4.95 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1(function (Prism) {
2 var unit = {
3 pattern: /(\b\d+)(?:%|[a-z]+)/,
4 lookbehind: true
5 };
6 // 123 -123 .123 -.123 12.3 -12.3
7 var number = {
8 pattern: /(^|[^\w.-])-?\d*\.?\d+/,
9 lookbehind: true
10 };
12 var inside = {
13 'comment': {
14 pattern: /(^|[^\\])(?:\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/|\/\/.*)/,
15 lookbehind: true
16 },
17 'url': {
18 pattern: /url\((["']?).*?\1\)/i,
19 greedy: true
20 },
21 'string': {
22 pattern: /("|')(?:(?!\1)[^\\\r\n]|\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S]))*\1/,
23 greedy: true
24 },
25 'interpolation': null, // See below
26 'func': null, // See below
27 'important': /\B!(?:important|optional)\b/i,
28 'keyword': {
29 pattern: /(^|\s+)(?:(?:if|else|for|return|unless)(?=\s+|$)|@[\w-]+)/,
30 lookbehind: true
31 },
32 'hexcode': /#[\da-f]{3,6}/i,
33 'color': [
34 /\b(?:AliceBlue|AntiqueWhite|Aqua|Aquamarine|Azure|Beige|Bisque|Black|BlanchedAlmond|Blue|BlueViolet|Brown|BurlyWood|CadetBlue|Chartreuse|Chocolate|Coral|CornflowerBlue|Cornsilk|Crimson|Cyan|DarkBlue|DarkCyan|DarkGoldenRod|DarkGr[ae]y|DarkGreen|DarkKhaki|DarkMagenta|DarkOliveGreen|DarkOrange|DarkOrchid|DarkRed|DarkSalmon|DarkSeaGreen|DarkSlateBlue|DarkSlateGr[ae]y|DarkTurquoise|DarkViolet|DeepPink|DeepSkyBlue|DimGr[ae]y|DodgerBlue|FireBrick|FloralWhite|ForestGreen|Fuchsia|Gainsboro|GhostWhite|Gold|GoldenRod|Gr[ae]y|Green|GreenYellow|HoneyDew|HotPink|IndianRed|Indigo|Ivory|Khaki|Lavender|LavenderBlush|LawnGreen|LemonChiffon|LightBlue|LightCoral|LightCyan|LightGoldenRodYellow|LightGr[ae]y|LightGreen|LightPink|LightSalmon|LightSeaGreen|LightSkyBlue|LightSlateGr[ae]y|LightSteelBlue|LightYellow|Lime|LimeGreen|Linen|Magenta|Maroon|MediumAquaMarine|MediumBlue|MediumOrchid|MediumPurple|MediumSeaGreen|MediumSlateBlue|MediumSpringGreen|MediumTurquoise|MediumVioletRed|MidnightBlue|MintCream|MistyRose|Moccasin|NavajoWhite|Navy|OldLace|Olive|OliveDrab|Orange|OrangeRed|Orchid|PaleGoldenRod|PaleGreen|PaleTurquoise|PaleVioletRed|PapayaWhip|PeachPuff|Peru|Pink|Plum|PowderBlue|Purple|Red|RosyBrown|RoyalBlue|SaddleBrown|Salmon|SandyBrown|SeaGreen|SeaShell|Sienna|Silver|SkyBlue|SlateBlue|SlateGr[ae]y|Snow|SpringGreen|SteelBlue|Tan|Teal|Thistle|Tomato|Transparent|Turquoise|Violet|Wheat|White|WhiteSmoke|Yellow|YellowGreen)\b/i,
35 {
36 pattern: /\b(?:rgb|hsl)\(\s*\d{1,3}\s*,\s*\d{1,3}%?\s*,\s*\d{1,3}%?\s*\)\B|\b(?:rgb|hsl)a\(\s*\d{1,3}\s*,\s*\d{1,3}%?\s*,\s*\d{1,3}%?\s*,\s*(?:0|0?\.\d+|1)\s*\)\B/i,
37 inside: {
38 'unit': unit,
39 'number': number,
40 'function': /[\w-]+(?=\()/,
41 'punctuation': /[(),]/
42 }
43 }
44 ],
45 'entity': /\\[\da-f]{1,8}/i,
46 'unit': unit,
47 'boolean': /\b(?:true|false)\b/,
48 'operator': [
49 // We want non-word chars around "-" because it is
50 // accepted in property names.
51 /~|[+!\/%<>?=]=?|[-:]=|\*[*=]?|\.{2,3}|&&|\|\||\B-\B|\b(?:and|in|is(?: a| defined| not|nt)?|not|or)\b/
52 ],
53 'number': number,
54 'punctuation': /[{}()\[\];:,]/
55 };
57 inside['interpolation'] = {
58 pattern: /\{[^\r\n}:]+\}/,
59 alias: 'variable',
60 inside: {
61 'delimiter': {
62 pattern: /^{|}$/,
63 alias: 'punctuation'
64 },
65 rest: inside
66 }
67 };
68 inside['func'] = {
69 pattern: /[\w-]+\([^)]*\).*/,
70 inside: {
71 'function': /^[^(]+/,
72 rest: inside
73 }
74 };
76 Prism.languages.stylus = {
77 'atrule-declaration': {
78 pattern: /(^\s*)@.+/m,
79 lookbehind: true,
80 inside: {
81 'atrule': /^@[\w-]+/,
82 rest: inside
83 }
84 },
85 'variable-declaration': {
86 pattern: /(^[ \t]*)[\w$-]+\s*.?=[ \t]*(?:(?:\{[^}]*\}|.+)|$)/m,
87 lookbehind: true,
88 inside: {
89 'variable': /^\S+/,
90 rest: inside
91 }
92 },
94 'statement': {
95 pattern: /(^[ \t]*)(?:if|else|for|return|unless)[ \t]+.+/m,
96 lookbehind: true,
97 inside: {
98 'keyword': /^\S+/,
99 rest: inside
100 }
101 },
103 // A property/value pair cannot end with a comma or a brace
104 // It cannot have indented content unless it ended with a semicolon
105 'property-declaration': {
106 pattern: /((?:^|\{)([ \t]*))(?:[\w-]|\{[^}\r\n]+\})+(?:\s*:\s*|[ \t]+)[^{\r\n]*(?:;|[^{\r\n,](?=$)(?!(?:\r?\n|\r)(?:\{|\2[ \t]+)))/m,
107 lookbehind: true,
108 inside: {
109 'property': {
110 pattern: /^[^\s:]+/,
111 inside: {
112 'interpolation': inside.interpolation
113 }
114 },
115 rest: inside
116 }
117 },
121 // A selector can contain parentheses only as part of a pseudo-element
122 // It can span multiple lines.
123 // It must end with a comma or an accolade or have indented content.
124 'selector': {
125 pattern: /(^[ \t]*)(?:(?=\S)(?:[^{}\r\n:()]|::?[\w-]+(?:\([^)\r\n]*\))?|\{[^}\r\n]+\})+)(?:(?:\r?\n|\r)(?:\1(?:(?=\S)(?:[^{}\r\n:()]|::?[\w-]+(?:\([^)\r\n]*\))?|\{[^}\r\n]+\})+)))*(?:,$|\{|(?=(?:\r?\n|\r)(?:\{|\1[ \t]+)))/m,
126 lookbehind: true,
127 inside: {
128 'interpolation': inside.interpolation,
129 'comment': inside.comment,
130 'punctuation': /[{},]/
131 }
132 },
134 'func': inside.func,
135 'string': inside.string,
136 'comment': {
137 pattern: /(^|[^\\])(?:\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/|\/\/.*)/,
138 lookbehind: true,
139 greedy: true
140 },
141 'interpolation': inside.interpolation,
142 'punctuation': /[{}()\[\];:.]/
143 };
\No newline at end of file