159 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2declare function requireAll(requireContext: any): any;
31declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
32 import ArcDescriptor = D3.Layout.ArcDescriptor;
33 interface AsterPlotData {
34 dataPoints: AsterDataPoint[];
35 highlightedDataPoints?: AsterDataPoint[];
36 settings: AsterPlotSettings;
37 hasHighlights: boolean;
38 legendData: LegendData;
39 labelFormatter: IValueFormatter;
40 centerText: string;
41 }
42 interface AsterArcDescriptor extends ArcDescriptor {
43 isLabelHasConflict?: boolean;
44 data: AsterDataPoint;
45 }
46 interface AsterDataPoint extends SelectableDataPoint {
47 color: string;
48 sliceHeight: number;
49 sliceWidth: number;
50 label: string;
51 highlight?: boolean;
52 tooltipInfo: TooltipDataItem[];
53 labelFontSize: string;
54 }
55 interface AsterPlotBehaviorOptions {
56 selection: D3.Selection;
57 clearCatcher: D3.Selection;
58 interactivityService: IInteractivityService;
59 hasHighlights: boolean;
60 }
61 class AsterPlotWarning implements IVisualWarning {
62 private message;
63 constructor(message: string);
64 code: string;
65 getMessages(resourceProvider: jsCommon.IStringResourceProvider): IVisualErrorMessage;
66 }
67 class AsterPlotSettings {
68 static Default: AsterPlotSettings;
69 static parse(dataView: DataView, capabilities: VisualCapabilities): AsterPlotSettings;
70 static getProperties(capabilities: VisualCapabilities): {
71 [i: string]: {
72 [i: string]: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
73 };
74 } & {
75 general: {
76 formatString: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
77 };
78 dataPoint: {
79 fill: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
80 };
81 };
82 static createEnumTypeFromEnum(type: any): IEnumType;
83 private static getValueFnByType(type);
84 static enumerateObjectInstances(settings: AsterPlotSettings, options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions, capabilities: VisualCapabilities): ObjectEnumerationBuilder;
85 originalSettings: AsterPlotSettings;
86 createOriginalSettings(): void;
87 legend: {
88 show: boolean;
89 position: string;
90 showTitle: boolean;
91 titleText: string;
92 labelColor: string;
93 fontSize: number;
94 };
95 labels: {
96 show: boolean;
97 color: string;
98 displayUnits: number;
99 precision: number;
100 fontSize: number;
101 };
102 outerLine: {
103 show: boolean;
104 thickness: number;
105 };
106 }
107 class AsterPlotColumns<T> {
108 static Roles: AsterPlotColumns<string>;
109 static getColumnSources(dataView: DataView): AsterPlotColumns<DataViewMetadataColumn>;
110 static getTableValues(dataView: DataView): AsterPlotColumns<any[]>;
111 static getTableRows(dataView: DataView): AsterPlotColumns<any[]>[];
112 static getCategoricalValues(dataView: DataView): AsterPlotColumns<any[]>;
113 static getSeriesValues(dataView: DataView): string[];
114 static getCategoricalColumns(dataView: DataView): AsterPlotColumns<DataViewCategoryColumn & DataViewValueColumn[] & DataViewValueColumns>;
115 private static getColumnSourcesT<T>(dataView);
116 Category: T;
117 Y: T;
118 }
119 class AsterPlot implements IVisual {
120 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
121 private static AsterSlices;
122 private static AsterSlice;
123 private static AsterHighlightedSlice;
124 private static OuterLine;
125 private static labelGraphicsContextClass;
126 private static linesGraphicsContextClass;
127 private static CenterLabelClass;
128 private static CenterTextFontHeightCoefficient;
129 private static CenterTextFontWidthCoefficient;
130 static converter(dataView: DataView, colors: IDataColorPalette): AsterPlotData;
131 private static parseSettings(dataView, categorySource);
132 private layout;
133 private svg;
134 private mainGroupElement;
135 private mainLabelsElement;
136 private slicesElement;
137 private centerText;
138 private clearCatcher;
139 private colors;
140 private hostServices;
141 private interactivityService;
142 private legend;
143 private data;
144 private settings;
145 private behavior;
146 init(options: VisualInitOptions): void;
147 update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
148 private renderArcsAndLabels(duration, isHighlight?);
149 private getLabelLayout(arc, viewport);
150 private drawLabels(data, context, layout, viewport, outlineArc, labelArc);
151 private renderLegend();
152 private updateViewPortAccordingToLegend();
153 private drawOuterLine(innerRadius, radius, data);
154 private drawCenterText(innerRadius);
155 private clear();
156 onClearSelection(): void;
157 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumerationObject;
158 }
161declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
162 import IStringResourceProvider = jsCommon.IStringResourceProvider;
163 interface TornadoChartTextOptions {
164 fontFamily?: string;
165 fontSize?: number;
166 sizeUnit?: string;
167 }
168 interface TornadoChartConstructorOptions {
169 svg?: D3.Selection;
170 animator?: IGenericAnimator;
171 margin?: IMargin;
172 columnPadding?: number;
173 }
174 interface TornadoChartSeries {
175 fill: string;
176 name: string;
177 selectionId: SelectionId;
178 categoryAxisEnd: number;
179 }
180 interface TornadoChartSettings {
181 labelOutsideFillColor: string;
182 categoriesFillColor: string;
183 labelSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings;
184 showLegend?: boolean;
185 showCategories?: boolean;
186 legendFontSize?: number;
187 legendColor?: string;
188 getLabelValueFormatter?: (formatString: string) => IValueFormatter;
189 }
190 interface TornadoChartDataView {
191 categories: TextData[];
192 series: TornadoChartSeries[];
193 settings: TornadoChartSettings;
194 legend: LegendData;
195 dataPoints: TornadoChartPoint[];
196 highlightedDataPoints?: TornadoChartPoint[];
197 hasDynamicSeries: boolean;
198 hasHighlights: boolean;
199 labelHeight: number;
200 maxLabelsWidth: number;
201 legendObjectProperties: DataViewObject;
202 }
203 interface TornadoChartPoint extends SelectableDataPoint {
204 dx?: number;
205 dy?: number;
206 px?: number;
207 py?: number;
208 angle?: number;
209 width?: number;
210 height?: number;
211 label?: LabelData;
212 color: string;
213 tooltipData: TooltipDataItem[];
214 categoryIndex: number;
215 highlight?: boolean;
216 value: number;
217 minValue: number;
218 maxValue: number;
219 formatString: string;
220 }
221 interface LabelData {
222 dx: number;
223 value: number | string;
224 source: number | string;
225 color: string;
226 }
227 interface LineData {
228 x1: number;
229 y1: number;
230 x2: number;
231 y2: number;
232 }
233 interface TextData {
234 text: string;
235 height: number;
236 width: number;
237 textProperties: TextProperties;
238 }
239 interface TornadoBehaviorOptions {
240 columns: D3.Selection;
241 clearCatcher: D3.Selection;
242 interactivityService: IInteractivityService;
243 }
244 class TornadoChartWarning implements IVisualWarning {
245 code: string;
246 getMessages(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): IVisualErrorMessage;
247 }
248 function getTornadoChartWarning(): IVisualWarning;
249 class TornadoChart implements IVisual {
250 private static ClassName;
251 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
252 private static Properties;
253 static getProperties(capabilities: VisualCapabilities): any;
254 private static Columns;
255 private static Column;
256 private static Axes;
257 private static Axis;
258 private static Labels;
259 private static Label;
260 private static LabelTitle;
261 private static LabelText;
262 private static Categories;
263 private static Category;
264 private static CategoryTitle;
265 private static CategoryText;
266 private static MaxSeries;
267 private static MaxPrecision;
268 private static LabelPadding;
269 private static CategoryMinHeight;
270 private static DefaultFontSize;
271 private static DefaultLegendFontSize;
272 private static HighlightedShapeFactor;
273 private static CategoryLabelMargin;
274 static ScrollBarWidth: number;
275 private static DefaultTornadoChartSettings;
276 static converter(dataView: DataView, textOptions: TornadoChartTextOptions, colors: IDataColorPalette): TornadoChartDataView;
277 static parseSeries(dataViewValueColumns: DataViewValueColumns, index: number, isGrouped: boolean, columnGroup: DataViewValueColumnGroup, colors: IDataColorPalette): TornadoChartSeries;
278 private static getColor(properties, defaultColor, objects, colors);
279 private static getTextData(text, textOptions, measureWidth?, measureHeight?, overrideFontSize?);
280 colors: IDataColorPalette;
281 textOptions: TornadoChartTextOptions;
282 private columnPadding;
283 private leftLabelMargin;
284 private durationAnimations;
285 private InnerTextHeightDelta;
286 private margin;
287 private root;
288 private svg;
289 private main;
290 private columns;
291 private axes;
292 private labels;
293 private categories;
294 private clearCatcher;
295 private legend;
296 private behavior;
297 private interactivityService;
298 private animator;
299 private hostService;
300 private scrolling;
301 private viewport;
302 private dataView;
303 private heightColumn;
304 private allLabelsWidth;
305 private allColumnsWidth;
306 private columnWidth;
307 constructor(tornadoChartConstructorOptions?: TornadoChartConstructorOptions);
308 init(visualInitOptions: VisualInitOptions): void;
309 update(visualUpdateOptions: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
310 private validateDataView(dataView);
311 private updateElements();
312 private static parseSettings(objects, value, colors);
313 private static getPrecision(objects);
314 private static getLegendData(series, hasDynamicSeries);
315 private render();
316 private clearData();
317 onClearSelection(): void;
318 private renderWithScrolling(tornadoChartDataView, scrollStart, scrollEnd);
319 private updateViewport();
320 private computeHeightColumn();
321 private renderMiddleSection();
322 /**
323 * Calculate the width, dx value and label info for every data point
324 */
325 private calculateDataPoints(dataPoints);
326 private renderColumns(columnsData, selectSecondSeries?);
327 private renderTooltip(selection);
328 private getColumnWidth(value, minValue, maxValue, width);
329 private getLabelData(value, dxColumn, columnWidth, isColumnPositionLeft, formatStringProp, settings?);
330 private renderAxes();
331 private generateAxesData();
332 private renderLabels(dataPoints, labelsSettings);
333 private renderCategories();
334 private renderLegend();
335 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration;
336 private enumerateDataPoint(enumeration);
337 private enumerateCategoryAxis(enumeration);
338 destroy(): void;
339 }
342declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
343 import ClassAndSelector = jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector;
344 import ISize = shapes.ISize;
345 const enum MekkoChartType {
346 HundredPercentStackedColumn = 0,
347 }
348 interface MekkoColumnChartDrawInfo {
349 shapesSelection: D3.Selection;
350 viewport: IViewport;
351 axisOptions: MekkoColumnAxisOptions;
352 labelDataPoints: MekkoLabelDataPoint[];
353 }
354 interface MekkoLabelDataPointsGroup {
355 labelDataPoints: MekkoLabelDataPoint[];
356 maxNumberOfLabels: number;
357 }
358 interface MekkoLabelParentRect {
359 /** The rectangle this data label belongs to */
360 rect: IRect;
361 /** The orientation of the parent rectangle */
362 orientation: NewRectOrientation;
363 /** Valid positions to place the label ordered by preference */
364 validPositions: RectLabelPosition[];
365 }
366 interface MekkoLabelDataPoint {
367 isParentRect?: boolean;
368 /** Text to be displayed in the label */
369 text: string;
370 /** The measured size of the text */
371 textSize: ISize;
372 /** Is data label preferred? Preferred labels will be rendered first */
373 isPreferred: boolean;
374 /** Color to use for the data label if drawn inside */
375 insideFill: string;
376 /** Color to use for the data label if drawn outside */
377 outsideFill: string;
378 /** Whether or not the data label has been rendered */
379 hasBeenRendered?: boolean;
380 /** Whether the parent type is a rectangle, point or polygon */
381 parentType: LabelDataPointParentType;
382 /** The parent geometry for the data label */
383 parentShape: MekkoLabelParentRect;
384 /** The identity of the data point associated with the data label */
385 identity: powerbi.visuals.SelectionId;
386 /** The font size of the data point associated with the data label */
387 fontSize?: number;
388 /** Second row of text to be displayed in the label, for additional information */
389 secondRowText?: string;
390 /** The calculated weight of the data point associated with the data label */
391 weight?: number;
392 }
393 interface MekkoVisualRenderResult {
394 dataPoints: SelectableDataPoint[];
395 behaviorOptions: any;
396 labelDataPoints: MekkoLabelDataPoint[];
397 labelsAreNumeric: boolean;
398 labelDataPointGroups?: MekkoLabelDataPointsGroup[];
399 }
400 interface MekkoCalculateScaleAndDomainOptions extends CalculateScaleAndDomainOptions {
401 }
402 interface MekkoConstructorOptions {
403 chartType: MekkoChartType;
404 isScrollable?: boolean;
405 animator?: IGenericAnimator;
406 cartesianSmallViewPortProperties?: CartesianSmallViewPortProperties;
407 behavior?: IInteractiveBehavior;
408 }
409 interface MekkoColumnChartData extends ColumnChartData {
410 borderSettings: MekkoBorderSettings;
411 categoriesWidth: number[];
412 }
413 interface MekkoBorderSettings {
414 show: boolean;
415 color: any;
416 width: number;
417 maxWidth?: number;
418 }
419 interface MekkoLabelSettings {
420 maxPrecision: number;
421 minPrecision: number;
422 }
423 interface MekkoColumnAxisOptions extends ColumnAxisOptions {
424 }
425 interface IMekkoColumnLayout extends IColumnLayout {
426 shapeBorder?: {
427 width: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number;
428 x: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number;
429 y: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number;
430 height: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number;
431 };
432 shapeXAxis?: {
433 width: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number;
434 x: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number;
435 y: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number;
436 height: (d: ColumnChartDataPoint) => number;
437 };
438 }
439 interface MekkoAxisRenderingOptions {
440 axisLabels: ChartAxesLabels;
441 legendMargin: number;
442 viewport: IViewport;
443 margin: IMargin;
444 hideXAxisTitle: boolean;
445 hideYAxisTitle: boolean;
446 hideY2AxisTitle?: boolean;
447 xLabelColor?: Fill;
448 yLabelColor?: Fill;
449 y2LabelColor?: Fill;
450 }
451 interface MekkoDataPoints {
452 categoriesWidth: number[];
453 series: ColumnChartSeries[];
454 hasHighlights: boolean;
455 hasDynamicSeries: boolean;
456 }
457 interface MekkoLegendDataPoint extends LegendDataPoint {
458 fontSize?: number;
459 }
460 interface MekkoCreateAxisOptions extends CreateAxisOptions {
461 formatString: string;
462 is100Pct?: boolean;
463 shouldClamp?: boolean;
464 formatStringProp?: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
465 }
466 interface MekkoColumnChartContext extends ColumnChartContext {
467 height: number;
468 width: number;
469 duration: number;
470 margin: IMargin;
471 mainGraphicsContext: D3.Selection;
472 labelGraphicsContext: D3.Selection;
473 layout: CategoryLayout;
474 animator: IColumnChartAnimator;
475 onDragStart?: (datum: ColumnChartDataPoint) => void;
476 interactivityService: IInteractivityService;
477 viewportHeight: number;
478 viewportWidth: number;
479 is100Pct: boolean;
480 hostService: IVisualHostServices;
481 isComboChart: boolean;
482 }
483 class MekkoDataWrapper {
484 private data;
485 private isScalar;
486 constructor(columnChartData: CartesianData, isScalar: boolean);
487 lookupXValue(index: number, type: ValueType): any;
488 }
489 class MekkoColumnChartStrategy implements IMekkoColumnChartStrategy {
490 private static classes;
491 private layout;
492 private data;
493 private graphicsContext;
494 private width;
495 private height;
496 private margin;
497 private xProps;
498 private yProps;
499 private categoryLayout;
500 private columnsCenters;
501 private columnSelectionLineHandle;
502 private animator;
503 private interactivityService;
504 private viewportHeight;
505 private viewportWidth;
506 private static validLabelPositions;
507 setupVisualProps(columnChartProps: MekkoColumnChartContext): void;
508 setData(data: MekkoColumnChartData): void;
509 private static createFormatter(scaleDomain, dataDomain, dataType, isScalar, formatString, bestTickCount, tickValues, getValueFn, useTickIntervalForDisplayUnits?);
510 /**
511 * Format the linear tick labels or the category labels.
512 */
513 private static formatAxisTickValues(axis, tickValues, formatter, dataType, isScalar, getValueFn?);
514 /**
515 * Create a D3 axis including scale. Can be vertical or horizontal, and either datetime, numeric, or text.
516 * @param options The properties used to create the axis.
517 */
518 private createAxis(options);
519 private getCategoryAxis(data, size, layout, isVertical, forcedXMin?, forcedXMax?, axisScaleType?);
520 setXScale(is100Pct: boolean, forcedTickCount?: number, forcedXDomain?: any[], axisScaleType?: string): IAxisProperties;
521 setYScale(is100Pct: boolean, forcedTickCount?: number, forcedYDomain?: any[], axisScaleType?: string): IAxisProperties;
522 drawColumns(useAnimation: boolean): MekkoColumnChartDrawInfo;
523 private static drawDefaultShapes(data, series, layout, itemCS, filterZeros, hasSelection);
524 selectColumn(selectedColumnIndex: number, lastSelectedColumnIndex: number): void;
525 getClosestColumnIndex(x: number, y: number): number;
526 /**
527 * Get the chart's columns centers (x value).
528 */
529 private getColumnsCenters();
530 private moveHandle(selectedColumnIndex);
531 static getLayout(data: MekkoColumnChartData, axisOptions: MekkoColumnAxisOptions): IMekkoColumnLayout;
532 private createMekkoLabelDataPoints();
533 }
534 interface MekkoChartSettings {
535 columnBorder: MekkoBorderSettings;
536 labelSettings: MekkoLabelSettings;
537 }
538 /**
539 * Renders a data series as a cartestian visual.
540 */
541 class MekkoChart implements IVisual {
542 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
543 private static properties;
544 static DefaultSettings: MekkoChartSettings;
545 private static getTextProperties(fontSize?);
546 static MinOrdinalRectThickness: number;
547 static MinScalarRectThickness: number;
548 static OuterPaddingRatio: number;
549 static InnerPaddingRatio: number;
550 static TickLabelPadding: number;
551 private static ClassName;
552 private static AxisGraphicsContextClassName;
553 private static MaxMarginFactor;
554 private static MinBottomMargin;
555 private static LeftPadding;
556 private static RightPadding;
557 private static BottomPadding;
558 private static YAxisLabelPadding;
559 private static XAxisLabelPadding;
560 private static TickPaddingY;
561 private static TickPaddingRotatedX;
562 private static FontSize;
563 static MaxNumberOfLabels: number;
564 private static MinWidth;
565 private static MinHeight;
566 private axisGraphicsContext;
567 private xAxisGraphicsContext;
568 private y1AxisGraphicsContext;
569 private y2AxisGraphicsContext;
570 private element;
571 private svg;
572 private clearCatcher;
573 private margin;
574 private type;
575 private hostServices;
576 private layers;
577 private legend;
578 private legendMargins;
579 private layerLegendData;
580 private hasSetData;
581 private visualInitOptions;
582 private borderObjectProperties;
583 private legendObjectProperties;
584 private categoryAxisProperties;
585 private valueAxisProperties;
586 private cartesianSmallViewPortProperties;
587 private interactivityService;
588 private behavior;
589 private y2AxisExists;
590 private categoryAxisHasUnitType;
591 private valueAxisHasUnitType;
592 private hasCategoryAxis;
593 private yAxisIsCategorical;
594 private secValueAxisHasUnitType;
595 private axes;
596 private yAxisOrientation;
597 private bottomMarginLimit;
598 private leftRightMarginLimit;
599 private sharedColorPalette;
600 animator: IGenericAnimator;
601 private isScrollable;
602 private scrollY;
603 private scrollX;
604 private isXScrollBarVisible;
605 private isYScrollBarVisible;
606 private svgScrollable;
607 private axisGraphicsContextScrollable;
608 private labelGraphicsContextScrollable;
609 private brushGraphicsContext;
610 private brush;
611 private static ScrollBarWidth;
612 private dataViews;
613 private currentViewport;
614 constructor(options: MekkoConstructorOptions);
615 init(options: VisualInitOptions): void;
616 private renderAxesLabels(options);
617 private adjustMargins(viewport);
618 private translateAxes(viewport);
619 static getIsScalar(objects: DataViewObjects, propertyId: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier, type: ValueType): boolean;
620 private populateObjectProperties(dataViews);
621 update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
622 /**
623 * Clear the viewport area
624 */
625 private clearViewport();
626 private setVisibility(status?);
627 static parseLabelSettings(objects: DataViewObjects): VisualDataLabelsSettings;
628 static parseBorderSettings(objects: DataViewObjects): MekkoBorderSettings;
629 private enumerateBorder(enumeration);
630 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration;
631 private shouldShowLegendCard();
632 private getCategoryAxisValues(enumeration);
633 private getValueAxisValues(enumeration);
634 onClearSelection(): void;
635 private createAndInitLayers(dataViews);
636 private renderLegend();
637 private hideLegends();
638 private addUnitTypeToAxisLabel(axes);
639 private shouldRenderSecondaryAxis(axisProperties);
640 private shouldRenderAxis(axisProperties, propertyName?);
641 private render(suppressAnimations);
642 private hideAxisLabels(legendMargins);
643 private static getUnitType(axis, axisPropertiesLookup);
644 private getMaxMarginFactor();
645 private static getChartViewport(viewport, margin);
646 private static wordBreak(text, axisProperties, columnsWidth, maxHeight, borderWidth);
647 private renderChart(mainAxisScale, axes, width, tickLabelMargins, chartHasAxisLabels, axisLabels, viewport, suppressAnimations, scrollScale?, extent?);
648 /**
649 * Within the context of the given selection (g), find the offset of
650 * the zero tick using the d3 attached datum of g.tick elements.
651 * 'Classed' is undefined for transition selections
652 */
653 private static darkenZeroLine(g);
654 private static setAxisLabelColor(g, fill);
655 private static setAxisLabelFontSize(g, fontSize);
656 private static moveBorder(g, scale, borderWidth, yOffset?);
657 }
658 function createLayers(type: MekkoChartType, objects: DataViewObjects, interactivityService: IInteractivityService, animator?: any, isScrollable?: boolean): IMekkoColumnChartVisual[];
659 /**
660 * Renders a stacked and clustered column chart.
661 */
662 interface IMekkoColumnChartVisual {
663 getColumnsWidth(): number[];
664 getBorderWidth(): number;
665 init(options: CartesianVisualInitOptions): void;
666 setData(dataViews: DataView[], resized?: boolean): void;
667 calculateAxesProperties(options: CalculateScaleAndDomainOptions): IAxisProperties[];
668 overrideXScale(xProperties: IAxisProperties): void;
669 render(suppressAnimations: boolean): MekkoVisualRenderResult;
670 calculateLegend(): LegendData;
671 hasLegend(): boolean;
672 onClearSelection(): void;
673 enumerateObjectInstances?(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): void;
674 getVisualCategoryAxisIsScalar?(): boolean;
675 getSupportedCategoryAxisType?(): string;
676 getPreferredPlotArea?(isScalar: boolean, categoryCount: number, categoryThickness: number): IViewport;
677 setFilteredData?(startIndex: number, endIndex: number): CartesianData;
678 }
679 interface IMekkoColumnChartStrategy {
680 drawColumns(useAnimation: boolean): MekkoColumnChartDrawInfo;
681 setData(data: ColumnChartData): void;
682 setupVisualProps(columnChartProps: ColumnChartContext): void;
683 setXScale(is100Pct: boolean, forcedTickCount?: number, forcedXDomain?: any[], axisScaleType?: string, axisDisplayUnits?: number, axisPrecision?: number): IAxisProperties;
684 setYScale(is100Pct: boolean, forcedTickCount?: number, forcedYDomain?: any[], axisScaleType?: string, axisDisplayUnits?: number, axisPrecision?: number): IAxisProperties;
685 selectColumn(selectedColumnIndex: number, lastSelectedColumnIndex: number): void;
686 getClosestColumnIndex(x: number, y: number): number;
687 }
688 class MekkoColumnChart implements IMekkoColumnChartVisual {
689 private static ColumnChartClassName;
690 static SeriesClasses: ClassAndSelector;
691 static BorderClass: ClassAndSelector;
692 private svg;
693 private unclippedGraphicsContext;
694 private mainGraphicsContext;
695 private labelGraphicsContext;
696 private xAxisProperties;
697 private yAxisProperties;
698 private currentViewport;
699 private data;
700 private style;
701 private colors;
702 private chartType;
703 private columnChart;
704 private hostService;
705 private cartesianVisualHost;
706 private interactivity;
707 private margin;
708 private options;
709 private lastInteractiveSelectedColumnIndex;
710 private supportsOverflow;
711 private interactivityService;
712 private dataViewCat;
713 private categoryAxisType;
714 private animator;
715 private isScrollable;
716 private element;
717 constructor(options: ColumnChartConstructorOptions);
718 init(options: CartesianVisualInitOptions): void;
719 private getCategoryLayout(numCategoryValues, options);
720 static getBorderWidth(border: MekkoBorderSettings): number;
721 static getBorderColor(border: MekkoBorderSettings): any;
722 static converter(dataView: DataViewCategorical, colors: IDataColorPalette, is100PercentStacked?: boolean, isScalar?: boolean, supportsOverflow?: boolean, dataViewMetadata?: DataViewMetadata, chartType?: ColumnChartType): MekkoColumnChartData;
723 private static getStackedMultiplier(rawValues, rowIdx, seriesCount, categoryCount);
724 private static createDataPoints(dataViewCat, categories, categoryIdentities, legend, seriesObjectsList, converterStrategy, defaultLabelSettings, is100PercentStacked?, isScalar?, supportsOverflow?, isCategoryAlsoSeries?, categoryObjectsList?, defaultDataPointColor?, chartType?, categoryMetadata?);
725 private static getDataPointColor(legendItem, categoryIndex, dataPointObjects?);
726 private static getStackedLabelColor(isNegative, seriesIndex, seriesCount, categoryIndex, rawValues);
727 static sliceSeries(series: ColumnChartSeries[], endIndex: number, startIndex?: number): ColumnChartSeries[];
728 static getInteractiveColumnChartDomElement(element: JQuery): HTMLElement;
729 getColumnsWidth(): number[];
730 getBorderWidth(): number;
731 setData(dataViews: DataView[]): void;
732 calculateLegend(): LegendData;
733 hasLegend(): boolean;
734 enumerateObjectInstances(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): void;
735 private enumerateDataLabels(enumeration);
736 private getLabelSettingsOptions(enumeration, labelSettings, isSeries, series?);
737 private enumerateDataPoints(enumeration);
738 calculateAxesProperties(options: MekkoCalculateScaleAndDomainOptions): IAxisProperties[];
739 getPreferredPlotArea(isScalar: boolean, categoryCount: number, categoryThickness: number): IViewport;
740 private ApplyInteractivity(chartContext);
741 private selectColumn(indexOfColumnSelected, force?);
742 private createInteractiveMekkoLegendDataPoints(columnIndex);
743 overrideXScale(xProperties: IAxisProperties): void;
744 render(suppressAnimations: boolean): MekkoVisualRenderResult;
745 onClearSelection(): void;
746 getVisualCategoryAxisIsScalar(): boolean;
747 getSupportedCategoryAxisType(): string;
748 setFilteredData(startIndex: number, endIndex: number): CartesianData;
749 }
750 interface MekkoBehaviorOptions {
751 layerOptions: any[];
752 clearCatcher: D3.Selection;
753 }
754 class MekkoChartBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior {
755 private behaviors;
756 constructor(behaviors: IInteractiveBehavior[]);
757 bindEvents(options: MekkoBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void;
758 renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void;
759 }
762declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
763 interface SankeyDiagramConstructorOptions {
764 svg?: D3.Selection;
765 margin?: IMargin;
766 curvatureOfLinks?: number;
767 }
768 interface SankeyDiagramLabel {
769 name: string;
770 formattedName: string;
771 width: number;
772 height: number;
773 colour: string;
774 }
775 interface SankeyDiagramTooltipData {
776 tooltipData: TooltipDataItem[];
777 }
778 interface SankeyDiagramScale {
779 x: number;
780 y: number;
781 }
782 interface SankeyDiagramSettings {
783 scale?: SankeyDiagramScale;
784 fontSize: number;
785 isVisibleLabels?: boolean;
786 colourOfLabels: string;
787 }
788 interface SankeyDiagramNode extends SankeyDiagramTooltipData {
789 label: SankeyDiagramLabel;
790 inputWeight: number;
791 outputWeight: number;
792 links: SankeyDiagramLink[];
793 x?: number;
794 y?: number;
795 width?: number;
796 height?: number;
797 colour: string;
798 selectionIds: SelectionId[];
799 }
800 interface SankeyDiagramLink extends SankeyDiagramTooltipData {
801 source: SankeyDiagramNode;
802 destination: SankeyDiagramNode;
803 weigth: number;
804 height?: number;
805 dySource?: number;
806 dyDestination?: number;
807 colour: string;
808 selectionId: SelectionId;
809 }
810 interface SankeyDiagramColumn {
811 countOfNodes: number;
812 sumValueOfNodes: number;
813 }
814 interface SankeyDiagramDataView {
815 nodes: SankeyDiagramNode[];
816 links: SankeyDiagramLink[];
817 columns: SankeyDiagramColumn[];
818 settings: SankeyDiagramSettings;
819 }
820 interface SankeyDiagramRoleNames {
821 rows: string;
822 columns: string;
823 values: string;
824 }
825 class SankeyDiagram implements IVisual {
826 private static ClassName;
827 private static Nodes;
828 private static Node;
829 private static NodeRect;
830 private static NodeLabel;
831 private static Links;
832 private static Link;
833 private static DefaultColourOfNode;
834 private static DefaultColourOfLink;
835 private static DefaultSettings;
836 private static MinWidthOfLabel;
837 private static NodeBottomMargin;
838 private static NodeMargin;
839 private static LabelMargin;
840 static RoleNames: SankeyDiagramRoleNames;
841 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
842 private static Properties;
843 static getProperties(capabilities: VisualCapabilities): any;
844 private margin;
845 private nodeWidth;
846 private curvatureOfLinks;
847 private root;
848 private svg;
849 private main;
850 private nodes;
851 private links;
852 private colours;
853 private viewport;
854 private textProperties;
855 private dataView;
856 private selectionManager;
857 constructor(constructorOptions?: SankeyDiagramConstructorOptions);
858 init(visualsInitOptions: VisualInitOptions): void;
859 update(visualUpdateOptions: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
860 private updateViewport(viewport);
861 /**
862 * Public for testability.
863 */
864 getPositiveNumber(value: number): number;
865 private updateElements(height, width);
866 converter(dataView: DataView): SankeyDiagramDataView;
867 private getObjectsFromDataView(dataView);
868 private getColour(properties, defaultColor, objects);
869 private getTooltipDataForLink(valueFormatter, sourceNodeName, destinationNodeName, linkWeight);
870 private updateValueOfNode(node);
871 private getTooltipForNode(valueFormatter, nodeName, nodeWeight);
872 private parseSettings(objects);
873 private computePositions(sankeyDiagramDataView);
874 private computeXPositions(sankeyDiagramDataView);
875 private getScaleByAxisX(numberOfColumns?);
876 /**
877 * Public for testability.
878 */
879 sortNodesByX(nodes: SankeyDiagramNode[]): SankeyDiagramNode[];
880 /**
881 * Public for testability.
882 */
883 getColumns(nodes: SankeyDiagramNode[]): SankeyDiagramColumn[];
884 /**
885 * Public for testability.
886 */
887 getMaxColumn(columns?: SankeyDiagramColumn[]): SankeyDiagramColumn;
888 private getScaleByAxisY(sumValueOfNodes);
889 private getAvailableSumNodeMarginByY();
890 private scalePositionsByAxes(nodes, columns, scale, viewportHeight);
891 private computeYPosition(nodes, scale);
892 private render(sankeyDiagramDataView);
893 private renderNodes(sankeyDiagramDataView);
894 private getLabelPositionByAxisX(node);
895 private isLabelLargerThanWidth(node);
896 private getCurrentPositionOfLabelByAxisX(node);
897 private renderLinks(sankeyDiagramDataView);
898 private getSvgPath(link);
899 private renderTooltip(selection);
900 private bindSelectionHandler(sankeyDiagramDataView, nodesSelection, linksSelection);
901 private selectMany(selectionIds, clear?);
902 private setSelection(nodes, links);
903 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration;
904 private enumerateLabels(enumeration);
905 private enumerateLinks(enumeration);
906 }
909declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
910 let bulletChartProps: {
911 values: {
912 targetValue: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
913 minimumPercent: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
914 needsImprovementPercent: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
915 satisfactoryPercent: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
916 goodPercent: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
917 veryGoodPercent: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
918 maximumPercent: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
919 targetValue2: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
920 secondTargetVisibility: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
921 };
922 orientation: {
923 orientation: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
924 };
925 colors: {
926 badColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
927 needsImprovementColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
928 satisfactoryColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
929 goodColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
930 veryGoodColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
931 bulletColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
932 };
933 axis: {
934 axis: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
935 axisColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
936 measureUnits: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
937 unitsColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
938 };
939 formatString: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
940 labels: {
941 fontSize: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
942 show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
943 labelColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
944 };
945 };
946 interface BarData {
947 scale: any;
948 barIndex: number;
949 categoryLabel: string;
950 axis: any;
951 x: number;
952 y: number;
953 key: string;
954 }
955 interface BarRect extends SelectableDataPoint {
956 barIndex: number;
957 start: number;
958 end: number;
959 fill: string;
960 tooltipInfo?: TooltipDataItem[];
961 key: string;
962 highlight?: boolean;
963 }
964 interface TargetValue {
965 barIndex: number;
966 value: number;
967 value2: number;
968 fill: string;
969 key: string;
970 }
971 interface ScaledValues {
972 firstScale: number;
973 secondScale: number;
974 thirdScale: number;
975 fourthScale: number;
976 fifthScale: number;
977 }
978 interface BarValueRect extends BarRect {
979 }
980 interface BulletChartSettings {
981 values: {
982 targetValue: number;
983 minimumPercent: number;
984 needsImprovementPercent: number;
985 satisfactoryPercent: number;
986 goodPercent: number;
987 veryGoodPercent: number;
988 maximumPercent: number;
989 targetValue2: number;
990 secondTargetVisibility: boolean;
991 };
992 orientation: {
993 orientation: string;
994 reverse: boolean;
995 vertical: boolean;
996 };
997 colors: {
998 badColor: string;
999 needsImprovementColor: string;
1000 satisfactoryColor: string;
1001 goodColor: string;
1002 veryGoodColor: string;
1003 bulletColor: string;
1004 };
1005 axis: {
1006 axis: boolean;
1007 axisColor: string;
1008 measureUnits: string;
1009 unitsColor: string;
1010 };
1011 labelSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings;
1012 }
1013 interface BulletChartModel {
1014 bars: BarData[];
1015 bulletChartSettings: BulletChartSettings;
1016 bulletValueFormatString: string;
1017 barRects: BarRect[];
1018 valueRects: BarValueRect[];
1019 targetValues: TargetValue[];
1020 hasHighlights: boolean;
1021 viewportLength: number;
1022 labelHeight: number;
1023 labelHeightTop: number;
1024 spaceRequiredForBarHorizontally: number;
1025 }
1026 let bulletChartRoleNames: {
1027 value: string;
1028 targetValue: string;
1029 minValue: string;
1030 needsImprovementValue: string;
1031 satisfactoryValue: string;
1032 goodValue: string;
1033 veryGoodValue: string;
1034 maxValue: string;
1035 targetValue2: string;
1036 };
1037 class BulletChart implements IVisual {
1038 private static ScrollBarSize;
1039 private static SpaceRequiredForBarVertically;
1040 private static XMarginHorizontal;
1041 private static YMarginHorizontal;
1042 private static XMarginVertical;
1043 private static YMarginVertical;
1044 private static BulletSize;
1045 private static DefaultSubtitleFontSizeInPt;
1046 private static BarMargin;
1047 private static MaxLabelWidth;
1048 private static MaxMeasureUnitWidth;
1049 private static SubtitleMargin;
1050 private static AxisFontSizeInPt;
1051 private static SecondTargetLineSize;
1052 private static MarkerMarginHorizontal;
1053 private static MarkerMarginVertical;
1054 private static FontFamily;
1055 private baselineDelta;
1056 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
1057 private clearCatcher;
1058 private bulletBody;
1059 private scrollContainer;
1060 private labelGraphicsContext;
1061 private bulletGraphicsContext;
1062 private model;
1063 private behavior;
1064 private interactivityService;
1065 private hostService;
1066 private reverse;
1067 private vertical;
1068 static DefaultStyleProperties(): BulletChartSettings;
1069 private viewport;
1070 private viewportIn;
1071 private viewportScroll;
1072 private static getTextProperties(text, fontSize);
1073 static converter(dataView: DataView, options: VisualUpdateOptions): BulletChartModel;
1074 private static addItemToBarArray(collection, barIndex, start, end, fill, tooltipInfo?, categoryIdentity?, highlight?);
1075 init(options: VisualInitOptions): void;
1076 update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
1077 private ClearViewport();
1078 onClearSelection(): void;
1079 private calculateLabelWidth(barData, bar?, reversed?);
1080 private calculateLabelHeight(barData, bar?, reversed?);
1081 private setUpBulletsHorizontally(bulletBody, model, reveresed);
1082 private setUpBulletsVertically(bulletBody, model, reveresed);
1083 private drawSecondTarget(selection, getX, getY);
1084 destroy(): void;
1085 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstance[];
1086 private enumerateLabels(data);
1087 private enumerateValues(data);
1088 private enumerateOrientation(data);
1089 private enumerateAxis(data);
1090 private enumerateColors(data);
1091 }
1092 module TextMeasurementHelper {
1093 function estimateSvgTextBaselineDelta(textProperties: TextProperties): number;
1094 }
1095 interface BulletBehaviorOptions {
1096 rects: D3.Selection;
1097 valueRects: D3.Selection;
1098 clearCatcher: D3.Selection;
1099 interactivityService: IInteractivityService;
1100 bulletChartSettings: BulletChartSettings;
1101 hasHighlights: boolean;
1102 }
1103 class BulletWebBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior {
1104 private options;
1105 bindEvents(options: BulletBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void;
1106 renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void;
1107 }
1110declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
1111 enum WordCloudScaleType {
1112 logn = 0,
1113 sqrt = 1,
1114 value = 2,
1115 }
1116 interface WordCloudText {
1117 text: string;
1118 textGroup: string;
1119 count: number;
1120 index: number;
1121 selectionId: SelectionId;
1122 color: string;
1123 }
1124 interface WordCloudDataPoint extends IPoint {
1125 text: string;
1126 xOff: number;
1127 yOff: number;
1128 rotate?: number;
1129 size?: number;
1130 padding: number;
1131 width: number;
1132 height: number;
1133 sprite?: number[];
1134 x0: number;
1135 y0: number;
1136 x1: number;
1137 y1: number;
1138 color: string;
1139 selectionIds: SelectionId[];
1140 wordIndex: number;
1141 widthOfWord?: number;
1142 count: number;
1143 }
1144 interface WordCloudData {
1145 dataView: DataView;
1146 settings: WordCloudSettings;
1147 texts: WordCloudText[];
1148 dataPoints: WordCloudDataPoint[];
1149 }
1150 interface WordCloudDataView {
1151 data: WordCloudDataPoint[];
1152 leftBorder: IPoint;
1153 rightBorder: IPoint;
1154 }
1155 interface WordCloudConstructorOptions {
1156 svg?: D3.Selection;
1157 animator?: IGenericAnimator;
1158 margin?: IMargin;
1159 }
1160 class WordCloudSettings {
1161 static Default: WordCloudSettings;
1162 static parse(dataView: DataView, capabilities: VisualCapabilities): WordCloudSettings;
1163 static getProperties(capabilities: VisualCapabilities): {
1164 [i: string]: {
1165 [i: string]: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1166 };
1167 } & {
1168 general: {
1169 formatString: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1170 };
1171 dataPoint: {
1172 fill: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1173 };
1174 };
1175 static createEnumTypeFromEnum(type: any): IEnumType;
1176 private static getValueFnByType(type);
1177 static enumerateObjectInstances(settings: WordCloudSettings, options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions, capabilities: VisualCapabilities): ObjectEnumerationBuilder;
1178 originalSettings: WordCloudSettings;
1179 createOriginalSettings(): void;
1180 general: {
1181 maxNumberOfWords: number;
1182 minFontSize: number;
1183 maxFontSize: number;
1184 isBrokenText: boolean;
1185 };
1186 stopWords: {
1187 show: boolean;
1188 isDefaultStopWords: boolean;
1189 words: any;
1190 };
1191 rotateText: {
1192 show: boolean;
1193 minAngle: number;
1194 maxAngle: number;
1195 maxNumberOfOrientations: number;
1196 };
1197 }
1198 class WordCloudColumns<T> {
1199 static Roles: WordCloudColumns<string>;
1200 static getColumnSources(dataView: DataView): WordCloudColumns<DataViewMetadataColumn>;
1201 static getTableValues(dataView: DataView): WordCloudColumns<any[]>;
1202 static getTableRows(dataView: DataView): WordCloudColumns<any[]>[];
1203 static getCategoricalValues(dataView: DataView): WordCloudColumns<any[]>;
1204 static getSeriesValues(dataView: DataView): string[];
1205 static getCategoricalColumns(dataView: DataView): WordCloudColumns<DataViewCategoryColumn & DataViewValueColumn[] & DataViewValueColumns>;
1206 private static getColumnSourcesT<T>(dataView);
1207 Category: T;
1208 Values: T;
1209 }
1210 class WordCloud implements IVisual {
1211 private static ClassName;
1212 private static Words;
1213 private static WordGroup;
1214 private static Size;
1215 private static StopWordsDelemiter;
1216 private static Radians;
1217 private static MinAngle;
1218 private static MaxAngle;
1219 private static MaxNumberOfWords;
1220 private static MinOpacity;
1221 private static MaxOpacity;
1222 static FontSizePercentageCoefficent: number;
1223 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
1224 private static Punctuation;
1225 private static StopWords;
1226 private static DefaultMargin;
1227 static converter(dataView: DataView, colors: IDataColorPalette, previousData: WordCloudData): WordCloudData;
1228 private static parseSettings(dataView, previousSettings);
1229 private static getReducedText(texts, stopWords, settings);
1230 private static getBrokenWords(words, stopWords, settings);
1231 private static getDataPoints(textGroups, settings, wordValueFormatter);
1232 private static getWordFontSize(texts, settings, value, minValue, maxValue, scaleType?);
1233 private static getAngle(settings);
1234 private settings;
1235 private data;
1236 private durationAnimations;
1237 private specialViewport;
1238 private fakeViewport;
1239 private canvasViewport;
1240 private colors;
1241 private root;
1242 private svg;
1243 private main;
1244 private wordsContainerSelection;
1245 private wordsGroupUpdateSelection;
1246 private wordsTextUpdateSelection;
1247 private canvas;
1248 private fontFamily;
1249 private animator;
1250 private layout;
1251 private hostService;
1252 private selectionManager;
1253 private visualUpdateOptions;
1254 private isUpdating;
1255 private incomingUpdateOptions;
1256 constructor(options?: WordCloudConstructorOptions);
1257 init(options: VisualInitOptions): void;
1258 update(visualUpdateOptions: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
1259 private computePositions(onPositionsComputed);
1260 private computeCycle(words, context, surface, borders, onPositionsComputed, wordsForDraw?, index?);
1261 private updateBorders(word, borders);
1262 private generateSprites(context, words, startIndex);
1263 private setSprites(context, words);
1264 private findPosition(surface, word, borders);
1265 private archimedeanSpiral(value);
1266 private checkIntersect(word, surface);
1267 private checkIntersectOfRectangles(word, leftBorder, rightBorder);
1268 private getCanvasContext();
1269 private UpdateSize();
1270 private render(wordCloudDataView);
1271 private setSelection(dataPoint);
1272 private scaleMainView(wordCloudDataView);
1273 private renderSelection();
1274 private setOpacity(element, opacityValue);
1275 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumerationObject;
1276 private animation<T>(element, duration?, delay?, callback?);
1277 destroy(): void;
1278 }
1281declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
1282 import SemanticFilter = powerbi.data.SemanticFilter;
1283 interface ITableView {
1284 data(data: any[], dataIdFunction: (d) => {}, dataAppended: boolean): ITableView;
1285 rowHeight(rowHeight: number): ITableView;
1286 columnWidth(columnWidth: number): ITableView;
1287 orientation(orientation: string): ITableView;
1288 rows(rows: number): ITableView;
1289 columns(columns: number): ITableView;
1290 viewport(viewport: IViewport): ITableView;
1291 render(): void;
1292 empty(): void;
1293 }
1294 module TableViewFactory {
1295 function createTableView(options: any): ITableView;
1296 }
1297 interface TableViewViewOptions {
1298 enter: (selection: D3.Selection) => void;
1299 exit: (selection: D3.Selection) => void;
1300 update: (selection: D3.Selection) => void;
1301 loadMoreData: () => void;
1302 baseContainer: D3.Selection;
1303 rowHeight: number;
1304 columnWidth: number;
1305 orientation: string;
1306 rows: number;
1307 columns: number;
1308 viewport: IViewport;
1309 scrollEnabled: boolean;
1310 }
1311 var chicletSlicerProps: {
1312 general: {
1313 orientation: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1314 columns: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1315 rows: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1316 showDisabled: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1317 multiselect: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1318 selection: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1319 selfFilterEnabled: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1320 };
1321 header: {
1322 show: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1323 title: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1324 fontColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1325 background: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1326 outline: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1327 textSize: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1328 outlineColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1329 outlineWeight: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1330 };
1331 rows: {
1332 fontColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1333 textSize: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1334 height: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1335 width: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1336 background: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1337 transparency: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1338 selectedColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1339 hoverColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1340 unselectedColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1341 disabledColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1342 outline: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1343 outlineColor: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1344 outlineWeight: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1345 borderStyle: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1346 };
1347 images: {
1348 imageSplit: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1349 stretchImage: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1350 bottomImage: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1351 };
1352 selectedPropertyIdentifier: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1353 filterPropertyIdentifier: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1354 formatString: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1355 hasSavedSelection: boolean;
1356 };
1357 interface ChicletSlicerConstructorOptions {
1358 behavior?: ChicletSlicerWebBehavior;
1359 }
1360 interface ChicletSlicerData {
1361 categorySourceName: string;
1362 formatString: string;
1363 slicerDataPoints: ChicletSlicerDataPoint[];
1364 slicerSettings: ChicletSlicerSettings;
1365 hasSelectionOverride?: boolean;
1366 }
1367 interface ChicletSlicerDataPoint extends SelectableDataPoint {
1368 category?: string;
1369 value?: number;
1370 mouseOver?: boolean;
1371 mouseOut?: boolean;
1372 isSelectAllDataPoint?: boolean;
1373 imageURL?: string;
1374 selectable?: boolean;
1375 filtered?: boolean;
1376 }
1377 interface ChicletSlicerSettings {
1378 general: {
1379 orientation: string;
1380 columns: number;
1381 rows: number;
1382 multiselect: boolean;
1383 showDisabled: string;
1384 selection: string;
1385 selfFilterEnabled: boolean;
1386 getSavedSelection?: () => string[];
1387 setSavedSelection?: (filter: SemanticFilter, selectionIds: string[]) => void;
1388 };
1389 margin: IMargin;
1390 header: {
1391 borderBottomWidth: number;
1392 show: boolean;
1393 outline: string;
1394 fontColor: string;
1395 background?: string;
1396 textSize: number;
1397 outlineColor: string;
1398 outlineWeight: number;
1399 title: string;
1400 };
1401 headerText: {
1402 marginLeft: number;
1403 marginTop: number;
1404 };
1405 slicerText: {
1406 textSize: number;
1407 height: number;
1408 width: number;
1409 fontColor: string;
1410 selectedColor: string;
1411 hoverColor: string;
1412 unselectedColor: string;
1413 disabledColor: string;
1414 marginLeft: number;
1415 outline: string;
1416 background?: string;
1417 transparency: number;
1418 outlineColor: string;
1419 outlineWeight: number;
1420 borderStyle: string;
1421 };
1422 slicerItemContainer: {
1423 marginTop: number;
1424 marginLeft: number;
1425 };
1426 images: {
1427 imageSplit: number;
1428 stretchImage: boolean;
1429 bottomImage: boolean;
1430 };
1431 }
1432 class ChicletSlicer implements IVisual {
1433 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
1434 private element;
1435 private searchHeader;
1436 private searchInput;
1437 private currentViewport;
1438 private dataView;
1439 private slicerHeader;
1440 private slicerBody;
1441 private tableView;
1442 private slicerData;
1443 private settings;
1444 private interactivityService;
1445 private behavior;
1446 private hostServices;
1447 private waitingForData;
1448 private isSelectionLoaded;
1449 private isSelectionSaved;
1450 static DefaultFontFamily: string;
1451 static DefaultFontSizeInPt: number;
1452 private static cellTotalInnerPaddings;
1453 private static cellTotalInnerBorders;
1454 private static chicletTotalInnerRightLeftPaddings;
1455 private static ItemContainer;
1456 private static HeaderText;
1457 private static Container;
1458 private static LabelText;
1459 private static Header;
1460 private static Input;
1461 private static Clear;
1462 private static Body;
1463 static DefaultStyleProperties(): ChicletSlicerSettings;
1464 constructor(options?: ChicletSlicerConstructorOptions);
1465 static converter(dataView: DataView, localizedSelectAllText: string, searchText: string, interactivityService: IInteractivityService): ChicletSlicerData;
1466 init(options: VisualInitOptions): void;
1467 private static canSelect(args);
1468 update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
1469 onResizing(finalViewport: IViewport): void;
1470 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstance[];
1471 private enumerateHeader(data);
1472 private enumerateRows(data);
1473 private enumerateGeneral(data);
1474 private enumerateImages(data);
1475 private updateInternal(resetScrollbarPosition);
1476 private initContainer();
1477 private createSearchHeader(container);
1478 private updateSearchHeader();
1479 private onLoadMoreData();
1480 private getSlicerBodyViewport(currentViewport);
1481 private updateSlicerBodyDimensions();
1482 static getChicletTextProperties(textSize?: number): TextProperties;
1483 private getHeaderHeight();
1484 private getRowHeight();
1485 private getBorderStyle(outlineElement);
1486 private getBorderWidth(outlineElement, outlineWeight);
1487 private getBorderRadius(borderType);
1488 }
1489 module ChicletSlicerTextMeasurementHelper {
1490 function estimateSvgTextBaselineDelta(textProperties: TextProperties): number;
1491 }
1492 interface ChicletSlicerBehaviorOptions {
1493 slicerItemContainers: D3.Selection;
1494 slicerItemLabels: D3.Selection;
1495 slicerItemInputs: D3.Selection;
1496 slicerClear: D3.Selection;
1497 dataPoints: ChicletSlicerDataPoint[];
1498 interactivityService: IInteractivityService;
1499 slicerSettings: ChicletSlicerSettings;
1500 isSelectionLoaded: boolean;
1501 }
1502 class ChicletSlicerWebBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior {
1503 private slicers;
1504 private slicerItemLabels;
1505 private slicerItemInputs;
1506 private dataPoints;
1507 private interactivityService;
1508 private slicerSettings;
1509 private options;
1510 bindEvents(options: ChicletSlicerBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void;
1511 loadSelection(selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void;
1512 private static getFilterFromSelectors(selectionHandler, isSelectionModeInverted);
1513 saveSelection(selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void;
1514 renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void;
1515 private renderMouseover();
1516 styleSlicerInputs(slicers: D3.Selection, hasSelection: boolean): void;
1517 }
1520declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
1521 interface ChordChartData {
1522 settings: ChordChartSettings;
1523 dataView: DataView;
1524 dataMatrix: number[][];
1525 labelDataPoints: ChordArcDescriptor[];
1526 legendData?: LegendData;
1527 tooltipData: ChordTooltipData[][];
1528 sliceTooltipData: ChordTooltipData[];
1529 tickUnit: number;
1530 differentFromTo: boolean;
1531 defaultDataPointColor?: string;
1532 prevAxisVisible: boolean;
1533 }
1534 interface ChordArcDescriptor extends D3.Layout.ArcDescriptor, IDataLabelInfo {
1535 data: ChordArcLabelData;
1536 }
1537 interface ChordTicksArcDescriptor extends D3.Layout.ArcDescriptor {
1538 angleLabels: {
1539 angle: number;
1540 label: string;
1541 }[];
1542 }
1543 interface ChordArcLabelData extends LabelEnabledDataPoint, SelectableDataPoint {
1544 label: string;
1545 labelColor: string;
1546 barColor: string;
1547 isCategory: boolean;
1548 }
1549 interface ChordTooltipData {
1550 tooltipInfo: TooltipDataItem[];
1551 }
1552 class ChordChartSettings {
1553 static Default: ChordChartSettings;
1554 static parse(dataView: DataView, capabilities: VisualCapabilities): ChordChartSettings;
1555 static getProperties(capabilities: VisualCapabilities): {
1556 [i: string]: {
1557 [i: string]: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1558 };
1559 } & {
1560 general: {
1561 formatString: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1562 };
1563 dataPoint: {
1564 fill: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1565 };
1566 };
1567 static createEnumTypeFromEnum(type: any): IEnumType;
1568 private static getValueFnByType(type);
1569 static enumerateObjectInstances(settings: any, options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions, capabilities: VisualCapabilities): ObjectEnumerationBuilder;
1570 dataPoint: {
1571 defaultColor: any;
1572 showAllDataPoints: boolean;
1573 };
1574 axis: {
1575 show: boolean;
1576 };
1577 labels: {
1578 show: boolean;
1579 color: string;
1580 fontSize: number;
1581 };
1582 }
1583 class ChordChartColumns<T> {
1584 static Roles: ChordChartColumns<string>;
1585 static getColumnSources(dataView: DataView): ChordChartColumns<DataViewMetadataColumn>;
1586 static getTableValues(dataView: DataView): ChordChartColumns<any[]>;
1587 static getTableRows(dataView: DataView): ChordChartColumns<any[]>[];
1588 static getCategoricalValues(dataView: DataView): ChordChartColumns<any[]>;
1589 static getSeriesValues(dataView: DataView): string[];
1590 static getCategoricalColumns(dataView: DataView): ChordChartColumns<DataViewCategoryColumn & DataViewValueColumn[] & DataViewValueColumns>;
1591 private static getColumnSourcesT<T>(dataView);
1592 Category: T;
1593 Series: T;
1594 Y: T;
1595 }
1596 class ChordChart implements IVisual {
1597 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
1598 static PolylineOpacity: number;
1599 private static OuterArcRadiusRatio;
1600 private static InnerArcRadiusRatio;
1601 private static LabelMargin;
1602 private static DefaultMargin;
1603 private static VisualClassName;
1604 private static TicksFontSize;
1605 private static sliceClass;
1606 private static chordClass;
1607 private static sliceTicksClass;
1608 private static tickPairClass;
1609 private static tickLineClass;
1610 private static tickTextClass;
1611 private static labelGraphicsContextClass;
1612 private static labelsClass;
1613 private static linesGraphicsContextClass;
1614 private static lineClass;
1615 private chordLayout;
1616 private element;
1617 private svg;
1618 private mainGraphicsContext;
1619 private slices;
1620 private labels;
1621 private lines;
1622 private data;
1623 private settings;
1624 private layout;
1625 private duration;
1626 private colors;
1627 private selectionManager;
1628 private radius;
1629 private innerRadius;
1630 private outerRadius;
1631 static converter(dataView: DataView, colors: IDataColorPalette, prevAxisVisible: boolean): ChordChartData;
1632 private static parseSettings(dataView);
1633 private static getValidArrayLength(array);
1634 private static getChordArcDescriptors(groups, datum);
1635 init(options: VisualInitOptions): void;
1636 update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
1637 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumerationObject;
1638 private calculateRadius();
1639 private drawCategoryLabels();
1640 private getDataLabelManager();
1641 private render();
1642 private clear();
1643 private clearTicks();
1644 private getChordTicksArcDescriptors();
1645 private drawTicks();
1646 private renderLabels(filteredData, layout, isDonut?, forAnimation?);
1647 private renderLines(filteredData, arc, outerArc);
1648 private getChordChartLabelLayout(outerArc);
1649 private static union_arrays(x, y);
1650 }
1653declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
1654 import ClassAndSelector = jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector;
1655 import IInteractiveBehavior = powerbi.visuals.IInteractiveBehavior;
1656 import Lazy = jsCommon.Lazy;
1657 import ISize = powerbi.visuals.shapes.ISize;
1658 import DataViewMetadataColumn = powerbi.DataViewMetadataColumn;
1659 import DataViewValueColumn = powerbi.DataViewValueColumn;
1660 import SelectableDataPoint = powerbi.visuals.SelectableDataPoint;
1661 import TooltipEnabledDataPoint = powerbi.visuals.TooltipEnabledDataPoint;
1662 import ContentPositions = powerbi.ContentPositions;
1663 import LegendData = powerbi.visuals.LegendData;
1664 import NumberRange = powerbi.NumberRange;
1665 import PointDataLabelsSettings = powerbi.visuals.PointDataLabelsSettings;
1666 import SelectionId = powerbi.visuals.SelectionId;
1667 import DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier = powerbi.DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1668 import IVisual = powerbi.IVisual;
1669 import TextProperties = powerbi.TextProperties;
1670 import IAxisProperties = powerbi.visuals.IAxisProperties;
1671 import IDataColorPalette = powerbi.IDataColorPalette;
1672 import VisualInitOptions = powerbi.VisualInitOptions;
1673 import IInteractivityService = powerbi.visuals.IInteractivityService;
1674 import DataViewObject = powerbi.DataViewObject;
1675 import VisualCapabilities = powerbi.VisualCapabilities;
1676 import IValueFormatter = powerbi.visuals.IValueFormatter;
1677 import VisualUpdateOptions = powerbi.VisualUpdateOptions;
1678 import CalculateScaleAndDomainOptions = powerbi.visuals.CalculateScaleAndDomainOptions;
1679 import EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions = powerbi.EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions;
1680 import VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration = powerbi.VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration;
1681 import ISelectionHandler = powerbi.visuals.ISelectionHandler;
1682 import DataView = powerbi.DataView;
1683 interface ElementProperty {
1684 [propertyName: string]: any;
1685 }
1686 interface ElementProperties {
1687 name: string;
1688 selector: string;
1689 className?: string;
1690 data?: any;
1691 styles?: ElementProperty;
1692 attributes?: ElementProperty;
1693 }
1694 interface EnhancedScatterChartRadiusData {
1695 sizeMeasure: DataViewValueColumn;
1696 index: number;
1697 }
1698 interface EnhancedScatterChartDataPoint extends SelectableDataPoint, TooltipEnabledDataPoint {
1699 x: any;
1700 y: any;
1701 size: number | ISize;
1702 radius: EnhancedScatterChartRadiusData;
1703 fill: string;
1704 labelFill?: string;
1705 labelFontSize: any;
1706 contentPosition: ContentPositions;
1707 formattedCategory: Lazy<string>;
1708 colorFill?: string;
1709 svgurl?: string;
1710 shapeSymbolType?: (number) => string;
1711 rotation: number;
1712 backdrop?: string;
1713 xStart?: number;
1714 xEnd?: number;
1715 yStart?: number;
1716 yEnd?: number;
1717 }
1718 interface EnhancedScatterChartBackdrop {
1719 show: boolean;
1720 url: string;
1721 }
1722 interface EnhancedScatterChartAxesLabels {
1723 x: string;
1724 y: string;
1725 y2?: string;
1726 }
1727 interface EnhancedScatterChartData {
1728 useShape: boolean;
1729 useCustomColor: boolean;
1730 backdrop?: EnhancedScatterChartBackdrop;
1731 outline?: boolean;
1732 crosshair?: boolean;
1733 xCol: DataViewMetadataColumn;
1734 yCol: DataViewMetadataColumn;
1735 dataPoints: EnhancedScatterChartDataPoint[];
1736 legendData: LegendData;
1737 axesLabels: EnhancedScatterChartAxesLabels;
1738 size?: DataViewMetadataColumn;
1739 sizeRange: NumberRange;
1740 dataLabelsSettings: PointDataLabelsSettings;
1741 defaultDataPointColor?: string;
1742 showAllDataPoints?: boolean;
1743 hasDynamicSeries?: boolean;
1744 fillPoint?: boolean;
1745 colorBorder?: boolean;
1746 colorByCategory?: boolean;
1747 selectedIds: SelectionId[];
1748 }
1749 interface EnhancedScatterDataRange {
1750 minRange: number;
1751 maxRange: number;
1752 delta: number;
1753 }
1754 interface EnhancedScatterChartProperty {
1755 [properyName: string]: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
1756 }
1757 interface EnhancedScatterChartProperties {
1758 [properyName: string]: EnhancedScatterChartProperty;
1759 }
1760 class EnhancedScatterChart implements IVisual {
1761 private static AxisGraphicsContextClassName;
1762 private static ClassName;
1763 private static MainGraphicsContextClassName;
1764 private static LegendLabelFontSizeDefault;
1765 private static LabelDisplayUnitsDefault;
1766 private static AxisFontSize;
1767 private static CrosshairTextMargin;
1768 private static BubbleRadius;
1769 private static MinSizeRange;
1770 private static MaxSizeRange;
1771 private static AreaOf300By300Chart;
1772 private static DataLabelXOffset;
1773 private static DataLabelYOffset;
1774 private static DotClasses;
1775 private static ImageClasses;
1776 private static TextProperties;
1777 static CrosshairCanvasSelector: ClassAndSelector;
1778 static CrosshairLineSelector: ClassAndSelector;
1779 static CrosshairVerticalLineSelector: ClassAndSelector;
1780 static CrosshairHorizontalLineSelector: ClassAndSelector;
1781 static CrosshairTextSelector: ClassAndSelector;
1782 static MaxTranslateValue: number;
1783 static MinTranslateValue: number;
1784 static DefaultBubbleOpacity: number;
1785 static DimmedBubbleOpacity: number;
1786 private legend;
1787 private svgScrollable;
1788 private axisGraphicsContext;
1789 private axisGraphicsContextScrollable;
1790 private xAxisGraphicsContext;
1791 private backgroundGraphicsContext;
1792 private y1AxisGraphicsContext;
1793 private svg;
1794 private element;
1795 private mainGraphicsSVGSelection;
1796 private mainGraphicsContext;
1797 private clearCatcher;
1798 private mainGraphicsG;
1799 private crosshairCanvasSelection;
1800 private crosshairVerticalLineSelection;
1801 private crosshairHorizontalLineSelection;
1802 private crosshairTextSelection;
1803 private style;
1804 private data;
1805 private dataView;
1806 private xAxisProperties;
1807 private yAxisProperties;
1808 private colors;
1809 private options;
1810 private interactivity;
1811 private interactivityService;
1812 private categoryAxisProperties;
1813 private valueAxisProperties;
1814 private yAxisOrientation;
1815 private scrollY;
1816 private scrollX;
1817 private dataViews;
1818 private legendObjectProperties;
1819 private hostServices;
1820 private layerLegendData;
1821 private legendLabelFontSize;
1822 private hasCategoryAxis;
1823 private yAxisIsCategorical;
1824 private bottomMarginLimit;
1825 private leftRightMarginLimit;
1826 private isXScrollBarVisible;
1827 private isYScrollBarVisible;
1828 private ScrollBarWidth;
1829 private categoryAxisHasUnitType;
1830 private valueAxisHasUnitType;
1831 private svgDefaultImage;
1832 private oldBackdrop;
1833 private behavior;
1834 private animator;
1835 private keyArray;
1836 private _margin;
1837 private margin;
1838 private _viewport;
1839 private viewport;
1840 private _viewportIn;
1841 private viewportIn;
1842 private legendViewport;
1843 static ColumnCategory: string;
1844 static ColumnSeries: string;
1845 static ColumnX: string;
1846 static ColumnY: string;
1847 static ColumnSize: string;
1848 static ColumnGradient: string;
1849 static ColumnColorFill: string;
1850 static ColumnShape: string;
1851 static ColumnImage: string;
1852 static ColumnRotation: string;
1853 static ColumnBackdrop: string;
1854 static ColumnXStart: string;
1855 static ColumnXEnd: string;
1856 static ColumnYStart: string;
1857 static ColumnYEnd: string;
1858 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
1859 /**
1860 * Public for testability.
1861 */
1862 static getPropertiesByCapabilities<T>(capabilities: VisualCapabilities): T;
1863 /**
1864 * Public for testability.
1865 */
1866 static Properties: EnhancedScatterChartProperties;
1867 private static substractMargin(viewport, margin);
1868 private static getCustomSymbolType(shape);
1869 init(options: VisualInitOptions): void;
1870 private adjustMargins();
1871 private getValueAxisProperties(dataViewMetadata, axisTitleOnByDefault?);
1872 private getCategoryAxisProperties(dataViewMetadata, axisTitleOnByDefault?);
1873 static converter(dataView: DataView, colorPalette: IDataColorPalette, interactivityService?: IInteractivityService, categoryAxisProperties?: DataViewObject, valueAxisProperties?: DataViewObject): EnhancedScatterChartData;
1874 private static createSeriesLegend(dataValues, colorPalette, categorical, formatString, defaultDataPointColor);
1875 private static getSizeRangeForGroups(dataViewValueGroups, sizeColumnIndex);
1876 private static getMetadata(categories, grouped, source);
1877 static createLazyFormattedCategory(formatter: IValueFormatter, value: string): Lazy<string>;
1878 private static createDataPoints(dataValues, metadata, categories, categoryValues, categoryFormatter, categoryIdentities, categoryObjects, colorPalette, hasDynamicSeries, labelSettings, defaultDataPointColor?, categoryQueryName?);
1879 private static getMeasureValue(measureIndex, seriesValues);
1880 private static getNumberFromDataViewValueColumnById(dataViewValueColumn, index);
1881 private static getValueFromDataViewValueColumnById(dataViewValueColumn, index);
1882 private static getDefaultData();
1883 setData(dataViews: DataView[]): void;
1884 update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
1885 private populateObjectProperties(dataViews);
1886 private renderLegend();
1887 private shouldRenderAxis(axisProperties, propertyName?);
1888 private getMaxMarginFactor();
1889 private adjustViewportbyBackdrop();
1890 render(suppressAnimations: boolean): void;
1891 private cloneDataPoints(dataPoints);
1892 private darkenZeroLine(g);
1893 private getCategoryAxisFill();
1894 private getEnhanchedScatterChartLabelLayout(labelSettings, viewport, sizeRange);
1895 private static getBubbleRadius(radiusData, sizeRange, viewport);
1896 private static getBubblePixelAreaSizeRange(viewPort, minSizeRange, maxSizeRange);
1897 static projectSizeToPixels(size: number, actualSizeDataRange: EnhancedScatterDataRange, bubblePixelAreaSizeRange: EnhancedScatterDataRange): number;
1898 static project(value: number, actualSizeDataRange: EnhancedScatterDataRange, bubblePixelAreaSizeRange: EnhancedScatterDataRange): number;
1899 static rangeContains(range: EnhancedScatterDataRange, value: number): boolean;
1900 private getValueAxisFill();
1901 /**
1902 * Public for testability.
1903 */
1904 renderCrosshair(): D3.Selection;
1905 /**
1906 * Public for testability.
1907 */
1908 addCrosshairCanvasToDOM(rootElement: D3.Selection): D3.Selection;
1909 /**
1910 * Public for testability.
1911 */
1912 addCrosshairLineToDOM(rootElement: D3.Selection, elementSelector: ClassAndSelector): D3.Selection;
1913 /**
1914 * Public for testability.
1915 */
1916 addCrosshairTextToDOM(rootElement: D3.Selection): D3.Selection;
1917 /**
1918 * Public for testability.
1919 */
1920 bindCrosshairEvents(): void;
1921 /**
1922 * Public for testability.
1923 */
1924 updateCrosshair(x: number, y: number): void;
1925 /**
1926 * Public for testability.
1927 */
1928 addElementToDOM(rootElement: D3.Selection, properties: ElementProperties): D3.Selection;
1929 private renderBackground();
1930 private renderChart(mainAxisScale, xAxis, yAxis, tickLabelMargins, chartHasAxisLabels, axisLabels, suppressAnimations, scrollScale?, extent?);
1931 private renderAxesLabels(axisLabels, legendMargin, hideXAxisTitle, hideYAxisTitle, hideY2AxisTitle);
1932 private updateAxis();
1933 private getUnitType(xAxis);
1934 private addUnitTypeToAxisLabel(xAxis, yAxis);
1935 private drawScatterMarkers(scatterData, hasSelection, sizeRange, duration);
1936 static getBubbleOpacity(d: EnhancedScatterChartDataPoint, hasSelection: boolean): number;
1937 calculateAxes(categoryAxisProperties: DataViewObject, valueAxisProperties: DataViewObject, textProperties: TextProperties, scrollbarVisible: boolean): IAxisProperties[];
1938 calculateAxesProperties(options: CalculateScaleAndDomainOptions): IAxisProperties[];
1939 /**
1940 * Public for testability.
1941 */
1942 optimizeTranslateValues(values: number[]): number[];
1943 /**
1944 * Public for testability.
1945 */
1946 optimizeTranslateValue(value: number): number;
1947 private enumerateDataPoints(enumeration);
1948 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration;
1949 hasLegend(): boolean;
1950 private getLegendValue(enumeration);
1951 private getCategoryAxisValues(enumeration);
1952 private getValueAxisValues(enumeration);
1953 onClearSelection(): void;
1954 }
1955 interface CustomVisualBehaviorOptions {
1956 layerOptions: any[];
1957 clearCatcher: D3.Selection;
1958 }
1959 class CustomVisualBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior {
1960 private behaviors;
1961 constructor(behaviors: IInteractiveBehavior[]);
1962 bindEvents(options: CustomVisualBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void;
1963 renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void;
1964 }
1965 interface EnhancedScatterBehaviorOptions {
1966 dataPointsSelection: D3.Selection;
1967 data: EnhancedScatterChartData;
1968 plotContext: D3.Selection;
1969 }
1970 class EnhancedScatterChartWebBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior {
1971 private dimmedBubbleOpacity;
1972 private defaultBubbleOpacity;
1973 private bubbles;
1974 private shouldEnableFill;
1975 private colorBorder;
1976 constructor(dimmedBubbleOpacity: number, defaultBubbleOpacity: number);
1977 bindEvents(options: EnhancedScatterBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void;
1978 renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void;
1979 private getMarkerFillOpacity(hasSize, shouldEnableFill, hasSelection, isSelected);
1980 getMarkerStrokeOpacity(hasSize: boolean, colorBorder: boolean, hasSelection: boolean, isSelected: boolean): number;
1981 }
1984declare var THREE: any;
1985declare var WebGLHeatmap: any;
1986declare var GlobeMapCanvasLayers: JQuery[];
1987declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
1988 class GlobeMap implements IVisual {
1989 static MercartorSphere: any;
1990 private viewport;
1991 private container;
1992 private domElement;
1993 private camera;
1994 private renderer;
1995 private scene;
1996 private orbitControls;
1997 private earth;
1998 private settings;
1999 private data;
2000 private dataPointsToEnumerate;
2001 private heatmap;
2002 private heatTexture;
2003 private mapTextures;
2004 private barsGroup;
2005 private readyToRender;
2006 private categoricalView;
2007 private deferredRenderTimerId;
2008 private globeMapLocationCache;
2009 private locationsToLoad;
2010 private locationsLoaded;
2011 private renderLoopEnabled;
2012 private needsRender;
2013 private mousePosNormalized;
2014 private mousePos;
2015 private rayCaster;
2016 private selectedBar;
2017 private hoveredBar;
2018 private averageBarVector;
2019 private zoomControl;
2020 private colorHelper;
2021 private colors;
2022 private style;
2023 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
2024 private static Properties;
2025 static converter(dataView: DataView): any;
2026 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration;
2027 private enumerateDataPoints(enumeration);
2028 init(options: VisualInitOptions): void;
2029 private setup();
2030 private initSettings();
2031 private initScene();
2032 private shouldRender();
2033 private createEarth();
2034 zoomClicked(zoomDirection: any): void;
2035 rotateCam(deltaX: number, deltaY: number): void;
2036 private initTextures();
2037 private initHeatmap();
2038 private setEarthTexture();
2039 update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
2040 cleanHeatAndBar(): void;
2041 private renderMagic();
2042 private getBarMaterialByIndex(index);
2043 private getToolTipDataForSeries(toolTipData, dataPointToolTip);
2044 private createDataPointForEnumeration(seriesData, valueIndex, seriesIndex, metaData?);
2045 private composeRenderData(categoricalView?, metadataView?);
2046 private geocodeRenderDatum(renderDatum, place, locationType);
2047 private defferedRender();
2048 private initRayCaster();
2049 private intersectBars();
2050 private animateCamera(to, done?);
2051 destroy(): void;
2052 private initZoomControl();
2053 private initMercartorSphere();
2054 private getBingMapCanvas(resolution);
2055 }
2057declare function loadGlobeMapLibs(): void;
2059declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
2060 interface RadarChartConstructorOptions {
2061 animator?: IGenericAnimator;
2062 svg?: D3.Selection;
2063 margin?: IMargin;
2064 }
2065 interface RadarChartDatapoint extends SelectableDataPoint {
2066 x: number;
2067 y: number;
2068 y0?: number;
2069 color?: string;
2070 value?: number;
2071 tooltipInfo?: TooltipDataItem[];
2072 labelFormatString?: string;
2073 labelFontSize?: string;
2074 }
2075 interface RadarChartData {
2076 legendData: LegendData;
2077 series: RadarChartSeries[];
2078 settings: RadarChartSettings;
2079 dataLabelsSettings: PointDataLabelsSettings;
2080 }
2081 interface RadarChartSeries {
2082 fill: string;
2083 name: string;
2084 data: RadarChartDatapoint[];
2085 identity: SelectionId;
2086 }
2087 interface RadarChartSettings {
2088 showLegend?: boolean;
2089 }
2090 interface RadarChartBehaviorOptions {
2091 selection: D3.Selection;
2092 clearCatcher: D3.Selection;
2093 }
2094 /**
2095 * RadarChartBehavior
2096 */
2097 class RadarChartWebBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior {
2098 private selection;
2099 bindEvents(options: RadarChartBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void;
2100 renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void;
2101 }
2102 class RadarChart implements IVisual {
2103 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
2104 /** Note: Public for testability */
2105 static formatStringProp: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
2106 private static Properties;
2107 private static VisualClassName;
2108 private static Segments;
2109 private static SegmentNode;
2110 private static ZeroSegment;
2111 private static ZeroSegmentNode;
2112 private static ZeroLabel;
2113 private static Axis;
2114 private static AxisNode;
2115 private static AxisLabel;
2116 private static Chart;
2117 private static ChartNode;
2118 private static ChartArea;
2119 private static ChartPolygon;
2120 private static ChartDot;
2121 private static MaxPrecision;
2122 private static MinPrecision;
2123 private svg;
2124 private segments;
2125 private zeroSegment;
2126 private axis;
2127 private chart;
2128 private mainGroupElement;
2129 private colors;
2130 private viewport;
2131 private interactivityService;
2132 private animator;
2133 private margin;
2134 private legend;
2135 private legendObjectProperties;
2136 private radarChartData;
2137 private isInteractiveChart;
2138 private zeroPointRadius;
2139 private static DefaultMargin;
2140 private static SegmentLevels;
2141 private static SegmentFactor;
2142 private static Radians;
2143 private static Scale;
2144 static NodeFillOpacity: number;
2145 static AreaFillOpacity: number;
2146 static DimmedAreaFillOpacity: number;
2147 private angle;
2148 private radius;
2149 static AxesLabelsFontFamily: string;
2150 static AxesLabelsfontSize: string;
2151 static AxesLabelsMaxWidth: number;
2152 static converter(dataView: DataView, colors: IDataColorPalette): RadarChartData;
2153 constructor(options?: RadarChartConstructorOptions);
2154 init(options: VisualInitOptions): void;
2155 update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
2156 private getRadarChartLabelLayout(labelSettings, allDataPoints);
2157 private drawCircularSegments(values);
2158 private drawDataLabels(series);
2159 private drawAxes(values);
2160 private drawAxesLabels(values, dataViewMetadataColumn?);
2161 private drawChart(series, duration);
2162 private calculateChartDomain(series);
2163 private renderLegend(radarChartData);
2164 private drawZeroCircularSegment(values);
2165 private drawZeroLabel();
2166 private getDataPoints(series);
2167 private getAllDataPointsList(series);
2168 private isPercentChart(dataPointsList);
2169 private parseLegendProperties(dataView);
2170 private static parseSettings(dataView);
2171 private static getPrecision(value);
2172 private static parseLabelSettings(dataView);
2173 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration;
2174 private getLabelSettingsOptions(enumeration, labelSettings);
2175 private enumerateDataLabels(enumeration);
2176 private enumerateLegend(settings);
2177 private enumerateDataPoint(enumeration);
2178 private updateViewport();
2179 }
2182declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
2183 interface HistogramConstructorOptions {
2184 svg?: D3.Selection;
2185 animator?: IGenericAnimator;
2186 margin?: IMargin;
2187 }
2188 interface HistogramAxisSettings {
2189 axisColor?: string;
2190 displayUnits?: number;
2191 precision?: number;
2192 title?: boolean;
2193 show?: boolean;
2194 style?: string;
2195 }
2196 interface HistogramXAxisSettings extends HistogramAxisSettings {
2197 }
2198 interface HistogramYAxisSettings extends HistogramAxisSettings {
2199 start?: number;
2200 end?: number;
2201 position?: string;
2202 }
2203 interface HistogramLabelSettings {
2204 show?: boolean;
2205 color?: string;
2206 displayUnits?: number;
2207 precision?: number;
2208 fontSize?: number;
2209 }
2210 interface HistogramSettings {
2211 displayName?: string;
2212 fillColor?: string;
2213 frequency: boolean;
2214 bins?: number;
2215 precision: number;
2216 maxX?: number;
2217 xAxisSettings: HistogramXAxisSettings;
2218 yAxisSettings: HistogramYAxisSettings;
2219 labelSettings: HistogramLabelSettings;
2220 }
2221 interface HistogramData extends D3.Layout.Bin, TooltipEnabledDataPoint {
2222 range: number[];
2223 selectionIds: SelectionId[];
2224 }
2225 interface HistogramDataView {
2226 data: HistogramData[];
2227 xScale?: D3.Scale.LinearScale;
2228 yScale?: D3.Scale.LinearScale;
2229 settings: HistogramSettings;
2230 formatter: IValueFormatter;
2231 xLabelFormatter?: IValueFormatter;
2232 yLabelFormatter?: IValueFormatter;
2233 }
2234 class HistogramChartWarning implements IVisualWarning {
2235 static ErrorInvalidDataValues: string;
2236 private message;
2237 constructor(message: string);
2238 code: string;
2239 getMessages(resourceProvider: jsCommon.IStringResourceProvider): IVisualErrorMessage;
2240 }
2241 class Histogram implements IVisual {
2242 private static ClassName;
2243 private static FrequencyText;
2244 private static DensityText;
2245 private static Properties;
2246 private static DefaultHistogramSettings;
2247 private static Axes;
2248 private static Axis;
2249 private static Labels;
2250 private static Columns;
2251 private static Column;
2252 private static Legends;
2253 private static Legend;
2254 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
2255 private ColumnPadding;
2256 private MinColumnHeight;
2257 private MinOpacity;
2258 private MaxOpacity;
2259 private static MinNumberOfBins;
2260 private static MaxNumberOfBins;
2261 private static MinPrecision;
2262 private static MaxPrecision;
2263 private TooltipDisplayName;
2264 private SeparatorNumbers;
2265 private LegendSize;
2266 private YLegendSize;
2267 private XLegendSize;
2268 private AxisSize;
2269 private DataLabelMargin;
2270 private widthOfColumn;
2271 private yTitleMargin;
2272 private outerPadding;
2273 private xAxisProperties;
2274 private yAxisProperties;
2275 private ExcludeBrackets;
2276 private IncludeBrackets;
2277 private margin;
2278 private durationAnimations;
2279 private oldInnerPaddingRatio;
2280 private oldMinOrdinalRectThickness;
2281 private viewport;
2282 private hostService;
2283 private selectionManager;
2284 private colors;
2285 private root;
2286 private svg;
2287 private main;
2288 private axes;
2289 private axisX;
2290 private axisY;
2291 private legend;
2292 private columns;
2293 private labels;
2294 private histogramDataView;
2295 private animator;
2296 private columnsSelection;
2297 private textProperties;
2298 constructor(histogramConstructorOptions?: HistogramConstructorOptions);
2299 init(visualsOptions: VisualInitOptions): void;
2300 converter(dataView: DataView): HistogramDataView;
2301 private static getValuesByFrequencies(sourceValues, frequencies, identities);
2302 private getData(values, numericalValues, data, settings, yValueFormatter, xValueFormatter);
2303 private static getRange(minValue, maxValue, step, index);
2304 private getTooltipData(value, range, settings, includeLeftBorder, yValueFormatter, xValueFormatter);
2305 private static getSelectionIds(values, bin, index);
2306 private static isValueContainedInRange(value, bin, index);
2307 private parseSettings(dataView);
2308 private static getLegend(title, style, displayUnit);
2309 private static getLabelFontSize(objects);
2310 private static getLabelShow(objects);
2311 private static getLabelColor(objects);
2312 private static getLabelDisplayUnits(objects);
2313 private static getLabelPrecision(objects);
2314 private static getXStyle(objects);
2315 private static getXDisplayUnit(objects);
2316 private static getXPrecision(objects);
2317 private static getXAxisShow(objects);
2318 private static getXAxisColor(objects);
2319 private static getXTitle(objects);
2320 private static getYStyle(objects);
2321 private static getYPosition(objects);
2322 private static getYAxisShow(objects);
2323 private static getYAxisColor(objects);
2324 private static getYStart(objects);
2325 private static getYEnd(objects);
2326 private static getYDisplayUnit(objects);
2327 private static getYPrecision(objects);
2328 private static getYTitle(objects);
2329 private static getBins(objects);
2330 private static getFrequency(objects);
2331 private static getPrecision(objects);
2332 validateData(data: HistogramDataView): boolean;
2333 update(visualUpdateOptions: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
2334 private fixXTicSize();
2335 private setSize(viewport);
2336 private updateElements(height, width);
2337 shouldShowYOnRight(): boolean;
2338 private columsAndAxesTransform(labelWidth);
2339 private render();
2340 private adjustTransformToAxisLabels();
2341 private renderColumns();
2342 private static renderTooltip(selection);
2343 private getColumnHeight(column, y);
2344 private renderAxes();
2345 private getLabaelLayout();
2346 private renderLabels();
2347 private static rangesToArray(data);
2348 private rangeToString(range, includeLeftBorder, valueFormatter);
2349 private renderLegend();
2350 private getDataLegends(settings);
2351 private static getLegendText(settings);
2352 private bindSelectionHandler(columnsSelection);
2353 private setSelection(columnsSelection, data?);
2354 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstance[];
2355 private static getObjectsFromDataView(dataView);
2356 destroy(): void;
2357 private calculateXAxes(source, textProperties, scrollbarVisible);
2358 private calculateXAxesProperties(options, metaDataColumn);
2359 private calculateYAxes(source, textProperties, scrollbarVisible);
2360 private calculateYAxesProperties(options, metaDataColumn);
2361 }
2363declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
2364 import ClassAndSelector = jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector;
2365 module DotPlotLabelsOrientation {
2366 enum Orientation {
2367 Horizontal = 0,
2368 Vertical = 1,
2369 }
2370 var type: IEnumType;
2371 }
2372 var DotPlotProperties: any;
2373 interface DotPlotSelectors {
2374 svgPlotSelector: ClassAndSelector;
2375 plotSelector: ClassAndSelector;
2376 plotGroupSelector: ClassAndSelector;
2377 axisSelector: ClassAndSelector;
2378 xAxisSelector: ClassAndSelector;
2379 circleSeletor: ClassAndSelector;
2380 }
2381 interface DotPlotChartCategory {
2382 value: string;
2383 selectionId: SelectionId;
2384 }
2385 interface DotPlotConstructorOptions {
2386 animator?: IGenericAnimator;
2387 svg?: D3.Selection;
2388 margin?: IMargin;
2389 radius?: number;
2390 strokeWidth?: number;
2391 }
2392 interface DotPlotDataPoint {
2393 x: number;
2394 y: number;
2395 tooltipInfo: TooltipDataItem[];
2396 }
2397 interface DotPlotSettings {
2398 labelSettings?: VisualDataLabelsSettings;
2399 formatter?: IValueFormatter;
2400 tooltipFormatter?: IValueFormatter;
2401 categorySettings?: DotPlotCategorySettings;
2402 defaultDataPointColor?: string;
2403 categoryAxisSettings?: DotPlotCategoryAxisSettings;
2404 labelOrientation?: DotPlotLabelsOrientation.Orientation;
2405 labelTextMaxSize: number;
2406 }
2407 interface DotPlotCategoryAxisSettings {
2408 show?: boolean;
2409 showAxisTitle?: boolean;
2410 labelColor?: Fill;
2411 }
2412 interface DotPlotCategorySettings {
2413 show?: boolean;
2414 fontColor?: string;
2415 fontSize?: number;
2416 }
2417 interface DotPlotDataGroup extends SelectableDataPoint {
2418 label?: string;
2419 value?: number;
2420 color?: string;
2421 tooltipInfo?: TooltipDataItem[];
2422 dataPoints: DotPlotDataPoint[];
2423 labelFontSize: string;
2424 highlight?: boolean;
2425 }
2426 interface DotPlotDataView {
2427 displayName: string;
2428 dataPoints: DotPlotDataGroup[];
2429 values: any[];
2430 settings: DotPlotSettings;
2431 categories: DotPlotChartCategory[];
2432 }
2433 class DotPlot implements IVisual {
2434 private viewportIn;
2435 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
2436 private DefaultMargin;
2437 private svg;
2438 private xAxis;
2439 private dotPlot;
2440 private clearCatcher;
2441 private behavior;
2442 private colors;
2443 private dataView;
2444 private animator;
2445 private durationAnimations;
2446 private dotPlotDataView;
2447 private radius;
2448 private strokeWidth;
2449 private interactivityService;
2450 private scaleType;
2451 private textProperties;
2452 private dotPlotSelectors;
2453 private DefaultDotPlotSettings;
2454 private static getTooltipData(value);
2455 static converter(dataView: DataView, objects: DataViewObjects, scale: D3.Scale.OrdinalScale, defaultMargin: IMargin, defaultSetting: DotPlotSettings, colors: IDataColorPalette, viewport: IViewport, radius: number): DotPlotDataView;
2456 constructor(options?: DotPlotConstructorOptions);
2457 init(options: VisualInitOptions): void;
2458 update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
2459 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration;
2460 private enumerateCategoryAxisValues(enumeration, dataView);
2461 private static getObjectsFromDataView(dataView);
2462 private static parseSettings(objects, defaultDotPlotSettings);
2463 private static parseCategoryAxisSettings(objects, defaultDotPlotSettings);
2464 private static getCategorySettings(objects, defaultDotPlotSettings);
2465 private static getPrecision(objects, defaultDotPlotSettings);
2466 private drawDotPlot(data, setting);
2467 private getEnhanchedDotplotLayout(labelSettings, viewport);
2468 private enumerateDataLabels(enumeration, dataView);
2469 private enumerateDataPoints(enumeration, dataView);
2470 private enumerateCategories(enumeration, dataView);
2471 private clearData();
2472 private renderTooltip(selection);
2473 private calculateAxes(viewportIn, categoryAxisSettings, textProperties, objects, scrollbarVisible);
2474 private calculateAxesProperties(viewportIn, categoryAxisSettings, options, metaDataColumn, objects);
2475 private renderAxis(height, viewportIn, xAxisProperties, categoryAxisSettings, data, duration);
2476 private static setAxisLabelColor(g, fill);
2477 }
2478 interface DotplotBehaviorOptions {
2479 columns: D3.Selection;
2480 clearCatcher: D3.Selection;
2481 interactivityService: IInteractivityService;
2482 }
2483 class DotplotBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior {
2484 private columns;
2485 private clearCatcher;
2486 private interactivityService;
2487 bindEvents(options: DotplotBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void;
2488 renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void;
2489 }
2492declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
2493 enum LinkColorType {
2494 ByWeight,
2495 ByLinkType,
2496 Interactive,
2497 }
2498 class ForceGraphSettings {
2499 static Default: ForceGraphSettings;
2500 static parse(dataView: DataView, capabilities: VisualCapabilities): ForceGraphSettings;
2501 static getProperties(capabilities: VisualCapabilities): {
2502 [i: string]: {
2503 [i: string]: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
2504 };
2505 };
2506 static createEnumTypeFromEnum(type: any): IEnumType;
2507 private static getValueFnByType(type);
2508 static enumerateObjectInstances(settings: any, options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions, capabilities: VisualCapabilities): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration;
2509 labels: {
2510 show: boolean;
2511 color: string;
2512 fontSize: number;
2513 };
2514 links: {
2515 showArrow: boolean;
2516 showLabel: boolean;
2517 colorLink: LinkColorType;
2518 thickenLink: boolean;
2519 displayUnits: number;
2520 decimalPlaces: number;
2521 };
2522 nodes: {
2523 displayImage: boolean;
2524 defaultImage: string;
2525 imageUrl: string;
2526 imageExt: string;
2527 nameMaxLength: number;
2528 highlightReachableLinks: boolean;
2529 };
2530 size: {
2531 charge: number;
2532 };
2533 }
2534 class ForceGraphColumns<T> {
2535 static Roles: ForceGraphColumns<string>;
2536 static getMetadataColumns(dataView: DataView): ForceGraphColumns<DataViewMetadataColumn>;
2537 static getTableValues(dataView: DataView): ForceGraphColumns<any[]>;
2538 static getTableRows(dataView: DataView): ForceGraphColumns<any>[];
2539 Source: T;
2540 Target: T;
2541 Weight: T;
2542 LinkType: T;
2543 SourceType: T;
2544 TargetType: T;
2545 }
2546 interface ForceGraphLink {
2547 source: ForceGraphNode;
2548 target: ForceGraphNode;
2549 weight: number;
2550 formattedWeight: string;
2551 type: string;
2552 tooltipInfo: TooltipDataItem[];
2553 }
2554 interface ForceGraphNode {
2555 name: string;
2556 image: string;
2557 adj: {
2558 [i: string]: number;
2559 };
2560 x?: number;
2561 y?: number;
2562 isDrag?: boolean;
2563 isOver?: boolean;
2564 }
2565 interface ForceGraphNodes {
2566 [i: string]: ForceGraphNode;
2567 }
2568 interface ForceGraphData {
2569 nodes: ForceGraphNodes;
2570 links: ForceGraphLink[];
2571 minFiles: number;
2572 maxFiles: number;
2573 linkedByName: {};
2574 linkTypes: {};
2575 settings: ForceGraphSettings;
2576 }
2577 class ForceGraph implements IVisual {
2578 static VisualClassName: string;
2579 private static Count;
2580 private static DefaultValues;
2581 private static Href;
2582 private data;
2583 private settings;
2584 private root;
2585 private paths;
2586 private nodes;
2587 private forceLayout;
2588 private dataView;
2589 private colors;
2590 private uniqieId;
2591 private marginValue;
2592 private margin;
2593 private viewportValue;
2594 private viewport;
2595 private viewportInValue;
2596 private viewportIn;
2597 private static substractMargin(viewport, margin);
2598 private scale1to10(d);
2599 private getLinkColor(d);
2600 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
2601 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration;
2602 static converter(dataView: DataView, colors: IDataColorPalette): ForceGraphData;
2603 private static parseSettings(dataView);
2604 init(options: VisualInitOptions): void;
2605 update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
2606 private updateNodes();
2607 private tick();
2608 private fadePath(opacity, highlight);
2609 private isReachable(a, b);
2610 private fadeNode(node);
2611 destroy(): void;
2612 }
2615declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
2616 import IStringResourceProvider = jsCommon.IStringResourceProvider;
2617 enum GanttDateType {
2618 Day,
2619 Week,
2620 Month,
2621 Year,
2622 }
2623 interface Task extends SelectableDataPoint {
2624 id: number;
2625 name: string;
2626 start: Date;
2627 duration: number;
2628 completion: number;
2629 resource: string;
2630 end: Date;
2631 taskType: string;
2632 description: string;
2633 color: string;
2634 tooltipInfo: TooltipDataItem[];
2635 }
2636 interface GroupedTask {
2637 id: number;
2638 name: string;
2639 tasks: Task[];
2640 }
2641 interface GanttChartFormatters {
2642 startDateFormatter: IValueFormatter;
2643 completionFormatter: IValueFormatter;
2644 durationFormatter: IValueFormatter;
2645 }
2646 interface GanttViewModel {
2647 dataView: DataView;
2648 settings: GanttSettings<any>;
2649 tasks: Task[];
2650 series: GanttSeries[];
2651 legendData: LegendData;
2652 taskTypes: TaskTypes;
2653 }
2654 interface GanttDataPoint extends SelectableDataPoint {
2655 color: string;
2656 value: any;
2657 }
2658 interface GanttSeries extends SelectableDataPoint {
2659 tasks: Task[];
2660 fill: string;
2661 name: string;
2662 }
2663 interface TaskTypes {
2664 types: string[];
2665 typeName: string;
2666 }
2667 interface GanttSettings<T> {
2668 general: {
2669 groupTasks: T;
2670 };
2671 legend: {
2672 show: T;
2673 position: T;
2674 showTitle: T;
2675 titleText: T;
2676 labelColor: T;
2677 fontSize: T;
2678 };
2679 taskLabels: {
2680 show: T;
2681 fill: T;
2682 fontSize: T;
2683 width: T;
2684 };
2685 taskCompletion: {
2686 show: T;
2687 fill: T;
2688 };
2689 taskResource: {
2690 show: T;
2691 fill: T;
2692 fontSize: T;
2693 };
2694 dateType: {
2695 type: T;
2696 };
2697 }
2698 class Gantt implements IVisual {
2699 private viewport;
2700 private colors;
2701 private legend;
2702 private textProperties;
2703 static DefaultSettings: GanttSettings<any>;
2704 static DefaultValues: {
2705 AxisTickSize: number;
2706 MaxTaskOpacity: number;
2707 MinTaskOpacity: number;
2708 ProgressBarHeight: number;
2709 ResourceWidth: number;
2710 TaskColor: string;
2711 TaskLineWidth: number;
2712 DefaultDateType: string;
2713 DateFormatStrings: {
2714 Day: string;
2715 Week: string;
2716 Month: string;
2717 Year: string;
2718 };
2719 };
2720 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
2721 private static Properties;
2722 private static getProperties(capabilities);
2723 private static DefaultMargin;
2724 private margin;
2725 private style;
2726 private body;
2727 private ganttSvg;
2728 private viewModel;
2729 private timeScale;
2730 private axisGroup;
2731 private chartGroup;
2732 private taskGroup;
2733 private lineGroup;
2734 private clearCatcher;
2735 private ganttDiv;
2736 private selectionManager;
2737 private behavior;
2738 private interactivityService;
2739 private hostServices;
2740 private isInteractiveChart;
2741 init(options: VisualInitOptions): void;
2742 /**
2743 * Create the vieport area of the gantt chart
2744 */
2745 private createViewport(element);
2746 /**
2747 * Clear the viewport area
2748 */
2749 private clearViewport();
2750 /**
2751 * Update div container size to the whole viewport area
2752 * @param viewport The vieport to change it size
2753 */
2754 private updateChartSize();
2755 /**
2756 * Get task property from the data view
2757 * @param columnSource
2758 * @param child
2759 * @param propertyName The property to get
2760 */
2761 private static getTaskProperty<T>(columnSource, child, propertyName);
2762 /**
2763 * Check if dataView has a given role
2764 * @param column The dataView headers
2765 * @param name The role to find
2766 */
2767 private static hasRole(column, name);
2768 /**
2769 * Get the tooltip info (data display names & formated values)
2770 * @param task All task attributes.
2771 * @param formatters Formatting options for gantt attributes.
2772 */
2773 private static getTooltipInfo(task, formatters, timeInterval?);
2774 /**
2775 * Check if task has data for task
2776 * @param dataView
2777 */
2778 private static isChartHasTask(dataView);
2779 /**
2780 * Returns the chart formatters
2781 * @param dataView The data Model
2782 */
2783 private static getFormatters(dataView);
2784 /**
2785 * Create task objects dataView
2786 * @param dataView The data Model.
2787 * @param formatters task attributes represented format.
2788 * @param series An array that holds the color data of different task groups.
2789 */
2790 private static createTasks(dataView, formatters, colors);
2791 /**
2792 * Create the gantt tasks series based on all task types
2793 * @param taskTypes All unique types from the tasks array.
2794 */
2795 private static createSeries(objects, tasks, dataView, colors);
2796 /**
2797 * Convert the dataView to view model
2798 * @param dataView The data Model
2799 */
2800 static converter(dataView: DataView, colors: IDataColorPalette): GanttViewModel;
2801 private static parseSettings(dataView, colors);
2802 private static isValidDate(date);
2803 private static convertToDecimal(number);
2804 /**
2805 * Gets all unique types from the tasks array
2806 * @param dataView The data model.
2807 */
2808 private static getAllTasksTypes(dataView);
2809 /**
2810 * Get legend data, calculate position and draw it
2811 */
2812 private renderLegend();
2813 /**
2814 * Called on data change or resizing
2815 * @param options The visual option that contains the dataview and the viewport
2816 */
2817 update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
2818 private getDateType();
2819 private calculateAxes(viewportIn, textProperties, startDate, endDate, axisLength, ticksCount, scrollbarVisible);
2820 private calculateAxesProperties(viewportIn, options, axisLength, metaDataColumn);
2821 private groupTasks(tasks);
2822 private renderAxis(xAxisProperties, duration);
2823 /**
2824 * Update task labels and add its tooltips
2825 * @param tasks All tasks array
2826 * @param width The task label width
2827 */
2828 private updateTaskLabels(tasks, width);
2829 private renderTasks(groupedTasks);
2830 onClearSelection(): void;
2831 /**
2832 * Returns the matching Y coordinate for a given task index
2833 * @param taskIndex Task Number
2834 */
2835 private getTaskLabelCoordinateY(taskIndex);
2836 /**
2837 * Set the task progress bar in the gantt
2838 * @param task All task attributes
2839 */
2840 private setTaskProgress(task);
2841 /**
2842 * Set the task progress bar in the gantt
2843 * @param lineNumber Line number that represents the task number
2844 */
2845 private getBarYCoordinate(lineNumber);
2846 private getBarHeight();
2847 /**
2848 * convert task duration to width in the time scale
2849 * @param task The task to convert
2850 */
2851 private taskDurationToWidth(task);
2852 private getTooltipForMilstoneLine(timestamp, milestoneTitle);
2853 /**
2854 * Create vertical dotted line that represent milestone in the time axis (by default it shows not time)
2855 * @param tasks All tasks array
2856 * @param timestamp the milestone to be shown in the time axis (default Date.now())
2857 */
2858 private createMilestoneLine(tasks, milestoneTitle?, timestamp?);
2859 private updateElementsPositions(viewport, margin);
2860 private getMilestoneLineLength(numOfTasks);
2861 private enumerateGeneral(settings);
2862 private enumerateLegend(settings);
2863 private enumerateDataPoints(settings);
2864 private enumerateTaskCompletion(settings);
2865 private enumerateTaskLabels(settings);
2866 private enumerateTaskResources(settings);
2867 private enumerateDateType(settings);
2868 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration;
2869 }
2870 interface GanttBehaviorOptions {
2871 clearCatcher: D3.Selection;
2872 taskSelection: D3.Selection;
2873 legendSelection: D3.Selection;
2874 interactivityService: IInteractivityService;
2875 }
2876 class GanttChartBehavior implements IInteractiveBehavior {
2877 private options;
2878 bindEvents(options: GanttBehaviorOptions, selectionHandler: ISelectionHandler): void;
2879 renderSelection(hasSelection: boolean): void;
2880 }
2881 class GanttChartWarning implements IVisualWarning {
2882 code: string;
2883 getMessages(resourceProvider: IStringResourceProvider): IVisualErrorMessage;
2884 }
2887declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
2888 import ClassAndSelector = jsCommon.CssConstants.ClassAndSelector;
2889 const Months: IEnumType;
2890 const WeekDays: IEnumType;
2891 enum GranularityType {
2892 year = 0,
2893 quarter = 1,
2894 month = 2,
2895 week = 3,
2896 day = 4,
2897 }
2898 interface GranularityName {
2899 granularityType: GranularityType;
2900 name: string;
2901 }
2902 interface TimelineMargins {
2903 LeftMargin: number;
2904 RightMargin: number;
2905 TopMargin: number;
2906 BottomMargin: number;
2907 CellWidth: number;
2908 CellHeight: number;
2909 StartXpoint: number;
2910 StartYpoint: number;
2911 ElementWidth: number;
2912 MinCellWidth: number;
2913 MaxCellHeight: number;
2914 PeriodSlicerRectWidth: number;
2915 PeriodSlicerRectHeight: number;
2916 }
2917 interface DefaultTimelineProperties {
2918 DefaultLabelsShow: boolean;
2919 TimelineDefaultTextSize: number;
2920 TimelineDefaultCellColor: string;
2921 TimelineDefaultCellColorOut: string;
2922 TimelineDefaultTimeRangeShow: boolean;
2923 DefaultTimeRangeColor: string;
2924 DefaultLabelColor: string;
2925 DefaultScaleColor: string;
2926 DefaultSliderColor: string;
2927 DefaultGranularity: GranularityType;
2928 DefaultFirstMonth: number;
2929 DefaultFirstDay: number;
2930 DefaultFirstWeekDay: number;
2931 }
2932 interface TimelineSelectors {
2933 TimelineVisual: ClassAndSelector;
2934 SelectionRangeContainer: ClassAndSelector;
2935 textLabel: ClassAndSelector;
2936 LowerTextCell: ClassAndSelector;
2937 UpperTextCell: ClassAndSelector;
2938 UpperTextArea: ClassAndSelector;
2939 LowerTextArea: ClassAndSelector;
2940 RangeTextArea: ClassAndSelector;
2941 CellsArea: ClassAndSelector;
2942 CursorsArea: ClassAndSelector;
2943 MainArea: ClassAndSelector;
2944 SelectionCursor: ClassAndSelector;
2945 Cell: ClassAndSelector;
2946 CellRect: ClassAndSelector;
2947 VertLine: ClassAndSelector;
2948 TimelineSlicer: ClassAndSelector;
2949 PeriodSlicerGranularities: ClassAndSelector;
2950 PeriodSlicerSelection: ClassAndSelector;
2951 PeriodSlicerSelectionRect: ClassAndSelector;
2952 PeriodSlicerRect: ClassAndSelector;
2953 }
2954 interface TimelineLabel {
2955 title: string;
2956 text: string;
2957 id: number;
2958 }
2959 interface ExtendedLabel {
2960 yearLabels?: TimelineLabel[];
2961 quarterLabels?: TimelineLabel[];
2962 monthLabels?: TimelineLabel[];
2963 weekLabels?: TimelineLabel[];
2964 dayLabels?: TimelineLabel[];
2965 }
2966 interface DatePeriod {
2967 identifierArray: (string | number)[];
2968 startDate: Date;
2969 endDate: Date;
2970 year: number;
2971 week: number[];
2972 fraction: number;
2973 index: number;
2974 }
2975 interface Granularity {
2976 getType(): GranularityType;
2977 splitDate(date: Date): (string | number)[];
2978 getDatePeriods(): DatePeriod[];
2979 resetDatePeriods(): void;
2980 getExtendedLabel(): ExtendedLabel;
2981 setExtendedLabel(extendedLabel: ExtendedLabel): void;
2982 createLabels(granularity: Granularity): TimelineLabel[];
2983 sameLabel(firstDatePeriod: DatePeriod, secondDatePeriod: DatePeriod): boolean;
2984 generateLabel(datePeriod: DatePeriod): TimelineLabel;
2985 addDate(date: Date, identifierArray: (string | number)[]): any;
2986 setNewEndDate(date: Date): void;
2987 splitPeriod(index: number, newFraction: number, newDate: Date): void;
2988 }
2989 interface TimelineCursorOverElement {
2990 index: number;
2991 datapoint: TimelineDatapoint;
2992 }
2993 class TimelineGranularity {
2994 private datePeriods;
2995 private extendedLabel;
2996 /**
2997 * Returns the short month name of the given date (e.g. Jan, Feb, Mar)
2998 */
2999 shortMonthName(date: Date): string;
3000 resetDatePeriods(): void;
3001 getDatePeriods(): DatePeriod[];
3002 getExtendedLabel(): ExtendedLabel;
3003 setExtendedLabel(extendedLabel: ExtendedLabel): void;
3004 createLabels(granularity: Granularity): TimelineLabel[];
3005 /**
3006 * Adds the new date into the given datePeriods array
3007 * If the date corresponds to the last date period, given the current granularity,
3008 * it will be added to that date period. Otherwise, a new date period will be added to the array.
3009 * i.e. using Month granularity, Feb 2 2015 corresponds to Feb 3 2015.
3010 * It is assumed that the given date does not correspond to previous date periods, other than the last date period
3011 */
3012 addDate(date: Date, identifierArray: (string | number)[]): void;
3013 setNewEndDate(date: Date): void;
3014 /**
3015 * Splits a given period into two periods.
3016 * The new period is added after the index of the old one, while the old one is simply updated.
3017 * @param index The index of the date priod to be split
3018 * @param newFraction The fraction value of the new date period
3019 * @param newDate The date in which the date period is split
3020 */
3021 splitPeriod(index: number, newFraction: number, newDate: Date): void;
3022 private previousMonth(month);
3023 private nextMonth(month);
3024 private countWeeks(startDate, endDate);
3025 determineWeek(date: Date): number[];
3026 private inPreviousYear(date);
3027 determineYear(date: Date): number;
3028 }
3029 class DayGranularity extends TimelineGranularity implements Granularity {
3030 getType(): GranularityType;
3031 splitDate(date: Date): (string | number)[];
3032 sameLabel(firstDatePeriod: DatePeriod, secondDatePeriod: DatePeriod): boolean;
3033 generateLabel(datePeriod: DatePeriod): TimelineLabel;
3034 }
3035 class MonthGranularity extends TimelineGranularity implements Granularity {
3036 getType(): GranularityType;
3037 splitDate(date: Date): (string | number)[];
3038 sameLabel(firstDatePeriod: DatePeriod, secondDatePeriod: DatePeriod): boolean;
3039 generateLabel(datePeriod: DatePeriod): TimelineLabel;
3040 }
3041 class WeekGranularity extends TimelineGranularity implements Granularity {
3042 getType(): GranularityType;
3043 splitDate(date: Date): (string | number)[];
3044 sameLabel(firstDatePeriod: DatePeriod, secondDatePeriod: DatePeriod): boolean;
3045 generateLabel(datePeriod: DatePeriod): TimelineLabel;
3046 }
3047 class QuarterGranularity extends TimelineGranularity implements Granularity {
3048 /**
3049 * Returns the date's quarter name (e.g. Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)
3050 * @param date A date
3051 */
3052 private quarterText(date);
3053 getType(): GranularityType;
3054 splitDate(date: Date): (string | number)[];
3055 sameLabel(firstDatePeriod: DatePeriod, secondDatePeriod: DatePeriod): boolean;
3056 generateLabel(datePeriod: DatePeriod): TimelineLabel;
3057 }
3058 class YearGranularity extends TimelineGranularity implements Granularity {
3059 getType(): GranularityType;
3060 splitDate(date: Date): (string | number)[];
3061 sameLabel(firstDatePeriod: DatePeriod, secondDatePeriod: DatePeriod): boolean;
3062 generateLabel(datePeriod: DatePeriod): TimelineLabel;
3063 }
3064 class TimelineGranularityData {
3065 private dates;
3066 private granularities;
3067 private endingDate;
3068 /**
3069 * Returns the date of the previos day
3070 * @param date The following date
3071 */
3072 static previousDay(date: Date): Date;
3073 /**
3074 * Returns the date of the next day
3075 * @param date The previous date
3076 */
3077 static nextDay(date: Date): Date;
3078 /**
3079 * Returns an array of dates with all the days between the start date and the end date
3080 */
3081 private setDatesRange(startDate, endDate);
3082 constructor(startDate: Date, endDate: Date);
3083 /**
3084 * Adds a new granularity to the array of granularities.
3085 * Resets the new granularity, adds all dates to it, and then edits the last date period with the ending date.
3086 * @param granularity The new granularity to be added
3087 */
3088 addGranularity(granularity: Granularity): void;
3089 /**
3090 * Returns a specific granularity from the array of granularities
3091 * @param index The index of the requested granularity
3092 */
3093 getGranularity(index: number): Granularity;
3094 createGranularities(): void;
3095 createLabels(): void;
3096 }
3097 class Utils {
3098 /**
3099 * Returns the date of the start of the selection
3100 * @param timelineData The TimelineData which contains all the date periods
3101 */
3102 static getStartSelectionDate(timelineData: TimelineData): Date;
3103 /**
3104 * Returns the date of the end of the selection
3105 * @param timelineData The TimelineData which contains all the date periods
3106 */
3107 static getEndSelectionDate(timelineData: TimelineData): Date;
3108 /**
3109 * Returns the date period of the end of the selection
3110 * @param timelineData The TimelineData which contains all the date periods
3111 */
3112 static getEndSelectionPeriod(timelineData: TimelineData): DatePeriod;
3113 /**
3114 * Returns the color of a cell, depending on whether its date period is between the selected date periods.
3115 * CellRects should be transparent filled by default if there isn't any color sets.
3116 * @param d The TimelineDataPoint of the cell
3117 * @param timelineData The TimelineData with the selected date periods
3118 * @param timelineFormat The TimelineFormat with the chosen colors
3119 */
3120 static getCellColor(d: TimelineDatapoint, timelineData: TimelineData, cellFormat: CellFormat): string;
3121 /**
3122 * Returns the granularity type of the given granularity name
3123 * @param granularityName The name of the granularity
3124 */
3125 static getGranularityType(granularityName: string): GranularityType;
3126 /**
3127 * Returns the name of the granularity type
3128 * @param granularity The type of granularity
3129 */
3130 static getGranularityName(granularity: GranularityType): string;
3131 /**
3132 * Splits the date periods of the current granularity, in case the stard and end of the selection is in between a date period.
3133 * i.e. for a quarter granularity and a selection between Feb 6 and Dec 23, the date periods for Q1 and Q4 will be split accordingly
3134 * @param timelineData The TimelineData that contains the date periods
3135 * @param startDate The starting date of the selection
3136 * @param endDate The ending date of the selection
3137 */
3138 static separateSelection(timelineData: TimelineData, startDate: Date, endDate: Date): void;
3139 /**
3140 * Returns the ratio of the given date compared to the whole date period.
3141 * The ratio is calculated either from the start or the end of the date period.
3142 * i.e. the ratio of Feb 7 2016 compared to the month of Feb 2016,
3143 * is 0.2142 from the start of the month, or 0.7857 from the end of the month.
3144 * @param datePeriod The date period that contain the specified date
3145 * @param date The date
3146 * @param fromStart Whether to calculater the ratio from the start of the date period.
3147 */
3148 static getDateRatio(datePeriod: DatePeriod, date: Date, fromStart: boolean): number;
3149 /**
3150 * Returns the time range text, depending on the given granularity (e.g. "Feb 3 2014 - Apr 5 2015", "Q1 2014 - Q2 2015")
3151 */
3152 static timeRangeText(timelineData: TimelineData): string;
3153 static dateRangeText(datePeriod: DatePeriod): string;
3154 /**
3155 * Combines the first two partial date periods, into a single date period.
3156 * Returns whether a partial date period was found.
3157 * i.e. combines "Feb 1 2016 - Feb 5 2016" with "Feb 5 2016 - Feb 29 2016" into "Feb 1 2016 - Feb 29 2016"
3158 * @param datePeriods The list of date periods
3159 */
3160 static unseparateSelection(datePeriods: DatePeriod[]): boolean;
3161 }
3162 interface TimelineProperties {
3163 leftMargin: number;
3164 rightMargin: number;
3165 topMargin: number;
3166 bottomMargin: number;
3167 textYPosition: number;
3168 startXpoint: number;
3169 startYpoint: number;
3170 elementWidth: number;
3171 element: any;
3172 cellWidth: number;
3173 cellHeight: number;
3174 cellsYPosition: number;
3175 }
3176 interface TimelineFormat {
3177 cellFormat?: CellFormat;
3178 rangeTextFormat?: LabelFormat;
3179 labelFormat?: LabelFormat;
3180 calendarFormat?: CalendarFormat;
3181 granularityFormat?: GranularityFormat;
3182 }
3183 interface LabelFormat {
3184 showProperty: boolean;
3185 sizeProperty: number;
3186 colorProperty: string;
3187 }
3188 interface CalendarFormat {
3189 firstMonthProperty: number;
3190 firstDayProperty: number;
3191 weekDayProperty: number;
3192 }
3193 interface CellFormat {
3194 colorInProperty: string;
3195 colorOutProperty: string;
3196 }
3197 interface GranularityFormat {
3198 scaleColorProperty: string;
3199 sliderColorProperty: string;
3200 }
3201 interface TimelineData {
3202 dragging?: boolean;
3203 categorySourceName?: string;
3204 columnIdentity?: powerbi.data.SQColumnRefExpr;
3205 timelineDatapoints?: TimelineDatapoint[];
3206 elementsCount?: number;
3207 selectionStartIndex?: number;
3208 selectionEndIndex?: number;
3209 cursorDataPoints?: CursorDatapoint[];
3210 currentGranularity?: Granularity;
3211 }
3212 interface CursorDatapoint {
3213 x: number;
3214 cursorIndex: number;
3215 selectionIndex: number;
3216 }
3217 interface TimelineDatapoint {
3218 index: number;
3219 datePeriod: DatePeriod;
3220 }
3221 interface DateDictionary {
3222 [year: number]: Date;
3223 }
3224 class Calendar {
3225 private firstDayOfWeek;
3226 private firstMonthOfYear;
3227 private firstDayOfYear;
3228 private dateOfFirstWeek;
3229 private quarterFirstMonths;
3230 getFirstDayOfWeek(): number;
3231 getFirstMonthOfYear(): number;
3232 getFirstDayOfYear(): number;
3233 getQuarterStartDate(year: number, quarterIndex: number): Date;
3234 isChanged(calendarFormat: CalendarFormat): boolean;
3235 constructor(calendarFormat: CalendarFormat);
3236 private calculateDateOfFirstWeek(year);
3237 getDateOfFirstWeek(year: number): Date;
3238 }
3239 class Timeline implements IVisual {
3240 private requiresNoUpdate;
3241 private datasetsChangedState;
3242 private timelineProperties;
3243 private timelineFormat;
3244 private timelineData;
3245 private timelineGranularityData;
3246 private hostServices;
3247 private svg;
3248 private timelineDiv;
3249 private body;
3250 private rangeText;
3251 private mainGroupElement;
3252 private yearLabelsElement;
3253 private quarterLabelsElement;
3254 private monthLabelsElement;
3255 private weekLabelsElement;
3256 private dayLabelsElement;
3257 private cellsElement;
3258 private cursorGroupElement;
3259 private selectorContainer;
3260 private options;
3261 private periodSlicerRect;
3262 private selectedText;
3263 private vertLine;
3264 private horizLine;
3265 private textLabels;
3266 private selector;
3267 private initialized;
3268 private selectionManager;
3269 private clearCatcher;
3270 private dataView;
3271 private valueType;
3272 private values;
3273 private svgWidth;
3274 private newGranularity;
3275 static calendar: Calendar;
3276 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
3277 private timelineMargins;
3278 private defaultTimelineProperties;
3279 private timelineSelectors;
3280 /**
3281 * Changes the current granularity depending on the given granularity type
3282 * Separates the new granularity's date periods which contain the start/end selection
3283 * Unseparates the date periods of the previous granularity.
3284 * @param granularity The new granularity type
3285 */
3286 changeGranularity(granularity: GranularityType, startDate: Date, endDate: Date): void;
3287 init(options: VisualInitOptions): void;
3288 private addWrappElements();
3289 private clear();
3290 private drawGranular(timelineProperties);
3291 fillColorGranularity(granularityFormat: GranularityFormat): void;
3292 redrawPeriod(granularity: GranularityType): void;
3293 private static setMeasures(labelFormat, granularityType, datePeriodsCount, viewport, timelineProperties, timelineMargins);
3294 private visualChangeOnly(options);
3295 /**
3296 * Note: Public for testability.
3297 */
3298 datasetsChanged(options: VisualUpdateOptions): boolean;
3299 private unavailableType(dataViewCategorical);
3300 private unavailableChildIdentityField(dataViewTree);
3301 private createTimelineOptions(dataView);
3302 prepareValues(values: any): any;
3303 private createTimelineData();
3304 update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
3305 selectPeriod(periodNameIndex: any): void;
3306 private static isDataNotMatch(dataView);
3307 static converter(timelineData: TimelineData, timelineProperties: TimelineProperties, defaultTimelineProperties: DefaultTimelineProperties, timelineGranularityData: TimelineGranularityData, dataView: DataView, initialized: boolean, granularityType: GranularityType, viewport: IViewport, timelineMargins: TimelineMargins): TimelineFormat;
3308 private render(timelineData, timelineFormat, timelineProperties, options);
3309 private renderLabels(labels, labelsElement, index, isLast);
3310 private clearData();
3311 private static updateCursors(timelineData, cellWidth);
3312 private static fillTimelineFormat(objects, timelineProperties);
3313 fillCells(cellFormat: CellFormat): void;
3314 renderCells(timelineData: TimelineData, timelineFormat: TimelineFormat, timelineProperties: TimelineProperties, suppressAnimations: any): void;
3315 dragstarted(): void;
3316 dragged(currentCursor: CursorDatapoint): void;
3317 /**
3318 * Note: Public for testability.
3319 */
3320 findCursorOverElement(x: number): TimelineCursorOverElement;
3321 dragended(): void;
3322 private drag;
3323 renderCursors(timelineData: TimelineData, timelineFormat: TimelineFormat, cellHeight: number, cellsYPosition: number): D3.UpdateSelection;
3324 renderTimeRangeText(timelineData: TimelineData, timeRangeFormat: LabelFormat): void;
3325 setSelection(timelineData: TimelineData): void;
3326 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration;
3327 enumerateRangeHeader(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, dataview: DataView): void;
3328 enumerateCells(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, dataview: DataView): void;
3329 enumerateGranularity(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, dataview: DataView): void;
3330 enumerateLabels(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, dataview: DataView): void;
3331 enumerateCalendar(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, dataview: DataView): void;
3332 enumerateWeekDay(enumeration: ObjectEnumerationBuilder, dataview: DataView): void;
3333 }
3336declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
3337 interface StreamData {
3338 series: StreamGraphSeries[];
3339 legendData: LegendData;
3340 valueFormatter: IValueFormatter;
3341 categoryFormatter: IValueFormatter;
3342 streamGraphSettings: StreamGraphSettings;
3343 categoriesText: string[];
3344 }
3345 interface StreamDataPoint {
3346 x: number;
3347 y: number;
3348 y0?: number;
3349 text: string;
3350 labelFontSize: string;
3351 }
3352 interface StreamGraphSeries extends SelectableDataPoint {
3353 dataPoints: StreamDataPoint[];
3354 tooltipInfo?: TooltipDataItem[];
3355 highlight?: boolean;
3356 }
3357 interface StreamGraphSettings {
3358 legendSettings: StreamGraphLegendSettings;
3359 categoryAxisSettings: StreamGraphAxisSettings;
3360 valueAxisSettings: StreamGraphAxisSettings;
3361 dataLabelsSettings: VisualDataLabelsSettings;
3362 }
3363 interface StreamGraphLegendSettings {
3364 show: boolean;
3365 showTitle: boolean;
3366 labelColor: string;
3367 titleText: string;
3368 fontSize: number;
3369 }
3370 interface StreamGraphAxisSettings {
3371 show: boolean;
3372 labelColor: string;
3373 showAxisTitle: boolean;
3374 }
3375 interface StreamProperty {
3376 [propertyName: string]: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
3377 }
3378 interface StreamGraphBehaviorOptions {
3379 selection: D3.Selection;
3380 clearCatcher: D3.Selection;
3381 interactivityService: IInteractivityService;
3382 }
3383 class StreamGraph implements IVisual {
3384 private static VisualClassName;
3385 private static Properties;
3386 private static Layer;
3387 private static XAxisLabel;
3388 private static YAxisLabel;
3389 private static MaxNumberOfAxisXValues;
3390 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
3391 private margin;
3392 private viewport;
3393 private svg;
3394 private dataPointsContainer;
3395 private axisGraphicsContext;
3396 private xAxis;
3397 private yAxis;
3398 private clearCatcher;
3399 private interactivityService;
3400 private behavior;
3401 private colors;
3402 private dataView;
3403 private legend;
3404 private data;
3405 converter(dataView: DataView, colors: IDataColorPalette, interactivityService: IInteractivityService): StreamData;
3406 private parseSettings(dataView);
3407 init(options: VisualInitOptions): void;
3408 update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
3409 private getStreamGraphLabelLayout(xScale, yScale);
3410 private renderChart(series, duration);
3411 private drawAxis(data, xScale, yScale);
3412 private renderYAxisLabels();
3413 private getYAxisTitleFromValues(values);
3414 private renderXAxisLabels();
3415 private renderLegend(streamGraphData);
3416 private updateViewPort();
3417 private setMaxTicks(axis, maxSize, maxValue?);
3418 private getFittedTickLength(axis, maxSize, maxTicks);
3419 private getFittedTickValues(axis, maxSize, maxTicks);
3420 private measureTicks(ticks, measureTickFunction);
3421 private getTicksByAxis(axis);
3422 private getMeasureTickFunction(axis, ticks);
3423 private getTextPropertiesFunction(text);
3424 private getWiggle(dataView);
3425 private enumerateValueAxisValues(enumeration);
3426 private enumerateCategoryAxisValues(enumeration);
3427 private enumerateLegend(enumeration);
3428 private clearData();
3429 onClearSelection(): void;
3430 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration;
3431 }
3434declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
3435 interface PulseChartConstructorOptions {
3436 animator?: IGenericAnimator;
3437 svg?: D3.Selection;
3438 behavior?: IInteractiveBehavior;
3439 }
3440 interface PulseBehaviorOptions {
3441 layerOptions?: any[];
3442 clearCatcher: D3.Selection;
3443 }
3444 interface TooltipSettings {
3445 dataPointColor: string;
3446 marginTop: number;
3447 timeHeight: number;
3448 }
3449 interface PulseChartChartDataLabelsSettings extends PointDataLabelsSettings {
3450 labelDensity: string;
3451 }
3452 interface PulseChartSeries extends SelectableDataPoint {
3453 name?: string;
3454 displayName: string;
3455 key: string;
3456 lineIndex: number;
3457 xCol: DataViewMetadataColumn;
3458 yCol: DataViewMetadataColumn;
3459 labelSettings: PulseChartChartDataLabelsSettings;
3460 data: PulseChartDataPoint[];
3461 color: string;
3462 identity: SelectionId;
3463 width: number;
3464 xAxisProperties?: PulseChartXAxisProperties;
3465 widthOfGap: number;
3466 }
3467 interface PulseChartTooltipData {
3468 value: string;
3469 title: string;
3470 description: string;
3471 offsetX?: number;
3472 }
3473 interface PulseChartAnimationPosition {
3474 series: number;
3475 index: number;
3476 }
3477 interface PulseChartPointXY {
3478 x: number;
3479 y: number;
3480 }
3481 interface PulseChartPrimitiveDataPoint extends TooltipEnabledDataPoint, SelectableDataPoint, LabelEnabledDataPoint {
3482 categoryValue: any;
3483 value: number;
3484 categoryIndex: number;
3485 seriesIndex: number;
3486 highlight?: boolean;
3487 key: string;
3488 labelSettings: PulseChartChartDataLabelsSettings;
3489 pointColor?: string;
3490 }
3491 interface PulseChartDataPoint extends PulseChartPrimitiveDataPoint, PulseChartPointXY {
3492 groupIndex: number;
3493 popupInfo?: PulseChartTooltipData;
3494 eventSize: number;
3495 runnerCounterValue: any;
3496 runnerCounterFormatString: any;
3497 }
3498 interface PulseChartLegend extends DataViewObject {
3499 show?: boolean;
3500 showTitle?: boolean;
3501 titleText?: string;
3502 position?: LegendPosition;
3503 }
3504 interface PulseChartPopupSettings {
3505 show: boolean;
3506 alwaysOnTop: boolean;
3507 width: number;
3508 height: number;
3509 color: string;
3510 fontSize: number;
3511 fontColor: string;
3512 showTime: boolean;
3513 showTitle: boolean;
3514 timeColor: string;
3515 timeFill: string;
3516 }
3517 interface PulseChartDotsSettings {
3518 color: string;
3519 size: number;
3520 minSize: number;
3521 maxSize: number;
3522 transparency: number;
3523 }
3524 function createEnumTypeFromEnum(type: any): IEnumType;
3525 enum PulseChartXAxisDateFormat {
3526 DateOnly,
3527 TimeOnly,
3528 }
3529 enum XAxisPosition {
3530 Center,
3531 Bottom,
3532 }
3533 enum RunnerCounterPosition {
3534 TopLeft,
3535 TopRight,
3536 }
3537 interface PulseChartGapsSettings {
3538 show: boolean;
3539 visibleGapsPercentage: number;
3540 }
3541 interface PulseChartSeriesSetting {
3542 fill: string;
3543 width: number;
3544 }
3545 interface PulseChartPlaybackSettings {
3546 pauseDuration: number;
3547 playSpeed: number;
3548 autoplay: boolean;
3549 autoplayPauseDuration: number;
3550 color: string;
3551 position: PulseChartAnimationPosition;
3552 }
3553 interface PulseChartRunnerCounterSettings {
3554 show: boolean;
3555 label: string;
3556 position: RunnerCounterPosition;
3557 fontSize: number;
3558 fontColor: string;
3559 }
3560 interface PulseChartAxisSettings {
3561 formatterOptions?: ValueFormatterOptions;
3562 fontColor: string;
3563 color: string;
3564 show: boolean;
3565 }
3566 interface PulseChartXAxisSettings extends PulseChartAxisSettings {
3567 position: XAxisPosition;
3568 dateFormat?: PulseChartXAxisDateFormat;
3569 backgroundColor: string;
3570 }
3571 interface PulseChartYAxisSettings extends PulseChartAxisSettings {
3572 }
3573 interface PulseChartSettings {
3574 formatStringProperty: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
3575 displayName?: string;
3576 dots: PulseChartDotsSettings;
3577 fillColor?: string;
3578 precision: number;
3579 legend?: PulseChartLegend;
3580 colors?: IColorPalette;
3581 series: PulseChartSeriesSetting;
3582 popup: PulseChartPopupSettings;
3583 gaps: PulseChartGapsSettings;
3584 xAxis: PulseChartXAxisSettings;
3585 yAxis: PulseChartYAxisSettings;
3586 runnerCounter: PulseChartRunnerCounterSettings;
3587 playback: PulseChartPlaybackSettings;
3588 }
3589 interface PulseChartAxesLabels {
3590 x: string;
3591 y: string;
3592 y2?: string;
3593 }
3594 interface PulseChartData {
3595 settings: PulseChartSettings;
3596 columns: PulseChartDataRoles<DataViewCategoricalColumn>;
3597 categoryMetadata: DataViewMetadataColumn;
3598 hasHighlights: boolean;
3599 series: PulseChartSeries[];
3600 isScalar?: boolean;
3601 dataLabelsSettings: PointDataLabelsSettings;
3602 axesLabels: PulseChartAxesLabels;
3603 hasDynamicSeries?: boolean;
3604 defaultSeriesColor?: string;
3605 categoryData?: PulseChartPrimitiveDataPoint[];
3606 categories: any[];
3607 legendData?: LegendData;
3608 grouped: DataViewValueColumnGroup[];
3609 xScale?: D3.Scale.TimeScale | D3.Scale.LinearScale;
3610 commonYScale?: D3.Scale.LinearScale;
3611 yScales?: D3.Scale.LinearScale[];
3612 yAxis?: D3.Svg.Axis;
3613 widthOfXAxisLabel: number;
3614 widthOfTooltipValueLabel: number;
3615 heightOfTooltipDescriptionTextLine: number;
3616 runnerCounterHeight: number;
3617 }
3618 interface PulseChartProperty {
3619 [propertyName: string]: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
3620 }
3621 interface PulseChartProperties {
3622 [objectName: string]: PulseChartProperty;
3623 }
3624 interface PulseChartXAxisProperties {
3625 values: (Date | number)[];
3626 scale: D3.Scale.TimeScale;
3627 axis: D3.Svg.Axis;
3628 rotate: boolean;
3629 }
3630 interface PulseChartPoint {
3631 x: number;
3632 value: Date | number;
3633 }
3634 interface PulseChartDataRoles<T> {
3635 Timestamp?: T;
3636 Category?: T;
3637 Value?: T;
3638 EventTitle?: T;
3639 EventDescription?: T;
3640 EventSize?: T;
3641 RunnerCounter?: T;
3642 }
3643 interface PulseChartElementDimensions {
3644 x: number;
3645 y: number;
3646 width: number;
3647 height: number;
3648 }
3649 class PulseChart implements IVisual {
3650 static RoleDisplayNames: PulseChartDataRoles<string>;
3651 static RoleNames: PulseChartDataRoles<string>;
3652 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
3653 private static Properties;
3654 static getProperties(capabilities: VisualCapabilities): any;
3655 private static DefaultMargin;
3656 private static DefaultViewport;
3657 private static PlaybackButtonsHeight;
3658 private static PopupMinHeight;
3659 private static PopupMinWidth;
3660 private static PopupMaxHeight;
3661 private static PopupMaxWidth;
3662 private static MaxWidthOfYAxis;
3663 private static PopupTextPadding;
3664 private static XAxisTickSpace;
3665 private static XAxisTickHeight;
3666 private static MinimumTicksToRotate;
3667 private static AxisTickRotateAngle;
3668 private static GetPopupValueTextProperties(text?, fontSizeValue?);
3669 private static GetPopupTitleTextProperties(text?, fontSizeValue?);
3670 private static GetPopupDescriptionTextProperties(text?, fontSizeValue?);
3671 static GetRunnerCounterTextProperties(text?: string, fontSizeValue?: number): TextProperties;
3672 static ConvertTextPropertiesToStyle(textProperties: TextProperties): Object;
3673 private static GetDateTimeFormatString(dateFormatType, dateFormat);
3674 private static GetFullWidthOfDateFormat(dateFormat, textProperties);
3675 static AddOnTouchClick(selection: D3.Selection, callback: (data: any, index: number) => any): D3.Selection;
3676 private static DefaultSettings;
3677 private static DefaultTooltipSettings;
3678 private static MaxGapCount;
3679 private static MinGapWidth;
3680 private static Chart;
3681 private static Line;
3682 private static LineContainer;
3683 private static LineNode;
3684 private static XAxisNode;
3685 private static Dot;
3686 private static DotsContainer;
3687 private static Tooltip;
3688 private static TooltipRect;
3689 private static TooltipTriangle;
3690 private static Gaps;
3691 private static Gap;
3692 private static GapNode;
3693 private static TooltipLine;
3694 private static TooltipTime;
3695 private static TooltipTimeRect;
3696 private static TooltipTitle;
3697 private static TooltipDescription;
3698 private static TooltipContainer;
3699 private static AnimationDot;
3700 private static getCategoricalColumnOfRole(dataView, roleName);
3701 static converter(dataView: DataView, colors: IDataColorPalette, interactivityService?: IInteractivityService): PulseChartData;
3702 private static createAxisY(commonYScale, height, formatterOptions, show?);
3703 private static createAxisX(isScalar, series, originalScale, formatterOptions, dateFormat, position, widthOfXAxisLabel);
3704 private static getXAxisScales(series, isScalar, originalScale);
3705 private static getXAxisValuesToDisplay(scale, rotate, isScalar, dateFormat, widthOfXAxisLabel);
3706 private static getGroupIndex(index, grouped);
3707 private static getGapWidths(values);
3708 private static createScale(isScalar, domain, minX, maxX);
3709 data: PulseChartData;
3710 margin: IMargin;
3711 viewport: IViewport;
3712 size: IViewport;
3713 handleSelectionTimeout: number;
3714 host: IVisualHostServices;
3715 private svg;
3716 private chart;
3717 private dots;
3718 private yAxis;
3719 private gaps;
3720 private animationDot;
3721 private lineX;
3722 private selectionManager;
3723 private animator;
3724 private animationHandler;
3725 private colors;
3726 private rootSelection;
3727 private animationSelection;
3728 private lastSelectedPoint;
3729 runnerCounterPlaybackButtonsHeight: number;
3730 popupHeight: number;
3731 constructor(options?: PulseChartConstructorOptions);
3732 init(options: VisualInitOptions): void;
3733 update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
3734 private updateData(data);
3735 private getDataArrayToCompare(data);
3736 private validateData(data);
3737 private getChartWidth();
3738 private getChartHeight(xAxisRotated);
3739 private updateElements();
3740 calculateXAxisProperties(width: number): void;
3741 calculateYAxisProperties(height: number): void;
3742 private getYAxisScales(height);
3743 autoplayPauseDuration: number;
3744 isAutoPlay: boolean;
3745 render(suppressAnimations: boolean): void;
3746 private renderAxes(data, duration);
3747 private renderXAxis(data, duration);
3748 private renderYAxis(data, duration);
3749 renderChart(): void;
3750 private drawLinesStatic(limit, isAnimated);
3751 private drawLinesStaticBeforeAnimation(limit);
3752 private moveAnimationDot(d);
3753 playAnimation(delay?: number): void;
3754 pauseAnimation(): void;
3755 stopAnimation(): void;
3756 findNextPoint(position: PulseChartAnimationPosition): PulseChartAnimationPosition;
3757 findPrevPoint(position: PulseChartAnimationPosition): PulseChartAnimationPosition;
3758 isAnimationSeriesAndIndexLast(position: PulseChartAnimationPosition): boolean;
3759 isAnimationSeriesLast(position: PulseChartAnimationPosition): boolean;
3760 isAnimationIndexLast(position: PulseChartAnimationPosition): boolean;
3761 private drawLines(data);
3762 private showAnimationDot();
3763 private hideAnimationDot();
3764 private getInterpolation(data, start);
3765 clearSelection(): void;
3766 private handleSelection(position);
3767 private animationDuration;
3768 private pauseDuration;
3769 private dotOpacity;
3770 private drawDots(data);
3771 private renderGaps(data, duration);
3772 private setSelection(selectionIds?);
3773 private isPopupShow(d, selectionIds?);
3774 private drawTooltips(data, selectionIds?);
3775 private isHigherMiddle(value, groupIndex);
3776 private static getObjectsFromDataView(dataView);
3777 private static parseSettings(dataView, colors, columns);
3778 private static getPopupSettings(objects, colors);
3779 private static getDotsSettings(objects, colors);
3780 private static getSeriesSettings(objects, colors);
3781 private static getGapsSettings(objects);
3782 private static getAxisXSettings(objects, colors);
3783 private static getAxisYSettings(objects, colors);
3784 private static getPlaybackSettings(objects, colors);
3785 private static getRunnerCounterSettings(objects, colors, columns);
3786 private clearAll(hide);
3787 clearChart(): void;
3788 clearRedundant(position: PulseChartAnimationPosition): void;
3789 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration;
3790 private getSettings(name);
3791 private readGeneralInstance(enumeration);
3792 private readPopupInstance(enumeration);
3793 private readDotsInstance(enumeration);
3794 private xAxisInstance(enumeration);
3795 private yAxisInstance(enumeration);
3796 private readSeriesInstance(enumeration);
3797 private readGapsInstance(enumeration);
3798 private readPlaybackInstance(enumeration);
3799 private readRunnerCounterInstance(enumeration);
3800 destroy(): void;
3801 }
3802 class PulseAnimator {
3803 private chart;
3804 private svg;
3805 private animationPlay;
3806 private animationPause;
3807 private animationReset;
3808 private animationToEnd;
3809 private animationPrev;
3810 private animationNext;
3811 private runnerCounter;
3812 private runnerCounterText;
3813 private static AnimationPlay;
3814 private static AnimationPause;
3815 private static AnimationReset;
3816 private static AnimationToEnd;
3817 private static AnimationPrev;
3818 private static AnimationNext;
3819 private static RunnerCounter;
3820 private animatorState;
3821 static AnimationMinPosition: PulseChartAnimationPosition;
3822 private static DimmedOpacity;
3823 private static DefaultOpacity;
3824 private static DefaultControlsColor;
3825 private container;
3826 animationPlayingIndex: number;
3827 private runnerCounterValue;
3828 private runnerCounterTopLeftPosition;
3829 private runnerCounterPosition;
3830 private maxTextWidthOfRunnerCounterValue;
3831 private color;
3832 private isAutoPlayed;
3833 isAnimated: boolean;
3834 isPlaying: boolean;
3835 isPaused: boolean;
3836 isStopped: boolean;
3837 constructor(chart: PulseChart, svg: D3.Selection);
3838 private setDefaultValues();
3839 render(): void;
3840 setControlsColor(color: string): void;
3841 private renderControls();
3842 private static setControlVisiblity(element, isVisible, isDisabled?);
3843 private disableControls();
3844 show(): void;
3845 setRunnerCounterValue(index?: number): void;
3846 private drawCounterValue();
3847 play(delay?: number, renderDuringPlaying?: boolean): void;
3848 playNext(): void;
3849 pause(): void;
3850 reset(): void;
3851 private next();
3852 private prev();
3853 toEnd(): void;
3854 stop(): void;
3855 private positionValue;
3856 position: PulseChartAnimationPosition;
3857 flooredPosition: PulseChartAnimationPosition;
3858 private isPositionWasSaved;
3859 private autoPlayPosition;
3860 savedPosition: PulseChartAnimationPosition;
3861 clear(): void;
3862 clearTimeouts(): void;
3863 }
3864 module PulseChartDataLabelUtils {
3865 function getDefaultPulseChartLabelSettings(): PulseChartChartDataLabelsSettings;
3866 }
3867 module PulseChartAxisPropertiesHelper {
3868 function getCategoryAxisProperties(dataViewMetadata: DataViewMetadata, axisTitleOnByDefault?: boolean): DataViewObject;
3869 function getValueAxisProperties(dataViewMetadata: DataViewMetadata, axisTitleOnByDefault?: boolean): DataViewObject;
3870 }
3873declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
3874 interface LineDotPoint {
3875 time: number | Date;
3876 value: number;
3877 dot: number;
3878 sum: number;
3879 selector: SelectionId;
3880 }
3881 interface Legend {
3882 text: string;
3883 transform?: string;
3884 dx?: string;
3885 dy?: string;
3886 }
3887 interface LineDotChartViewModel {
3888 points: LineDotPoint[];
3889 settings: LineDotChartSettings;
3890 xAxis: IAxisProperties;
3891 yAxis: IAxisProperties;
3892 yAxis2: IAxisProperties;
3893 legends: Legend[];
3894 }
3895 interface LineDotChartSettings {
3896 lineFill: string;
3897 lineThickness: number;
3898 dotFill: string;
3899 dotSizeMin: number;
3900 dotSizeMax: number;
3901 counterTitle: string;
3902 xAxisTitle: string;
3903 yAxisTitle: string;
3904 duration: number;
3905 isanimated: boolean;
3906 isstopped: boolean;
3907 }
3908 class LineDotChart implements IVisual {
3909 private selectionManager;
3910 private hostServices;
3911 private isDateTime;
3912 private static DefaultSettings;
3913 /**
3914 * Informs the System what it can do
3915 * Fields, Formatting options, data reduction & QnA hints
3916 */
3917 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
3918 private static Identity;
3919 private static Axes;
3920 private static Axis;
3921 private static Legends;
3922 private static Legend;
3923 private static Values;
3924 private static Properties;
3925 private model;
3926 private root;
3927 private main;
3928 private axes;
3929 private axisX;
3930 private axisY;
3931 private axisY2;
3932 private legends;
3933 private line;
3934 private colors;
3935 private margin;
3936 private LegendSize;
3937 private AxisSize;
3938 init(options: VisualInitOptions): void;
3939 update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
3940 destroy(): void;
3941 setIsStopped(isstopped: Boolean): void;
3942 enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstance[];
3943 private selectDot(dotelement, selector);
3944 private clearSelection();
3945 private converter(dataView, viewport);
3946 private parseSettings(dataView);
3947 private generateAxisLabels(viewport, settings);
3948 private resize(viewport);
3949 private draw(model);
3950 private pointDelay(points, num, animation_duration);
3951 private showDataPoint(data, index);
3952 private hideDataPoint(data, index);
3953 private addTooltip(model, element);
3954 private renderLegends(model);
3955 }
3958declare module powerbi.visuals.samples {
3959 interface SunburstSlice {
3960 children?: SunburstSlice[];
3961 value?: any;
3962 color?: string;
3963 name?: string;
3964 parent?: SunburstSlice;
3965 selector: SelectionId;
3966 total: number;
3967 tooltipInfo?: TooltipDataItem[];
3968 }
3969 interface SunburstViewModel {
3970 root: SunburstSlice;
3971 }
3972 var sunburstRoleNames: {
3973 nodes: string;
3974 values: string;
3975 };
3976 class Sunburst implements IVisual {
3977 private static minOpacity;
3978 private svg;
3979 private g;
3980 private arc;
3981 private total;
3982 private viewport;
3983 private colors;
3984 private selectionManager;
3985 private static roleNames;
3986 static capabilities: VisualCapabilities;
3987 init(options: VisualInitOptions): void;
3988 private static setAllUnhide(selection);
3989 update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void;
3990 private updateInternal(dataRootNode);
3991 private static getTreePath(node);
3992 private onResize();
3993 private highlightPath(d, sunBurst, setUnhide);
3994 private renderTooltip(selection);
3995 private static getTooltipData(displayName, value);
3996 private covertTreeNodeToSunBurstNode(originParentNode, sunburstParentNode, colors, pathIdentity, color);
3997 converter(dataView: DataView, colors: IDataColorPalette): SunburstSlice;
3998 }
4001declare module powerbi.visuals.plugins {
4002 let sunburstCustom: IVisualPlugin;
4003 let asterPlot: IVisualPlugin;
4004 var tornadoChart: IVisualPlugin;
4005 var sankeyDiagram: IVisualPlugin;
4006 let mekkoChart: IVisualPlugin;
4007 var bulletChart: IVisualPlugin;
4008 var wordCloud: IVisualPlugin;
4009 var chicletSlicer: IVisualPlugin;
4010 var chordChart: IVisualPlugin;
4011 var enhancedScatterChart: IVisualPlugin;
4012 var radarChart: IVisualPlugin;
4013 var dotPlot: IVisualPlugin;
4014 var histogram: IVisualPlugin;
4015 var timeline: IVisualPlugin;
4016 var forceGraph: IVisualPlugin;
4017 let gantt: IVisualPlugin;
4018 let streamGraph: IVisualPlugin;
4019 let pulseChart: IVisualPlugin;
4020 var lineDotChart: IVisualPlugin;