1.06 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1Prism.languages.autoit = {
2 "comment": [
3 /;.*/,
4 {
5 // The multi-line comments delimiters can actually be commented out with ";"
6 pattern: /(^\s*)#(?:comments-start|cs)[\s\S]*?^[ \t]*#(?:comments-end|ce)/m,
7 lookbehind: true
8 }
9 ],
10 "url": {
11 pattern: /(^\s*#include\s+)(?:<[^\r\n>]+>|"[^\r\n"]+")/m,
12 lookbehind: true
13 },
14 "string": {
15 pattern: /(["'])(?:\1\1|(?!\1)[^\r\n])*\1/,
16 greedy: true,
17 inside: {
18 "variable": /([%$@])\w+\1/
19 }
20 },
21 "directive": {
22 pattern: /(^\s*)#\w+/m,
23 lookbehind: true,
24 alias: 'keyword'
25 },
26 "function": /\b\w+(?=\()/,
27 // Variables and macros
28 "variable": /[$@]\w+/,
29 "keyword": /\b(?:Case|Const|Continue(?:Case|Loop)|Default|Dim|Do|Else(?:If)?|End(?:Func|If|Select|Switch|With)|Enum|Exit(?:Loop)?|For|Func|Global|If|In|Local|Next|Null|ReDim|Select|Static|Step|Switch|Then|To|Until|Volatile|WEnd|While|With)\b/i,
30 "number": /\b(?:0x[\da-f]+|\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)\b/i,
31 "boolean": /\b(?:True|False)\b/i,
32 "operator": /<[=>]?|[-+*\/=&>]=?|[?^]|\b(?:And|Or|Not)\b/i,
33 "punctuation": /[\[\]().,:]/