1 | import fs from 'fs'
2 | import path from 'path'
3 | import http from 'http'
4 | import getPort from 'get-port'
5 | import sirv from 'sirv'
6 | import chokidar from 'chokidar'
7 | import mime from 'mime-types'
8 | import toRegExp from 'regexparam'
9 |
10 | import { timer } from './timer'
11 | import * as logger from './log'
12 | import { default404 } from './default404'
13 | import { requestToEvent } from './requestToEvent'
14 | import { sendServerlessResponse } from './sendServerlessResponse'
15 | import { createLiveReloadScript } from './liveReloadScript'
16 | import { AWS, Presta } from './types'
17 |
18 | function resolveHTML(dir: string, url: string) {
19 | let file = path.join(dir, url)
20 |
21 |
22 | if (!path.extname(url)) {
23 | try {
24 | return fs.readFileSync(path.join(dir, url, 'index.html'), 'utf8')
25 | } catch (e) {}
26 | }
27 |
28 | return fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8')
29 | }
30 |
31 | export function createServerHandler({ port, config }: { port: number; config: Presta }) {
32 | const devClient = createLiveReloadScript({ port })
33 | const staticDir = config.staticOutputDir
34 | const assetDir = config.assets
35 |
36 | return async function serveHandler(req: http.IncomingMessage, res: http.ServerResponse) {
37 | const time = timer()
38 | const url = req.url as string
39 |
40 | |
41 |
42 |
43 | logger.debug({
44 | label: 'debug',
45 | message: `attempting to serve user static asset ${url}`,
46 | })
47 |
48 | |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 | sirv(assetDir, { dev: true })(req, res, () => {
55 | logger.debug({
56 | label: 'debug',
57 | message: `attempting to serve generated static asset ${url}`,
58 | })
59 |
60 | sirv(staticDir, { dev: true })(req, res, async () => {
61 | try {
62 | |
63 |
64 |
65 | delete require.cache[config.functionsManifest]
66 | const manifest = require(config.functionsManifest)
67 | const routes = Object.keys(manifest)
68 | const lambdaFilepath = routes
69 | .map((route) => ({
70 | matcher: toRegExp(route),
71 | route,
72 | }))
73 | .filter(({ matcher }) => {
74 | return matcher.pattern.test(url.split('?')[0])
75 | })
76 | .map(({ route }) => manifest[route])[0]
77 |
78 | |
79 |
80 |
81 | if (lambdaFilepath) {
82 | logger.debug({
83 | label: 'debug',
84 | message: `attempting to render lambda for ${url}`,
85 | })
86 |
87 | const { handler }: { handler: AWS['Handler'] } = require(lambdaFilepath)
88 | const event = await requestToEvent(req)
89 | const response = await handler(event, {})
90 | const headers = response.headers || {}
91 | const redir = response.statusCode > 299 && response.statusCode < 399
92 |
93 |
94 | const type = headers['Content-Type'] as string
95 | const ext = type ? mime.extension(type) : 'html'
96 |
97 | logger.info({
98 | label: 'serve',
99 | message: `${response.statusCode} ${redir ? headers.Location : url}`,
100 | duration: time(),
101 | })
102 |
103 | sendServerlessResponse(res, {
104 | statusCode: response.statusCode,
105 | headers: response.headers,
106 | multiValueHeaders: response.multiValueHeaders,
107 |
108 | body: ext === 'html' ? (response.body || '').split('</body>')[0] + devClient : response.body,
109 | })
110 | } else {
111 | logger.debug({
112 | label: 'debug',
113 | message: `attempting to render static 404.html page for ${url}`,
114 | })
115 |
116 | |
117 |
118 |
119 | try {
120 | const file = resolveHTML(staticDir, '404') + devClient
121 |
122 | logger.warn({
123 | label: 'serve',
124 | message: `404 ${url}`,
125 | duration: time(),
126 | })
127 |
128 | sendServerlessResponse(res, {
129 | statusCode: 404,
130 | body: file,
131 | })
132 | } catch (e) {
133 | if (!(e as Error).message.includes('ENOENT')) {
134 | console.error(e)
135 | }
136 |
137 | logger.debug({
138 | label: 'debug',
139 | message: `rendering default 404 HTML page for ${url}`,
140 | })
141 |
142 | logger.warn({
143 | label: 'serve',
144 | message: `404 ${url}`,
145 | duration: time(),
146 | })
147 |
148 | sendServerlessResponse(res, {
149 | statusCode: 404,
150 | body: default404 + devClient,
151 | })
152 | }
153 | }
154 | } catch (e) {
155 | logger.debug({
156 | label: 'debug',
157 | message: `rendering default 500 HTML page for ${url}`,
158 | })
159 |
160 | logger.error({
161 | label: 'serve',
162 | message: `500 ${url}`,
163 | error: e as Error,
164 | duration: time(),
165 | })
166 |
167 | sendServerlessResponse(res, {
168 | statusCode: 500,
169 | body: '' + devClient,
170 | })
171 | }
172 | })
173 | })
174 | }
175 | }
176 |
177 | export async function serve(config: Presta) {
178 | const port = await getPort({ port: config.port })
179 | const server = http.createServer(createServerHandler({ port, config })).listen(port)
180 | const socket = require('pocket.io')(server, { serveClient: false })
181 |
182 | config.hooks.onBrowserRefresh(() => {
183 | logger.debug({
184 | label: 'debug',
185 | message: `refresh event received`,
186 | })
187 |
188 | socket.emit('refresh')
189 | })
190 |
191 | chokidar.watch(config.assets, { ignoreInitial: true }).on('all', () => {
192 | config.hooks.emitBrowserRefresh()
193 | })
194 |
195 | return { port }
196 | }