1 | import merge from "deepmerge";
2 | import type { EmitterWebhookEvent as WebhookEvent, EmitterWebhookEventName as WebhookEvents } from "@octokit/webhooks";
3 | import type { Logger } from "pino";
4 | import type { ProbotOctokit } from "./octokit/probot-octokit.js";
5 | export type MergeOptions = merge.Options;
6 |
7 | type RepoOwnerType<T extends WebhookEvents> = WebhookEvent<T>["payload"] extends {
8 | repository: {
9 | owner: {
10 | login: string;
11 | };
12 | };
13 | } ? string : never;
14 |
15 | type RepoNameType<T extends WebhookEvents> = WebhookEvent<T>["payload"] extends {
16 | repository: {
17 | name: string;
18 | };
19 | } ? string : never;
20 |
21 | type RepoIssueNumberType<T extends WebhookEvents> = WebhookEvent<T>["payload"] extends {
22 | issue: {
23 | number: number;
24 | };
25 | } ? number : never | WebhookEvent<T>["payload"] extends {
26 | pull_request: {
27 | number: number;
28 | };
29 | } ? number : never | WebhookEvent<T>["payload"] extends {
30 | number: number;
31 | } ? number : never;
32 |
33 | type RepoResultType<E extends WebhookEvents> = {
34 | owner: RepoOwnerType<E>;
35 | repo: RepoNameType<E>;
36 | };
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 | export declare class Context<Event extends WebhookEvents = WebhookEvents> {
54 | name: WebhookEvents;
55 | id: string;
56 | payload: {
57 | [K in Event]: K extends WebhookEvents ? WebhookEvent<K> : never;
58 | }[Event]["payload"];
59 | octokit: ProbotOctokit;
60 | log: Logger;
61 | constructor(event: WebhookEvent<Event>, octokit: ProbotOctokit, log: Logger);
62 | /**
63 | * Return the `owner` and `repo` params for making API requests against a
64 | * repository.
65 | *
66 | * ```js
67 | * const params = context.repo({path: '.github/config.yml'})
68 | * // Returns: {owner: 'username', repo: 'reponame', path: '.github/config.yml'}
69 | * ```
70 | *
71 | * @param object - Params to be merged with the repo params.
72 | *
73 | */
74 | repo<T>(object?: T): RepoResultType<Event> & T;
75 | /**
76 | * Return the `owner`, `repo`, and `issue_number` params for making API requests
77 | * against an issue. The object passed in will be merged with the repo params.
78 | *
79 | *
80 | * ```js
81 | * const params = context.issue({body: 'Hello World!'})
82 | *
83 | * ```
84 | *
85 | * @param object - Params to be merged with the issue params.
86 | */
87 | issue<T>(object?: T): RepoResultType<Event> & {
88 | issue_number: RepoIssueNumberType<Event>;
89 | } & T;
90 | /**
91 | * Return the `owner`, `repo`, and `pull_number` params for making API requests
92 | * against a pull request. The object passed in will be merged with the repo params.
93 | *
94 | *
95 | * ```js
96 | * const params = context.pullRequest({body: 'Hello World!'})
97 | *
98 | * ```
99 | *
100 | * @param object - Params to be merged with the pull request params.
101 | */
102 | pullRequest<T>(object?: T): RepoResultType<Event> & {
103 | pull_number: RepoIssueNumberType<Event>;
104 | } & T;
105 | /**
106 | * Returns a boolean if the actor on the event was a bot.
107 | * @type {boolean}
108 | */
109 | get isBot(): boolean;
110 | /**
111 | * Reads the app configuration from the given YAML file in the `.github`
112 | * directory of the repository.
113 | *
114 | * For example, given a file named `.github/config.yml`:
115 | *
116 | * ```yml
117 | * close: true
118 | * comment: Check the specs on the rotary girder.
119 | * ```
120 | *
121 | * Your app can read that file from the target repository:
122 | *
123 | * ```js
124 | *
125 | * const config = await context.config('config.yml')
126 | *
127 | * if (config.close) {
128 | * context.octokit.issues.comment(context.issue({body: config.comment}))
129 | * context.octokit.issues.edit(context.issue({state: 'closed'}))
130 | * }
131 | * ```
132 | *
133 | * You can also use a `defaultConfig` object:
134 | *
135 | * ```js
136 | *
137 | * const config = await context.config('config.yml', {comment: 'Make sure to check all the specs.'})
138 | *
139 | * if (config.close) {
140 | * context.octokit.issues.comment(context.issue({body: config.comment}));
141 | * context.octokit.issues.edit(context.issue({state: 'closed'}))
142 | * }
143 | * ```
144 | *
145 | * Config files can also specify a base that they extend. `deepMergeOptions` can be used
146 | * to configure how the target config, extended base, and default configs are merged.
147 | *
148 | * For security reasons, configuration is only loaded from the repository's default branch,
149 | * changes made in pull requests from different branches or forks are ignored.
150 | *
151 | * If you need more lower-level control over reading and merging configuration files,
152 | * you can `context.octokit.config.get(options)`, see https://github.com/probot/octokit-plugin-config.
153 | *
154 | * @param fileName - Name of the YAML file in the `.github` directory
155 | * @param defaultConfig - An object of default config options
156 | * @param deepMergeOptions - Controls merging configs (from the [deepmerge](https://github.com/TehShrike/deepmerge) module)
157 | * @return Configuration object read from the file
158 | */
159 | config<T>(fileName: string, defaultConfig?: T, deepMergeOptions?: MergeOptions): Promise<T | null>;
160 | }
161 | export {};
162 |
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