1 | # `pretty-quick`
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15 | > Get Pretty Quick
16 |
17 | Runs [Prettier](https://prettier.io) on your changed files.
18 |
19 | ![demo](./img/demo.gif)
20 |
21 | Supported source control managers:
22 |
23 | - Git
24 | - Mercurial
25 |
26 | ## Install
27 |
28 | ```sh
29 | # npm
30 | npm install -D prettier pretty-quick
31 | ```
32 |
33 | ```sh
34 | # yarn
35 | yarn add -D prettier pretty-quick
36 | ```
37 |
38 | ## Usage
39 |
40 | ```sh
41 | # npx
42 | npx pretty-quick
43 |
44 | # yarn
45 | yarn pretty-quick
46 | ```
47 |
48 | ## Pre-Commit Hook
49 |
50 | You can run `pretty-quick` as a `pre-commit` hook using [`simple-git-hooks`](https://github.com/toplenboren/simple-git-hooks).
51 |
52 | ```sh
53 | # npm
54 | npm install -D simple-git-hooks
55 |
56 | # yarn
57 | yarn add -D simple-git-hooks
58 | ```
59 |
60 | In `package.json`, add:
61 |
62 | ```json
63 | "simple-git-hooks": {
64 | "pre-commit": "pretty-quick --staged"
65 | }
66 | ```
67 |
68 | ## CLI Flags
69 |
70 | ### `--staged` (only git)
71 |
72 | Pre-commit mode. Under this flag only staged files will be formatted, and they will be re-staged after formatting.
73 |
74 | Partially staged files will not be re-staged after formatting and pretty-quick will exit with a non-zero exit code. The intent is to abort the git commit and allow the user to amend their selective staging to include formatting fixes.
75 |
76 | ### `--no-restage` (only git)
77 |
78 | Use with the `--staged` flag to skip re-staging files after formatting.
79 |
80 | ### `--branch`
81 |
82 | When not in `staged` pre-commit mode, use this flag to compare changes with the specified branch. Defaults to `master` (git) / `default` (hg) branch.
83 |
84 | ### `--pattern`
85 |
86 | Filters the files for the given [minimatch](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch) pattern.
87 | For example `pretty-quick --pattern "**/*.*(js|jsx)"` or `pretty-quick --pattern "**/*.js" --pattern "**/*.jsx"`
88 |
89 | ### `--verbose`
90 |
91 | Outputs the name of each file right before it is processed. This can be useful if Prettier throws an error and you can't identify which file is causing the problem.
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93 | ### `--bail`
94 |
95 | Prevent `git commit` if any files are fixed.
96 |
97 | ### `--check`
98 |
99 | Check that files are correctly formatted, but don't format them. This is useful on CI to verify that all changed files in the current branch were correctly formatted.
100 |
101 | ### `--no-resolve-config`
102 |
103 | Do not resolve prettier config when determining which files to format, just use standard set of supported file types & extensions prettier supports. This may be useful if you do not need any customization and see performance issues.
104 |
105 | By default, pretty-quick will check your prettier configuration file for any overrides you define to support formatting of additional file extensions.
106 |
107 | Example `.prettierrc` file to support formatting files with `.cmp` or `.page` extensions as html.
108 |
109 | ```json
110 | {
111 | "printWidth": 120,
112 | "bracketSpacing": false,
113 | "overrides": [
114 | {
115 | "files": "*.{cmp,page}",
116 | "options": { "parser": "html" }
117 | }
118 | ]
119 | }
120 | ```
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 | ### `--config`
125 |
126 | Path to a `.prettierrc` file.
127 |
128 | ### `--since`
129 |
130 | A SCM revision such as a git commit hash or ref.
131 |
132 | For example `pretty-quick --since HEAD` will format only staged files.
133 |
134 | -->
135 |
136 | ### `--ignore-path`
137 |
138 | Check an alternative file for ignoring files with the same format as [`.prettierignore`](https://prettier.io/docs/en/ignore#ignoring-files).
139 | For example `pretty-quick --ignore-path .gitignore`
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141 | ## Configuration and Ignore Files
142 |
143 | `pretty-quick` will respect your [`.prettierrc`](https://prettier.io/docs/en/configuration), [`.prettierignore`](https://prettier.io/docs/en/ignore#ignoring-files), and [`.editorconfig`](http://editorconfig.org/) files if you don't use `--ignore-path` . Configuration files will be found by searching up the file system. `.prettierignore` files are only found from the repository root and the working directory that the command was executed from.