1 | #!/usr/bin/env node
2 |
3 | import fs from 'fs-extra'
4 | import sade from 'sade'
5 |
6 | import pkg from '../package.json'
7 |
8 | import * as logger from './log'
9 | import { createConfig, getConfigFile } from './config'
10 | import { watch } from './watch'
11 | import { build } from './build'
12 | import { serve } from './serve'
13 | import { Env } from './constants'
14 |
15 | const prog = sade('presta')
16 | const CONFIG_DEFAULT = 'presta.config.js'
17 |
18 | function registerRuntime(options = {}) {
19 | require('module-alias').addAliases({
20 | '@': process.cwd(),
21 | 'presta:internal': __dirname,
22 | })
23 |
24 | require('esbuild-register/dist/node').register(options)
25 | }
26 |
27 | prog
28 | .version(pkg.version)
29 |
30 | .option('--config, -c', `Path to a config file. (default ${CONFIG_DEFAULT})`)
31 | .option('--output, -o', `Specify output directory for built files. (default ./build)`)
32 | .option('--assets, -a', `Specify static asset directory. (default ./public)`)
33 | .option('--debug, -d', `Enable debug mode (prints more logs)`)
34 | .example(`dev index.jsx -o dist`)
35 | .example(`dev 'pages/*.tsx' -o static`)
36 | .example(`'pages/*.tsx'`)
37 | .example(`-c site.json`)
38 | .example(`serve -p 8080`)
39 |
40 | prog
41 | .command('build', 'Build project to output directory.', { default: true })
42 | .example(``)
43 | .example(`files/**/*.js`)
44 | .example(`-c ${CONFIG_DEFAULT}`)
45 | .action(async (opts) => {
46 | registerRuntime()
47 |
48 | console.clear()
49 |
50 | const config = await createConfig({
51 | env: Env.PRODUCTION,
52 | config: getConfigFile(opts.config, true),
53 | cli: {
54 | ...opts,
55 | files: opts._,
56 | },
57 | })
58 |
59 | fs.emptyDirSync(config.output)
60 |
61 | logger.raw(`${logger.colors.blue('presta build')}`)
62 | logger.newline()
63 |
64 | await build(config)
65 | })
66 |
67 | prog
68 | .command('dev', 'Start Presta dev server and watch files', { alias: 'watch' })
69 | .option('--port, -p', `Port to run the local server. (default 4000)`)
70 | .option('--no-serve, -n', `Do not run local dev server. (default false)`)
71 | .describe('Watch project and build to output directory.')
72 | .example(`dev`)
73 | .example(`dev ./files/**/*.js`)
74 | .example(`dev ./files/**/*.js -o ./out`)
75 | .example(`dev -c ${CONFIG_DEFAULT}`)
76 | .action(async (opts) => {
77 | registerRuntime()
78 |
79 | console.clear()
80 |
81 | const config = await createConfig({
82 | env: Env.DEVELOPMENT,
83 | config: getConfigFile(opts.config),
84 | cli: {
85 | ...opts,
86 | files: opts._,
87 | },
88 | })
89 |
90 | if (!opts.n) {
91 | const server = await serve(config)
92 |
93 | logger.raw(`${logger.colors.blue('presta dev')} - http://localhost:${server.port}`)
94 | logger.newline()
95 | } else {
96 | logger.info({
97 | label: 'dev',
98 | })
99 | logger.newline()
100 | }
101 |
102 | watch(config)
103 | })
104 |
105 | prog
106 | .command('serve')
107 | .option('--port, -p', `Port to run the local server. (default 4000)`)
108 | .describe('Serve built files, lambdas, and static assets.')
109 | .example(`serve`)
110 | .example(`serve -o ./out -p 8080`)
111 | .example(`serve -c ${CONFIG_DEFAULT}`)
112 | .action(async (opts) => {
113 | registerRuntime()
114 |
115 | console.clear()
116 |
117 | const config = await createConfig({
118 | env: Env.PRODUCTION,
119 | config: getConfigFile(opts.config),
120 | cli: opts,
121 | })
122 | const server = await serve(config)
123 |
124 | logger.raw(`${logger.colors.blue('presta serve')} - http://localhost:${server.port}`)
125 | logger.newline()
126 | })
127 |
128 | prog.parse(process.argv)