768 BTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
2import { ServerOptions } from "./types";
3declare type Parameters = {
4 overrides?: Partial<ServerOptions>;
5 defaults?: Partial<ServerOptions>;
6 env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv;
9 * Merges configuration from defaults, environment variables, and overrides.
10 * Finds private key using [`@probot/get-private-key`](https://github.com/probot/get-private-key).
11 *
12 * @see https://probot.github.io/docs/configuration/
13 * @param defaults default Options, will be overwritten if according environment variable is set
14 * @param overrides overwrites defaults and according environment variables
15 * @param env defaults to process.env
16 */
17export declare function getOptions({ overrides, defaults, env, }?: Parameters): ServerOptions;
18export {};