1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 | const fs = require("fs");
8 | const q = require("q");
9 | const configParser_1 = require("./configParser");
10 | const exitCodes_1 = require("./exitCodes");
11 | const logger_1 = require("./logger");
12 | const runner_1 = require("./runner");
13 | const taskRunner_1 = require("./taskRunner");
14 | const taskScheduler_1 = require("./taskScheduler");
15 | const helper = require("./util");
16 | let logger = new logger_1.Logger('launcher');
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 | class TaskResults {
24 | constructor() {
25 |
26 | this.results_ = [];
27 | }
28 | add(result) {
29 | this.results_.push(result);
30 | }
31 | totalSpecFailures() {
32 | return this.results_.reduce((specFailures, result) => {
33 | return specFailures + result.failedCount;
34 | }, 0);
35 | }
36 | totalProcessFailures() {
37 | return this.results_.reduce((processFailures, result) => {
38 | return !result.failedCount && result.exitCode !== 0 ? processFailures + 1 : processFailures;
39 | }, 0);
40 | }
41 | saveResults(filepath) {
42 | let jsonOutput = this.results_.reduce((jsonOutput, result) => {
43 | return jsonOutput.concat(result.specResults);
44 | }, []);
45 | let json = JSON.stringify(jsonOutput, null, ' ');
46 | fs.writeFileSync(filepath, json);
47 | }
48 | reportSummary() {
49 | let specFailures = this.totalSpecFailures();
50 | let processFailures = this.totalProcessFailures();
51 | this.results_.forEach((result) => {
52 | let capabilities = result.capabilities;
53 | let shortName = (capabilities.browserName) ? capabilities.browserName : '';
54 | shortName = (capabilities.logName) ?
55 | capabilities.logName :
56 | (capabilities.browserName) ? capabilities.browserName : '';
57 | shortName += (capabilities.version) ? capabilities.version : '';
58 | shortName += (capabilities.logName && capabilities.count < 2) ? '' : ' #' + result.taskId;
59 | if (result.failedCount) {
60 | logger.info(shortName + ' failed ' + result.failedCount + ' test(s)');
61 | }
62 | else if (result.exitCode !== 0) {
63 | logger.info(shortName + ' failed with exit code: ' + result.exitCode);
64 | }
65 | else {
66 | logger.info(shortName + ' passed');
67 | }
68 | });
69 | if (specFailures && processFailures) {
70 | logger.info('overall: ' + specFailures + ' failed spec(s) and ' + processFailures +
71 | ' process(es) failed to complete');
72 | }
73 | else if (specFailures) {
74 | logger.info('overall: ' + specFailures + ' failed spec(s)');
75 | }
76 | else if (processFailures) {
77 | logger.info('overall: ' + processFailures + ' process(es) failed to complete');
78 | }
79 | }
80 | }
81 | let taskResults_ = new TaskResults();
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 | let initFn = function (configFile, additionalConfig) {
91 | let configParser = new configParser_1.ConfigParser();
92 | if (configFile) {
93 | configParser.addFileConfig(configFile);
94 | }
95 | if (additionalConfig) {
96 | configParser.addConfig(additionalConfig);
97 | }
98 | let config = configParser.getConfig();
99 | logger_1.Logger.set(config);
100 | logger.debug('Running with --troubleshoot');
101 | logger.debug('Protractor version: ' + require('../package.json').version);
102 | logger.debug('Your base url for tests is ' + config.baseUrl);
103 |
104 | helper.runFilenameOrFn_(config.configDir, config.beforeLaunch)
105 | .then(() => {
106 | return q
107 | .Promise((resolve, reject) => {
108 |
109 |
110 | if (config.getMultiCapabilities &&
111 | typeof config.getMultiCapabilities === 'function') {
112 | if (config.multiCapabilities.length || config.capabilities) {
113 | logger.warn('getMultiCapabilities() will override both capabilities ' +
114 | 'and multiCapabilities');
115 | }
116 |
117 | q(config.getMultiCapabilities())
118 | .then((multiCapabilities) => {
119 | config.multiCapabilities = multiCapabilities;
120 | config.capabilities = null;
121 | })
122 | .then(() => {
123 | resolve();
124 | })
125 | .catch(err => {
126 | reject(err);
127 | });
128 | }
129 | else {
130 | resolve();
131 | }
132 | })
133 | .then(() => {
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 | if (config.capabilities) {
138 | if (config.multiCapabilities.length) {
139 | logger.warn('You have specified both capabilities and ' +
140 | 'multiCapabilities. This will result in capabilities being ' +
141 | 'ignored');
142 | }
143 | else {
144 |
145 | config.multiCapabilities = [config.capabilities];
146 | }
147 | }
148 | else if (!config.multiCapabilities.length) {
149 |
150 | config.multiCapabilities = [{ browserName: 'chrome' }];
151 | }
152 | });
153 | })
154 | .then(() => {
155 |
156 | if (config.elementExplorer || config.framework === 'explorer') {
157 | if (config.multiCapabilities.length != 1) {
158 | throw new Error('Must specify only 1 browser while using elementExplorer');
159 | }
160 | else {
161 | config.capabilities = config.multiCapabilities[0];
162 | }
163 | config.framework = 'explorer';
164 | let runner = new runner_1.Runner(config);
165 | return runner.run().then((exitCode) => {
166 | process.exit(exitCode);
167 | }, (err) => {
168 | logger.error(err);
169 | process.exit(1);
170 | });
171 | }
172 | })
173 | .then(() => {
174 |
175 | let scheduler = new taskScheduler_1.TaskScheduler(config);
176 | process.on('uncaughtException', (exc) => {
177 | let e = (exc instanceof Error) ? exc : new Error(exc);
178 | if (config.ignoreUncaughtExceptions) {
179 |
180 |
181 |
182 | logger.warn('Ignoring uncaught error ' + exc);
183 | return;
184 | }
185 | let errorCode = exitCodes_1.ErrorHandler.parseError(e);
186 | if (errorCode) {
187 | let protractorError = e;
188 | exitCodes_1.ProtractorError.log(logger, errorCode, protractorError.message, protractorError.stack);
189 | process.exit(errorCode);
190 | }
191 | else {
192 | logger.error(e.message);
193 | logger.error(e.stack);
194 | process.exit(exitCodes_1.ProtractorError.CODE);
195 | }
196 | });
197 | process.on('exit', (code) => {
198 | if (code) {
199 | logger.error('Process exited with error code ' + code);
200 | }
201 | else if (scheduler.numTasksOutstanding() > 0) {
202 | logger.error('BUG: launcher exited with ' + scheduler.numTasksOutstanding() +
203 | ' tasks remaining');
204 | process.exit(RUNNERS_FAILED_EXIT_CODE);
205 | }
206 | });
207 |
208 | let cleanUpAndExit = (exitCode) => {
209 | return helper.runFilenameOrFn_(config.configDir, config.afterLaunch, [exitCode])
210 | .then((returned) => {
211 | if (typeof returned === 'number') {
212 | process.exit(returned);
213 | }
214 | else {
215 | process.exit(exitCode);
216 | }
217 | }, (err) => {
218 | logger.error('Error:', err);
219 | process.exit(1);
220 | });
221 | };
222 | let totalTasks = scheduler.numTasksOutstanding();
223 | let forkProcess = false;
224 | if (totalTasks > 1) {
225 | forkProcess = true;
226 | if (config.debug) {
227 | throw new exitCodes_1.ConfigError(logger, 'Cannot run in debug mode with multiCapabilities, count > 1, or sharding');
228 | }
229 | }
230 | let deferred = q.defer();
231 | let createNextTaskRunner = () => {
232 | let task = scheduler.nextTask();
233 | if (task) {
234 | let taskRunner = new taskRunner_1.TaskRunner(configFile, additionalConfig, task, forkProcess);
235 | taskRunner.run()
236 | .then((result) => {
237 | if (result.exitCode && !result.failedCount) {
238 | logger.error('Runner process exited unexpectedly with error code: ' + result.exitCode);
239 | }
240 | taskResults_.add(result);
241 | task.done();
242 | createNextTaskRunner();
243 |
244 | if (scheduler.numTasksOutstanding() === 0) {
245 | deferred.resolve();
246 | }
247 | logger.info(scheduler.countActiveTasks() + ' instance(s) of WebDriver still running');
248 | })
249 | .catch((err) => {
250 | logger.error('Error:', err.stack || err.message || err);
252 | });
253 | }
254 | };
255 |
256 |
257 |
258 |
259 | for (let i = 0; i < scheduler.maxConcurrentTasks(); ++i) {
260 | createNextTaskRunner();
261 | }
262 | logger.info('Running ' + scheduler.countActiveTasks() + ' instances of WebDriver');
263 |
264 | deferred.promise
265 | .then(function () {
266 |
267 | if (config.resultJsonOutputFile) {
268 | taskResults_.saveResults(config.resultJsonOutputFile);
269 | }
270 | taskResults_.reportSummary();
271 | let exitCode = 0;
272 | if (taskResults_.totalProcessFailures() > 0) {
274 | }
275 | else if (taskResults_.totalSpecFailures() > 0) {
276 | exitCode = 1;
277 | }
278 | return cleanUpAndExit(exitCode);
279 | })
280 | .done();
281 | })
282 | .done();
283 | };
284 | exports.init = initFn;
285 |
\ | No newline at end of file |