1.74 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1Prism.languages.wiki = Prism.languages.extend('markup', {
2 'block-comment': {
3 pattern: /(^|[^\\])\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//,
4 lookbehind: true,
5 alias: 'comment'
6 },
7 'heading': {
8 pattern: /^(=+)[^=\r\n].*?\1/m,
9 inside: {
10 'punctuation': /^=+|=+$/,
11 'important': /.+/
12 }
13 },
14 'emphasis': {
15 // TODO Multi-line
16 pattern: /('{2,5}).+?\1/,
17 inside: {
18 'bold-italic': {
19 pattern: /(''''').+?(?=\1)/,
20 lookbehind: true,
21 alias: ['bold', 'italic']
22 },
23 'bold': {
24 pattern: /(''')[^'](?:.*?[^'])?(?=\1)/,
25 lookbehind: true
26 },
27 'italic': {
28 pattern: /('')[^'](?:.*?[^'])?(?=\1)/,
29 lookbehind: true
30 },
31 'punctuation': /^''+|''+$/
32 }
33 },
34 'hr': {
35 pattern: /^-{4,}/m,
36 alias: 'punctuation'
37 },
38 'url': [
39 /ISBN +(?:97[89][ -]?)?(?:\d[ -]?){9}[\dx]\b|(?:RFC|PMID) +\d+/i,
40 /\[\[.+?\]\]|\[.+?\]/
41 ],
42 'variable': [
43 /__[A-Z]+__/,
44 // FIXME Nested structures should be handled
45 // {{formatnum:{{#expr:{{{3}}}}}}}
46 /\{{3}.+?\}{3}/,
47 /\{\{.+?\}\}/
48 ],
49 'symbol': [
50 /^#redirect/im,
51 /~{3,5}/
52 ],
53 // Handle table attrs:
54 // {|
55 // ! style="text-align:left;"| Item
56 // |}
57 'table-tag': {
58 pattern: /((?:^|[|!])[|!])[^|\r\n]+\|(?!\|)/m,
59 lookbehind: true,
60 inside: {
61 'table-bar': {
62 pattern: /\|$/,
63 alias: 'punctuation'
64 },
65 rest: Prism.languages.markup['tag'].inside
66 }
67 },
68 'punctuation': /^(?:\{\||\|\}|\|-|[*#:;!|])|\|\||!!/m
71Prism.languages.insertBefore('wiki', 'tag', {
72 // Prevent highlighting inside <nowiki>, <source> and <pre> tags
73 'nowiki': {
74 pattern: /<(nowiki|pre|source)\b[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/\1>/i,
75 inside: {
76 'tag': {
77 pattern: /<(?:nowiki|pre|source)\b[^>]*>|<\/(?:nowiki|pre|source)>/i,
78 inside: Prism.languages.markup['tag'].inside
79 }
80 }
81 }