29.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { forwardRef, EventEmitter, Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ViewEncapsulation, ElementRef, Renderer2, ChangeDetectorRef, IterableDiffers, Input, Output, ViewChild, ContentChildren, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
2import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
3import { trigger, transition, style, animate } from '@angular/animations';
4import { InputTextModule } from 'primeng/inputtext';
5import { ButtonModule } from 'primeng/button';
6import { RippleModule } from 'primeng/ripple';
7import { PrimeTemplate, SharedModule } from 'primeng/api';
8import { DomHandler, ConnectedOverlayScrollHandler } from 'primeng/dom';
9import { UniqueComponentId, ObjectUtils } from 'primeng/utils';
10import { NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR } from '@angular/forms';
13 provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
14 useExisting: forwardRef(() => AutoComplete),
15 multi: true
17class AutoComplete {
18 constructor(el, renderer, cd, differs) {
19 this.el = el;
20 this.renderer = renderer;
21 this.cd = cd;
22 this.differs = differs;
23 this.minLength = 1;
24 this.delay = 300;
25 this.type = 'text';
26 this.autoZIndex = true;
27 this.baseZIndex = 0;
28 this.dropdownIcon = "pi pi-chevron-down";
29 this.unique = true;
30 this.completeOnFocus = false;
31 this.completeMethod = new EventEmitter();
32 this.onSelect = new EventEmitter();
33 this.onUnselect = new EventEmitter();
34 this.onFocus = new EventEmitter();
35 this.onBlur = new EventEmitter();
36 this.onDropdownClick = new EventEmitter();
37 this.onClear = new EventEmitter();
38 this.onKeyUp = new EventEmitter();
39 this.onShow = new EventEmitter();
40 this.onHide = new EventEmitter();
41 this.scrollHeight = '200px';
42 this.dropdownMode = 'blank';
43 this.showTransitionOptions = '.12s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)';
44 this.hideTransitionOptions = '.1s linear';
45 this.autocomplete = 'off';
46 this.onModelChange = () => { };
47 this.onModelTouched = () => { };
48 this.overlayVisible = false;
49 this.focus = false;
50 this.inputFieldValue = null;
51 this.differ = differs.find([]).create(null);
52 this.listId = UniqueComponentId() + '_list';
53 }
54 get suggestions() {
55 return this._suggestions;
56 }
57 set suggestions(val) {
58 this._suggestions = val;
59 this.handleSuggestionsChange();
60 }
61 ngAfterViewChecked() {
62 //Use timeouts as since Angular 4.2, AfterViewChecked is broken and not called after panel is updated
63 if (this.suggestionsUpdated && this.overlay && this.overlay.offsetParent) {
64 setTimeout(() => {
65 if (this.overlay) {
66 this.alignOverlay();
67 }
68 }, 1);
69 this.suggestionsUpdated = false;
70 }
71 if (this.highlightOptionChanged) {
72 setTimeout(() => {
73 if (this.overlay) {
74 let listItem = DomHandler.findSingle(this.overlay, 'li.p-highlight');
75 if (listItem) {
76 DomHandler.scrollInView(this.overlay, listItem);
77 }
78 }
79 }, 1);
80 this.highlightOptionChanged = false;
81 }
82 }
83 handleSuggestionsChange() {
84 if (this._suggestions != null && this.loading) {
85 this.highlightOption = null;
86 if (this._suggestions.length) {
87 this.noResults = false;
88 this.show();
89 this.suggestionsUpdated = true;
90 if (this.autoHighlight) {
91 this.highlightOption = this._suggestions[0];
92 }
93 }
94 else {
95 this.noResults = true;
96 if (this.emptyMessage) {
97 this.show();
98 this.suggestionsUpdated = true;
99 }
100 else {
101 this.hide();
102 }
103 }
104 this.loading = false;
105 }
106 }
107 ngAfterContentInit() {
108 this.templates.forEach((item) => {
109 switch (item.getType()) {
110 case 'item':
111 this.itemTemplate = item.template;
112 break;
113 case 'selectedItem':
114 this.selectedItemTemplate = item.template;
115 break;
116 default:
117 this.itemTemplate = item.template;
118 break;
119 }
120 });
121 }
122 writeValue(value) {
123 this.value = value;
124 this.filled = this.value && this.value != '';
125 this.updateInputField();
126 }
127 registerOnChange(fn) {
128 this.onModelChange = fn;
129 }
130 registerOnTouched(fn) {
131 this.onModelTouched = fn;
132 }
133 setDisabledState(val) {
134 this.disabled = val;
135 this.cd.markForCheck();
136 }
137 onInput(event) {
138 // When an input element with a placeholder is clicked, the onInput event is invoked in IE.
139 if (!this.inputKeyDown && DomHandler.isIE()) {
140 return;
141 }
142 if (this.timeout) {
143 clearTimeout(this.timeout);
144 }
145 let value = event.target.value;
146 if (!this.multiple && !this.forceSelection) {
147 this.onModelChange(value);
148 }
149 if (value.length === 0 && !this.multiple) {
150 this.hide();
151 this.onClear.emit(event);
152 this.onModelChange(value);
153 }
154 if (value.length >= this.minLength) {
155 this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
156 this.search(event, value);
157 }, this.delay);
158 }
159 else {
160 this.suggestions = null;
161 this.hide();
162 }
163 this.updateFilledState();
164 this.inputKeyDown = false;
165 }
166 onInputClick(event) {
167 if (this.documentClickListener) {
168 this.inputClick = true;
169 }
170 }
171 search(event, query) {
172 //allow empty string but not undefined or null
173 if (query === undefined || query === null) {
174 return;
175 }
176 this.loading = true;
177 this.completeMethod.emit({
178 originalEvent: event,
179 query: query
180 });
181 }
182 selectItem(option, focus = true) {
183 if (this.forceSelectionUpdateModelTimeout) {
184 clearTimeout(this.forceSelectionUpdateModelTimeout);
185 this.forceSelectionUpdateModelTimeout = null;
186 }
187 if (this.multiple) {
188 this.multiInputEL.nativeElement.value = '';
189 this.value = this.value || [];
190 if (!this.isSelected(option) || !this.unique) {
191 this.value = [...this.value, option];
192 this.onModelChange(this.value);
193 }
194 }
195 else {
196 this.inputEL.nativeElement.value = this.field ? ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(option, this.field) || '' : option;
197 this.value = option;
198 this.onModelChange(this.value);
199 }
200 this.onSelect.emit(option);
201 this.updateFilledState();
202 if (focus) {
203 this.itemClicked = true;
204 this.focusInput();
205 }
206 }
207 show() {
208 if (this.multiInputEL || this.inputEL) {
209 let hasFocus = this.multiple ?
210 this.multiInputEL.nativeElement.ownerDocument.activeElement == this.multiInputEL.nativeElement :
211 this.inputEL.nativeElement.ownerDocument.activeElement == this.inputEL.nativeElement;
212 if (!this.overlayVisible && hasFocus) {
213 this.overlayVisible = true;
214 }
215 }
216 }
217 onOverlayAnimationStart(event) {
218 switch (event.toState) {
219 case 'visible':
220 this.overlay = event.element;
221 this.appendOverlay();
222 if (this.autoZIndex) {
223 this.overlay.style.zIndex = String(this.baseZIndex + (++DomHandler.zindex));
224 }
225 this.alignOverlay();
226 this.bindDocumentClickListener();
227 this.bindDocumentResizeListener();
228 this.bindScrollListener();
229 this.onShow.emit(event);
230 break;
231 case 'void':
232 this.onOverlayHide();
233 break;
234 }
235 }
236 onOverlayAnimationDone(event) {
237 if (event.toState === 'void') {
238 this._suggestions = null;
239 }
240 }
241 appendOverlay() {
242 if (this.appendTo) {
243 if (this.appendTo === 'body')
244 document.body.appendChild(this.overlay);
245 else
246 DomHandler.appendChild(this.overlay, this.appendTo);
247 if (!this.overlay.style.minWidth) {
248 this.overlay.style.minWidth = DomHandler.getWidth(this.el.nativeElement.children[0]) + 'px';
249 }
250 }
251 }
252 resolveFieldData(value) {
253 return this.field ? ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(value, this.field) : value;
254 }
255 restoreOverlayAppend() {
256 if (this.overlay && this.appendTo) {
257 this.el.nativeElement.appendChild(this.overlay);
258 }
259 }
260 alignOverlay() {
261 if (this.appendTo)
262 DomHandler.absolutePosition(this.overlay, (this.multiple ? this.multiContainerEL.nativeElement : this.inputEL.nativeElement));
263 else
264 DomHandler.relativePosition(this.overlay, (this.multiple ? this.multiContainerEL.nativeElement : this.inputEL.nativeElement));
265 }
266 hide() {
267 this.overlayVisible = false;
268 this.cd.markForCheck();
269 }
270 handleDropdownClick(event) {
271 if (!this.overlayVisible) {
272 this.focusInput();
273 let queryValue = this.multiple ? this.multiInputEL.nativeElement.value : this.inputEL.nativeElement.value;
274 if (this.dropdownMode === 'blank')
275 this.search(event, '');
276 else if (this.dropdownMode === 'current')
277 this.search(event, queryValue);
278 this.onDropdownClick.emit({
279 originalEvent: event,
280 query: queryValue
281 });
282 }
283 else {
284 this.hide();
285 }
286 }
287 focusInput() {
288 if (this.multiple)
289 this.multiInputEL.nativeElement.focus();
290 else
291 this.inputEL.nativeElement.focus();
292 }
293 removeItem(item) {
294 let itemIndex = DomHandler.index(item);
295 let removedValue = this.value[itemIndex];
296 this.value = this.value.filter((val, i) => i != itemIndex);
297 this.onModelChange(this.value);
298 this.updateFilledState();
299 this.onUnselect.emit(removedValue);
300 }
301 onKeydown(event) {
302 if (this.overlayVisible) {
303 let highlightItemIndex = this.findOptionIndex(this.highlightOption);
304 switch (event.which) {
305 //down
306 case 40:
307 if (highlightItemIndex != -1) {
308 var nextItemIndex = highlightItemIndex + 1;
309 if (nextItemIndex != (this.suggestions.length)) {
310 this.highlightOption = this.suggestions[nextItemIndex];
311 this.highlightOptionChanged = true;
312 }
313 }
314 else {
315 this.highlightOption = this.suggestions[0];
316 }
317 event.preventDefault();
318 break;
319 //up
320 case 38:
321 if (highlightItemIndex > 0) {
322 let prevItemIndex = highlightItemIndex - 1;
323 this.highlightOption = this.suggestions[prevItemIndex];
324 this.highlightOptionChanged = true;
325 }
326 event.preventDefault();
327 break;
328 //enter
329 case 13:
330 if (this.highlightOption) {
331 this.selectItem(this.highlightOption);
332 this.hide();
333 }
334 event.preventDefault();
335 break;
336 //escape
337 case 27:
338 this.hide();
339 event.preventDefault();
340 break;
341 //tab
342 case 9:
343 if (this.highlightOption) {
344 this.selectItem(this.highlightOption);
345 }
346 this.hide();
347 break;
348 }
349 }
350 else {
351 if (event.which === 40 && this.suggestions) {
352 this.search(event, event.target.value);
353 }
354 }
355 if (this.multiple) {
356 switch (event.which) {
357 //backspace
358 case 8:
359 if (this.value && this.value.length && !this.multiInputEL.nativeElement.value) {
360 this.value = [...this.value];
361 const removedValue = this.value.pop();
362 this.onModelChange(this.value);
363 this.updateFilledState();
364 this.onUnselect.emit(removedValue);
365 }
366 break;
367 }
368 }
369 this.inputKeyDown = true;
370 }
371 onKeyup(event) {
372 this.onKeyUp.emit(event);
373 }
374 onInputFocus(event) {
375 if (!this.itemClicked && this.completeOnFocus) {
376 let queryValue = this.multiple ? this.multiInputEL.nativeElement.value : this.inputEL.nativeElement.value;
377 this.search(event, queryValue);
378 }
379 this.focus = true;
380 this.onFocus.emit(event);
381 this.itemClicked = false;
382 }
383 onInputBlur(event) {
384 this.focus = false;
385 this.onModelTouched();
386 this.onBlur.emit(event);
387 }
388 onInputChange(event) {
389 if (this.forceSelection) {
390 let valid = false;
391 let inputValue = event.target.value.trim();
392 if (this.suggestions) {
393 for (let suggestion of this.suggestions) {
394 let itemValue = this.field ? ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(suggestion, this.field) : suggestion;
395 if (itemValue && inputValue === itemValue.trim()) {
396 valid = true;
397 this.forceSelectionUpdateModelTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
398 this.selectItem(suggestion, false);
399 }, 250);
400 break;
401 }
402 }
403 }
404 if (!valid) {
405 if (this.multiple) {
406 this.multiInputEL.nativeElement.value = '';
407 }
408 else {
409 this.value = null;
410 this.inputEL.nativeElement.value = '';
411 }
412 this.onClear.emit(event);
413 this.onModelChange(this.value);
414 }
415 }
416 }
417 onInputPaste(event) {
418 this.onKeydown(event);
419 }
420 isSelected(val) {
421 let selected = false;
422 if (this.value && this.value.length) {
423 for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) {
424 if (ObjectUtils.equals(this.value[i], val, this.dataKey)) {
425 selected = true;
426 break;
427 }
428 }
429 }
430 return selected;
431 }
432 findOptionIndex(option) {
433 let index = -1;
434 if (this.suggestions) {
435 for (let i = 0; i < this.suggestions.length; i++) {
436 if (ObjectUtils.equals(option, this.suggestions[i])) {
437 index = i;
438 break;
439 }
440 }
441 }
442 return index;
443 }
444 updateFilledState() {
445 if (this.multiple)
446 this.filled = (this.value && this.value.length) || (this.multiInputEL && this.multiInputEL.nativeElement && this.multiInputEL.nativeElement.value != '');
447 else
448 this.filled = (this.inputFieldValue && this.inputFieldValue != '') || (this.inputEL && this.inputEL.nativeElement && this.inputEL.nativeElement.value != '');
449 ;
450 }
451 updateInputField() {
452 let formattedValue = this.value ? (this.field ? ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(this.value, this.field) || '' : this.value) : '';
453 this.inputFieldValue = formattedValue;
454 if (this.inputEL && this.inputEL.nativeElement) {
455 this.inputEL.nativeElement.value = formattedValue;
456 }
457 this.updateFilledState();
458 }
459 bindDocumentClickListener() {
460 if (!this.documentClickListener) {
461 const documentTarget = this.el ? this.el.nativeElement.ownerDocument : 'document';
462 this.documentClickListener = this.renderer.listen(documentTarget, 'click', (event) => {
463 if (event.which === 3) {
464 return;
465 }
466 if (!this.inputClick && !this.isDropdownClick(event)) {
467 this.hide();
468 }
469 this.inputClick = false;
470 this.cd.markForCheck();
471 });
472 }
473 }
474 isDropdownClick(event) {
475 if (this.dropdown) {
476 let target = event.target;
477 return (target === this.dropdownButton.nativeElement || target.parentNode === this.dropdownButton.nativeElement);
478 }
479 else {
480 return false;
481 }
482 }
483 unbindDocumentClickListener() {
484 if (this.documentClickListener) {
485 this.documentClickListener();
486 this.documentClickListener = null;
487 }
488 }
489 bindDocumentResizeListener() {
490 this.documentResizeListener = this.onWindowResize.bind(this);
491 window.addEventListener('resize', this.documentResizeListener);
492 }
493 unbindDocumentResizeListener() {
494 if (this.documentResizeListener) {
495 window.removeEventListener('resize', this.documentResizeListener);
496 this.documentResizeListener = null;
497 }
498 }
499 onWindowResize() {
500 this.hide();
501 }
502 bindScrollListener() {
503 if (!this.scrollHandler) {
504 this.scrollHandler = new ConnectedOverlayScrollHandler(this.containerEL.nativeElement, () => {
505 if (this.overlayVisible) {
506 this.hide();
507 }
508 });
509 }
510 this.scrollHandler.bindScrollListener();
511 }
512 unbindScrollListener() {
513 if (this.scrollHandler) {
514 this.scrollHandler.unbindScrollListener();
515 }
516 }
517 onOverlayHide() {
518 this.unbindDocumentClickListener();
519 this.unbindDocumentResizeListener();
520 this.unbindScrollListener();
521 this.overlay = null;
522 this.onHide.emit();
523 }
524 ngOnDestroy() {
525 if (this.forceSelectionUpdateModelTimeout) {
526 clearTimeout(this.forceSelectionUpdateModelTimeout);
527 this.forceSelectionUpdateModelTimeout = null;
528 }
529 if (this.scrollHandler) {
530 this.scrollHandler.destroy();
531 this.scrollHandler = null;
532 }
533 this.restoreOverlayAppend();
534 this.onOverlayHide();
535 }
537AutoComplete.decorators = [
538 { type: Component, args: [{
539 selector: 'p-autoComplete',
540 template: `
541 <span #container [ngClass]="{'p-autocomplete p-component':true,'p-autocomplete-dd':dropdown,'p-autocomplete-multiple':multiple}" [ngStyle]="style" [class]="styleClass">
542 <input *ngIf="!multiple" #in [attr.type]="type" [attr.id]="inputId" [ngStyle]="inputStyle" [class]="inputStyleClass" [autocomplete]="autocomplete" [attr.required]="required" [attr.name]="name"
543 class="p-autocomplete-input p-inputtext p-component" [ngClass]="{'p-autocomplete-dd-input':dropdown,'p-disabled': disabled}" [value]="inputFieldValue" aria-autocomplete="list" [attr.aria-controls]="listId" role="searchbox" [attr.aria-expanded]="overlayVisible" aria-haspopup="true" [attr.aria-activedescendant]="'p-highlighted-option'"
544 (click)="onInputClick($event)" (input)="onInput($event)" (keydown)="onKeydown($event)" (keyup)="onKeyup($event)" [attr.autofocus]="autofocus" (focus)="onInputFocus($event)" (blur)="onInputBlur($event)" (change)="onInputChange($event)" (paste)="onInputPaste($event)"
545 [attr.placeholder]="placeholder" [attr.size]="size" [attr.maxlength]="maxlength" [attr.tabindex]="tabindex" [readonly]="readonly" [disabled]="disabled" [attr.aria-label]="ariaLabel" [attr.aria-labelledby]="ariaLabelledBy" [attr.aria-required]="required"
546 ><ul *ngIf="multiple" #multiContainer class="p-autocomplete-multiple-container p-component p-inputtext" [ngClass]="{'p-disabled':disabled,'p-focus':focus}" (click)="multiIn.focus()">
547 <li #token *ngFor="let val of value" class="p-autocomplete-token">
548 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="selectedItemTemplate; context: {$implicit: val}"></ng-container>
549 <span *ngIf="!selectedItemTemplate" class="p-autocomplete-token-label">{{resolveFieldData(val)}}</span>
550 <span class="p-autocomplete-token-icon pi pi-times-circle" (click)="removeItem(token)" *ngIf="!disabled"></span>
551 </li>
552 <li class="p-autocomplete-input-token">
553 <input #multiIn [attr.type]="type" [attr.id]="inputId" [disabled]="disabled" [attr.placeholder]="(value&&value.length ? null : placeholder)" [attr.tabindex]="tabindex" [attr.maxlength]="maxlength" (input)="onInput($event)" (click)="onInputClick($event)"
554 (keydown)="onKeydown($event)" [readonly]="readonly" (keyup)="onKeyup($event)" [attr.autofocus]="autofocus" (focus)="onInputFocus($event)" (blur)="onInputBlur($event)" (change)="onInputChange($event)" (paste)="onInputPaste($event)" [autocomplete]="autocomplete"
555 [ngStyle]="inputStyle" [class]="inputStyleClass" [attr.aria-label]="ariaLabel" [attr.aria-labelledby]="ariaLabelledBy" [attr.aria-required]="required"
556 aria-autocomplete="list" [attr.aria-controls]="listId" role="searchbox" [attr.aria-expanded]="overlayVisible" aria-haspopup="true" [attr.aria-activedescendant]="'p-highlighted-option'">
557 </li>
558 </ul>
559 <i *ngIf="loading" class="p-autocomplete-loader pi pi-spinner pi-spin"></i><button #ddBtn type="button" pButton [icon]="dropdownIcon" class="p-autocomplete-dropdown" [disabled]="disabled" pRipple
560 (click)="handleDropdownClick($event)" *ngIf="dropdown" [attr.tabindex]="tabindex"></button>
561 <div #panel *ngIf="overlayVisible" [ngClass]="['p-autocomplete-panel p-component']" [style.max-height]="scrollHeight" [ngStyle]="panelStyle" [class]="panelStyleClass"
562 [@overlayAnimation]="{value: 'visible', params: {showTransitionParams: showTransitionOptions, hideTransitionParams: hideTransitionOptions}}" (@overlayAnimation.start)="onOverlayAnimationStart($event)" (@overlayAnimation.done)="onOverlayAnimationDone($event)" >
563 <ul role="listbox" [attr.id]="listId" class="p-autocomplete-items">
564 <li role="option" *ngFor="let option of suggestions; let idx = index" class="p-autocomplete-item" pRipple [ngClass]="{'p-highlight': (option === highlightOption)}" [id]="highlightOption == option ? 'p-highlighted-option':''" (click)="selectItem(option)">
565 <span *ngIf="!itemTemplate">{{resolveFieldData(option)}}</span>
566 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="itemTemplate; context: {$implicit: option, index: idx}"></ng-container>
567 </li>
568 <li *ngIf="noResults && emptyMessage" class="p-autocomplete-emptymessage p-autocomplete-item">{{emptyMessage}}</li>
569 </ul>
570 </div>
571 </span>
572 `,
573 animations: [
574 trigger('overlayAnimation', [
575 transition(':enter', [
576 style({ opacity: 0, transform: 'scaleY(0.8)' }),
577 animate('{{showTransitionParams}}')
578 ]),
579 transition(':leave', [
580 animate('{{hideTransitionParams}}', style({ opacity: 0 }))
581 ])
582 ])
583 ],
584 host: {
585 '[class.p-inputwrapper-filled]': 'filled',
586 '[class.p-inputwrapper-focus]': 'focus && !disabled'
587 },
589 changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
590 encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
591 styles: [".p-autocomplete{display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;position:relative}.p-autocomplete-loader{margin-top:-.5rem;position:absolute;top:50%}.p-autocomplete-dd .p-autocomplete-input{-ms-flex:1 1 auto;flex:1 1 auto;width:1%}.p-autocomplete-dd .p-autocomplete-input,.p-autocomplete-dd .p-autocomplete-multiple-container{border-bottom-right-radius:0;border-top-right-radius:0}.p-autocomplete-dd .p-autocomplete-dropdown{border-bottom-left-radius:0;border-top-left-radius:0}.p-autocomplete .p-autocomplete-panel{min-width:100%}.p-autocomplete-panel{overflow:auto;position:absolute}.p-autocomplete-items{list-style-type:none;margin:0;padding:0}.p-autocomplete-item{cursor:pointer;overflow:hidden;position:relative;white-space:nowrap}.p-autocomplete-multiple-container{-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;cursor:text;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;list-style-type:none;margin:0;overflow:hidden;padding:0}.p-autocomplete-token{-ms-flex:0 0 auto;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;cursor:default;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;flex:0 0 auto}.p-autocomplete-token-icon{cursor:pointer}.p-autocomplete-input-token{-ms-flex:1 1 auto;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;flex:1 1 auto}.p-autocomplete-input-token input{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);border:0;border-radius:0;box-shadow:none;margin:0;outline:0 none;padding:0;width:100%}.p-fluid .p-autocomplete{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex}.p-fluid .p-autocomplete-dd .p-autocomplete-input{width:1%}"]
592 },] }
594AutoComplete.ctorParameters = () => [
595 { type: ElementRef },
596 { type: Renderer2 },
597 { type: ChangeDetectorRef },
598 { type: IterableDiffers }
600AutoComplete.propDecorators = {
601 minLength: [{ type: Input }],
602 delay: [{ type: Input }],
603 style: [{ type: Input }],
604 panelStyle: [{ type: Input }],
605 styleClass: [{ type: Input }],
606 panelStyleClass: [{ type: Input }],
607 inputStyle: [{ type: Input }],
608 inputId: [{ type: Input }],
609 inputStyleClass: [{ type: Input }],
610 placeholder: [{ type: Input }],
611 readonly: [{ type: Input }],
612 disabled: [{ type: Input }],
613 maxlength: [{ type: Input }],
614 name: [{ type: Input }],
615 required: [{ type: Input }],
616 size: [{ type: Input }],
617 appendTo: [{ type: Input }],
618 autoHighlight: [{ type: Input }],
619 forceSelection: [{ type: Input }],
620 type: [{ type: Input }],
621 autoZIndex: [{ type: Input }],
622 baseZIndex: [{ type: Input }],
623 ariaLabel: [{ type: Input }],
624 ariaLabelledBy: [{ type: Input }],
625 dropdownIcon: [{ type: Input }],
626 unique: [{ type: Input }],
627 completeOnFocus: [{ type: Input }],
628 completeMethod: [{ type: Output }],
629 onSelect: [{ type: Output }],
630 onUnselect: [{ type: Output }],
631 onFocus: [{ type: Output }],
632 onBlur: [{ type: Output }],
633 onDropdownClick: [{ type: Output }],
634 onClear: [{ type: Output }],
635 onKeyUp: [{ type: Output }],
636 onShow: [{ type: Output }],
637 onHide: [{ type: Output }],
638 field: [{ type: Input }],
639 scrollHeight: [{ type: Input }],
640 dropdown: [{ type: Input }],
641 dropdownMode: [{ type: Input }],
642 multiple: [{ type: Input }],
643 tabindex: [{ type: Input }],
644 dataKey: [{ type: Input }],
645 emptyMessage: [{ type: Input }],
646 showTransitionOptions: [{ type: Input }],
647 hideTransitionOptions: [{ type: Input }],
648 autofocus: [{ type: Input }],
649 autocomplete: [{ type: Input }],
650 containerEL: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['container',] }],
651 inputEL: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['in',] }],
652 multiInputEL: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['multiIn',] }],
653 multiContainerEL: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['multiContainer',] }],
654 dropdownButton: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['ddBtn',] }],
655 templates: [{ type: ContentChildren, args: [PrimeTemplate,] }],
656 suggestions: [{ type: Input }]
658class AutoCompleteModule {
660AutoCompleteModule.decorators = [
661 { type: NgModule, args: [{
662 imports: [CommonModule, InputTextModule, ButtonModule, SharedModule, RippleModule],
663 exports: [AutoComplete, SharedModule],
664 declarations: [AutoComplete]
665 },] }
669 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.
670 */
672export { AUTOCOMPLETE_VALUE_ACCESSOR, AutoComplete, AutoCompleteModule };
673//# sourceMappingURL=primeng-autocomplete.js.map