10.9 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { By, ByHash, promise as wdpromise, WebDriver, WebElement } from 'selenium-webdriver';
2export declare class WebdriverBy {
3 className: (className: string) => By;
4 css: (css: string) => By;
5 id: (id: string) => By;
6 linkText: (linkText: string) => By;
7 js: (js: string | Function, ...var_args: any[]) => By;
8 name: (name: string) => By;
9 partialLinkText: (partialText: string) => By;
10 tagName: (tagName: string) => By;
11 xpath: (xpath: string) => By;
13export declare type WebDriverLocator = By | ByHash | Function;
14export interface ProtractorLocator {
15 findElementsOverride: (driver: WebDriver, using: WebElement, rootSelector: string) => wdpromise.Promise<WebElement[]>;
16 row?: (index: number) => Locator;
17 column?: (index: string) => Locator;
18 toString?: () => string;
20export declare type Locator = ProtractorLocator | WebDriverLocator;
21export declare function isProtractorLocator(x: Locator): x is ProtractorLocator;
23 * The Protractor Locators. These provide ways of finding elements in
24 * Angular applications by binding, model, etc.
25 *
26 * @alias by
27 * @extends {webdriver.By}
28 */
29export declare class ProtractorBy extends WebdriverBy {
30 [key: string]: any;
31 /**
32 * Add a locator to this instance of ProtractorBy. This locator can then be
33 * used with element(by.locatorName(args)).
34 *
35 * @view
36 * <button ng-click="doAddition()">Go!</button>
37 *
38 * @example
39 * // Add the custom locator.
40 * by.addLocator('buttonTextSimple',
41 * function(buttonText, opt_parentElement, opt_rootSelector) {
42 * // This function will be serialized as a string and will execute in the
43 * // browser. The first argument is the text for the button. The second
44 * // argument is the parent element, if any.
45 * var using = opt_parentElement || document,
46 * buttons = using.querySelectorAll('button');
47 *
48 * // Return an array of buttons with the text.
49 * return Array.prototype.filter.call(buttons, function(button) {
50 * return button.textContent === buttonText;
51 * });
52 * });
53 *
54 * // Use the custom locator.
55 * element(by.buttonTextSimple('Go!')).click();
56 *
57 * @alias by.addLocator(locatorName, functionOrScript)
58 * @param {string} name The name of the new locator.
59 * @param {Function|string} script A script to be run in the context of
60 * the browser. This script will be passed an array of arguments
61 * that contains any args passed into the locator followed by the
62 * element scoping the search and the css selector for the root angular
63 * element. It should return an array of elements.
64 */
65 addLocator(name: string, script: Function | string): void;
66 /**
67 * Find an element by text binding. Does a partial match, so any elements
68 * bound to variables containing the input string will be returned.
69 *
70 * Note: For AngularJS version 1.2, the interpolation brackets, (usually
71 * {{}}), are optionally allowed in the binding description string. For
72 * Angular version 1.3+, they are not allowed, and no elements will be found
73 * if they are used.
74 *
75 * @view
76 * <span>{{person.name}}</span>
77 * <span ng-bind="person.email"></span>
78 *
79 * @example
80 * var span1 = element(by.binding('person.name'));
81 * expect(span1.getText()).toBe('Foo');
82 *
83 * var span2 = element(by.binding('person.email'));
84 * expect(span2.getText()).toBe('foo@bar.com');
85 *
86 * // You can also use a substring for a partial match
87 * var span1alt = element(by.binding('name'));
88 * expect(span1alt.getText()).toBe('Foo');
89 *
90 * // This works for sites using Angular 1.2 but NOT 1.3
91 * var deprecatedSyntax = element(by.binding('{{person.name}}'));
92 *
93 * @param {string} bindingDescriptor
94 * @returns {ProtractorLocator} location strategy
95 */
96 binding(bindingDescriptor: string): ProtractorLocator;
97 /**
98 * Find an element by exact binding.
99 *
100 * @view
101 * <span>{{ person.name }}</span>
102 * <span ng-bind="person-email"></span>
103 * <span>{{person_phone|uppercase}}</span>
104 *
105 * @example
106 * expect(element(by.exactBinding('person.name')).isPresent()).toBe(true);
107 * expect(element(by.exactBinding('person-email')).isPresent()).toBe(true);
108 * expect(element(by.exactBinding('person')).isPresent()).toBe(false);
109 * expect(element(by.exactBinding('person_phone')).isPresent()).toBe(true);
110 * expect(element(by.exactBinding('person_phone|uppercase')).isPresent()).toBe(true);
111 * expect(element(by.exactBinding('phone')).isPresent()).toBe(false);
112 *
113 * @param {string} bindingDescriptor
114 * @returns {ProtractorLocator} location strategy
115 */
116 exactBinding(bindingDescriptor: string): ProtractorLocator;
117 /**
118 * Find an element by ng-model expression.
119 *
120 * @alias by.model(modelName)
121 * @view
122 * <input type="text" ng-model="person.name">
123 *
124 * @example
125 * var input = element(by.model('person.name'));
126 * input.sendKeys('123');
127 * expect(input.getAttribute('value')).toBe('Foo123');
128 *
129 * @param {string} model ng-model expression.
130 * @returns {ProtractorLocator} location strategy
131 */
132 model(model: string): ProtractorLocator;
133 /**
134 * Find a button by text.
135 *
136 * @view
137 * <button>Save</button>
138 *
139 * @example
140 * element(by.buttonText('Save'));
141 *
142 * @param {string} searchText
143 * @returns {ProtractorLocator} location strategy
144 */
145 buttonText(searchText: string): ProtractorLocator;
146 /**
147 * Find a button by partial text.
148 *
149 * @view
150 * <button>Save my file</button>
151 *
152 * @example
153 * element(by.partialButtonText('Save'));
154 *
155 * @param {string} searchText
156 * @returns {ProtractorLocator} location strategy
157 */
158 partialButtonText(searchText: string): ProtractorLocator;
159 private byRepeaterInner(exact, repeatDescriptor);
160 /**
161 * Find elements inside an ng-repeat.
162 *
163 * @view
164 * <div ng-repeat="cat in pets">
165 * <span>{{cat.name}}</span>
166 * <span>{{cat.age}}</span>
167 * </div>
168 *
169 * <div class="book-img" ng-repeat-start="book in library">
170 * <span>{{$index}}</span>
171 * </div>
172 * <div class="book-info" ng-repeat-end>
173 * <h4>{{book.name}}</h4>
174 * <p>{{book.blurb}}</p>
175 * </div>
176 *
177 * @example
178 * // Returns the DIV for the second cat.
179 * var secondCat = element(by.repeater('cat in pets').row(1));
180 *
181 * // Returns the SPAN for the first cat's name.
182 * var firstCatName = element(by.repeater('cat in pets').
183 * row(0).column('cat.name'));
184 *
185 * // Returns a promise that resolves to an array of WebElements from a column
186 * var ages = element.all(
187 * by.repeater('cat in pets').column('cat.age'));
188 *
189 * // Returns a promise that resolves to an array of WebElements containing
190 * // all top level elements repeated by the repeater. For 2 pets rows
191 * // resolves to an array of 2 elements.
192 * var rows = element.all(by.repeater('cat in pets'));
193 *
194 * // Returns a promise that resolves to an array of WebElements containing
195 * // all the elements with a binding to the book's name.
196 * var divs = element.all(by.repeater('book in library').column('book.name'));
197 *
198 * // Returns a promise that resolves to an array of WebElements containing
199 * // the DIVs for the second book.
200 * var bookInfo = element.all(by.repeater('book in library').row(1));
201 *
202 * // Returns the H4 for the first book's name.
203 * var firstBookName = element(by.repeater('book in library').
204 * row(0).column('book.name'));
205 *
206 * // Returns a promise that resolves to an array of WebElements containing
207 * // all top level elements repeated by the repeater. For 2 books divs
208 * // resolves to an array of 4 elements.
209 * var divs = element.all(by.repeater('book in library'));
210 *
211 * @param {string} repeatDescriptor
212 * @returns {ProtractorLocator} location strategy
213 */
214 repeater(repeatDescriptor: string): ProtractorLocator;
215 /**
216 * Find an element by exact repeater.
217 *
218 * @view
219 * <li ng-repeat="person in peopleWithRedHair"></li>
220 * <li ng-repeat="car in cars | orderBy:year"></li>
221 *
222 * @example
223 * expect(element(by.exactRepeater('person in
224 * peopleWithRedHair')).isPresent())
225 * .toBe(true);
226 * expect(element(by.exactRepeater('person in
227 * people')).isPresent()).toBe(false);
228 * expect(element(by.exactRepeater('car in cars')).isPresent()).toBe(true);
229 *
230 * @param {string} repeatDescriptor
231 * @returns {ProtractorLocator} location strategy
232 */
233 exactRepeater(repeatDescriptor: string): ProtractorLocator;
234 /**
235 * Find elements by CSS which contain a certain string.
236 *
237 * @view
238 * <ul>
239 * <li class="pet">Dog</li>
240 * <li class="pet">Cat</li>
241 * </ul>
242 *
243 * @example
244 * // Returns the li for the dog, but not cat.
245 * var dog = element(by.cssContainingText('.pet', 'Dog'));
246 *
247 * @param {string} cssSelector css selector
248 * @param {string|RegExp} searchString text search
249 * @returns {ProtractorLocator} location strategy
250 */
251 cssContainingText(cssSelector: string, searchText: string | RegExp): ProtractorLocator;
252 /**
253 * Find an element by ng-options expression.
254 *
255 * @alias by.options(optionsDescriptor)
256 * @view
257 * <select ng-model="color" ng-options="c for c in colors">
258 * <option value="0" selected="selected">red</option>
259 * <option value="1">green</option>
260 * </select>
261 *
262 * @example
263 * var allOptions = element.all(by.options('c for c in colors'));
264 * expect(allOptions.count()).toEqual(2);
265 * var firstOption = allOptions.first();
266 * expect(firstOption.getText()).toEqual('red');
267 *
268 * @param {string} optionsDescriptor ng-options expression.
269 * @returns {ProtractorLocator} location strategy
270 */
271 options(optionsDescriptor: string): ProtractorLocator;
272 /**
273 * Find an element by css selector within the Shadow DOM.
274 *
275 * @alias by.deepCss(selector)
276 * @view
277 * <div>
278 * <span id="outerspan">
279 * <"shadow tree">
280 * <span id="span1"></span>
281 * <"shadow tree">
282 * <span id="span2"></span>
283 * </>
284 * </>
285 * </div>
286 * @example
287 * var spans = element.all(by.deepCss('span'));
288 * expect(spans.count()).toEqual(3);
289 *
290 * @param {string} selector a css selector within the Shadow DOM.
291 * @returns {Locator} location strategy
292 */
293 deepCss(selector: string): Locator;