toIncrement(value, increment) {
708 return Math.round(value / increment) * increment;
709 }
710 Double.MIN_VALUE = -Number.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE = Number.MAX_VALUE, Double.MIN_EXP = -308,
711 Double.MAX_EXP = 308, Double.EPSILON = 1e-323, Double.DEFAULT_PRECISION = 1e-4,
712 Double.DEFAULT_PRECISION_IN_DECIMAL_DIGITS = 12, Double.LOG_E_10 = Math.log(10),
713 Double.POSITIVE_POWERS = [ 1, 10, 100, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9, 1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19, 1e20, 1e21, 1e22, 1e23, 1e24, 1e25, 1e26, 1e27, 1e28, 1e29, 1e30, 1e31, 1e32, 1e33, 1e34, 1e35, 1e36, 1e37, 1e38, 1e39, 1e40, 1e41, 1e42, 1e43, 1e44, 1e45, 1e46, 1e47, 1e48, 1e49, 1e50, 1e51, 1e52, 1e53, 1e54, 1e55, 1e56, 1e57, 1e58, 1e59, 1e60, 1e61, 1e62, 1e63, 1e64, 1e65, 1e66, 1e67, 1e68, 1e69, 1e70, 1e71, 1e72, 1e73, 1e74, 1e75, 1e76, 1e77, 1e78, 1e79, 1e80, 1e81, 1e82, 1e83, 1e84, 1e85, 1e86, 1e87, 1e88, 1e89, 1e90, 1e91, 1e92, 1e93, 1e94, 1e95, 1e96, 1e97, 1e98, 1e99, 1e100, 1e101, 1e102, 1e103, 1e104, 1e105, 1e106, 1e107, 1e108, 1e109, 1e110, 1e111, 1e112, 1e113, 1e114, 1e115, 1e116, 1e117, 1e118, 1e119, 1e120, 1e121, 1e122, 1e123, 1e124, 1e125, 1e126, 1e127, 1e128, 1e129, 1e130, 1e131, 1e132, 1e133, 1e134, 1e135, 1e136, 1e137, 1e138, 1e139, 1e140, 1e141, 1e142, 1e143, 1e144, 1e145, 1e146, 1e147, 1e148, 1e149, 1e150, 1e151, 1e152, 1e153, 1e154, 1e155, 1e156, 1e157, 1e158, 1e159, 1e160, 1e161, 1e162, 1e163, 1e164, 1e165, 1e166, 1e167, 1e168, 1e169, 1e170, 1e171, 1e172, 1e173, 1e174, 1e175, 1e176, 1e177, 1e178, 1e179, 1e180, 1e181, 1e182, 1e183, 1e184, 1e185, 1e186, 1e187, 1e188, 1e189, 1e190, 1e191, 1e192, 1e193, 1e194, 1e195, 1e196, 1e197, 1e198, 1e199, 1e200, 1e201, 1e202, 1e203, 1e204, 1e205, 1e206, 1e207, 1e208, 1e209, 1e210, 1e211, 1e212, 1e213, 1e214, 1e215, 1e216, 1e217, 1e218, 1e219, 1e220, 1e221, 1e222, 1e223, 1e224, 1e225, 1e226, 1e227, 1e228, 1e229, 1e230, 1e231, 1e232, 1e233, 1e234, 1e235, 1e236, 1e237, 1e238, 1e239, 1e240, 1e241, 1e242, 1e243, 1e244, 1e245, 1e246, 1e247, 1e248, 1e249, 1e250, 1e251, 1e252, 1e253, 1e254, 1e255, 1e256, 1e257, 1e258, 1e259, 1e260, 1e261, 1e262, 1e263, 1e264, 1e265, 1e266, 1e267, 1e268, 1e269, 1e270, 1e271, 1e272, 1e273, 1e274, 1e275, 1e276, 1e277, 1e278, 1e279, 1e280, 1e281, 1e282, 1e283, 1e284, 1e285, 1e286, 1e287, 1e288, 1e289, 1e290, 1e291, 1e292, 1e293, 1e294, 1e295, 1e296, 1e297, 1e298, 1e299, 1e300, 1e301, 1e302, 1e303, 1e304, 1e305, 1e306, 1e307, 1e308 ],
714 Double.NEGATIVE_POWERS = [ 1, .1, .01, .001, 1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-6, 1e-7, 1e-8, 1e-9, 1e-10, 1e-11, 1e-12, 1e-13, 1e-14, 1e-15, 1e-16, 1e-17, 1e-18, 1e-19, 1e-20, 1e-21, 1e-22, 1e-23, 1e-24, 1e-25, 1e-26, 1e-27, 1e-28, 1e-29, 1e-30, 1e-31, 1e-32, 1e-33, 1e-34, 1e-35, 1e-36, 1e-37, 1e-38, 1e-39, 1e-40, 1e-41, 1e-42, 1e-43, 1e-44, 1e-45, 1e-46, 1e-47, 1e-48, 1e-49, 1e-50, 1e-51, 1e-52, 1e-53, 1e-54, 1e-55, 1e-56, 1e-57, 1e-58, 1e-59, 1e-60, 1e-61, 1e-62, 1e-63, 1e-64, 1e-65, 1e-66, 1e-67, 1e-68, 1e-69, 1e-70, 1e-71, 1e-72, 1e-73, 1e-74, 1e-75, 1e-76, 1e-77, 1e-78, 1e-79, 1e-80, 1e-81, 1e-82, 1e-83, 1e-84, 1e-85, 1e-86, 1e-87, 1e-88, 1e-89, 1e-90, 1e-91, 1e-92, 1e-93, 1e-94, 1e-95, 1e-96, 1e-97, 1e-98, 1e-99, 1e-100, 1e-101, 1e-102, 1e-103, 1e-104, 1e-105, 1e-106, 1e-107, 1e-108, 1e-109, 1e-110, 1e-111, 1e-112, 1e-113, 1e-114, 1e-115, 1e-116, 1e-117, 1e-118, 1e-119, 1e-120, 1e-121, 1e-122, 1e-123, 1e-124, 1e-125, 1e-126, 1e-127, 1e-128, 1e-129, 1e-130, 1e-131, 1e-132, 1e-133, 1e-134, 1e-135, 1e-136, 1e-137, 1e-138, 1e-139, 1e-140, 1e-141, 1e-142, 1e-143, 1e-144, 1e-145, 1e-146, 1e-147, 1e-148, 1e-149, 1e-150, 1e-151, 1e-152, 1e-153, 1e-154, 1e-155, 1e-156, 1e-157, 1e-158, 1e-159, 1e-160, 1e-161, 1e-162, 1e-163, 1e-164, 1e-165, 1e-166, 1e-167, 1e-168, 1e-169, 1e-170, 1e-171, 1e-172, 1e-173, 1e-174, 1e-175, 1e-176, 1e-177, 1e-178, 1e-179, 1e-180, 1e-181, 1e-182, 1e-183, 1e-184, 1e-185, 1e-186, 1e-187, 1e-188, 1e-189, 1e-190, 1e-191, 1e-192, 1e-193, 1e-194, 1e-195, 1e-196, 1e-197, 1e-198, 1e-199, 1e-200, 1e-201, 1e-202, 1e-203, 1e-204, 1e-205, 1e-206, 1e-207, 1e-208, 1e-209, 1e-210, 1e-211, 1e-212, 1e-213, 1e-214, 1e-215, 1e-216, 1e-217, 1e-218, 1e-219, 1e-220, 1e-221, 1e-222, 1e-223, 1e-224, 1e-225, 1e-226, 1e-227, 1e-228, 1e-229, 1e-230, 1e-231, 1e-232, 1e-233, 1e-234, 1e-235, 1e-236, 1e-237, 1e-238, 1e-239, 1e-240, 1e-241, 1e-242, 1e-243, 1e-244, 1e-245, 1e-246, 1e-247, 1e-248, 1e-249, 1e-250, 1e-251, 1e-252, 1e-253, 1e-254, 1e-255, 1e-256, 1e-257, 1e-258, 1e-259, 1e-260, 1e-261, 1e-262, 1e-263, 1e-264, 1e-265, 1e-266, 1e-267, 1e-268, 1e-269, 1e-270, 1e-271, 1e-272, 1e-273, 1e-274, 1e-275, 1e-276, 1e-277, 1e-278, 1e-279, 1e-280, 1e-281, 1e-282, 1e-283, 1e-284, 1e-285, 1e-286, 1e-287, 1e-288, 1e-289, 1e-290, 1e-291, 1e-292, 1e-293, 1e-294, 1e-295, 1e-296, 1e-297, 1e-298, 1e-299, 1e-300, 1e-301, 1e-302, 1e-303, 1e-304, 1e-305, 1e-306, 1e-307, 1e-308, 1e-309, 1e-310, 1e-311, 1e-312, 1e-313, 1e-314, 1e-315, 1e-316, 1e-317, 1e-318, 1e-319, 1e-320, 1e-321, 1e-322, 1e-323, 0 ],
715 Double.pow10 = pow10, Double.log10 = log10, Double.getPrecision = getPrecision,
716 Double.equalWithPrecision = equalWithPrecision, Double.lessWithPrecision = lessWithPrecision,
717 Double.lessOrEqualWithPrecision = lessOrEqualWithPrecision, Double.greaterWithPrecision = greaterWithPrecision,
718 Double.greaterOrEqualWithPrecision = greaterOrEqualWithPrecision, Double.floorWithPrecision = floorWithPrecision,
719 Double.ceilWithPrecision = ceilWithPrecision, Double.floorToPrecision = floorToPrecision,
720 Double.ceilToPrecision = ceilToPrecision, Double.roundToPrecision = roundToPrecision,
721 Double.ensureInRange = ensureInRange, Double.round = round, Double.project = project,
722 Double.removeDecimalNoise = removeDecimalNoise, Double.isInteger = isInteger, Double.toIncrement = toIncrement;
723 }(Double = powerbi.Double || (powerbi.Double = {}));
724}(powerbi || (powerbi = {}));
726var jsCommon;
728!function(jsCommon) {
729 var Color, Double = powerbi.Double;
730 !function(Color) {
731 function rotate(rgbString, rotateFactor) {
732 if (0 === rotateFactor) return rgbString;
733 var originalRgb = parseColorString(rgbString), originalHsv = rgbToHsv(originalRgb), rotatedHsv = rotateHsv(originalHsv, rotateFactor), rotatedRgb = hsvToRgb(rotatedHsv);
734 return hexString(rotatedRgb);
735 }
736 function normalizeToHexString(color) {
737 var rgb = parseColorString(color);
738 return hexString(rgb);
739 }
740 function parseColorString(color) {
741 if (color.indexOf("#") >= 0) {
742 if (7 === color.length) {
743 var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(color);
744 if (null == result || result.length < 4) return;
745 return {
746 R: parseInt(result[1], 16),
747 G: parseInt(result[2], 16),
748 B: parseInt(result[3], 16)
749 };
750 }
751 if (4 === color.length) {
752 var result = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i.exec(color);
753 if (null == result || result.length < 4) return;
754 return {
755 R: parseInt(result[1] + result[1], 16),
756 G: parseInt(result[2] + result[2], 16),
757 B: parseInt(result[3] + result[3], 16)
758 };
759 }
760 } else {
761 if (color.indexOf("rgb(") >= 0) {
762 var result = /^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/.exec(color);
763 if (null == result || result.length < 4) return;
764 return {
765 R: parseInt(result[1], 10),
766 G: parseInt(result[2], 10),
767 B: parseInt(result[3], 10)
768 };
769 }
770 if (color.indexOf("rgba(") >= 0) {
771 var result = /^rgba\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)\)$/.exec(color);
772 if (null == result || result.length < 5) return;
773 return {
774 R: parseInt(result[1], 10),
775 G: parseInt(result[2], 10),
776 B: parseInt(result[3], 10),
777 A: parseFloat(result[4])
778 };
779 }
780 }
781 }
782 function rgbToHsv(rgbColor) {
783 var s, h, r = rgbColor.R / 255, g = rgbColor.G / 255, b = rgbColor.B / 255, min = Math.min(r, Math.min(g, b)), max = Math.max(r, Math.max(g, b)), v = max, delta = max - min;
784 return 0 === max || 0 === delta ? (s = 0, h = 0) : (s = delta / max, h = r === max ? (g - b) / delta : g === max ? 2 + (b - r) / delta : 4 + (r - g) / delta),
785 h /= 6, 0 > h && (h += 1), {
786 H: h,
787 S: s,
788 V: v
789 };
790 }
791 function hsvToRgb(hsvColor) {
792 var r, g, b, h = hsvColor.H, s = hsvColor.S, v = hsvColor.V;
793 if (0 === s) r = v, g = v, b = v; else {
794 var p = void 0, q = void 0, t = void 0, fractionalSector = void 0, sectorNumber = void 0, sectorPos = void 0;
795 switch (sectorPos = 6 * h, sectorNumber = Math.floor(sectorPos), fractionalSector = sectorPos - sectorNumber,
796 p = v * (1 - s), q = v * (1 - s * fractionalSector), t = v * (1 - s * (1 - fractionalSector)),
797 sectorNumber) {
798 case 0:
799 r = v, g = t, b = p;
800 break;
802 case 1:
803 r = q, g = v, b = p;
804 break;
806 case 2:
807 r = p, g = v, b = t;
808 break;
810 case 3:
811 r = p, g = q, b = v;
812 break;
814 case 4:
815 r = t, g = p, b = v;
816 break;
818 case 5:
819 r = v, g = p, b = q;
820 }
821 }
822 return {
823 R: Math.floor(255 * r),
824 G: Math.floor(255 * g),
825 B: Math.floor(255 * b)
826 };
827 }
828 function rotateHsv(hsvColor, rotateFactor) {
829 var newH = hsvColor.H + rotateFactor;
830 return {
831 H: newH > 1 ? newH - 1 : newH,
832 S: hsvColor.S,
833 V: hsvColor.V
834 };
835 }
836 function darken(color, diff) {
837 var flooredNumber = Math.floor(diff);
838 return {
839 R: Math.max(0, color.R - flooredNumber),
840 G: Math.max(0, color.G - flooredNumber),
841 B: Math.max(0, color.B - flooredNumber)
842 };
843 }
844 function rgbString(color) {
845 return null == color.A ? "rgb(" + color.R + "," + color.G + "," + color.B + ")" : "rgba(" + color.R + "," + color.G + "," + color.B + "," + color.A + ")";
846 }
847 function hexString(color) {
848 return "#" + componentToHex(color.R) + componentToHex(color.G) + componentToHex(color.B);
849 }
850 function componentToHex(hexComponent) {
851 var clamped = Double.ensureInRange(hexComponent, 0, 255), hex = clamped.toString(16).toUpperCase();
852 return 1 === hex.length ? "0" + hex : hex;
853 }
854 Color.rotate = rotate, Color.normalizeToHexString = normalizeToHexString, Color.parseColorString = parseColorString,
855 Color.darken = darken, Color.rgbString = rgbString, Color.hexString = hexString;
856 }(Color = jsCommon.Color || (jsCommon.Color = {}));
857}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
859var jsCommon;
861!function(jsCommon) {
862 var CssConstants;
863 !function(CssConstants) {
864 function createClassAndSelector(className) {
865 return {
866 "class": className,
867 selector: "." + className
868 };
869 }
870 CssConstants.createClassAndSelector = createClassAndSelector, CssConstants.styleAttribute = "style",
871 CssConstants.pixelUnits = "px", CssConstants.heightProperty = "height", CssConstants.widthProperty = "width",
872 CssConstants.topProperty = "top", CssConstants.bottomProperty = "bottom", CssConstants.leftProperty = "left",
873 CssConstants.rightProperty = "right", CssConstants.marginTopProperty = "margin-top",
874 CssConstants.marginLeftProperty = "margin-left", CssConstants.displayProperty = "display",
875 CssConstants.backgroundProperty = "background", CssConstants.backgroundColorProperty = "background-color",
876 CssConstants.backgroundRepeatProperty = "background-repeat", CssConstants.backgroundSizeProperty = "background-size",
877 CssConstants.backgroundImageProperty = "background-image", CssConstants.textShadowProperty = "text-shadow",
878 CssConstants.textAlignProperty = "text-align", CssConstants.borderTopWidthProperty = "border-top-width",
879 CssConstants.borderBottomWidthProperty = "border-bottom-width", CssConstants.borderLeftWidthProperty = "border-left-width",
880 CssConstants.borderRightWidthProperty = "border-right-width", CssConstants.fontSizeProperty = "font-size",
881 CssConstants.fontWeightProperty = "font-weight", CssConstants.colorProperty = "color",
882 CssConstants.opacityProperty = "opacity", CssConstants.paddingLeftProperty = "padding-left",
883 CssConstants.paddingRightProperty = "padding-right", CssConstants.positionProperty = "position",
884 CssConstants.maxWidthProperty = "max-width", CssConstants.minWidthProperty = "min-width",
885 CssConstants.overflowProperty = "overflow", CssConstants.overflowXProperty = "overflow-x",
886 CssConstants.overflowYProperty = "overflow-y", CssConstants.transformProperty = "transform",
887 CssConstants.webkitTransformProperty = "-webkit-transform", CssConstants.cursorProperty = "cursor",
888 CssConstants.visibilityProperty = "visibility", CssConstants.absoluteValue = "absolute",
889 CssConstants.zeroPixelValue = "0px", CssConstants.autoValue = "auto", CssConstants.hiddenValue = "hidden",
890 CssConstants.noneValue = "none", CssConstants.blockValue = "block", CssConstants.inlineBlockValue = "inline-block",
891 CssConstants.transparentValue = "transparent", CssConstants.boldValue = "bold",
892 CssConstants.visibleValue = "visible", CssConstants.tableRowValue = "table-row",
893 CssConstants.coverValue = "cover", CssConstants.pointerValue = "pointer", CssConstants.scrollValue = "scroll";
894 }(CssConstants = jsCommon.CssConstants || (jsCommon.CssConstants = {}));
895}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
897var debug;
899!function(debug) {
900 function assert(condition, message) {
901 condition !== !0 && assertFail(message || "condition: " + condition);
902 }
903 function assertValue(value, message) {
904 null !== value && void 0 !== value || assertFail(message || "condition: " + value);
905 }
906 function assertNonEmpty(value, message) {
907 null != value && value.length > 0 || assertFail(message || "condition: " + value);
908 }
909 function assertAnyValue(value, message) {}
910 function assertFail(message) {
911 (debug.assertFailFunction || alert)("Debug Assert failed: " + message);
912 }
913 debug.assert = assert, debug.assertValue = assertValue, debug.assertNonEmpty = assertNonEmpty,
914 debug.assertAnyValue = assertAnyValue, debug.assertFail = assertFail;
915}(debug || (debug = {}));
917var jsCommon;
919!function(jsCommon) {
920 function getStackTrace(leadingFramesToRemove) {
921 void 0 === leadingFramesToRemove && (leadingFramesToRemove = 1);
922 var stackTrace, stackSegments;
923 try {
924 throw new Error();
925 } catch (error) {
926 stackTrace = error.stack, null != stackTrace && (stackSegments = stackTrace.split("\n"),
927 stackSegments.splice(1, leadingFramesToRemove), stackTrace = stackSegments.join("\n"));
928 }
929 return stackTrace;
930 }
931 var Errors;
932 !function(Errors) {
933 function infoNavAppAlreadyPresent() {
934 return {
935 name: "infoNavAppAlreadyPresent",
936 message: "Cannot initialize embedded scenario when the InfoNav App is already present in this context",
937 stack: getExceptionStackTrace()
938 };
939 }
940 function invalidOperation(message) {
941 return {
942 name: "invalidOperation",
943 message: message,
944 stack: getExceptionStackTrace()
945 };
946 }
947 function argument(argumentName, message) {
948 return {
949 name: "invalidArgumentError",
950 argument: argumentName,
951 message: message,
952 stack: getExceptionStackTrace()
953 };
954 }
955 function argumentNull(argumentName) {
956 return {
957 name: "argumentNull",
958 argument: argumentName,
959 message: "Argument was null",
960 stack: getExceptionStackTrace()
961 };
962 }
963 function argumentUndefined(argumentName) {
964 return {
965 name: "argumentUndefined",
966 argument: argumentName,
967 message: "Argument was undefined",
968 stack: getExceptionStackTrace()
969 };
970 }
971 function argumentOutOfRange(argumentName) {
972 return {
973 name: "argumentOutOfRange",
974 argument: argumentName,
975 message: "Argument was out of range",
976 stack: getExceptionStackTrace()
977 };
978 }
979 function pureVirtualMethodException(className, methodName) {
980 return {
981 name: "pureVirtualMethodException",
982 message: "This method must be overriden by the derived class:" + className + "." + methodName,
983 stack: getExceptionStackTrace()
984 };
985 }
986 function notImplementedException(message) {
987 return {
988 name: "notImplementedException",
989 message: message,
990 stack: getExceptionStackTrace()
991 };
992 }
993 function getExceptionStackTrace() {
994 return getStackTrace(2);
995 }
996 Errors.infoNavAppAlreadyPresent = infoNavAppAlreadyPresent, Errors.invalidOperation = invalidOperation,
997 Errors.argument = argument, Errors.argumentNull = argumentNull, Errors.argumentUndefined = argumentUndefined,
998 Errors.argumentOutOfRange = argumentOutOfRange, Errors.pureVirtualMethodException = pureVirtualMethodException,
999 Errors.notImplementedException = notImplementedException;
1000 }(Errors = jsCommon.Errors || (jsCommon.Errors = {})), jsCommon.getStackTrace = getStackTrace;
1001}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {})), $.fn.multiline = function(text) {
1002 return this.text(text), this.html(this.html().replace(/\n/g, "<br/>")), this;
1003}, $.fn.togglePanelControl = function() {
1004 return this.each(function() {
1005 $(this).addClass("ui-accordion ui-accordion-icons ui-widget ui-helper-reset").find(".accordionHeader").addClass("ui-accordion-header ui-helper-reset ui-state-default ui-corner-top ui-corner-bottom").hover(function() {
1006 $(this).toggleClass("ui-state-hover");
1007 }).prepend('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-e"></span>').click(function() {
1008 return $(this).toggleClass("ui-accordion-header-active ui-state-active ui-state-default ui-corner-bottom").find("> .ui-icon").toggleClass("ui-icon-triangle-1-e ui-icon-triangle-1-s").end().next().slideToggle(),
1009 !1;
1010 }).next().addClass("ui-accordion-content ui-helper-reset ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom").hide();
1011 });
1014var jsCommon;
1016!function(jsCommon) {
1017 var JQueryConstants;
1018 !function(JQueryConstants) {
1019 JQueryConstants.VisibleSelector = ":visible";
1020 }(JQueryConstants = jsCommon.JQueryConstants || (jsCommon.JQueryConstants = {}));
1021}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
1023var jsCommon;
1025!function(jsCommon) {
1026 var Lazy = function() {
1027 function Lazy(factoryMethod) {
1028 jsCommon.Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined(factoryMethod, this, "constructor", "factoryMethod"),
1029 this.factoryMethod = factoryMethod;
1030 }
1031 return Lazy.prototype.getValue = function() {
1032 return null !== this.factoryMethod && (this.value = this.factoryMethod(), this.factoryMethod = null),
1033 this.value;
1034 }, Lazy;
1035 }();
1036 jsCommon.Lazy = Lazy;
1037}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
1039var powerbi;
1041!function(powerbi) {
1042 var Prototype;
1043 !function(Prototype) {
1044 function inherit(obj, extension) {
1045 function wrapCtor() {}
1046 wrapCtor.prototype = obj;
1047 var inherited = new wrapCtor();
1048 return extension && extension(inherited), inherited;
1049 }
1050 function inheritSingle(obj) {
1051 var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
1052 return proto !== Object.prototype && proto !== Array.prototype || (obj = inherit(obj)),
1053 obj;
1054 }
1055 function overrideArray(prototype, override) {
1056 if (prototype) {
1057 for (var overwritten, i = 0, len = prototype.length; len > i; i++) {
1058 var value = override(prototype[i]);
1059 value && (overwritten || (overwritten = inherit(prototype)), overwritten[i] = value);
1060 }
1061 return overwritten;
1062 }
1063 }
1064 Prototype.inherit = inherit, Prototype.inheritSingle = inheritSingle, Prototype.overrideArray = overrideArray;
1065 }(Prototype = powerbi.Prototype || (powerbi.Prototype = {}));
1066}(powerbi || (powerbi = {}));
1068var jsCommon;
1070!function(jsCommon) {
1071 var Formatting;
1072 !function(Formatting) {
1073 function findDateFormat(value, format, cultureName) {
1074 switch (format) {
1075 case "m":
1076 format = "M";
1077 break;
1079 case "O":
1080 case "o":
1081 format = "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.'fff'0000'";
1082 break;
1084 case "R":
1085 case "r":
1086 value = new Date(value.getUTCFullYear(), value.getUTCMonth(), value.getUTCDate(), value.getUTCHours(), value.getUTCMinutes(), value.getUTCSeconds(), value.getUTCMilliseconds()),
1087 format = "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT'";
1088 break;
1090 case "s":
1091 format = "S";
1092 break;
1094 case "u":
1095 value = new Date(value.getUTCFullYear(), value.getUTCMonth(), value.getUTCDate(), value.getUTCHours(), value.getUTCMinutes(), value.getUTCSeconds(), value.getUTCMilliseconds()),
1096 format = "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'Z'";
1097 break;
1099 case "U":
1100 value = new Date(value.getUTCFullYear(), value.getUTCMonth(), value.getUTCDate(), value.getUTCHours(), value.getUTCMinutes(), value.getUTCSeconds(), value.getUTCMilliseconds()),
1101 format = "F";
1102 break;
1104 case "y":
1105 case "Y":
1106 switch (cultureName) {
1107 case "default":
1108 case "en":
1109 case "en-US":
1110 format = "MMMM, yyyy";
1111 break;
1113 default:
1114 format = "Y";
1115 }
1116 }
1117 return {
1118 value: value,
1119 format: format
1120 };
1121 }
1122 function fixDateTimeFormat(format) {
1123 if (format = format.replace(/%K/g, "zzz"), format = format.replace(/K/g, "zzz"),
1124 format = format.replace(/fffffff/g, "fff0000"), format = format.replace(/ffffff/g, "fff000"),
1125 format = format.replace(/fffff/g, "fff00"), format = format.replace(/ffff/g, "fff0"),
1126 format = format.replace(/yyyyy/g, "0yyyy"), format = format.replace(/(^y|^)yyy(^y|$)/g, "yyyy"),
1127 regexCache || (regexCache = [ "d", "f", "F", "g", "h", "H", "K", "m", "M", "s", "t", "y", "z", ":", "/" ].map(function(s) {
1128 return {
1129 r: new RegExp("%" + s + "(?!" + s + ")", "g"),
1130 s: s
1131 };
1132 })), -1 !== format.indexOf("%") && format.length > 2) for (var i = 0; i < regexCache.length; i++) format = format.replace(regexCache[i].r, regexCache[i].s);
1133 return format;
1134 }
1135 var regexCache;
1136 Formatting.findDateFormat = findDateFormat, Formatting.fixDateTimeFormat = fixDateTimeFormat;
1137 }(Formatting = jsCommon.Formatting || (jsCommon.Formatting = {}));
1138}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
1140var jsCommon;
1142!function(jsCommon) {
1143 function requires(dependency, to) {
1144 void 0 === to && (to = $.noop), loadStyleSheets(dependency.cssFiles || []);
1145 var scriptsToRun = dependency.javaScriptFilesWithCallback || [];
1146 if (dependency.javaScriptFiles) for (var i = 0, len = dependency.javaScriptFiles.length; len > i; ++i) scriptsToRun.push({
1147 javascriptFile: dependency.javaScriptFiles[i]
1148 });
1149 loadJavaScriptFiles(scriptsToRun, to);
1150 }
1151 function loadStyleSheets(hrefList) {
1152 hrefList.forEach(function(href) {
1153 -1 === styleSheetLoaded.indexOf(href) && (styleSheetLoaded.push(href), loadStyleSheet(href));
1154 });
1155 }
1156 function loadJavaScriptFiles(scripts, callback) {
1157 function parseIfLoadingComplete() {
1158 --loadingCount || parseJavaScriptSourceCodes(scripts, sourceCodeList);
1159 }
1160 function makeCallbackIfParsingComplete() {
1161 --parsingCount || callback();
1162 }
1163 var loadingCount = scripts.length, parsingCount = loadingCount, sourceCodeList = [];
1164 scripts.forEach(function(script, index) {
1165 var file = script.javascriptFile;
1166 -1 === javaScriptFilesLoaded.indexOf(file) ? file in javaScriptFilesLoading ? javaScriptFilesLoading[file].push(function() {
1167 parseIfLoadingComplete(), makeCallbackIfParsingComplete();
1168 }) : (javaScriptFilesLoading[file] = [ function() {
1169 makeCallbackIfParsingComplete();
1170 } ], isExternalUrl(file) ? (sourceCodeList[index] = script, parseIfLoadingComplete()) : loadJavaScriptSourceCode(file, function(sourceCode) {
1171 sourceCodeList[index] = {
1172 javascriptFile: sourceCode
1173 }, parseIfLoadingComplete();
1174 })) : (parseIfLoadingComplete(), makeCallbackIfParsingComplete());
1175 });
1176 }
1177 function loadStyleSheet(href) {
1178 var link = linkElement.cloneNode();
1179 link.href = href, firstScriptInHeadElement ? headElement.insertBefore(link, firstScriptInHeadElement) : headElement.appendChild(link);
1180 }
1181 function loadJavaScriptSourceCode(src, onload) {
1182 webGet(src, function() {
1183 onload(this.responseText);
1184 });
1185 }
1186 function parseJavaScript(script, onComplete) {
1187 if (void 0 === onComplete && (onComplete = $.noop), !script) return void onComplete();
1188 var sourceCodeOrFileName = script.javascriptFile, targetCallback = onComplete;
1189 if (script.onLoadCallback) {
1190 var promiseAsCallback = function() {
1191 script.onLoadCallback().then(onComplete);
1192 };
1193 targetCallback = promiseAsCallback;
1194 }
1195 isExternalUrl(sourceCodeOrFileName) ? loadExternalJavaScriptFile(sourceCodeOrFileName, targetCallback) : parseInternalJavaScriptCode(sourceCodeOrFileName, targetCallback);
1196 }
1197 function parseInternalJavaScriptCode(sourceCode, onComplete) {
1198 void 0 === onComplete && (onComplete = $.noop);
1199 var script;
1200 sourceCode && (script = scriptElement.cloneNode(), script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"),
1201 script.innerHTML = sourceCode, headElement.appendChild(script)), setTimeout(onComplete, 0);
1202 }
1203 function loadExternalJavaScriptFile(src, onload) {
1204 var script;
1205 src && (script = scriptElement.cloneNode(), script.setAttribute("src", src), script.setAttribute("charset", "utf-8"),
1206 script.onload = onload, headElement.appendChild(script));
1207 }
1208 function parseJavaScriptSourceCodes(scripts, sourceCodeList) {
1209 asyncLoop(sourceCodeList, parseJavaScript, function() {
1210 scripts.forEach(function(script) {
1211 var file = script.javascriptFile, listeners = javaScriptFilesLoading[file];
1212 listeners && listeners.forEach(function(listener) {
1213 listener();
1214 }), delete javaScriptFilesLoading[file], -1 === javaScriptFilesLoaded.indexOf(file) && javaScriptFilesLoaded.push(file);
1215 });
1216 });
1217 }
1218 function webGet(src, onload, onerror) {
1219 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
1220 try {
1221 xhr.open("GET", src, !0), xhr.onload = onload, xhr.onerror = onerror, xhr.send(null);
1222 } catch (e) {}
1223 }
1224 function isExternalUrl(url) {
1225 var origin = location.protocol + "//" + location.host + "/";
1226 return /^http[s]?:\/\/.+/i.test(url) && 0 !== url.indexOf(origin);
1227 }
1228 function _() {
1229 for (var args = [], _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) args[_i - 0] = arguments[_i];
1230 }
1231 function asyncSteps() {
1232 for (var args = [], _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) args[_i - 0] = arguments[_i];
1233 if (0 !== args.length) {
1234 for (var steps = [], i = args.length; i--; ) !function(j) {
1235 steps[j] = function() {
1236 args[j](steps[j + 1] || _);
1237 };
1238 }(i);
1239 steps[0]();
1240 }
1241 }
1242 function asyncLoop(enumerable, func, callback) {
1243 for (var steps = [], i = 0, len = enumerable.length; len - 1 > i; i++) !function(i) {
1244 steps[i] = function(next) {
1245 func(enumerable[i], next);
1246 };
1247 }(i);
1248 steps[len - 1] = function(next) {
1249 func(enumerable[len - 1], callback);
1250 }, asyncSteps.apply(null, steps);
1251 }
1252 var doc = document, headElement = doc.head, firstScriptInHeadElement = headElement.getElementsByTagName("script")[0], linkElement = doc.createElement("link"), scriptElement = doc.createElement("script"), styleSheetLoaded = [], javaScriptFilesLoaded = [], javaScriptFilesLoading = [];
1253 linkElement.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"), jsCommon.requires = requires;
1254}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
1256var powerbi;
1258!function(powerbi) {
1259 function createJQueryPromiseFactory() {
1260 return new JQueryPromiseFactory();
1261 }
1262 powerbi.createJQueryPromiseFactory = createJQueryPromiseFactory;
1263 var JQueryPromiseFactory = function() {
1264 function JQueryPromiseFactory() {}
1265 return JQueryPromiseFactory.prototype.defer = function() {
1266 return new JQueryDeferredWrapper($.Deferred());
1267 }, JQueryPromiseFactory.prototype.reject = function(reason) {
1268 var deferred = this.defer();
1269 return deferred.reject(reason), deferred.promise;
1270 }, JQueryPromiseFactory.prototype.resolve = function(value) {
1271 var deferred = this.defer();
1272 return deferred.resolve(value), deferred.promise;
1273 }, JQueryPromiseFactory.prototype.all = function(promises) {
1274 var unwrappedPromises = jQuery.map(promises, function(value) {
1275 return value && value.promise ? value.promise : value;
1276 });
1277 return new JQueryPromiseWrapper($.when.apply($, unwrappedPromises));
1278 }, JQueryPromiseFactory.prototype.when = function(value) {
1279 var unwrappedPromise = value && value.promise ? value.promise : value;
1280 return new JQueryPromiseWrapper($.when(unwrappedPromise));
1281 }, JQueryPromiseFactory;
1282 }(), JQueryDeferredWrapper = function() {
1283 function JQueryDeferredWrapper(deferred) {
1284 this.deferred = deferred, this.promise = new JQueryPromiseWrapper(deferred.promise());
1285 }
1286 return JQueryDeferredWrapper.prototype.resolve = function(value) {
1287 this.deferred.resolve(value);
1288 }, JQueryDeferredWrapper.prototype.reject = function(reason) {
1289 this.deferred.reject(reason);
1290 }, JQueryDeferredWrapper;
1291 }(), JQueryPromiseWrapper = function() {
1292 function JQueryPromiseWrapper(promise) {
1293 this.promise = promise;
1294 }
1295 return JQueryPromiseWrapper.prototype.then = function(a, b) {
1296 return new JQueryPromiseWrapper(this.promise.then(JQueryPromiseWrapper.wrapCallback(a), JQueryPromiseWrapper.wrapCallback(b)));
1297 }, JQueryPromiseWrapper.prototype["catch"] = function(callback) {
1298 return this.then(null, callback);
1299 }, JQueryPromiseWrapper.prototype["finally"] = function(callback) {
1300 return this.promise.always(JQueryPromiseWrapper.wrapCallback(callback)), this;
1301 }, JQueryPromiseWrapper.wrapCallback = function(callback) {
1302 return callback ? function(arg) {
1303 var value = callback(arg);
1304 return value instanceof JQueryPromiseWrapper ? value.promise : value;
1305 } : callback;
1306 }, JQueryPromiseWrapper;
1307 }();
1308}(powerbi || (powerbi = {}));
1310var powerbi;
1312!function(powerbi) {
1313 var LocalStorageService = function() {
1314 function LocalStorageService() {}
1315 return LocalStorageService.prototype.getData = function(key) {
1316 try {
1317 if (localStorage) {
1318 var value = localStorage[key];
1319 if (value) return JSON.parse(value);
1320 }
1321 } catch (exception) {}
1322 return null;
1323 }, LocalStorageService.prototype.setData = function(key, data) {
1324 try {
1325 localStorage && (localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify(data));
1326 } catch (e) {}
1327 }, LocalStorageService;
1328 }(), EphemeralStorageService = function() {
1329 function EphemeralStorageService(clearCacheInterval) {
1330 this.cache = {}, this.clearCacheInterval = null != clearCacheInterval ? clearCacheInterval : EphemeralStorageService.defaultClearCacheInterval,
1331 this.clearCache();
1332 }
1333 return EphemeralStorageService.prototype.getData = function(key) {
1334 return this.cache[key];
1335 }, EphemeralStorageService.prototype.setData = function(key, data) {
1336 var _this = this;
1337 this.cache[key] = data, null == this.clearCacheTimerId && (this.clearCacheTimerId = setTimeout(function() {
1338 return _this.clearCache();
1339 }, this.clearCacheInterval));
1340 }, EphemeralStorageService.prototype.clearCache = function() {
1341 this.cache = {}, this.clearCacheTimerId = void 0;
1342 }, EphemeralStorageService.defaultClearCacheInterval = 864e5, EphemeralStorageService;
1343 }();
1344 powerbi.EphemeralStorageService = EphemeralStorageService, powerbi.localStorageService = new LocalStorageService(),
1345 powerbi.ephemeralStorageService = new EphemeralStorageService();
1346}(powerbi || (powerbi = {}));
1348var jsCommon;
1350!function(jsCommon) {
1351 var WordBreaker;
1352 !function(WordBreaker) {
1353 function search(index, content, backward) {
1354 if (backward) {
1355 for (var i = index - 1; i > -1; i--) if (hasBreakers(content[i])) return i + 1;
1356 } else for (var i = index, ilen = content.length; ilen > i; i++) if (hasBreakers(content[i])) return i;
1357 return backward ? 0 : content.length;
1358 }
1359 function find(index, content) {
1360 var result = {
1361 start: 0,
1362 end: 0
1363 };
1364 return 0 === content.length ? result : (result.start = search(index, content, !0),
1365 result.end = search(index, content, !1), result);
1366 }
1367 function hasBreakers(content) {
1368 return BREAKERS_REGEX.lastIndex = 0, BREAKERS_REGEX.test(content);
1369 }
1370 function wordCount(content) {
1371 var count = 1;
1372 for (BREAKERS_REGEX.lastIndex = 0, BREAKERS_REGEX.exec(content); 0 !== BREAKERS_REGEX.lastIndex; ) count++,
1373 BREAKERS_REGEX.exec(content);
1374 return count;
1375 }
1376 function getMaxWordWidth(content, textWidthMeasurer, properties) {
1377 for (var words = split(content), maxWidth = 0, _i = 0, words_1 = words; _i < words_1.length; _i++) {
1378 var w = words_1[_i];
1379 properties.text = w, maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, textWidthMeasurer(properties));
1380 }
1381 return maxWidth;
1382 }
1383 function split(content) {
1384 return content.split(BREAKERS_REGEX);
1385 }
1386 function getWidth(content, properties, textWidthMeasurer) {
1387 return properties.text = content, textWidthMeasurer(properties);
1388 }
1389 function truncate(content, properties, truncator, maxWidth) {
1390 return properties.text = content, truncator(properties, maxWidth);
1391 }
1392 function splitByWidth(content, properties, textWidthMeasurer, maxWidth, maxNumLines, truncator) {
1393 truncator = truncator ? truncator : function(properties, maxWidth) {
1394 return properties.text;
1395 };
1396 for (var result = [], words = split(content), usedWidth = 0, wordsInLine = [], _i = 0, words_2 = words; _i < words_2.length; _i++) {
1397 var word = words_2[_i];
1398 if (maxNumLines > 0 && result.length >= maxNumLines - 1) wordsInLine.push(word); else {
1399 var wordWidth = 0 === wordsInLine.length ? getWidth(word, properties, textWidthMeasurer) : getWidth(SPACE + word, properties, textWidthMeasurer);
1400 if (usedWidth + wordWidth > maxWidth) {
1401 if (0 === wordsInLine.length) {
1402 result.push(truncate(word, properties, truncator, maxWidth)), usedWidth = 0, wordsInLine = [];
1403 continue;
1404 }
1405 result.push(truncate(wordsInLine.join(SPACE), properties, truncator, maxWidth)),
1406 usedWidth = 0, wordsInLine = [];
1407 }
1408 wordsInLine.push(word), usedWidth += wordWidth;
1409 }
1410 }
1411 return result.push(truncate(wordsInLine.join(SPACE), properties, truncator, maxWidth)),
1412 result;
1413 }
1414 var SPACE = " ", BREAKERS_REGEX = /[\s\n]+/g;
1415 WordBreaker.find = find, WordBreaker.hasBreakers = hasBreakers, WordBreaker.wordCount = wordCount,
1416 WordBreaker.getMaxWordWidth = getMaxWordWidth, WordBreaker.splitByWidth = splitByWidth;
1417 }(WordBreaker = jsCommon.WordBreaker || (jsCommon.WordBreaker = {}));
1418}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
1420var powerbi;
1422!function(powerbi) {
1423 var TextMeasurementService;
1424 !function(TextMeasurementService) {
1425 function ensureDOM() {
1426 spanElement || (spanElement = $("<span/>"), $("body").append(spanElement), svgTextElement = d3.select($("body").get(0)).append("svg").style({
1427 height: "0px",
1428 width: "0px",
1429 position: "absolute"
1430 }).append("text"), canvasCtx = $("<canvas/>").get(0).getContext("2d"), fallbackFontFamily = window.getComputedStyle(svgTextElement.node()).fontFamily);
1431 }
1432 function removeSpanElement() {
1433 spanElement && spanElement.remove && spanElement.remove(), spanElement = null;
1434 }
1435 function measureSvgTextWidth(textProperties) {
1436 return ensureDOM(), canvasCtx.font = (textProperties.fontStyle || "") + " " + (textProperties.fontVariant || "") + " " + (textProperties.fontWeight || "") + " " + textProperties.fontSize + " " + (textProperties.fontFamily || fallbackFontFamily),
1437 canvasCtx.measureText(textProperties.text).width;
1438 }
1439 function measureSvgTextRect(textProperties) {
1440 return ensureDOM(), svgTextElement.style(null), svgTextElement.text(textProperties.text).attr({
1441 visibility: "hidden",
1442 "font-family": textProperties.fontFamily || fallbackFontFamily,
1443 "font-variant": textProperties.fontVariant,
1444 "font-size": textProperties.fontSize,
1445 "font-weight": textProperties.fontWeight,
1446 "font-style": textProperties.fontStyle,
1447 "white-space": textProperties.whiteSpace || "nowrap"
1448 }), svgTextElement.node().getBBox();
1449 }
1450 function measureSvgTextHeight(textProperties) {
1451 return measureSvgTextRect(textProperties).height;
1452 }
1453 function estimateSvgTextRect(textProperties) {
1454 var propertiesKey = textProperties.fontFamily + textProperties.fontSize, rect = powerbi.ephemeralStorageService.getData(propertiesKey);
1455 if (null == rect) {
1456 var estimatedTextProperties = {
1457 fontFamily: textProperties.fontFamily,
1458 fontSize: textProperties.fontSize,
1459 text: "M"
1460 };
1461 rect = TextMeasurementService.measureSvgTextRect(estimatedTextProperties), rect.height > 0 && powerbi.ephemeralStorageService.setData(propertiesKey, rect);
1462 }
1463 return rect;
1464 }
1465 function estimateSvgTextBaselineDelta(textProperties) {
1466 var rect = estimateSvgTextRect(textProperties);
1467 return rect.y + rect.height;
1468 }
1469 function estimateSvgTextHeight(textProperties, tightFightForNumeric) {
1470 void 0 === tightFightForNumeric && (tightFightForNumeric = !1);
1471 var height = estimateSvgTextRect(textProperties).height;
1472 return tightFightForNumeric && (height *= .7), height;
1473 }
1474 function measureSvgTextElementWidth(svgElement) {
1475 return measureSvgTextWidth(getSvgMeasurementProperties(svgElement));
1476 }
1477 function getMeasurementProperties(element) {
1478 return {
1479 text: element.val() || element.text(),
1480 fontFamily: element.css("font-family"),
1481 fontSize: element.css("font-size"),
1482 fontWeight: element.css("font-weight"),
1483 fontStyle: element.css("font-style"),
1484 fontVariant: element.css("font-variant"),
1485 whiteSpace: element.css("white-space")
1486 };
1487 }
1488 function getSvgMeasurementProperties(svgElement) {
1489 var style = window.getComputedStyle(svgElement, null);
1490 return {
1491 text: svgElement.textContent,
1492 fontFamily: style.fontFamily,
1493 fontSize: style.fontSize,
1494 fontWeight: style.fontWeight,
1495 fontStyle: style.fontStyle,
1496 fontVariant: style.fontVariant,
1497 whiteSpace: style.whiteSpace
1498 };
1499 }
1500 function getDivElementWidth(element) {
1501 return getComputedStyle(element[0]).width;
1502 }
1503 function getTailoredTextOrDefault(textProperties, maxWidth) {
1504 ensureDOM();
1505 var strLength = textProperties.text.length;
1506 if (0 === strLength) return textProperties.text;
1507 var width = measureSvgTextWidth(textProperties);
1508 if (maxWidth > width) return textProperties.text;
1509 for (var copiedTextProperties = powerbi.Prototype.inherit(textProperties), text = copiedTextProperties.text = ellipsis + copiedTextProperties.text, min = 1, max = text.length, i = ellipsis.length; max >= min; ) if (i = (min + max) / 2 | 0,
1510 copiedTextProperties.text = text.substr(0, i), width = measureSvgTextWidth(copiedTextProperties),
1511 maxWidth > width) min = i + 1; else {
1512 if (!(width > maxWidth)) break;
1513 max = i - 1;
1514 }
1515 return copiedTextProperties.text = text.substr(0, i), width = measureSvgTextWidth(copiedTextProperties),
1516 width > maxWidth && i--, text.substr(ellipsis.length, i - ellipsis.length) + ellipsis;
1517 }
1518 function svgEllipsis(textElement, maxWidth) {
1519 var properties = getSvgMeasurementProperties(textElement), originalText = properties.text, tailoredText = getTailoredTextOrDefault(properties, maxWidth);
1520 originalText !== tailoredText && (textElement.textContent = tailoredText);
1521 }
1522 function wordBreak(textElement, maxWidth, maxHeight, linePadding) {
1523 void 0 === linePadding && (linePadding = 0);
1524 var properties = getSvgMeasurementProperties(textElement), height = estimateSvgTextHeight(properties) + linePadding, maxNumLines = Math.max(1, Math.floor(maxHeight / height)), node = d3.select(textElement), firstDY = node.attr("y"), labelText = textElement.textContent;
1525 textElement.textContent = null;
1526 for (var words = jsCommon.WordBreaker.splitByWidth(labelText, properties, measureSvgTextWidth, maxWidth, maxNumLines), i = 0, ilen = words.length; ilen > i; i++) properties.text = words[i],
1527 node.append("tspan").attr({
1528 x: 0,
1529 dy: 0 === i ? firstDY : height
1530 }).text(getTailoredTextOrDefault(properties, maxWidth));
1531 }
1532 function wordBreakOverflowingText(textElement, maxWidth, maxHeight, linePadding) {
1533 void 0 === linePadding && (linePadding = 0);
1534 var properties = getSvgMeasurementProperties(textElement), height = estimateSvgTextHeight(properties) + linePadding, maxNumLines = Math.max(1, Math.floor(maxHeight / height)), labelText = textElement.textContent;
1535 textElement.textContent = null;
1536 var words = jsCommon.WordBreaker.splitByWidth(labelText, properties, measureSvgTextWidth, maxWidth, maxNumLines);
1537 words = _.compact(words);
1538 var spanItem = d3.select(textElement).selectAll(OverflowingText.selector).data(words, function(d) {
1539 return $.inArray(d, words);
1540 });
1541 spanItem.enter().append("span").classed(OverflowingText["class"], !0).text(function(d) {
1542 return d;
1543 }).style("width", jsCommon.PixelConverter.toString(maxWidth));
1544 }
1545 var spanElement, svgTextElement, canvasCtx, fallbackFontFamily, ellipsis = "…", OverflowingText = jsCommon.CssConstants.createClassAndSelector("overflowingText");
1546 TextMeasurementService.removeSpanElement = removeSpanElement, TextMeasurementService.measureSvgTextWidth = measureSvgTextWidth,
1547 TextMeasurementService.measureSvgTextRect = measureSvgTextRect, TextMeasurementService.measureSvgTextHeight = measureSvgTextHeight,
1548 TextMeasurementService.estimateSvgTextBaselineDelta = estimateSvgTextBaselineDelta,
1549 TextMeasurementService.estimateSvgTextHeight = estimateSvgTextHeight, TextMeasurementService.measureSvgTextElementWidth = measureSvgTextElementWidth,
1550 TextMeasurementService.getMeasurementProperties = getMeasurementProperties, TextMeasurementService.getSvgMeasurementProperties = getSvgMeasurementProperties,
1551 TextMeasurementService.getDivElementWidth = getDivElementWidth, TextMeasurementService.getTailoredTextOrDefault = getTailoredTextOrDefault,
1552 TextMeasurementService.svgEllipsis = svgEllipsis, TextMeasurementService.wordBreak = wordBreak,
1553 TextMeasurementService.wordBreakOverflowingText = wordBreakOverflowingText;
1554 }(TextMeasurementService = powerbi.TextMeasurementService || (powerbi.TextMeasurementService = {}));
1555}(powerbi || (powerbi = {}));
1557var jsCommon;
1559!function(jsCommon) {
1560 var KeyUtils, DOMConstants = jsCommon.DOMConstants;
1561 !function(KeyUtils) {
1562 function isArrowKey(keyCode) {
1563 return keyCode === DOMConstants.downArrowKeyCode || keyCode === DOMConstants.upArrowKeyCode || keyCode === DOMConstants.leftArrowKeyCode || keyCode === DOMConstants.rightArrowKeyCode;
1564 }
1565 KeyUtils.isArrowKey = isArrowKey;
1566 }(KeyUtils = jsCommon.KeyUtils || (jsCommon.KeyUtils = {}));
1567}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
1569var jsCommon;
1571!function(jsCommon) {
1572 var ThrottleUtility = function() {
1573 function ThrottleUtility(delay) {
1574 this.timerFactory = jsCommon.TimerPromiseFactory.instance, this.delay = 0, delay && (this.delay = delay);
1575 }
1576 return ThrottleUtility.prototype.run = function(fn) {
1577 var _this = this;
1578 this.fn ? this.fn = fn : (this.fn = fn, this.timerFactory.create(this.delay).done(function() {
1579 return _this.timerComplete(_this.fn);
1580 }));
1581 }, ThrottleUtility.prototype.timerComplete = function(fn) {
1582 fn(), this.fn = null;
1583 }, ThrottleUtility;
1584 }();
1585 jsCommon.ThrottleUtility = ThrottleUtility;
1586}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
1588var jsCommon;
1590!function(jsCommon) {
1591 var TimerPromiseFactory = function() {
1592 function TimerPromiseFactory() {}
1593 return TimerPromiseFactory.prototype.create = function(delayInMs) {
1594 var deferred = $.Deferred();
1595 return window.setTimeout(function() {
1596 return deferred.resolve();
1597 }, delayInMs), deferred;
1598 }, TimerPromiseFactory.instance = new TimerPromiseFactory(), TimerPromiseFactory;
1599 }();
1600 jsCommon.TimerPromiseFactory = TimerPromiseFactory;
1601}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
1603var jsCommon;
1605!function(jsCommon) {
1606 !function(HttpStatusCode) {
1607 HttpStatusCode[HttpStatusCode.OK = 200] = "OK", HttpStatusCode[HttpStatusCode.BadRequest = 400] = "BadRequest",
1608 HttpStatusCode[HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized = 401] = "Unauthorized", HttpStatusCode[HttpStatusCode.Forbidden = 403] = "Forbidden",
1609 HttpStatusCode[HttpStatusCode.RequestEntityTooLarge = 413] = "RequestEntityTooLarge";
1610 }(jsCommon.HttpStatusCode || (jsCommon.HttpStatusCode = {}));
1611 var HttpConstants;
1612 jsCommon.HttpStatusCode;
1613 !function(HttpConstants) {
1614 HttpConstants.ApplicationOctetStream = "application/octet-stream", HttpConstants.MultiPartFormData = "multipart/form-data";
1615 }(HttpConstants = jsCommon.HttpConstants || (jsCommon.HttpConstants = {}));
1616 var StringExtensions;
1617 !function(StringExtensions) {
1618 function format() {
1619 for (var args = [], _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) args[_i - 0] = arguments[_i];
1620 var s = args[0];
1621 if (isNullOrUndefinedOrWhiteSpaceString(s)) return s;
1622 for (var i = 0; i < args.length - 1; i++) {
1623 var reg = new RegExp("\\{" + i + "\\}", "gm");
1624 s = s.replace(reg, args[i + 1]);
1625 }
1626 return s;
1627 }
1628 function equalIgnoreCase(a, b) {
1629 return StringExtensions.normalizeCase(a) === StringExtensions.normalizeCase(b);
1630 }
1631 function startsWithIgnoreCase(a, b) {
1632 var normalizedSearchString = StringExtensions.normalizeCase(b);
1633 return 0 === StringExtensions.normalizeCase(a).indexOf(normalizedSearchString);
1634 }
1635 function startsWith(a, b) {
1636 return 0 === a.indexOf(b);
1637 }
1638 function containsIgnoreCase(source, substring) {
1639 return null == source ? !1 : -1 !== source.toLowerCase().indexOf(substring.toLowerCase().toString());
1640 }
1641 function normalizeCase(value) {
1642 return Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined(value, StringExtensions, "normalizeCase", "value"),
1643 value.toUpperCase();
1644 }
1645 function isNullOrEmpty(value) {
1646 return null == value || 0 === value.length;
1647 }
1648 function isNullOrUndefinedOrWhiteSpaceString(str) {
1649 return StringExtensions.isNullOrEmpty(str) || StringExtensions.isNullOrEmpty(str.trim());
1650 }
1651 function containsWhitespace(str) {
1652 Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined(str, this, "containsWhitespace", "str");
1653 var expr = /\s/;
1654 return expr.test(str);
1655 }
1656 function isWhitespace(str) {
1657 return Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined(str, this, "isWhitespace", "str"), "" === str.trim();
1658 }
1659 function trimTrailingWhitespace(str) {
1660 return Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined(str, this, "trimTrailingWhitespace", "str"),
1661 str.replace(/\s+$/, "");
1662 }
1663 function trimWhitespace(str) {
1664 return Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined(str, this, "trimWhitespace", "str"), str.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");
1665 }
1666 function getLengthDifference(left, right) {
1667 return Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined(left, this, "getLengthDifference", "left"),
1668 Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined(right, this, "getLengthDifference", "right"), Math.abs(left.length - right.length);
1669 }
1670 function repeat(char, count) {
1671 for (var result = "", i = 0; count > i; i++) result += char;
1672 return result;
1673 }
1674 function replaceAll(text, textToFind, textToReplace) {
1675 if (!textToFind) return text;
1676 var pattern = escapeStringForRegex(textToFind);
1677 return text.replace(new RegExp(pattern, "gi"), textToReplace);
1678 }
1679 function ensureUniqueNames(names) {
1680 for (var usedNames = {}, _i = 0, names_1 = names; _i < names_1.length; _i++) {
1681 var name_1 = names_1[_i];
1682 usedNames[name_1] = !1;
1683 }
1684 for (var uniqueNames = [], _a = 0, names_2 = names; _a < names_2.length; _a++) {
1685 var name_2 = names_2[_a], uniqueName = name_2;
1686 if (usedNames[uniqueName]) for (var counter = 0; void 0 !== usedNames[uniqueName]; ) uniqueName = name_2 + "." + ++counter;
1687 uniqueNames.push(uniqueName), usedNames[uniqueName] = !0;
1688 }
1689 return uniqueNames;
1690 }
1691 function findUniqueName(usedNames, baseName) {
1692 for (var i = 0, uniqueName = baseName; usedNames[uniqueName]; ) uniqueName = baseName + ++i;
1693 return uniqueName;
1694 }
1695 function constructCommaSeparatedList(list, resourceProvider, maxValue) {
1696 if (!list || 0 === list.length) return "";
1697 null !== maxValue && void 0 !== maxValue || (maxValue = Number.MAX_VALUE);
1698 for (var length = Math.min(maxValue, list.length), replacedList = [], j = 0; 2 > j; j++) for (var targetValue = "{" + j + "}", replaceValue = "_|_<" + j + ">_|_", i = 0; length > i; i++) list[i].indexOf(targetValue) > -1 && (list[i] = list[i].replace(targetValue, replaceValue),
1699 replacedList.push({
1700 targetValue: targetValue,
1701 replaceValue: replaceValue
1702 }));
1703 for (var commaSeparatedList = "", i = 0; length > i; i++) commaSeparatedList = 0 === i ? list[i] : StringExtensions.format(resourceProvider.get("FilterRestatement_Comma"), commaSeparatedList, list[i]);
1704 for (var i = 0; i < replacedList.length; i++) commaSeparatedList = commaSeparatedList.replace(replacedList[i].replaceValue, replacedList[i].targetValue);
1705 return commaSeparatedList;
1706 }
1707 function escapeStringForRegex(s) {
1708 return s.replace(/([-()\[\]{}+?*.$\^|,:#<!\\])/g, "\\$1");
1709 }
1710 function normalizeFileName(fileName) {
1711 return fileName.replace(/[\<\>\:"\/\\\|\?*]/g, "");
1712 }
1713 function stringifyAsPrettyJSON(object) {
1714 return JSON.stringify(object);
1715 }
1716 function deriveClsCompliantName(input, fallback) {
1717 var result = input.replace(/^[^A-Za-z]*/g, "").replace(/[ :\.\/\\\-\u00a0\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000]/g, "_").replace(/[\W]/g, "");
1718 return result.length > 0 ? result : fallback;
1719 }
1720 function stripTagDelimiters(s) {
1721 return s.replace(HtmlTagRegex, "");
1722 }
1723 var HtmlTagRegex = new RegExp("[<>]", "g");
1724 StringExtensions.format = format, StringExtensions.equalIgnoreCase = equalIgnoreCase,
1725 StringExtensions.startsWithIgnoreCase = startsWithIgnoreCase, StringExtensions.startsWith = startsWith,
1726 StringExtensions.containsIgnoreCase = containsIgnoreCase, StringExtensions.normalizeCase = normalizeCase,
1727 StringExtensions.isNullOrEmpty = isNullOrEmpty, StringExtensions.isNullOrUndefinedOrWhiteSpaceString = isNullOrUndefinedOrWhiteSpaceString,
1728 StringExtensions.containsWhitespace = containsWhitespace, StringExtensions.isWhitespace = isWhitespace,
1729 StringExtensions.trimTrailingWhitespace = trimTrailingWhitespace, StringExtensions.trimWhitespace = trimWhitespace,
1730 StringExtensions.getLengthDifference = getLengthDifference, StringExtensions.repeat = repeat,
1731 StringExtensions.replaceAll = replaceAll, StringExtensions.ensureUniqueNames = ensureUniqueNames,
1732 StringExtensions.findUniqueName = findUniqueName, StringExtensions.constructCommaSeparatedList = constructCommaSeparatedList,
1733 StringExtensions.escapeStringForRegex = escapeStringForRegex, StringExtensions.normalizeFileName = normalizeFileName,
1734 StringExtensions.stringifyAsPrettyJSON = stringifyAsPrettyJSON, StringExtensions.deriveClsCompliantName = deriveClsCompliantName,
1735 StringExtensions.stripTagDelimiters = stripTagDelimiters;
1736 }(StringExtensions = jsCommon.StringExtensions || (jsCommon.StringExtensions = {}));
1737 var Utility = function() {
1738 function Utility() {}
1739 return Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined = function(value, context, methodName, parameterName) {
1740 null === value ? Utility.throwException(jsCommon.Errors.argumentNull(Utility.getComponentName(context) + methodName + "." + parameterName)) : typeof value === Utility.Undefined && Utility.throwException(jsCommon.Errors.argumentUndefined(Utility.getComponentName(context) + methodName + "." + parameterName));
1741 }, Utility.throwIfNullOrEmpty = function(value, context, methodName, parameterName) {
1742 Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined(value, context, methodName, parameterName), value.length || Utility.throwException(jsCommon.Errors.argumentOutOfRange(Utility.getComponentName(context) + methodName + "." + parameterName));
1743 }, Utility.throwIfNullOrEmptyString = function(value, context, methodName, parameterName) {
1744 Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined(value, context, methodName, parameterName), value.length < 1 && Utility.throwException(jsCommon.Errors.argumentOutOfRange(Utility.getComponentName(context) + methodName + "." + parameterName));
1745 }, Utility.throwIfNullEmptyOrWhitespaceString = function(value, context, methodName, parameterName) {
1746 Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined(value, context, methodName, parameterName), StringExtensions.isNullOrUndefinedOrWhiteSpaceString(value) && Utility.throwException(jsCommon.Errors.argumentOutOfRange(Utility.getComponentName(context) + methodName + "." + parameterName));
1747 }, Utility.throwIfNotTrue = function(condition, context, methodName, parameterName) {
1748 condition || Utility.throwException(jsCommon.Errors.argument(parameterName, Utility.getComponentName(context) + methodName + "." + parameterName));
1749 }, Utility.isString = function(value) {
1750 return "string" == typeof value;
1751 }, Utility.isBoolean = function(value) {
1752 return "boolean" == typeof value;
1753 }, Utility.isNumber = function(value) {
1754 return "number" == typeof value;
1755 }, Utility.isDate = function(value) {
1756 return Utility.isObject(value) && value instanceof Date;
1757 }, Utility.isObject = function(value) {
1758 return null != value && "object" == typeof value;
1759 }, Utility.isNullOrUndefined = function(value) {
1760 return null === value || typeof value === Utility.Undefined;
1761 }, Utility.urlCombine = function(baseUrl, path) {
1762 if (Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined(baseUrl, null, "urlCombine", "baseUrl"), Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined(path, null, "urlCombine", "path"),
1763 StringExtensions.isNullOrUndefinedOrWhiteSpaceString(path)) return baseUrl;
1764 if (StringExtensions.isNullOrUndefinedOrWhiteSpaceString(baseUrl)) return path;
1765 var finalUrl = baseUrl;
1766 return "/" === finalUrl.charAt(finalUrl.length - 1) ? "/" === path.charAt(0) && (path = path.slice(1)) : "/" !== path.charAt(0) && (path = "/" + path),
1767 finalUrl + path;
1768 }, Utility.getAbsoluteUri = function(path) {
1769 Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined(path, null, "getAbsoluteUri", "path");
1770 var url = path;
1771 return url && -1 === url.indexOf("http") && (url = Utility.urlCombine(clusterUri, url)),
1772 url;
1773 }, Utility.getStaticResourceUri = function(path) {
1774 Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined(path, null, "getStaticResourceUri", "path");
1775 var url = path;
1776 return url && -1 === url.indexOf("http") && (url = jsCommon.Utility.urlCombine(Utility.staticContentLocation, url)),
1777 url;
1778 }, Utility.getComponentName = function(context) {
1779 return context ? (typeof context).toString() + "." : "";
1780 }, Utility.throwException = function(e) {
1781 throw jsCommon.Trace.error(StringExtensions.format("Throwing exception: {0}", JSON.stringify(e)), null == e.stack),
1782 e;
1783 }, Utility.createClassSelector = function(className) {
1784 return Utility.throwIfNullOrEmptyString(className, null, "CreateClassSelector", "className"),
1785 "." + className;
1786 }, Utility.createIdSelector = function(id) {
1787 return Utility.throwIfNullOrEmptyString(id, null, "CreateIdSelector", "id"), "#" + id;
1788 }, Utility.generateGuid = function() {
1789 var guid = "", idx = 0;
1790 for (idx = 0; 32 > idx; idx += 1) {
1791 var guidDigitsItem = 16 * Math.random() | 0;
1792 switch (idx) {
1793 case 8:
1794 case 12:
1795 case 16:
1796 case 20:
1797 guid += "-";
1798 }
1799 guid += guidDigitsItem.toString(16);
1800 }
1801 return guid;
1802 }, Utility.getCookieValue = function(key) {
1803 for (var keyValuePairs = document.cookie.split(";"), i = 0; i < keyValuePairs.length; i++) {
1804 var keyValue = keyValuePairs[i], split = keyValue.split("=");
1805 if (split.length > 0 && split[0].trim() === key) return keyValue.substr(keyValue.indexOf("=") + 1);
1806 }
1807 return null;
1808 }, Utility.getDomainForUrl = function(url) {
1809 var hrefObject = Utility.getHrefObjectFromUrl(url);
1810 return hrefObject.prop("protocol") + "//" + hrefObject.prop("hostname");
1811 }, Utility.getHostNameForUrl = function(url) {
1812 var hrefObject = Utility.getHrefObjectFromUrl(url);
1813 return Utility.urlCombine(hrefObject.prop("hostname"), hrefObject.prop("pathname"));
1814 }, Utility.getUrlWithoutQueryString = function(url) {
1815 var hrefObject = Utility.getHrefObjectFromUrl(url);
1816 return hrefObject.prop("protocol") + "//" + Utility.urlCombine(hrefObject.prop("host"), hrefObject.prop("pathname"));
1817 }, Utility.getProtocolFromUrl = function(url) {
1818 return Utility.getHrefObjectFromUrl(url).prop("protocol").replace(":", "");
1819 }, Utility.getHrefObjectFromUrl = function(url) {
1820 var aObject = $("<a>");
1821 return aObject = aObject.prop("href", url);
1822 }, Utility.convertWcfToJsDictionary = function(wcfDictionary) {
1823 for (var result = {}, i = 0; i < wcfDictionary.length; i++) {
1824 var keyValuePair = wcfDictionary[i];
1825 result[keyValuePair.Key] = keyValuePair.Value;
1826 }
1827 return result;
1828 }, Utility.getDateFromWcfJsonString = function(jsonDate, fromUtcMilliseconds) {
1829 if (StringExtensions.isNullOrEmpty(jsonDate)) return null;
1830 var begIndex = jsonDate.indexOf("("), endIndex = jsonDate.indexOf(")");
1831 if (-1 !== begIndex && -1 !== endIndex) {
1832 var milliseconds = parseInt(jsonDate.substring(begIndex + 1, endIndex), 10);
1833 if (fromUtcMilliseconds) return new Date(milliseconds);
1834 var retValue = new Date(0);
1835 return retValue.setUTCMilliseconds(milliseconds), retValue;
1836 }
1837 return null;
1838 }, Utility.getOuterHtml = function(content) {
1839 return $("<div>").append(content).html();
1840 }, Utility.compareInt = function(a, b) {
1841 return a - b;
1842 }, Utility.getIndexOfMinValue = function(a) {
1843 for (var retValue = 0, currentMinValue = a[0], i = 0; i < a.length; i++) a[i] < currentMinValue && (currentMinValue = a[i],
1844 retValue = i);
1845 return retValue;
1846 }, Utility.extractUrlFromCssBackgroundImage = function(input) {
1847 return input.replace(/"/g, "").replace(/url\(|\)$/gi, "");
1848 }, Utility.isValidImageDataUrl = function(url) {
1849 var regex = new RegExp("data:(image/(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|svg))");
1850 return regex.test(url);
1851 }, Utility.isLocalUrl = function(url) {
1852 return _.startsWith(url, "data:") || _.startsWith(url, "blob:");
1853 }, Utility.saveAsFile = function(content, fileName) {
1854 var contentBlob = new Blob([ content ], {
1855 type: HttpConstants.ApplicationOctetStream
1856 }), url = window.webkitURL || URL, urlLink = url.createObjectURL(contentBlob), fileNameLink = fileName || urlLink;
1857 if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) return void window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(contentBlob, fileNameLink);
1858 var hyperlink = document.createElement("a");
1859 hyperlink.href = urlLink, hyperlink.target = "_blank", hyperlink.download = fileNameLink,
1860 document.body.appendChild(hyperlink), hyperlink.click(), document.body.removeChild(hyperlink);
1861 }, Utility.getType = function(obj) {
1862 Utility.throwIfNullEmptyOrWhitespaceString(obj.__type, this, "getType", "obj");
1863 var parts = obj.__type.split(":");
1864 return 2 !== parts.length && jsCommon.Errors.argument("obj.__type", "Type String not in expected format [Type]#[Namespace]: " + obj.__type),
1865 parts[1] !== Utility.TypeNamespace && jsCommon.Errors.argument("obj.__type", "Type Namespace not expected: " + parts[1]),
1866 parts[0];
1867 }, Utility.isEventSupported = function(eventName, element) {
1868 eventName = "on" + eventName;
1869 var isSupported = eventName in element;
1870 return isSupported || (element.setAttribute || (element = document.createElement("div")),
1871 element.setAttribute && element.removeAttribute && (element.setAttribute(eventName, ""),
1872 isSupported = "function" == typeof element[eventName], "undefined" != typeof element[eventName] && (element[eventName] = null),
1873 element.removeAttribute(eventName))), element = null, isSupported;
1874 }, Utility.toPixel = function(pixelAmount) {
1875 return Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined(pixelAmount, this, "toPixel", "pixelAmount"),
1876 pixelAmount.toString() + jsCommon.CssConstants.pixelUnits;
1877 }, Utility.getPropertyCount = function(object) {
1878 return Utility.throwIfNullOrUndefined(object, this, "getPropertyCount", "object"),
1879 Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object).length;
1880 }, Utility.getFileExtension = function(filePath) {
1881 if (filePath) {
1882 var index = filePath.lastIndexOf(".");
1883 if (index >= 0) return filePath.substr(index + 1);
1884 }
1885 return "";
1886 }, Utility.extractFileNameFromPath = function(filePath) {
1887 return filePath.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, "");
1888 }, Utility.canUseClipboard = function() {
1889 return "undefined" == typeof MSApp;
1890 }, Utility.is64BitOperatingSystem = function() {
1891 return -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf("WOW64") || -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Win64");
1892 }, Utility.parseNumber = function(value, defaultValue) {
1893 if (null === value) return null;
1894 if (void 0 === value) return defaultValue;
1895 var result = Number(value);
1896 return isFinite(result) ? result : isNaN(result) && "number" != typeof value && "NaN" !== value ? defaultValue : result;
1897 }, Utility.getURLParamValue = function(name) {
1898 var results = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)").exec(window.location.href);
1899 return null == results ? null : results[1] || 0;
1900 }, Utility.getLocalTimeZoneString = function() {
1901 var localTimeZoneString, timeSummer = new Date(Date.UTC(2005, 6, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0)), summerOffset = -1 * timeSummer.getTimezoneOffset(), timeWinter = new Date(Date.UTC(2005, 12, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0)), winterOffset = -1 * timeWinter.getTimezoneOffset();
1902 return localTimeZoneString = -720 === summerOffset && -720 === winterOffset ? "Dateline Standard Time" : -660 === summerOffset && -660 === winterOffset ? "UTC-11" : -660 === summerOffset && -660 === winterOffset ? "Samoa Standard Time" : -600 === summerOffset && -600 === winterOffset ? "Hawaiian Standard Time" : -480 === summerOffset && -540 === winterOffset ? "Alaskan Standard Time" : -420 === summerOffset && -480 === winterOffset ? "Pacific Standard Time" : -420 === summerOffset && -420 === winterOffset ? "US Mountain Standard Time" : -360 === summerOffset && -420 === winterOffset ? "Mountain Standard Time" : -360 === summerOffset && -360 === winterOffset ? "Central America Standard Time" : -300 === summerOffset && -360 === winterOffset ? "Central Standard Time" : -300 === summerOffset && -300 === winterOffset ? "SA Pacific Standard Time" : -240 === summerOffset && -300 === winterOffset ? "Eastern Standard Time" : -270 === summerOffset && -270 === winterOffset ? "Venezuela Standard Time" : -240 === summerOffset && -240 === winterOffset ? "SA Western Standard Time" : -240 === summerOffset && -180 === winterOffset ? "Central Brazilian Standard Time" : -180 === summerOffset && -240 === winterOffset ? "Atlantic Standard Time" : -180 === summerOffset && -180 === winterOffset ? "Montevideo Standard Time" : -180 === summerOffset && -120 === winterOffset ? "E. South America Standard Time" : -150 === summerOffset && -210 === winterOffset ? "Mid-Atlantic Standard Time" : -120 === summerOffset && -120 === winterOffset ? "SA Eastern Standard Time" : 0 === summerOffset && 0 === winterOffset ? "UTC" : 60 === summerOffset && 0 === winterOffset ? "GMT Standard Time" : 60 === summerOffset && 120 === winterOffset ? "Namibia Standard Time" : 120 === summerOffset && 60 === winterOffset ? "Romance Standard Time" : 120 === summerOffset && 120 === winterOffset ? "South Africa Standard Time" : 180 === summerOffset && 120 === winterOffset ? "GTB Standard Time" : 180 === summerOffset && 180 === winterOffset ? "E. Africa Standard Time" : 240 === summerOffset && 180 === winterOffset ? "Russian Standard Time" : 240 === summerOffset && 240 === winterOffset ? "Arabian Standard Time" : 270 === summerOffset && 210 === winterOffset ? "Iran Standard Time" : 270 === summerOffset && 270 === winterOffset ? "Afghanistan Standard Time" : 300 === summerOffset && 240 === winterOffset ? "Pakistan Standard Time" : 300 === summerOffset && 300 === winterOffset ? "West Asia Standard Time" : 330 === summerOffset && 330 === winterOffset ? "India Standard Time" : 345 === summerOffset && 345 === winterOffset ? "Nepal Standard Time" : 360 === summerOffset && 300 === winterOffset ? "N. Central Asia Standard Time" : 360 === summerOffset && 360 === winterOffset ? "Central Asia Standard Time" : 390 === summerOffset && 390 === winterOffset ? "Myanmar Standard Time" : 420 === summerOffset && 360 === winterOffset ? "North Asia Standard Time" : 420 === summerOffset && 420 === winterOffset ? "SE Asia Standard Time" : 480 === summerOffset && 420 === winterOffset ? "North Asia East Standard Time" : 480 === summerOffset && 480 === winterOffset ? "China Standard Time" : 540 === summerOffset && 480 === winterOffset ? "Yakutsk Standard Time" : 540 === summerOffset && 540 === winterOffset ? "Tokyo Standard Time" : 570 === summerOffset && 570 === winterOffset ? "Cen. Australia Standard Time" : 600 === summerOffset && 600 === winterOffset ? "E. Australia Standard Time" : 600 === summerOffset && 660 === winterOffset ? "AUS Eastern Standard Time" : 660 === summerOffset && 600 === winterOffset ? "Tasmania Standard Time" : 660 === summerOffset && 660 === winterOffset ? "West Pacific Standard Time" : 690 === summerOffset && 690 === winterOffset ? "Central Pacific Standard Time" : 720 === summerOffset && 660 === winterOffset ? "Magadan Standard Time" : 720 === summerOffset && 720 === winterOffset ? "Fiji Standard Time" : 720 === summerOffset && 780 === winterOffset ? "New Zealand Standard Time" : 780 === summerOffset && 780 === winterOffset ? "Tonga Standard Time" : "UTC";
1903 }, Utility.TypeNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlbi/2013/01/NLRuntimeService",
1904 Utility.JsonContentType = "application/json", Utility.JpegContentType = "image/jpeg",
1905 Utility.XJavascriptContentType = "application/x-javascript", Utility.JsonDataType = "json",
1906 Utility.BlobDataType = "blob", Utility.HttpGetMethod = "GET", Utility.HttpPostMethod = "POST",
1907 Utility.HttpPutMethod = "PUT", Utility.HttpDeleteMethod = "DELETE", Utility.HttpContentTypeHeader = "Content-Type",
1908 Utility.HttpAcceptHeader = "Accept", Utility.Undefined = "undefined", Utility.staticContentLocation = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host,
1909 Utility;
1910 }();
1911 jsCommon.Utility = Utility;
1912 var VersionUtility = function() {
1913 function VersionUtility() {}
1914 return VersionUtility.compareVersions = function(versionA, versionB) {
1915 for (var a = versionA.split(".").map(parseFloat), b = versionB.split(".").map(parseFloat), versionParts = Math.max(a.length, b.length), i = 0; versionParts > i; i++) {
1916 var partA = a[i] || 0, partB = b[i] || 0;
1917 if (partA > partB) return 1;
1918 if (partB > partA) return -1;
1919 }
1920 return 0;
1921 }, VersionUtility;
1922 }();
1923 jsCommon.VersionUtility = VersionUtility;
1924 var PerformanceUtil;
1925 !function(PerformanceUtil) {
1926 function create(name) {
1927 return new PerfMarker(name);
1928 }
1929 var PerfMarker = function() {
1930 function PerfMarker(name) {
1931 this._name = name, this._start = PerfMarker.begin(name);
1932 }
1933 return PerfMarker.begin = function(name) {
1934 return void 0 !== window.performance && void 0 !== performance.mark ? (console.time,
1935 name = "Begin " + name, performance.mark(name), name) : void 0;
1936 }, PerfMarker.prototype.end = function() {
1937 if (void 0 !== window.performance && void 0 !== performance.mark && void 0 !== performance.measure) {
1938 var name = this._name, end = "End " + name;
1939 performance.mark(end), performance.measure(name, this._start, end), console.timeEnd;
1940 }
1941 }, PerfMarker;
1942 }();
1943 PerformanceUtil.PerfMarker = PerfMarker, PerformanceUtil.create = create;
1944 }(PerformanceUtil = jsCommon.PerformanceUtil || (jsCommon.PerformanceUtil = {}));
1945 var DeferUtility;
1946 !function(DeferUtility) {
1947 function deferUntilNextFrame(callback) {
1948 var isWaiting, args, context;
1949 return window.requestAnimationFrame || (window.requestAnimationFrame = function(func) {
1950 return setTimeout(func, 20);
1951 }), function() {
1952 isWaiting || (isWaiting = !0, args = arguments, context = this, window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
1953 isWaiting = !1, callback.apply(context, args);
1954 }));
1955 };
1956 }
1957 DeferUtility.deferUntilNextFrame = deferUntilNextFrame;
1958 }(DeferUtility = jsCommon.DeferUtility || (jsCommon.DeferUtility = {}));
1959}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
1961var jsCommon;
1963!function(jsCommon) {
1964 var TraceItem = function() {
1965 function TraceItem(text, type, sessionId, requestId) {
1966 this.text = text, this.type = type, this.sessionId = sessionId, this.requestId = requestId,
1967 this.timeStamp = new Date();
1968 }
1969 return TraceItem.prototype.toString = function() {
1970 var resultString = "";
1971 return resultString += jsCommon.StringExtensions.format("{0} ({1}): {2}", TraceItem.traceTypeStrings[this.type], this.timeStamp.toUTCString(), this.text),
1972 this.requestId && (resultString += "\n(Request id: " + this.requestId + ")"), resultString;
1974 TraceItem;
1975 }();
1976 jsCommon.TraceItem = TraceItem;
1977}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
1979var jsCommon;
1981!function(jsCommon) {
1982 var UrlUtils;
1983 !function(UrlUtils) {
1984 function isValidUrl(value) {
1985 if (jsCommon.StringExtensions.isNullOrEmpty(value)) return !1;
1986 var match = jsCommon.RegExpExtensions.run(urlRegex, value);
1987 return !(!match || 0 !== match.index);
1988 }
1989 function isValidImageUrl(url) {
1990 return isValidUrl(url);
1991 }
1992 function findAllValidUrls(text) {
1993 if (jsCommon.StringExtensions.isNullOrEmpty(text)) return [];
1994 for (var matches, urlRanges = [], start = 0; null !== (matches = jsCommon.RegExpExtensions.run(urlRegex, text, start)); ) {
1995 var url = matches[0], end = matches.index + url.length;
1996 urlRanges.push({
1997 start: matches.index,
1998 end: end,
1999 text: url
2000 }), start = end;
2001 }
2002 return urlRanges;
2003 }
2004 function getBase64ContentFromDataUri(uri) {
2005 if (0 !== uri.indexOf("data:")) throw new Error("Expected data uri");
2006 var base64Token = ";base64,", indexBase64TokenStart = uri.indexOf(base64Token);
2007 if (0 > indexBase64TokenStart) throw new Error("Expected base 64 content in data url");
2008 var indexBase64Start = indexBase64TokenStart + base64Token.length;
2009 return uri.substr(indexBase64Start, uri.length - indexBase64Start);
2010 }
2011 var urlRegex = /http[s]?:\/\/(\S)+/gi;
2012 UrlUtils.isValidUrl = isValidUrl, UrlUtils.isValidImageUrl = isValidImageUrl, UrlUtils.findAllValidUrls = findAllValidUrls,
2013 UrlUtils.getBase64ContentFromDataUri = getBase64ContentFromDataUri;
2014 }(UrlUtils = jsCommon.UrlUtils || (jsCommon.UrlUtils = {}));
2015}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
2017var jsCommon;
2019!function(jsCommon) {
2020 var BrowserUtils;
2021 !function(BrowserUtils) {
2022 function isChrome() {
2023 var vendorName = window.navigator.vendor || "", userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
2024 return vendorName.toLowerCase().indexOf("google") > -1 && userAgent.indexOf("chrome") > -1 && -1 === userAgent.indexOf("edge") && -1 === userAgent.indexOf("opr");
2025 }
2026 function isInternetExplorerOrEdge() {
2027 var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
2028 return userAgent.indexOf("msie") > -1 || userAgent.indexOf("trident") > -1 || userAgent.indexOf("edge") > -1;
2029 }
2030 function getInternetExplorerVersion() {
2031 var retValue = 0;
2032 if ("Microsoft Internet Explorer" === navigator.appName || window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") >= 0) {
2033 var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\\.0-9]{0,})"), result = re.exec(window.navigator.userAgent);
2034 result && (retValue = parseFloat(result[1]));
2035 }
2036 return retValue;
2037 }
2038 BrowserUtils.isChrome = isChrome, BrowserUtils.isInternetExplorerOrEdge = isInternetExplorerOrEdge,
2039 BrowserUtils.getInternetExplorerVersion = getInternetExplorerVersion;
2040 }(BrowserUtils = jsCommon.BrowserUtils || (jsCommon.BrowserUtils = {}));
2041}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
2043var jsCommon;
2045!function(jsCommon) {
2046 var EnumExtensions;
2047 !function(EnumExtensions) {
2048 function hasFlag(value, flag) {
2049 return (value & flag) === flag;
2050 }
2051 function setFlag(value, flag) {
2052 return value |= flag;
2053 }
2054 function resetFlag(value, flag) {
2055 return value &= ~flag;
2056 }
2057 function toString(enumType, value) {
2058 return enumType[value];
2059 }
2060 EnumExtensions.hasFlag = hasFlag, EnumExtensions.setFlag = setFlag, EnumExtensions.resetFlag = resetFlag,
2061 EnumExtensions.toString = toString;
2062 }(EnumExtensions = jsCommon.EnumExtensions || (jsCommon.EnumExtensions = {}));
2063 var StringExtensions;
2064 !function(StringExtensions) {
2065 function endsWith(str, suffix) {
2066 return -1 !== str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length);
2067 }
2068 StringExtensions.endsWith = endsWith;
2069 }(StringExtensions = jsCommon.StringExtensions || (jsCommon.StringExtensions = {}));
2070 var LogicExtensions;
2071 !function(LogicExtensions) {
2072 function XOR(a, b) {
2073 return (a || b) && !(a && b);
2074 }
2075 LogicExtensions.XOR = XOR;
2076 }(LogicExtensions = jsCommon.LogicExtensions || (jsCommon.LogicExtensions = {}));
2077 var JsonComparer;
2078 !function(JsonComparer) {
2079 function equals(x, y) {
2080 return x === y ? !0 : JSON.stringify(x) === JSON.stringify(y);
2081 }
2082 JsonComparer.equals = equals;
2083 }(JsonComparer = jsCommon.JsonComparer || (jsCommon.JsonComparer = {}));
2084 var TextSizeDefaults;
2085 !function(TextSizeDefaults) {
2086 function getScale(textSize) {
2087 return (textSize - TextSizeDefaults.TextSizeMin) / TextSizeRange;
2088 }
2089 TextSizeDefaults.TextSizeMin = 8, TextSizeDefaults.TextSizeMax = 40;
2090 var TextSizeRange = TextSizeDefaults.TextSizeMax - TextSizeDefaults.TextSizeMin;
2091 TextSizeDefaults.getScale = getScale;
2092 }(TextSizeDefaults = jsCommon.TextSizeDefaults || (jsCommon.TextSizeDefaults = {}));
2093 var PixelConverter;
2094 !function(PixelConverter) {
2095 function toString(px) {
2096 return px + PixelString;
2097 }
2098 function fromPoint(pt) {
2099 return toString(fromPointToPixel(pt));
2100 }
2101 function fromPointToPixel(pt) {
2102 return PxPtRatio * pt;
2103 }
2104 function toPoint(px) {
2105 return px / PxPtRatio;
2106 }
2107 var PxPtRatio = 4 / 3, PixelString = "px";
2108 PixelConverter.toString = toString, PixelConverter.fromPoint = fromPoint, PixelConverter.fromPointToPixel = fromPointToPixel,
2109 PixelConverter.toPoint = toPoint;
2110 }(PixelConverter = jsCommon.PixelConverter || (jsCommon.PixelConverter = {}));
2111 var RegExpExtensions;
2112 !function(RegExpExtensions) {
2113 function run(regex, value, start) {
2114 return regex.lastIndex = start || 0, regex.exec(value);
2115 }
2116 RegExpExtensions.run = run;
2117 }(RegExpExtensions = jsCommon.RegExpExtensions || (jsCommon.RegExpExtensions = {}));
2118}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
2120var powerbi;
2122!function(powerbi) {
2123 var visuals;
2124 !function(visuals) {
2125 var utility;
2126 !function(utility) {
2127 var StyleUtils;
2128 !function(StyleUtils) {
2129 function getRotateAngleFromElement(element) {
2130 var rawElemStyle = element.get(0).style, transformString = rawElemStyle.transform || rawElemStyle.webkitTransform;
2131 if (transformString) {
2132 var transform = transformString.match(/rotate\((-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)deg\)/);
2133 if (transform) return parseFloat(transform[1]);
2134 }
2135 return 0;
2136 }
2137 function getTranslateTransformFromElement(element) {
2138 var rawElemStyle = element.get(0).style, transformString = rawElemStyle.transform || rawElemStyle.webkitTransform, retValue = {
2139 x: 0,
2140 y: 0
2141 };
2142 if (transformString && transformString.length > 0) {
2143 var transform = transformString.match(/translate\((-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)px, (-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)px\)/);
2144 transform && (retValue.x = parseFloat(transform[1]), retValue.y = parseFloat(transform[2]));
2145 }
2146 return retValue;
2147 }
2148 function getPadding(element) {
2149 return element ? {
2150 left: parseFloat(element.css("padding-left")) || 0,
2151 right: parseFloat(element.css("padding-right")) || 0,
2152 top: parseFloat(element.css("padding-top")) || 0,
2153 bottom: parseFloat(element.css("padding-bottom")) || 0
2154 } : void 0;
2155 }
2156 StyleUtils.getRotateAngleFromElement = getRotateAngleFromElement, StyleUtils.getTranslateTransformFromElement = getTranslateTransformFromElement,
2157 StyleUtils.getPadding = getPadding;
2158 }(StyleUtils = utility.StyleUtils || (utility.StyleUtils = {}));
2159 }(utility = visuals.utility || (visuals.utility = {}));
2160 }(visuals = powerbi.visuals || (powerbi.visuals = {}));
2161}(powerbi || (powerbi = {}));
2163var jsCommon;
2165!function(jsCommon) {
2166 var ConsoleTracer = function() {
2167 function ConsoleTracer() {}
2168 return ConsoleTracer.prototype.logTrace = function(trace) {
2169 if (DEBUG) switch (trace.type) {
2170 case jsCommon.TraceType.Information:
2171 break;
2173 case jsCommon.TraceType.UnexpectedError:
2174 case jsCommon.TraceType.Error:
2175 case jsCommon.TraceType.Fatal:
2176 break;
2178 case jsCommon.TraceType.ExpectedError:
2179 case jsCommon.TraceType.Warning:
2180 break;
2182 case jsCommon.TraceType.Verbose: }
2183 }, ConsoleTracer;
2184 }();
2185 jsCommon.ConsoleTracer = ConsoleTracer;
2186 var Trace;
2187 !function(Trace) {
2188 function warning(text, requestId) {
2189 logTraceInternal(new jsCommon.TraceItem(text, jsCommon.TraceType.Warning, requestId));
2190 }
2191 function error(text, includeStackTrace, requestId) {
2192 includeStackTrace && (text = jsCommon.StringExtensions.format("{0}.\nStack:\n{1}", text, jsCommon.getStackTrace())),
2193 logTraceInternal(new jsCommon.TraceItem(text, jsCommon.TraceType.Error, requestId));
2194 }
2195 function verbose(text, requestId) {
2196 logTraceInternal(new jsCommon.TraceItem(text, jsCommon.TraceType.Verbose, requestId));
2197 }
2198 function addListener(listener) {
2199 listeners.push(listener);
2200 }
2201 function removeListener(listener) {
2202 var index = listeners.indexOf(listener);
2203 index >= 0 && listeners.splice(index, 1);
2204 }
2205 function resetListeners() {
2206 listeners = new Array(defaultListener);
2207 }
2208 function reset() {
2209 lastTraceIndex = -1;
2210 }
2211 function getTraces() {
2212 if (!(0 > lastTraceIndex)) {
2213 for (var result = new Array(lastTraceIndex + 1), i = 0; lastTraceIndex >= i; i++) result[i] = traces[i];
2214 return result;
2215 }
2216 }
2217 function disableDefaultListener() {
2218 removeListener(defaultListener);
2219 }
2220 function enableDefaultListener() {
2221 addListener(defaultListener);
2222 }
2223 function logTraceInternal(trace) {
2224 lastTraceIndex + 1 >= traceMaxCount && reset(), traces[++lastTraceIndex] = trace;
2225 for (var i = 0, len = listeners.length; len > i; i++) listeners[i].logTrace(trace);
2226 }
2227 var traceMaxCount = 1e3, traces = new Array(traceMaxCount), lastTraceIndex = -1, defaultListener = new ConsoleTracer(), listeners = new Array(defaultListener);
2228 Trace.warning = warning, Trace.error = error, Trace.verbose = verbose, Trace.addListener = addListener,
2229 Trace.removeListener = removeListener, Trace.resetListeners = resetListeners, Trace.reset = reset,
2230 Trace.getTraces = getTraces, Trace.disableDefaultListener = disableDefaultListener,
2231 Trace.enableDefaultListener = enableDefaultListener;
2232 }(Trace = jsCommon.Trace || (jsCommon.Trace = {}));
2233}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
2235var jsCommon;
2237!function(jsCommon) {
2238 !function(TraceType) {
2239 TraceType[TraceType.Information = 0] = "Information", TraceType[TraceType.Verbose = 1] = "Verbose",
2240 TraceType[TraceType.Warning = 2] = "Warning", TraceType[TraceType.Error = 3] = "Error",
2241 TraceType[TraceType.ExpectedError = 4] = "ExpectedError", TraceType[TraceType.UnexpectedError = 5] = "UnexpectedError",
2242 TraceType[TraceType.Fatal = 6] = "Fatal";
2243 }(jsCommon.TraceType || (jsCommon.TraceType = {}));
2244 jsCommon.TraceType;
2245}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
2247var jsCommon;
2249!function(jsCommon) {
2250 function ensurePowerView(action) {
2251 void 0 === action && (action = _.noop), jsCommon.requires(PowerViewPackage, action);
2252 }
2253 function ensureMap(locale, action) {
2254 var mapPackageWithLocale = powerbi.Prototype.inherit(MapPackage);
2255 _.isEmpty(locale) || (mapPackageWithLocale.javaScriptFilesWithCallback[0].javascriptFile = MSMapcontrol.concat("&mkt=" + locale)),
2256 jsCommon.requires(mapPackageWithLocale, action);
2257 }
2258 function mapControlLoaded() {
2259 MSMapcontrolLoaded = !0, WaitForMSMapLoad && (WaitForMSMapLoad.resolve(), WaitForMSMapLoad = void 0);
2260 }
2261 function waitForMapControlLoaded() {
2262 var task;
2263 return MSMapcontrolLoaded ? (task = $.Deferred(), task.resolve()) : task = WaitForMSMapLoad = $.Deferred(),
2264 task.promise();
2265 }
2266 var MSMapcontrol = "https://ecn.dev.virtualearth.net/mapcontrol/mapcontrol.ashx?v=7.0&s=1&onscriptload=globalMapControlLoaded", MSMapcontrolLoaded = !1, WaitForMSMapLoad = null, PowerViewPackage = {
2267 javaScriptFiles: [ powerbi.build + "/externals/pv/webclient.js" ],
2268 cssFiles: [ powerbi.build + "/externals/pv/Styles/_all.css" ],
2269 javaScriptFilesWithCallback: [ {
2270 javascriptFile: MSMapcontrol,
2271 onLoadCallback: waitForMapControlLoaded
2272 } ]
2273 };
2274 jsCommon.ensurePowerView = ensurePowerView;
2275 var MapPackage = {
2276 javaScriptFilesWithCallback: [ {
2277 javascriptFile: MSMapcontrol,
2278 onLoadCallback: waitForMapControlLoaded
2279 } ]
2280 };
2281 jsCommon.ensureMap = ensureMap, jsCommon.mapControlLoaded = mapControlLoaded, jsCommon.waitForMapControlLoaded = waitForMapControlLoaded;
2282}(jsCommon || (jsCommon = {}));
2284var globalMapControlLoaded = function() {
2285 jsCommon.mapControlLoaded();
2286}, InJs;
2288!function(InJs) {
2289 !function(TraceType) {
2290 TraceType[TraceType.information = 0] = "information", TraceType[TraceType.verbose = 1] = "verbose",
2291 TraceType[TraceType.warning = 2] = "warning", TraceType[TraceType.error = 3] = "error",
2292 TraceType[TraceType.expectedError = 4] = "expectedError", TraceType[TraceType.unexpectedError = 5] = "unexpectedError",
2293 TraceType[TraceType.fatal = 6] = "fatal";
2294 }(InJs.TraceType || (InJs.TraceType = {}));
2295 InJs.TraceType;
2296}(InJs || (InJs = {}));
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