11.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict'
2Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true })
3exports.getInstallInstructions = void 0
4const util_js_1 = require('./util.js')
5function hydrateTextWithLinks(text) {
6 const linksArray = [
7 {
8 text: 'Deno',
9 url: 'https://deno.land',
10 title:
11 'Deno is a secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript, it is an alternative to Node.js',
12 },
13 {
14 text: 'Editions Autoloader',
15 url: 'https://github.com/bevry/editions',
16 title:
17 'You can use the Editions Autoloader to autoload the appropriate edition for your consumers environment',
18 },
19 {
20 text: 'Editions',
21 url: 'https://editions.bevry.me',
22 title:
23 'Editions are the best way to produce and consume packages you care about.',
24 },
25 {
26 text: 'ESNextGuardian',
27 url: 'https://github.com/bevry/esnextguardian',
28 title:
29 "Loads ES6+ files if the user's environment supports it, otherwise gracefully fallback to ES5 files.",
30 },
31 {
32 text: "Babel's Polyfill",
33 url: 'https://babeljs.io/docs/usage/polyfill/',
34 title: 'A polyfill that emulates missing ECMAScript environment features',
35 },
36 {
37 text: 'Babel',
38 url: 'https://babeljs.io',
39 title: 'The compiler for writing next generation JavaScript',
40 },
41 {
42 text: 'CoffeeScript',
43 url: 'https://coffeescript.org',
44 title: 'CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript',
45 },
46 {
47 text: 'Require',
48 url: 'https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v5.x/docs/api/modules.html',
49 title: 'Node/CJS Modules',
50 },
51 {
52 text: 'Import',
53 url: 'https://babeljs.io/docs/learn-es2015/#modules',
54 title: 'ECMAScript Modules',
55 },
56 {
57 text: 'ESNext',
58 url: 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECMAScript#ES.Next',
59 title: 'ECMAScript Next',
60 },
61 {
62 text: 'ES2019',
63 url:
64 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECMAScript#10th_Edition_-_ECMAScript_2019',
65 title: 'ECMAScript ES2019',
66 },
67 {
68 text: 'ES2018',
69 url:
70 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECMAScript#9th_Edition_-_ECMAScript_2018',
71 title: 'ECMAScript ES2018',
72 },
73 {
74 text: 'ES2017',
75 url:
76 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECMAScript#8th_Edition_-_ECMAScript_2017',
77 title: 'ECMAScript ES2017',
78 },
79 {
80 text: 'ES2016',
81 url:
82 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECMAScript#7th_Edition_-_ECMAScript_2016',
83 title: 'ECMAScript 2016',
84 },
85 {
86 text: 'ES2015',
87 url: 'https://babeljs.io/docs/en/learn#ecmascript-2015-features',
88 title: 'ECMAScript 2015',
89 },
90 {
91 text: 'JSDoc Comments',
92 url: 'http://usejsdoc.org',
93 title:
94 'JSDoc is an API documentation generator for JavaScript, similar to Javadoc or phpDocumentor',
95 },
96 {
97 text: 'Flow Type Comments',
98 url: 'http://flowtype.org/blog/2015/02/20/Flow-Comments.html',
99 title: 'Flow is a static type checker for JavaScript',
100 },
101 {
102 text: 'Flow Type',
103 url: 'http://flowtype.org',
104 title: 'Flow is a static type checker for JavaScript',
105 },
106 {
107 text: 'JSX',
108 url: 'https://facebook.github.io/jsx/',
109 title: 'XML/HTML inside your JavaScript',
110 },
111 {
112 text: 'Node.js',
113 url: 'https://nodejs.org',
114 title:
115 "Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine",
116 },
117 {
118 text: 'TypeScript',
119 url: 'https://www.typescriptlang.org/',
120 title:
121 'TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. ',
122 },
123 ]
124 // build a map
125 const linksMap = {}
126 for (const link of linksArray) {
127 linksMap[link.text.toLowerCase()] = util_js_1.getLink(link)
128 }
129 // do the replacement
130 const linksMatch = new RegExp(
131 linksArray.map((link) => link.text).join('|'),
132 'g'
133 )
134 return text.replace(linksMatch, function (match) {
135 return linksMap[match.toLowerCase()]
136 })
138function getNpmInstructionList(data, commands, local) {
139 const label = `Executable${commands.length === 1 ? '' : 's'}`
140 let importStatement = ''
141 let requireStatement = ''
142 if (local && data.main) {
143 if (
144 Array.isArray(data.keywords) &&
145 data.keywords.includes('export-default')
146 ) {
147 importStatement = `import pkg from ('${data.name}')`
148 requireStatement = `const pkg = require('${data.name}').default`
149 } else {
150 importStatement = `import * as pkg from ('${data.name}')`
151 requireStatement = `const pkg = require('${data.name}')`
152 }
153 }
154 return [
155 '<ul>',
156 `<li>Install: <code>npm install ${local ? '--save' : '--global'} ${
157 data.name
158 }</code></li>`,
159 commands.length
160 ? `<li>${label}: <code>${commands
161 .map((command) => (local ? `npx ${command}` : command))
162 .join('</code>, <code>')}</code></li>`
163 : '',
164 importStatement ? `<li>Import: <code>${importStatement}</code></li>` : '',
165 requireStatement
166 ? `<li>Require: <code>${requireStatement}</code></li>`
167 : '',
168 '</ul>',
169 ]
170 .filter((i) => i)
171 .join('\n')
173function getNpmInstructions(data) {
174 const commands =
175 typeof data.bin === 'string' ? [data.name] : Object.keys(data.bin || {})
176 return [
177 util_js_1.getLink({
178 text: '<h3>npm</h3>',
179 url: 'https://npmjs.com',
180 title: 'npm is a package manager for javascript',
181 }),
182 commands.length && '<h4>Install Globally</h4>',
183 commands.length && getNpmInstructionList(data, commands, false),
184 commands.length && '<h4>Install Locally</h4>',
185 getNpmInstructionList(data, commands, true),
186 ]
187 .filter((i) => i)
188 .join('\n')
190function getDenoInstructions(data) {
191 const url =
192 `https://unpkg.com/${data.name}@^${data.version}` +
193 (data.deno ? `/${data.deno}` : '')
194 const importer =
195 Array.isArray(data.keywords) && data.keywords.includes('export-default')
196 ? `pkg`
197 : '* as pkg'
198 return [
199 util_js_1.getLink({
200 text: '<h3>Deno</h3>',
201 url: 'https://deno.land',
202 title:
203 'Deno is a secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript, it is an alternative for Node.js',
204 }),
205 '',
206 '``` typescript',
207 `import ${importer} from '${url}'`,
208 '```',
209 ].join('\n')
211function getUnpkgInstructions(data) {
212 const url = `//unpkg.com/${data.name}@^${data.version}`
213 const importer =
214 Array.isArray(data.keywords) && data.keywords.includes('export-default')
215 ? `pkg`
216 : '* as pkg'
217 return [
218 util_js_1.getLink({
219 text: '<h3>unpkg</h3>',
220 url: 'https://unpkg.com',
221 title:
222 'unpkg is a fast, global content delivery network for everything on npm',
223 }),
224 '',
225 '``` html',
226 '<script type="module">',
227 ` import ${importer} from '${url}'`,
228 `</script>`,
229 '```',
230 ].join('\n')
232function getPikaInstructions(data) {
233 const url = `//cdn.pika.dev/${data.name}/^${data.version}`
234 const importer =
235 Array.isArray(data.keywords) && data.keywords.includes('export-default')
236 ? `pkg`
237 : '* as pkg'
238 return [
239 util_js_1.getLink({
240 text: '<h3>pika</h3>',
241 url: 'https://www.pika.dev/cdn',
242 title: '100% Native ES Modules CDN',
243 }),
244 '',
245 '``` html',
246 '<script type="module">',
247 ` import ${importer} from '${url}'`,
248 `</script>`,
249 '```',
250 ].join('\n')
252function getJspmInstructions(data) {
253 const url = `//dev.jspm.io/${data.name}@${data.version}`
254 const importer =
255 Array.isArray(data.keywords) && data.keywords.includes('export-default')
256 ? `pkg`
257 : '* as pkg'
258 return [
259 util_js_1.getLink({
260 text: '<h3>jspm</h3>',
261 url: 'https://jspm.io',
262 title: 'Native ES Modules CDN',
263 }),
264 '',
265 '``` html',
266 '<script type="module">',
267 ` import ${importer} from '${url}'`,
268 `</script>`,
269 '```',
270 ].join('\n')
272function getTypeScriptInstructions() {
273 return [
274 hydrateTextWithLinks('<h3>TypeScript</h3>'),
275 '',
276 hydrateTextWithLinks(
277 'This project provides its type information via inline JSDoc Comments. To make use of this in TypeScript, set your <code>maxNodeModuleJsDepth</code> compiler option to `5` or thereabouts. You can accomlish this via your `tsconfig.json` file like so:'
278 ),
279 '',
280 '``` json',
281 JSON.stringify(
282 {
283 compilerOptions: {
284 maxNodeModuleJsDepth: 5,
285 },
286 },
287 null,
288 ' '
289 ),
290 '```',
291 ].join('\n')
293function getComponentInstructions(data) {
294 return [
295 util_js_1.getLink({
296 text: '<h3>Component</h3>',
297 url: 'https://github.com/componentjs/component',
298 title:
299 'Frontend package manager and build tool for modular web applications',
300 }),
301 `<ul><li>Install: <code>component install ${data.name}</code></li></ul>`,
302 ].join('\n')
304function getBowerInstructions(data) {
305 return [
306 util_js_1.getLink({
307 text: '<h3>Bower</h3>',
308 url: 'https://bower.io',
309 title: 'A package manager for the web',
310 }),
311 `<ul><li>Install: <code>bower install ${data.name}</code></li></ul>`,
312 ].join('\n')
314function getEditionsInstructions(data) {
315 if (!data.editions.length) return ''
316 let hasDefaultEdition = false
317 const editions = []
318 for (const edition of data.editions) {
319 const entryParts = []
320 if (edition.directory) {
321 entryParts.push(edition.directory)
322 }
323 if (edition.entry) {
324 // handle the editions standard 1.3 and below
325 // can't use substring, as we don't know if we have 1.3 and below or not
326 if (edition.directory) {
327 entryParts.push(
328 edition.entry.replace(edition.directory.length + '/', '')
329 )
330 } else {
331 entryParts.push(edition.entry)
332 }
333 }
334 const entry = entryParts.join('/')
335 if (entry === data.main) {
336 hasDefaultEdition = true
337 editions.push(
338 `<code>${data.name}</code> aliases <code>${data.name}/${data.main}</code>`
339 )
340 }
341 editions.push(
342 `<code>${data.name}/${entry}</code> is ${edition.description}`
343 )
344 }
345 // Autoloaders
346 if (!hasDefaultEdition) {
347 if ('editions' in data.dependencies) {
348 editions.unshift(
349 `<code>${data.name}</code> aliases <code>${data.name}/${data.main}</code> which uses the Editions Autoloader to automatically select the correct edition for the consumer's environment`
350 )
351 } else if ('esnextguardian' in data.dependencies) {
352 editions.unshift(
353 `<code>${data.name}</code> aliases <code>${data.name}/${data.main}</code> which uses ESNextGuardian to automatically select the correct edition for the consumers environment`
354 )
355 }
356 }
357 // Compile result
358 const result = `<h3>Editions</h3>\n\n<p>This package is published with the following editions:</p>\n\n<ul><li>${editions.join(
359 '</li>\n<li>'
360 )}</li></ul>`
361 // Add links
362 return hydrateTextWithLinks(result)
364// Define
365function getInstallInstructions(data) {
366 const parts = ['<h2>Install</h2>']
367 // DocPad
368 const prefix = 'docpad-plugin-'
369 if (data.name.startsWith(prefix)) {
370 const pluginName = data.name.substring(prefix.length)
371 parts.push(
372 `Install this DocPad plugin by entering <code>docpad install ${pluginName}</code> into your terminal.`
373 )
374 } else {
375 // Node
376 if (data.filenamesForPackageFiles.package) {
377 parts.push(getNpmInstructions(data))
378 // Deno
379 if (data.deno) {
380 parts.push(getDenoInstructions(data))
381 }
382 // Browser
383 if (data.browsers) {
384 if (data.module) {
385 parts.push(getPikaInstructions(data))
386 parts.push(getUnpkgInstructions(data))
387 }
388 parts.push(getJspmInstructions(data))
389 }
390 }
391 // Component
392 if (data.filenamesForPackageFiles.component) {
393 parts.push(getComponentInstructions(data))
394 }
395 // Bower
396 if (data.filenamesForPackageFiles.bower) {
397 parts.push(getBowerInstructions(data))
398 }
399 // Editions
400 if (data.editions) {
401 parts.push(getEditionsInstructions(data))
402 }
403 }
404 if (data.main && data.devDependencies && data.devDependencies.jsdoc) {
405 parts.push(getTypeScriptInstructions())
406 }
407 return parts.filter((i) => i).join('\n\n')
409exports.getInstallInstructions = getInstallInstructions