108 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { Injectable, EventEmitter, Component, ViewEncapsulation, ElementRef, NgZone, Input, Output, ViewChild, ContentChildren, ChangeDetectorRef, Directive, HostListener, ChangeDetectionStrategy, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
2import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
3import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
4import { DomHandler } from 'primeng/dom';
5import { PaginatorModule } from 'primeng/paginator';
6import { PrimeTemplate, SharedModule } from 'primeng/api';
7import { ObjectUtils, FilterUtils } from 'primeng/utils';
8import { RippleModule } from 'primeng/ripple';
9import { CdkVirtualScrollViewport, ScrollingModule } from '@angular/cdk/scrolling';
11class TreeTableService {
12 constructor() {
13 this.sortSource = new Subject();
14 this.selectionSource = new Subject();
15 this.contextMenuSource = new Subject();
16 this.uiUpdateSource = new Subject();
17 this.totalRecordsSource = new Subject();
18 this.sortSource$ = this.sortSource.asObservable();
19 this.selectionSource$ = this.selectionSource.asObservable();
20 this.contextMenuSource$ = this.contextMenuSource.asObservable();
21 this.uiUpdateSource$ = this.uiUpdateSource.asObservable();
22 this.totalRecordsSource$ = this.totalRecordsSource.asObservable();
23 }
24 onSort(sortMeta) {
25 this.sortSource.next(sortMeta);
26 }
27 onSelectionChange() {
28 this.selectionSource.next();
29 }
30 onContextMenu(node) {
31 this.contextMenuSource.next(node);
32 }
33 onUIUpdate(value) {
34 this.uiUpdateSource.next(value);
35 }
36 onTotalRecordsChange(value) {
37 this.totalRecordsSource.next(value);
38 }
40TreeTableService.decorators = [
41 { type: Injectable }
43class TreeTable {
44 constructor(el, zone, tableService) {
45 this.el = el;
46 this.zone = zone;
47 this.tableService = tableService;
48 this.lazy = false;
49 this.lazyLoadOnInit = true;
50 this.first = 0;
51 this.pageLinks = 5;
52 this.alwaysShowPaginator = true;
53 this.paginatorPosition = 'bottom';
54 this.currentPageReportTemplate = '{currentPage} of {totalPages}';
55 this.showPageLinks = true;
56 this.defaultSortOrder = 1;
57 this.sortMode = 'single';
58 this.resetPageOnSort = true;
59 this.selectionChange = new EventEmitter();
60 this.contextMenuSelectionChange = new EventEmitter();
61 this.contextMenuSelectionMode = "separate";
62 this.compareSelectionBy = 'deepEquals';
63 this.loadingIcon = 'pi pi-spinner';
64 this.showLoader = true;
65 this.virtualScrollDelay = 150;
66 this.virtualRowHeight = 28;
67 this.columnResizeMode = 'fit';
68 this.rowTrackBy = (index, item) => item;
69 this.filters = {};
70 this.filterDelay = 300;
71 this.filterMode = 'lenient';
72 this.onFilter = new EventEmitter();
73 this.onNodeExpand = new EventEmitter();
74 this.onNodeCollapse = new EventEmitter();
75 this.onPage = new EventEmitter();
76 this.onSort = new EventEmitter();
77 this.onLazyLoad = new EventEmitter();
78 this.sortFunction = new EventEmitter();
79 this.onColResize = new EventEmitter();
80 this.onColReorder = new EventEmitter();
81 this.onNodeSelect = new EventEmitter();
82 this.onNodeUnselect = new EventEmitter();
83 this.onContextMenuSelect = new EventEmitter();
84 this.onHeaderCheckboxToggle = new EventEmitter();
85 this.onEditInit = new EventEmitter();
86 this.onEditComplete = new EventEmitter();
87 this.onEditCancel = new EventEmitter();
88 this._value = [];
89 this._totalRecords = 0;
90 this._sortOrder = 1;
91 this.selectionKeys = {};
92 }
93 ngOnInit() {
94 if (this.lazy && this.lazyLoadOnInit) {
95 this.onLazyLoad.emit(this.createLazyLoadMetadata());
96 }
97 this.initialized = true;
98 }
99 ngAfterContentInit() {
100 this.templates.forEach((item) => {
101 switch (item.getType()) {
102 case 'caption':
103 this.captionTemplate = item.template;
104 break;
105 case 'header':
106 this.headerTemplate = item.template;
107 break;
108 case 'body':
109 this.bodyTemplate = item.template;
110 break;
111 case 'loadingbody':
112 this.loadingBodyTemplate = item.template;
113 break;
114 case 'footer':
115 this.footerTemplate = item.template;
116 break;
117 case 'summary':
118 this.summaryTemplate = item.template;
119 break;
120 case 'colgroup':
121 this.colGroupTemplate = item.template;
122 break;
123 case 'emptymessage':
124 this.emptyMessageTemplate = item.template;
125 break;
126 case 'paginatorleft':
127 this.paginatorLeftTemplate = item.template;
128 break;
129 case 'paginatorright':
130 this.paginatorRightTemplate = item.template;
131 break;
132 case 'frozenheader':
133 this.frozenHeaderTemplate = item.template;
134 break;
135 case 'frozenbody':
136 this.frozenBodyTemplate = item.template;
137 break;
138 case 'frozenfooter':
139 this.frozenFooterTemplate = item.template;
140 break;
141 case 'frozencolgroup':
142 this.frozenColGroupTemplate = item.template;
143 break;
144 }
145 });
146 }
147 ngOnChanges(simpleChange) {
148 if (simpleChange.value) {
149 this._value = simpleChange.value.currentValue;
150 if (!this.lazy) {
151 this.totalRecords = (this._value ? this._value.length : 0);
152 if (this.sortMode == 'single' && this.sortField)
153 this.sortSingle();
154 else if (this.sortMode == 'multiple' && this.multiSortMeta)
155 this.sortMultiple();
156 else if (this.hasFilter()) //sort already filters
157 this._filter();
158 }
159 this.updateSerializedValue();
160 this.tableService.onUIUpdate(this.value);
161 }
162 if (simpleChange.sortField) {
163 this._sortField = simpleChange.sortField.currentValue;
164 //avoid triggering lazy load prior to lazy initialization at onInit
165 if (!this.lazy || this.initialized) {
166 if (this.sortMode === 'single') {
167 this.sortSingle();
168 }
169 }
170 }
171 if (simpleChange.sortOrder) {
172 this._sortOrder = simpleChange.sortOrder.currentValue;
173 //avoid triggering lazy load prior to lazy initialization at onInit
174 if (!this.lazy || this.initialized) {
175 if (this.sortMode === 'single') {
176 this.sortSingle();
177 }
178 }
179 }
180 if (simpleChange.multiSortMeta) {
181 this._multiSortMeta = simpleChange.multiSortMeta.currentValue;
182 if (this.sortMode === 'multiple') {
183 this.sortMultiple();
184 }
185 }
186 if (simpleChange.selection) {
187 this._selection = simpleChange.selection.currentValue;
188 if (!this.preventSelectionSetterPropagation) {
189 this.updateSelectionKeys();
190 this.tableService.onSelectionChange();
191 }
192 this.preventSelectionSetterPropagation = false;
193 }
194 }
195 get value() {
196 return this._value;
197 }
198 set value(val) {
199 this._value = val;
200 }
201 updateSerializedValue() {
202 this.serializedValue = [];
203 if (this.paginator)
204 this.serializePageNodes();
205 else
206 this.serializeNodes(null, this.filteredNodes || this.value, 0, true);
207 }
208 serializeNodes(parent, nodes, level, visible) {
209 if (nodes && nodes.length) {
210 for (let node of nodes) {
211 node.parent = parent;
212 const rowNode = {
213 node: node,
214 parent: parent,
215 level: level,
216 visible: visible && (parent ? parent.expanded : true)
217 };
218 this.serializedValue.push(rowNode);
219 if (rowNode.visible && node.expanded) {
220 this.serializeNodes(node, node.children, level + 1, rowNode.visible);
221 }
222 }
223 }
224 }
225 serializePageNodes() {
226 let data = this.filteredNodes || this.value;
227 this.serializedValue = [];
228 if (data && data.length) {
229 const first = this.lazy ? 0 : this.first;
230 for (let i = first; i < (first + this.rows); i++) {
231 let node = data[i];
232 if (node) {
233 this.serializedValue.push({
234 node: node,
235 parent: null,
236 level: 0,
237 visible: true
238 });
239 this.serializeNodes(node, node.children, 1, true);
240 }
241 }
242 }
243 }
244 get totalRecords() {
245 return this._totalRecords;
246 }
247 set totalRecords(val) {
248 this._totalRecords = val;
249 this.tableService.onTotalRecordsChange(this._totalRecords);
250 }
251 get sortField() {
252 return this._sortField;
253 }
254 set sortField(val) {
255 this._sortField = val;
256 }
257 get sortOrder() {
258 return this._sortOrder;
259 }
260 set sortOrder(val) {
261 this._sortOrder = val;
262 }
263 get multiSortMeta() {
264 return this._multiSortMeta;
265 }
266 set multiSortMeta(val) {
267 this._multiSortMeta = val;
268 }
269 get selection() {
270 return this._selection;
271 }
272 set selection(val) {
273 this._selection = val;
274 }
275 updateSelectionKeys() {
276 if (this.dataKey && this._selection) {
277 this.selectionKeys = {};
278 if (Array.isArray(this._selection)) {
279 for (let node of this._selection) {
280 this.selectionKeys[String(ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(node.data, this.dataKey))] = 1;
281 }
282 }
283 else {
284 this.selectionKeys[String(ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(this._selection.data, this.dataKey))] = 1;
285 }
286 }
287 }
288 onPageChange(event) {
289 this.first = event.first;
290 this.rows = event.rows;
291 if (this.lazy)
292 this.onLazyLoad.emit(this.createLazyLoadMetadata());
293 else
294 this.serializePageNodes();
295 this.onPage.emit({
296 first: this.first,
297 rows: this.rows
298 });
299 this.tableService.onUIUpdate(this.value);
300 if (this.scrollable) {
301 this.resetScrollTop();
302 }
303 }
304 sort(event) {
305 let originalEvent = event.originalEvent;
306 if (this.sortMode === 'single') {
307 this._sortOrder = (this.sortField === event.field) ? this.sortOrder * -1 : this.defaultSortOrder;
308 this._sortField = event.field;
309 this.sortSingle();
310 if (this.resetPageOnSort && this.scrollable) {
311 this.resetScrollTop();
312 }
313 }
314 if (this.sortMode === 'multiple') {
315 let metaKey = originalEvent.metaKey || originalEvent.ctrlKey;
316 let sortMeta = this.getSortMeta(event.field);
317 if (sortMeta) {
318 if (!metaKey) {
319 this._multiSortMeta = [{ field: event.field, order: sortMeta.order * -1 }];
320 if (this.resetPageOnSort && this.scrollable) {
321 this.resetScrollTop();
322 }
323 }
324 else {
325 sortMeta.order = sortMeta.order * -1;
326 }
327 }
328 else {
329 if (!metaKey || !this.multiSortMeta) {
330 this._multiSortMeta = [];
331 if (this.resetPageOnSort && this.scrollable) {
332 this.resetScrollTop();
333 }
334 }
335 this.multiSortMeta.push({ field: event.field, order: this.defaultSortOrder });
336 }
337 this.sortMultiple();
338 }
339 }
340 sortSingle() {
341 if (this.sortField && this.sortOrder) {
342 if (this.lazy) {
343 this.onLazyLoad.emit(this.createLazyLoadMetadata());
344 }
345 else if (this.value) {
346 this.sortNodes(this.value);
347 if (this.hasFilter()) {
348 this._filter();
349 }
350 }
351 let sortMeta = {
352 field: this.sortField,
353 order: this.sortOrder
354 };
355 this.onSort.emit(sortMeta);
356 this.tableService.onSort(sortMeta);
357 this.updateSerializedValue();
358 }
359 }
360 sortNodes(nodes) {
361 if (!nodes || nodes.length === 0) {
362 return;
363 }
364 if (this.customSort) {
365 this.sortFunction.emit({
366 data: nodes,
367 mode: this.sortMode,
368 field: this.sortField,
369 order: this.sortOrder
370 });
371 }
372 else {
373 nodes.sort((node1, node2) => {
374 let value1 = ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(node1.data, this.sortField);
375 let value2 = ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(node2.data, this.sortField);
376 let result = null;
377 if (value1 == null && value2 != null)
378 result = -1;
379 else if (value1 != null && value2 == null)
380 result = 1;
381 else if (value1 == null && value2 == null)
382 result = 0;
383 else if (typeof value1 === 'string' && typeof value2 === 'string')
384 result = value1.localeCompare(value2, undefined, { numeric: true });
385 else
386 result = (value1 < value2) ? -1 : (value1 > value2) ? 1 : 0;
387 return (this.sortOrder * result);
388 });
389 }
390 for (let node of nodes) {
391 this.sortNodes(node.children);
392 }
393 }
394 sortMultiple() {
395 if (this.multiSortMeta) {
396 if (this.lazy) {
397 this.onLazyLoad.emit(this.createLazyLoadMetadata());
398 }
399 else if (this.value) {
400 this.sortMultipleNodes(this.value);
401 if (this.hasFilter()) {
402 this._filter();
403 }
404 }
405 this.onSort.emit({
406 multisortmeta: this.multiSortMeta
407 });
408 this.updateSerializedValue();
409 this.tableService.onSort(this.multiSortMeta);
410 }
411 }
412 sortMultipleNodes(nodes) {
413 if (!nodes || nodes.length === 0) {
414 return;
415 }
416 if (this.customSort) {
417 this.sortFunction.emit({
418 data: this.value,
419 mode: this.sortMode,
420 multiSortMeta: this.multiSortMeta
421 });
422 }
423 else {
424 nodes.sort((node1, node2) => {
425 return this.multisortField(node1, node2, this.multiSortMeta, 0);
426 });
427 }
428 for (let node of nodes) {
429 this.sortMultipleNodes(node.children);
430 }
431 }
432 multisortField(node1, node2, multiSortMeta, index) {
433 let value1 = ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(node1.data, multiSortMeta[index].field);
434 let value2 = ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(node2.data, multiSortMeta[index].field);
435 let result = null;
436 if (value1 == null && value2 != null)
437 result = -1;
438 else if (value1 != null && value2 == null)
439 result = 1;
440 else if (value1 == null && value2 == null)
441 result = 0;
442 if (typeof value1 == 'string' || value1 instanceof String) {
443 if (value1.localeCompare && (value1 != value2)) {
444 return (multiSortMeta[index].order * value1.localeCompare(value2, undefined, { numeric: true }));
445 }
446 }
447 else {
448 result = (value1 < value2) ? -1 : 1;
449 }
450 if (value1 == value2) {
451 return (multiSortMeta.length - 1) > (index) ? (this.multisortField(node1, node2, multiSortMeta, index + 1)) : 0;
452 }
453 return (multiSortMeta[index].order * result);
454 }
455 getSortMeta(field) {
456 if (this.multiSortMeta && this.multiSortMeta.length) {
457 for (let i = 0; i < this.multiSortMeta.length; i++) {
458 if (this.multiSortMeta[i].field === field) {
459 return this.multiSortMeta[i];
460 }
461 }
462 }
463 return null;
464 }
465 isSorted(field) {
466 if (this.sortMode === 'single') {
467 return (this.sortField && this.sortField === field);
468 }
469 else if (this.sortMode === 'multiple') {
470 let sorted = false;
471 if (this.multiSortMeta) {
472 for (let i = 0; i < this.multiSortMeta.length; i++) {
473 if (this.multiSortMeta[i].field == field) {
474 sorted = true;
475 break;
476 }
477 }
478 }
479 return sorted;
480 }
481 }
482 createLazyLoadMetadata() {
483 return {
484 first: this.first,
485 rows: this.rows,
486 sortField: this.sortField,
487 sortOrder: this.sortOrder,
488 filters: this.filters,
489 globalFilter: this.filters && this.filters['global'] ? this.filters['global'].value : null,
490 multiSortMeta: this.multiSortMeta
491 };
492 }
493 resetScrollTop() {
494 if (this.virtualScroll)
495 this.scrollToVirtualIndex(0);
496 else
497 this.scrollTo({ top: 0 });
498 }
499 scrollToVirtualIndex(index) {
500 if (this.scrollableViewChild) {
501 this.scrollableViewChild.scrollToVirtualIndex(index);
502 }
503 if (this.scrollableFrozenViewChild) {
504 this.scrollableFrozenViewChild.scrollToVirtualIndex(index);
505 }
506 }
507 scrollTo(options) {
508 if (this.scrollableViewChild) {
509 this.scrollableViewChild.scrollTo(options);
510 }
511 if (this.scrollableFrozenViewChild) {
512 this.scrollableFrozenViewChild.scrollTo(options);
513 }
514 }
515 isEmpty() {
516 let data = this.filteredNodes || this.value;
517 return data == null || data.length == 0;
518 }
519 getBlockableElement() {
520 return this.el.nativeElement.children[0];
521 }
522 onColumnResizeBegin(event) {
523 let containerLeft = DomHandler.getOffset(this.containerViewChild.nativeElement).left;
524 this.lastResizerHelperX = (event.pageX - containerLeft + this.containerViewChild.nativeElement.scrollLeft);
525 event.preventDefault();
526 }
527 onColumnResize(event) {
528 let containerLeft = DomHandler.getOffset(this.containerViewChild.nativeElement).left;
529 DomHandler.addClass(this.containerViewChild.nativeElement, 'p-unselectable-text');
530 this.resizeHelperViewChild.nativeElement.style.height = this.containerViewChild.nativeElement.offsetHeight + 'px';
531 this.resizeHelperViewChild.nativeElement.style.top = 0 + 'px';
532 this.resizeHelperViewChild.nativeElement.style.left = (event.pageX - containerLeft + this.containerViewChild.nativeElement.scrollLeft) + 'px';
533 this.resizeHelperViewChild.nativeElement.style.display = 'block';
534 }
535 onColumnResizeEnd(event, column) {
536 let delta = this.resizeHelperViewChild.nativeElement.offsetLeft - this.lastResizerHelperX;
537 let columnWidth = column.offsetWidth;
538 let newColumnWidth = columnWidth + delta;
539 let minWidth = column.style.minWidth || 15;
540 if (columnWidth + delta > parseInt(minWidth)) {
541 if (this.columnResizeMode === 'fit') {
542 let nextColumn = column.nextElementSibling;
543 while (!nextColumn.offsetParent) {
544 nextColumn = nextColumn.nextElementSibling;
545 }
546 if (nextColumn) {
547 let nextColumnWidth = nextColumn.offsetWidth - delta;
548 let nextColumnMinWidth = nextColumn.style.minWidth || 15;
549 if (newColumnWidth > 15 && nextColumnWidth > parseInt(nextColumnMinWidth)) {
550 if (this.scrollable) {
551 let scrollableView = this.findParentScrollableView(column);
552 let scrollableBodyTable = DomHandler.findSingle(scrollableView, '.p-treetable-scrollable-body table');
553 let scrollableHeaderTable = DomHandler.findSingle(scrollableView, 'table.p-treetable-scrollable-header-table');
554 let scrollableFooterTable = DomHandler.findSingle(scrollableView, 'table.p-treetable-scrollable-footer-table');
555 let resizeColumnIndex = DomHandler.index(column);
556 this.resizeColGroup(scrollableHeaderTable, resizeColumnIndex, newColumnWidth, nextColumnWidth);
557 this.resizeColGroup(scrollableBodyTable, resizeColumnIndex, newColumnWidth, nextColumnWidth);
558 this.resizeColGroup(scrollableFooterTable, resizeColumnIndex, newColumnWidth, nextColumnWidth);
559 }
560 else {
561 column.style.width = newColumnWidth + 'px';
562 if (nextColumn) {
563 nextColumn.style.width = nextColumnWidth + 'px';
564 }
565 }
566 }
567 }
568 }
569 else if (this.columnResizeMode === 'expand') {
570 if (this.scrollable) {
571 let scrollableView = this.findParentScrollableView(column);
572 let scrollableBody = DomHandler.findSingle(scrollableView, '.p-treetable-scrollable-body');
573 let scrollableHeader = DomHandler.findSingle(scrollableView, '.p-treetable-scrollable-header');
574 let scrollableFooter = DomHandler.findSingle(scrollableView, '.p-treetable-scrollable-footer');
575 let scrollableBodyTable = DomHandler.findSingle(scrollableView, '.p-treetable-scrollable-body table');
576 let scrollableHeaderTable = DomHandler.findSingle(scrollableView, 'table.p-treetable-scrollable-header-table');
577 let scrollableFooterTable = DomHandler.findSingle(scrollableView, 'table.p-treetable-scrollable-footer-table');
578 scrollableBodyTable.style.width = scrollableBodyTable.offsetWidth + delta + 'px';
579 scrollableHeaderTable.style.width = scrollableHeaderTable.offsetWidth + delta + 'px';
580 if (scrollableFooterTable) {
581 scrollableFooterTable.style.width = scrollableFooterTable.offsetWidth + delta + 'px';
582 }
583 let resizeColumnIndex = DomHandler.index(column);
584 const scrollableBodyTableWidth = column ? scrollableBodyTable.offsetWidth + delta : newColumnWidth;
585 const scrollableHeaderTableWidth = column ? scrollableHeaderTable.offsetWidth + delta : newColumnWidth;
586 const isContainerInViewport = this.containerViewChild.nativeElement.offsetWidth >= scrollableBodyTableWidth;
587 let setWidth = (container, table, width, isContainerInViewport) => {
588 if (container && table) {
589 container.style.width = isContainerInViewport ? width + DomHandler.calculateScrollbarWidth(scrollableBody) + 'px' : 'auto';
590 table.style.width = width + 'px';
591 }
592 };
593 setWidth(scrollableBody, scrollableBodyTable, scrollableBodyTableWidth, isContainerInViewport);
594 setWidth(scrollableHeader, scrollableHeaderTable, scrollableHeaderTableWidth, isContainerInViewport);
595 setWidth(scrollableFooter, scrollableFooterTable, scrollableHeaderTableWidth, isContainerInViewport);
596 this.resizeColGroup(scrollableHeaderTable, resizeColumnIndex, newColumnWidth, null);
597 this.resizeColGroup(scrollableBodyTable, resizeColumnIndex, newColumnWidth, null);
598 this.resizeColGroup(scrollableFooterTable, resizeColumnIndex, newColumnWidth, null);
599 }
600 else {
601 this.tableViewChild.nativeElement.style.width = this.tableViewChild.nativeElement.offsetWidth + delta + 'px';
602 column.style.width = newColumnWidth + 'px';
603 let containerWidth = this.tableViewChild.nativeElement.style.width;
604 this.containerViewChild.nativeElement.style.width = containerWidth + 'px';
605 }
606 }
607 this.onColResize.emit({
608 element: column,
609 delta: delta
610 });
611 }
612 this.resizeHelperViewChild.nativeElement.style.display = 'none';
613 DomHandler.removeClass(this.containerViewChild.nativeElement, 'p-unselectable-text');
614 }
615 findParentScrollableView(column) {
616 if (column) {
617 let parent = column.parentElement;
618 while (parent && !DomHandler.hasClass(parent, 'p-treetable-scrollable-view')) {
619 parent = parent.parentElement;
620 }
621 return parent;
622 }
623 else {
624 return null;
625 }
626 }
627 resizeColGroup(table, resizeColumnIndex, newColumnWidth, nextColumnWidth) {
628 if (table) {
629 let colGroup = table.children[0].nodeName === 'COLGROUP' ? table.children[0] : null;
630 if (colGroup) {
631 let col = colGroup.children[resizeColumnIndex];
632 let nextCol = col.nextElementSibling;
633 col.style.width = newColumnWidth + 'px';
634 if (nextCol && nextColumnWidth) {
635 nextCol.style.width = nextColumnWidth + 'px';
636 }
637 }
638 else {
639 throw "Scrollable tables require a colgroup to support resizable columns";
640 }
641 }
642 }
643 onColumnDragStart(event, columnElement) {
644 this.reorderIconWidth = DomHandler.getHiddenElementOuterWidth(this.reorderIndicatorUpViewChild.nativeElement);
645 this.reorderIconHeight = DomHandler.getHiddenElementOuterHeight(this.reorderIndicatorDownViewChild.nativeElement);
646 this.draggedColumn = columnElement;
647 event.dataTransfer.setData('text', 'b'); // For firefox
648 }
649 onColumnDragEnter(event, dropHeader) {
650 if (this.reorderableColumns && this.draggedColumn && dropHeader) {
651 event.preventDefault();
652 let containerOffset = DomHandler.getOffset(this.containerViewChild.nativeElement);
653 let dropHeaderOffset = DomHandler.getOffset(dropHeader);
654 if (this.draggedColumn != dropHeader) {
655 let targetLeft = dropHeaderOffset.left - containerOffset.left;
656 let targetTop = containerOffset.top - dropHeaderOffset.top;
657 let columnCenter = dropHeaderOffset.left + dropHeader.offsetWidth / 2;
658 this.reorderIndicatorUpViewChild.nativeElement.style.top = dropHeaderOffset.top - containerOffset.top - (this.reorderIconHeight - 1) + 'px';
659 this.reorderIndicatorDownViewChild.nativeElement.style.top = dropHeaderOffset.top - containerOffset.top + dropHeader.offsetHeight + 'px';
660 if (event.pageX > columnCenter) {
661 this.reorderIndicatorUpViewChild.nativeElement.style.left = (targetLeft + dropHeader.offsetWidth - Math.ceil(this.reorderIconWidth / 2)) + 'px';
662 this.reorderIndicatorDownViewChild.nativeElement.style.left = (targetLeft + dropHeader.offsetWidth - Math.ceil(this.reorderIconWidth / 2)) + 'px';
663 this.dropPosition = 1;
664 }
665 else {
666 this.reorderIndicatorUpViewChild.nativeElement.style.left = (targetLeft - Math.ceil(this.reorderIconWidth / 2)) + 'px';
667 this.reorderIndicatorDownViewChild.nativeElement.style.left = (targetLeft - Math.ceil(this.reorderIconWidth / 2)) + 'px';
668 this.dropPosition = -1;
669 }
670 this.reorderIndicatorUpViewChild.nativeElement.style.display = 'block';
671 this.reorderIndicatorDownViewChild.nativeElement.style.display = 'block';
672 }
673 else {
674 event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none';
675 }
676 }
677 }
678 onColumnDragLeave(event) {
679 if (this.reorderableColumns && this.draggedColumn) {
680 event.preventDefault();
681 this.reorderIndicatorUpViewChild.nativeElement.style.display = 'none';
682 this.reorderIndicatorDownViewChild.nativeElement.style.display = 'none';
683 }
684 }
685 onColumnDrop(event, dropColumn) {
686 event.preventDefault();
687 if (this.draggedColumn) {
688 let dragIndex = DomHandler.indexWithinGroup(this.draggedColumn, 'ttreorderablecolumn');
689 let dropIndex = DomHandler.indexWithinGroup(dropColumn, 'ttreorderablecolumn');
690 let allowDrop = (dragIndex != dropIndex);
691 if (allowDrop && ((dropIndex - dragIndex == 1 && this.dropPosition === -1) || (dragIndex - dropIndex == 1 && this.dropPosition === 1))) {
692 allowDrop = false;
693 }
694 if (allowDrop && ((dropIndex < dragIndex && this.dropPosition === 1))) {
695 dropIndex = dropIndex + 1;
696 }
697 if (allowDrop && ((dropIndex > dragIndex && this.dropPosition === -1))) {
698 dropIndex = dropIndex - 1;
699 }
700 if (allowDrop) {
701 ObjectUtils.reorderArray(this.columns, dragIndex, dropIndex);
702 this.onColReorder.emit({
703 dragIndex: dragIndex,
704 dropIndex: dropIndex,
705 columns: this.columns
706 });
707 }
708 this.reorderIndicatorUpViewChild.nativeElement.style.display = 'none';
709 this.reorderIndicatorDownViewChild.nativeElement.style.display = 'none';
710 this.draggedColumn.draggable = false;
711 this.draggedColumn = null;
712 this.dropPosition = null;
713 }
714 }
715 handleRowClick(event) {
716 let targetNode = event.originalEvent.target.nodeName;
717 if (targetNode == 'INPUT' || targetNode == 'BUTTON' || targetNode == 'A' || (DomHandler.hasClass(event.originalEvent.target, 'p-clickable'))) {
718 return;
719 }
720 if (this.selectionMode) {
721 this.preventSelectionSetterPropagation = true;
722 let rowNode = event.rowNode;
723 let selected = this.isSelected(rowNode.node);
724 let metaSelection = this.rowTouched ? false : this.metaKeySelection;
725 let dataKeyValue = this.dataKey ? String(ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(rowNode.node.data, this.dataKey)) : null;
726 if (metaSelection) {
727 let metaKey = event.originalEvent.metaKey || event.originalEvent.ctrlKey;
728 if (selected && metaKey) {
729 if (this.isSingleSelectionMode()) {
730 this._selection = null;
731 this.selectionKeys = {};
732 this.selectionChange.emit(null);
733 }
734 else {
735 let selectionIndex = this.findIndexInSelection(rowNode.node);
736 this._selection = this.selection.filter((val, i) => i != selectionIndex);
737 this.selectionChange.emit(this.selection);
738 if (dataKeyValue) {
739 delete this.selectionKeys[dataKeyValue];
740 }
741 }
742 this.onNodeUnselect.emit({ originalEvent: event.originalEvent, node: rowNode.node, type: 'row' });
743 }
744 else {
745 if (this.isSingleSelectionMode()) {
746 this._selection = rowNode.node;
747 this.selectionChange.emit(rowNode.node);
748 if (dataKeyValue) {
749 this.selectionKeys = {};
750 this.selectionKeys[dataKeyValue] = 1;
751 }
752 }
753 else if (this.isMultipleSelectionMode()) {
754 if (metaKey) {
755 this._selection = this.selection || [];
756 }
757 else {
758 this._selection = [];
759 this.selectionKeys = {};
760 }
761 this._selection = [...this.selection, rowNode.node];
762 this.selectionChange.emit(this.selection);
763 if (dataKeyValue) {
764 this.selectionKeys[dataKeyValue] = 1;
765 }
766 }
767 this.onNodeSelect.emit({ originalEvent: event.originalEvent, node: rowNode.node, type: 'row', index: event.rowIndex });
768 }
769 }
770 else {
771 if (this.selectionMode === 'single') {
772 if (selected) {
773 this._selection = null;
774 this.selectionKeys = {};
775 this.selectionChange.emit(this.selection);
776 this.onNodeUnselect.emit({ originalEvent: event.originalEvent, node: rowNode.node, type: 'row' });
777 }
778 else {
779 this._selection = rowNode.node;
780 this.selectionChange.emit(this.selection);
781 this.onNodeSelect.emit({ originalEvent: event.originalEvent, node: rowNode.node, type: 'row', index: event.rowIndex });
782 if (dataKeyValue) {
783 this.selectionKeys = {};
784 this.selectionKeys[dataKeyValue] = 1;
785 }
786 }
787 }
788 else if (this.selectionMode === 'multiple') {
789 if (selected) {
790 let selectionIndex = this.findIndexInSelection(rowNode.node);
791 this._selection = this.selection.filter((val, i) => i != selectionIndex);
792 this.selectionChange.emit(this.selection);
793 this.onNodeUnselect.emit({ originalEvent: event.originalEvent, node: rowNode.node, type: 'row' });
794 if (dataKeyValue) {
795 delete this.selectionKeys[dataKeyValue];
796 }
797 }
798 else {
799 this._selection = this.selection ? [...this.selection, rowNode.node] : [rowNode.node];
800 this.selectionChange.emit(this.selection);
801 this.onNodeSelect.emit({ originalEvent: event.originalEvent, node: rowNode.node, type: 'row', index: event.rowIndex });
802 if (dataKeyValue) {
803 this.selectionKeys[dataKeyValue] = 1;
804 }
805 }
806 }
807 }
808 this.tableService.onSelectionChange();
809 }
810 this.rowTouched = false;
811 }
812 handleRowTouchEnd(event) {
813 this.rowTouched = true;
814 }
815 handleRowRightClick(event) {
816 if (this.contextMenu) {
817 const node = event.rowNode.node;
818 if (this.contextMenuSelectionMode === 'separate') {
819 this.contextMenuSelection = node;
820 this.contextMenuSelectionChange.emit(node);
821 this.onContextMenuSelect.emit({ originalEvent: event.originalEvent, node: node });
822 this.contextMenu.show(event.originalEvent);
823 this.tableService.onContextMenu(node);
824 }
825 else if (this.contextMenuSelectionMode === 'joint') {
826 this.preventSelectionSetterPropagation = true;
827 let selected = this.isSelected(node);
828 let dataKeyValue = this.dataKey ? String(ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(node.data, this.dataKey)) : null;
829 if (!selected) {
830 if (this.isSingleSelectionMode()) {
831 this.selection = node;
832 this.selectionChange.emit(node);
833 }
834 else if (this.isMultipleSelectionMode()) {
835 this.selection = [node];
836 this.selectionChange.emit(this.selection);
837 }
838 if (dataKeyValue) {
839 this.selectionKeys[dataKeyValue] = 1;
840 }
841 }
842 this.contextMenu.show(event.originalEvent);
843 this.onContextMenuSelect.emit({ originalEvent: event.originalEvent, node: node });
844 }
845 }
846 }
847 toggleNodeWithCheckbox(event) {
848 this.selection = this.selection || [];
849 this.preventSelectionSetterPropagation = true;
850 let node = event.rowNode.node;
851 let selected = this.isSelected(node);
852 if (selected) {
853 this.propagateSelectionDown(node, false);
854 if (event.rowNode.parent) {
855 this.propagateSelectionUp(node.parent, false);
856 }
857 this.selectionChange.emit(this.selection);
858 this.onNodeUnselect.emit({ originalEvent: event, node: node });
859 }
860 else {
861 this.propagateSelectionDown(node, true);
862 if (event.rowNode.parent) {
863 this.propagateSelectionUp(node.parent, true);
864 }
865 this.selectionChange.emit(this.selection);
866 this.onNodeSelect.emit({ originalEvent: event, node: node });
867 }
868 this.tableService.onSelectionChange();
869 }
870 toggleNodesWithCheckbox(event, check) {
871 let data = this.filteredNodes || this.value;
872 this._selection = check && data ? data.slice() : [];
873 if (check) {
874 if (data && data.length) {
875 for (let node of data) {
876 this.propagateSelectionDown(node, true);
877 }
878 }
879 }
880 else {
881 this._selection = [];
882 this.selectionKeys = {};
883 }
884 this.preventSelectionSetterPropagation = true;
885 this.selectionChange.emit(this._selection);
886 this.tableService.onSelectionChange();
887 this.onHeaderCheckboxToggle.emit({ originalEvent: event, checked: check });
888 }
889 propagateSelectionUp(node, select) {
890 if (node.children && node.children.length) {
891 let selectedChildCount = 0;
892 let childPartialSelected = false;
893 let dataKeyValue = this.dataKey ? String(ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(node.data, this.dataKey)) : null;
894 for (let child of node.children) {
895 if (this.isSelected(child))
896 selectedChildCount++;
897 else if (child.partialSelected)
898 childPartialSelected = true;
899 }
900 if (select && selectedChildCount == node.children.length) {
901 this._selection = [...this.selection || [], node];
902 node.partialSelected = false;
903 if (dataKeyValue) {
904 this.selectionKeys[dataKeyValue] = 1;
905 }
906 }
907 else {
908 if (!select) {
909 let index = this.findIndexInSelection(node);
910 if (index >= 0) {
911 this._selection = this.selection.filter((val, i) => i != index);
912 if (dataKeyValue) {
913 delete this.selectionKeys[dataKeyValue];
914 }
915 }
916 }
917 if (childPartialSelected || selectedChildCount > 0 && selectedChildCount != node.children.length)
918 node.partialSelected = true;
919 else
920 node.partialSelected = false;
921 }
922 }
923 let parent = node.parent;
924 if (parent) {
925 this.propagateSelectionUp(parent, select);
926 }
927 }
928 propagateSelectionDown(node, select) {
929 let index = this.findIndexInSelection(node);
930 let dataKeyValue = this.dataKey ? String(ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(node.data, this.dataKey)) : null;
931 if (select && index == -1) {
932 this._selection = [...this.selection || [], node];
933 if (dataKeyValue) {
934 this.selectionKeys[dataKeyValue] = 1;
935 }
936 }
937 else if (!select && index > -1) {
938 this._selection = this.selection.filter((val, i) => i != index);
939 if (dataKeyValue) {
940 delete this.selectionKeys[dataKeyValue];
941 }
942 }
943 node.partialSelected = false;
944 if (node.children && node.children.length) {
945 for (let child of node.children) {
946 this.propagateSelectionDown(child, select);
947 }
948 }
949 }
950 isSelected(node) {
951 if (node && this.selection) {
952 if (this.dataKey) {
953 return this.selectionKeys[ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(node.data, this.dataKey)] !== undefined;
954 }
955 else {
956 if (this.selection instanceof Array)
957 return this.findIndexInSelection(node) > -1;
958 else
959 return this.equals(node, this.selection);
960 }
961 }
962 return false;
963 }
964 findIndexInSelection(node) {
965 let index = -1;
966 if (this.selection && this.selection.length) {
967 for (let i = 0; i < this.selection.length; i++) {
968 if (this.equals(node, this.selection[i])) {
969 index = i;
970 break;
971 }
972 }
973 }
974 return index;
975 }
976 isSingleSelectionMode() {
977 return this.selectionMode === 'single';
978 }
979 isMultipleSelectionMode() {
980 return this.selectionMode === 'multiple';
981 }
982 equals(node1, node2) {
983 return this.compareSelectionBy === 'equals' ? (node1 === node2) : ObjectUtils.equals(node1.data, node2.data, this.dataKey);
984 }
985 filter(value, field, matchMode) {
986 if (this.filterTimeout) {
987 clearTimeout(this.filterTimeout);
988 }
989 if (!this.isFilterBlank(value)) {
990 this.filters[field] = { value: value, matchMode: matchMode };
991 }
992 else if (this.filters[field]) {
993 delete this.filters[field];
994 }
995 this.filterTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
996 this._filter();
997 this.filterTimeout = null;
998 }, this.filterDelay);
999 }
1000 filterGlobal(value, matchMode) {
1001 this.filter(value, 'global', matchMode);
1002 }
1003 isFilterBlank(filter) {
1004 if (filter !== null && filter !== undefined) {
1005 if ((typeof filter === 'string' && filter.trim().length == 0) || (filter instanceof Array && filter.length == 0))
1006 return true;
1007 else
1008 return false;
1009 }
1010 return true;
1011 }
1012 _filter() {
1013 if (this.lazy) {
1014 this.onLazyLoad.emit(this.createLazyLoadMetadata());
1015 }
1016 else {
1017 if (!this.value) {
1018 return;
1019 }
1020 if (!this.hasFilter()) {
1021 this.filteredNodes = null;
1022 if (this.paginator) {
1023 this.totalRecords = this.value ? this.value.length : 0;
1024 }
1025 }
1026 else {
1027 let globalFilterFieldsArray;
1028 if (this.filters['global']) {
1029 if (!this.columns && !this.globalFilterFields)
1030 throw new Error('Global filtering requires dynamic columns or globalFilterFields to be defined.');
1031 else
1032 globalFilterFieldsArray = this.globalFilterFields || this.columns;
1033 }
1034 this.filteredNodes = [];
1035 const isStrictMode = this.filterMode === 'strict';
1036 let isValueChanged = false;
1037 for (let node of this.value) {
1038 let copyNode = Object.assign({}, node);
1039 let localMatch = true;
1040 let globalMatch = false;
1041 let paramsWithoutNode;
1042 for (let prop in this.filters) {
1043 if (this.filters.hasOwnProperty(prop) && prop !== 'global') {
1044 let filterMeta = this.filters[prop];
1045 let filterField = prop;
1046 let filterValue = filterMeta.value;
1047 let filterMatchMode = filterMeta.matchMode || 'startsWith';
1048 let filterConstraint = FilterUtils[filterMatchMode];
1049 paramsWithoutNode = { filterField, filterValue, filterConstraint, isStrictMode };
1050 if ((isStrictMode && !(this.findFilteredNodes(copyNode, paramsWithoutNode) || this.isFilterMatched(copyNode, paramsWithoutNode))) ||
1051 (!isStrictMode && !(this.isFilterMatched(copyNode, paramsWithoutNode) || this.findFilteredNodes(copyNode, paramsWithoutNode)))) {
1052 localMatch = false;
1053 }
1054 if (!localMatch) {
1055 break;
1056 }
1057 }
1058 }
1059 if (this.filters['global'] && !globalMatch && globalFilterFieldsArray) {
1060 for (let j = 0; j < globalFilterFieldsArray.length; j++) {
1061 let copyNodeForGlobal = Object.assign({}, copyNode);
1062 let filterField = globalFilterFieldsArray[j].field || globalFilterFieldsArray[j];
1063 let filterValue = this.filters['global'].value;
1064 let filterConstraint = FilterUtils[this.filters['global'].matchMode];
1065 paramsWithoutNode = { filterField, filterValue, filterConstraint, isStrictMode };
1066 if ((isStrictMode && (this.findFilteredNodes(copyNodeForGlobal, paramsWithoutNode) || this.isFilterMatched(copyNodeForGlobal, paramsWithoutNode))) ||
1067 (!isStrictMode && (this.isFilterMatched(copyNodeForGlobal, paramsWithoutNode) || this.findFilteredNodes(copyNodeForGlobal, paramsWithoutNode)))) {
1068 globalMatch = true;
1069 copyNode = copyNodeForGlobal;
1070 }
1071 }
1072 }
1073 let matches = localMatch;
1074 if (this.filters['global']) {
1075 matches = localMatch && globalMatch;
1076 }
1077 if (matches) {
1078 this.filteredNodes.push(copyNode);
1079 }
1080 isValueChanged = isValueChanged || !localMatch || globalMatch || (localMatch && this.filteredNodes.length > 0) || (!globalMatch && this.filteredNodes.length === 0);
1081 }
1082 if (!isValueChanged) {
1083 this.filteredNodes = null;
1084 }
1085 if (this.paginator) {
1086 this.totalRecords = this.filteredNodes ? this.filteredNodes.length : this.value ? this.value.length : 0;
1087 }
1088 }
1089 }
1090 this.first = 0;
1091 const filteredValue = this.filteredNodes || this.value;
1092 this.onFilter.emit({
1093 filters: this.filters,
1094 filteredValue: filteredValue
1095 });
1096 this.tableService.onUIUpdate(filteredValue);
1097 this.updateSerializedValue();
1098 if (this.scrollable) {
1099 this.resetScrollTop();
1100 }
1101 }
1102 findFilteredNodes(node, paramsWithoutNode) {
1103 if (node) {
1104 let matched = false;
1105 if (node.children) {
1106 let childNodes = [...node.children];
1107 node.children = [];
1108 for (let childNode of childNodes) {
1109 let copyChildNode = Object.assign({}, childNode);
1110 if (this.isFilterMatched(copyChildNode, paramsWithoutNode)) {
1111 matched = true;
1112 node.children.push(copyChildNode);
1113 }
1114 }
1115 }
1116 if (matched) {
1117 return true;
1118 }
1119 }
1120 }
1121 isFilterMatched(node, { filterField, filterValue, filterConstraint, isStrictMode }) {
1122 let matched = false;
1123 let dataFieldValue = ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(node.data, filterField);
1124 if (filterConstraint(dataFieldValue, filterValue, this.filterLocale)) {
1125 matched = true;
1126 }
1127 if (!matched || (isStrictMode && !this.isNodeLeaf(node))) {
1128 matched = this.findFilteredNodes(node, { filterField, filterValue, filterConstraint, isStrictMode }) || matched;
1129 }
1130 return matched;
1131 }
1132 isNodeLeaf(node) {
1133 return node.leaf === false ? false : !(node.children && node.children.length);
1134 }
1135 hasFilter() {
1136 let empty = true;
1137 for (let prop in this.filters) {
1138 if (this.filters.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
1139 empty = false;
1140 break;
1141 }
1142 }
1143 return !empty;
1144 }
1145 reset() {
1146 this._sortField = null;
1147 this._sortOrder = 1;
1148 this._multiSortMeta = null;
1149 this.tableService.onSort(null);
1150 this.filteredNodes = null;
1151 this.filters = {};
1152 this.first = 0;
1153 if (this.lazy) {
1154 this.onLazyLoad.emit(this.createLazyLoadMetadata());
1155 }
1156 else {
1157 this.totalRecords = (this._value ? this._value.length : 0);
1158 }
1159 }
1160 updateEditingCell(cell) {
1161 this.editingCell = cell;
1162 this.bindDocumentEditListener();
1163 }
1164 isEditingCellValid() {
1165 return (this.editingCell && DomHandler.find(this.editingCell, '.ng-invalid.ng-dirty').length === 0);
1166 }
1167 bindDocumentEditListener() {
1168 if (!this.documentEditListener) {
1169 this.documentEditListener = (event) => {
1170 if (this.editingCell && !this.editingCellClick && this.isEditingCellValid()) {
1171 DomHandler.removeClass(this.editingCell, 'p-cell-editing');
1172 this.editingCell = null;
1173 this.unbindDocumentEditListener();
1174 }
1175 this.editingCellClick = false;
1176 };
1177 document.addEventListener('click', this.documentEditListener);
1178 }
1179 }
1180 unbindDocumentEditListener() {
1181 if (this.documentEditListener) {
1182 document.removeEventListener('click', this.documentEditListener);
1183 this.documentEditListener = null;
1184 }
1185 }
1186 ngOnDestroy() {
1187 this.unbindDocumentEditListener();
1188 this.editingCell = null;
1189 this.initialized = null;
1190 }
1192TreeTable.decorators = [
1193 { type: Component, args: [{
1194 selector: 'p-treeTable',
1195 template: `
1196 <div #container [ngStyle]="style" [class]="styleClass" data-scrollselectors=".p-treetable-scrollable-body"
1197 [ngClass]="{'p-treetable p-component': true,
1198 'p-treetable-hoverable-rows': (rowHover||(selectionMode === 'single' || selectionMode === 'multiple')),
1199 'p-treetable-auto-layout': autoLayout,
1200 'p-treetable-resizable': resizableColumns,
1201 'p-treetable-resizable-fit': (resizableColumns && columnResizeMode === 'fit'),
1202 'p-treetable-flex-scrollable': (scrollable && scrollHeight === 'flex')}">
1203 <div class="p-treetable-loading" *ngIf="loading && showLoader">
1204 <div class="p-treetable-loading-overlay p-component-overlay">
1205 <i [class]="'p-treetable-loading-icon pi-spin ' + loadingIcon"></i>
1206 </div>
1207 </div>
1208 <div *ngIf="captionTemplate" class="p-treetable-header">
1209 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="captionTemplate"></ng-container>
1210 </div>
1211 <p-paginator [rows]="rows" [first]="first" [totalRecords]="totalRecords" [pageLinkSize]="pageLinks" styleClass="p-paginator-top" [alwaysShow]="alwaysShowPaginator"
1212 (onPageChange)="onPageChange($event)" [rowsPerPageOptions]="rowsPerPageOptions" *ngIf="paginator && (paginatorPosition === 'top' || paginatorPosition =='both')"
1213 [templateLeft]="paginatorLeftTemplate" [templateRight]="paginatorRightTemplate" [dropdownAppendTo]="paginatorDropdownAppendTo"
1214 [currentPageReportTemplate]="currentPageReportTemplate" [showCurrentPageReport]="showCurrentPageReport" [showJumpToPageDropdown]="showJumpToPageDropdown" [showPageLinks]="showPageLinks"></p-paginator>
1216 <div class="p-treetable-wrapper" *ngIf="!scrollable">
1217 <table #table [ngClass]="tableStyleClass" [ngStyle]="tableStyle">
1218 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="colGroupTemplate; context {$implicit: columns}"></ng-container>
1219 <thead class="p-treetable-thead">
1220 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="headerTemplate; context: {$implicit: columns}"></ng-container>
1221 </thead>
1222 <tbody class="p-treetable-tbody" [pTreeTableBody]="columns" [pTreeTableBodyTemplate]="bodyTemplate"></tbody>
1223 <tfoot class="p-treetable-tfoot">
1224 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="footerTemplate; context {$implicit: columns}"></ng-container>
1225 </tfoot>
1226 </table>
1227 </div>
1229 <div class="p-treetable-scrollable-wrapper" *ngIf="scrollable">
1230 <div class="p-treetable-scrollable-view p-treetable-frozen-view" *ngIf="frozenColumns||frozenBodyTemplate" #scrollableFrozenView [ttScrollableView]="frozenColumns" [frozen]="true" [ngStyle]="{width: frozenWidth}" [scrollHeight]="scrollHeight"></div>
1231 <div class="p-treetable-scrollable-view" #scrollableView [ttScrollableView]="columns" [frozen]="false" [scrollHeight]="scrollHeight" [ngStyle]="{left: frozenWidth, width: 'calc(100% - '+frozenWidth+')'}"></div>
1232 </div>
1234 <p-paginator [rows]="rows" [first]="first" [totalRecords]="totalRecords" [pageLinkSize]="pageLinks" styleClass="p-paginator-bottom" [alwaysShow]="alwaysShowPaginator"
1235 (onPageChange)="onPageChange($event)" [rowsPerPageOptions]="rowsPerPageOptions" *ngIf="paginator && (paginatorPosition === 'bottom' || paginatorPosition =='both')"
1236 [templateLeft]="paginatorLeftTemplate" [templateRight]="paginatorRightTemplate" [dropdownAppendTo]="paginatorDropdownAppendTo"
1237 [currentPageReportTemplate]="currentPageReportTemplate" [showCurrentPageReport]="showCurrentPageReport" [showJumpToPageDropdown]="showJumpToPageDropdown" [showPageLinks]="showPageLinks"></p-paginator>
1238 <div *ngIf="summaryTemplate" class="p-treetable-footer">
1239 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="summaryTemplate"></ng-container>
1240 </div>
1242 <div #resizeHelper class="p-column-resizer-helper" style="display:none" *ngIf="resizableColumns"></div>
1244 <span #reorderIndicatorUp class="pi pi-arrow-down p-treetable-reorder-indicator-up" *ngIf="reorderableColumns"></span>
1245 <span #reorderIndicatorDown class="pi pi-arrow-up p-treetable-reorder-indicator-down" *ngIf="reorderableColumns"></span>
1246 </div>
1247 `,
1248 providers: [TreeTableService],
1249 encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
1250 styles: [".p-treetable{position:relative}.p-treetable table{border-collapse:collapse;table-layout:fixed;width:100%}.p-treetable .p-sortable-column{-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;-webkit-user-select:none;cursor:pointer;user-select:none}.p-treetable .p-sortable-column .p-column-title,.p-treetable .p-sortable-column .p-sortable-column-badge,.p-treetable .p-sortable-column .p-sortable-column-icon{vertical-align:middle}.p-treetable .p-sortable-column .p-sortable-column-badge{-ms-flex-align:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;align-items:center;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;justify-content:center}.p-treetable-auto-layout>.p-treetable-wrapper{overflow-x:auto}.p-treetable-auto-layout>.p-treetable-wrapper>table{table-layout:auto}.p-treetable-hoverable-rows .p-treetable-tbody>tr{cursor:pointer}.p-treetable-toggler{-moz-user-select:none;-ms-flex-align:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;-ms-user-select:none;-webkit-user-select:none;align-items:center;cursor:pointer;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;justify-content:center;overflow:hidden;position:relative;user-select:none}.p-treetable-toggler,p-treetabletoggler+p-treetablecheckbox+span,p-treetabletoggler+p-treetablecheckbox .p-checkbox{vertical-align:middle}.p-treetable-scrollable-wrapper{position:relative}.p-treetable-scrollable-footer,.p-treetable-scrollable-header{overflow:hidden}.p-treetable-scrollable-body{overflow:auto;position:relative}.p-treetable-scrollable-body>table>.p-treetable-tbody>tr:first-child>td{border-top:0}.p-treetable-virtual-table{position:absolute}.p-treetable-frozen-view .p-treetable-scrollable-body{overflow:hidden}.p-treetable-frozen-view>.p-treetable-scrollable-body>table>.p-treetable-tbody>tr>td:last-child{border-right:0}.p-treetable-unfrozen-view{position:absolute;top:0}.p-treetable-flex-scrollable,.p-treetable-flex-scrollable .p-treetable-scrollable-view,.p-treetable-flex-scrollable .p-treetable-scrollable-wrapper{-ms-flex:1;-ms-flex-direction:column;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;flex:1;flex-direction:column;height:100%}.p-treetable-flex-scrollable .p-treetable-scrollable-body{-ms-flex:1;flex:1}.p-treetable-resizable>.p-treetable-wrapper{overflow-x:auto}.p-treetable-resizable .p-treetable-tbody>tr>td,.p-treetable-resizable .p-treetable-tfoot>tr>td,.p-treetable-resizable .p-treetable-thead>tr>th{overflow:hidden}.p-treetable-resizable .p-resizable-column{background-clip:padding-box;position:relative}.p-treetable-resizable-fit .p-resizable-column:last-child .p-column-resizer{display:none}.p-treetable .p-column-resizer{border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0);cursor:col-resize;display:block;height:100%;margin:0;padding:0;position:absolute!important;right:0;top:0;width:.5rem}.p-treetable .p-column-resizer-helper{display:none;position:absolute;width:1px;z-index:10}.p-treetable .p-row-editor-cancel,.p-treetable .p-row-editor-init,.p-treetable .p-row-editor-save,.p-treetable .p-row-toggler{-ms-flex-align:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;align-items:center;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;justify-content:center;overflow:hidden;position:relative}.p-treetable-reorder-indicator-down,.p-treetable-reorder-indicator-up{display:none;position:absolute}.p-treetable .p-treetable-loading-overlay{-ms-flex-align:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;align-items:center;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;justify-content:center;position:absolute;z-index:2}"]
1251 },] }
1253TreeTable.ctorParameters = () => [
1254 { type: ElementRef },
1255 { type: NgZone },
1256 { type: TreeTableService }
1258TreeTable.propDecorators = {
1259 columns: [{ type: Input }],
1260 style: [{ type: Input }],
1261 styleClass: [{ type: Input }],
1262 tableStyle: [{ type: Input }],
1263 tableStyleClass: [{ type: Input }],
1264 autoLayout: [{ type: Input }],
1265 lazy: [{ type: Input }],
1266 lazyLoadOnInit: [{ type: Input }],
1267 paginator: [{ type: Input }],
1268 rows: [{ type: Input }],
1269 first: [{ type: Input }],
1270 pageLinks: [{ type: Input }],
1271 rowsPerPageOptions: [{ type: Input }],
1272 alwaysShowPaginator: [{ type: Input }],
1273 paginatorPosition: [{ type: Input }],
1274 paginatorDropdownAppendTo: [{ type: Input }],
1275 currentPageReportTemplate: [{ type: Input }],
1276 showCurrentPageReport: [{ type: Input }],
1277 showJumpToPageDropdown: [{ type: Input }],
1278 showPageLinks: [{ type: Input }],
1279 defaultSortOrder: [{ type: Input }],
1280 sortMode: [{ type: Input }],
1281 resetPageOnSort: [{ type: Input }],
1282 customSort: [{ type: Input }],
1283 selectionMode: [{ type: Input }],
1284 selectionChange: [{ type: Output }],
1285 contextMenuSelection: [{ type: Input }],
1286 contextMenuSelectionChange: [{ type: Output }],
1287 contextMenuSelectionMode: [{ type: Input }],
1288 dataKey: [{ type: Input }],
1289 metaKeySelection: [{ type: Input }],
1290 compareSelectionBy: [{ type: Input }],
1291 rowHover: [{ type: Input }],
1292 loading: [{ type: Input }],
1293 loadingIcon: [{ type: Input }],
1294 showLoader: [{ type: Input }],
1295 scrollable: [{ type: Input }],
1296 scrollHeight: [{ type: Input }],
1297 virtualScroll: [{ type: Input }],
1298 virtualScrollDelay: [{ type: Input }],
1299 virtualRowHeight: [{ type: Input }],
1300 minBufferPx: [{ type: Input }],
1301 maxBufferPx: [{ type: Input }],
1302 frozenWidth: [{ type: Input }],
1303 frozenColumns: [{ type: Input }],
1304 resizableColumns: [{ type: Input }],
1305 columnResizeMode: [{ type: Input }],
1306 reorderableColumns: [{ type: Input }],
1307 contextMenu: [{ type: Input }],
1308 rowTrackBy: [{ type: Input }],
1309 filters: [{ type: Input }],
1310 globalFilterFields: [{ type: Input }],
1311 filterDelay: [{ type: Input }],
1312 filterMode: [{ type: Input }],
1313 filterLocale: [{ type: Input }],
1314 onFilter: [{ type: Output }],
1315 onNodeExpand: [{ type: Output }],
1316 onNodeCollapse: [{ type: Output }],
1317 onPage: [{ type: Output }],
1318 onSort: [{ type: Output }],
1319 onLazyLoad: [{ type: Output }],
1320 sortFunction: [{ type: Output }],
1321 onColResize: [{ type: Output }],
1322 onColReorder: [{ type: Output }],
1323 onNodeSelect: [{ type: Output }],
1324 onNodeUnselect: [{ type: Output }],
1325 onContextMenuSelect: [{ type: Output }],
1326 onHeaderCheckboxToggle: [{ type: Output }],
1327 onEditInit: [{ type: Output }],
1328 onEditComplete: [{ type: Output }],
1329 onEditCancel: [{ type: Output }],
1330 containerViewChild: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['container',] }],
1331 resizeHelperViewChild: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['resizeHelper',] }],
1332 reorderIndicatorUpViewChild: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['reorderIndicatorUp',] }],
1333 reorderIndicatorDownViewChild: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['reorderIndicatorDown',] }],
1334 tableViewChild: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['table',] }],
1335 scrollableViewChild: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['scrollableView',] }],
1336 scrollableFrozenViewChild: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['scrollableFrozenView',] }],
1337 templates: [{ type: ContentChildren, args: [PrimeTemplate,] }],
1338 value: [{ type: Input }],
1339 totalRecords: [{ type: Input }],
1340 sortField: [{ type: Input }],
1341 sortOrder: [{ type: Input }],
1342 multiSortMeta: [{ type: Input }],
1343 selection: [{ type: Input }]
1345class TTBody {
1346 constructor(tt, treeTableService, cd) {
1347 this.tt = tt;
1348 this.treeTableService = treeTableService;
1349 this.cd = cd;
1350 this.subscription = this.tt.tableService.uiUpdateSource$.subscribe(() => {
1351 if (this.tt.virtualScroll) {
1352 this.cd.detectChanges();
1353 }
1354 });
1355 }
1356 ngOnDestroy() {
1357 if (this.subscription) {
1358 this.subscription.unsubscribe();
1359 }
1360 }
1362TTBody.decorators = [
1363 { type: Component, args: [{
1364 selector: '[pTreeTableBody]',
1365 template: `
1366 <ng-container *ngIf="!tt.virtualScroll">
1367 <ng-template ngFor let-serializedNode let-rowIndex="index" [ngForOf]="tt.serializedValue" [ngForTrackBy]="tt.rowTrackBy">
1368 <ng-container *ngIf="serializedNode.visible">
1369 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="template; context: {$implicit: serializedNode, node: serializedNode.node, rowData: serializedNode.node.data, columns: columns}"></ng-container>
1370 </ng-container>
1371 </ng-template>
1372 </ng-container>
1373 <ng-container *ngIf="tt.virtualScroll">
1374 <ng-template cdkVirtualFor let-serializedNode let-rowIndex="index" [cdkVirtualForOf]="tt.serializedValue" [cdkVirtualForTrackBy]="tt.rowTrackBy" [cdkVirtualForTemplateCacheSize]="0">
1375 <ng-container *ngIf="serializedNode.visible">
1376 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="template; context: {$implicit: serializedNode, node: serializedNode.node, rowData: serializedNode.node.data, columns: columns}"></ng-container>
1377 </ng-container>
1378 </ng-template>
1379 </ng-container>
1380 <ng-container *ngIf="tt.isEmpty()">
1381 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="tt.emptyMessageTemplate; context: {$implicit: columns}"></ng-container>
1382 </ng-container>
1383 `,
1384 encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
1385 },] }
1387TTBody.ctorParameters = () => [
1388 { type: TreeTable },
1389 { type: TreeTableService },
1390 { type: ChangeDetectorRef }
1392TTBody.propDecorators = {
1393 columns: [{ type: Input, args: ["pTreeTableBody",] }],
1394 template: [{ type: Input, args: ["pTreeTableBodyTemplate",] }],
1395 frozen: [{ type: Input }]
1397class TTScrollableView {
1398 constructor(tt, el, zone) {
1399 this.tt = tt;
1400 this.el = el;
1401 this.zone = zone;
1402 }
1403 get scrollHeight() {
1404 return this._scrollHeight;
1405 }
1406 set scrollHeight(val) {
1407 this._scrollHeight = val;
1408 if (val != null && (val.includes('%') || val.includes('calc'))) {
1409 console.log('Percentage scroll height calculation is removed in favor of the more performant CSS based flex mode, use scrollHeight="flex" instead.');
1410 }
1411 }
1412 ngAfterViewInit() {
1413 if (!this.frozen) {
1414 if (this.tt.frozenColumns || this.tt.frozenBodyTemplate) {
1415 DomHandler.addClass(this.el.nativeElement, 'p-treetable-unfrozen-view');
1416 }
1417 let frozenView = this.el.nativeElement.previousElementSibling;
1418 if (frozenView) {
1419 if (this.tt.virtualScroll)
1420 this.frozenSiblingBody = DomHandler.findSingle(frozenView, '.p-treetable-virtual-scrollable-body');
1421 else
1422 this.frozenSiblingBody = DomHandler.findSingle(frozenView, '.p-treetable-scrollable-body');
1423 }
1424 let scrollBarWidth = DomHandler.calculateScrollbarWidth();
1425 this.scrollHeaderBoxViewChild.nativeElement.style.paddingRight = scrollBarWidth + 'px';
1426 if (this.scrollFooterBoxViewChild && this.scrollFooterBoxViewChild.nativeElement) {
1427 this.scrollFooterBoxViewChild.nativeElement.style.paddingRight = scrollBarWidth + 'px';
1428 }
1429 }
1430 else {
1431 if (this.scrollableAlignerViewChild && this.scrollableAlignerViewChild.nativeElement) {
1432 this.scrollableAlignerViewChild.nativeElement.style.height = DomHandler.calculateScrollbarHeight() + 'px';
1433 }
1434 }
1435 this.bindEvents();
1436 }
1437 bindEvents() {
1438 this.zone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
1439 if (this.scrollHeaderViewChild && this.scrollHeaderViewChild.nativeElement) {
1440 this.headerScrollListener = this.onHeaderScroll.bind(this);
1441 this.scrollHeaderBoxViewChild.nativeElement.addEventListener('scroll', this.headerScrollListener);
1442 }
1443 if (this.scrollFooterViewChild && this.scrollFooterViewChild.nativeElement) {
1444 this.footerScrollListener = this.onFooterScroll.bind(this);
1445 this.scrollFooterViewChild.nativeElement.addEventListener('scroll', this.footerScrollListener);
1446 }
1447 if (!this.frozen) {
1448 this.bodyScrollListener = this.onBodyScroll.bind(this);
1449 if (this.tt.virtualScroll)
1450 this.virtualScrollBody.getElementRef().nativeElement.addEventListener('scroll', this.bodyScrollListener);
1451 else
1452 this.scrollBodyViewChild.nativeElement.addEventListener('scroll', this.bodyScrollListener);
1453 }
1454 });
1455 }
1456 unbindEvents() {
1457 if (this.scrollHeaderViewChild && this.scrollHeaderViewChild.nativeElement) {
1458 this.scrollHeaderBoxViewChild.nativeElement.removeEventListener('scroll', this.headerScrollListener);
1459 }
1460 if (this.scrollFooterViewChild && this.scrollFooterViewChild.nativeElement) {
1461 this.scrollFooterViewChild.nativeElement.removeEventListener('scroll', this.footerScrollListener);
1462 }
1463 if (this.scrollBodyViewChild && this.scrollBodyViewChild.nativeElement) {
1464 this.scrollBodyViewChild.nativeElement.removeEventListener('scroll', this.bodyScrollListener);
1465 }
1466 if (this.virtualScrollBody && this.virtualScrollBody.getElementRef()) {
1467 this.virtualScrollBody.getElementRef().nativeElement.removeEventListener('scroll', this.bodyScrollListener);
1468 }
1469 }
1470 onHeaderScroll() {
1471 const scrollLeft = this.scrollHeaderViewChild.nativeElement.scrollLeft;
1472 this.scrollBodyViewChild.nativeElement.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
1473 if (this.scrollFooterViewChild && this.scrollFooterViewChild.nativeElement) {
1474 this.scrollFooterViewChild.nativeElement.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
1475 }
1476 this.preventBodyScrollPropagation = true;
1477 }
1478 onFooterScroll() {
1479 const scrollLeft = this.scrollFooterViewChild.nativeElement.scrollLeft;
1480 this.scrollBodyViewChild.nativeElement.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
1481 if (this.scrollHeaderViewChild && this.scrollHeaderViewChild.nativeElement) {
1482 this.scrollHeaderViewChild.nativeElement.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
1483 }
1484 this.preventBodyScrollPropagation = true;
1485 }
1486 onBodyScroll(event) {
1487 if (this.preventBodyScrollPropagation) {
1488 this.preventBodyScrollPropagation = false;
1489 return;
1490 }
1491 if (this.scrollHeaderViewChild && this.scrollHeaderViewChild.nativeElement) {
1492 this.scrollHeaderBoxViewChild.nativeElement.style.marginLeft = -1 * event.target.scrollLeft + 'px';
1493 }
1494 if (this.scrollFooterViewChild && this.scrollFooterViewChild.nativeElement) {
1495 this.scrollFooterBoxViewChild.nativeElement.style.marginLeft = -1 * event.target.scrollLeft + 'px';
1496 }
1497 if (this.frozenSiblingBody) {
1498 this.frozenSiblingBody.scrollTop = event.target.scrollTop;
1499 }
1500 }
1501 scrollToVirtualIndex(index) {
1502 if (this.virtualScrollBody) {
1503 this.virtualScrollBody.scrollToIndex(index);
1504 }
1505 }
1506 scrollTo(options) {
1507 if (this.virtualScrollBody) {
1508 this.virtualScrollBody.scrollTo(options);
1509 }
1510 else {
1511 if (this.scrollBodyViewChild.nativeElement.scrollTo) {
1512 this.scrollBodyViewChild.nativeElement.scrollTo(options);
1513 }
1514 else {
1515 this.scrollBodyViewChild.nativeElement.scrollLeft = options.left;
1516 this.scrollBodyViewChild.nativeElement.scrollTop = options.top;
1517 }
1518 }
1519 }
1520 ngOnDestroy() {
1521 this.unbindEvents();
1522 this.frozenSiblingBody = null;
1523 }
1525TTScrollableView.decorators = [
1526 { type: Component, args: [{
1527 selector: '[ttScrollableView]',
1528 template: `
1529 <div #scrollHeader class="p-treetable-scrollable-header">
1530 <div #scrollHeaderBox class="p-treetable-scrollable-header-box">
1531 <table class="p-treetable-scrollable-header-table" [ngClass]="tt.tableStyleClass" [ngStyle]="tt.tableStyle">
1532 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="frozen ? tt.frozenColGroupTemplate||tt.colGroupTemplate : tt.colGroupTemplate; context {$implicit: columns}"></ng-container>
1533 <thead class="p-treetable-thead">
1534 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="frozen ? tt.frozenHeaderTemplate||tt.headerTemplate : tt.headerTemplate; context {$implicit: columns}"></ng-container>
1535 </thead>
1536 </table>
1537 </div>
1538 </div>
1539 <ng-container *ngIf="!tt.virtualScroll; else virtualScrollTemplate">
1540 <div #scrollBody class="p-treetable-scrollable-body" [ngStyle]="{'max-height': tt.scrollHeight !== 'flex' ? scrollHeight : undefined, 'overflow-y': !frozen && tt.scrollHeight ? 'scroll' : undefined}">
1541 <table #scrollTable [class]="tt.tableStyleClass" [ngStyle]="tt.tableStyle">
1542 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="frozen ? tt.frozenColGroupTemplate||tt.colGroupTemplate : tt.colGroupTemplate; context {$implicit: columns}"></ng-container>
1543 <tbody class="p-treetable-tbody" [pTreeTableBody]="columns" [pTreeTableBodyTemplate]="frozen ? tt.frozenBodyTemplate||tt.bodyTemplate : tt.bodyTemplate" [frozen]="frozen"></tbody>
1544 </table>
1545 <div #scrollableAligner style="background-color:transparent" *ngIf="frozen"></div>
1546 </div>
1547 </ng-container>
1548 <ng-template #virtualScrollTemplate>
1549 <cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport [itemSize]="tt.virtualRowHeight" [style.height]="tt.scrollHeight !== 'flex' ? scrollHeight : undefined"
1550 [minBufferPx]="tt.minBufferPx" [maxBufferPx]="tt.maxBufferPx" class="p-treetable-virtual-scrollable-body">
1551 <table #scrollTable [class]="tt.tableStyleClass" [ngStyle]="tt.tableStyle">
1552 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="frozen ? tt.frozenColGroupTemplate||tt.colGroupTemplate : tt.colGroupTemplate; context {$implicit: columns}"></ng-container>
1553 <tbody class="p-treetable-tbody" [pTreeTableBody]="columns" [pTreeTableBodyTemplate]="frozen ? tt.frozenBodyTemplate||tt.bodyTemplate : tt.bodyTemplate" [frozen]="frozen"></tbody>
1554 </table>
1555 <div #scrollableAligner style="background-color:transparent" *ngIf="frozen"></div>
1556 </cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport>
1557 </ng-template>
1558 <div #scrollFooter *ngIf="tt.footerTemplate" class="p-treetable-scrollable-footer">
1559 <div #scrollFooterBox class="p-treetable-scrollable-footer-box">
1560 <table class="p-treetable-scrollable-footer-table" [ngClass]="tt.tableStyleClass" [ngStyle]="tt.tableStyle">
1561 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="frozen ? tt.frozenColGroupTemplate||tt.colGroupTemplate : tt.colGroupTemplate; context {$implicit: columns}"></ng-container>
1562 <tfoot class="p-treetable-tfoot">
1563 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="frozen ? tt.frozenFooterTemplate||tt.footerTemplate : tt.footerTemplate; context {$implicit: columns}"></ng-container>
1564 </tfoot>
1565 </table>
1566 </div>
1567 </div>
1568 `,
1569 encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
1570 },] }
1572TTScrollableView.ctorParameters = () => [
1573 { type: TreeTable },
1574 { type: ElementRef },
1575 { type: NgZone }
1577TTScrollableView.propDecorators = {
1578 columns: [{ type: Input, args: ["ttScrollableView",] }],
1579 frozen: [{ type: Input }],
1580 scrollHeaderViewChild: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['scrollHeader',] }],
1581 scrollHeaderBoxViewChild: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['scrollHeaderBox',] }],
1582 scrollBodyViewChild: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['scrollBody',] }],
1583 scrollTableViewChild: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['scrollTable',] }],
1584 scrollLoadingTableViewChild: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['loadingTable',] }],
1585 scrollFooterViewChild: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['scrollFooter',] }],
1586 scrollFooterBoxViewChild: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['scrollFooterBox',] }],
1587 scrollableAlignerViewChild: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['scrollableAligner',] }],
1588 virtualScrollBody: [{ type: ViewChild, args: [CdkVirtualScrollViewport,] }],
1589 scrollHeight: [{ type: Input }]
1591class TTSortableColumn {
1592 constructor(tt) {
1593 this.tt = tt;
1594 if (this.isEnabled()) {
1595 this.subscription = this.tt.tableService.sortSource$.subscribe(sortMeta => {
1596 this.updateSortState();
1597 });
1598 }
1599 }
1600 ngOnInit() {
1601 if (this.isEnabled()) {
1602 this.updateSortState();
1603 }
1604 }
1605 updateSortState() {
1606 this.sorted = this.tt.isSorted(this.field);
1607 }
1608 onClick(event) {
1609 if (this.isEnabled()) {
1610 this.updateSortState();
1611 this.tt.sort({
1612 originalEvent: event,
1613 field: this.field
1614 });
1615 DomHandler.clearSelection();
1616 }
1617 }
1618 onEnterKey(event) {
1619 this.onClick(event);
1620 }
1621 isEnabled() {
1622 return this.ttSortableColumnDisabled !== true;
1623 }
1624 ngOnDestroy() {
1625 if (this.subscription) {
1626 this.subscription.unsubscribe();
1627 }
1628 }
1630TTSortableColumn.decorators = [
1631 { type: Directive, args: [{
1632 selector: '[ttSortableColumn]',
1633 host: {
1634 '[class.p-sortable-column]': 'isEnabled()',
1635 '[class.p-highlight]': 'sorted',
1636 '[attr.tabindex]': 'isEnabled() ? "0" : null',
1637 '[attr.role]': '"columnheader"'
1638 }
1639 },] }
1641TTSortableColumn.ctorParameters = () => [
1642 { type: TreeTable }
1644TTSortableColumn.propDecorators = {
1645 field: [{ type: Input, args: ["ttSortableColumn",] }],
1646 ttSortableColumnDisabled: [{ type: Input }],
1647 onClick: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['click', ['$event'],] }],
1648 onEnterKey: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['keydown.enter', ['$event'],] }]
1650class TTSortIcon {
1651 constructor(tt, cd) {
1652 this.tt = tt;
1653 this.cd = cd;
1654 this.subscription = this.tt.tableService.sortSource$.subscribe(sortMeta => {
1655 this.updateSortState();
1656 this.cd.markForCheck();
1657 });
1658 }
1659 ngOnInit() {
1660 this.updateSortState();
1661 }
1662 onClick(event) {
1663 event.preventDefault();
1664 }
1665 updateSortState() {
1666 if (this.tt.sortMode === 'single') {
1667 this.sortOrder = this.tt.isSorted(this.field) ? this.tt.sortOrder : 0;
1668 }
1669 else if (this.tt.sortMode === 'multiple') {
1670 let sortMeta = this.tt.getSortMeta(this.field);
1671 this.sortOrder = sortMeta ? sortMeta.order : 0;
1672 }
1673 }
1674 ngOnDestroy() {
1675 if (this.subscription) {
1676 this.subscription.unsubscribe();
1677 }
1678 }
1680TTSortIcon.decorators = [
1681 { type: Component, args: [{
1682 selector: 'p-treeTableSortIcon',
1683 template: `
1684 <i class="p-sortable-column-icon pi pi-fw" [ngClass]="{'pi-sort-amount-up-alt': sortOrder === 1, 'pi-sort-amount-down': sortOrder === -1, 'pi-sort-alt': sortOrder === 0}"></i>
1685 `,
1686 encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
1687 changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
1688 },] }
1690TTSortIcon.ctorParameters = () => [
1691 { type: TreeTable },
1692 { type: ChangeDetectorRef }
1694TTSortIcon.propDecorators = {
1695 field: [{ type: Input }],
1696 ariaLabelDesc: [{ type: Input }],
1697 ariaLabelAsc: [{ type: Input }]
1699class TTResizableColumn {
1700 constructor(tt, el, zone) {
1701 this.tt = tt;
1702 this.el = el;
1703 this.zone = zone;
1704 }
1705 ngAfterViewInit() {
1706 if (this.isEnabled()) {
1707 DomHandler.addClass(this.el.nativeElement, 'p-resizable-column');
1708 this.resizer = document.createElement('span');
1709 this.resizer.className = 'p-column-resizer';
1710 this.el.nativeElement.appendChild(this.resizer);
1711 this.zone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
1712 this.resizerMouseDownListener = this.onMouseDown.bind(this);
1713 this.resizer.addEventListener('mousedown', this.resizerMouseDownListener);
1714 });
1715 }
1716 }
1717 bindDocumentEvents() {
1718 this.zone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
1719 this.documentMouseMoveListener = this.onDocumentMouseMove.bind(this);
1720 document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.documentMouseMoveListener);
1721 this.documentMouseUpListener = this.onDocumentMouseUp.bind(this);
1722 document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.documentMouseUpListener);
1723 });
1724 }
1725 unbindDocumentEvents() {
1726 if (this.documentMouseMoveListener) {
1727 document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.documentMouseMoveListener);
1728 this.documentMouseMoveListener = null;
1729 }
1730 if (this.documentMouseUpListener) {
1731 document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.documentMouseUpListener);
1732 this.documentMouseUpListener = null;
1733 }
1734 }
1735 onMouseDown(event) {
1736 this.tt.onColumnResizeBegin(event);
1737 this.bindDocumentEvents();
1738 }
1739 onDocumentMouseMove(event) {
1740 this.tt.onColumnResize(event);
1741 }
1742 onDocumentMouseUp(event) {
1743 this.tt.onColumnResizeEnd(event, this.el.nativeElement);
1744 this.unbindDocumentEvents();
1745 }
1746 isEnabled() {
1747 return this.ttResizableColumnDisabled !== true;
1748 }
1749 ngOnDestroy() {
1750 if (this.resizerMouseDownListener) {
1751 this.resizer.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.resizerMouseDownListener);
1752 }
1753 this.unbindDocumentEvents();
1754 }
1756TTResizableColumn.decorators = [
1757 { type: Directive, args: [{
1758 selector: '[ttResizableColumn]'
1759 },] }
1761TTResizableColumn.ctorParameters = () => [
1762 { type: TreeTable },
1763 { type: ElementRef },
1764 { type: NgZone }
1766TTResizableColumn.propDecorators = {
1767 ttResizableColumnDisabled: [{ type: Input }]
1769class TTReorderableColumn {
1770 constructor(tt, el, zone) {
1771 this.tt = tt;
1772 this.el = el;
1773 this.zone = zone;
1774 }
1775 ngAfterViewInit() {
1776 if (this.isEnabled()) {
1777 this.bindEvents();
1778 }
1779 }
1780 bindEvents() {
1781 this.zone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
1782 this.mouseDownListener = this.onMouseDown.bind(this);
1783 this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('mousedown', this.mouseDownListener);
1784 this.dragStartListener = this.onDragStart.bind(this);
1785 this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('dragstart', this.dragStartListener);
1786 this.dragOverListener = this.onDragEnter.bind(this);
1787 this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('dragover', this.dragOverListener);
1788 this.dragEnterListener = this.onDragEnter.bind(this);
1789 this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('dragenter', this.dragEnterListener);
1790 this.dragLeaveListener = this.onDragLeave.bind(this);
1791 this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('dragleave', this.dragLeaveListener);
1792 });
1793 }
1794 unbindEvents() {
1795 if (this.mouseDownListener) {
1796 document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.mouseDownListener);
1797 this.mouseDownListener = null;
1798 }
1799 if (this.dragOverListener) {
1800 document.removeEventListener('dragover', this.dragOverListener);
1801 this.dragOverListener = null;
1802 }
1803 if (this.dragEnterListener) {
1804 document.removeEventListener('dragenter', this.dragEnterListener);
1805 this.dragEnterListener = null;
1806 }
1807 if (this.dragEnterListener) {
1808 document.removeEventListener('dragenter', this.dragEnterListener);
1809 this.dragEnterListener = null;
1810 }
1811 if (this.dragLeaveListener) {
1812 document.removeEventListener('dragleave', this.dragLeaveListener);
1813 this.dragLeaveListener = null;
1814 }
1815 }
1816 onMouseDown(event) {
1817 if (event.target.nodeName === 'INPUT' || event.target.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA' || DomHandler.hasClass(event.target, 'p-column-resizer'))
1818 this.el.nativeElement.draggable = false;
1819 else
1820 this.el.nativeElement.draggable = true;
1821 }
1822 onDragStart(event) {
1823 this.tt.onColumnDragStart(event, this.el.nativeElement);
1824 }
1825 onDragOver(event) {
1826 event.preventDefault();
1827 }
1828 onDragEnter(event) {
1829 this.tt.onColumnDragEnter(event, this.el.nativeElement);
1830 }
1831 onDragLeave(event) {
1832 this.tt.onColumnDragLeave(event);
1833 }
1834 onDrop(event) {
1835 if (this.isEnabled()) {
1836 this.tt.onColumnDrop(event, this.el.nativeElement);
1837 }
1838 }
1839 isEnabled() {
1840 return this.ttReorderableColumnDisabled !== true;
1841 }
1842 ngOnDestroy() {
1843 this.unbindEvents();
1844 }
1846TTReorderableColumn.decorators = [
1847 { type: Directive, args: [{
1848 selector: '[ttReorderableColumn]'
1849 },] }
1851TTReorderableColumn.ctorParameters = () => [
1852 { type: TreeTable },
1853 { type: ElementRef },
1854 { type: NgZone }
1856TTReorderableColumn.propDecorators = {
1857 ttReorderableColumnDisabled: [{ type: Input }],
1858 onDrop: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['drop', ['$event'],] }]
1860class TTSelectableRow {
1861 constructor(tt, tableService) {
1862 this.tt = tt;
1863 this.tableService = tableService;
1864 if (this.isEnabled()) {
1865 this.subscription = this.tt.tableService.selectionSource$.subscribe(() => {
1866 this.selected = this.tt.isSelected(this.rowNode.node);
1867 });
1868 }
1869 }
1870 ngOnInit() {
1871 if (this.isEnabled()) {
1872 this.selected = this.tt.isSelected(this.rowNode.node);
1873 }
1874 }
1875 onClick(event) {
1876 if (this.isEnabled()) {
1877 this.tt.handleRowClick({
1878 originalEvent: event,
1879 rowNode: this.rowNode
1880 });
1881 }
1882 }
1883 onEnterKey(event) {
1884 if (event.which === 13) {
1885 this.onClick(event);
1886 }
1887 }
1888 onTouchEnd(event) {
1889 if (this.isEnabled()) {
1890 this.tt.handleRowTouchEnd(event);
1891 }
1892 }
1893 isEnabled() {
1894 return this.ttSelectableRowDisabled !== true;
1895 }
1896 ngOnDestroy() {
1897 if (this.subscription) {
1898 this.subscription.unsubscribe();
1899 }
1900 }
1902TTSelectableRow.decorators = [
1903 { type: Directive, args: [{
1904 selector: '[ttSelectableRow]',
1905 host: {
1906 '[class.p-highlight]': 'selected'
1907 }
1908 },] }
1910TTSelectableRow.ctorParameters = () => [
1911 { type: TreeTable },
1912 { type: TreeTableService }
1914TTSelectableRow.propDecorators = {
1915 rowNode: [{ type: Input, args: ["ttSelectableRow",] }],
1916 ttSelectableRowDisabled: [{ type: Input }],
1917 onClick: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['click', ['$event'],] }],
1918 onEnterKey: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['keydown', ['$event'],] }],
1919 onTouchEnd: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['touchend', ['$event'],] }]
1921class TTSelectableRowDblClick {
1922 constructor(tt, tableService) {
1923 this.tt = tt;
1924 this.tableService = tableService;
1925 if (this.isEnabled()) {
1926 this.subscription = this.tt.tableService.selectionSource$.subscribe(() => {
1927 this.selected = this.tt.isSelected(this.rowNode.node);
1928 });
1929 }
1930 }
1931 ngOnInit() {
1932 if (this.isEnabled()) {
1933 this.selected = this.tt.isSelected(this.rowNode.node);
1934 }
1935 }
1936 onClick(event) {
1937 if (this.isEnabled()) {
1938 this.tt.handleRowClick({
1939 originalEvent: event,
1940 rowNode: this.rowNode
1941 });
1942 }
1943 }
1944 isEnabled() {
1945 return this.ttSelectableRowDisabled !== true;
1946 }
1947 ngOnDestroy() {
1948 if (this.subscription) {
1949 this.subscription.unsubscribe();
1950 }
1951 }
1953TTSelectableRowDblClick.decorators = [
1954 { type: Directive, args: [{
1955 selector: '[ttSelectableRowDblClick]',
1956 host: {
1957 '[class.p-highlight]': 'selected'
1958 }
1959 },] }
1961TTSelectableRowDblClick.ctorParameters = () => [
1962 { type: TreeTable },
1963 { type: TreeTableService }
1965TTSelectableRowDblClick.propDecorators = {
1966 rowNode: [{ type: Input, args: ["ttSelectableRowDblClick",] }],
1967 ttSelectableRowDisabled: [{ type: Input }],
1968 onClick: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['dblclick', ['$event'],] }]
1970class TTContextMenuRow {
1971 constructor(tt, tableService, el) {
1972 this.tt = tt;
1973 this.tableService = tableService;
1974 this.el = el;
1975 if (this.isEnabled()) {
1976 this.subscription = this.tt.tableService.contextMenuSource$.subscribe((node) => {
1977 this.selected = this.tt.equals(this.rowNode.node, node);
1978 });
1979 }
1980 }
1981 onContextMenu(event) {
1982 if (this.isEnabled()) {
1983 this.tt.handleRowRightClick({
1984 originalEvent: event,
1985 rowNode: this.rowNode
1986 });
1987 this.el.nativeElement.focus();
1988 event.preventDefault();
1989 }
1990 }
1991 isEnabled() {
1992 return this.ttContextMenuRowDisabled !== true;
1993 }
1994 ngOnDestroy() {
1995 if (this.subscription) {
1996 this.subscription.unsubscribe();
1997 }
1998 }
2000TTContextMenuRow.decorators = [
2001 { type: Directive, args: [{
2002 selector: '[ttContextMenuRow]',
2003 host: {
2004 '[class.p-highlight-contextmenu]': 'selected',
2005 '[attr.tabindex]': 'isEnabled() ? 0 : undefined'
2006 }
2007 },] }
2009TTContextMenuRow.ctorParameters = () => [
2010 { type: TreeTable },
2011 { type: TreeTableService },
2012 { type: ElementRef }
2014TTContextMenuRow.propDecorators = {
2015 rowNode: [{ type: Input, args: ["ttContextMenuRow",] }],
2016 ttContextMenuRowDisabled: [{ type: Input }],
2017 onContextMenu: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['contextmenu', ['$event'],] }]
2019class TTCheckbox {
2020 constructor(tt, tableService, cd) {
2021 this.tt = tt;
2022 this.tableService = tableService;
2023 this.cd = cd;
2024 this.subscription = this.tt.tableService.selectionSource$.subscribe(() => {
2025 this.checked = this.tt.isSelected(this.rowNode.node);
2026 this.cd.markForCheck();
2027 });
2028 }
2029 ngOnInit() {
2030 this.checked = this.tt.isSelected(this.rowNode.node);
2031 }
2032 onClick(event) {
2033 if (!this.disabled) {
2034 this.tt.toggleNodeWithCheckbox({
2035 originalEvent: event,
2036 rowNode: this.rowNode
2037 });
2038 }
2039 DomHandler.clearSelection();
2040 }
2041 onFocus() {
2042 DomHandler.addClass(this.boxViewChild.nativeElement, 'p-focus');
2043 }
2044 onBlur() {
2045 DomHandler.removeClass(this.boxViewChild.nativeElement, 'p-focus');
2046 }
2047 ngOnDestroy() {
2048 if (this.subscription) {
2049 this.subscription.unsubscribe();
2050 }
2051 }
2053TTCheckbox.decorators = [
2054 { type: Component, args: [{
2055 selector: 'p-treeTableCheckbox',
2056 template: `
2057 <div class="p-checkbox p-component" (click)="onClick($event)">
2058 <div class="p-hidden-accessible">
2059 <input type="checkbox" [checked]="checked" (focus)="onFocus()" (blur)="onBlur()">
2060 </div>
2061 <div #box [ngClass]="{'p-checkbox-box':true,
2062 'p-highlight':checked, 'p-disabled':disabled}" role="checkbox" [attr.aria-checked]="checked">
2063 <span class="p-checkbox-icon pi" [ngClass]="{'pi-check':checked, 'pi-minus': rowNode.node.partialSelected}"></span>
2064 </div>
2065 </div>
2066 `,
2067 encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
2068 changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
2069 },] }
2071TTCheckbox.ctorParameters = () => [
2072 { type: TreeTable },
2073 { type: TreeTableService },
2074 { type: ChangeDetectorRef }
2076TTCheckbox.propDecorators = {
2077 disabled: [{ type: Input }],
2078 rowNode: [{ type: Input, args: ["value",] }],
2079 boxViewChild: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['box',] }]
2081class TTHeaderCheckbox {
2082 constructor(tt, tableService, cd) {
2083 this.tt = tt;
2084 this.tableService = tableService;
2085 this.cd = cd;
2086 this.valueChangeSubscription = this.tt.tableService.uiUpdateSource$.subscribe(() => {
2087 this.checked = this.updateCheckedState();
2088 });
2089 this.selectionChangeSubscription = this.tt.tableService.selectionSource$.subscribe(() => {
2090 this.checked = this.updateCheckedState();
2091 });
2092 }
2093 ngOnInit() {
2094 this.checked = this.updateCheckedState();
2095 }
2096 onClick(event, checked) {
2097 if (this.tt.value && this.tt.value.length > 0) {
2098 this.tt.toggleNodesWithCheckbox(event, !checked);
2099 }
2100 DomHandler.clearSelection();
2101 }
2102 onFocus() {
2103 DomHandler.addClass(this.boxViewChild.nativeElement, 'p-focus');
2104 }
2105 onBlur() {
2106 DomHandler.removeClass(this.boxViewChild.nativeElement, 'p-focus');
2107 }
2108 ngOnDestroy() {
2109 if (this.selectionChangeSubscription) {
2110 this.selectionChangeSubscription.unsubscribe();
2111 }
2112 if (this.valueChangeSubscription) {
2113 this.valueChangeSubscription.unsubscribe();
2114 }
2115 }
2116 updateCheckedState() {
2117 this.cd.markForCheck();
2118 let checked;
2119 const data = this.tt.filteredNodes || this.tt.value;
2120 if (data) {
2121 for (let node of data) {
2122 if (this.tt.isSelected(node)) {
2123 checked = true;
2124 }
2125 else {
2126 checked = false;
2127 break;
2128 }
2129 }
2130 }
2131 else {
2132 checked = false;
2133 }
2134 return checked;
2135 }
2137TTHeaderCheckbox.decorators = [
2138 { type: Component, args: [{
2139 selector: 'p-treeTableHeaderCheckbox',
2140 template: `
2141 <div class="p-checkbox p-component" (click)="onClick($event, cb.checked)">
2142 <div class="p-hidden-accessible">
2143 <input #cb type="checkbox" [checked]="checked" (focus)="onFocus()" (blur)="onBlur()" [disabled]="!tt.value||tt.value.length === 0">
2144 </div>
2145 <div #box [ngClass]="{'p-checkbox-box':true,
2146 'p-highlight':checked, 'p-disabled': (!tt.value || tt.value.length === 0)}" role="checkbox" [attr.aria-checked]="checked">
2147 <span class="p-checkbox-icon" [ngClass]="{'pi pi-check':checked}"></span>
2148 </div>
2149 </div>
2150 `,
2151 encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
2152 changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
2153 },] }
2155TTHeaderCheckbox.ctorParameters = () => [
2156 { type: TreeTable },
2157 { type: TreeTableService },
2158 { type: ChangeDetectorRef }
2160TTHeaderCheckbox.propDecorators = {
2161 boxViewChild: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['box',] }]
2163class TTEditableColumn {
2164 constructor(tt, el, zone) {
2165 this.tt = tt;
2166 this.el = el;
2167 this.zone = zone;
2168 }
2169 ngAfterViewInit() {
2170 if (this.isEnabled()) {
2171 DomHandler.addClass(this.el.nativeElement, 'p-editable-column');
2172 }
2173 }
2174 onClick(event) {
2175 if (this.isEnabled()) {
2176 this.tt.editingCellClick = true;
2177 if (this.tt.editingCell) {
2178 if (this.tt.editingCell !== this.el.nativeElement) {
2179 if (!this.tt.isEditingCellValid()) {
2180 return;
2181 }
2182 DomHandler.removeClass(this.tt.editingCell, 'p-cell-editing');
2183 this.openCell();
2184 }
2185 }
2186 else {
2187 this.openCell();
2188 }
2189 }
2190 }
2191 openCell() {
2192 this.tt.updateEditingCell(this.el.nativeElement);
2193 DomHandler.addClass(this.el.nativeElement, 'p-cell-editing');
2194 this.tt.onEditInit.emit({ field: this.field, data: this.data });
2195 this.tt.editingCellClick = true;
2196 this.zone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
2197 setTimeout(() => {
2198 let focusable = DomHandler.findSingle(this.el.nativeElement, 'input, textarea');
2199 if (focusable) {
2200 focusable.focus();
2201 }
2202 }, 50);
2203 });
2204 }
2205 closeEditingCell() {
2206 DomHandler.removeClass(this.tt.editingCell, 'p-checkbox-icon');
2207 this.tt.editingCell = null;
2208 this.tt.unbindDocumentEditListener();
2209 }
2210 onKeyDown(event) {
2211 if (this.isEnabled()) {
2212 //enter
2213 if (event.keyCode == 13) {
2214 if (this.tt.isEditingCellValid()) {
2215 DomHandler.removeClass(this.tt.editingCell, 'p-cell-editing');
2216 this.closeEditingCell();
2217 this.tt.onEditComplete.emit({ field: this.field, data: this.data });
2218 }
2219 event.preventDefault();
2220 }
2221 //escape
2222 else if (event.keyCode == 27) {
2223 if (this.tt.isEditingCellValid()) {
2224 DomHandler.removeClass(this.tt.editingCell, 'p-cell-editing');
2225 this.closeEditingCell();
2226 this.tt.onEditCancel.emit({ field: this.field, data: this.data });
2227 }
2228 event.preventDefault();
2229 }
2230 //tab
2231 else if (event.keyCode == 9) {
2232 this.tt.onEditComplete.emit({ field: this.field, data: this.data });
2233 if (event.shiftKey)
2234 this.moveToPreviousCell(event);
2235 else
2236 this.moveToNextCell(event);
2237 }
2238 }
2239 }
2240 findCell(element) {
2241 if (element) {
2242 let cell = element;
2243 while (cell && !DomHandler.hasClass(cell, 'p-cell-editing')) {
2244 cell = cell.parentElement;
2245 }
2246 return cell;
2247 }
2248 else {
2249 return null;
2250 }
2251 }
2252 moveToPreviousCell(event) {
2253 let currentCell = this.findCell(event.target);
2254 let row = currentCell.parentElement;
2255 let targetCell = this.findPreviousEditableColumn(currentCell);
2256 if (targetCell) {
2257 DomHandler.invokeElementMethod(targetCell, 'click');
2258 event.preventDefault();
2259 }
2260 }
2261 moveToNextCell(event) {
2262 let currentCell = this.findCell(event.target);
2263 let row = currentCell.parentElement;
2264 let targetCell = this.findNextEditableColumn(currentCell);
2265 if (targetCell) {
2266 DomHandler.invokeElementMethod(targetCell, 'click');
2267 event.preventDefault();
2268 }
2269 }
2270 findPreviousEditableColumn(cell) {
2271 let prevCell = cell.previousElementSibling;
2272 if (!prevCell) {
2273 let previousRow = cell.parentElement ? cell.parentElement.previousElementSibling : null;
2274 if (previousRow) {
2275 prevCell = previousRow.lastElementChild;
2276 }
2277 }
2278 if (prevCell) {
2279 if (DomHandler.hasClass(prevCell, 'p-editable-column'))
2280 return prevCell;
2281 else
2282 return this.findPreviousEditableColumn(prevCell);
2283 }
2284 else {
2285 return null;
2286 }
2287 }
2288 findNextEditableColumn(cell) {
2289 let nextCell = cell.nextElementSibling;
2290 if (!nextCell) {
2291 let nextRow = cell.parentElement ? cell.parentElement.nextElementSibling : null;
2292 if (nextRow) {
2293 nextCell = nextRow.firstElementChild;
2294 }
2295 }
2296 if (nextCell) {
2297 if (DomHandler.hasClass(nextCell, 'p-editable-column'))
2298 return nextCell;
2299 else
2300 return this.findNextEditableColumn(nextCell);
2301 }
2302 else {
2303 return null;
2304 }
2305 }
2306 isEnabled() {
2307 return this.ttEditableColumnDisabled !== true;
2308 }
2310TTEditableColumn.decorators = [
2311 { type: Directive, args: [{
2312 selector: '[ttEditableColumn]'
2313 },] }
2315TTEditableColumn.ctorParameters = () => [
2316 { type: TreeTable },
2317 { type: ElementRef },
2318 { type: NgZone }
2320TTEditableColumn.propDecorators = {
2321 data: [{ type: Input, args: ["ttEditableColumn",] }],
2322 field: [{ type: Input, args: ["ttEditableColumnField",] }],
2323 ttEditableColumnDisabled: [{ type: Input }],
2324 onClick: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['click', ['$event'],] }],
2325 onKeyDown: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['keydown', ['$event'],] }]
2327class TreeTableCellEditor {
2328 constructor(tt, editableColumn) {
2329 this.tt = tt;
2330 this.editableColumn = editableColumn;
2331 }
2332 ngAfterContentInit() {
2333 this.templates.forEach((item) => {
2334 switch (item.getType()) {
2335 case 'input':
2336 this.inputTemplate = item.template;
2337 break;
2338 case 'output':
2339 this.outputTemplate = item.template;
2340 break;
2341 }
2342 });
2343 }
2345TreeTableCellEditor.decorators = [
2346 { type: Component, args: [{
2347 selector: 'p-treeTableCellEditor',
2348 template: `
2349 <ng-container *ngIf="tt.editingCell === editableColumn.el.nativeElement">
2350 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="inputTemplate"></ng-container>
2351 </ng-container>
2352 <ng-container *ngIf="!tt.editingCell || tt.editingCell !== editableColumn.el.nativeElement">
2353 <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="outputTemplate"></ng-container>
2354 </ng-container>
2355 `,
2356 encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
2357 },] }
2359TreeTableCellEditor.ctorParameters = () => [
2360 { type: TreeTable },
2361 { type: TTEditableColumn }
2363TreeTableCellEditor.propDecorators = {
2364 templates: [{ type: ContentChildren, args: [PrimeTemplate,] }]
2366class TTRow {
2367 constructor(tt, el, zone) {
2368 this.tt = tt;
2369 this.el = el;
2370 this.zone = zone;
2371 }
2372 onKeyDown(event) {
2373 switch (event.which) {
2374 //down arrow
2375 case 40:
2376 let nextRow = this.el.nativeElement.nextElementSibling;
2377 if (nextRow) {
2378 nextRow.focus();
2379 }
2380 event.preventDefault();
2381 break;
2382 //down arrow
2383 case 38:
2384 let prevRow = this.el.nativeElement.previousElementSibling;
2385 if (prevRow) {
2386 prevRow.focus();
2387 }
2388 event.preventDefault();
2389 break;
2390 //left arrow
2391 case 37:
2392 if (this.rowNode.node.expanded) {
2393 this.tt.toggleRowIndex = DomHandler.index(this.el.nativeElement);
2394 this.rowNode.node.expanded = false;
2395 this.tt.onNodeCollapse.emit({
2396 originalEvent: event,
2397 node: this.rowNode.node
2398 });
2399 this.tt.updateSerializedValue();
2400 this.tt.tableService.onUIUpdate(this.tt.value);
2401 this.restoreFocus();
2402 }
2403 break;
2404 //right arrow
2405 case 39:
2406 if (!this.rowNode.node.expanded) {
2407 this.tt.toggleRowIndex = DomHandler.index(this.el.nativeElement);
2408 this.rowNode.node.expanded = true;
2409 this.tt.onNodeExpand.emit({
2410 originalEvent: event,
2411 node: this.rowNode.node
2412 });
2413 this.tt.updateSerializedValue();
2414 this.tt.tableService.onUIUpdate(this.tt.value);
2415 this.restoreFocus();
2416 }
2417 break;
2418 }
2419 }
2420 restoreFocus() {
2421 this.zone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
2422 setTimeout(() => {
2423 let row = DomHandler.findSingle(this.tt.containerViewChild.nativeElement, '.p-treetable-tbody').children[this.tt.toggleRowIndex];
2424 if (row) {
2425 row.focus();
2426 }
2427 }, 25);
2428 });
2429 }
2431TTRow.decorators = [
2432 { type: Directive, args: [{
2433 selector: '[ttRow]',
2434 host: {
2435 '[attr.tabindex]': '"0"'
2436 }
2437 },] }
2439TTRow.ctorParameters = () => [
2440 { type: TreeTable },
2441 { type: ElementRef },
2442 { type: NgZone }
2444TTRow.propDecorators = {
2445 rowNode: [{ type: Input, args: ['ttRow',] }],
2446 onKeyDown: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['keydown', ['$event'],] }]
2448class TreeTableToggler {
2449 constructor(tt) {
2450 this.tt = tt;
2451 }
2452 onClick(event) {
2453 this.rowNode.node.expanded = !this.rowNode.node.expanded;
2454 if (this.rowNode.node.expanded) {
2455 this.tt.onNodeExpand.emit({
2456 originalEvent: event,
2457 node: this.rowNode.node
2458 });
2459 }
2460 else {
2461 this.tt.onNodeCollapse.emit({
2462 originalEvent: event,
2463 node: this.rowNode.node
2464 });
2465 }
2466 this.tt.updateSerializedValue();
2467 this.tt.tableService.onUIUpdate(this.tt.value);
2468 event.preventDefault();
2469 }
2471TreeTableToggler.decorators = [
2472 { type: Component, args: [{
2473 selector: 'p-treeTableToggler',
2474 template: `
2475 <button type="button" class="p-treetable-toggler p-link" (click)="onClick($event)" tabindex="-1" pRipple
2476 [style.visibility]="rowNode.node.leaf === false || (rowNode.node.children && rowNode.node.children.length) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'" [style.marginLeft]="rowNode.level * 16 + 'px'">
2477 <i [ngClass]="rowNode.node.expanded ? 'pi pi-fw pi-chevron-down' : 'pi pi-fw pi-chevron-right'"></i>
2478 </button>
2479 `,
2480 encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
2481 },] }
2483TreeTableToggler.ctorParameters = () => [
2484 { type: TreeTable }
2486TreeTableToggler.propDecorators = {
2487 rowNode: [{ type: Input }]
2489class TreeTableModule {
2491TreeTableModule.decorators = [
2492 { type: NgModule, args: [{
2493 imports: [CommonModule, PaginatorModule, ScrollingModule, RippleModule],
2494 exports: [TreeTable, SharedModule, TreeTableToggler, TTSortableColumn, TTSortIcon, TTResizableColumn, TTRow, TTReorderableColumn, TTSelectableRow, TTSelectableRowDblClick, TTContextMenuRow, TTCheckbox, TTHeaderCheckbox, TTEditableColumn, TreeTableCellEditor, ScrollingModule],
2495 declarations: [TreeTable, TreeTableToggler, TTScrollableView, TTBody, TTSortableColumn, TTSortIcon, TTResizableColumn, TTRow, TTReorderableColumn, TTSelectableRow, TTSelectableRowDblClick, TTContextMenuRow, TTCheckbox, TTHeaderCheckbox, TTEditableColumn, TreeTableCellEditor]
2496 },] }
2500 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.
2501 */
2503export { TTBody, TTCheckbox, TTContextMenuRow, TTEditableColumn, TTHeaderCheckbox, TTReorderableColumn, TTResizableColumn, TTRow, TTScrollableView, TTSelectableRow, TTSelectableRowDblClick, TTSortIcon, TTSortableColumn, TreeTable, TreeTableCellEditor, TreeTableModule, TreeTableService, TreeTableToggler };
2504//# sourceMappingURL=primeng-treetable.js.map