3.46 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 value: true
6exports.successes = exports.infos = exports.inputs = exports.confirms = exports.errors = void 0;
8var _constants = require("./constants");
10var _prompt = require("./prompt");
12let errors = {
13 noSource: source => `no source file was provided, please create a file at ${source} or specify a custom source file with the ${_constants.PKG_JSON_CONFIG_FIELD} source option`,
14 deniedWriteMainField: "changing the main field is required to build",
15 invalidModuleField: "module field is invalid",
16 invalidMainField: "main field is invalid",
17 invalidUmdMainField: "umd:main field is invalid",
18 invalidBrowserField: "browser field is invalid",
19 invalidReactNativeField: "react-native field is invalid",
20 umdNameNotSpecified: `the umd:main field is specified but a umdName option is not specified. please add it to the ${_constants.PKG_JSON_CONFIG_FIELD} field in your package.json`,
21 deniedWriteBrowserField: "building browser bundles for modules that include typeof window or typeof document is currently required",
22 noEntrypointPkgJson: "There is a missing package.json for an entrypoint",
23 noEntrypoints: "packages must have at least one entrypoint, this package has no entrypoints"
25exports.errors = errors;
26let confirms = {
27 writeMainField: (0, _prompt.createPromptConfirmLoader)("preconstruct is going to change the main field in your package.json, are you okay with that?"),
28 writeModuleField: (0, _prompt.createPromptConfirmLoader)("would you like to generate module builds? this will write to the module field in your package.json"),
29 fixModuleField: (0, _prompt.createPromptConfirmLoader)("would you like to fix the module field?"),
30 fixUmdBuild: (0, _prompt.createPromptConfirmLoader)("would you like to fix the umd field?"),
31 shouldInstallObjectAssign: (0, _prompt.createPromptConfirmLoader)("Object.assign is polyfilled with object-assign to reduce bundle size when used with react. would you like to install object-assign automatically?"),
32 shouldInstallBabelRuntime: (0, _prompt.createPromptConfirmLoader)("Babel helpers (functions inserted by babel transforms) should be imported from a @babel/runtime package (which has to be in your dependencies) to reduce bundle size. would you like to install @babel/runtime automatically?"),
33 addBrowserField: (0, _prompt.createPromptConfirmLoader)("typeof window or typeof document is used in this package. would you like build seperate browser builds for better browser bundle sizes?"),
34 fixBrowserField: (0, _prompt.createPromptConfirmLoader)("would you like to fix the browser build?"),
35 createEntrypointPkgJson: (0, _prompt.createPromptConfirmLoader)("A package.json file does not exist for this entrypoint, would you like to create one automatically?")
37exports.confirms = confirms;
38let inputs = {
39 getUmdName: "what should the name used for UMD bundles be?"
41exports.inputs = inputs;
42let infos = {
43 validMainField: "main field is valid",
44 validModuleField: "module field is valid",
45 validUmdMainField: "umd:main field is valid",
46 validEntrypoint: "a valid entry point exists.",
47 validBrowserField: "browser field is valid",
48 validReactNativeField: "react-native field is valid",
49 validPackageEntrypoints: "package entrypoints are valid"
51exports.infos = infos;
52let successes = {
53 validProject: "project is valid!",
54 startedWatching: "started watching!"
56exports.successes = successes;
\No newline at end of file