34.5 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
1{"version":3,"sources":["../src/types.js"],"names":["ElementSize","Float32","Float64","Int8","Int16","Int32","Uint8","Uint16","Uint32","Uint8Clamped"],"mappings":";;;;;;;AA6BA;;AACA;;AAOA;;AACA;;AAaA;;AAnDA;;;;;;;;AAuDO,MAAMA,cAAc;AACzBC,WAAS,CADgB;AAEzBC,WAAS,CAFgB;AAGzBC,QAAM,CAHmB;AAIzBC,SAAO,CAJkB;AAKzBC,SAAO,CALkB;AAMzBC,SAAO,CANkB;AAOzBC,UAAQ,CAPiB;AAQzBC,UAAQ,CARiB;AASzBC,gBAAc;AATW,CAApB","sourcesContent":["/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant\n * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.\n */\n\n/* @flow */\n\nimport type {\n AbstractObjectValue,\n AbstractValue,\n ArrayValue,\n BooleanValue,\n ConcreteValue,\n ECMAScriptFunctionValue,\n ECMAScriptSourceFunctionValue,\n EmptyValue,\n FunctionValue,\n NativeFunctionValue,\n NullValue,\n NumberValue,\n PrimitiveValue,\n StringValue,\n SymbolValue,\n UndefinedValue,\n} from \"./values/index.js\";\nimport { Value } from \"./values/index.js\";\nimport {\n AbruptCompletion,\n Completion,\n ForkedAbruptCompletion,\n PossiblyNormalCompletion,\n NormalCompletion,\n} from \"./completions.js\";\nimport { EnvironmentRecord, LexicalEnvironment, Reference } from \"./environment.js\";\nimport { Generator } from \"./utils/generator.js\";\nimport { ObjectValue } from \"./values/index.js\";\nimport type {\n BabelNode,\n BabelNodeBlockStatement,\n BabelNodeClassMethod,\n BabelNodeLVal,\n BabelNodeObjectMethod,\n BabelNodePattern,\n BabelNodeVariableDeclaration,\n BabelNodeSourceLocation,\n} from \"@babel/types\";\nimport type { Bindings, Effects, EvaluationResult, PropertyBindings, CreatedObjects, Realm } from \"./realm.js\";\nimport { CompilerDiagnostic } from \"./errors.js\";\nimport type { Severity } from \"./errors.js\";\nimport type { DebugChannel } from \"./debugger/server/channel/DebugChannel.js\";\n\nexport const ElementSize = {\n Float32: 4,\n Float64: 8,\n Int8: 1,\n Int16: 2,\n Int32: 4,\n Uint8: 1,\n Uint16: 2,\n Uint32: 4,\n Uint8Clamped: 1,\n};\n\nexport type ConsoleMethodTypes =\n | \"assert\"\n | \"clear\"\n | \"count\"\n | \"dir\"\n | \"dirxml\"\n | \"error\"\n | \"group\"\n | \"groupCollapsed\"\n | \"groupEnd\"\n | \"info\"\n | \"log\"\n | \"table\"\n | \"time\"\n | \"timeEnd\"\n | \"trace\"\n | \"warn\";\n\nexport type IterationKind = \"key+value\" | \"value\" | \"key\";\n\nexport type SourceType = \"module\" | \"script\";\n\nexport type SourceFile = {\n filePath: string,\n fileContents: string,\n sourceMapContents?: string,\n};\n\nexport type SourceMap = {\n sources: Array<string>,\n names: Array<string>,\n mappings: string,\n sourcesContent: Array<string>,\n};\n\nexport type AbstractTime = \"early\" | \"late\";\n\nexport type ElementType =\n | \"Float32\"\n | \"Float64\"\n | \"Int8\"\n | \"Int16\"\n | \"Int32\"\n | \"Uint8\"\n | \"Uint16\"\n | \"Uint32\"\n | \"Uint8Clamped\";\n\n//\n\ndeclare class _CallableObjectValue extends ObjectValue {\n $Call: void | ((thisArgument: Value, argsList: Array<Value>) => Value);\n}\nexport type CallableObjectValue = _CallableObjectValue | FunctionValue | NativeFunctionValue;\n\n//\n\nexport type DataBlock = Uint8Array;\n\n//\n\nexport type Descriptor = {\n writable?: boolean,\n enumerable?: boolean,\n configurable?: boolean,\n\n // If value instanceof EmptyValue, then this descriptor indicates that the\n // corresponding property has been deleted.\n // Only internal properties (those starting with $ / where internalSlot of owning property binding is true) will ever have array values.\n value?: Value | Array<any>,\n\n get?: UndefinedValue | CallableObjectValue | AbstractValue,\n set?: UndefinedValue | CallableObjectValue | AbstractValue,\n\n // Only used if the result of a join of two descriptors is not a data descriptor with identical attribute values.\n // When present, any update to the property must produce effects that are the join of updating both desriptors,\n // using joinCondition as the condition of the join.\n joinCondition?: AbstractValue,\n descriptor1?: Descriptor,\n descriptor2?: Descriptor,\n};\n\nexport type FunctionBodyAstNode = {\n // Function body ast node will have uniqueOrderedTag after being interpreted.\n // This tag value is unique and sorted in ast DFS traversal ordering.\n uniqueOrderedTag?: number,\n};\n\nexport type PropertyBinding = {\n descriptor?: Descriptor,\n object: ObjectValue,\n key: void | string | SymbolValue | AbstractValue, // where an abstract value must be of type String or Number or Symbol\n // contains a operation descriptor that produces a member expression that resolves to this property binding (location)\n pathNode?: AbstractValue,\n internalSlot?: boolean,\n};\n\nexport type LexicalEnvironmentTypes = \"global\" | \"module\" | \"script\" | \"function\" | \"block\" | \"catch\" | \"loop\" | \"with\";\n\nexport type PropertyKeyValue = string | StringValue | SymbolValue;\n\nexport type Intrinsics = {\n undefined: UndefinedValue,\n empty: EmptyValue,\n null: NullValue,\n false: BooleanValue,\n true: BooleanValue,\n NaN: NumberValue,\n Infinity: NumberValue,\n negativeInfinity: NumberValue,\n zero: NumberValue,\n negativeZero: NumberValue,\n emptyString: StringValue,\n\n SymbolHasInstance: SymbolValue,\n SymbolIsConcatSpreadable: SymbolValue,\n SymbolSpecies: SymbolValue,\n SymbolReplace: SymbolValue,\n SymbolIterator: SymbolValue,\n SymbolSplit: SymbolValue,\n SymbolToPrimitive: SymbolValue,\n SymbolToStringTag: SymbolValue,\n SymbolMatch: SymbolValue,\n SymbolSearch: SymbolValue,\n SymbolUnscopables: SymbolValue,\n\n ObjectPrototype: ObjectValue,\n FunctionPrototype: NativeFunctionValue,\n ArrayPrototype: ObjectValue,\n RegExpPrototype: ObjectValue,\n DatePrototype: ObjectValue,\n Boolean: NativeFunctionValue,\n BooleanPrototype: ObjectValue,\n\n Error: NativeFunctionValue,\n ErrorPrototype: ObjectValue,\n ReferenceError: NativeFunctionValue,\n ReferenceErrorPrototype: ObjectValue,\n SyntaxError: NativeFunctionValue,\n SyntaxErrorPrototype: ObjectValue,\n TypeError: NativeFunctionValue,\n TypeErrorPrototype: ObjectValue,\n URIError: NativeFunctionValue,\n URIErrorPrototype: ObjectValue,\n EvalError: NativeFunctionValue,\n EvalErrorPrototype: ObjectValue,\n JSON: ObjectValue,\n Reflect: ObjectValue,\n Proxy: NativeFunctionValue,\n RangeError: NativeFunctionValue,\n RangeErrorPrototype: ObjectValue,\n ArrayIteratorPrototype: ObjectValue,\n StringIteratorPrototype: ObjectValue,\n IteratorPrototype: ObjectValue,\n SetIteratorPrototype: ObjectValue,\n MapIteratorPrototype: ObjectValue,\n Number: NativeFunctionValue,\n NumberPrototype: ObjectValue,\n Symbol: NativeFunctionValue,\n SymbolPrototype: ObjectValue,\n StringPrototype: ObjectValue,\n Object: NativeFunctionValue,\n Function: NativeFunctionValue,\n Array: NativeFunctionValue,\n RegExp: NativeFunctionValue,\n Date: NativeFunctionValue,\n String: NativeFunctionValue,\n Math: ObjectValue,\n isNaN: NativeFunctionValue,\n parseInt: NativeFunctionValue,\n parseFloat: NativeFunctionValue,\n isFinite: NativeFunctionValue,\n decodeURI: NativeFunctionValue,\n decodeURIComponent: NativeFunctionValue,\n encodeURI: NativeFunctionValue,\n encodeURIComponent: NativeFunctionValue,\n ThrowTypeError: NativeFunctionValue,\n ArrayProto_values: NativeFunctionValue,\n ArrayProto_toString: NativeFunctionValue,\n ObjectProto_toString: NativeFunctionValue,\n TypedArrayProto_values: NativeFunctionValue,\n eval: NativeFunctionValue,\n console: ObjectValue,\n document: ObjectValue,\n process: ObjectValue,\n\n DataView: NativeFunctionValue,\n DataViewPrototype: ObjectValue,\n TypedArray: NativeFunctionValue,\n TypedArrayPrototype: ObjectValue,\n Float32Array: NativeFunctionValue,\n Float32ArrayPrototype: ObjectValue,\n Float64Array: NativeFunctionValue,\n Float64ArrayPrototype: ObjectValue,\n Int8Array: NativeFunctionValue,\n Int8ArrayPrototype: ObjectValue,\n Int16Array: NativeFunctionValue,\n Int16ArrayPrototype: ObjectValue,\n Int32Array: NativeFunctionValue,\n Int32ArrayPrototype: ObjectValue,\n Map: NativeFunctionValue,\n MapPrototype: ObjectValue,\n WeakMap: NativeFunctionValue,\n WeakMapPrototype: ObjectValue,\n Set: NativeFunctionValue,\n SetPrototype: ObjectValue,\n Promise: NativeFunctionValue,\n PromisePrototype: ObjectValue,\n Uint8Array: NativeFunctionValue,\n Uint8ArrayPrototype: ObjectValue,\n Uint8ClampedArray: NativeFunctionValue,\n Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype: ObjectValue,\n Uint16Array: NativeFunctionValue,\n Uint16ArrayPrototype: ObjectValue,\n Uint32Array: NativeFunctionValue,\n Uint32ArrayPrototype: ObjectValue,\n WeakSet: NativeFunctionValue,\n WeakSetPrototype: ObjectValue,\n ArrayBuffer: NativeFunctionValue,\n ArrayBufferPrototype: ObjectValue,\n\n Generator: ObjectValue,\n GeneratorPrototype: ObjectValue,\n GeneratorFunction: NativeFunctionValue,\n\n __IntrospectionError: NativeFunctionValue,\n __IntrospectionErrorPrototype: ObjectValue,\n};\n\nexport type PromiseCapability = {\n promise: ObjectValue | UndefinedValue,\n resolve: Value,\n reject: Value,\n};\n\nexport type PromiseReaction = {\n capabilities: PromiseCapability,\n handler: Value,\n};\n\nexport type ResolvingFunctions = {\n resolve: Value,\n reject: Value,\n};\n\nexport type TypedArrayKind =\n | \"Float32Array\"\n | \"Float64Array\"\n | \"Int8Array\"\n | \"Int16Array\"\n | \"Int32Array\"\n | \"Uint8Array\"\n | \"Uint16Array\"\n | \"Uint32Array\"\n | \"Uint8ClampedArray\";\n\nexport type ObjectKind =\n | \"Object\"\n | \"Array\"\n | \"Function\"\n | \"Symbol\"\n | \"String\"\n | \"Number\"\n | \"Boolean\"\n | \"Date\"\n | \"RegExp\"\n | \"Set\"\n | \"Map\"\n | \"DataView\"\n | \"ArrayBuffer\"\n | \"WeakMap\"\n | \"WeakSet\"\n | TypedArrayKind\n | \"ReactElement\";\n// TODO #26 #712: Promises. All kinds of iterators. Generators.\n\nexport type ClassComponentMetadata = {\n instanceProperties: Set<string>,\n instanceSymbols: Set<SymbolValue>,\n};\n\nexport type ReactHint = {| firstRenderValue: Value, object: ObjectValue, propertyName: string, args: Array<Value> |};\n\nexport type ReactComponentTreeConfig = {\n firstRenderOnly: boolean,\n isRoot: boolean,\n modelString: void | string,\n};\n\nexport type DebugServerType = {\n checkForActions: BabelNode => void,\n handlePrepackError: CompilerDiagnostic => void,\n shouldStopForSeverity: Severity => boolean,\n shutdown: () => void,\n};\n\nexport type PathType = {\n implies(condition: Value): boolean,\n impliesNot(condition: Value): boolean,\n withCondition<T>(condition: Value, evaluate: () => T): T,\n withInverseCondition<T>(condition: Value, evaluate: () => T): T,\n pushAndRefine(condition: Value): void,\n pushInverseAndRefine(condition: Value): void,\n};\n\nexport type HavocType = {\n value(realm: Realm, value: Value, loc: ?BabelNodeSourceLocation): void,\n};\n\nexport type PropertiesType = {\n // ECMA262\n OrdinarySet(realm: Realm, O: ObjectValue, P: PropertyKeyValue, V: Value, Receiver: Value): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262\n FromPropertyDescriptor(realm: Realm, Desc: ?Descriptor): Value,\n\n //\n OrdinaryDelete(realm: Realm, O: ObjectValue, P: PropertyKeyValue): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262 7.3.8\n DeletePropertyOrThrow(realm: Realm, O: ObjectValue, P: PropertyKeyValue): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262\n CompletePropertyDescriptor(realm: Realm, Desc: Descriptor): Descriptor,\n\n // ECMA262\n IsCompatiblePropertyDescriptor(realm: Realm, extensible: boolean, Desc: Descriptor, current: ?Descriptor): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262\n ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(\n realm: Realm,\n O: void | ObjectValue,\n P: void | PropertyKeyValue,\n extensible: boolean,\n Desc: Descriptor,\n current: ?Descriptor\n ): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262\n OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(realm: Realm, O: ObjectValue, P: PropertyKeyValue, Desc: Descriptor): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262\n ObjectDefineProperties(realm: Realm, O: Value, Properties: Value): ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue,\n\n // ECMA262 7.3.3\n Set(realm: Realm, O: ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue, P: PropertyKeyValue, V: Value, Throw: boolean): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262 7.3.7\n DefinePropertyOrThrow(\n realm: Realm,\n O: ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue,\n P: PropertyKeyValue,\n desc: Descriptor\n ): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262\n PutValue(realm: Realm, V: Value | Reference, W: Value): void | boolean | Value,\n\n // ECMA262\n ArraySetLength(realm: Realm, A: ArrayValue, Desc: Descriptor): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262\n OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(realm: Realm, O: ObjectValue, P: PropertyKeyValue): Descriptor | void,\n\n // ECMA262\n OrdinarySetPrototypeOf(realm: Realm, O: ObjectValue, V: ObjectValue | NullValue): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262\n EnumerateObjectProperties(realm: Realm, O: ObjectValue): ObjectValue,\n\n ThrowIfMightHaveBeenDeleted(\n value: void | Value | Array<Value> | Array<{ $Key: void | Value, $Value: void | Value }>\n ): void,\n\n ThrowIfInternalSlotNotWritable<T: ObjectValue>(realm: Realm, object: T, key: string): T,\n\n // ECMA 14.3.9\n PropertyDefinitionEvaluation(\n realm: Realm,\n MethodDefinition: BabelNodeObjectMethod | BabelNodeClassMethod,\n object: ObjectValue,\n env: LexicalEnvironment,\n strictCode: boolean,\n enumerable: boolean\n ): boolean,\n};\n\nexport type FunctionType = {\n FindVarScopedDeclarations(ast_node: BabelNode): Array<BabelNode>,\n\n // ECMA262 9.2.12\n FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(\n realm: Realm,\n func: ECMAScriptSourceFunctionValue,\n argumentsList: Array<Value>\n ): EmptyValue,\n\n // ECMA262 9.2.11\n SetFunctionName(realm: Realm, F: ObjectValue, name: PropertyKeyValue | AbstractValue, prefix?: string): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262 9.2.3\n FunctionInitialize(\n realm: Realm,\n F: ECMAScriptSourceFunctionValue,\n kind: \"normal\" | \"method\" | \"arrow\",\n ParameterList: Array<BabelNodeLVal>,\n Body: BabelNodeBlockStatement,\n Scope: LexicalEnvironment\n ): ECMAScriptSourceFunctionValue,\n\n // ECMA262 9.2.6\n GeneratorFunctionCreate(\n realm: Realm,\n kind: \"normal\" | \"method\",\n ParameterList: Array<BabelNodeLVal>,\n Body: BabelNodeBlockStatement,\n Scope: LexicalEnvironment,\n Strict: boolean\n ): ECMAScriptSourceFunctionValue,\n\n // ECMA262 9.2.7\n AddRestrictedFunctionProperties(F: FunctionValue, realm: Realm): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262 9.2.1\n $Call(realm: Realm, F: ECMAScriptFunctionValue, thisArgument: Value, argsList: Array<Value>): Value,\n\n // ECMA262 9.2.2\n $Construct(\n realm: Realm,\n F: ECMAScriptFunctionValue,\n argumentsList: Array<Value>,\n newTarget: ObjectValue\n ): ObjectValue,\n\n // ECMA262 9.2.3\n FunctionAllocate(\n realm: Realm,\n functionPrototype: ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue,\n strict: boolean,\n functionKind: \"normal\" | \"non-constructor\" | \"generator\"\n ): ECMAScriptSourceFunctionValue,\n\n // ECMA262\n BoundFunctionCreate(\n realm: Realm,\n targetFunction: ObjectValue,\n boundThis: Value,\n boundArgs: Array<Value>\n ): ObjectValue,\n\n // ECMA262\n PerformEval(realm: Realm, x: Value, evalRealm: Realm, strictCaller: boolean, direct: boolean): Value,\n\n // If c is an abrupt completion and realm.savedCompletion is defined, the result is an instance of\n // ForkedAbruptCompletion and the effects that have been captured since the PossiblyNormalCompletion instance\n // in realm.savedCompletion has been created, becomes the effects of the branch that terminates in c.\n // If c is a normal completion, the result is realm.savedCompletion, with its value updated to c.\n // If c is undefined, the result is just realm.savedCompletion.\n // Call this only when a join point has been reached.\n incorporateSavedCompletion(realm: Realm, c: void | AbruptCompletion | Value): void | Completion | Value,\n\n EvaluateStatements(\n body: Array<BabelNodeStatement>,\n initialBlockValue: void | Value,\n strictCode: boolean,\n blockEnv: LexicalEnvironment,\n realm: Realm\n ): Value,\n\n PartiallyEvaluateStatements(\n body: Array<BabelNodeStatement>,\n blockValue: void | NormalCompletion | Value,\n strictCode: boolean,\n blockEnv: LexicalEnvironment,\n realm: Realm\n ): [Completion | Value, Array<BabelNodeStatement>],\n\n // ECMA262 9.2.5\n FunctionCreate(\n realm: Realm,\n kind: \"normal\" | \"arrow\" | \"method\",\n ParameterList: Array<BabelNodeLVal>,\n Body: BabelNodeBlockStatement,\n Scope: LexicalEnvironment,\n Strict: boolean,\n prototype?: ObjectValue\n ): ECMAScriptSourceFunctionValue,\n\n // ECMA262\n EvalDeclarationInstantiation(\n realm: Realm,\n body: BabelNodeBlockStatement,\n varEnv: LexicalEnvironment,\n lexEnv: LexicalEnvironment,\n strict: boolean\n ): Value,\n\n // ECMA 9.2.10\n MakeMethod(realm: Realm, F: ECMAScriptSourceFunctionValue, homeObject: ObjectValue): Value,\n\n // ECMA 14.3.8\n DefineMethod(\n realm: Realm,\n prop: BabelNodeObjectMethod | BabelNodeClassMethod,\n obj: ObjectValue,\n env: LexicalEnvironment,\n strictCode: boolean,\n functionPrototype?: ObjectValue\n ): { $Key: PropertyKeyValue, $Closure: ECMAScriptSourceFunctionValue },\n};\n\nexport type EnvironmentType = {\n // ECMA262 6.2.3\n // IsSuperReference(V). Returns true if this reference has a thisValue component.\n IsSuperReference(realm: Realm, V: Reference): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262 6.2.3\n // HasPrimitiveBase(V). Returns true if Type(base) is Boolean, String, Symbol, or Number.\n HasPrimitiveBase(realm: Realm, V: Reference): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262 6.2.3\n // GetReferencedName(V). Returns the referenced name component of the reference V.\n GetReferencedName(realm: Realm, V: Reference): string | SymbolValue,\n\n GetReferencedNamePartial(realm: Realm, V: Reference): AbstractValue | string | SymbolValue,\n\n // ECMA262\n GetValue(realm: Realm, V: Reference | Value): Value,\n GetConditionValue(realm: Realm, V: Reference | Value): Value,\n\n // ECMA262 6.2.3\n // IsStrictReference(V). Returns the strict reference flag component of the reference V.\n IsStrictReference(realm: Realm, V: Reference): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262 6.2.3\n // IsPropertyReference(V). Returns true if either the base value is an object or HasPrimitiveBase(V) is true; otherwise returns false.\n IsPropertyReference(realm: Realm, V: Reference): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262 6.2.3\n // GetBase(V). Returns the base value component of the reference V.\n GetBase(realm: Realm, V: Reference): void | Value | EnvironmentRecord,\n\n // ECMA262 6.2.3\n // IsUnresolvableReference(V). Returns true if the base value is undefined and false otherwise.\n IsUnresolvableReference(realm: Realm, V: Reference): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262\n NewDeclarativeEnvironment(realm: Realm, E: LexicalEnvironment, active?: boolean): LexicalEnvironment,\n\n BoundNames(realm: Realm, node: BabelNode): Array<string>,\n\n // ECMA262\n ContainsExpression(realm: Realm, node: ?BabelNode): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262 8.3.2\n ResolveBinding(realm: Realm, name: string, strict: boolean, env?: ?LexicalEnvironment): Reference,\n\n // ECMA262\n GetIdentifierReference(realm: Realm, lex: ?LexicalEnvironment, name: string, strict: boolean): Reference,\n\n // ECMA262\n InitializeReferencedBinding(realm: Realm, V: Reference, W: Value): Value,\n\n // ECMA262 13.2.14\n BlockDeclarationInstantiation(\n realm: Realm,\n strictCode: boolean,\n body: Array<BabelNodeStatement>,\n env: LexicalEnvironment\n ): void,\n\n // ECMA262\n NewGlobalEnvironment(\n realm: Realm,\n G: ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue,\n thisValue: ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue\n ): LexicalEnvironment,\n\n // ECMA262\n NewObjectEnvironment(realm: Realm, O: ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue, E: LexicalEnvironment): LexicalEnvironment,\n\n // ECMA262\n NewFunctionEnvironment(realm: Realm, F: ECMAScriptFunctionValue, newTarget?: ObjectValue): LexicalEnvironment,\n\n // ECMA262 8.3.1\n GetActiveScriptOrModule(realm: Realm): any,\n\n // ECMA262 8.3.3\n GetThisEnvironment(realm: Realm): EnvironmentRecord,\n\n // ECMA262 8.3.4\n ResolveThisBinding(realm: Realm): NullValue | ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue | UndefinedValue,\n\n BindingInitialization(\n realm: Realm,\n node: BabelNodeLVal | BabelNodeVariableDeclaration,\n value: Value,\n strictCode: boolean,\n environment: void | LexicalEnvironment\n ): void | boolean | Value,\n\n // ECMA262\n // ECMA262 14.1.19\n IteratorBindingInitialization(\n realm: Realm,\n formals: $ReadOnlyArray<BabelNodeLVal | null>,\n iteratorRecord: { $Iterator: ObjectValue, $Done: boolean },\n strictCode: boolean,\n environment: void | LexicalEnvironment\n ): void,\n\n // ECMA262\n InitializeBoundName(\n realm: Realm,\n name: string,\n value: Value,\n environment: void | LexicalEnvironment\n ): void | boolean | Value,\n\n // ECMA262 and\n IsDestructuring(ast: BabelNode): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262\n KeyedBindingInitialization(\n realm: Realm,\n node: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodePattern,\n value: Value,\n strictCode: boolean,\n environment: ?LexicalEnvironment,\n propertyName: PropertyKeyValue\n ): void | boolean | Value,\n};\n\nexport type JoinType = {\n stopEffectCaptureJoinApplyAndReturnCompletion(\n c1: PossiblyNormalCompletion,\n c2: AbruptCompletion,\n realm: Realm\n ): ForkedAbruptCompletion,\n\n unbundleNormalCompletion(\n completionOrValue: Completion | Value | Reference\n ): [void | NormalCompletion, Value | Reference],\n\n composeNormalCompletions(\n leftCompletion: void | NormalCompletion,\n rightCompletion: void | NormalCompletion,\n resultValue: Value,\n realm: Realm\n ): PossiblyNormalCompletion | Value,\n\n composePossiblyNormalCompletions(\n realm: Realm,\n pnc: PossiblyNormalCompletion,\n c: PossiblyNormalCompletion,\n priorEffects?: Effects\n ): PossiblyNormalCompletion,\n\n updatePossiblyNormalCompletionWithSubsequentEffects(\n realm: Realm,\n pnc: PossiblyNormalCompletion,\n subsequentEffects: Effects\n ): void,\n\n updatePossiblyNormalCompletionWithValue(realm: Realm, pnc: PossiblyNormalCompletion, v: Value): void,\n\n replacePossiblyNormalCompletionWithForkedAbruptCompletion(\n realm: Realm,\n // a forked path with a non abrupt (normal) component\n pnc: PossiblyNormalCompletion,\n // an abrupt completion that completes the normal path\n ac: AbruptCompletion,\n // effects collected after pnc was constructed\n e: Effects\n ): ForkedAbruptCompletion,\n\n extractAndJoinCompletionsOfType(CompletionType: typeof AbruptCompletion, realm: Realm, c: AbruptCompletion): Effects,\n\n joinForkOrChoose(realm: Realm, joinCondition: Value, e1: Effects, e2: Effects): Effects,\n\n joinNestedEffects(realm: Realm, c: Completion, precedingEffects?: Effects): Effects,\n\n collapseResults(\n realm: Realm,\n joinCondition: AbstractValue,\n precedingEffects: Effects,\n result1: EvaluationResult,\n result2: EvaluationResult\n ): Completion,\n\n joinOrForkResults(\n realm: Realm,\n joinCondition: AbstractValue,\n result1: EvaluationResult,\n result2: EvaluationResult,\n e1: Effects,\n e2: Effects\n ): Completion,\n\n composeGenerators(realm: Realm, generator1: Generator, generator2: Generator): Generator,\n\n // Creates a single map that joins together maps m1 and m2 using the given join\n // operator. If an entry is present in one map but not the other, the missing\n // entry is treated as if it were there and its value were undefined.\n joinMaps<K, V>(m1: Map<K, V>, m2: Map<K, V>, join: (K, void | V, void | V) => V): Map<K, V>,\n\n // Creates a single map that has an key, value pair for the union of the key\n // sets of m1 and m2. The value of a pair is the join of m1[key] and m2[key]\n // where the join is defined to be just m1[key] if m1[key] === m2[key] and\n // and abstract value with expression \"joinCondition ? m1[key] : m2[key]\" if not.\n joinBindings(\n realm: Realm,\n joinCondition: AbstractValue,\n g1: Generator,\n m1: Bindings,\n g2: Generator,\n m2: Bindings\n ): [Generator, Generator, Bindings],\n\n // If v1 is known and defined and v1 === v2 return v1,\n // otherwise return getAbstractValue(v1, v2)\n joinValues(\n realm: Realm,\n v1: void | Value | Array<Value> | Array<{ $Key: void | Value, $Value: void | Value }>,\n v2: void | Value | Array<Value> | Array<{ $Key: void | Value, $Value: void | Value }>,\n getAbstractValue: (void | Value, void | Value) => Value\n ): Value | Array<Value> | Array<{ $Key: void | Value, $Value: void | Value }>,\n\n joinPropertyBindings(\n realm: Realm,\n joinCondition: AbstractValue,\n m1: PropertyBindings,\n m2: PropertyBindings,\n c1: CreatedObjects,\n c2: CreatedObjects\n ): PropertyBindings,\n\n // Returns a field by field join of two descriptors.\n // Descriptors with get/set are not yet supported.\n joinDescriptors(\n realm: Realm,\n joinCondition: AbstractValue,\n d1: void | Descriptor,\n d2: void | Descriptor\n ): void | Descriptor,\n\n mapAndJoin(\n realm: Realm,\n values: Set<ConcreteValue>,\n joinConditionFactory: (ConcreteValue) => Value,\n functionToMap: (ConcreteValue) => Completion | Value\n ): Value,\n};\n\nexport type CreateType = {\n // ECMA262\n StringCreate(realm: Realm, value: StringValue, prototype: ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue): ObjectValue,\n\n // B.\n CreateHTML(realm: Realm, string: Value, tag: string, attribute: string, value: string | Value): StringValue,\n\n // ECMA262\n MakeArgGetter(realm: Realm, name: string, env: EnvironmentRecord): NativeFunctionValue,\n\n // ECMA262\n MakeArgSetter(realm: Realm, name: string, env: EnvironmentRecord): NativeFunctionValue,\n\n // ECMA262\n CreateStringIterator(realm: Realm, string: StringValue): ObjectValue,\n\n // ECMA262\n ArraySpeciesCreate(realm: Realm, originalArray: ObjectValue, length: number): ObjectValue,\n\n // ECMA262 7.4.7\n CreateIterResultObject(realm: Realm, value: Value, done: boolean): ObjectValue,\n\n // ECMA262\n CreateArrayIterator(realm: Realm, array: ObjectValue, kind: IterationKind): ObjectValue,\n\n // ECMA262\n ArrayCreate(realm: Realm, length: number, proto?: ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue): ArrayValue,\n\n // ECMA262 7.3.16\n CreateArrayFromList(realm: Realm, elems: Array<Value>): ArrayValue,\n\n // ECMA262\n CreateUnmappedArgumentsObject(realm: Realm, argumentsList: Array<Value>): ObjectValue,\n\n // ECMA262\n CreateMappedArgumentsObject(\n realm: Realm,\n func: FunctionValue,\n formals: Array<BabelNodeLVal>,\n argumentsList: Array<Value>,\n env: EnvironmentRecord\n ): ObjectValue,\n\n // ECMA262 7.3.23 (sec-copydataproperties)\n CopyDataProperties(realm: Realm, target: ObjectValue, source: Value, excluded: Array<PropertyKeyValue>): ObjectValue,\n\n // ECMA262 7.3.4\n CreateDataProperty(realm: Realm, O: ObjectValue, P: PropertyKeyValue, V: Value): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262 7.3.5\n CreateMethodProperty(realm: Realm, O: ObjectValue, P: PropertyKeyValue, V: Value): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262 7.3.6\n CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(realm: Realm, O: Value, P: PropertyKeyValue, V: Value): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262 9.1.12\n ObjectCreate(\n realm: Realm,\n proto: ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue | NullValue,\n internalSlotsList?: { [key: string]: void }\n ): ObjectValue,\n\n // ECMA262 9.1.13\n OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(\n realm: Realm,\n constructor: ObjectValue,\n intrinsicDefaultProto: string,\n internalSlotsList?: { [key: string]: void }\n ): ObjectValue,\n\n // ECMA262 7.3.17\n CreateListFromArrayLike(realm: Realm, obj: Value, elementTypes?: Array<string>): Array<Value>,\n\n // ECMA262\n CreateDynamicFunction(\n realm: Realm,\n constructor: ObjectValue,\n newTarget: void | ObjectValue,\n kind: \"normal\" | \"generator\",\n args: Array<Value>\n ): Value,\n};\n\nexport type WidenType = {\n // Returns a new effects summary that includes both e1 and e2.\n widenEffects(realm: Realm, e1: Effects, e2: Effects): Effects,\n\n // Returns an abstract value that includes both v1 and v2 as potential values.\n widenValues(\n realm: Realm,\n v1: Value | Array<Value> | Array<{ $Key: void | Value, $Value: void | Value }>,\n v2: Value | Array<Value> | Array<{ $Key: void | Value, $Value: void | Value }>\n ): Value | Array<Value> | Array<{ $Key: void | Value, $Value: void | Value }>,\n\n containsArraysOfValue(realm: Realm, a1: void | Array<Value>, a2: void | Array<Value>): boolean,\n\n // If e2 is the result of a loop iteration starting with effects e1 and it has a subset of elements of e1,\n // then we have reached a fixed point and no further calls to widen are needed. e1/e2 represent a general\n // summary of the loop, regardless of how many iterations will be performed at runtime.\n containsEffects(e1: Effects, e2: Effects): boolean,\n};\n\nexport type numberOrValue = number | Value;\n\nexport type ElementConvType = {\n Int8: (Realm, numberOrValue) => number,\n Int16: (Realm, numberOrValue) => number,\n Int32: (Realm, numberOrValue) => number,\n Uint8: (Realm, numberOrValue) => number,\n Uint16: (Realm, numberOrValue) => number,\n Uint32: (Realm, numberOrValue) => number,\n Uint8Clamped: (Realm, numberOrValue) => number,\n};\n\nexport type ToType = {\n ElementConv: ElementConvType,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.5\n ToInt32(realm: Realm, argument: numberOrValue): number,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.6\n ToUint32(realm: Realm, argument: numberOrValue): number,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.7\n ToInt16(realm: Realm, argument: numberOrValue): number,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.8\n ToUint16(realm: Realm, argument: numberOrValue): number,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.9\n ToInt8(realm: Realm, argument: numberOrValue): number,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.10\n ToUint8(realm: Realm, argument: numberOrValue): number,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.11\n ToUint8Clamp(realm: Realm, argument: numberOrValue): number,\n\n // ECMA262\n thisBooleanValue(realm: Realm, value: Value): BooleanValue,\n\n // ECMA262 20.1.3\n thisNumberValue(realm: Realm, value: Value): NumberValue,\n\n // ECMA262 21.1.3\n thisStringValue(realm: Realm, value: Value): StringValue,\n\n // ECMA262\n ToPropertyDescriptor(realm: Realm, Obj: Value): Descriptor,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.13\n ToObject(realm: Realm, arg: Value): ObjectValue | AbstractObjectValue,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.15\n ToLength(realm: Realm, argument: numberOrValue): number,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.4\n ToInteger(realm: Realm, argument: numberOrValue): number,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.17\n ToIndex(realm: Realm, value: number | ConcreteValue): number,\n\n ToIndexPartial(realm: Realm, value: numberOrValue): number,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.3\n ToNumber(realm: Realm, val: numberOrValue): number,\n\n ToNumberOrAbstract(realm: Realm, val: numberOrValue): number | AbstractValue,\n\n IsToNumberPure(realm: Realm, val: numberOrValue): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.1\n ToPrimitive(realm: Realm, input: ConcreteValue, hint?: \"default\" | \"string\" | \"number\"): PrimitiveValue,\n\n ToPrimitiveOrAbstract(\n realm: Realm,\n input: ConcreteValue,\n hint?: \"default\" | \"string\" | \"number\"\n ): AbstractValue | PrimitiveValue,\n\n // Returns result type of ToPrimitive if it is pure (terminates, does not throw exception, does not read or write heap), otherwise undefined.\n GetToPrimitivePureResultType(realm: Realm, input: Value): void | typeof Value,\n\n IsToPrimitivePure(realm: Realm, input: Value): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.1\n OrdinaryToPrimitive(realm: Realm, input: ObjectValue, hint: \"string\" | \"number\"): PrimitiveValue,\n\n OrdinaryToPrimitiveOrAbstract(\n realm: Realm,\n input: ObjectValue,\n hint: \"string\" | \"number\"\n ): AbstractValue | PrimitiveValue,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.12\n ToString(realm: Realm, val: string | ConcreteValue): string,\n\n ToStringPartial(realm: Realm, val: string | Value): string,\n\n ToStringValue(realm: Realm, val: Value): Value,\n\n ToStringAbstract(realm: Realm, val: AbstractValue): AbstractValue,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.2\n ToBoolean(realm: Realm, val: ConcreteValue): boolean,\n\n ToBooleanPartial(realm: Realm, val: Value): boolean,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.14\n ToPropertyKey(realm: Realm, arg: ConcreteValue): SymbolValue | string /* but not StringValue */,\n\n ToPropertyKeyPartial(realm: Realm, arg: Value): AbstractValue | SymbolValue | string /* but not StringValue */,\n\n // ECMA262 7.1.16\n CanonicalNumericIndexString(realm: Realm, argument: StringValue): number | void,\n};\n\nexport type ConcretizeType = (realm: Realm, val: Value) => ConcreteValue;\n\nexport type DisplayResult = {} | string;\n\nexport type UtilsType = {|\n typeToString: (typeof Value) => void | string,\n getTypeFromName: string => void | typeof Value,\n describeValue: Value => string,\n jsonToDisplayString: <T: { toDisplayJson(number): DisplayResult }>(T, number) => string,\n verboseToDisplayJson: ({}, number) => DisplayResult,\n|};\n\nexport type DebuggerConfigArguments = {\n diagnosticSeverity?: Severity,\n sourcemaps?: Array<SourceFile>,\n buckRoot?: string,\n debugChannel?: DebugChannel,\n};\n\nexport type SupportedGraphQLGetters =\n | \"bool\"\n | \"double\"\n | \"int\"\n | \"time\"\n | \"string\"\n | \"tree\"\n | \"bool_list\"\n | \"double_list\"\n | \"int_list\"\n | \"time_list\"\n | \"string_list\"\n | \"tree_list\";\n\nexport interface ShapeInformationInterface {\n getPropertyShape(key: string): void | ShapeInformationInterface;\n getGetter(): void | SupportedGraphQLGetters;\n getAbstractType(): typeof Value;\n}\n"],"file":"types.js"}
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