4.26 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1const fs = require("fs");
2const path = require("path");
3const report = require("multiple-cucumber-html-reporter");
4const xml2js = require("xml2js");
5const JunitReport = require("./JunitReport");
6const os = require("os");
9 * Reporter
10 * @type {Reporter}
11 */
12class Reporter {
14 /**
15 * Generate multiple html cucumber report
16 * @param {Object} capabilities - browser capabilities
17 * @param {string} reportPath - path to store generated report
18 * @param {string} jsonDir - path to jsonDir
19 */
20 static generateHTMLReport(capabilities, reportPath, jsonDir) {
22 const GLUED_REPORT_PATH = "glued_report/";
24 this.glueReports(jsonDir + "report.json", jsonReport => {
25 const gluedReport = JSON.parse(jsonReport).reduce((report, feature) => {
26 const featureIndex = report.findIndex(reportFeature => reportFeature.id === feature.id);
27 if (featureIndex !== -1) {
28 report[featureIndex].elements.push(...feature.elements);
29 } else {
30 report.push(feature);
31 }
32 return report
33 }, []);
35 if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(jsonDir + GLUED_REPORT_PATH))) {
36 fs.mkdirSync(path.resolve(jsonDir + GLUED_REPORT_PATH))
37 }
38 fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(jsonDir + GLUED_REPORT_PATH + "report.json"), JSON.stringify(gluedReport));
40 report.generate({
41 jsonDir: path.resolve(jsonDir + "glued_report"),
42 reportPath: path.resolve(reportPath),
43 metadata: {
44 browser: {
45 name: capabilities.browserName,
46 version: capabilities.version
47 },
48 device: "PC",
49 platform: {
50 name: os.platform() === "win32" ? "windows" : os.platform(),
51 version: os.release()
52 }
53 },
54 customData: {
55 title: 'Run info',
56 data: [
57 {label: 'Project', value: capabilities.project},
58 {label: 'Duration', value: capabilities.duration},
59 {label: 'Execution Start Time', value: capabilities.startTime},
60 {label: 'Execution End Time', value: capabilities.endTime}
61 ]
62 }
63 });
64 });
65 }
68 /**
69 * Generate junit xml report
70 * @param {string} pathToJson - path to jsonDir
71 * @param {string} pathToXml - path to store report
72 */
73 static generateXMLReport(pathToJson, pathToXml) {
74 const builder = new xml2js.Builder();
75 this.glueReports(pathToJson, jsonReport => {
76 const xml = builder.buildObject(new JunitReport(jsonReport).build());
77 fs.writeFile(path.resolve(pathToXml), xml, (err) => {
78 if (err) throw err
79 })
80 });
81 }
83 /**
84 * Glue reports in case of parallels run
85 * @param {string} pathToJson - path to json
86 * @param {Function} cb - function called to glued report
87 * @private
88 */
89 static glueReports(pathToJson, cb) {
90 return fs.access(path.resolve(pathToJson), (notExist) => {
91 if (notExist) {
92 const dirPath = pathToJson.replace(/^(.+[\/\\])(.+)$/g, (match, p1) => p1);
93 fs.readdir(path.resolve(dirPath), (err, files) => {
94 const REPORT_REGEXP = /^report\.\d+\.json$/;
95 const reports = files.filter(item => REPORT_REGEXP.test(item));
96 const fullReport = reports
97 .map(item => require(path.resolve(dirPath + item)))
98 .reduce((prev, curr) => {
99 if (curr.length > 0) {
100 prev.push(curr[0]);
101 }
102 return prev
103 }, []);
104 cb(JSON.stringify(fullReport))
105 })
106 } else {
107 cb(JSON.stringify(require(path.resolve(pathToJson))));
108 }
109 })
110 }
114module.exports = Reporter;
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