1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | const events_1 = require("events");
4 | const q = require("q");
5 | const selenium_webdriver_1 = require("selenium-webdriver");
6 | const util = require("util");
7 | const browser_1 = require("./browser");
8 | const driverProviders_1 = require("./driverProviders");
9 | const logger_1 = require("./logger");
10 | const plugins_1 = require("./plugins");
11 | const ptor_1 = require("./ptor");
12 | const helper = require("./util");
13 | let logger = new logger_1.Logger('runner');
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 | class Runner extends events_1.EventEmitter {
27 | constructor(config) {
28 | super();
29 | |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 | this.exit_ = function (exitCode) {
35 | return helper.runFilenameOrFn_(this.config_.configDir, this.config_.onCleanUp, [exitCode])
36 | .then((returned) => {
37 | if (typeof returned === 'number') {
38 | return returned;
39 | }
40 | else {
41 | return exitCode;
42 | }
43 | });
44 | };
45 | this.config_ = config;
46 | if (config.v8Debug) {
47 |
48 | process['_debugProcess'](process.pid);
49 | }
50 | if (config.nodeDebug) {
51 | process['_debugProcess'](process.pid);
52 | let flow = selenium_webdriver_1.promise.controlFlow();
53 | this.ready_ = flow.execute(() => {
54 | let nodedebug = require('child_process').fork('debug', ['localhost:5858']);
55 | process.on('exit', function () {
56 | nodedebug.kill('SIGTERM');
57 | });
58 | nodedebug.on('exit', function () {
59 | process.exit(1);
60 | });
61 | }, 'start the node debugger').then(() => {
62 | return flow.timeout(1000, 'waiting for debugger to attach');
63 | });
64 | }
65 | if (config.capabilities && config.capabilities.seleniumAddress) {
66 | config.seleniumAddress = config.capabilities.seleniumAddress;
67 | }
68 | this.loadDriverProvider_(config);
69 | this.setTestPreparer(config.onPrepare);
70 | }
71 | |
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 | setTestPreparer(filenameOrFn) {
77 | this.preparer_ = filenameOrFn;
78 | }
79 | |
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 | runTestPreparer(extraFlags) {
87 | let unknownFlags = this.config_.unknownFlags_ || [];
88 | if (extraFlags) {
89 | unknownFlags = unknownFlags.filter((f) => extraFlags.indexOf(f) === -1);
90 | }
91 | if (unknownFlags.length > 0 && !this.config_.disableChecks) {
92 |
93 | logger.warn('Ignoring unknown extra flags: ' + unknownFlags.join(', ') + '. This will be' +
94 | ' an error in future versions, please use --disableChecks flag to disable the ' +
95 | ' Protractor CLI flag checks. ');
96 | }
97 | return this.plugins_.onPrepare().then(() => {
98 | return helper.runFilenameOrFn_(this.config_.configDir, this.preparer_);
99 | });
100 | }
101 | |
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 | afterEach() {
110 | let ret;
111 | this.frameworkUsesAfterEach = true;
112 | if (this.config_.restartBrowserBetweenTests) {
113 | this.restartPromise = this.restartPromise || q(ptor_1.protractor.browser.restart());
114 | ret = this.restartPromise;
115 | this.restartPromise = undefined;
116 | }
117 | return ret || q();
118 | }
119 | |
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 | loadDriverProvider_(config) {
131 | this.config_ = config;
132 | this.driverprovider_ = driverProviders_1.buildDriverProvider(this.config_);
133 | }
134 | |
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 | getConfig() {
140 | return this.config_;
141 | }
142 | |
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 | controlFlow() {
147 | return selenium_webdriver_1.promise.controlFlow();
148 | }
149 | |
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 | setupGlobals_(browser_) {
154 |
155 | ptor_1.protractor.browser = browser_;
156 | ptor_1.protractor.$ = browser_.$;
157 | ptor_1.protractor.$$ = browser_.$$;
158 | ptor_1.protractor.element = browser_.element;
159 | ptor_1.protractor.by = ptor_1.protractor.By = browser_1.ProtractorBrowser.By;
160 | ptor_1.protractor.ExpectedConditions = browser_.ExpectedConditions;
161 | if (!this.config_.noGlobals) {
162 |
163 | global.browser = browser_;
164 | global.$ = browser_.$;
165 | global.$$ = browser_.$$;
166 | global.element = browser_.element;
167 | global.by = global.By = ptor_1.protractor.By;
168 | global.ExpectedConditions = ptor_1.protractor.ExpectedConditions;
169 | }
170 | global.protractor = ptor_1.protractor;
171 | if (!this.config_.skipSourceMapSupport) {
172 |
173 | require('source-map-support').install();
174 | }
175 |
176 |
177 | global.DartObject = function (o) {
178 | this.o = o;
179 | };
180 | }
181 | |
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 |
191 |
192 |
193 | createBrowser(plugins, parentBrowser) {
194 | let config = this.config_;
195 | let driver = this.driverprovider_.getNewDriver();
196 | let blockingProxyUrl;
197 | if (config.useBlockingProxy) {
198 | blockingProxyUrl = this.driverprovider_.getBPUrl();
199 | }
200 | let initProperties = {
201 | baseUrl: config.baseUrl,
202 | rootElement: config.rootElement,
203 | untrackOutstandingTimeouts: config.untrackOutstandingTimeouts,
204 | params: config.params,
205 | getPageTimeout: config.getPageTimeout,
206 | allScriptsTimeout: config.allScriptsTimeout,
207 | debuggerServerPort: config.debuggerServerPort,
208 | ng12Hybrid: config.ng12Hybrid,
209 | waitForAngularEnabled: true
210 | };
211 | if (parentBrowser) {
212 | initProperties.baseUrl = parentBrowser.baseUrl;
213 | initProperties.rootElement = parentBrowser.angularAppRoot();
214 | initProperties.untrackOutstandingTimeouts = !parentBrowser.trackOutstandingTimeouts_;
215 | initProperties.params = parentBrowser.params;
216 | initProperties.getPageTimeout = parentBrowser.getPageTimeout;
217 | initProperties.allScriptsTimeout = parentBrowser.allScriptsTimeout;
218 | initProperties.debuggerServerPort = parentBrowser.debuggerServerPort;
219 | initProperties.ng12Hybrid = parentBrowser.ng12Hybrid;
220 | initProperties.waitForAngularEnabled = parentBrowser.waitForAngularEnabled();
221 | }
222 | let browser_ = new browser_1.ProtractorBrowser(driver, initProperties.baseUrl, initProperties.rootElement, initProperties.untrackOutstandingTimeouts, blockingProxyUrl);
223 | browser_.params = initProperties.params;
224 | browser_.plugins_ = plugins || new plugins_1.Plugins({});
225 | if (initProperties.getPageTimeout) {
226 | browser_.getPageTimeout = initProperties.getPageTimeout;
227 | }
228 | if (initProperties.allScriptsTimeout) {
229 | browser_.allScriptsTimeout = initProperties.allScriptsTimeout;
230 | }
231 | if (initProperties.debuggerServerPort) {
232 | browser_.debuggerServerPort = initProperties.debuggerServerPort;
233 | }
234 | if (initProperties.ng12Hybrid) {
235 | browser_.ng12Hybrid = initProperties.ng12Hybrid;
236 | }
237 | browser_.ready =
238 | browser_.ready
239 | .then(() => {
240 | return browser_.waitForAngularEnabled(initProperties.waitForAngularEnabled);
241 | })
242 | .then(() => {
243 | return driver.manage().timeouts().setScriptTimeout(initProperties.allScriptsTimeout || 0);
244 | })
245 | .then(() => {
246 | return browser_;
247 | });
248 | browser_.getProcessedConfig = () => {
249 | return selenium_webdriver_1.promise.when(config);
250 | };
251 | browser_.forkNewDriverInstance =
252 | (useSameUrl, copyMockModules, copyConfigUpdates = true) => {
253 | let newBrowser = this.createBrowser(plugins);
254 | if (copyMockModules) {
255 | newBrowser.mockModules_ = browser_.mockModules_;
256 | }
257 | if (useSameUrl) {
258 | newBrowser.ready = newBrowser.ready
259 | .then(() => {
260 | return browser_.driver.getCurrentUrl();
261 | })
262 | .then((url) => {
263 | return newBrowser.get(url);
264 | })
265 | .then(() => {
266 | return newBrowser;
267 | });
268 | }
269 | return newBrowser;
270 | };
271 | let replaceBrowser = () => {
272 | let newBrowser = browser_.forkNewDriverInstance(false, true);
273 | if (browser_ === ptor_1.protractor.browser) {
274 | this.setupGlobals_(newBrowser);
275 | }
276 | return newBrowser;
277 | };
278 | browser_.restart = () => {
279 |
280 |
281 |
282 | if (browser_.controlFlowIsEnabled()) {
283 | return browser_.restartSync().ready;
284 | }
285 | else {
286 | return this.driverprovider_.quitDriver(browser_.driver)
287 | .then(replaceBrowser)
288 | .then(newBrowser => newBrowser.ready);
289 | }
290 | };
291 | browser_.restartSync = () => {
292 | if (!browser_.controlFlowIsEnabled()) {
293 | throw TypeError('Unable to use `browser.restartSync()` when the control flow is disabled');
294 | }
295 | this.driverprovider_.quitDriver(browser_.driver);
296 | return replaceBrowser();
297 | };
298 | return browser_;
299 | }
300 | |
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 |
306 | shutdown_() {
307 | return driverProviders_1.DriverProvider.quitDrivers(this.driverprovider_, this.driverprovider_.getExistingDrivers());
308 | }
309 | |
310 |
311 |
312 |
313 |
314 |
315 | run() {
316 | let testPassed;
317 | let plugins = this.plugins_ = new plugins_1.Plugins(this.config_);
318 | let pluginPostTestPromises;
319 | let browser_;
320 | let results;
321 | if (this.config_.framework !== 'explorer' && !this.config_.specs.length) {
322 | throw new Error('Spec patterns did not match any files.');
323 | }
324 | if (this.config_.SELENIUM_PROMISE_MANAGER != null) {
325 | selenium_webdriver_1.promise.USE_PROMISE_MANAGER = this.config_.SELENIUM_PROMISE_MANAGER;
326 | }
327 | if (this.config_.webDriverLogDir || this.config_.highlightDelay) {
328 | this.config_.useBlockingProxy = true;
329 | }
330 |
331 | return q(this.ready_)
332 | .then(() => {
333 |
334 |
335 | return this.driverprovider_.setupEnv();
336 | })
337 | .then(() => {
338 |
339 | browser_ = this.createBrowser(plugins);
340 | this.setupGlobals_(browser_);
341 | return browser_.ready.then(browser_.getSession)
342 | .then((session) => {
343 | logger.debug('WebDriver session successfully started with capabilities ' +
344 | util.inspect(session.getCapabilities()));
345 | }, (err) => {
346 | logger.error('Unable to start a WebDriver session.');
347 | throw err;
348 | });
349 |
350 | })
351 | .then(() => {
352 | return plugins.setup();
353 |
354 | })
355 | .then(() => {
356 |
357 |
358 | let frameworkPath = '';
359 | if (this.config_.framework === 'jasmine' || this.config_.framework === 'jasmine2') {
360 | frameworkPath = './frameworks/jasmine.js';
361 | }
362 | else if (this.config_.framework === 'mocha') {
363 | frameworkPath = './frameworks/mocha.js';
364 | }
365 | else if (this.config_.framework === 'debugprint') {
366 |
367 | frameworkPath = './frameworks/debugprint.js';
368 | }
369 | else if (this.config_.framework === 'explorer') {
370 |
371 | frameworkPath = './frameworks/explorer.js';
372 | }
373 | else if (this.config_.framework === 'custom') {
374 | if (!this.config_.frameworkPath) {
375 | throw new Error('When config.framework is custom, ' +
376 | 'config.frameworkPath is required.');
377 | }
378 | frameworkPath = this.config_.frameworkPath;
379 | }
380 | else {
381 | throw new Error('config.framework (' + this.config_.framework + ') is not a valid framework.');
382 | }
383 | if (this.config_.restartBrowserBetweenTests) {
384 |
385 | let restartDriver = () => {
386 | if (!this.frameworkUsesAfterEach) {
387 | this.restartPromise = q(browser_.restart());
388 | }
389 | };
390 | this.on('testPass', restartDriver);
391 | this.on('testFail', restartDriver);
392 | }
393 |
394 |
395 |
396 |
397 | pluginPostTestPromises = [];
398 | this.on('testPass', (testInfo) => {
399 | pluginPostTestPromises.push(plugins.postTest(true, testInfo));
400 | });
401 | this.on('testFail', (testInfo) => {
402 | pluginPostTestPromises.push(plugins.postTest(false, testInfo));
403 | });
404 | logger.debug('Running with spec files ' + this.config_.specs);
405 | return require(frameworkPath).run(this, this.config_.specs);
406 |
407 | })
408 | .then((testResults) => {
409 | results = testResults;
410 | return q.all(pluginPostTestPromises);
411 |
412 | })
413 | .then(() => {
414 | return plugins.teardown();
415 |
416 | })
417 | .then(() => {
418 | results = helper.joinTestLogs(results, plugins.getResults());
419 | this.emit('testsDone', results);
420 | testPassed = results.failedCount === 0;
421 | if (this.driverprovider_.updateJob) {
422 | return this.driverprovider_.updateJob({ 'passed': testPassed }).then(() => {
423 | return this.driverprovider_.teardownEnv();
424 | });
425 | }
426 | else {
427 | return this.driverprovider_.teardownEnv();
428 | }
429 |
430 | })
431 | .then(() => {
432 | return plugins.postResults();
433 |
434 | })
435 | .then(() => {
436 | let exitCode = testPassed ? 0 : 1;
437 | return this.exit_(exitCode);
438 | })
439 | .fin(() => {
440 | return this.shutdown_();
441 | });
442 | }
443 | }
444 | exports.Runner = Runner;
445 |
\ | No newline at end of file |