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5 <title>JSDoc: Source: TestHelper.js</title>
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20 <h1 class="page-title">Source: TestHelper.js</h1>
27 <section>
28 <article>
29 <pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>/**
30 * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 GE Global Research. All rights reserved.
31 * The copyright to the computer software herein is the property of
32 * GE Global Research. The software may be used and/or copied only
33 * with the written permission of GE Global Research or in accordance
34 * with the terms and conditions stipulated in the agreement/contract
35 * under which the software has been supplied.
36 */
38(function () {
40 'use strict';
42 /**
43 * Creates new TestHelper
44 * @class TestHelper
45 */
46 var TestHelper = function () {
47 var chai = require('chai');
48 var TestHelperPO = require("./TestHelperPO.js");
50 global.expect = chai.expect;
51 global.should = chai.should();
52 global.assert = chai.assert;
53 chai.use(require('chai-as-promised'));
54 var logger = require('./Logger.js');
55 var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
56 var elementManager;
57 var waitTime = 1000000;
58 var drag = ("./drag.js");
59 var dragFn = ('./dragFn.js');
61 return {
62 setWaitTime: function (wait) {
63 waitTime=wait;
64 console.log("Assigned wait time to: "+ wait);
65 logger.info("Assigned wait time to: "+ wait)
66 },
68 /**
69 * Assert if expected is included.
70 * @method getRandomString
71 * @returns {String}
72 */
73 // To generate a random String name
74 getRandomString: function () {
75 var chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
76 var string_length = 8;
77 var randomstring = '';
78 for (var i = 0; i &lt; string_length; i++) {
79 var rnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
80 randomstring += chars.substring(rnum, rnum + 1);
81 }
82 logger.info("Generated random string: " + randomstring)
83 return randomstring;
84 },
86 /**
87 * Assert if expected is included.
88 * @method assertInclude
89 * @param {object} actual
90 * @param {object} expected
91 * @param callbackOnError
92 * @returns {promise}
93 */
95 assertInclude: function (actual, expected, callbackOnError) {
96 var error;
97 try {
98 logger.info('Asserting if actual: ' + actual + " is included in expected: " + expected + "\n");
99 assert.include(actual, expected)
100 } catch (e) {
101 error = e;
102 logger.info("Error on assertInclude: " + error);
103 if (callbackOnError) {
104 return callbackOnError(error)
105 }
106 }
107 return error
108 },
110 /**
111 * Assert if expected is equal to actual
112 * @param actual
113 * @param expected
114 * @param callbackOnError
115 * @returns {promise}
116 */
117 assertEqual: function (actual, expected, callbackOnError) {
118 var error;
119 try {
120 logger.info('Asserting if actual: ' + actual + " is equal to expected: " + expected + "\n");
121 logger.info(assert.equal(actual, expected));
122 assert.equal(actual, expected);
123 } catch (e) {
124 error = e;
125 logger.info('Error in assertEqual: ' + error + "\n");
126 if (callbackOnError) {
127 callbackOnError(error)
128 }
129 }
130 return error;
132 },
134 /**
135 * Assert if something is True
136 * @param promise
137 * @param callbackOnError
138 * @returns {promise}
139 */
140 assertTrue: function (promise, callbackOnError) {
141 var error;
142 try {
143 logger.info('Asserting if actual: ' + promise + " is equal to True \n");
144 assert.isTrue(promise);
145 } catch (e) {
146 error = e;
147 logger.info('Error in assertTrue: ' + error + "\n");
148 if (callbackOnError) {
149 callbackOnError(error)
150 }
151 }
152 return error;
154 },
155 /**
156 * Waits for all the angular content to load on the page
157 * @method waitForAngular
158 */
159 waitForAngular: function () {
160 try {
161 browser.waitForAngular();
162 } catch (e) {
163 console.log("Ignoring Error ", e);
164 logger.info("Ignoring Error " + e + "\n");
165 }
166 },
167 /**
168 * An expectation to check if element is present on the DOM of a page and visible. **Can also provide element directly instead of the page,element of element repo**
169 * @method isElementPresent
170 * @param page {String} Page of element repository
171 * @param ele {string} Element name
172 * @return promise
173 */
175 isElementPresent: function (page, ele) {
177 if (typeof page == "string") {
178 var locator = elementManager.findElement(page, ele)
179 return browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(locator), waitTime).then(
180 function () {
181 logger.info("Found " + ele + "!\n");
182 return true;
183 },
184 function () {
185 return false;
186 })
187 }
188 else {
189 return browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(page), waitTime, "false").then(function () {
190 // logger.info("Found " + ele.locator().value + "!\n");
191 return true
192 }, function () {
193 logger.info("Did not find: " + page.locator().value + "!\n");
194 return false
195 })
196 }
197 },
199 /**
200 * An expectation to check if element is NOT present on the DOM of a page or visible. **Can also provide element directly instead of the page,element of element repo**
201 * @method isElementNotPresent
202 * @param page {String} Page of element repository
203 * @param ele {string} Element name
204 * @return promise
205 */
206 isElementNotPresent: function (page, ele) {
207 if (typeof page == "string") {
208 var locator = elementManager.findElement(page, ele)
209 return browser.wait(EC.not(EC.visibilityOf(locator)), waitTime).then(
210 function () {
211 logger.info("Found " + ele + "!\n");
212 return true;
213 },
214 function () {
215 return false;
216 })
217 }
218 else {
219 return browser.wait(EC.not(EC.visibilityOf(page)), waitTime, "false").then(function () {
220 // logger.info("Found " + ele.locator().value + "!\n");
221 return true
222 }, function () {
223 logger.info("Did not find: " + page.locator().value + "!\n");
224 return false
225 })
226 }
227 },
229 /**
230 * An expectation to check until element disappears. **Can also provide element directly instead of the page,element of element repo**
231 * @method waitForElementToDisappear
232 * @param page {String} Page of element repository
233 * @param ele {string} Element name
234 * @return promise
235 */
237 waitForElementToDisappear: function (page, ele) {
238 if (typeof page == "string") {
239 var locator = elementManager.findElement(page, ele)
240 return browser.wait(EC.invisibilityOf(locator), waitTime).then(function () {
241 logger.info("Element " + ele + "disappeared!\n");
242 return true
243 },
244 function () {
245 return false;
246 })
247 }
248 else {
249 return browser.wait(EC.invisibilityOf(page), waitTime, "false").then(function () {
250 logger.info("Element " + ele + "disappeared!\n");
251 return true
252 },
253 function () {
254 return false;
255 })
256 }
257 },
259 /**
260 * An expectation to check if element is present on the DOM of a page and visible (same as isElementPresent
261 * but returns boolean) **Can also provide element directly instead of the page,element of element repo**
262 * @method isElementVisible
263 * @param {String} page
264 * @param {string} elementName
265 * @return boolean
266 */
268 isElementVisible: function (page, ele) {
269 if (typeof page == "string") {
270 var locator = elementManager.findElement(page, ele)
272 return browser.wait(locator.isPresent(), waitTime).then(function (data) {
273 if (data === true) {
274 logger.info("Found " + ele + "!\n");
275 return browser.wait(locator.isDisplayed(), waitTime).then(function (isdisplayed) {
276 if (isdisplayed) {
277 logger.info("is Visible " + ele + "!\n")
278 return isdisplayed
279 } else {
280 logger.info("not Visible " + ele + "!\n")
281 return isdisplayed
282 }
284 })
285 }
286 else {
287 logger.info("Not Found " + ele + "!\n");
288 return data
289 }
290 })
291 }
292 else {
293 return browser.wait(page.isPresent(), waitTime).then(function (data) {
294 if (data === true) {
295 logger.info("Found " + page.locator().value + "!\n");
296 return browser.wait(page.isDisplayed(), waitTime).then(function (isdisplayed) {
297 if (isdisplayed) {
298 logger.info("is Visible " + page.locator().value + "!\n")
299 return isdisplayed
300 } else {
301 logger.info("not Visible " + page.locator().value + "!\n")
302 return isdisplayed
303 }
305 })
306 }
307 else {
308 logger.info("Not Found " + page.locator().value + "!\n");
309 return data
310 }
311 })
312 }
313 },
315 /**
316 * An Expectation for checking an element is visible and enabled such that you can click it. **Can also provide element directly instead of the page,element of element repo**
317 * @method elementToBeClickable
318 * @param {String} page
319 * @param {string} elementName
320 * @returns {promise}
321 */
322 /*elementToBeClickable: function (page, element) {
323 var locator = elementManager.findElement(page, element);
325 return browser.wait(function () {
326 return locator.click().then(
327 function () {
328 logger.info("Clicked on" + element + "!\n");
329 return true;
330 },w
331 function () {
332 logger.info(element + " Not Clickable!\n");
333 return false;
334 });
335 }, waitTime);
336 },*/
338 elementToBeClickable: function (page, ele) {
339 if (typeof page == "string") {
340 var locator = elementManager.findElement(page, ele);
342 return browser.wait(function () {
343 return locator.click().then(
344 function () {
345 logger.info("Clicked on" + ele + "!\n");
346 return true;
347 },
348 function () {
349 // logger.info(ele + " Not Clickable!\n");
350 return false;
351 });
352 }, waitTime);
353 }
354 else {
355 return browser.wait(function () {
356 return page.click().then(function () {
357 logger.info("Clicked on " + page.locator().value + "!\n");
358 return true
359 }, function () {
360 // logger.info(ele.locator().value + " Not Clickable!\n");
361 return false
362 })
363 }, waitTime)
364 }
365 },
367 /**
368 * Checks for the element to be present and then sends keys. **Can also provide element directly instead of the page,element of element repo**
369 * @method sendKeys
370 * @param {String} page
371 * @param {String} element
372 * @param {String} text
373 */
374 sendKeys: function (page, ele, text) {
375 if (typeof page == "string") {
376 return this.isElementPresent(page, ele).then(function () {
377 var locator = elementManager.findElement(page, ele);
378 logger.info("Sending Keys to " + ele + ": '" + text + "'")
379 return locator.sendKeys(text);
380 });
381 }
382 else {
383 return this.isElementPresent(page).then(function () {
384 logger.info("Sending Keys to " + page.locator().value + ": '" + ele + "'")
385 return page.sendKeys(ele)
386 })
387 }
388 },
390 /**
391 * Checks for the element to be present and then gets text. **Can also provide element directly instead of the page,element of element repo**
392 * @method getText
393 * @param {String} page
394 * @param {String} element
395 */
396 getText: function (page, ele) {
397 if (typeof page == "string") {
398 return this.isElementPresent(page, ele).then(function () {
399 var locator = elementManager.findElement(page, ele);
400 return locator.getText().then(function (text) {
401 logger.info("Text Value of " + ele + ": " + text)
402 return text
403 })
404 });
405 }
406 else {
407 return this.isElementPresent(page).then(function () {
408 return page.getText().then(function (text) {
409 logger.info("Text Value of " + page.locator().value + ": " + text)
410 return text;
411 })
412 })
413 }
414 },
416 /**
417 * Expect an alert to be present.
418 * @method alertIsPresent
419 * @returns {promise}
420 */
421 alertsIsPresent: function () {
423 return browser.wait(EC.alertIsPresent(), waitTime);
424 },
426 /**
427 * Accepts alert dialog box
428 * @method acceptAlert
429 */
431 acceptAlert: function () {
432 return browser.switchTo().alert().accept();
433 },
435 /**
436 * Dismisses alert dialog box
437 * @method dismissAlert
438 */
440 dismissAlert: function () {
441 return browser.switchTo().alert().dismiss();
442 },
444 /**
445 * An expectation for checking if the given text is present in the element. **Can also provide element directly instead of the page,element of element repo**
446 * @method textToBePresentInElement
447 * @param {String} page
448 * @param {string} elementName
449 * @param {string} text
450 * @returns {promise}
451 */
452 textToBePresentInElement: function (page, element, text) {
453 if (typeof page == "string") {
454 var locator = elementManager.findElement(page, element)
455 return browser.wait(EC.textToBePresentInElement(locator, text), waitTime).then(
456 function () {
457 logger.info(text + " is present in " + element + "!\n");
458 return true;
459 },
460 function () {
461 logger.info(text + " is NOT present in " + element + "!\n");
462 return false;
463 });
464 }
465 else {
466 return browser.wait(EC.textToBePresentInElement(page, element), waitTime).then(function () {
467 logger.info(element + " is present in " + page.locator().value + "!\n");
468 return true
469 }, function () {
470 logger.info(element + " is NOT present in " + page.locator().value + "!\n");
471 return false
472 })
473 }
474 },
476 /**
477 * An expectation for checking if the given text is present in the element’s value. **Can also provide element directly instead of the page,element of element repo**
478 * @method textToBePresentInElementValue
479 * @param {String} page
480 * @param {string} elementName
481 * @param {string} text
482 * @returns {promise}
483 */
484 textToBePresentInElementValue: function (page, element, text) {
485 if (typeof page == "string") {
486 var locator = elementManager.findElement(page, element);
487 return browser.wait(EC.textToBePresentInElementValue(locator, text), waitTime).then(
488 function () {
489 logger.info(text + " is present in " + element + "'s value!\n");
490 return true;
491 },
492 function () {
493 logger.info(text + " is NOT present in " + element + "'s value!\n");
494 return false;
495 });
496 }
497 else {
498 return browser.wait(EC.textToBePresentInElementValue(page, element), waitTime).then(function () {
499 logger.info(element + " is present in " + page.locator().value + "'s value!\n");
500 return true
501 }, function () {
502 logger.info(element + " is NOT present in " + page.locator().value + "'s value!\n");
503 return false
504 })
505 }
506 },
508 /**
509 * Checks to see if element is selected. **Can also provide element directly instead of the page,element of element repo**
510 * @method elementToBeSelected
511 * @param {string} page
512 * @param {string} element
513 * @returns {promise}
514 */
515 elementToBeSelected: function (page, element) {
516 if (typeof page == "string") {
517 var locator = elementManager.findElement(page, element);
518 return browser.wait(EC.elementToBeSelected(locator), waitTime).then(
519 function () {
520 logger.info(element + " is selected!\n");
521 return true;
522 },
523 function () {
524 logger.info(element + " is NOT selected!\n");
525 return false;
526 });
527 }
528 else {
529 return browser.wait(EC.elementToBeSelected(page), waitTime).then(function () {
530 logger.info(page.locator().value + " is selected!\n");
531 return true
532 }, function () {
533 logger.info(page.locator().value + " is NOT selected!\n");
534 return false
535 })
536 }
537 },
539 /**
540 * An expectation for checking that the title contains a case-sensitive substring.
541 * @method titleContains
542 * @param {string} text
543 * @returns {promise}
544 */
545 titleContains: function (text) {
546 return browser.wait(EC.titleContains(text), waitTime);
547 },
549 /**
550 * An expectation for checking the title of a page.
551 * @method titleIs
552 * @param {string} text
553 * @returns {promise}
554 */
555 titleIs: function (text) {
557 return browser.wait(EC.titleIs(text), waitTime);
558 },
560 /**
561 * Sets the element manager
562 * @method setElementManager
563 * @param {Object} eM
564 */
565 setElementManager: function (eM) {
566 elementManager = eM;
567 },
569 /**
570 * Gets the element manager
571 * @method getElementManager
572 * @return {Object}
573 */
574 getElementManager: function () {
575 return elementManager;
576 },
578 /**
579 * Uploads file in upload dialog box
580 * @method uploadFile
581 * @param {String} filePath
582 */
584 uploadFile: function (filePath) {
585 var absolutePath = path.resolve(__dirname, filePath);
586 var a = $('input[type="file"]');
587 fs.stat(absolutePath, function (err, stat) {
588 if (err == null) {
589 logger.info("File exists");
590 console.log("File exists");
591 a.sendKeys(absolutePath)
592 logger.info("File Uploaded");
593 } else if (err.code == "ENOENT") {
594 logger.info("File does not exist!");
595 console.error("File does not exist!")
596 } else {
597 logger.info("Some other error: ", err.code);
598 console.log("Some other error: ", err.code);
599 }
600 })
601 },
602 /**
603 * Switches to specific iFrame
604 * @method iFrameSwitch
605 * @param {String} page
606 * @param {String} element
607 */
608 iFrameSwitch: function (page, element) {
609 if (typeof page == "string") {
610 return this.isElementPresent(page, element).then(function () {
611 elementManager.browserFindElement(page, element).then(function (ele) {
612 browser.switchTo().frame(ele).then(function () {
613 logger.info("Switched over to " + ele + "iFrame");
614 });
615 })
616 })
617 }
618 },
619 /**
620 * Scrolls until the element is in view. **Can also provide element directly instead of the page,element of element repo**
621 * @method scrollIntoView
622 * @param {String} page
623 * @param {String} element
624 */
625 scrollIntoView: function (page, element) {
626 if (typeof page == "string") {
627 return this.isElementPresent(page, element).then(function () {
628 var locator = elementManager.findElement(page, element);
629 browser.executeScript('arguments[0].scrollIntoView()', locator.getWebElement()).then(function () {
630 logger.info("Scrolled to " + element + "\n")
631 })
632 })
633 }
634 else {
635 return this.isElementPresent(page).then(function () {
636 browser.executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView()", page.getWebElement()).then(function () {
637 logger.info("Scrolled to " + page.locator().value + "\n")
638 })
639 })
640 }
641 },
643 /**
644 * Drags and drops element to specified location. **Can also provide element directly instead of the page,element of element repo**
645 * @method dragAndDrop
646 * @param {String} dragPage
647 * @param {String} dragElement
648 * @param {String} dropPage
649 * @param {String} dropElement
650 */
652 dragAndDrop: function (dragPage, dragElement, dropPage, dropElement) {
653 if (typeof page == "string") {
654 return this.isElementPresent(dragPage, dragElement).then(function () {
655 var dragLocator = elementManager.findElement(dragPage, dragElement);
656 var dropLocator = elementManager.findElement(dropPage, dropElement);
657 dragLocator.getAttribute("draggable").then(function (isDragable) {
658 if (isDragable != null) {
659 browser.executeScript(drag, dragLocator.getWebElement(), dropLocator.getWebElement()).then(function () {
660 logger.info("Dragged " + dragElement + " to " + dropElement)
661 })
662 } else {
663 browser.executeScript(dragFn, dragLocator.getWebElement(), dropLocator.getWebElement()).then(function () {
664 logger.info("Dragged " + dragElement + " to " + dropElement)
665 browser.actions().mouseMove(dropLocator).mouseUp().perform();
666 })
667 }
668 })
669 });
670 }
671 else {
672 return this.isElementPresent(dragPage).then(function () {
673 dragPage.getAttribute("draggable").then(function (isDragable) {
674 if (isDragable != null) {
675 browser.executeScript(drag, dragPage.getWebElement(), dragElement.getWebElement()).then(function () {
676 logger.info("Dragged " + dragPage.locator().value + " to " + dragElement.locator().value)
677 })
678 } else {
679 browser.executeScript(dragFn, dragPage.getWebElement(), dragElement.getWebElement()).then(function () {
680 logger.info("Dragged " + dragPage.locator().value + " to " + dragElement.locator().value)
681 browser.actions().mouseMove(dragElement).mouseUp().perform();
682 })
683 }
684 })
685 });
686 }
687 },
689 /**
690 * Drags and drops element to specified location. **Can also provide element directly instead of the page,element of element repo**
691 * @method dragAndDrop2
692 * @param {String} dragPage
693 * @param {String} dragElement
694 * @param {String} dropPage
695 * @param {String} dropElement
696 */
698 dragAndDrop2: function (dragPage, dragElement, dropPage, dropElement) {
699 if (typeof page == "string") {
700 return this.isElementPresent(dragPage, dragElement).then(function () {
701 var dragLocator = elementManager.findElement(dragPage, dragElement);
702 var dropLocator = elementManager.findElement(dropPage, dropElement);
703 browser.actions().dragAndDrop(dragLocator, dropLocator).mouseUp().perform()
704 });
705 }
706 else {
707 return this.isElementPresent(dragPage).then(function () {
708 browser.actions().dragAndDrop(dragPage, dragElement).mouseUp().perform()
709 })
710 }
711 },
713 /**
714 * Gets attribute value of specified element. **Can also provide element directly instead of the page,element of element repo**
715 * @method getAttribute
716 * @param {String} page
717 * @param {String} element
718 * @param {String} attribute
719 */
721 getAttribute: function (page, element, attribute) {
722 if (typeof page == "string") {
723 console.log("inside here 22")
724 return this.isElementPresent(page, element).then(function () {
725 var locator = elementManager.findElement(page, element);
726 return locator.getAttribute(attribute).then(function (attributeText) {
727 logger.info(element + "'s attribute " + attribute + ": " + attributeText)
728 return attributeText;
729 });
730 });
731 }
732 else {
733 return this.isElementPresent(page).then(function () {
734 return page.getAttribute(element).then(function (attributeText) {
735 logger.info(page.locator().value + "'s attribute " + element + ": " + attributeText)
736 return attributeText;
737 })
738 });
739 }
740 },
742 /**
743 * Gets css value of specified element. **Can also provide element directly instead of the page,element of element repo**
744 * @method getCssValue
745 * @param {String} page
746 * @param {String} element
747 * @param {String} cssAttribute
748 */
750 getCssValue: function (page, element, cssAttribute) {
751 if (typeof page == "string") {
752 return this.isElementPresent(page, element).then(function () {
753 var locator = elementManager.findElement(page, element);
754 return locator.getCssValue(cssAttribute).then(function (cssTextValue) {
755 logger.info(element + "'s CSS Value " + cssAttribute + ": " + cssTextValue)
756 return cssTextValue;
757 })
758 });
759 }
760 else {
761 return this.isElementPresent(page).then(function () {
762 return page.getCssValue(element).then(function (cssTextValue) {
763 logger.info(page.locator().value + "'s CSS Value " + element + ": " + cssTextValue)
764 return cssTextValue
765 })
766 });
767 }
768 },
770 /**
771 * Logs in the GE SSO page. (Default username and password are provided) Parameters are optional
772 * @method geSSOLogin
773 * @param {String} username
774 * @param {String} password
775 */
777 geSSOLogin: function (username, password) {
779 var userName;
780 var passWord;
782 if (typeof username != "undefined")
783 userName = username
784 else
785 userName = "502641091"
786 if (typeof password != "undefined")
787 passWord = password
788 else
789 passWord = "Aut0mati0n"
790 return TestHelperPO.isElementPresent(element(by.id("username"))).then(function () {
791 element(by.id("username")).sendKeys(userName);
792 element(by.id("password")).sendKeys(passWord);
793 element(by.id("password")).sendKeys(protractor.Key.ENTER);
794 logger.info("Logged in GE SSO Page")
795 })
796 }
798 }
799 }
801 module.exports = new TestHelper();
805 </article>
806 </section>
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