16.8 kBHTMLView Raw
1{% extends "_donut.html" %}
3{% block main %}
4<div class="_style-guide">
6 <section class="base--section">
7 <header class="base--header">
8 <h1 class="base--h1">Text</h1>
9 </header>
10 <article class="base--article">
11 <header class="base--header">
12 <h2 class="base--h2">Headings</h2>
13 </header>
14 <div class="base--div">
15 <h1 class="base--h1">Heading 1</h1>
16 <h2 class="base--h2">Heading 2</h2>
17 <h3 class="base--h3">Heading 3</h3>
18 <h4 class="base--h4">Heading 4</h4>
19 <h5 class="base--h5">Heading 5</h5>
20 <h6 class="base--h6">Heading 6</h6>
21 </div>
22 </article>
23 <hr class="base--hr" />
24 <article class="base--article">
25 <header class="base--header">
26 <h2 class="base--h2">Paragraphs</h2>
27 </header>
28 <div class="base--div">
29 <p class="base--p">A paragraph (from the Greek paragraphos, “to write beside” or “written beside”) is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. A paragraph consists of one or more sentences. Though not required by the syntax of any language, paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.</p>
30 </div>
31 </article>
32 <hr class="base--hr" />
33 <article class="base--article">
34 <header class="base--header">
35 <h2 class="base--h2">Blockquotes</h2>
36 </header>
37 <div class="base--div">
38 <blockquote class="base--blockquote">
39 <p class="base--p">A block quotation (also known as a long quotation or extract) is a quotation in a written document, that is set off from the main text as a paragraph, or block of text.</p>
40 <p class="base--p">It is typically distinguished visually using indentation and a different typeface or smaller size quotation. It may or may not include a citation, usually placed at the bottom.</p>
41 <cite class="base--cite"><a href="#!" class="base--link">Said no one, ever.</a></cite>
42 </blockquote>
43 </div>
44 </article>
45 <hr class="base--hr" />
46 <article class="base--div">
47 <header class="base--header">
48 <h1 class="base--h1">Lists</h1>
49 </header>
50 <div class="base--div">
51 <h3 class="base--h3">Definition list</h3>
52 <dl class="base--dl">
53 <dt class="base--dt">Definition List Title</dt>
54 <dd class="base--dd">This is a definition list division.</dd>
55 <dt class="base--dt">Definition List Title</dt>
56 <dd class="base--dd">
57 <ul class="base--ul">
58 <li class="base--li">Unordered list item inside definition list</li>
59 <li class="base--li">Unordered list item inside definition list</li>
60 <li class="base--li">Unordered list item inside definition list</li>
61 </ul>
62 </dd>
63 </dl>
64 <h3 class="base--h3">Ordered List</h3>
65 <ol class="base--ol">
66 <li class="base--li">List Item 1</li>
67 <li class="base--li">List Item 2</li>
68 <li class="base--li">List Item 3</li>
69 </ol>
70 <h3 class="base--h3">Unordered List</h3>
71 <ul class="base--ul">
72 <li class="base--li">List Item 1</li>
73 <li class="base--li">List Item 2</li>
74 <li class="base--li">List Item 3</li>
75 </ul>
76 </div>
77 </article>
78 <hr class="base--hr" />
79 <article class="base--article">
80 <header class="base--header">
81 <h1 class="base--h1">Tabular data</h1>
82 </header>
83 <table class="base--table">
84 <caption class="base--caption">Table Caption</caption>
85 <thead class="base--thead">
86 <tr class="base--tr">
87 <th class="base--th">Heading 1</th>
88 <th class="base--th">Heading 2</th>
89 <th class="base--th">Heading3LongOneWord</th>
90 <th class="base--th">Heading 4 That Is Super Long</th>
91 <th class="base--th">Heading 5</th>
92 </tr>
93 </thead>
94 <tbody class="base--tbody">
95 <tr class="base--tr">
96 <td data-th="Heading 1" class="base--td">Table Cell 1</td>
97 <td data-th="Heading 2" class="base--td">Table Cell 2</td>
98 <td data-th="Heading3LongOneWord" class="base--td">Table Cell 3</td>
99 <td data-th="Heading 4" class="base--td">Table Cell 4</td>
100 <td data-th="Heading 5" class="base--td">Table Cell 5</td>
101 </tr>
102 <tr class="base--tr">
103 <td data-th="Heading 1" class="base--td">Table Cell 1</td>
104 <td data-th="Heading 2" class="base--td">Table Cell 2</td>
105 <td data-th="Heading3LongOneWord" class="base--td">Table Cell 3</td>
106 <td data-th="Heading 4" class="base--td">Table Cell 4</td>
107 <td data-th="Heading 5" class="base--td">Table Cell 5</td>
108 </tr>
109 <tr class="base--tr">
110 <td data-th="Heading 1" class="base--td">Table Cell 1</td>
111 <td data-th="Heading 2" class="base--td">Table Cell 2</td>
112 <td data-th="Heading3LongOneWord" class="base--td">Table Cell 3</td>
113 <td data-th="Heading 4" class="base--td">Table Cell 4</td>
114 <td data-th="Heading 5" class="base--td">Table Cell 5</td>
115 </tr>
116 <tr class="base--tr">
117 <td data-th="Heading 1" class="base--td">Table Cell 1</td>
118 <td data-th="Heading 2" class="base--td">Table Cell 2</td>
119 <td data-th="Heading3LongOneWord" class="base--td">Table Cell 3</td>
120 <td data-th="Heading 4" class="base--td">Table Cell 4</td>
121 <td data-th="Heading 5" class="base--td">Table Cell 5</td>
122 </tr>
123 </tbody>
124 </table>
125 </article>
126 <hr class="base--hr" />
127 <article class="base--article">
128 <header class="base--header">
129 <h1 class="base--h1">Code</h1>
130 </header>
131 <div class="base--div">
132 <p class="base--p"><strong class="base--strong">Keyboard input:</strong> <kbd class="base--kbd">Cmd</kbd></p>
133 <p class="base--p"><strong class="base--strong">Inline code:</strong> <code class="base--code">&lt;div&gt;code&lt;/div&gt;</code></p>
134 <p class="base--p"><strong class="base--strong">Sample output:</strong> <samp class="base--samp">This is sample output from a computer program.</samp></p>
135 <h2 class="base--h2">Pre-formatted text</h2>
136<pre class="base--pre">P R E F O R M A T T E D T E X T
137! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . /
1380 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ?
139@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
140P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
141` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
142p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ </pre>
143 </div>
144 </article>
145 <hr class="base--hr" />
146 <article class="base--article">
147 <header class="base--header">
148 <h1 class="base--h1">Inline elements</h1>
149 </header>
150 <div class="base--div">
151 <p class="base--p"><a href="#!" class="base--link">This is a text link</a>.</p>
152 <p class="base--p"><strong class="base--strong">Strong is used to indicate strong importance.</strong></p>
153 <p class="base--p"><em class="base--em">This text has added emphasis.</em></p>
154 <p class="base--p">The <b class="base--b">b element</b> is stylistically different text from normal text, without any special importance.</p>
155 <p class="base--p">The <i class="base--i">i element</i> is text that is offset from the normal text.</p>
156 <p class="base--p">The <u class="base--u">u element</u> is text with an unarticulated, though explicitly rendered, non-textual annotation.</p>
157 <p class="base--p"><del class="base--del">This text is deleted</del> and <ins class="base--ins">This text is inserted</ins>.</p>
158 <p class="base--p"><s class="base--s">This text has a strikethrough</s>.</p>
159 <p class="base--p">Superscript<sup class="base--sup">®</sup>.</p>
160 <p class="base--p">Subscript for things like H<sub class="base--sub">2</sub>O.</p>
161 <p class="base--p"><small class="base--small">This small text is small for for fine print, etc.</small></p>
162 <p class="base--p">Abbreviation: <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language" class="base--abbr">HTML</abbr></p>
163 <p class="base--p"><q cite="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/HTML/Element/q" class="base--q">This text is a short inline quotation.</q></p>
164 <p class="base--p"><cite class="base--cite">This is a citation.</cite></p>
165 <p class="base--p">The <dfn class="base--dfn">dfn element</dfn> indicates a definition.</p>
166 <p class="base--p">The <mark class="base--mark">mark element</mark> indicates a highlight.</p>
167 <p class="base--p">The <var class="base--var">variable element</var>, such as <var>x</var> = <var>y</var>.</p>
168 <p class="base--p">The time element: <time datetime="2013-04-06T12:32+00:00" class="base--time">2 weeks ago</time></p>
169 </div>
170 </article>
171 </section>
172 <hr class="base--hr" />
173 <section class="base--section">
174 <header class="base--header">
175 <h1 class="base--h2">Form elements</h1>
176 </header>
177 <form class="form">
178 <div class="form--field-container">
179 <fieldset class="form--fieldset">
180 <legend class="form--legend">Input fields</legend>
181 <div class="form--field">
182 <label for="input__text">Text Input <mark class="required--save">required to save</mark></label>
183 <input id="input__text" type="text" placeholder="Text Input">
184 <p class="form--description">This is a description of the input above</p>
185 </div>
186 <div class="form--field">
187 <label for="input__text">Disabled Input</label>
188 <input id="input__text" type="text" placeholder="Text Input" disabled>
189 <p class="form--description">This is a description of the input above</p>
190 </div>
191 <div class="form--field">
192 <label for="input__password">Password <mark class="required--save">required to publish</mark></label>
193 <input id="input__password" type="password" placeholder="Type your Password" >
194 <p class="form--description">This is a description of the input above</p>
195 </div>
196 <div class="form--field">
197 <label for="input__webaddress">Web Address <mark class="required--publish">required to publish</mark></label>
198 <input id="input__webaddress" type="url" placeholder="http://yoursite.com">
199 <p class="form--description">This is a description of the input above</p>
200 </div>
201 <div class="form--field">
202 <label for="input__emailaddress">Email Address <mark class="required--publish">required to publish</mark></label>
203 <input id="input__emailaddress" type="email" placeholder="name@email.com">
204 </div>
205 <div class="form--field">
206 <label for="input__phone">Phone Number <mark class="required--publish">required to publish</mark></label>
207 <input id="input__phone" type="tel" placeholder="(999) 999-9999">
208 </div>
209 <div class="form--field">
210 <label for="input__search">Search</label>
211 <input id="input__search" type="search" placeholder="Enter Search Term">
212 </div>
213 <div class="form--field">
214 <label for="input__text2">Number Input</label>
215 <input id="input__text2" type="number" placeholder="Enter a Number">
216 </div>
217 </fieldset>
218 </div>
219 <div class="form--field-container">
220 <fieldset class="form--fieldset">
221 <legend class="form--legend">Select dropdown</legend>
222 <div class="form--field">
223 <label for="select">Select <mark class="required--publish">required to publish</mark></label>
224 <select id="select">
225 <optgroup label="Option Group" class="base--optgroup">
226 <option>Option One</option>
227 <option>Option Two</option>
228 <option>Option Three</option>
229 </optgroup>
230 </select>
231 </div>
232 </fieldset>
233 </div>
234 <div class="form--field-container">
235 <fieldset class="form--fieldset">
236 <legend class="form--legend">Checkboxes</legend>
237 <div class="form--field">
238 <ul>
239 <li>
240 <input id="checkbox1" name="checkbox" type="checkbox" checked="checked">
241 <label for="checkbox1">Choice A</label>
242 </li>
243 <li>
244 <input id="checkbox2" name="checkbox" type="checkbox">
245 <label for="checkbox2" class="form--label">Choice B</label>
246 </li>
247 <li>
248 <input id="checkbox3" name="checkbox" type="checkbox">
249 <label for="checkbox3">Choice C</label>
250 </li>
251 </ul>
252 </div>
253 </fieldset>
254 </div>
255 <div class="form--field-container">
256 <fieldset class="form--fieldset">
257 <legend class="form--legend">Radio buttons</legend>
258 <div class="form--field">
259 <ul>
260 <li>
261 <input id="radio1" name="radio" type="radio" checked="checked">
262 <label for="radio1">Option 1</label>
263 </li>
264 <li>
265 <input id="radio2" name="radio" type="radio" class="radio">
266 <label for="radio2">Option 2</label>
267 </li>
268 <li>
269 <input id="radio3" name="radio" type="radio" class="radio">
270 <label for="radio3">Option 3</label>
271 </li>
272 </ul>
273 </div>
274 </fieldset>
275 </div>
276 <div class="form--field-container">
277 <fieldset class="form--fieldset">
278 <legend class="form--legend">Textareas</legend>
279 <div class="form--field">
280 <label for="textarea">Textarea</label>
281 <textarea id="textarea" rows="8" cols="48" placeholder="Enter your message here"></textarea>
282 </div>
283 </fieldset>
284 </div>
285 <div class="form--field-container">
286 <fieldset class="form--fieldset">
287 <legend class="form--legend">HTML5 inputs</legend>
288 <div class="form--field">
289 <label for="ic">Color input</label>
290 <input type="color" id="ic" value="#000000">
291 </div>
292 <div class="form--field">
293 <label for="in">Number input</label>
294 <input type="number" id="in" min="0" max="10" value="5">
295 </div>
296 <div class="form--field">
297 <label for="ir">Range input</label>
298 <input type="range" id="ir" value="10">
299 </div>
300 <div class="form--field">
301 <label for="idd">Date input</label>
302 <input type="date" id="idd" value="1970-01-01">
303 </div>
304 <div class="form--field">
305 <label for="idm">Month input</label>
306 <input type="month" id="idm" value="1970-01">
307 </div>
308 <div class="form--field">
309 <label for="idw">Week input</label>
310 <input type="week" id="idw" value="1970-W01">
311 </div>
312 <div class="form--field">
313 <label for="idt">Datetime input</label>
314 <input type="datetime" id="idt" value="1970-01-01T00:00:00Z">
315 </div>
316 <div class="form--field">
317 <label for="idtl">Datetime-local input</label>
318 <input type="datetime-local" id="idtl" value="1970-01-01T00:00">
319 </div>
320 </fieldset>
321 </div>
322 <div class="form--actions">
323 <button type="submit" class="form--submit">button type = submit</button>
324 <button type="button" class="form--button">button type = button</button>
325 <button type="reset" class="form--reset">button type = reset</button>
326 <a href="#" class="form--cancel">link type = cancel</a>
327 </div>
328 </form>
329 </section>
331 <section class="_style-guide--group">
332 <h2 class="_style-guide--title">Alerts</h2>
333 {% from "components/alert.html" import alert %}
334 {{alert(alertData)}}
335 </section>
337 <section class="_style-guide--group">
338 <h2 class="_style-guide--title">Tabular Data</h2>
339 {% from "components/table.html" import table %}
340 {{table(tableData)}}
341 </section>
343 <section class="_style-guide--group">
344 <h2 class="_style-guide--title">Single Content Type</h2>
345 {% from "components/basic-card.html" import basicCard %}
346 {{basicCard(cardData)}}
347 </section>
349 <section class="_style-guide--group">
350 <h2 class="_style-guide--title">Breadcrumb</h2>
351 {% from "components/breadcrumb.html" import breadcrumb %}
352 {{breadcrumb(breadcrumbData)}}
353 </section>
356{% endblock %}