1 | export as namespace preact;
2 |
3 | import { JSXInternal } from './jsx';
4 |
5 | export import JSX = JSXInternal;
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 | export interface VNode<P = {}> {
12 | type: ComponentType<P> | string;
13 | props: P & { children: ComponentChildren };
14 | key: Key;
15 | |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 | ref?: Ref<any> | null;
20 | |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 | startTime?: number;
26 | |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 | endTime?: number;
32 | }
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 | export type Key = string | number | any;
39 |
40 | export type RefObject<T> = { current: T | null };
41 | export type RefCallback<T> = (instance: T | null) => void;
42 | export type Ref<T> = RefObject<T> | RefCallback<T> | null;
43 |
44 | export type ComponentChild =
45 | | VNode<any>
46 | | object
47 | | string
48 | | number
49 | | bigint
50 | | boolean
51 | | null
52 | | undefined;
53 | export type ComponentChildren = ComponentChild[] | ComponentChild;
54 |
55 | export interface Attributes {
56 | key?: Key | undefined;
57 | jsx?: boolean | undefined;
58 | }
59 |
60 | export interface ClassAttributes<T> extends Attributes {
61 | ref?: Ref<T>;
62 | }
63 |
64 | export interface PreactDOMAttributes {
65 | children?: ComponentChildren;
66 | dangerouslySetInnerHTML?: {
67 | __html: string;
68 | };
69 | }
70 |
71 | export interface ErrorInfo {
72 | componentStack?: string;
73 | }
74 |
75 | export type RenderableProps<P, RefType = any> = P &
76 | Readonly<Attributes & { children?: ComponentChildren; ref?: Ref<RefType> }>;
77 |
78 | export type ComponentType<P = {}> = ComponentClass<P> | FunctionComponent<P>;
79 | export type ComponentFactory<P = {}> = ComponentType<P>;
80 |
81 | export type ComponentProps<
82 | C extends ComponentType<any> | keyof JSXInternal.IntrinsicElements
83 | > = C extends ComponentType<infer P>
84 | ? P
85 | : C extends keyof JSXInternal.IntrinsicElements
86 | ? JSXInternal.IntrinsicElements[C]
87 | : never;
88 |
89 | export interface FunctionComponent<P = {}> {
90 | (props: RenderableProps<P>, context?: any): VNode<any> | null;
91 | displayName?: string;
92 | defaultProps?: Partial<P> | undefined;
93 | }
94 | export interface FunctionalComponent<P = {}> extends FunctionComponent<P> {}
95 |
96 | export interface ComponentClass<P = {}, S = {}> {
97 | new (props: P, context?: any): Component<P, S>;
98 | displayName?: string;
99 | defaultProps?: Partial<P>;
100 | contextType?: Context<any>;
101 | getDerivedStateFromProps?(
102 | props: Readonly<P>,
103 | state: Readonly<S>
104 | ): Partial<S> | null;
105 | getDerivedStateFromError?(error: any): Partial<S> | null;
106 | }
107 | export interface ComponentConstructor<P = {}, S = {}>
108 | extends ComponentClass<P, S> {}
109 |
110 |
111 | export type AnyComponent<P = {}, S = {}> =
112 | | FunctionComponent<P>
113 | | ComponentConstructor<P, S>;
114 |
115 | export interface Component<P = {}, S = {}> {
116 | componentWillMount?(): void;
117 | componentDidMount?(): void;
118 | componentWillUnmount?(): void;
119 | getChildContext?(): object;
120 | componentWillReceiveProps?(nextProps: Readonly<P>, nextContext: any): void;
121 | shouldComponentUpdate?(
122 | nextProps: Readonly<P>,
123 | nextState: Readonly<S>,
124 | nextContext: any
125 | ): boolean;
126 | componentWillUpdate?(
127 | nextProps: Readonly<P>,
128 | nextState: Readonly<S>,
129 | nextContext: any
130 | ): void;
131 | getSnapshotBeforeUpdate?(oldProps: Readonly<P>, oldState: Readonly<S>): any;
132 | componentDidUpdate?(
133 | previousProps: Readonly<P>,
134 | previousState: Readonly<S>,
135 | snapshot: any
136 | ): void;
137 | componentDidCatch?(error: any, errorInfo: ErrorInfo): void;
138 | }
139 |
140 | export abstract class Component<P, S> {
141 | constructor(props?: P, context?: any);
142 |
143 | static displayName?: string;
144 | static defaultProps?: any;
145 | static contextType?: Context<any>;
146 |
147 | // Static members cannot reference class type parameters. This is not
148 | // supported in TypeScript. Reusing the same type arguments from `Component`
149 | // will lead to an impossible state where one cannot satisfy the type
150 | // constraint under no circumstances, see #1356.In general type arguments
151 | // seem to be a bit buggy and not supported well at the time of this
152 | // writing with TS 3.3.3333.
153 | static getDerivedStateFromProps?(
154 | props: Readonly<object>,
155 | state: Readonly<object>
156 | ): object | null;
157 | static getDerivedStateFromError?(error: any): object | null;
158 |
159 | state: Readonly<S>;
160 | props: RenderableProps<P>;
161 | context: any;
162 | base?: Element | Text;
163 |
164 | // From https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/e836acc75a78cf0655b5dfdbe81d69fdd4d8a252/types/react/index.d.ts#L402
165 | // // We MUST keep setState() as a unified signature because it allows proper checking of the method return type.
166 | // // See: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/issues/18365#issuecomment-351013257
167 | setState<K extends keyof S>(
168 | state:
169 | | ((
170 | prevState: Readonly<S>,
171 | props: Readonly<P>
172 | ) => Pick<S, K> | Partial<S> | null)
173 | | (Pick<S, K> | Partial<S> | null),
174 | callback?: () => void
175 | ): void;
176 |
177 | forceUpdate(callback?: () => void): void;
178 |
179 | abstract render(
180 | props?: RenderableProps<P>,
181 | state?: Readonly<S>,
182 | context?: any
183 | ): ComponentChild;
184 | }
185 |
186 | //
187 | // Preact createElement
188 | // -----------------------------------
189 |
190 | export function createElement(
191 | type: 'input',
192 | props:
193 | | (JSXInternal.DOMAttributes<HTMLInputElement> &
194 | ClassAttributes<HTMLInputElement>)
195 | | null,
196 | ...children: ComponentChildren[]
197 | ): VNode<
198 | JSXInternal.DOMAttributes<HTMLInputElement> &
199 | ClassAttributes<HTMLInputElement>
200 | >;
201 | export function createElement<
202 | P extends JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes<T>,
203 | T extends HTMLElement
204 | >(
205 | type: keyof JSXInternal.IntrinsicElements,
206 | props: (ClassAttributes<T> & P) | null,
207 | ...children: ComponentChildren[]
208 | ): VNode<ClassAttributes<T> & P>;
209 | export function createElement<
210 | P extends JSXInternal.SVGAttributes<T>,
211 | T extends HTMLElement
212 | >(
213 | type: keyof JSXInternal.IntrinsicElements,
214 | props: (ClassAttributes<T> & P) | null,
215 | ...children: ComponentChildren[]
216 | ): VNode<ClassAttributes<T> & P>;
217 | export function createElement<T extends HTMLElement>(
218 | type: string,
219 | props:
220 | | (ClassAttributes<T> &
221 | JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes &
222 | JSXInternal.SVGAttributes)
223 | | null,
224 | ...children: ComponentChildren[]
225 | ): VNode<
226 | ClassAttributes<T> & JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes & JSXInternal.SVGAttributes
227 | >;
228 | export function createElement<P>(
229 | type: ComponentType<P>,
230 | props: (Attributes & P) | null,
231 | ...children: ComponentChildren[]
232 | ): VNode<P>;
233 | export namespace createElement {
234 | export import JSX = JSXInternal;
235 | }
236 |
237 | export function h(
238 | type: 'input',
239 | props:
240 | | (JSXInternal.DOMAttributes<HTMLInputElement> &
241 | ClassAttributes<HTMLInputElement>)
242 | | null,
243 | ...children: ComponentChildren[]
244 | ): VNode<
245 | JSXInternal.DOMAttributes<HTMLInputElement> &
246 | ClassAttributes<HTMLInputElement>
247 | >;
248 | export function h<
249 | P extends JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes<T>,
250 | T extends HTMLElement
251 | >(
252 | type: keyof JSXInternal.IntrinsicElements,
253 | props: (ClassAttributes<T> & P) | null,
254 | ...children: ComponentChildren[]
255 | ): VNode<ClassAttributes<T> & P>;
256 | export function h<
257 | P extends JSXInternal.SVGAttributes<T>,
258 | T extends HTMLElement
259 | >(
260 | type: keyof JSXInternal.IntrinsicElements,
261 | props: (ClassAttributes<T> & P) | null,
262 | ...children: ComponentChildren[]
263 | ): VNode<ClassAttributes<T> & P>;
264 | export function h<T extends HTMLElement>(
265 | type: string,
266 | props:
267 | | (ClassAttributes<T> &
268 | JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes &
269 | JSXInternal.SVGAttributes)
270 | | null,
271 | ...children: ComponentChildren[]
272 | ): VNode<
273 | | (ClassAttributes<T> &
274 | JSXInternal.HTMLAttributes &
275 | JSXInternal.SVGAttributes)
276 | | null
277 | >;
278 | export function h<P>(
279 | type: ComponentType<P>,
280 | props: (Attributes & P) | null,
281 | ...children: ComponentChildren[]
282 | ): VNode<Attributes & P>;
283 | export namespace h {
284 | export import JSX = JSXInternal;
285 | }
286 |
287 |
288 |
289 |
290 | interface ContainerNode {
291 | readonly nodeType: number;
292 | readonly parentNode: ContainerNode | null;
293 | readonly firstChild: ContainerNode | null;
294 | readonly childNodes: ArrayLike<ContainerNode>;
295 |
296 | contains(other: ContainerNode | null): boolean;
297 | insertBefore(node: ContainerNode, child: ContainerNode | null): ContainerNode;
298 | appendChild(node: ContainerNode): ContainerNode;
299 | removeChild(child: ContainerNode): ContainerNode;
300 | }
301 |
302 | export function render(vnode: ComponentChild, parent: ContainerNode): void;
303 |
304 |
305 |
306 |
307 |
308 | export function render(
309 | vnode: ComponentChild,
310 | parent: ContainerNode,
311 | replaceNode?: Element | Text
312 | ): void;
313 | export function hydrate(vnode: ComponentChild, parent: ContainerNode): void;
314 | export function cloneElement(
315 | vnode: VNode<any>,
316 | props?: any,
317 | ...children: ComponentChildren[]
318 | ): VNode<any>;
319 | export function cloneElement<P>(
320 | vnode: VNode<P>,
321 | props?: any,
322 | ...children: ComponentChildren[]
323 | ): VNode<P>;
324 |
325 |
326 |
327 |
328 |
329 |
330 | export const Fragment: FunctionComponent<{}>;
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 |
335 |
336 |
337 |
338 |
339 | export interface Options {
340 |
341 | vnode?(vnode: VNode): void;
342 |
343 | unmount?(vnode: VNode): void;
344 |
345 | diffed?(vnode: VNode): void;
346 | event?(e: Event): any;
347 | requestAnimationFrame?(callback: () => void): void;
348 | debounceRendering?(cb: () => void): void;
349 | useDebugValue?(value: string | number): void;
350 | _addHookName?(name: string | number): void;
351 | __suspenseDidResolve?(vnode: VNode, cb: () => void): void;
352 | // __canSuspenseResolve?(vnode: VNode, cb: () => void): void;
353 |
354 | /**
355 | * Customize attribute serialization when a precompiled JSX transform
356 | * is used.
357 | */
358 | attr?(name: string, value: any): string | void;
359 | }
360 |
361 | export const options: Options;
362 |
363 | //
364 | // Preact helpers
365 | // -----------------------------------
366 | export function createRef<T = any>(): RefObject<T>;
367 | export function toChildArray(
368 | children: ComponentChildren
369 | ): Array<VNode | string | number>;
370 | export function isValidElement(vnode: any): vnode is VNode;
371 |
372 | //
373 | // Context
374 | // -----------------------------------
375 | export interface Consumer<T>
376 | extends FunctionComponent<{
377 | children: (value: T) => ComponentChildren;
378 | }> {}
379 | export interface PreactConsumer<T> extends Consumer<T> {}
380 |
381 | export interface Provider<T>
382 | extends FunctionComponent<{
383 | value: T;
384 | children?: ComponentChildren;
385 | }> {}
386 | export interface PreactProvider<T> extends Provider<T> {}
387 | export type ContextType<C extends Context<any>> = C extends Context<infer T>
388 | ? T
389 | : never;
390 |
391 | export interface Context<T> {
392 | Consumer: Consumer<T>;
393 | Provider: Provider<T>;
394 | displayName?: string;
395 | }
396 | export interface PreactContext<T> extends Context<T> {}
397 |
398 | export function createContext<T>(defaultValue: T): Context<T>;