271 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
3import type { ChildProcess } from 'child_process';
4type ParseSelector<T extends string> = any;
5import { PassThrough } from 'stream';
6import { Protocol } from 'devtools-protocol';
7import type { ProtocolMapping } from 'devtools-protocol/types/protocol-mapping.js';
8type Session = any;
11 * The Accessibility class provides methods for inspecting the browser's
12 * accessibility tree. The accessibility tree is used by assistive technology
13 * such as {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_reader | screen readers} or
14 * {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switch_access | switches}.
15 *
16 * @remarks
17 *
18 * Accessibility is a very platform-specific thing. On different platforms,
19 * there are different screen readers that might have wildly different output.
20 *
21 * Blink - Chrome's rendering engine - has a concept of "accessibility tree",
22 * which is then translated into different platform-specific APIs. Accessibility
23 * namespace gives users access to the Blink Accessibility Tree.
24 *
25 * Most of the accessibility tree gets filtered out when converting from Blink
26 * AX Tree to Platform-specific AX-Tree or by assistive technologies themselves.
27 * By default, Puppeteer tries to approximate this filtering, exposing only
28 * the "interesting" nodes of the tree.
29 *
30 * @public
31 */
32export declare class Accessibility {
35 /**
36 * Captures the current state of the accessibility tree.
37 * The returned object represents the root accessible node of the page.
38 *
39 * @remarks
40 *
41 * **NOTE** The Chrome accessibility tree contains nodes that go unused on
42 * most platforms and by most screen readers. Puppeteer will discard them as
43 * well for an easier to process tree, unless `interestingOnly` is set to
44 * `false`.
45 *
46 * @example
47 * An example of dumping the entire accessibility tree:
48 *
49 * ```ts
50 * const snapshot = await page.accessibility.snapshot();
51 * console.log(snapshot);
52 * ```
53 *
54 * @example
55 * An example of logging the focused node's name:
56 *
57 * ```ts
58 * const snapshot = await page.accessibility.snapshot();
59 * const node = findFocusedNode(snapshot);
60 * console.log(node && node.name);
61 *
62 * function findFocusedNode(node) {
63 * if (node.focused) return node;
64 * for (const child of node.children || []) {
65 * const foundNode = findFocusedNode(child);
66 * return foundNode;
67 * }
68 * return null;
69 * }
70 * ```
71 *
72 * @returns An AXNode object representing the snapshot.
73 */
74 snapshot(options?: SnapshotOptions): Promise<SerializedAXNode | null>;
75 private serializeTree;
76 private collectInterestingNodes;
80 * @public
81 */
82export declare interface ActionOptions {
83 /**
84 * A signal to abort the locator action.
85 */
86 signal?: AbortSignal;
90 * @public
91 */
92export declare type ActionResult = 'continue' | 'abort' | 'respond';
95 * @public
96 */
97export declare interface AutofillData {
98 creditCard: {
99 number: string;
100 name: string;
101 expiryMonth: string;
102 expiryYear: string;
103 cvc: string;
104 };
108 * @public
109 */
110export declare type Awaitable<T> = T | PromiseLike<T>;
113 * @public
114 */
115export declare type AwaitableIterable<T> = Iterable<T> | AsyncIterable<T>;
118 * @public
119 */
120export declare type AwaitablePredicate<T> = (value: T) => Awaitable<boolean>;
123 * @public
124 */
125export declare type AwaitedLocator<T> = T extends Locator<infer S> ? S : never;
128 * @public
129 */
130export declare interface BoundingBox extends Point {
131 /**
132 * the width of the element in pixels.
133 */
134 width: number;
135 /**
136 * the height of the element in pixels.
137 */
138 height: number;
142 * @public
143 */
144export declare interface BoxModel {
145 content: Quad;
146 padding: Quad;
147 border: Quad;
148 margin: Quad;
149 width: number;
150 height: number;
154 * {@link Browser} represents a browser instance that is either:
155 *
156 * - connected to via {@link Puppeteer.connect} or
157 * - launched by {@link PuppeteerNode.launch}.
158 *
159 * {@link Browser} {@link EventEmitter.emit | emits} various events which are
160 * documented in the {@link BrowserEvent} enum.
161 *
162 * @example Using a {@link Browser} to create a {@link Page}:
163 *
164 * ```ts
165 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
166 *
167 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
168 * const page = await browser.newPage();
169 * await page.goto('https://example.com');
170 * await browser.close();
171 * ```
172 *
173 * @example Disconnecting from and reconnecting to a {@link Browser}:
174 *
175 * ```ts
176 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
177 *
178 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
179 * // Store the endpoint to be able to reconnect to the browser.
180 * const browserWSEndpoint = browser.wsEndpoint();
181 * // Disconnect puppeteer from the browser.
182 * await browser.disconnect();
183 *
184 * // Use the endpoint to reestablish a connection
185 * const browser2 = await puppeteer.connect({browserWSEndpoint});
186 * // Close the browser.
187 * await browser2.close();
188 * ```
189 *
190 * @public
191 */
192export declare abstract class Browser extends EventEmitter<BrowserEvents> {
194 /**
195 * Gets the associated
196 * {@link https://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html#class-childprocess | ChildProcess}.
197 *
198 * @returns `null` if this instance was connected to via
199 * {@link Puppeteer.connect}.
200 */
201 abstract process(): ChildProcess | null;
202 /**
203 * Creates a new {@link BrowserContext | browser context}.
204 *
205 * This won't share cookies/cache with other {@link BrowserContext | browser contexts}.
206 *
207 * @example
208 *
209 * ```ts
210 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
211 *
212 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
213 * // Create a new browser context.
214 * const context = await browser.createBrowserContext();
215 * // Create a new page in a pristine context.
216 * const page = await context.newPage();
217 * // Do stuff
218 * await page.goto('https://example.com');
219 * ```
220 */
221 abstract createBrowserContext(options?: BrowserContextOptions): Promise<BrowserContext>;
222 /**
223 * Gets a list of open {@link BrowserContext | browser contexts}.
224 *
225 * In a newly-created {@link Browser | browser}, this will return a single
226 * instance of {@link BrowserContext}.
227 */
228 abstract browserContexts(): BrowserContext[];
229 /**
230 * Gets the default {@link BrowserContext | browser context}.
231 *
232 * @remarks The default {@link BrowserContext | browser context} cannot be
233 * closed.
234 */
235 abstract defaultBrowserContext(): BrowserContext;
236 /**
237 * Gets the WebSocket URL to connect to this {@link Browser | browser}.
238 *
239 * This is usually used with {@link Puppeteer.connect}.
240 *
241 * You can find the debugger URL (`webSocketDebuggerUrl`) from
242 * `http://HOST:PORT/json/version`.
243 *
244 * See {@link https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/#how-do-i-access-the-browser-target | browser endpoint}
245 * for more information.
246 *
247 * @remarks The format is always `ws://HOST:PORT/devtools/browser/<id>`.
248 */
249 abstract wsEndpoint(): string;
250 /**
251 * Creates a new {@link Page | page} in the
252 * {@link Browser.defaultBrowserContext | default browser context}.
253 */
254 abstract newPage(): Promise<Page>;
255 /**
256 * Gets all active {@link Target | targets}.
257 *
258 * In case of multiple {@link BrowserContext | browser contexts}, this returns
259 * all {@link Target | targets} in all
260 * {@link BrowserContext | browser contexts}.
261 */
262 abstract targets(): Target[];
263 /**
264 * Gets the {@link Target | target} associated with the
265 * {@link Browser.defaultBrowserContext | default browser context}).
266 */
267 abstract target(): Target;
268 /**
269 * Waits until a {@link Target | target} matching the given `predicate`
270 * appears and returns it.
271 *
272 * This will look all open {@link BrowserContext | browser contexts}.
273 *
274 * @example Finding a target for a page opened via `window.open`:
275 *
276 * ```ts
277 * await page.evaluate(() => window.open('https://www.example.com/'));
278 * const newWindowTarget = await browser.waitForTarget(
279 * target => target.url() === 'https://www.example.com/',
280 * );
281 * ```
282 */
283 waitForTarget(predicate: (x: Target) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, options?: WaitForTargetOptions): Promise<Target>;
284 /**
285 * Gets a list of all open {@link Page | pages} inside this {@link Browser}.
286 *
287 * If there are multiple {@link BrowserContext | browser contexts}, this
288 * returns all {@link Page | pages} in all
289 * {@link BrowserContext | browser contexts}.
290 *
291 * @remarks Non-visible {@link Page | pages}, such as `"background_page"`,
292 * will not be listed here. You can find them using {@link Target.page}.
293 */
294 pages(): Promise<Page[]>;
295 /**
296 * Gets a string representing this {@link Browser | browser's} name and
297 * version.
298 *
299 * For headless browser, this is similar to `"HeadlessChrome/61.0.3153.0"`. For
300 * non-headless or new-headless, this is similar to `"Chrome/61.0.3153.0"`. For
301 * Firefox, it is similar to `"Firefox/116.0a1"`.
302 *
303 * The format of {@link Browser.version} might change with future releases of
304 * browsers.
305 */
306 abstract version(): Promise<string>;
307 /**
308 * Gets this {@link Browser | browser's} original user agent.
309 *
310 * {@link Page | Pages} can override the user agent with
311 * {@link Page.setUserAgent}.
312 *
313 */
314 abstract userAgent(): Promise<string>;
315 /**
316 * Closes this {@link Browser | browser} and all associated
317 * {@link Page | pages}.
318 */
319 abstract close(): Promise<void>;
320 /**
321 * Disconnects Puppeteer from this {@link Browser | browser}, but leaves the
322 * process running.
323 */
324 abstract disconnect(): Promise<void>;
325 /**
326 * Returns all cookies in the default {@link BrowserContext}.
327 *
328 * @remarks
329 *
330 * Shortcut for
331 * {@link BrowserContext.cookies | browser.defaultBrowserContext().cookies()}.
332 */
333 cookies(): Promise<Cookie[]>;
334 /**
335 * Sets cookies in the default {@link BrowserContext}.
336 *
337 * @remarks
338 *
339 * Shortcut for
340 * {@link BrowserContext.setCookie | browser.defaultBrowserContext().setCookie()}.
341 */
342 setCookie(...cookies: Cookie[]): Promise<void>;
343 /**
344 * Removes cookies from the default {@link BrowserContext}.
345 *
346 * @remarks
347 *
348 * Shortcut for
349 * {@link BrowserContext.deleteCookie | browser.defaultBrowserContext().deleteCookie()}.
350 */
351 deleteCookie(...cookies: Cookie[]): Promise<void>;
352 /**
353 * Whether Puppeteer is connected to this {@link Browser | browser}.
354 *
355 * @deprecated Use {@link Browser | Browser.connected}.
356 */
357 isConnected(): boolean;
358 /**
359 * Whether Puppeteer is connected to this {@link Browser | browser}.
360 */
361 abstract get connected(): boolean;
365 /**
366 * Get debug information from Puppeteer.
367 *
368 * @remarks
369 *
370 * Currently, includes pending protocol calls. In the future, we might add more info.
371 *
372 * @public
373 * @experimental
374 */
375 abstract get debugInfo(): DebugInfo;
379 * @deprecated Use {@link ConnectOptions}.
380 * @public
381 */
382export declare type BrowserConnectOptions = ConnectOptions;
385 * {@link BrowserContext} represents individual user contexts within a
386 * {@link Browser | browser}.
387 *
388 * When a {@link Browser | browser} is launched, it has at least one default
389 * {@link BrowserContext | browser context}. Others can be created
390 * using {@link Browser.createBrowserContext}. Each context has isolated storage
391 * (cookies/localStorage/etc.)
392 *
393 * {@link BrowserContext} {@link EventEmitter | emits} various events which are
394 * documented in the {@link BrowserContextEvent} enum.
395 *
396 * If a {@link Page | page} opens another {@link Page | page}, e.g. using
397 * `window.open`, the popup will belong to the parent {@link Page.browserContext
398 * | page's browser context}.
399 *
400 * @example Creating a new {@link BrowserContext | browser context}:
401 *
402 * ```ts
403 * // Create a new browser context
404 * const context = await browser.createBrowserContext();
405 * // Create a new page inside context.
406 * const page = await context.newPage();
407 * // ... do stuff with page ...
408 * await page.goto('https://example.com');
409 * // Dispose context once it's no longer needed.
410 * await context.close();
411 * ```
412 *
413 * @remarks
414 *
415 * In Chrome all non-default contexts are incognito,
416 * and {@link Browser.defaultBrowserContext | default browser context}
417 * might be incognito if you provide the `--incognito` argument when launching
418 * the browser.
419 *
420 * @public
421 */
422export declare abstract class BrowserContext extends EventEmitter<BrowserContextEvents> {
425 /**
426 * Gets all active {@link Target | targets} inside this
427 * {@link BrowserContext | browser context}.
428 */
429 abstract targets(): Target[];
432 /**
433 * Waits until a {@link Target | target} matching the given `predicate`
434 * appears and returns it.
435 *
436 * This will look all open {@link BrowserContext | browser contexts}.
437 *
438 * @example Finding a target for a page opened via `window.open`:
439 *
440 * ```ts
441 * await page.evaluate(() => window.open('https://www.example.com/'));
442 * const newWindowTarget = await browserContext.waitForTarget(
443 * target => target.url() === 'https://www.example.com/',
444 * );
445 * ```
446 */
447 waitForTarget(predicate: (x: Target) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, options?: WaitForTargetOptions): Promise<Target>;
448 /**
449 * Gets a list of all open {@link Page | pages} inside this
450 * {@link BrowserContext | browser context}.
451 *
452 * @remarks Non-visible {@link Page | pages}, such as `"background_page"`,
453 * will not be listed here. You can find them using {@link Target.page}.
454 */
455 abstract pages(): Promise<Page[]>;
456 /**
457 * Grants this {@link BrowserContext | browser context} the given
458 * `permissions` within the given `origin`.
459 *
460 * @example Overriding permissions in the
461 * {@link Browser.defaultBrowserContext | default browser context}:
462 *
463 * ```ts
464 * const context = browser.defaultBrowserContext();
465 * await context.overridePermissions('https://html5demos.com', [
466 * 'geolocation',
467 * ]);
468 * ```
469 *
470 * @param origin - The origin to grant permissions to, e.g.
471 * "https://example.com".
472 * @param permissions - An array of permissions to grant. All permissions that
473 * are not listed here will be automatically denied.
474 */
475 abstract overridePermissions(origin: string, permissions: Permission[]): Promise<void>;
476 /**
477 * Clears all permission overrides for this
478 * {@link BrowserContext | browser context}.
479 *
480 * @example Clearing overridden permissions in the
481 * {@link Browser.defaultBrowserContext | default browser context}:
482 *
483 * ```ts
484 * const context = browser.defaultBrowserContext();
485 * context.overridePermissions('https://example.com', ['clipboard-read']);
486 * // do stuff ..
487 * context.clearPermissionOverrides();
488 * ```
489 */
490 abstract clearPermissionOverrides(): Promise<void>;
491 /**
492 * Creates a new {@link Page | page} in this
493 * {@link BrowserContext | browser context}.
494 */
495 abstract newPage(): Promise<Page>;
496 /**
497 * Gets the {@link Browser | browser} associated with this
498 * {@link BrowserContext | browser context}.
499 */
500 abstract browser(): Browser;
501 /**
502 * Closes this {@link BrowserContext | browser context} and all associated
503 * {@link Page | pages}.
504 *
505 * @remarks The
506 * {@link Browser.defaultBrowserContext | default browser context} cannot be
507 * closed.
508 */
509 abstract close(): Promise<void>;
510 /**
511 * Gets all cookies in the browser context.
512 */
513 abstract cookies(): Promise<Cookie[]>;
514 /**
515 * Sets a cookie in the browser context.
516 */
517 abstract setCookie(...cookies: CookieData[]): Promise<void>;
518 /**
519 * Removes cookie in the browser context
520 * @param cookies - {@link Cookie | cookie} to remove
521 */
522 deleteCookie(...cookies: Cookie[]): Promise<void>;
523 /**
524 * Whether this {@link BrowserContext | browser context} is closed.
525 */
526 get closed(): boolean;
527 /**
528 * Identifier for this {@link BrowserContext | browser context}.
529 */
530 get id(): string | undefined;
536 * @public
537 */
538export declare const enum BrowserContextEvent {
539 /**
540 * Emitted when the url of a target inside the browser context changes.
541 * Contains a {@link Target} instance.
542 */
543 TargetChanged = "targetchanged",
544 /**
545 * Emitted when a target is created within the browser context, for example
546 * when a new page is opened by
547 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/open | window.open}
548 * or by {@link BrowserContext.newPage | browserContext.newPage}
549 *
550 * Contains a {@link Target} instance.
551 */
552 TargetCreated = "targetcreated",
553 /**
554 * Emitted when a target is destroyed within the browser context, for example
555 * when a page is closed. Contains a {@link Target} instance.
556 */
557 TargetDestroyed = "targetdestroyed"
561 * @public
562 */
563export declare interface BrowserContextEvents extends Record<EventType, unknown> {
564 [BrowserContextEvent.TargetChanged]: Target;
565 [BrowserContextEvent.TargetCreated]: Target;
566 [BrowserContextEvent.TargetDestroyed]: Target;
570 * @public
571 */
572export declare interface BrowserContextOptions {
573 /**
574 * Proxy server with optional port to use for all requests.
575 * Username and password can be set in `Page.authenticate`.
576 */
577 proxyServer?: string;
578 /**
579 * Bypass the proxy for the given list of hosts.
580 */
581 proxyBypassList?: string[];
582 /**
583 * Behavior definition for when downloading a file.
584 *
585 * @remarks
586 * If not set, the default behavior will be used.
587 */
588 downloadBehavior?: DownloadBehavior;
592 * All the events a {@link Browser | browser instance} may emit.
593 *
594 * @public
595 */
596export declare const enum BrowserEvent {
597 /**
598 * Emitted when Puppeteer gets disconnected from the browser instance. This
599 * might happen because either:
600 *
601 * - The browser closes/crashes or
602 * - {@link Browser.disconnect} was called.
603 */
604 Disconnected = "disconnected",
605 /**
606 * Emitted when the URL of a target changes. Contains a {@link Target}
607 * instance.
608 *
609 * @remarks Note that this includes target changes in all browser
610 * contexts.
611 */
612 TargetChanged = "targetchanged",
613 /**
614 * Emitted when a target is created, for example when a new page is opened by
615 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/open | window.open}
616 * or by {@link Browser.newPage | browser.newPage}
617 *
618 * Contains a {@link Target} instance.
619 *
620 * @remarks Note that this includes target creations in all browser
621 * contexts.
622 */
623 TargetCreated = "targetcreated",
624 /**
625 * Emitted when a target is destroyed, for example when a page is closed.
626 * Contains a {@link Target} instance.
627 *
628 * @remarks Note that this includes target destructions in all browser
629 * contexts.
630 */
631 TargetDestroyed = "targetdestroyed",
636 * @public
637 */
638export declare interface BrowserEvents extends Record<EventType, unknown> {
639 [BrowserEvent.Disconnected]: undefined;
640 [BrowserEvent.TargetCreated]: Target;
641 [BrowserEvent.TargetDestroyed]: Target;
642 [BrowserEvent.TargetChanged]: Target;
647 * @deprecated Use {@link LaunchOptions}.
648 * @public
649 */
650export declare type BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions = LaunchOptions;
653 * Describes a launcher - a class that is able to create and launch a browser instance.
654 *
655 * @public
656 */
657export declare abstract class BrowserLauncher {
661 get browser(): SupportedBrowser;
662 launch(options?: LaunchOptions): Promise<Browser>;
663 abstract executablePath(channel?: ChromeReleaseChannel, validatePath?: boolean): string;
664 abstract defaultArgs(object: LaunchOptions): string[];
678 * @public
679 */
680export declare type CDPEvents = {
681 [Property in keyof ProtocolMapping.Events]: ProtocolMapping.Events[Property][0];
685 * The `CDPSession` instances are used to talk raw Chrome Devtools Protocol.
686 *
687 * @remarks
688 *
689 * Protocol methods can be called with {@link CDPSession.send} method and protocol
690 * events can be subscribed to with `CDPSession.on` method.
691 *
692 * Useful links: {@link https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/ | DevTools Protocol Viewer}
693 * and {@link https://github.com/aslushnikov/getting-started-with-cdp/blob/HEAD/README.md | Getting Started with DevTools Protocol}.
694 *
695 * @example
696 *
697 * ```ts
698 * const client = await page.createCDPSession();
699 * await client.send('Animation.enable');
700 * client.on('Animation.animationCreated', () =>
701 * console.log('Animation created!'),
702 * );
703 * const response = await client.send('Animation.getPlaybackRate');
704 * console.log('playback rate is ' + response.playbackRate);
705 * await client.send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', {
706 * playbackRate: response.playbackRate / 2,
707 * });
708 * ```
709 *
710 * @public
711 */
712export declare abstract class CDPSession extends EventEmitter<CDPSessionEvents> {
714 abstract connection(): Connection | undefined;
716 abstract send<T extends keyof ProtocolMapping.Commands>(method: T, params?: ProtocolMapping.Commands[T]['paramsType'][0], options?: CommandOptions): Promise<ProtocolMapping.Commands[T]['returnType']>;
717 /**
718 * Detaches the cdpSession from the target. Once detached, the cdpSession object
719 * won't emit any events and can't be used to send messages.
720 */
721 abstract detach(): Promise<void>;
722 /**
723 * Returns the session's id.
724 */
725 abstract id(): string;
729 * Events that the CDPSession class emits.
730 *
731 * @public
732 */
733export declare namespace CDPSessionEvent {
737 const SessionAttached: "sessionattached";
738 const SessionDetached: "sessiondetached";
742 * @public
743 */
744export declare interface CDPSessionEvents extends CDPEvents, Record<EventType, unknown> {
748 [CDPSessionEvent.SessionAttached]: CDPSession;
749 [CDPSessionEvent.SessionDetached]: CDPSession;
753 * @public
754 */
755export declare interface ChromeHeadlessShellSettings {
756 /**
757 * Tells Puppeteer to not download the browser during installation.
758 *
761 *
762 * @defaultValue false
763 */
764 skipDownload?: boolean;
765 /**
766 * Specifies the URL prefix that is used to download the browser.
767 *
769 *
770 * @remarks
771 * This must include the protocol and may even need a path prefix.
772 * This must **not** include a trailing slash similar to the default.
773 *
774 * @defaultValue https://storage.googleapis.com/chrome-for-testing-public
775 */
776 downloadBaseUrl?: string;
777 /**
778 * Specifies a certain version of the browser you'd like Puppeteer to use.
779 *
781 *
782 * See {@link PuppeteerNode.launch | puppeteer.launch} on how executable path
783 * is inferred.
784 *
785 * @example 119.0.6045.105
786 * @defaultValue The pinned browser version supported by the current Puppeteer
787 * version.
788 */
789 version?: string;
793 * @public
794 */
795export declare type ChromeReleaseChannel = 'chrome' | 'chrome-beta' | 'chrome-canary' | 'chrome-dev';
798 * @public
799 */
800export declare interface ChromeSettings {
801 /**
802 * Tells Puppeteer to not download the browser during installation.
803 *
804 * Can be overridden by `PUPPETEER_CHROME_SKIP_DOWNLOAD`.
805 *
806 * @defaultValue false
807 */
808 skipDownload?: boolean;
809 /**
810 * Specifies the URL prefix that is used to download the browser.
811 *
812 * Can be overridden by `PUPPETEER_CHROME_DOWNLOAD_BASE_URL`.
813 *
814 * @remarks
815 * This must include the protocol and may even need a path prefix.
816 * This must **not** include a trailing slash similar to the default.
817 *
818 * @defaultValue https://storage.googleapis.com/chrome-for-testing-public
819 */
820 downloadBaseUrl?: string;
821 /**
822 * Specifies a certain version of the browser you'd like Puppeteer to use.
823 *
824 * Can be overridden by `PUPPETEER_CHROME_VERSION`
826 *
827 * See {@link PuppeteerNode.launch | puppeteer.launch} on how executable path
828 * is inferred.
829 *
830 * @example 119.0.6045.105
831 * @defaultValue The pinned browser version supported by the current Puppeteer
832 * version.
833 */
834 version?: string;
838 * @public
839 */
840export declare interface ClickOptions extends MouseClickOptions {
841 /**
842 * Offset for the clickable point relative to the top-left corner of the border box.
843 */
844 offset?: Offset;
848 * @public
849 */
850export declare interface CommandOptions {
851 timeout: number;
855 * @public
856 */
857export declare interface CommonEventEmitter<Events extends Record<EventType, unknown>> {
858 on<Key extends keyof Events>(type: Key, handler: Handler<Events[Key]>): this;
859 off<Key extends keyof Events>(type: Key, handler?: Handler<Events[Key]>): this;
860 emit<Key extends keyof Events>(type: Key, event: Events[Key]): boolean;
861 once<Key extends keyof Events>(type: Key, handler: Handler<Events[Key]>): this;
862 listenerCount(event: keyof Events): number;
863 removeAllListeners(event?: keyof Events): this;
867 * Defines options to configure Puppeteer's behavior during installation and
868 * runtime.
869 *
870 * See individual properties for more information.
871 *
872 * @public
873 */
874export declare interface Configuration {
875 /**
876 * Defines the directory to be used by Puppeteer for caching.
877 *
878 * Can be overridden by `PUPPETEER_CACHE_DIR`.
879 *
880 * @defaultValue `path.join(os.homedir(), '.cache', 'puppeteer')`
881 */
882 cacheDirectory?: string;
883 /**
884 * Specifies an executable path to be used in
885 * {@link PuppeteerNode.launch | puppeteer.launch}.
886 *
887 * Can be overridden by `PUPPETEER_EXECUTABLE_PATH`.
888 *
889 * @defaultValue **Auto-computed.**
890 */
891 executablePath?: string;
892 /**
893 * Specifies which browser you'd like Puppeteer to use.
894 *
895 * Can be overridden by `PUPPETEER_BROWSER`.
896 *
897 * @defaultValue `chrome`
898 */
899 defaultBrowser?: SupportedBrowser;
900 /**
901 * Defines the directory to be used by Puppeteer for creating temporary files.
902 *
903 * Can be overridden by `PUPPETEER_TMP_DIR`.
904 *
905 * @defaultValue `os.tmpdir()`
906 */
907 temporaryDirectory?: string;
908 /**
909 * Tells Puppeteer to not download during installation.
910 *
911 * Can be overridden by `PUPPETEER_SKIP_DOWNLOAD`.
912 */
913 skipDownload?: boolean;
914 /**
915 * Tells Puppeteer to log at the given level.
916 *
917 * @defaultValue `warn`
918 */
919 logLevel?: 'silent' | 'error' | 'warn';
920 /**
921 * Defines experimental options for Puppeteer.
922 */
923 experiments?: ExperimentsConfiguration;
924 chrome?: ChromeSettings;
925 ['chrome-headless-shell']?: ChromeHeadlessShellSettings;
926 firefox?: FirefoxSettings;
930 * @public
931 */
932export declare const
934* @public
937 * @public
938 */
939connect: (options: Puppeteer_2.ConnectOptions) => Promise<Puppeteer_2.Browser>;
942 * @public
943 */
944export declare class Connection extends EventEmitter<CDPSessionEvents> {
946 constructor(url: string, transport: ConnectionTransport, delay?: number, timeout?: number, rawErrors?: boolean);
947 static fromSession(session: CDPSession): Connection | undefined;
949 get timeout(): number;
952 /**
953 * @param sessionId - The session id
954 * @returns The current CDP session if it exists
955 */
956 session(sessionId: string): CDPSession | null;
957 url(): string;
958 send<T extends keyof ProtocolMapping.Commands>(method: T, params?: ProtocolMapping.Commands[T]['paramsType'][0], options?: CommandOptions): Promise<ProtocolMapping.Commands[T]['returnType']>;
962 dispose(): void;
965 /**
966 * @param targetInfo - The target info
967 * @returns The CDP session that is created
968 */
969 createSession(targetInfo: Protocol.Target.TargetInfo): Promise<CDPSession>;
974 * @license
975 * Copyright 2020 Google Inc.
976 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
977 */
979 * @public
980 */
981export declare interface ConnectionTransport {
982 send(message: string): void;
983 close(): void;
984 onmessage?: (message: string) => void;
985 onclose?: () => void;
989 * Generic browser options that can be passed when launching any browser or when
990 * connecting to an existing browser instance.
991 * @public
992 */
993export declare interface ConnectOptions {
994 /**
995 * Whether to ignore HTTPS errors during navigation.
996 * @defaultValue `false`
997 */
998 acceptInsecureCerts?: boolean;
999 /**
1000 * Sets the viewport for each page.
1001 *
1002 * @defaultValue '\{width: 800, height: 600\}'
1003 */
1004 defaultViewport?: Viewport | null;
1005 /**
1006 * Sets the download behavior for the context.
1007 */
1008 downloadBehavior?: DownloadBehavior;
1009 /**
1010 * Slows down Puppeteer operations by the specified amount of milliseconds to
1011 * aid debugging.
1012 */
1013 slowMo?: number;
1014 /**
1015 * Callback to decide if Puppeteer should connect to a given target or not.
1016 */
1017 targetFilter?: TargetFilterCallback;
1019 /**
1020 * @defaultValue Determined at run time:
1021 *
1022 * - Launching Chrome - 'cdp'.
1023 *
1024 * - Launching Firefox - 'webDriverBiDi'.
1025 *
1026 * - Connecting to a browser - 'cdp'.
1027 *
1028 * @public
1029 */
1030 protocol?: ProtocolType;
1031 /**
1032 * Timeout setting for individual protocol (CDP) calls.
1033 *
1034 * @defaultValue `180_000`
1035 */
1036 protocolTimeout?: number;
1037 browserWSEndpoint?: string;
1038 browserURL?: string;
1039 transport?: ConnectionTransport;
1040 /**
1041 * Headers to use for the web socket connection.
1042 * @remarks
1043 * Only works in the Node.js environment.
1044 */
1045 headers?: Record<string, string>;
1046 /**
1047 * WebDriver BiDi capabilities passed to BiDi `session.new`.
1048 *
1049 * @remarks
1050 * Only works for `protocol="webDriverBiDi"` and {@link Puppeteer.connect}.
1051 */
1052 capabilities?: SupportedWebDriverCapabilities;
1056 * ConsoleMessage objects are dispatched by page via the 'console' event.
1057 * @public
1058 */
1059export declare class ConsoleMessage {
1062 /**
1063 * The type of the console message.
1064 */
1065 type(): ConsoleMessageType;
1066 /**
1067 * The text of the console message.
1068 */
1069 text(): string;
1070 /**
1071 * An array of arguments passed to the console.
1072 */
1073 args(): JSHandle[];
1074 /**
1075 * The location of the console message.
1076 */
1077 location(): ConsoleMessageLocation;
1078 /**
1079 * The array of locations on the stack of the console message.
1080 */
1081 stackTrace(): ConsoleMessageLocation[];
1085 * @public
1086 */
1087export declare interface ConsoleMessageLocation {
1088 /**
1089 * URL of the resource if known or `undefined` otherwise.
1090 */
1091 url?: string;
1092 /**
1093 * 0-based line number in the resource if known or `undefined` otherwise.
1094 */
1095 lineNumber?: number;
1096 /**
1097 * 0-based column number in the resource if known or `undefined` otherwise.
1098 */
1099 columnNumber?: number;
1103 * The supported types for console messages.
1104 * @public
1105 */
1106export declare type ConsoleMessageType = 'log' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'error' | 'warn' | 'dir' | 'dirxml' | 'table' | 'trace' | 'clear' | 'startGroup' | 'startGroupCollapsed' | 'endGroup' | 'assert' | 'profile' | 'profileEnd' | 'count' | 'timeEnd' | 'verbose';
1109 * @public
1110 */
1111export declare interface ContinueRequestOverrides {
1112 /**
1113 * If set, the request URL will change. This is not a redirect.
1114 */
1115 url?: string;
1116 method?: string;
1117 postData?: string;
1118 headers?: Record<string, string>;
1121export declare function convertCookiesPartitionKeyFromPuppeteerToCdp(partitionKey: CookiePartitionKey | string | undefined): Protocol.Network.CookiePartitionKey | undefined;
1124 * Represents a cookie object.
1125 *
1126 * @public
1127 */
1128export declare interface Cookie {
1129 /**
1130 * Cookie name.
1131 */
1132 name: string;
1133 /**
1134 * Cookie value.
1135 */
1136 value: string;
1137 /**
1138 * Cookie domain.
1139 */
1140 domain: string;
1141 /**
1142 * Cookie path.
1143 */
1144 path: string;
1145 /**
1146 * Cookie expiration date as the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch. Set to `-1` for
1147 * session cookies
1148 */
1149 expires: number;
1150 /**
1151 * Cookie size.
1152 */
1153 size: number;
1154 /**
1155 * True if cookie is http-only.
1156 */
1157 httpOnly: boolean;
1158 /**
1159 * True if cookie is secure.
1160 */
1161 secure: boolean;
1162 /**
1163 * True in case of session cookie.
1164 */
1165 session: boolean;
1166 /**
1167 * Cookie SameSite type.
1168 */
1169 sameSite?: CookieSameSite;
1170 /**
1171 * Cookie Priority. Supported only in Chrome.
1172 */
1173 priority?: CookiePriority;
1174 /**
1175 * True if cookie is SameParty. Supported only in Chrome.
1176 */
1177 sameParty?: boolean;
1178 /**
1179 * Cookie source scheme type. Supported only in Chrome.
1180 */
1181 sourceScheme?: CookieSourceScheme;
1182 /**
1183 * Cookie partition key. In Chrome, it is the top-level site the
1184 * partitioned cookie is available in. In Firefox, it matches the
1185 * source origin
1186 * (https://w3c.github.io/webdriver-bidi/#type-storage-PartitionKey).
1187 */
1188 partitionKey?: CookiePartitionKey | string;
1189 /**
1190 * True if cookie partition key is opaque. Supported only in Chrome.
1191 */
1192 partitionKeyOpaque?: boolean;
1196 * Cookie parameter object used to set cookies in the browser-level cookies
1197 * API.
1198 *
1199 * @public
1200 */
1201export declare interface CookieData {
1202 /**
1203 * Cookie name.
1204 */
1205 name: string;
1206 /**
1207 * Cookie value.
1208 */
1209 value: string;
1210 /**
1211 * Cookie domain.
1212 */
1213 domain: string;
1214 /**
1215 * Cookie path.
1216 */
1217 path?: string;
1218 /**
1219 * True if cookie is secure.
1220 */
1221 secure?: boolean;
1222 /**
1223 * True if cookie is http-only.
1224 */
1225 httpOnly?: boolean;
1226 /**
1227 * Cookie SameSite type.
1228 */
1229 sameSite?: CookieSameSite;
1230 /**
1231 * Cookie expiration date, session cookie if not set
1232 */
1233 expires?: number;
1234 /**
1235 * Cookie Priority. Supported only in Chrome.
1236 */
1237 priority?: CookiePriority;
1238 /**
1239 * True if cookie is SameParty. Supported only in Chrome.
1240 */
1241 sameParty?: boolean;
1242 /**
1243 * Cookie source scheme type. Supported only in Chrome.
1244 */
1245 sourceScheme?: CookieSourceScheme;
1246 /**
1247 * Cookie partition key. In Chrome, it matches the top-level site the
1248 * partitioned cookie is available in. In Firefox, it matches the
1249 * source origin
1250 * (https://w3c.github.io/webdriver-bidi/#type-storage-PartitionKey).
1251 */
1252 partitionKey?: CookiePartitionKey | string;
1256 * Cookie parameter object used to set cookies in the page-level cookies
1257 * API.
1258 *
1259 * @public
1260 */
1261export declare interface CookieParam {
1262 /**
1263 * Cookie name.
1264 */
1265 name: string;
1266 /**
1267 * Cookie value.
1268 */
1269 value: string;
1270 /**
1271 * The request-URI to associate with the setting of the cookie. This value can affect
1272 * the default domain, path, and source scheme values of the created cookie.
1273 */
1274 url?: string;
1275 /**
1276 * Cookie domain.
1277 */
1278 domain?: string;
1279 /**
1280 * Cookie path.
1281 */
1282 path?: string;
1283 /**
1284 * True if cookie is secure.
1285 */
1286 secure?: boolean;
1287 /**
1288 * True if cookie is http-only.
1289 */
1290 httpOnly?: boolean;
1291 /**
1292 * Cookie SameSite type.
1293 */
1294 sameSite?: CookieSameSite;
1295 /**
1296 * Cookie expiration date, session cookie if not set
1297 */
1298 expires?: number;
1299 /**
1300 * Cookie Priority. Supported only in Chrome.
1301 */
1302 priority?: CookiePriority;
1303 /**
1304 * True if cookie is SameParty. Supported only in Chrome.
1305 */
1306 sameParty?: boolean;
1307 /**
1308 * Cookie source scheme type. Supported only in Chrome.
1309 */
1310 sourceScheme?: CookieSourceScheme;
1311 /**
1312 * Cookie partition key. In Chrome, it matches the top-level site the
1313 * partitioned cookie is available in. In Firefox, it matches the
1314 * source origin
1315 * (https://w3c.github.io/webdriver-bidi/#type-storage-PartitionKey).
1316 */
1317 partitionKey?: CookiePartitionKey | string;
1321 * Represents a cookie partition key in Chrome.
1322 *
1323 * @public
1324 */
1325export declare interface CookiePartitionKey {
1326 /**
1327 * The site of the top-level URL the browser was visiting at the start of the request
1328 * to the endpoint that set the cookie.
1329 *
1330 * In Chrome, maps to the CDP's `topLevelSite` partition key.
1331 */
1332 sourceOrigin: string;
1333 /**
1334 * Indicates if the cookie has any ancestors that are cross-site to
1335 * the topLevelSite.
1336 *
1337 * Supported only in Chrome.
1338 */
1339 hasCrossSiteAncestor?: boolean;
1343 * Represents the cookie's 'Priority' status:
1344 * https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-west-cookie-priority-00
1345 *
1346 * @public
1347 */
1348export declare type CookiePriority = 'Low' | 'Medium' | 'High';
1351 * @license
1352 * Copyright 2024 Google Inc.
1353 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
1354 */
1356 * Represents the cookie's 'SameSite' status:
1357 * https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-west-first-party-cookies
1358 *
1359 * @public
1360 */
1361export declare type CookieSameSite = 'Strict' | 'Lax' | 'None';
1364 * Represents the source scheme of the origin that originally set the cookie. A value of
1365 * "Unset" allows protocol clients to emulate legacy cookie scope for the scheme.
1366 * This is a temporary ability and it will be removed in the future.
1367 *
1368 * @public
1369 */
1370export declare type CookieSourceScheme = 'Unset' | 'NonSecure' | 'Secure';
1373 * The Coverage class provides methods to gather information about parts of
1374 * JavaScript and CSS that were used by the page.
1375 *
1376 * @remarks
1377 * To output coverage in a form consumable by {@link https://github.com/istanbuljs | Istanbul},
1378 * see {@link https://github.com/istanbuljs/puppeteer-to-istanbul | puppeteer-to-istanbul}.
1379 *
1380 * @example
1381 * An example of using JavaScript and CSS coverage to get percentage of initially
1382 * executed code:
1383 *
1384 * ```ts
1385 * // Enable both JavaScript and CSS coverage
1386 * await Promise.all([
1387 * page.coverage.startJSCoverage(),
1388 * page.coverage.startCSSCoverage(),
1389 * ]);
1390 * // Navigate to page
1391 * await page.goto('https://example.com');
1392 * // Disable both JavaScript and CSS coverage
1393 * const [jsCoverage, cssCoverage] = await Promise.all([
1394 * page.coverage.stopJSCoverage(),
1395 * page.coverage.stopCSSCoverage(),
1396 * ]);
1397 * let totalBytes = 0;
1398 * let usedBytes = 0;
1399 * const coverage = [...jsCoverage, ...cssCoverage];
1400 * for (const entry of coverage) {
1401 * totalBytes += entry.text.length;
1402 * for (const range of entry.ranges) usedBytes += range.end - range.start - 1;
1403 * }
1404 * console.log(`Bytes used: ${(usedBytes / totalBytes) * 100}%`);
1405 * ```
1406 *
1407 * @public
1408 */
1409export declare class Coverage {
1413 /**
1414 * @param options - Set of configurable options for coverage defaults to
1415 * `resetOnNavigation : true, reportAnonymousScripts : false,`
1416 * `includeRawScriptCoverage : false, useBlockCoverage : true`
1417 * @returns Promise that resolves when coverage is started.
1418 *
1419 * @remarks
1420 * Anonymous scripts are ones that don't have an associated url. These are
1421 * scripts that are dynamically created on the page using `eval` or
1422 * `new Function`. If `reportAnonymousScripts` is set to `true`, anonymous
1423 * scripts URL will start with `debugger://VM` (unless a magic //# sourceURL
1424 * comment is present, in which case that will the be URL).
1425 */
1426 startJSCoverage(options?: JSCoverageOptions): Promise<void>;
1427 /**
1428 * Promise that resolves to the array of coverage reports for
1429 * all scripts.
1430 *
1431 * @remarks
1432 * JavaScript Coverage doesn't include anonymous scripts by default.
1433 * However, scripts with sourceURLs are reported.
1434 */
1435 stopJSCoverage(): Promise<JSCoverageEntry[]>;
1436 /**
1437 * @param options - Set of configurable options for coverage, defaults to
1438 * `resetOnNavigation : true`
1439 * @returns Promise that resolves when coverage is started.
1440 */
1441 startCSSCoverage(options?: CSSCoverageOptions): Promise<void>;
1442 /**
1443 * Promise that resolves to the array of coverage reports
1444 * for all stylesheets.
1445 *
1446 * @remarks
1447 * CSS Coverage doesn't include dynamically injected style tags
1448 * without sourceURLs.
1449 */
1450 stopCSSCoverage(): Promise<CoverageEntry[]>;
1454 * The CoverageEntry class represents one entry of the coverage report.
1455 * @public
1456 */
1457export declare interface CoverageEntry {
1458 /**
1459 * The URL of the style sheet or script.
1460 */
1461 url: string;
1462 /**
1463 * The content of the style sheet or script.
1464 */
1465 text: string;
1466 /**
1467 * The covered range as start and end positions.
1468 */
1469 ranges: Array<{
1470 start: number;
1471 end: number;
1472 }>;
1476 * @public
1477 */
1478export declare interface Credentials {
1479 username: string;
1480 password: string;
1484 * @public
1485 */
1486export declare class CSSCoverage {
1488 constructor(client: CDPSession);
1490 start(options?: {
1491 resetOnNavigation?: boolean;
1492 }): Promise<void>;
1493 stop(): Promise<CoverageEntry[]>;
1497 * Set of configurable options for CSS coverage.
1498 * @public
1499 */
1500export declare interface CSSCoverageOptions {
1501 /**
1502 * Whether to reset coverage on every navigation.
1503 */
1504 resetOnNavigation?: boolean;
1508 * @public
1509 */
1510export declare interface CustomQueryHandler {
1511 /**
1512 * Searches for a {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node | Node} matching the given `selector` from {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node | node}.
1513 */
1514 queryOne?: (node: Node, selector: string) => Node | null;
1515 /**
1516 * Searches for some {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node | Nodes} matching the given `selector` from {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node | node}.
1517 */
1518 queryAll?: (node: Node, selector: string) => Iterable<Node>;
1521declare interface CustomQuerySelector {
1522 querySelector(root: Node, selector: string): Awaitable<Node | null>;
1523 querySelectorAll(root: Node, selector: string): AwaitableIterable<Node>;
1527 * This class mimics the injected {@link CustomQuerySelectorRegistry}.
1528 */
1529declare class CustomQuerySelectorRegistry {
1531 register(name: string, handler: CustomQueryHandler): void;
1532 unregister(name: string): void;
1533 get(name: string): CustomQuerySelector | undefined;
1534 clear(): void;
1537declare namespace CustomQuerySelectors {
1538 export {
1539 CustomQuerySelector,
1540 customQuerySelectors
1541 }
1544declare const customQuerySelectors: CustomQuerySelectorRegistry;
1547 * @public
1548 * @experimental
1549 */
1550export declare interface DebugInfo {
1551 pendingProtocolErrors: Error[];
1555 * The default cooperative request interception resolution priority
1556 *
1557 * @public
1558 */
1562 * @public
1563 */
1564export declare const
1566* @public
1569 * @public
1570 */
1571defaultArgs: (options?: Puppeteer_2.LaunchOptions) => string[];
1574 * @public
1575 */
1576export declare interface DeleteCookiesRequest {
1577 /**
1578 * Name of the cookies to remove.
1579 */
1580 name: string;
1581 /**
1582 * If specified, deletes all the cookies with the given name where domain and path match
1583 * provided URL. Otherwise, deletes only cookies related to the current page's domain.
1584 */
1585 url?: string;
1586 /**
1587 * If specified, deletes only cookies with the exact domain.
1588 */
1589 domain?: string;
1590 /**
1591 * If specified, deletes only cookies with the exact path.
1592 */
1593 path?: string;
1594 /**
1595 * If specified, deletes cookies in the given partition key. In
1596 * Chrome, partitionKey matches the top-level site the partitioned
1597 * cookie is available in. In Firefox, it matches the source origin
1598 * (https://w3c.github.io/webdriver-bidi/#type-storage-PartitionKey).
1599 */
1600 partitionKey?: CookiePartitionKey | string;
1604 * @public
1605 */
1606export declare interface Device {
1607 userAgent: string;
1608 viewport: Viewport;
1612 * Device request prompts let you respond to the page requesting for a device
1613 * through an API like WebBluetooth.
1614 *
1615 * @remarks
1616 * `DeviceRequestPrompt` instances are returned via the
1617 * {@link Page.waitForDevicePrompt} method.
1618 *
1619 * @example
1620 *
1621 * ```ts
1622 * const [devicePrompt] = Promise.all([
1623 * page.waitForDevicePrompt(),
1624 * page.click('#connect-bluetooth'),
1625 * ]);
1626 * await devicePrompt.select(
1627 * await devicePrompt.waitForDevice(({name}) => name.includes('My Device')),
1628 * );
1629 * ```
1630 *
1631 * @public
1632 */
1633export declare class DeviceRequestPrompt {
1635 /**
1636 * Current list of selectable devices.
1637 */
1638 devices: DeviceRequestPromptDevice[];
1640 /**
1641 * Resolve to the first device in the prompt matching a filter.
1642 */
1643 waitForDevice(filter: (device: DeviceRequestPromptDevice) => boolean, options?: WaitTimeoutOptions): Promise<DeviceRequestPromptDevice>;
1644 /**
1645 * Select a device in the prompt's list.
1646 */
1647 select(device: DeviceRequestPromptDevice): Promise<void>;
1648 /**
1649 * Cancel the prompt.
1650 */
1651 cancel(): Promise<void>;
1655 * Device in a request prompt.
1656 *
1657 * @public
1658 */
1659export declare class DeviceRequestPromptDevice {
1660 /**
1661 * Device id during a prompt.
1662 */
1663 id: string;
1664 /**
1665 * Device name as it appears in a prompt.
1666 */
1667 name: string;
1672 * Dialog instances are dispatched by the {@link Page} via the `dialog` event.
1673 *
1674 * @remarks
1675 *
1676 * @example
1677 *
1678 * ```ts
1679 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
1680 *
1681 * (async () => {
1682 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
1683 * const page = await browser.newPage();
1684 * page.on('dialog', async dialog => {
1685 * console.log(dialog.message());
1686 * await dialog.dismiss();
1687 * await browser.close();
1688 * });
1689 * page.evaluate(() => alert('1'));
1690 * })();
1691 * ```
1692 *
1693 * @public
1694 */
1695export declare abstract class Dialog {
1699 /**
1700 * The type of the dialog.
1701 */
1702 type(): Protocol.Page.DialogType;
1703 /**
1704 * The message displayed in the dialog.
1705 */
1706 message(): string;
1707 /**
1708 * The default value of the prompt, or an empty string if the dialog
1709 * is not a `prompt`.
1710 */
1711 defaultValue(): string;
1713 /**
1714 * A promise that resolves when the dialog has been accepted.
1715 *
1716 * @param promptText - optional text that will be entered in the dialog
1717 * prompt. Has no effect if the dialog's type is not `prompt`.
1718 *
1719 */
1720 accept(promptText?: string): Promise<void>;
1721 /**
1722 * A promise which will resolve once the dialog has been dismissed
1723 */
1724 dismiss(): Promise<void>;
1728 * @public
1729 */
1730export declare interface DownloadBehavior {
1731 /**
1732 * Whether to allow all or deny all download requests, or use default behavior if
1733 * available.
1734 *
1735 * @remarks
1736 * Setting this to `allowAndName` will name all files according to their download guids.
1737 */
1738 policy: DownloadPolicy;
1739 /**
1740 * The default path to save downloaded files to.
1741 *
1742 * @remarks
1743 * Setting this is required if behavior is set to `allow` or `allowAndName`.
1744 */
1745 downloadPath?: string;
1749 * @license
1750 * Copyright 2024 Google Inc.
1751 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
1752 */
1754 * @public
1755 */
1756export declare type DownloadPolicy = 'deny' | 'allow' | 'allowAndName' | 'default';
1759 * @public
1760 */
1761export declare type ElementFor<TagName extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap | keyof SVGElementTagNameMap> = TagName extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap ? HTMLElementTagNameMap[TagName] : TagName extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap ? SVGElementTagNameMap[TagName] : never;
1764 * ElementHandle represents an in-page DOM element.
1765 *
1766 * @remarks
1767 * ElementHandles can be created with the {@link Page.$} method.
1768 *
1769 * ```ts
1770 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
1771 *
1772 * (async () => {
1773 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
1774 * const page = await browser.newPage();
1775 * await page.goto('https://example.com');
1776 * const hrefElement = await page.$('a');
1777 * await hrefElement.click();
1778 * // ...
1779 * })();
1780 * ```
1781 *
1782 * ElementHandle prevents the DOM element from being garbage-collected unless the
1783 * handle is {@link JSHandle.dispose | disposed}. ElementHandles are auto-disposed
1784 * when their origin frame gets navigated.
1785 *
1786 * ElementHandle instances can be used as arguments in {@link Page.$eval} and
1787 * {@link Page.evaluate} methods.
1788 *
1789 * If you're using TypeScript, ElementHandle takes a generic argument that
1790 * denotes the type of element the handle is holding within. For example, if you
1791 * have a handle to a `<select>` element, you can type it as
1792 * `ElementHandle<HTMLSelectElement>` and you get some nicer type checks.
1793 *
1794 * @public
1795 */
1796export declare abstract class ElementHandle<ElementType extends Node = Element> extends JSHandle<ElementType> {
1813 /**
1814 * Frame corresponding to the current handle.
1815 */
1816 abstract get frame(): Frame;
1817 /**
1818 * Queries the current element for an element matching the given selector.
1819 *
1820 * @param selector -
1821 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
1822 * to query the page for.
1823 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
1824 * can be passed as-is and a
1825 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
1826 * allows quering by
1827 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
1828 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
1829 * and
1830 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
1831 * and
1832 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
1833 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
1834 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
1835 * @returns A {@link ElementHandle | element handle} to the first element
1836 * matching the given selector. Otherwise, `null`.
1837 */
1838 $<Selector extends string>(selector: Selector): Promise<ElementHandle<NodeFor<Selector>> | null>;
1839 /**
1840 * Queries the current element for all elements matching the given selector.
1841 *
1842 * @param selector -
1843 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
1844 * to query the page for.
1845 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
1846 * can be passed as-is and a
1847 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
1848 * allows quering by
1849 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
1850 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
1851 * and
1852 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
1853 * and
1854 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
1855 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
1856 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
1857 * @returns An array of {@link ElementHandle | element handles} that point to
1858 * elements matching the given selector.
1859 */
1860 $$<Selector extends string>(selector: Selector, options?: QueryOptions): Promise<Array<ElementHandle<NodeFor<Selector>>>>;
1861 /**
1862 * Runs the given function on the first element matching the given selector in
1863 * the current element.
1864 *
1865 * If the given function returns a promise, then this method will wait till
1866 * the promise resolves.
1867 *
1868 * @example
1869 *
1870 * ```ts
1871 * const tweetHandle = await page.$('.tweet');
1872 * expect(await tweetHandle.$eval('.like', node => node.innerText)).toBe(
1873 * '100',
1874 * );
1875 * expect(await tweetHandle.$eval('.retweets', node => node.innerText)).toBe(
1876 * '10',
1877 * );
1878 * ```
1879 *
1880 * @param selector -
1881 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
1882 * to query the page for.
1883 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
1884 * can be passed as-is and a
1885 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
1886 * allows quering by
1887 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
1888 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
1889 * and
1890 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
1891 * and
1892 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
1893 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
1894 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
1895 * @param pageFunction - The function to be evaluated in this element's page's
1896 * context. The first element matching the selector will be passed in as the
1897 * first argument.
1898 * @param args - Additional arguments to pass to `pageFunction`.
1899 * @returns A promise to the result of the function.
1900 */
1901 $eval<Selector extends string, Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFuncWith<NodeFor<Selector>, Params> = EvaluateFuncWith<NodeFor<Selector>, Params>>(selector: Selector, pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>;
1902 /**
1903 * Runs the given function on an array of elements matching the given selector
1904 * in the current element.
1905 *
1906 * If the given function returns a promise, then this method will wait till
1907 * the promise resolves.
1908 *
1909 * @example
1910 * HTML:
1911 *
1912 * ```html
1913 * <div class="feed">
1914 * <div class="tweet">Hello!</div>
1915 * <div class="tweet">Hi!</div>
1916 * </div>
1917 * ```
1918 *
1919 * JavaScript:
1920 *
1921 * ```ts
1922 * const feedHandle = await page.$('.feed');
1923 * expect(
1924 * await feedHandle.$$eval('.tweet', nodes => nodes.map(n => n.innerText)),
1925 * ).toEqual(['Hello!', 'Hi!']);
1926 * ```
1927 *
1928 * @param selector -
1929 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
1930 * to query the page for.
1931 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
1932 * can be passed as-is and a
1933 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
1934 * allows quering by
1935 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
1936 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
1937 * and
1938 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
1939 * and
1940 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
1941 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
1942 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
1943 * @param pageFunction - The function to be evaluated in the element's page's
1944 * context. An array of elements matching the given selector will be passed to
1945 * the function as its first argument.
1946 * @param args - Additional arguments to pass to `pageFunction`.
1947 * @returns A promise to the result of the function.
1948 */
1949 $$eval<Selector extends string, Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFuncWith<Array<NodeFor<Selector>>, Params> = EvaluateFuncWith<Array<NodeFor<Selector>>, Params>>(selector: Selector, pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>;
1950 /**
1951 * Wait for an element matching the given selector to appear in the current
1952 * element.
1953 *
1954 * Unlike {@link Frame.waitForSelector}, this method does not work across
1955 * navigations or if the element is detached from DOM.
1956 *
1957 * @example
1958 *
1959 * ```ts
1960 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
1961 *
1962 * (async () => {
1963 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
1964 * const page = await browser.newPage();
1965 * let currentURL;
1966 * page
1967 * .mainFrame()
1968 * .waitForSelector('img')
1969 * .then(() => console.log('First URL with image: ' + currentURL));
1970 *
1971 * for (currentURL of [
1972 * 'https://example.com',
1973 * 'https://google.com',
1974 * 'https://bbc.com',
1975 * ]) {
1976 * await page.goto(currentURL);
1977 * }
1978 * await browser.close();
1979 * })();
1980 * ```
1981 *
1982 * @param selector - The selector to query and wait for.
1983 * @param options - Options for customizing waiting behavior.
1984 * @returns An element matching the given selector.
1985 * @throws Throws if an element matching the given selector doesn't appear.
1986 */
1987 waitForSelector<Selector extends string>(selector: Selector, options?: WaitForSelectorOptions): Promise<ElementHandle<NodeFor<Selector>> | null>;
1988 /**
1989 * An element is considered to be visible if all of the following is
1990 * true:
1991 *
1992 * - the element has
1993 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/getComputedStyle | computed styles}.
1994 *
1995 * - the element has a non-empty
1996 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getBoundingClientRect | bounding client rect}.
1997 *
1998 * - the element's {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/visibility | visibility}
1999 * is not `hidden` or `collapse`.
2000 */
2001 isVisible(): Promise<boolean>;
2002 /**
2003 * An element is considered to be hidden if at least one of the following is true:
2004 *
2005 * - the element has no
2006 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/getComputedStyle | computed styles}.
2007 *
2008 * - the element has an empty
2009 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getBoundingClientRect | bounding client rect}.
2010 *
2011 * - the element's {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/visibility | visibility}
2012 * is `hidden` or `collapse`.
2013 */
2014 isHidden(): Promise<boolean>;
2015 /**
2016 * Converts the current handle to the given element type.
2017 *
2018 * @example
2019 *
2020 * ```ts
2021 * const element: ElementHandle<Element> = await page.$(
2022 * '.class-name-of-anchor',
2023 * );
2024 * // DO NOT DISPOSE `element`, this will be always be the same handle.
2025 * const anchor: ElementHandle<HTMLAnchorElement> =
2026 * await element.toElement('a');
2027 * ```
2028 *
2029 * @param tagName - The tag name of the desired element type.
2030 * @throws An error if the handle does not match. **The handle will not be
2031 * automatically disposed.**
2032 */
2033 toElement<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap | keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(tagName: K): Promise<HandleFor<ElementFor<K>>>;
2034 /**
2035 * Resolves the frame associated with the element, if any. Always exists for
2036 * HTMLIFrameElements.
2037 */
2038 abstract contentFrame(this: ElementHandle<HTMLIFrameElement>): Promise<Frame>;
2039 abstract contentFrame(): Promise<Frame | null>;
2040 /**
2041 * Returns the middle point within an element unless a specific offset is provided.
2042 */
2043 clickablePoint(offset?: Offset): Promise<Point>;
2044 /**
2045 * This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then
2046 * uses {@link Page.mouse} to hover over the center of the element.
2047 * If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error.
2048 */
2049 hover(this: ElementHandle<Element>): Promise<void>;
2050 /**
2051 * This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then
2052 * uses {@link Page.mouse} to click in the center of the element.
2053 * If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error.
2054 */
2055 click(this: ElementHandle<Element>, options?: Readonly<ClickOptions>): Promise<void>;
2056 /**
2057 * Drags an element over the given element or point.
2058 *
2059 * @returns DEPRECATED. When drag interception is enabled, the drag payload is
2060 * returned.
2061 */
2062 drag(this: ElementHandle<Element>, target: Point | ElementHandle<Element>): Promise<Protocol.Input.DragData | void>;
2063 /**
2064 * @deprecated Do not use. `dragenter` will automatically be performed during dragging.
2065 */
2066 dragEnter(this: ElementHandle<Element>, data?: Protocol.Input.DragData): Promise<void>;
2067 /**
2068 * @deprecated Do not use. `dragover` will automatically be performed during dragging.
2069 */
2070 dragOver(this: ElementHandle<Element>, data?: Protocol.Input.DragData): Promise<void>;
2071 /**
2072 * Drops the given element onto the current one.
2073 */
2074 drop(this: ElementHandle<Element>, element: ElementHandle<Element>): Promise<void>;
2075 /**
2076 * @deprecated No longer supported.
2077 */
2078 drop(this: ElementHandle<Element>, data?: Protocol.Input.DragData): Promise<void>;
2079 /**
2080 * @deprecated Use `ElementHandle.drop` instead.
2081 */
2082 dragAndDrop(this: ElementHandle<Element>, target: ElementHandle<Node>, options?: {
2083 delay: number;
2084 }): Promise<void>;
2085 /**
2086 * Triggers a `change` and `input` event once all the provided options have been
2087 * selected. If there's no `<select>` element matching `selector`, the method
2088 * throws an error.
2089 *
2090 * @example
2091 *
2092 * ```ts
2093 * handle.select('blue'); // single selection
2094 * handle.select('red', 'green', 'blue'); // multiple selections
2095 * ```
2096 *
2097 * @param values - Values of options to select. If the `<select>` has the
2098 * `multiple` attribute, all values are considered, otherwise only the first
2099 * one is taken into account.
2100 */
2101 select(...values: string[]): Promise<string[]>;
2102 /**
2103 * Sets the value of an
2104 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input | input element}
2105 * to the given file paths.
2106 *
2107 * @remarks This will not validate whether the file paths exists. Also, if a
2108 * path is relative, then it is resolved against the
2109 * {@link https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd | current working directory}.
2110 * For locals script connecting to remote chrome environments, paths must be
2111 * absolute.
2112 */
2113 abstract uploadFile(this: ElementHandle<HTMLInputElement>, ...paths: string[]): Promise<void>;
2115 /**
2116 * This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then uses
2117 * {@link Touchscreen.tap} to tap in the center of the element.
2118 * If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error.
2119 */
2120 tap(this: ElementHandle<Element>): Promise<void>;
2121 /**
2122 * This method scrolls the element into view if needed, and then
2123 * starts a touch in the center of the element.
2124 * @returns A {@link TouchHandle} representing the touch that was started
2125 */
2126 touchStart(this: ElementHandle<Element>): Promise<TouchHandle>;
2127 /**
2128 * This method scrolls the element into view if needed, and then
2129 * moves the touch to the center of the element.
2130 * @param touch - An optional {@link TouchHandle}. If provided, this touch
2131 * will be moved. If not provided, the first active touch will be moved.
2132 */
2133 touchMove(this: ElementHandle<Element>, touch?: TouchHandle): Promise<void>;
2134 touchEnd(this: ElementHandle<Element>): Promise<void>;
2135 /**
2136 * Calls {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/focus | focus} on the element.
2137 */
2138 focus(): Promise<void>;
2139 /**
2140 * Focuses the element, and then sends a `keydown`, `keypress`/`input`, and
2141 * `keyup` event for each character in the text.
2142 *
2143 * To press a special key, like `Control` or `ArrowDown`,
2144 * use {@link ElementHandle.press}.
2145 *
2146 * @example
2147 *
2148 * ```ts
2149 * await elementHandle.type('Hello'); // Types instantly
2150 * await elementHandle.type('World', {delay: 100}); // Types slower, like a user
2151 * ```
2152 *
2153 * @example
2154 * An example of typing into a text field and then submitting the form:
2155 *
2156 * ```ts
2157 * const elementHandle = await page.$('input');
2158 * await elementHandle.type('some text');
2159 * await elementHandle.press('Enter');
2160 * ```
2161 *
2162 * @param options - Delay in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
2163 */
2164 type(text: string, options?: Readonly<KeyboardTypeOptions>): Promise<void>;
2165 /**
2166 * Focuses the element, and then uses {@link Keyboard.down} and {@link Keyboard.up}.
2167 *
2168 * @remarks
2169 * If `key` is a single character and no modifier keys besides `Shift`
2170 * are being held down, a `keypress`/`input` event will also be generated.
2171 * The `text` option can be specified to force an input event to be generated.
2172 *
2173 * **NOTE** Modifier keys DO affect `elementHandle.press`. Holding down `Shift`
2174 * will type the text in upper case.
2175 *
2176 * @param key - Name of key to press, such as `ArrowLeft`.
2177 * See {@link KeyInput} for a list of all key names.
2178 */
2179 press(key: KeyInput, options?: Readonly<KeyPressOptions>): Promise<void>;
2180 /**
2181 * This method returns the bounding box of the element (relative to the main frame),
2182 * or `null` if the element is {@link https://drafts.csswg.org/css-display-4/#box-generation | not part of the layout}
2183 * (example: `display: none`).
2184 */
2185 boundingBox(): Promise<BoundingBox | null>;
2186 /**
2187 * This method returns boxes of the element,
2188 * or `null` if the element is {@link https://drafts.csswg.org/css-display-4/#box-generation | not part of the layout}
2189 * (example: `display: none`).
2190 *
2191 * @remarks
2192 *
2193 * Boxes are represented as an array of points;
2194 * Each Point is an object `{x, y}`. Box points are sorted clock-wise.
2195 */
2196 boxModel(): Promise<BoxModel | null>;
2197 /**
2198 * This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then uses
2199 * {@link Page.(screenshot:2) } to take a screenshot of the element.
2200 * If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error.
2201 */
2202 screenshot(options: Readonly<ScreenshotOptions> & {
2203 encoding: 'base64';
2204 }): Promise<string>;
2205 screenshot(options?: Readonly<ScreenshotOptions>): Promise<Uint8Array>;
2208 /**
2209 * Resolves to true if the element is visible in the current viewport. If an
2210 * element is an SVG, we check if the svg owner element is in the viewport
2211 * instead. See https://crbug.com/963246.
2212 *
2213 * @param options - Threshold for the intersection between 0 (no intersection) and 1
2214 * (full intersection). Defaults to 1.
2215 */
2216 isIntersectingViewport(this: ElementHandle<Element>, options?: {
2217 threshold?: number;
2218 }): Promise<boolean>;
2219 /**
2220 * Scrolls the element into view using either the automation protocol client
2221 * or by calling element.scrollIntoView.
2222 */
2223 scrollIntoView(this: ElementHandle<Element>): Promise<void>;
2224 /**
2225 * If the element is a form input, you can use {@link ElementHandle.autofill}
2226 * to test if the form is compatible with the browser's autofill
2227 * implementation. Throws an error if the form cannot be autofilled.
2228 *
2229 * @remarks
2230 *
2231 * Currently, Puppeteer supports auto-filling credit card information only and
2232 * in Chrome in the new headless and headful modes only.
2233 *
2234 * ```ts
2235 * // Select an input on the credit card form.
2236 * const name = await page.waitForSelector('form #name');
2237 * // Trigger autofill with the desired data.
2238 * await name.autofill({
2239 * creditCard: {
2240 * number: '4444444444444444',
2241 * name: 'John Smith',
2242 * expiryMonth: '01',
2243 * expiryYear: '2030',
2244 * cvc: '123',
2245 * },
2246 * });
2247 * ```
2248 */
2249 abstract autofill(data: AutofillData): Promise<void>;
2250 /**
2251 * When connected using Chrome DevTools Protocol, it returns a
2252 * DOM.BackendNodeId for the element.
2253 */
2254 abstract backendNodeId(): Promise<number>;
2258 * @public
2259 */
2260export declare interface ElementScreenshotOptions extends ScreenshotOptions {
2261 /**
2262 * @defaultValue `true`
2263 */
2264 scrollIntoView?: boolean;
2268 * @public
2269 */
2270export declare type ErrorCode = 'aborted' | 'accessdenied' | 'addressunreachable' | 'blockedbyclient' | 'blockedbyresponse' | 'connectionaborted' | 'connectionclosed' | 'connectionfailed' | 'connectionrefused' | 'connectionreset' | 'internetdisconnected' | 'namenotresolved' | 'timedout' | 'failed';
2273 * @public
2274 */
2275export declare type EvaluateFunc<T extends unknown[]> = (...params: InnerParams<T>) => Awaitable<unknown>;
2278 * @public
2279 */
2280export declare type EvaluateFuncWith<V, T extends unknown[]> = (...params: [V, ...InnerParams<T>]) => Awaitable<unknown>;
2283 * The EventEmitter class that many Puppeteer classes extend.
2284 *
2285 * @remarks
2286 *
2287 * This allows you to listen to events that Puppeteer classes fire and act
2288 * accordingly. Therefore you'll mostly use {@link EventEmitter.on | on} and
2289 * {@link EventEmitter.off | off} to bind
2290 * and unbind to event listeners.
2291 *
2292 * @public
2293 */
2294export declare class EventEmitter<Events extends Record<EventType, unknown>> implements CommonEventEmitter<EventsWithWildcard<Events>> {
2297 /**
2298 * Bind an event listener to fire when an event occurs.
2299 * @param type - the event type you'd like to listen to. Can be a string or symbol.
2300 * @param handler - the function to be called when the event occurs.
2301 * @returns `this` to enable you to chain method calls.
2302 */
2303 on<Key extends keyof EventsWithWildcard<Events>>(type: Key, handler: Handler<EventsWithWildcard<Events>[Key]>): this;
2304 /**
2305 * Remove an event listener from firing.
2306 * @param type - the event type you'd like to stop listening to.
2307 * @param handler - the function that should be removed.
2308 * @returns `this` to enable you to chain method calls.
2309 */
2310 off<Key extends keyof EventsWithWildcard<Events>>(type: Key, handler?: Handler<EventsWithWildcard<Events>[Key]>): this;
2311 /**
2312 * Emit an event and call any associated listeners.
2313 *
2314 * @param type - the event you'd like to emit
2315 * @param eventData - any data you'd like to emit with the event
2316 * @returns `true` if there are any listeners, `false` if there are not.
2317 */
2318 emit<Key extends keyof EventsWithWildcard<Events>>(type: Key, event: EventsWithWildcard<Events>[Key]): boolean;
2319 /**
2320 * Like `on` but the listener will only be fired once and then it will be removed.
2321 * @param type - the event you'd like to listen to
2322 * @param handler - the handler function to run when the event occurs
2323 * @returns `this` to enable you to chain method calls.
2324 */
2325 once<Key extends keyof EventsWithWildcard<Events>>(type: Key, handler: Handler<EventsWithWildcard<Events>[Key]>): this;
2326 /**
2327 * Gets the number of listeners for a given event.
2328 *
2329 * @param type - the event to get the listener count for
2330 * @returns the number of listeners bound to the given event
2331 */
2332 listenerCount(type: keyof EventsWithWildcard<Events>): number;
2333 /**
2334 * Removes all listeners. If given an event argument, it will remove only
2335 * listeners for that event.
2336 *
2337 * @param type - the event to remove listeners for.
2338 * @returns `this` to enable you to chain method calls.
2339 */
2340 removeAllListeners(type?: keyof EventsWithWildcard<Events>): this;
2345 * @public
2346 */
2347export declare type EventsWithWildcard<Events extends Record<EventType, unknown>> = Events & {
2348 '*': Events[keyof Events];
2352 * @public
2353 */
2354export declare type EventType = string | symbol;
2357 * @public
2358 */
2359export declare const
2361* @public
2364 * @public
2365 */
2366executablePath: {
2367 (channel: Puppeteer_2.ChromeReleaseChannel): string;
2368 (options: Puppeteer_2.LaunchOptions): string;
2369 (): string;
2373 * Defines experiment options for Puppeteer.
2374 *
2375 * See individual properties for more information.
2376 *
2377 * @public
2378 */
2379export declare type ExperimentsConfiguration = Record<string, never>;
2382 * Experimental ExtensionTransport allows establishing a connection via
2383 * chrome.debugger API if Puppeteer runs in an extension. Since Chrome
2384 * DevTools Protocol is restricted for extensions, the transport
2385 * implements missing commands and events.
2386 *
2387 * @experimental
2388 * @public
2389 */
2390export declare class ExtensionTransport implements ConnectionTransport {
2392 static connectTab(tabId: number): Promise<ExtensionTransport>;
2393 onmessage?: (message: string) => void;
2394 onclose?: () => void;
2396 send(message: string): void;
2397 close(): void;
2401 * File choosers let you react to the page requesting for a file.
2402 *
2403 * @remarks
2404 * `FileChooser` instances are returned via the {@link Page.waitForFileChooser} method.
2405 *
2406 * In browsers, only one file chooser can be opened at a time.
2407 * All file choosers must be accepted or canceled. Not doing so will prevent
2408 * subsequent file choosers from appearing.
2409 *
2410 * @example
2411 *
2412 * ```ts
2413 * const [fileChooser] = await Promise.all([
2414 * page.waitForFileChooser(),
2415 * page.click('#upload-file-button'), // some button that triggers file selection
2416 * ]);
2417 * await fileChooser.accept(['/tmp/myfile.pdf']);
2418 * ```
2419 *
2420 * @public
2421 */
2422export declare class FileChooser {
2425 /**
2426 * Whether file chooser allow for
2427 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/file#attr-multiple | multiple}
2428 * file selection.
2429 */
2430 isMultiple(): boolean;
2431 /**
2432 * Accept the file chooser request with the given file paths.
2433 *
2434 * @remarks This will not validate whether the file paths exists. Also, if a
2435 * path is relative, then it is resolved against the
2436 * {@link https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd | current working directory}.
2437 * For locals script connecting to remote chrome environments, paths must be
2438 * absolute.
2439 */
2440 accept(paths: string[]): Promise<void>;
2441 /**
2442 * Closes the file chooser without selecting any files.
2443 */
2444 cancel(): Promise<void>;
2448 * @public
2449 */
2450export declare interface FirefoxSettings {
2451 /**
2452 * Tells Puppeteer to not download the browser during installation.
2453 *
2454 * Can be overridden by `PUPPETEER_FIREFOX_SKIP_DOWNLOAD`.
2455 *
2456 * @defaultValue true
2457 */
2458 skipDownload?: boolean;
2459 /**
2460 * Specifies the URL prefix that is used to download the browser.
2461 *
2462 * Can be overridden by `PUPPETEER_FIREFOX_DOWNLOAD_BASE_URL`.
2463 *
2464 * @remarks
2465 * This must include the protocol and may even need a path prefix.
2466 * This must **not** include a trailing slash similar to the default.
2467 *
2468 * @defaultValue https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases
2469 */
2470 downloadBaseUrl?: string;
2471 /**
2472 * Specifies a certain version of the browser you'd like Puppeteer to use.
2473 *
2474 * Can be overridden by `PUPPETEER_FIREFOX_VERSION`.
2475 *
2476 * See {@link PuppeteerNode.launch | puppeteer.launch} on how executable path
2477 * is inferred.
2478 *
2479 * @example stable_129.0
2480 * @defaultValue The pinned browser version supported by the current Puppeteer
2481 * version.
2482 */
2483 version?: string;
2487 * @public
2488 */
2489export declare type FlattenHandle<T> = T extends HandleOr<infer U> ? U : never;
2492 * Represents a DOM frame.
2493 *
2494 * To understand frames, you can think of frames as `<iframe>` elements. Just
2495 * like iframes, frames can be nested, and when JavaScript is executed in a
2496 * frame, the JavaScript does not effect frames inside the ambient frame the
2497 * JavaScript executes in.
2498 *
2499 * @example
2500 * At any point in time, {@link Page | pages} expose their current frame
2501 * tree via the {@link Page.mainFrame} and {@link Frame.childFrames} methods.
2502 *
2503 * @example
2504 * An example of dumping frame tree:
2505 *
2506 * ```ts
2507 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
2508 *
2509 * (async () => {
2510 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
2511 * const page = await browser.newPage();
2512 * await page.goto('https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/canary.html');
2513 * dumpFrameTree(page.mainFrame(), '');
2514 * await browser.close();
2515 *
2516 * function dumpFrameTree(frame, indent) {
2517 * console.log(indent + frame.url());
2518 * for (const child of frame.childFrames()) {
2519 * dumpFrameTree(child, indent + ' ');
2520 * }
2521 * }
2522 * })();
2523 * ```
2524 *
2525 * @example
2526 * An example of getting text from an iframe element:
2527 *
2528 * ```ts
2529 * const frame = page.frames().find(frame => frame.name() === 'myframe');
2530 * const text = await frame.$eval('.selector', element => element.textContent);
2531 * console.log(text);
2532 * ```
2533 *
2534 * @remarks
2535 * Frame lifecycles are controlled by three events that are all dispatched on
2536 * the parent {@link Frame.page | page}:
2537 *
2538 * - {@link PageEvent.FrameAttached}
2539 * - {@link PageEvent.FrameNavigated}
2540 * - {@link PageEvent.FrameDetached}
2541 *
2542 * @public
2543 */
2544export declare abstract class Frame extends EventEmitter<FrameEvents> {
2551 /**
2552 * The page associated with the frame.
2553 */
2554 abstract page(): Page;
2555 /**
2556 * Navigates the frame or page to the given `url`.
2557 *
2558 * @remarks
2559 * Navigation to `about:blank` or navigation to the same URL with a different
2560 * hash will succeed and return `null`.
2561 *
2562 * :::warning
2563 *
2564 * Headless shell mode doesn't support navigation to a PDF document. See the
2565 * {@link https://crbug.com/761295 | upstream issue}.
2566 *
2567 * :::
2568 *
2569 * In headless shell, this method will not throw an error when any valid HTTP
2570 * status code is returned by the remote server, including 404 "Not Found" and
2571 * 500 "Internal Server Error". The status code for such responses can be
2572 * retrieved by calling {@link HTTPResponse.status}.
2573 *
2574 * @param url - URL to navigate the frame to. The URL should include scheme,
2575 * e.g. `https://`
2576 * @param options - Options to configure waiting behavior.
2577 * @returns A promise which resolves to the main resource response. In case of
2578 * multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the
2579 * last redirect.
2580 * @throws If:
2581 *
2582 * - there's an SSL error (e.g. in case of self-signed certificates).
2583 *
2584 * - target URL is invalid.
2585 *
2586 * - the timeout is exceeded during navigation.
2587 *
2588 * - the remote server does not respond or is unreachable.
2589 *
2590 * - the main resource failed to load.
2591 */
2592 abstract goto(url: string, options?: GoToOptions): Promise<HTTPResponse | null>;
2593 /**
2594 * Waits for the frame to navigate. It is useful for when you run code which
2595 * will indirectly cause the frame to navigate.
2596 *
2597 * Usage of the
2598 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History_API | History API}
2599 * to change the URL is considered a navigation.
2600 *
2601 * @example
2602 *
2603 * ```ts
2604 * const [response] = await Promise.all([
2605 * // The navigation promise resolves after navigation has finished
2606 * frame.waitForNavigation(),
2607 * // Clicking the link will indirectly cause a navigation
2608 * frame.click('a.my-link'),
2609 * ]);
2610 * ```
2611 *
2612 * @param options - Options to configure waiting behavior.
2613 * @returns A promise which resolves to the main resource response.
2614 */
2615 abstract waitForNavigation(options?: WaitForOptions): Promise<HTTPResponse | null>;
2621 /**
2622 * @returns The frame element associated with this frame (if any).
2623 */
2624 frameElement(): Promise<HandleFor<HTMLIFrameElement> | null>;
2625 /**
2626 * Behaves identically to {@link Page.evaluateHandle} except it's run within
2627 * the context of this frame.
2628 *
2629 * See {@link Page.evaluateHandle} for details.
2630 */
2631 evaluateHandle<Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFunc<Params> = EvaluateFunc<Params>>(pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise<HandleFor<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>>;
2632 /**
2633 * Behaves identically to {@link Page.evaluate} except it's run within
2634 * the context of this frame.
2635 *
2636 * See {@link Page.evaluate} for details.
2637 */
2638 evaluate<Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFunc<Params> = EvaluateFunc<Params>>(pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>;
2639 /**
2640 * Creates a locator for the provided selector. See {@link Locator} for
2641 * details and supported actions.
2642 *
2643 * @param selector -
2644 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
2645 * to query the page for.
2646 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
2647 * can be passed as-is and a
2648 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
2649 * allows quering by
2650 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
2651 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
2652 * and
2653 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
2654 * and
2655 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
2656 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
2657 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
2658 */
2659 locator<Selector extends string>(selector: Selector): Locator<NodeFor<Selector>>;
2660 /**
2661 * Creates a locator for the provided function. See {@link Locator} for
2662 * details and supported actions.
2663 */
2664 locator<Ret>(func: () => Awaitable<Ret>): Locator<Ret>;
2665 /**
2666 * Queries the frame for an element matching the given selector.
2667 *
2668 * @param selector -
2669 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
2670 * to query the page for.
2671 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
2672 * can be passed as-is and a
2673 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
2674 * allows quering by
2675 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
2676 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
2677 * and
2678 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
2679 * and
2680 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
2681 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
2682 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
2683 *
2684 * @returns A {@link ElementHandle | element handle} to the first element
2685 * matching the given selector. Otherwise, `null`.
2686 */
2687 $<Selector extends string>(selector: Selector): Promise<ElementHandle<NodeFor<Selector>> | null>;
2688 /**
2689 * Queries the frame for all elements matching the given selector.
2690 *
2691 * @param selector -
2692 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
2693 * to query the page for.
2694 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
2695 * can be passed as-is and a
2696 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
2697 * allows quering by
2698 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
2699 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
2700 * and
2701 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
2702 * and
2703 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
2704 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
2705 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
2706 *
2707 * @returns An array of {@link ElementHandle | element handles} that point to
2708 * elements matching the given selector.
2709 */
2710 $$<Selector extends string>(selector: Selector, options?: QueryOptions): Promise<Array<ElementHandle<NodeFor<Selector>>>>;
2711 /**
2712 * Runs the given function on the first element matching the given selector in
2713 * the frame.
2714 *
2715 * If the given function returns a promise, then this method will wait till
2716 * the promise resolves.
2717 *
2718 * @example
2719 *
2720 * ```ts
2721 * const searchValue = await frame.$eval('#search', el => el.value);
2722 * ```
2723 *
2724 * @param selector -
2725 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
2726 * to query the page for.
2727 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
2728 * can be passed as-is and a
2729 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
2730 * allows quering by
2731 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
2732 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
2733 * and
2734 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
2735 * and
2736 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
2737 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
2738 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
2739 * @param pageFunction - The function to be evaluated in the frame's context.
2740 * The first element matching the selector will be passed to the function as
2741 * its first argument.
2742 * @param args - Additional arguments to pass to `pageFunction`.
2743 * @returns A promise to the result of the function.
2744 */
2745 $eval<Selector extends string, Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFuncWith<NodeFor<Selector>, Params> = EvaluateFuncWith<NodeFor<Selector>, Params>>(selector: Selector, pageFunction: string | Func, ...args: Params): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>;
2746 /**
2747 * Runs the given function on an array of elements matching the given selector
2748 * in the frame.
2749 *
2750 * If the given function returns a promise, then this method will wait till
2751 * the promise resolves.
2752 *
2753 * @example
2754 *
2755 * ```ts
2756 * const divsCounts = await frame.$$eval('div', divs => divs.length);
2757 * ```
2758 *
2759 * @param selector -
2760 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
2761 * to query the page for.
2762 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
2763 * can be passed as-is and a
2764 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
2765 * allows quering by
2766 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
2767 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
2768 * and
2769 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
2770 * and
2771 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
2772 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
2773 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
2774 * @param pageFunction - The function to be evaluated in the frame's context.
2775 * An array of elements matching the given selector will be passed to the
2776 * function as its first argument.
2777 * @param args - Additional arguments to pass to `pageFunction`.
2778 * @returns A promise to the result of the function.
2779 */
2780 $$eval<Selector extends string, Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFuncWith<Array<NodeFor<Selector>>, Params> = EvaluateFuncWith<Array<NodeFor<Selector>>, Params>>(selector: Selector, pageFunction: string | Func, ...args: Params): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>;
2781 /**
2782 * Waits for an element matching the given selector to appear in the frame.
2783 *
2784 * This method works across navigations.
2785 *
2786 * @example
2787 *
2788 * ```ts
2789 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
2790 *
2791 * (async () => {
2792 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
2793 * const page = await browser.newPage();
2794 * let currentURL;
2795 * page
2796 * .mainFrame()
2797 * .waitForSelector('img')
2798 * .then(() => console.log('First URL with image: ' + currentURL));
2799 *
2800 * for (currentURL of [
2801 * 'https://example.com',
2802 * 'https://google.com',
2803 * 'https://bbc.com',
2804 * ]) {
2805 * await page.goto(currentURL);
2806 * }
2807 * await browser.close();
2808 * })();
2809 * ```
2810 *
2811 * @param selector - The selector to query and wait for.
2812 * @param options - Options for customizing waiting behavior.
2813 * @returns An element matching the given selector.
2814 * @throws Throws if an element matching the given selector doesn't appear.
2815 */
2816 waitForSelector<Selector extends string>(selector: Selector, options?: WaitForSelectorOptions): Promise<ElementHandle<NodeFor<Selector>> | null>;
2817 /**
2818 * @example
2819 * The `waitForFunction` can be used to observe viewport size change:
2820 *
2821 * ```ts
2822 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
2823 *
2824 * (async () => {
2825 * . const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
2826 * . const page = await browser.newPage();
2827 * . const watchDog = page.mainFrame().waitForFunction('window.innerWidth < 100');
2828 * . page.setViewport({width: 50, height: 50});
2829 * . await watchDog;
2830 * . await browser.close();
2831 * })();
2832 * ```
2833 *
2834 * To pass arguments from Node.js to the predicate of `page.waitForFunction` function:
2835 *
2836 * ```ts
2837 * const selector = '.foo';
2838 * await frame.waitForFunction(
2839 * selector => !!document.querySelector(selector),
2840 * {}, // empty options object
2841 * selector,
2842 * );
2843 * ```
2844 *
2845 * @param pageFunction - the function to evaluate in the frame context.
2846 * @param options - options to configure the polling method and timeout.
2847 * @param args - arguments to pass to the `pageFunction`.
2848 * @returns the promise which resolve when the `pageFunction` returns a truthy value.
2849 */
2850 waitForFunction<Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFunc<Params> = EvaluateFunc<Params>>(pageFunction: Func | string, options?: FrameWaitForFunctionOptions, ...args: Params): Promise<HandleFor<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>>;
2851 /**
2852 * The full HTML contents of the frame, including the DOCTYPE.
2853 */
2854 content(): Promise<string>;
2855 /**
2856 * Set the content of the frame.
2857 *
2858 * @param html - HTML markup to assign to the page.
2859 * @param options - Options to configure how long before timing out and at
2860 * what point to consider the content setting successful.
2861 */
2862 abstract setContent(html: string, options?: WaitForOptions): Promise<void>;
2864 /**
2865 * The frame's `name` attribute as specified in the tag.
2866 *
2867 * @remarks
2868 * If the name is empty, it returns the `id` attribute instead.
2869 *
2870 * @remarks
2871 * This value is calculated once when the frame is created, and will not
2872 * update if the attribute is changed later.
2873 *
2874 * @deprecated Use
2875 *
2876 * ```ts
2877 * const element = await frame.frameElement();
2878 * const nameOrId = await element.evaluate(frame => frame.name ?? frame.id);
2879 * ```
2880 */
2881 name(): string;
2882 /**
2883 * The frame's URL.
2884 */
2885 abstract url(): string;
2886 /**
2887 * The parent frame, if any. Detached and main frames return `null`.
2888 */
2889 abstract parentFrame(): Frame | null;
2890 /**
2891 * An array of child frames.
2892 */
2893 abstract childFrames(): Frame[];
2894 /**
2895 * @returns `true` if the frame has detached. `false` otherwise.
2896 */
2897 abstract get detached(): boolean;
2898 /**
2899 * Is`true` if the frame has been detached. Otherwise, `false`.
2900 *
2901 * @deprecated Use the `detached` getter.
2902 */
2903 isDetached(): boolean;
2905 /**
2906 * Adds a `<script>` tag into the page with the desired url or content.
2907 *
2908 * @param options - Options for the script.
2909 * @returns An {@link ElementHandle | element handle} to the injected
2910 * `<script>` element.
2911 */
2912 addScriptTag(options: FrameAddScriptTagOptions): Promise<ElementHandle<HTMLScriptElement>>;
2913 /**
2914 * Adds a `HTMLStyleElement` into the frame with the desired URL
2915 *
2916 * @returns An {@link ElementHandle | element handle} to the loaded `<style>`
2917 * element.
2918 */
2919 addStyleTag(options: Omit<FrameAddStyleTagOptions, 'url'>): Promise<ElementHandle<HTMLStyleElement>>;
2920 /**
2921 * Adds a `HTMLLinkElement` into the frame with the desired URL
2922 *
2923 * @returns An {@link ElementHandle | element handle} to the loaded `<link>`
2924 * element.
2925 */
2926 addStyleTag(options: FrameAddStyleTagOptions): Promise<ElementHandle<HTMLLinkElement>>;
2927 /**
2928 * Clicks the first element found that matches `selector`.
2929 *
2930 * @remarks
2931 * If `click()` triggers a navigation event and there's a separate
2932 * `page.waitForNavigation()` promise to be resolved, you may end up with a
2933 * race condition that yields unexpected results. The correct pattern for
2934 * click and wait for navigation is the following:
2935 *
2936 * ```ts
2937 * const [response] = await Promise.all([
2938 * page.waitForNavigation(waitOptions),
2939 * frame.click(selector, clickOptions),
2940 * ]);
2941 * ```
2942 *
2943 * @param selector - The selector to query for.
2944 */
2945 click(selector: string, options?: Readonly<ClickOptions>): Promise<void>;
2946 /**
2947 * Focuses the first element that matches the `selector`.
2948 *
2949 * @param selector - The selector to query for.
2950 * @throws Throws if there's no element matching `selector`.
2951 */
2952 focus(selector: string): Promise<void>;
2953 /**
2954 * Hovers the pointer over the center of the first element that matches the
2955 * `selector`.
2956 *
2957 * @param selector - The selector to query for.
2958 * @throws Throws if there's no element matching `selector`.
2959 */
2960 hover(selector: string): Promise<void>;
2961 /**
2962 * Selects a set of value on the first `<select>` element that matches the
2963 * `selector`.
2964 *
2965 * @example
2966 *
2967 * ```ts
2968 * frame.select('select#colors', 'blue'); // single selection
2969 * frame.select('select#colors', 'red', 'green', 'blue'); // multiple selections
2970 * ```
2971 *
2972 * @param selector - The selector to query for.
2973 * @param values - The array of values to select. If the `<select>` has the
2974 * `multiple` attribute, all values are considered, otherwise only the first
2975 * one is taken into account.
2976 * @returns the list of values that were successfully selected.
2977 * @throws Throws if there's no `<select>` matching `selector`.
2978 */
2979 select(selector: string, ...values: string[]): Promise<string[]>;
2980 /**
2981 * Taps the first element that matches the `selector`.
2982 *
2983 * @param selector - The selector to query for.
2984 * @throws Throws if there's no element matching `selector`.
2985 */
2986 tap(selector: string): Promise<void>;
2987 /**
2988 * Sends a `keydown`, `keypress`/`input`, and `keyup` event for each character
2989 * in the text.
2990 *
2991 * @remarks
2992 * To press a special key, like `Control` or `ArrowDown`, use
2993 * {@link Keyboard.press}.
2994 *
2995 * @example
2996 *
2997 * ```ts
2998 * await frame.type('#mytextarea', 'Hello'); // Types instantly
2999 * await frame.type('#mytextarea', 'World', {delay: 100}); // Types slower, like a user
3000 * ```
3001 *
3002 * @param selector - the selector for the element to type into. If there are
3003 * multiple the first will be used.
3004 * @param text - text to type into the element
3005 * @param options - takes one option, `delay`, which sets the time to wait
3006 * between key presses in milliseconds. Defaults to `0`.
3007 */
3008 type(selector: string, text: string, options?: Readonly<KeyboardTypeOptions>): Promise<void>;
3009 /**
3010 * The frame's title.
3011 */
3012 title(): Promise<string>;
3017 * @public
3018 */
3019export declare interface FrameAddScriptTagOptions {
3020 /**
3021 * URL of the script to be added.
3022 */
3023 url?: string;
3024 /**
3025 * Path to a JavaScript file to be injected into the frame.
3026 *
3027 * @remarks
3028 * If `path` is a relative path, it is resolved relative to the current
3029 * working directory (`process.cwd()` in Node.js).
3030 */
3031 path?: string;
3032 /**
3033 * JavaScript to be injected into the frame.
3034 */
3035 content?: string;
3036 /**
3037 * Sets the `type` of the script. Use `module` in order to load an ES2015 module.
3038 */
3039 type?: string;
3040 /**
3041 * Sets the `id` of the script.
3042 */
3043 id?: string;
3047 * @public
3048 */
3049export declare interface FrameAddStyleTagOptions {
3050 /**
3051 * the URL of the CSS file to be added.
3052 */
3053 url?: string;
3054 /**
3055 * The path to a CSS file to be injected into the frame.
3056 * @remarks
3057 * If `path` is a relative path, it is resolved relative to the current
3058 * working directory (`process.cwd()` in Node.js).
3059 */
3060 path?: string;
3061 /**
3062 * Raw CSS content to be injected into the frame.
3063 */
3064 content?: string;
3068 * @public
3069 */
3070export declare interface FrameEvents extends Record<EventType, unknown> {
3080 * @public
3081 */
3082export declare interface FrameWaitForFunctionOptions {
3083 /**
3084 * An interval at which the `pageFunction` is executed, defaults to `raf`. If
3085 * `polling` is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at
3086 * which the function would be executed. If `polling` is a string, then it can
3087 * be one of the following values:
3088 *
3089 * - `raf` - to constantly execute `pageFunction` in `requestAnimationFrame`
3090 * callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe
3091 * styling changes.
3092 *
3093 * - `mutation` - to execute `pageFunction` on every DOM mutation.
3094 */
3095 polling?: 'raf' | 'mutation' | number;
3096 /**
3097 * Maximum time to wait in milliseconds. Defaults to `30000` (30 seconds).
3098 * Pass `0` to disable the timeout. Puppeteer's default timeout can be changed
3099 * using {@link Page.setDefaultTimeout}.
3100 */
3101 timeout?: number;
3102 /**
3103 * A signal object that allows you to cancel a waitForFunction call.
3104 */
3105 signal?: AbortSignal;
3109 * @public
3110 */
3111export declare interface GeolocationOptions {
3112 /**
3113 * Latitude between `-90` and `90`.
3114 */
3115 longitude: number;
3116 /**
3117 * Longitude between `-180` and `180`.
3118 */
3119 latitude: number;
3120 /**
3121 * Optional non-negative accuracy value.
3122 */
3123 accuracy?: number;
3127 * @public
3128 */
3129export declare interface GoToOptions extends WaitForOptions {
3130 /**
3131 * If provided, it will take preference over the referer header value set by
3132 * {@link Page.setExtraHTTPHeaders | page.setExtraHTTPHeaders()}.
3133 */
3134 referer?: string;
3135 /**
3136 * If provided, it will take preference over the referer-policy header value
3137 * set by {@link Page.setExtraHTTPHeaders | page.setExtraHTTPHeaders()}.
3138 */
3139 referrerPolicy?: string;
3143 * @public
3144 */
3145export declare type HandleFor<T> = T extends Node ? ElementHandle<T> : JSHandle<T>;
3148 * @public
3149 */
3150export declare type HandleOr<T> = HandleFor<T> | JSHandle<T> | T;
3153 * @public
3154 */
3155export declare type Handler<T = unknown> = (event: T) => void;
3158 * Represents an HTTP request sent by a page.
3159 * @remarks
3160 *
3161 * Whenever the page sends a request, such as for a network resource, the
3162 * following events are emitted by Puppeteer's `page`:
3163 *
3164 * - `request`: emitted when the request is issued by the page.
3165 *
3166 * - `requestfinished` - emitted when the response body is downloaded and the
3167 * request is complete.
3168 *
3169 * If request fails at some point, then instead of `requestfinished` event the
3170 * `requestfailed` event is emitted.
3171 *
3172 * All of these events provide an instance of `HTTPRequest` representing the
3173 * request that occurred:
3174 *
3175 * ```
3176 * page.on('request', request => ...)
3177 * ```
3178 *
3179 * NOTE: HTTP Error responses, such as 404 or 503, are still successful
3180 * responses from HTTP standpoint, so request will complete with
3181 * `requestfinished` event.
3182 *
3183 * If request gets a 'redirect' response, the request is successfully finished
3184 * with the `requestfinished` event, and a new request is issued to a
3185 * redirected url.
3186 *
3187 * @public
3188 */
3189export declare abstract class HTTPRequest {
3198 /**
3199 * Warning! Using this client can break Puppeteer. Use with caution.
3200 *
3201 * @experimental
3202 */
3203 abstract get client(): CDPSession;
3205 /**
3206 * The URL of the request
3207 */
3208 abstract url(): string;
3209 /**
3210 * The `ContinueRequestOverrides` that will be used
3211 * if the interception is allowed to continue (ie, `abort()` and
3212 * `respond()` aren't called).
3213 */
3214 continueRequestOverrides(): ContinueRequestOverrides;
3215 /**
3216 * The `ResponseForRequest` that gets used if the
3217 * interception is allowed to respond (ie, `abort()` is not called).
3218 */
3219 responseForRequest(): Partial<ResponseForRequest> | null;
3220 /**
3221 * The most recent reason for aborting the request
3222 */
3223 abortErrorReason(): Protocol.Network.ErrorReason | null;
3224 /**
3225 * An InterceptResolutionState object describing the current resolution
3226 * action and priority.
3227 *
3228 * InterceptResolutionState contains:
3229 * action: InterceptResolutionAction
3230 * priority?: number
3231 *
3232 * InterceptResolutionAction is one of: `abort`, `respond`, `continue`,
3233 * `disabled`, `none`, or `already-handled`.
3234 */
3235 interceptResolutionState(): InterceptResolutionState;
3236 /**
3237 * Is `true` if the intercept resolution has already been handled,
3238 * `false` otherwise.
3239 */
3240 isInterceptResolutionHandled(): boolean;
3241 /**
3242 * Adds an async request handler to the processing queue.
3243 * Deferred handlers are not guaranteed to execute in any particular order,
3244 * but they are guaranteed to resolve before the request interception
3245 * is finalized.
3246 */
3247 enqueueInterceptAction(pendingHandler: () => void | PromiseLike<unknown>): void;
3251 /**
3252 * Awaits pending interception handlers and then decides how to fulfill
3253 * the request interception.
3254 */
3255 finalizeInterceptions(): Promise<void>;
3256 /**
3257 * Contains the request's resource type as it was perceived by the rendering
3258 * engine.
3259 */
3260 abstract resourceType(): ResourceType;
3261 /**
3262 * The method used (`GET`, `POST`, etc.)
3263 */
3264 abstract method(): string;
3265 /**
3266 * The request's post body, if any.
3267 */
3268 abstract postData(): string | undefined;
3269 /**
3270 * True when the request has POST data. Note that {@link HTTPRequest.postData}
3271 * might still be undefined when this flag is true when the data is too long
3272 * or not readily available in the decoded form. In that case, use
3273 * {@link HTTPRequest.fetchPostData}.
3274 */
3275 abstract hasPostData(): boolean;
3276 /**
3277 * Fetches the POST data for the request from the browser.
3278 */
3279 abstract fetchPostData(): Promise<string | undefined>;
3280 /**
3281 * An object with HTTP headers associated with the request. All
3282 * header names are lower-case.
3283 */
3284 abstract headers(): Record<string, string>;
3285 /**
3286 * A matching `HTTPResponse` object, or null if the response has not
3287 * been received yet.
3288 */
3289 abstract response(): HTTPResponse | null;
3290 /**
3291 * The frame that initiated the request, or null if navigating to
3292 * error pages.
3293 */
3294 abstract frame(): Frame | null;
3295 /**
3296 * True if the request is the driver of the current frame's navigation.
3297 */
3298 abstract isNavigationRequest(): boolean;
3299 /**
3300 * The initiator of the request.
3301 */
3302 abstract initiator(): Protocol.Network.Initiator | undefined;
3303 /**
3304 * A `redirectChain` is a chain of requests initiated to fetch a resource.
3305 * @remarks
3306 *
3307 * `redirectChain` is shared between all the requests of the same chain.
3308 *
3309 * For example, if the website `http://example.com` has a single redirect to
3310 * `https://example.com`, then the chain will contain one request:
3311 *
3312 * ```ts
3313 * const response = await page.goto('http://example.com');
3314 * const chain = response.request().redirectChain();
3315 * console.log(chain.length); // 1
3316 * console.log(chain[0].url()); // 'http://example.com'
3317 * ```
3318 *
3319 * If the website `https://google.com` has no redirects, then the chain will be empty:
3320 *
3321 * ```ts
3322 * const response = await page.goto('https://google.com');
3323 * const chain = response.request().redirectChain();
3324 * console.log(chain.length); // 0
3325 * ```
3326 *
3327 * @returns the chain of requests - if a server responds with at least a
3328 * single redirect, this chain will contain all requests that were redirected.
3329 */
3330 abstract redirectChain(): HTTPRequest[];
3331 /**
3332 * Access information about the request's failure.
3333 *
3334 * @remarks
3335 *
3336 * @example
3337 *
3338 * Example of logging all failed requests:
3339 *
3340 * ```ts
3341 * page.on('requestfailed', request => {
3342 * console.log(request.url() + ' ' + request.failure().errorText);
3343 * });
3344 * ```
3345 *
3346 * @returns `null` unless the request failed. If the request fails this can
3347 * return an object with `errorText` containing a human-readable error
3348 * message, e.g. `net::ERR_FAILED`. It is not guaranteed that there will be
3349 * failure text if the request fails.
3350 */
3351 abstract failure(): {
3352 errorText: string;
3353 } | null;
3354 /**
3355 * Continues request with optional request overrides.
3356 *
3357 * @example
3358 *
3359 * ```ts
3360 * await page.setRequestInterception(true);
3361 * page.on('request', request => {
3362 * // Override headers
3363 * const headers = Object.assign({}, request.headers(), {
3364 * foo: 'bar', // set "foo" header
3365 * origin: undefined, // remove "origin" header
3366 * });
3367 * request.continue({headers});
3368 * });
3369 * ```
3370 *
3371 * @param overrides - optional overrides to apply to the request.
3372 * @param priority - If provided, intercept is resolved using cooperative
3373 * handling rules. Otherwise, intercept is resolved immediately.
3374 *
3375 * @remarks
3376 *
3377 * To use this, request interception should be enabled with
3378 * {@link Page.setRequestInterception}.
3379 *
3380 * Exception is immediately thrown if the request interception is not enabled.
3381 */
3382 continue(overrides?: ContinueRequestOverrides, priority?: number): Promise<void>;
3383 /**
3384 * Fulfills a request with the given response.
3385 *
3386 * @example
3387 * An example of fulfilling all requests with 404 responses:
3388 *
3389 * ```ts
3390 * await page.setRequestInterception(true);
3391 * page.on('request', request => {
3392 * request.respond({
3393 * status: 404,
3394 * contentType: 'text/plain',
3395 * body: 'Not Found!',
3396 * });
3397 * });
3398 * ```
3399 *
3400 * NOTE: Mocking responses for dataURL requests is not supported.
3401 * Calling `request.respond` for a dataURL request is a noop.
3402 *
3403 * @param response - the response to fulfill the request with.
3404 * @param priority - If provided, intercept is resolved using
3405 * cooperative handling rules. Otherwise, intercept is resolved
3406 * immediately.
3407 *
3408 * @remarks
3409 *
3410 * To use this, request
3411 * interception should be enabled with {@link Page.setRequestInterception}.
3412 *
3413 * Exception is immediately thrown if the request interception is not enabled.
3414 */
3415 respond(response: Partial<ResponseForRequest>, priority?: number): Promise<void>;
3416 /**
3417 * Aborts a request.
3418 *
3419 * @param errorCode - optional error code to provide.
3420 * @param priority - If provided, intercept is resolved using
3421 * cooperative handling rules. Otherwise, intercept is resolved
3422 * immediately.
3423 *
3424 * @remarks
3425 *
3426 * To use this, request interception should be enabled with
3427 * {@link Page.setRequestInterception}. If it is not enabled, this method will
3428 * throw an exception immediately.
3429 */
3430 abort(errorCode?: ErrorCode, priority?: number): Promise<void>;
3435 * The HTTPResponse class represents responses which are received by the
3436 * {@link Page} class.
3437 *
3438 * @public
3439 */
3440export declare abstract class HTTPResponse {
3442 /**
3443 * The IP address and port number used to connect to the remote
3444 * server.
3445 */
3446 abstract remoteAddress(): RemoteAddress;
3447 /**
3448 * The URL of the response.
3449 */
3450 abstract url(): string;
3451 /**
3452 * True if the response was successful (status in the range 200-299).
3453 */
3454 ok(): boolean;
3455 /**
3456 * The status code of the response (e.g., 200 for a success).
3457 */
3458 abstract status(): number;
3459 /**
3460 * The status text of the response (e.g. usually an "OK" for a
3461 * success).
3462 */
3463 abstract statusText(): string;
3464 /**
3465 * An object with HTTP headers associated with the response. All
3466 * header names are lower-case.
3467 */
3468 abstract headers(): Record<string, string>;
3469 /**
3470 * {@link SecurityDetails} if the response was received over the
3471 * secure connection, or `null` otherwise.
3472 */
3473 abstract securityDetails(): SecurityDetails | null;
3474 /**
3475 * Timing information related to the response.
3476 */
3477 abstract timing(): Protocol.Network.ResourceTiming | null;
3478 /**
3479 * Promise which resolves to a buffer with response body.
3480 *
3481 * @remarks
3482 *
3483 * The buffer might be re-encoded by the browser
3484 * based on HTTP-headers or other heuristics. If the browser
3485 * failed to detect the correct encoding, the buffer might
3486 * be encoded incorrectly. See https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/issues/6478.
3487 */
3488 abstract content(): Promise<Uint8Array>;
3489 /**
3490 * {@inheritDoc HTTPResponse.content}
3491 */
3492 buffer(): Promise<Buffer>;
3493 /**
3494 * Promise which resolves to a text (utf8) representation of response body.
3495 */
3496 text(): Promise<string>;
3497 /**
3498 * Promise which resolves to a JSON representation of response body.
3499 *
3500 * @remarks
3501 *
3502 * This method will throw if the response body is not parsable via
3503 * `JSON.parse`.
3504 */
3505 json(): Promise<any>;
3506 /**
3507 * A matching {@link HTTPRequest} object.
3508 */
3509 abstract request(): HTTPRequest;
3510 /**
3511 * True if the response was served from either the browser's disk
3512 * cache or memory cache.
3513 */
3514 abstract fromCache(): boolean;
3515 /**
3516 * True if the response was served by a service worker.
3517 */
3518 abstract fromServiceWorker(): boolean;
3519 /**
3520 * A {@link Frame} that initiated this response, or `null` if
3521 * navigating to error pages.
3522 */
3523 abstract frame(): Frame | null;
3527 * @public
3528 */
3529export declare type InnerParams<T extends unknown[]> = {
3530 [K in keyof T]: FlattenHandle<T[K]>;
3534 * @public
3535 */
3536export declare enum InterceptResolutionAction {
3537 Abort = "abort",
3538 Respond = "respond",
3539 Continue = "continue",
3540 Disabled = "disabled",
3541 None = "none",
3542 AlreadyHandled = "already-handled"
3546 * @public
3547 */
3548export declare interface InterceptResolutionState {
3549 action: InterceptResolutionAction;
3550 priority?: number;
3554 * @public
3555 */
3556export declare interface InternalNetworkConditions extends NetworkConditions {
3557 offline: boolean;
3561 * @public
3562 */
3563export declare class JSCoverage {
3567 start(options?: {
3568 resetOnNavigation?: boolean;
3569 reportAnonymousScripts?: boolean;
3570 includeRawScriptCoverage?: boolean;
3571 useBlockCoverage?: boolean;
3572 }): Promise<void>;
3573 stop(): Promise<JSCoverageEntry[]>;
3577 * The CoverageEntry class for JavaScript
3578 * @public
3579 */
3580export declare interface JSCoverageEntry extends CoverageEntry {
3581 /**
3582 * Raw V8 script coverage entry.
3583 */
3584 rawScriptCoverage?: Protocol.Profiler.ScriptCoverage;
3588 * Set of configurable options for JS coverage.
3589 * @public
3590 */
3591export declare interface JSCoverageOptions {
3592 /**
3593 * Whether to reset coverage on every navigation.
3594 */
3595 resetOnNavigation?: boolean;
3596 /**
3597 * Whether anonymous scripts generated by the page should be reported.
3598 */
3599 reportAnonymousScripts?: boolean;
3600 /**
3601 * Whether the result includes raw V8 script coverage entries.
3602 */
3603 includeRawScriptCoverage?: boolean;
3604 /**
3605 * Whether to collect coverage information at the block level.
3606 * If true, coverage will be collected at the block level (this is the default).
3607 * If false, coverage will be collected at the function level.
3608 */
3609 useBlockCoverage?: boolean;
3613 * Represents a reference to a JavaScript object. Instances can be created using
3614 * {@link Page.evaluateHandle}.
3615 *
3616 * Handles prevent the referenced JavaScript object from being garbage-collected
3617 * unless the handle is purposely {@link JSHandle.dispose | disposed}. JSHandles
3618 * are auto-disposed when their associated frame is navigated away or the parent
3619 * context gets destroyed.
3620 *
3621 * Handles can be used as arguments for any evaluation function such as
3622 * {@link Page.$eval}, {@link Page.evaluate}, and {@link Page.evaluateHandle}.
3623 * They are resolved to their referenced object.
3624 *
3625 * @example
3626 *
3627 * ```ts
3628 * const windowHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => window);
3629 * ```
3630 *
3631 * @public
3632 */
3633export declare abstract class JSHandle<T = unknown> {
3634 move: () => this;
3635 /**
3636 * Used for nominally typing {@link JSHandle}.
3637 */
3638 _?: T;
3642 /**
3643 * Evaluates the given function with the current handle as its first argument.
3644 */
3645 evaluate<Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFuncWith<T, Params> = EvaluateFuncWith<T, Params>>(pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>;
3646 /**
3647 * Evaluates the given function with the current handle as its first argument.
3648 *
3649 */
3650 evaluateHandle<Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFuncWith<T, Params> = EvaluateFuncWith<T, Params>>(pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise<HandleFor<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>>;
3651 /**
3652 * Fetches a single property from the referenced object.
3653 */
3654 getProperty<K extends keyof T>(propertyName: HandleOr<K>): Promise<HandleFor<T[K]>>;
3655 getProperty(propertyName: string): Promise<JSHandle<unknown>>;
3656 /**
3657 * Gets a map of handles representing the properties of the current handle.
3658 *
3659 * @example
3660 *
3661 * ```ts
3662 * const listHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => document.body.children);
3663 * const properties = await listHandle.getProperties();
3664 * const children = [];
3665 * for (const property of properties.values()) {
3666 * const element = property.asElement();
3667 * if (element) {
3668 * children.push(element);
3669 * }
3670 * }
3671 * children; // holds elementHandles to all children of document.body
3672 * ```
3673 */
3674 getProperties(): Promise<Map<string, JSHandle>>;
3675 /**
3676 * A vanilla object representing the serializable portions of the
3677 * referenced object.
3678 * @throws Throws if the object cannot be serialized due to circularity.
3679 *
3680 * @remarks
3681 * If the object has a `toJSON` function, it **will not** be called.
3682 */
3683 abstract jsonValue(): Promise<T>;
3684 /**
3685 * Either `null` or the handle itself if the handle is an
3686 * instance of {@link ElementHandle}.
3687 */
3688 abstract asElement(): ElementHandle<Node> | null;
3689 /**
3690 * Releases the object referenced by the handle for garbage collection.
3691 */
3692 abstract dispose(): Promise<void>;
3693 /**
3694 * Returns a string representation of the JSHandle.
3695 *
3696 * @remarks
3697 * Useful during debugging.
3698 */
3699 abstract toString(): string;
3701 /**
3702 * Provides access to the
3703 * {@link https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Runtime/#type-RemoteObject | Protocol.Runtime.RemoteObject}
3704 * backing this handle.
3705 */
3706 abstract remoteObject(): Protocol.Runtime.RemoteObject;
3712 * Keyboard provides an api for managing a virtual keyboard.
3713 * The high level api is {@link Keyboard."type"},
3714 * which takes raw characters and generates proper keydown, keypress/input,
3715 * and keyup events on your page.
3716 *
3717 * @remarks
3718 * For finer control, you can use {@link Keyboard.down},
3719 * {@link Keyboard.up}, and {@link Keyboard.sendCharacter}
3720 * to manually fire events as if they were generated from a real keyboard.
3721 *
3722 * On macOS, keyboard shortcuts like `⌘ A` -\> Select All do not work.
3723 * See {@link https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/issues/1313 | #1313}.
3724 *
3725 * @example
3726 * An example of holding down `Shift` in order to select and delete some text:
3727 *
3728 * ```ts
3729 * await page.keyboard.type('Hello World!');
3730 * await page.keyboard.press('ArrowLeft');
3731 *
3732 * await page.keyboard.down('Shift');
3733 * for (let i = 0; i < ' World'.length; i++)
3734 * await page.keyboard.press('ArrowLeft');
3735 * await page.keyboard.up('Shift');
3736 *
3737 * await page.keyboard.press('Backspace');
3738 * // Result text will end up saying 'Hello!'
3739 * ```
3740 *
3741 * @example
3742 * An example of pressing `A`
3743 *
3744 * ```ts
3745 * await page.keyboard.down('Shift');
3746 * await page.keyboard.press('KeyA');
3747 * await page.keyboard.up('Shift');
3748 * ```
3749 *
3750 * @public
3751 */
3752export declare abstract class Keyboard {
3754 /**
3755 * Dispatches a `keydown` event.
3756 *
3757 * @remarks
3758 * If `key` is a single character and no modifier keys besides `Shift`
3759 * are being held down, a `keypress`/`input` event will also generated.
3760 * The `text` option can be specified to force an input event to be generated.
3761 * If `key` is a modifier key, `Shift`, `Meta`, `Control`, or `Alt`,
3762 * subsequent key presses will be sent with that modifier active.
3763 * To release the modifier key, use {@link Keyboard.up}.
3764 *
3765 * After the key is pressed once, subsequent calls to
3766 * {@link Keyboard.down} will have
3767 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/repeat | repeat}
3768 * set to true. To release the key, use {@link Keyboard.up}.
3769 *
3770 * Modifier keys DO influence {@link Keyboard.down}.
3771 * Holding down `Shift` will type the text in upper case.
3772 *
3773 * @param key - Name of key to press, such as `ArrowLeft`.
3774 * See {@link KeyInput} for a list of all key names.
3775 *
3776 * @param options - An object of options. Accepts text which, if specified,
3777 * generates an input event with this text. Accepts commands which, if specified,
3778 * is the commands of keyboard shortcuts,
3779 * see {@link https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/commands/editor_command_names.h | Chromium Source Code} for valid command names.
3780 */
3781 abstract down(key: KeyInput, options?: Readonly<KeyDownOptions>): Promise<void>;
3782 /**
3783 * Dispatches a `keyup` event.
3784 *
3785 * @param key - Name of key to release, such as `ArrowLeft`.
3786 * See {@link KeyInput | KeyInput}
3787 * for a list of all key names.
3788 */
3789 abstract up(key: KeyInput): Promise<void>;
3790 /**
3791 * Dispatches a `keypress` and `input` event.
3792 * This does not send a `keydown` or `keyup` event.
3793 *
3794 * @remarks
3795 * Modifier keys DO NOT effect {@link Keyboard.sendCharacter | Keyboard.sendCharacter}.
3796 * Holding down `Shift` will not type the text in upper case.
3797 *
3798 * @example
3799 *
3800 * ```ts
3801 * page.keyboard.sendCharacter('嗨');
3802 * ```
3803 *
3804 * @param char - Character to send into the page.
3805 */
3806 abstract sendCharacter(char: string): Promise<void>;
3807 /**
3808 * Sends a `keydown`, `keypress`/`input`,
3809 * and `keyup` event for each character in the text.
3810 *
3811 * @remarks
3812 * To press a special key, like `Control` or `ArrowDown`,
3813 * use {@link Keyboard.press}.
3814 *
3815 * Modifier keys DO NOT effect `keyboard.type`.
3816 * Holding down `Shift` will not type the text in upper case.
3817 *
3818 * @example
3819 *
3820 * ```ts
3821 * await page.keyboard.type('Hello'); // Types instantly
3822 * await page.keyboard.type('World', {delay: 100}); // Types slower, like a user
3823 * ```
3824 *
3825 * @param text - A text to type into a focused element.
3826 * @param options - An object of options. Accepts delay which,
3827 * if specified, is the time to wait between `keydown` and `keyup` in milliseconds.
3828 * Defaults to 0.
3829 */
3830 abstract type(text: string, options?: Readonly<KeyboardTypeOptions>): Promise<void>;
3831 /**
3832 * Shortcut for {@link Keyboard.down}
3833 * and {@link Keyboard.up}.
3834 *
3835 * @remarks
3836 * If `key` is a single character and no modifier keys besides `Shift`
3837 * are being held down, a `keypress`/`input` event will also generated.
3838 * The `text` option can be specified to force an input event to be generated.
3839 *
3840 * Modifier keys DO effect {@link Keyboard.press}.
3841 * Holding down `Shift` will type the text in upper case.
3842 *
3843 * @param key - Name of key to press, such as `ArrowLeft`.
3844 * See {@link KeyInput} for a list of all key names.
3845 *
3846 * @param options - An object of options. Accepts text which, if specified,
3847 * generates an input event with this text. Accepts delay which,
3848 * if specified, is the time to wait between `keydown` and `keyup` in milliseconds.
3849 * Defaults to 0. Accepts commands which, if specified,
3850 * is the commands of keyboard shortcuts,
3851 * see {@link https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/commands/editor_command_names.h | Chromium Source Code} for valid command names.
3852 */
3853 abstract press(key: KeyInput, options?: Readonly<KeyPressOptions>): Promise<void>;
3857 * @public
3858 */
3859export declare interface KeyboardTypeOptions {
3860 delay?: number;
3864 * @public
3865 */
3866export declare interface KeyDownOptions {
3867 /**
3868 * @deprecated Do not use. This is automatically handled.
3869 */
3870 text?: string;
3871 /**
3872 * @deprecated Do not use. This is automatically handled.
3873 */
3874 commands?: string[];
3878 * All the valid keys that can be passed to functions that take user input, such
3879 * as {@link Keyboard.press | keyboard.press }
3880 *
3881 * @public
3882 */
3883export declare type KeyInput = '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' | 'Power' | 'Eject' | 'Abort' | 'Help' | 'Backspace' | 'Tab' | 'Numpad5' | 'NumpadEnter' | 'Enter' | '\r' | '\n' | 'ShiftLeft' | 'ShiftRight' | 'ControlLeft' | 'ControlRight' | 'AltLeft' | 'AltRight' | 'Pause' | 'CapsLock' | 'Escape' | 'Convert' | 'NonConvert' | 'Space' | 'Numpad9' | 'PageUp' | 'Numpad3' | 'PageDown' | 'End' | 'Numpad1' | 'Home' | 'Numpad7' | 'ArrowLeft' | 'Numpad4' | 'Numpad8' | 'ArrowUp' | 'ArrowRight' | 'Numpad6' | 'Numpad2' | 'ArrowDown' | 'Select' | 'Open' | 'PrintScreen' | 'Insert' | 'Numpad0' | 'Delete' | 'NumpadDecimal' | 'Digit0' | 'Digit1' | 'Digit2' | 'Digit3' | 'Digit4' | 'Digit5' | 'Digit6' | 'Digit7' | 'Digit8' | 'Digit9' | 'KeyA' | 'KeyB' | 'KeyC' | 'KeyD' | 'KeyE' | 'KeyF' | 'KeyG' | 'KeyH' | 'KeyI' | 'KeyJ' | 'KeyK' | 'KeyL' | 'KeyM' | 'KeyN' | 'KeyO' | 'KeyP' | 'KeyQ' | 'KeyR' | 'KeyS' | 'KeyT' | 'KeyU' | 'KeyV' | 'KeyW' | 'KeyX' | 'KeyY' | 'KeyZ' | 'MetaLeft' | 'MetaRight' | 'ContextMenu' | 'NumpadMultiply' | 'NumpadAdd' | 'NumpadSubtract' | 'NumpadDivide' | 'F1' | 'F2' | 'F3' | 'F4' | 'F5' | 'F6' | 'F7' | 'F8' | 'F9' | 'F10' | 'F11' | 'F12' | 'F13' | 'F14' | 'F15' | 'F16' | 'F17' | 'F18' | 'F19' | 'F20' | 'F21' | 'F22' | 'F23' | 'F24' | 'NumLock' | 'ScrollLock' | 'AudioVolumeMute' | 'AudioVolumeDown' | 'AudioVolumeUp' | 'MediaTrackNext' | 'MediaTrackPrevious' | 'MediaStop' | 'MediaPlayPause' | 'Semicolon' | 'Equal' | 'NumpadEqual' | 'Comma' | 'Minus' | 'Period' | 'Slash' | 'Backquote' | 'BracketLeft' | 'Backslash' | 'BracketRight' | 'Quote' | 'AltGraph' | 'Props' | 'Cancel' | 'Clear' | 'Shift' | 'Control' | 'Alt' | 'Accept' | 'ModeChange' | ' ' | 'Print' | 'Execute' | '\u0000' | 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f' | 'g' | 'h' | 'i' | 'j' | 'k' | 'l' | 'm' | 'n' | 'o' | 'p' | 'q' | 'r' | 's' | 't' | 'u' | 'v' | 'w' | 'x' | 'y' | 'z' | 'Meta' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '/' | ';' | '=' | ',' | '.' | '`' | '[' | '\\' | ']' | "'" | 'Attn' | 'CrSel' | 'ExSel' | 'EraseEof' | 'Play' | 'ZoomOut' | ')' | '!' | '@' | '#' | '$' | '%' | '^' | '&' | '(' | 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' | 'G' | 'H' | 'I' | 'J' | 'K' | 'L' | 'M' | 'N' | 'O' | 'P' | 'Q' | 'R' | 'S' | 'T' | 'U' | 'V' | 'W' | 'X' | 'Y' | 'Z' | ':' | '<' | '_' | '>' | '?' | '~' | '{' | '|' | '}' | '"' | 'SoftLeft' | 'SoftRight' | 'Camera' | 'Call' | 'EndCall' | 'VolumeDown' | 'VolumeUp';
3886 * @public
3887 */
3888export declare type KeyPressOptions = KeyDownOptions & KeyboardTypeOptions;
3891 * A list of devices to be used with {@link Page.emulate}.
3892 *
3893 * @example
3894 *
3895 * ```ts
3896 * import {KnownDevices} from 'puppeteer';
3897 * const iPhone = KnownDevices['iPhone 15 Pro'];
3898 *
3899 * (async () => {
3900 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
3901 * const page = await browser.newPage();
3902 * await page.emulate(iPhone);
3903 * await page.goto('https://www.google.com');
3904 * // other actions...
3905 * await browser.close();
3906 * })();
3907 * ```
3908 *
3909 * @public
3910 */
3911export declare const KnownDevices: Readonly<Record<"Blackberry PlayBook" | "Blackberry PlayBook landscape" | "BlackBerry Z30" | "BlackBerry Z30 landscape" | "Galaxy Note 3" | "Galaxy Note 3 landscape" | "Galaxy Note II" | "Galaxy Note II landscape" | "Galaxy S III" | "Galaxy S III landscape" | "Galaxy S5" | "Galaxy S5 landscape" | "Galaxy S8" | "Galaxy S8 landscape" | "Galaxy S9+" | "Galaxy S9+ landscape" | "Galaxy Tab S4" | "Galaxy Tab S4 landscape" | "iPad" | "iPad landscape" | "iPad (gen 6)" | "iPad (gen 6) landscape" | "iPad (gen 7)" | "iPad (gen 7) landscape" | "iPad Mini" | "iPad Mini landscape" | "iPad Pro" | "iPad Pro landscape" | "iPad Pro 11" | "iPad Pro 11 landscape" | "iPhone 4" | "iPhone 4 landscape" | "iPhone 5" | "iPhone 5 landscape" | "iPhone 6" | "iPhone 6 landscape" | "iPhone 6 Plus" | "iPhone 6 Plus landscape" | "iPhone 7" | "iPhone 7 landscape" | "iPhone 7 Plus" | "iPhone 7 Plus landscape" | "iPhone 8" | "iPhone 8 landscape" | "iPhone 8 Plus" | "iPhone 8 Plus landscape" | "iPhone SE" | "iPhone SE landscape" | "iPhone X" | "iPhone X landscape" | "iPhone XR" | "iPhone XR landscape" | "iPhone 11" | "iPhone 11 landscape" | "iPhone 11 Pro" | "iPhone 11 Pro landscape" | "iPhone 11 Pro Max" | "iPhone 11 Pro Max landscape" | "iPhone 12" | "iPhone 12 landscape" | "iPhone 12 Pro" | "iPhone 12 Pro landscape" | "iPhone 12 Pro Max" | "iPhone 12 Pro Max landscape" | "iPhone 12 Mini" | "iPhone 12 Mini landscape" | "iPhone 13" | "iPhone 13 landscape" | "iPhone 13 Pro" | "iPhone 13 Pro landscape" | "iPhone 13 Pro Max" | "iPhone 13 Pro Max landscape" | "iPhone 13 Mini" | "iPhone 13 Mini landscape" | "iPhone 14" | "iPhone 14 landscape" | "iPhone 14 Plus" | "iPhone 14 Plus landscape" | "iPhone 14 Pro" | "iPhone 14 Pro landscape" | "iPhone 14 Pro Max" | "iPhone 14 Pro Max landscape" | "iPhone 15" | "iPhone 15 landscape" | "iPhone 15 Plus" | "iPhone 15 Plus landscape" | "iPhone 15 Pro" | "iPhone 15 Pro landscape" | "iPhone 15 Pro Max" | "iPhone 15 Pro Max landscape" | "JioPhone 2" | "JioPhone 2 landscape" | "Kindle Fire HDX" | "Kindle Fire HDX landscape" | "LG Optimus L70" | "LG Optimus L70 landscape" | "Microsoft Lumia 550" | "Microsoft Lumia 950" | "Microsoft Lumia 950 landscape" | "Nexus 10" | "Nexus 10 landscape" | "Nexus 4" | "Nexus 4 landscape" | "Nexus 5" | "Nexus 5 landscape" | "Nexus 5X" | "Nexus 5X landscape" | "Nexus 6" | "Nexus 6 landscape" | "Nexus 6P" | "Nexus 6P landscape" | "Nexus 7" | "Nexus 7 landscape" | "Nokia Lumia 520" | "Nokia Lumia 520 landscape" | "Nokia N9" | "Nokia N9 landscape" | "Pixel 2" | "Pixel 2 landscape" | "Pixel 2 XL" | "Pixel 2 XL landscape" | "Pixel 3" | "Pixel 3 landscape" | "Pixel 4" | "Pixel 4 landscape" | "Pixel 4a (5G)" | "Pixel 4a (5G) landscape" | "Pixel 5" | "Pixel 5 landscape" | "Moto G4" | "Moto G4 landscape", Device>>;
3914 * @public
3915 */
3916export declare const
3918* @public
3921 * @public
3922 */
3923launch: (options?: Puppeteer_2.LaunchOptions) => Promise<Puppeteer_2.Browser>;
3926 * Generic launch options that can be passed when launching any browser.
3927 * @public
3928 */
3929export declare interface LaunchOptions extends ConnectOptions {
3930 /**
3931 * Chrome Release Channel
3932 */
3933 channel?: ChromeReleaseChannel;
3934 /**
3935 * Path to a browser executable to use instead of the bundled browser. Note
3936 * that Puppeteer is only guaranteed to work with the bundled browser, so use
3937 * this setting at your own risk.
3938 *
3939 * @remarks
3940 * When using this is recommended to set the `browser` property as well
3941 * as Puppeteer will default to `chrome` by default.
3942 */
3943 executablePath?: string;
3944 /**
3945 * If `true`, do not use `puppeteer.defaultArgs()` when creating a browser. If
3946 * an array is provided, these args will be filtered out. Use this with care -
3947 * you probably want the default arguments Puppeteer uses.
3948 * @defaultValue `false`
3949 */
3950 ignoreDefaultArgs?: boolean | string[];
3951 /**
3952 * Close the browser process on `Ctrl+C`.
3953 * @defaultValue `true`
3954 */
3955 handleSIGINT?: boolean;
3956 /**
3957 * Close the browser process on `SIGTERM`.
3958 * @defaultValue `true`
3959 */
3960 handleSIGTERM?: boolean;
3961 /**
3962 * Close the browser process on `SIGHUP`.
3963 * @defaultValue `true`
3964 */
3965 handleSIGHUP?: boolean;
3966 /**
3967 * Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the browser to start.
3968 * Pass `0` to disable the timeout.
3969 * @defaultValue `30_000` (30 seconds).
3970 */
3971 timeout?: number;
3972 /**
3973 * If true, pipes the browser process stdout and stderr to `process.stdout`
3974 * and `process.stderr`.
3975 * @defaultValue `false`
3976 */
3977 dumpio?: boolean;
3978 /**
3979 * Specify environment variables that will be visible to the browser.
3980 * @defaultValue The contents of `process.env`.
3981 */
3982 env?: Record<string, string | undefined>;
3983 /**
3984 * Connect to a browser over a pipe instead of a WebSocket. Only supported
3985 * with Chrome.
3986 *
3987 * @defaultValue `false`
3988 */
3989 pipe?: boolean;
3990 /**
3991 * Which browser to launch.
3992 * @defaultValue `chrome`
3993 */
3994 browser?: SupportedBrowser;
3995 /**
3996 * {@link https://searchfox.org/mozilla-release/source/modules/libpref/init/all.js | Additional preferences } that can be passed when launching with Firefox.
3997 */
3998 extraPrefsFirefox?: Record<string, unknown>;
3999 /**
4000 * Whether to wait for the initial page to be ready.
4001 * Useful when a user explicitly disables that (e.g. `--no-startup-window` for Chrome).
4002 * @defaultValue `true`
4003 */
4004 waitForInitialPage?: boolean;
4005 /**
4006 * Whether to run the browser in headless mode.
4007 *
4008 * @remarks
4009 *
4010 * - `true` launches the browser in the
4011 * {@link https://developer.chrome.com/articles/new-headless/ | new headless}
4012 * mode.
4013 *
4014 * - `'shell'` launches
4015 * {@link https://developer.chrome.com/blog/chrome-headless-shell | shell}
4016 * known as the old headless mode.
4017 *
4018 * @defaultValue `true`
4019 */
4020 headless?: boolean | 'shell';
4021 /**
4022 * Path to a user data directory.
4023 * {@link https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/refs/heads/main/docs/user_data_dir.md | see the Chromium docs}
4024 * for more info.
4025 */
4026 userDataDir?: string;
4027 /**
4028 * Whether to auto-open a DevTools panel for each tab. If this is set to
4029 * `true`, then `headless` will be forced to `false`.
4030 * @defaultValue `false`
4031 */
4032 devtools?: boolean;
4033 /**
4034 * Specify the debugging port number to use
4035 */
4036 debuggingPort?: number;
4037 /**
4038 * Additional command line arguments to pass to the browser instance.
4039 */
4040 args?: string[];
4044 * Locators describe a strategy of locating objects and performing an action on
4045 * them. If the action fails because the object is not ready for the action, the
4046 * whole operation is retried. Various preconditions for a successful action are
4047 * checked automatically.
4048 *
4049 * See {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#locators} for details.
4050 *
4051 * @public
4052 */
4053export declare abstract class Locator<T> extends EventEmitter<LocatorEvents> {
4055 /**
4056 * Creates a race between multiple locators trying to locate elements in
4057 * parallel but ensures that only a single element receives the action.
4058 *
4059 * @public
4060 */
4061 static race<Locators extends readonly unknown[] | []>(locators: Locators): Locator<AwaitedLocator<Locators[number]>>;
4062 /**
4063 * Used for nominally typing {@link Locator}.
4064 */
4065 _?: T;
4069 get timeout(): number;
4070 /**
4071 * Creates a new locator instance by cloning the current locator and setting
4072 * the total timeout for the locator actions.
4073 *
4074 * Pass `0` to disable timeout.
4075 *
4076 * @defaultValue `Page.getDefaultTimeout()`
4077 */
4078 setTimeout(timeout: number): Locator<T>;
4079 /**
4080 * Creates a new locator instance by cloning the current locator with the
4081 * visibility property changed to the specified value.
4082 */
4083 setVisibility<NodeType extends Node>(this: Locator<NodeType>, visibility: VisibilityOption): Locator<NodeType>;
4084 /**
4085 * Creates a new locator instance by cloning the current locator and
4086 * specifying whether to wait for input elements to become enabled before the
4087 * action. Applicable to `click` and `fill` actions.
4088 *
4089 * @defaultValue `true`
4090 */
4091 setWaitForEnabled<NodeType extends Node>(this: Locator<NodeType>, value: boolean): Locator<NodeType>;
4092 /**
4093 * Creates a new locator instance by cloning the current locator and
4094 * specifying whether the locator should scroll the element into viewport if
4095 * it is not in the viewport already.
4096 *
4097 * @defaultValue `true`
4098 */
4099 setEnsureElementIsInTheViewport<ElementType extends Element>(this: Locator<ElementType>, value: boolean): Locator<ElementType>;
4100 /**
4101 * Creates a new locator instance by cloning the current locator and
4102 * specifying whether the locator has to wait for the element's bounding box
4103 * to be same between two consecutive animation frames.
4104 *
4105 * @defaultValue `true`
4106 */
4107 setWaitForStableBoundingBox<ElementType extends Element>(this: Locator<ElementType>, value: boolean): Locator<ElementType>;
4111 /**
4112 * Clones the locator.
4113 */
4114 clone(): Locator<T>;
4115 /**
4116 * Waits for the locator to get a handle from the page.
4117 *
4118 * @public
4119 */
4120 waitHandle(options?: Readonly<ActionOptions>): Promise<HandleFor<T>>;
4121 /**
4122 * Waits for the locator to get the serialized value from the page.
4123 *
4124 * Note this requires the value to be JSON-serializable.
4125 *
4126 * @public
4127 */
4128 wait(options?: Readonly<ActionOptions>): Promise<T>;
4129 /**
4130 * Maps the locator using the provided mapper.
4131 *
4132 * @public
4133 */
4134 map<To>(mapper: Mapper<T, To>): Locator<To>;
4135 /**
4136 * Creates an expectation that is evaluated against located values.
4137 *
4138 * If the expectations do not match, then the locator will retry.
4139 *
4140 * @public
4141 */
4142 filter<S extends T>(predicate: Predicate<T, S>): Locator<S>;
4145 /**
4146 * Clicks the located element.
4147 */
4148 click<ElementType extends Element>(this: Locator<ElementType>, options?: Readonly<LocatorClickOptions>): Promise<void>;
4149 /**
4150 * Fills out the input identified by the locator using the provided value. The
4151 * type of the input is determined at runtime and the appropriate fill-out
4152 * method is chosen based on the type. `contenteditable`, select, textarea and
4153 * input elements are supported.
4154 */
4155 fill<ElementType extends Element>(this: Locator<ElementType>, value: string, options?: Readonly<ActionOptions>): Promise<void>;
4156 /**
4157 * Hovers over the located element.
4158 */
4159 hover<ElementType extends Element>(this: Locator<ElementType>, options?: Readonly<ActionOptions>): Promise<void>;
4160 /**
4161 * Scrolls the located element.
4162 */
4163 scroll<ElementType extends Element>(this: Locator<ElementType>, options?: Readonly<LocatorScrollOptions>): Promise<void>;
4167 * @public
4168 */
4169export declare type LocatorClickOptions = ClickOptions & ActionOptions;
4172 * All the events that a locator instance may emit.
4173 *
4174 * @public
4175 */
4176export declare enum LocatorEvent {
4177 /**
4178 * Emitted every time before the locator performs an action on the located element(s).
4179 */
4180 Action = "action"
4184 * @public
4185 */
4186export declare interface LocatorEvents extends Record<EventType, unknown> {
4187 [LocatorEvent.Action]: undefined;
4191 * @public
4192 */
4193export declare interface LocatorScrollOptions extends ActionOptions {
4194 scrollTop?: number;
4195 scrollLeft?: number;
4199 * @public
4200 */
4201export declare type LowerCasePaperFormat = 'letter' | 'legal' | 'tabloid' | 'ledger' | 'a0' | 'a1' | 'a2' | 'a3' | 'a4' | 'a5' | 'a6';
4204 * @public
4205 */
4206export declare type Mapper<From, To> = (value: From) => Awaitable<To>;
4209 * A media feature to emulate.
4210 *
4211 * @public
4212 */
4213export declare interface MediaFeature {
4214 /**
4215 * A name of the feature, for example, 'prefers-reduced-motion'.
4216 */
4217 name: string;
4218 /**
4219 * A value for the feature, for example, 'reduce'.
4220 */
4221 value: string;
4225 * @public
4226 */
4227export declare interface Metrics {
4228 Timestamp?: number;
4229 Documents?: number;
4230 Frames?: number;
4231 JSEventListeners?: number;
4232 Nodes?: number;
4233 LayoutCount?: number;
4234 RecalcStyleCount?: number;
4235 LayoutDuration?: number;
4236 RecalcStyleDuration?: number;
4237 ScriptDuration?: number;
4238 TaskDuration?: number;
4239 JSHeapUsedSize?: number;
4240 JSHeapTotalSize?: number;
4244 * The Mouse class operates in main-frame CSS pixels
4245 * relative to the top-left corner of the viewport.
4246 *
4247 * @remarks
4248 * Every `page` object has its own Mouse, accessible with {@link Page.mouse}.
4249 *
4250 * @example
4251 *
4252 * ```ts
4253 * // Using ‘page.mouse’ to trace a 100x100 square.
4254 * await page.mouse.move(0, 0);
4255 * await page.mouse.down();
4256 * await page.mouse.move(0, 100);
4257 * await page.mouse.move(100, 100);
4258 * await page.mouse.move(100, 0);
4259 * await page.mouse.move(0, 0);
4260 * await page.mouse.up();
4261 * ```
4262 *
4263 * **Note**: The mouse events trigger synthetic `MouseEvent`s.
4264 * This means that it does not fully replicate the functionality of what a normal user
4265 * would be able to do with their mouse.
4266 *
4267 * For example, dragging and selecting text is not possible using `page.mouse`.
4268 * Instead, you can use the {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DocumentOrShadowRoot/getSelection | `DocumentOrShadowRoot.getSelection()`} functionality implemented in the platform.
4269 *
4270 * @example
4271 * For example, if you want to select all content between nodes:
4272 *
4273 * ```ts
4274 * await page.evaluate(
4275 * (from, to) => {
4276 * const selection = from.getRootNode().getSelection();
4277 * const range = document.createRange();
4278 * range.setStartBefore(from);
4279 * range.setEndAfter(to);
4280 * selection.removeAllRanges();
4281 * selection.addRange(range);
4282 * },
4283 * fromJSHandle,
4284 * toJSHandle,
4285 * );
4286 * ```
4287 *
4288 * If you then would want to copy-paste your selection, you can use the clipboard api:
4289 *
4290 * ```ts
4291 * // The clipboard api does not allow you to copy, unless the tab is focused.
4292 * await page.bringToFront();
4293 * await page.evaluate(() => {
4294 * // Copy the selected content to the clipboard
4295 * document.execCommand('copy');
4296 * // Obtain the content of the clipboard as a string
4297 * return navigator.clipboard.readText();
4298 * });
4299 * ```
4300 *
4301 * **Note**: If you want access to the clipboard API,
4302 * you have to give it permission to do so:
4303 *
4304 * ```ts
4305 * await browser
4306 * .defaultBrowserContext()
4307 * .overridePermissions('<your origin>', [
4308 * 'clipboard-read',
4309 * 'clipboard-write',
4310 * ]);
4311 * ```
4312 *
4313 * @public
4314 */
4315export declare abstract class Mouse {
4317 /**
4318 * Resets the mouse to the default state: No buttons pressed; position at
4319 * (0,0).
4320 */
4321 abstract reset(): Promise<void>;
4322 /**
4323 * Moves the mouse to the given coordinate.
4324 *
4325 * @param x - Horizontal position of the mouse.
4326 * @param y - Vertical position of the mouse.
4327 * @param options - Options to configure behavior.
4328 */
4329 abstract move(x: number, y: number, options?: Readonly<MouseMoveOptions>): Promise<void>;
4330 /**
4331 * Presses the mouse.
4332 *
4333 * @param options - Options to configure behavior.
4334 */
4335 abstract down(options?: Readonly<MouseOptions>): Promise<void>;
4336 /**
4337 * Releases the mouse.
4338 *
4339 * @param options - Options to configure behavior.
4340 */
4341 abstract up(options?: Readonly<MouseOptions>): Promise<void>;
4342 /**
4343 * Shortcut for `mouse.move`, `mouse.down` and `mouse.up`.
4344 *
4345 * @param x - Horizontal position of the mouse.
4346 * @param y - Vertical position of the mouse.
4347 * @param options - Options to configure behavior.
4348 */
4349 abstract click(x: number, y: number, options?: Readonly<MouseClickOptions>): Promise<void>;
4350 /**
4351 * Dispatches a `mousewheel` event.
4352 * @param options - Optional: `MouseWheelOptions`.
4353 *
4354 * @example
4355 * An example of zooming into an element:
4356 *
4357 * ```ts
4358 * await page.goto(
4359 * 'https://mdn.mozillademos.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/wheel_event$samples/Scaling_an_element_via_the_wheel?revision=1587366',
4360 * );
4361 *
4362 * const elem = await page.$('div');
4363 * const boundingBox = await elem.boundingBox();
4364 * await page.mouse.move(
4365 * boundingBox.x + boundingBox.width / 2,
4366 * boundingBox.y + boundingBox.height / 2,
4367 * );
4368 *
4369 * await page.mouse.wheel({deltaY: -100});
4370 * ```
4371 */
4372 abstract wheel(options?: Readonly<MouseWheelOptions>): Promise<void>;
4373 /**
4374 * Dispatches a `drag` event.
4375 * @param start - starting point for drag
4376 * @param target - point to drag to
4377 */
4378 abstract drag(start: Point, target: Point): Promise<Protocol.Input.DragData>;
4379 /**
4380 * Dispatches a `dragenter` event.
4381 * @param target - point for emitting `dragenter` event
4382 * @param data - drag data containing items and operations mask
4383 */
4384 abstract dragEnter(target: Point, data: Protocol.Input.DragData): Promise<void>;
4385 /**
4386 * Dispatches a `dragover` event.
4387 * @param target - point for emitting `dragover` event
4388 * @param data - drag data containing items and operations mask
4389 */
4390 abstract dragOver(target: Point, data: Protocol.Input.DragData): Promise<void>;
4391 /**
4392 * Performs a dragenter, dragover, and drop in sequence.
4393 * @param target - point to drop on
4394 * @param data - drag data containing items and operations mask
4395 */
4396 abstract drop(target: Point, data: Protocol.Input.DragData): Promise<void>;
4397 /**
4398 * Performs a drag, dragenter, dragover, and drop in sequence.
4399 * @param start - point to drag from
4400 * @param target - point to drop on
4401 * @param options - An object of options. Accepts delay which,
4402 * if specified, is the time to wait between `dragover` and `drop` in milliseconds.
4403 * Defaults to 0.
4404 */
4405 abstract dragAndDrop(start: Point, target: Point, options?: {
4406 delay?: number;
4407 }): Promise<void>;
4411 * Enum of valid mouse buttons.
4412 *
4413 * @public
4414 */
4415export declare const MouseButton: Readonly<{
4416 Left: "left";
4417 Right: "right";
4418 Middle: "middle";
4419 Back: "back";
4420 Forward: "forward";
4424 * @public
4425 */
4426export declare type MouseButton = (typeof MouseButton)[keyof typeof MouseButton];
4429 * @public
4430 */
4431export declare interface MouseClickOptions extends MouseOptions {
4432 /**
4433 * Time (in ms) to delay the mouse release after the mouse press.
4434 */
4435 delay?: number;
4436 /**
4437 * Number of clicks to perform.
4438 *
4439 * @defaultValue `1`
4440 */
4441 count?: number;
4445 * @public
4446 */
4447export declare interface MouseMoveOptions {
4448 /**
4449 * Determines the number of movements to make from the current mouse position
4450 * to the new one.
4451 *
4452 * @defaultValue `1`
4453 */
4454 steps?: number;
4458 * @public
4459 */
4460export declare interface MouseOptions {
4461 /**
4462 * Determines which button will be pressed.
4463 *
4464 * @defaultValue `'left'`
4465 */
4466 button?: MouseButton;
4467 /**
4468 * Determines the click count for the mouse event. This does not perform
4469 * multiple clicks.
4470 *
4471 * @deprecated Use {@link MouseClickOptions.count}.
4472 * @defaultValue `1`
4473 */
4474 clickCount?: number;
4478 * @public
4479 */
4480export declare interface MouseWheelOptions {
4481 deltaX?: number;
4482 deltaY?: number;
4486 * @public
4487 */
4488export declare interface Moveable {
4489 /**
4490 * Moves the resource when 'using'.
4491 */
4492 move(): this;
4496 * @public
4497 */
4498export declare interface NetworkConditions {
4499 /**
4500 * Download speed (bytes/s)
4501 */
4502 download: number;
4503 /**
4504 * Upload speed (bytes/s)
4505 */
4506 upload: number;
4507 /**
4508 * Latency (ms)
4509 */
4510 latency: number;
4514 * @public
4515 */
4516export declare interface NewDocumentScriptEvaluation {
4517 identifier: string;
4521 * @public
4522 */
4523export declare type NodeFor<ComplexSelector extends string> = ParseSelector<ComplexSelector>;
4526 * @public
4527 */
4528export declare interface Offset {
4529 /**
4530 * x-offset for the clickable point relative to the top-left corner of the border box.
4531 */
4532 x: number;
4533 /**
4534 * y-offset for the clickable point relative to the top-left corner of the border box.
4535 */
4536 y: number;
4540 * Page provides methods to interact with a single tab or
4541 * {@link https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/background_pages | extension background page}
4542 * in the browser.
4543 *
4544 * :::note
4545 *
4546 * One Browser instance might have multiple Page instances.
4547 *
4548 * :::
4549 *
4550 * @example
4551 * This example creates a page, navigates it to a URL, and then saves a screenshot:
4552 *
4553 * ```ts
4554 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
4555 *
4556 * (async () => {
4557 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
4558 * const page = await browser.newPage();
4559 * await page.goto('https://example.com');
4560 * await page.screenshot({path: 'screenshot.png'});
4561 * await browser.close();
4562 * })();
4563 * ```
4564 *
4565 * The Page class extends from Puppeteer's {@link EventEmitter} class and will
4566 * emit various events which are documented in the {@link PageEvent} enum.
4567 *
4568 * @example
4569 * This example logs a message for a single page `load` event:
4570 *
4571 * ```ts
4572 * page.once('load', () => console.log('Page loaded!'));
4573 * ```
4574 *
4575 * To unsubscribe from events use the {@link EventEmitter.off} method:
4576 *
4577 * ```ts
4578 * function logRequest(interceptedRequest) {
4579 * console.log('A request was made:', interceptedRequest.url());
4580 * }
4581 * page.on('request', logRequest);
4582 * // Sometime later...
4583 * page.off('request', logRequest);
4584 * ```
4585 *
4586 * @public
4587 */
4588export declare abstract class Page extends EventEmitter<PageEvents> {
4593 /**
4594 * `true` if the service worker are being bypassed, `false` otherwise.
4595 */
4596 abstract isServiceWorkerBypassed(): boolean;
4597 /**
4598 * `true` if drag events are being intercepted, `false` otherwise.
4599 *
4600 * @deprecated We no longer support intercepting drag payloads. Use the new
4601 * drag APIs found on {@link ElementHandle} to drag (or just use the
4602 * {@link Page.mouse}).
4603 */
4604 abstract isDragInterceptionEnabled(): boolean;
4605 /**
4606 * `true` if the page has JavaScript enabled, `false` otherwise.
4607 */
4608 abstract isJavaScriptEnabled(): boolean;
4611 /**
4612 * This method is typically coupled with an action that triggers file
4613 * choosing.
4614 *
4615 * :::caution
4616 *
4617 * This must be called before the file chooser is launched. It will not return
4618 * a currently active file chooser.
4619 *
4620 * :::
4621 *
4622 * :::caution
4623 *
4624 * Interception of file dialogs triggered via DOM APIs such as
4625 * window.showOpenFilePicker is currently not supported.
4626 *
4627 * :::
4628 *
4629 * @remarks
4630 * In the "headful" browser, this method results in the native file picker
4631 * dialog `not showing up` for the user.
4632 *
4633 * @example
4634 * The following example clicks a button that issues a file chooser
4635 * and then responds with `/tmp/myfile.pdf` as if a user has selected this file.
4636 *
4637 * ```ts
4638 * const [fileChooser] = await Promise.all([
4639 * page.waitForFileChooser(),
4640 * page.click('#upload-file-button'),
4641 * // some button that triggers file selection
4642 * ]);
4643 * await fileChooser.accept(['/tmp/myfile.pdf']);
4644 * ```
4645 */
4646 abstract waitForFileChooser(options?: WaitTimeoutOptions): Promise<FileChooser>;
4647 /**
4648 * Sets the page's geolocation.
4649 *
4650 * @remarks
4651 * Consider using {@link BrowserContext.overridePermissions} to grant
4652 * permissions for the page to read its geolocation.
4653 *
4654 * @example
4655 *
4656 * ```ts
4657 * await page.setGeolocation({latitude: 59.95, longitude: 30.31667});
4658 * ```
4659 */
4660 abstract setGeolocation(options: GeolocationOptions): Promise<void>;
4661 /**
4662 * A target this page was created from.
4663 *
4664 * @deprecated Use {@link Page.createCDPSession} directly.
4665 */
4666 abstract target(): Target;
4667 /**
4668 * Get the browser the page belongs to.
4669 */
4670 abstract browser(): Browser;
4671 /**
4672 * Get the browser context that the page belongs to.
4673 */
4674 abstract browserContext(): BrowserContext;
4675 /**
4676 * The page's main frame.
4677 */
4678 abstract mainFrame(): Frame;
4679 /**
4680 * Creates a Chrome Devtools Protocol session attached to the page.
4681 */
4682 abstract createCDPSession(): Promise<CDPSession>;
4683 /**
4684 * {@inheritDoc Keyboard}
4685 */
4686 abstract get keyboard(): Keyboard;
4687 /**
4688 * {@inheritDoc Touchscreen}
4689 */
4690 abstract get touchscreen(): Touchscreen;
4691 /**
4692 * {@inheritDoc Coverage}
4693 */
4694 abstract get coverage(): Coverage;
4695 /**
4696 * {@inheritDoc Tracing}
4697 */
4698 abstract get tracing(): Tracing;
4699 /**
4700 * {@inheritDoc Accessibility}
4701 */
4702 get accessibility(): Accessibility;
4703 /**
4704 * An array of all frames attached to the page.
4705 */
4706 abstract frames(): Frame[];
4707 /**
4708 * All of the dedicated {@link
4709 * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API |
4710 * WebWorkers} associated with the page.
4711 *
4712 * @remarks
4713 * This does not contain ServiceWorkers
4714 */
4715 abstract workers(): WebWorker[];
4716 /**
4717 * Activating request interception enables {@link HTTPRequest.abort},
4718 * {@link HTTPRequest.continue} and {@link HTTPRequest.respond} methods. This
4719 * provides the capability to modify network requests that are made by a page.
4720 *
4721 * Once request interception is enabled, every request will stall unless it's
4722 * continued, responded or aborted; or completed using the browser cache.
4723 *
4724 * See the
4725 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/network-interception|Request interception guide}
4726 * for more details.
4727 *
4728 * @example
4729 * An example of a naïve request interceptor that aborts all image requests:
4730 *
4731 * ```ts
4732 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
4733 * (async () => {
4734 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
4735 * const page = await browser.newPage();
4736 * await page.setRequestInterception(true);
4737 * page.on('request', interceptedRequest => {
4738 * if (
4739 * interceptedRequest.url().endsWith('.png') ||
4740 * interceptedRequest.url().endsWith('.jpg')
4741 * )
4742 * interceptedRequest.abort();
4743 * else interceptedRequest.continue();
4744 * });
4745 * await page.goto('https://example.com');
4746 * await browser.close();
4747 * })();
4748 * ```
4749 *
4750 * @param value - Whether to enable request interception.
4751 */
4752 abstract setRequestInterception(value: boolean): Promise<void>;
4753 /**
4754 * Toggles ignoring of service worker for each request.
4755 *
4756 * @param bypass - Whether to bypass service worker and load from network.
4757 */
4758 abstract setBypassServiceWorker(bypass: boolean): Promise<void>;
4759 /**
4760 * @param enabled - Whether to enable drag interception.
4761 *
4762 * @deprecated We no longer support intercepting drag payloads. Use the new
4763 * drag APIs found on {@link ElementHandle} to drag (or just use the
4764 * {@link Page.mouse}).
4765 */
4766 abstract setDragInterception(enabled: boolean): Promise<void>;
4767 /**
4768 * Sets the network connection to offline.
4769 *
4770 * It does not change the parameters used in {@link Page.emulateNetworkConditions}
4771 *
4772 * @param enabled - When `true`, enables offline mode for the page.
4773 */
4774 abstract setOfflineMode(enabled: boolean): Promise<void>;
4775 /**
4776 * This does not affect WebSockets and WebRTC PeerConnections (see
4777 * https://crbug.com/563644). To set the page offline, you can use
4778 * {@link Page.setOfflineMode}.
4779 *
4780 * A list of predefined network conditions can be used by importing
4781 * {@link PredefinedNetworkConditions}.
4782 *
4783 * @example
4784 *
4785 * ```ts
4786 * import {PredefinedNetworkConditions} from 'puppeteer';
4787 * const slow3G = PredefinedNetworkConditions['Slow 3G'];
4788 *
4789 * (async () => {
4790 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
4791 * const page = await browser.newPage();
4792 * await page.emulateNetworkConditions(slow3G);
4793 * await page.goto('https://www.google.com');
4794 * // other actions...
4795 * await browser.close();
4796 * })();
4797 * ```
4798 *
4799 * @param networkConditions - Passing `null` disables network condition
4800 * emulation.
4801 */
4802 abstract emulateNetworkConditions(networkConditions: NetworkConditions | null): Promise<void>;
4803 /**
4804 * This setting will change the default maximum navigation time for the
4805 * following methods and related shortcuts:
4806 *
4807 * - {@link Page.goBack | page.goBack(options)}
4808 *
4809 * - {@link Page.goForward | page.goForward(options)}
4810 *
4811 * - {@link Page.goto | page.goto(url,options)}
4812 *
4813 * - {@link Page.reload | page.reload(options)}
4814 *
4815 * - {@link Page.setContent | page.setContent(html,options)}
4816 *
4817 * - {@link Page.waitForNavigation | page.waitForNavigation(options)}
4818 * @param timeout - Maximum navigation time in milliseconds.
4819 */
4820 abstract setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout: number): void;
4821 /**
4822 * @param timeout - Maximum time in milliseconds.
4823 */
4824 abstract setDefaultTimeout(timeout: number): void;
4825 /**
4826 * Maximum time in milliseconds.
4827 */
4828 abstract getDefaultTimeout(): number;
4829 /**
4830 * Maximum navigation time in milliseconds.
4831 */
4832 abstract getDefaultNavigationTimeout(): number;
4833 /**
4834 * Creates a locator for the provided selector. See {@link Locator} for
4835 * details and supported actions.
4836 *
4837 * @param selector -
4838 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
4839 * to query the page for.
4840 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
4841 * can be passed as-is and a
4842 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
4843 * allows quering by
4844 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
4845 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
4846 * and
4847 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
4848 * and
4849 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
4850 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
4851 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
4852 */
4853 locator<Selector extends string>(selector: Selector): Locator<NodeFor<Selector>>;
4854 /**
4855 * Creates a locator for the provided function. See {@link Locator} for
4856 * details and supported actions.
4857 *
4858 * @param selector -
4859 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
4860 * to query the page for.
4861 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
4862 * can be passed as-is and a
4863 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
4864 * allows quering by
4865 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
4866 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
4867 * and
4868 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
4869 * and
4870 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
4871 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
4872 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
4873 */
4874 locator<Ret>(func: () => Awaitable<Ret>): Locator<Ret>;
4876 /**
4877 * Finds the first element that matches the selector. If no element matches
4878 * the selector, the return value resolves to `null`.
4879 *
4880 * @param selector -
4881 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
4882 * to query the page for.
4883 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
4884 * can be passed as-is and a
4885 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
4886 * allows quering by
4887 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
4888 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
4889 * and
4890 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
4891 * and
4892 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
4893 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
4894 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
4895 *
4896 * @remarks
4897 *
4898 * Shortcut for {@link Frame.$ | Page.mainFrame().$(selector) }.
4899 */
4900 $<Selector extends string>(selector: Selector): Promise<ElementHandle<NodeFor<Selector>> | null>;
4901 /**
4902 * Finds elements on the page that match the selector. If no elements
4903 * match the selector, the return value resolves to `[]`.
4904 *
4905 * @param selector -
4906 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
4907 * to query the page for.
4908 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
4909 * can be passed as-is and a
4910 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
4911 * allows quering by
4912 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
4913 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
4914 * and
4915 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
4916 * and
4917 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
4918 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
4919 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
4920 *
4921 * @remarks
4922 *
4923 * Shortcut for {@link Frame.$$ | Page.mainFrame().$$(selector) }.
4924 */
4925 $$<Selector extends string>(selector: Selector, options?: QueryOptions): Promise<Array<ElementHandle<NodeFor<Selector>>>>;
4926 /**
4927 * @remarks
4928 *
4929 * The only difference between {@link Page.evaluate | page.evaluate} and
4930 * `page.evaluateHandle` is that `evaluateHandle` will return the value
4931 * wrapped in an in-page object.
4932 *
4933 * If the function passed to `page.evaluateHandle` returns a Promise, the
4934 * function will wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
4935 *
4936 * You can pass a string instead of a function (although functions are
4937 * recommended as they are easier to debug and use with TypeScript):
4938 *
4939 * @example
4940 *
4941 * ```ts
4942 * const aHandle = await page.evaluateHandle('document');
4943 * ```
4944 *
4945 * @example
4946 * {@link JSHandle} instances can be passed as arguments to the `pageFunction`:
4947 *
4948 * ```ts
4949 * const aHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => document.body);
4950 * const resultHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(
4951 * body => body.innerHTML,
4952 * aHandle,
4953 * );
4954 * console.log(await resultHandle.jsonValue());
4955 * await resultHandle.dispose();
4956 * ```
4957 *
4958 * Most of the time this function returns a {@link JSHandle},
4959 * but if `pageFunction` returns a reference to an element,
4960 * you instead get an {@link ElementHandle} back:
4961 *
4962 * @example
4963 *
4964 * ```ts
4965 * const button = await page.evaluateHandle(() =>
4966 * document.querySelector('button'),
4967 * );
4968 * // can call `click` because `button` is an `ElementHandle`
4969 * await button.click();
4970 * ```
4971 *
4972 * The TypeScript definitions assume that `evaluateHandle` returns
4973 * a `JSHandle`, but if you know it's going to return an
4974 * `ElementHandle`, pass it as the generic argument:
4975 *
4976 * ```ts
4977 * const button = await page.evaluateHandle<ElementHandle>(...);
4978 * ```
4979 *
4980 * @param pageFunction - a function that is run within the page
4981 * @param args - arguments to be passed to the pageFunction
4982 */
4983 evaluateHandle<Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFunc<Params> = EvaluateFunc<Params>>(pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise<HandleFor<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>>;
4984 /**
4985 * This method iterates the JavaScript heap and finds all objects with the
4986 * given prototype.
4987 *
4988 * @example
4989 *
4990 * ```ts
4991 * // Create a Map object
4992 * await page.evaluate(() => (window.map = new Map()));
4993 * // Get a handle to the Map object prototype
4994 * const mapPrototype = await page.evaluateHandle(() => Map.prototype);
4995 * // Query all map instances into an array
4996 * const mapInstances = await page.queryObjects(mapPrototype);
4997 * // Count amount of map objects in heap
4998 * const count = await page.evaluate(maps => maps.length, mapInstances);
4999 * await mapInstances.dispose();
5000 * await mapPrototype.dispose();
5001 * ```
5002 *
5003 * @param prototypeHandle - a handle to the object prototype.
5004 * @returns Promise which resolves to a handle to an array of objects with
5005 * this prototype.
5006 */
5007 abstract queryObjects<Prototype>(prototypeHandle: JSHandle<Prototype>): Promise<JSHandle<Prototype[]>>;
5008 /**
5009 * This method finds the first element within the page that matches the selector
5010 * and passes the result as the first argument to the `pageFunction`.
5011 *
5012 * @remarks
5013 *
5014 * If no element is found matching `selector`, the method will throw an error.
5015 *
5016 * If `pageFunction` returns a promise `$eval` will wait for the promise to
5017 * resolve and then return its value.
5018 *
5019 * @example
5020 *
5021 * ```ts
5022 * const searchValue = await page.$eval('#search', el => el.value);
5023 * const preloadHref = await page.$eval('link[rel=preload]', el => el.href);
5024 * const html = await page.$eval('.main-container', el => el.outerHTML);
5025 * ```
5026 *
5027 * If you are using TypeScript, you may have to provide an explicit type to the
5028 * first argument of the `pageFunction`.
5029 * By default it is typed as `Element`, but you may need to provide a more
5030 * specific sub-type:
5031 *
5032 * @example
5033 *
5034 * ```ts
5035 * // if you don't provide HTMLInputElement here, TS will error
5036 * // as `value` is not on `Element`
5037 * const searchValue = await page.$eval(
5038 * '#search',
5039 * (el: HTMLInputElement) => el.value,
5040 * );
5041 * ```
5042 *
5043 * The compiler should be able to infer the return type
5044 * from the `pageFunction` you provide. If it is unable to, you can use the generic
5045 * type to tell the compiler what return type you expect from `$eval`:
5046 *
5047 * @example
5048 *
5049 * ```ts
5050 * // The compiler can infer the return type in this case, but if it can't
5051 * // or if you want to be more explicit, provide it as the generic type.
5052 * const searchValue = await page.$eval<string>(
5053 * '#search',
5054 * (el: HTMLInputElement) => el.value,
5055 * );
5056 * ```
5057 *
5058 * @param selector -
5059 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
5060 * to query the page for.
5061 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
5062 * can be passed as-is and a
5063 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
5064 * allows quering by
5065 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
5066 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
5067 * and
5068 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
5069 * and
5070 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
5071 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
5072 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
5073 * @param pageFunction - the function to be evaluated in the page context.
5074 * Will be passed the result of the element matching the selector as its
5075 * first argument.
5076 * @param args - any additional arguments to pass through to `pageFunction`.
5077 *
5078 * @returns The result of calling `pageFunction`. If it returns an element it
5079 * is wrapped in an {@link ElementHandle}, else the raw value itself is
5080 * returned.
5081 */
5082 $eval<Selector extends string, Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFuncWith<NodeFor<Selector>, Params> = EvaluateFuncWith<NodeFor<Selector>, Params>>(selector: Selector, pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>;
5083 /**
5084 * This method returns all elements matching the selector and passes the
5085 * resulting array as the first argument to the `pageFunction`.
5086 *
5087 * @remarks
5088 * If `pageFunction` returns a promise `$$eval` will wait for the promise to
5089 * resolve and then return its value.
5090 *
5091 * @example
5092 *
5093 * ```ts
5094 * // get the amount of divs on the page
5095 * const divCount = await page.$$eval('div', divs => divs.length);
5096 *
5097 * // get the text content of all the `.options` elements:
5098 * const options = await page.$$eval('div > span.options', options => {
5099 * return options.map(option => option.textContent);
5100 * });
5101 * ```
5102 *
5103 * If you are using TypeScript, you may have to provide an explicit type to the
5104 * first argument of the `pageFunction`.
5105 * By default it is typed as `Element[]`, but you may need to provide a more
5106 * specific sub-type:
5107 *
5108 * @example
5109 *
5110 * ```ts
5111 * await page.$$eval('input', elements => {
5112 * return elements.map(e => e.value);
5113 * });
5114 * ```
5115 *
5116 * The compiler should be able to infer the return type
5117 * from the `pageFunction` you provide. If it is unable to, you can use the generic
5118 * type to tell the compiler what return type you expect from `$$eval`:
5119 *
5120 * @example
5121 *
5122 * ```ts
5123 * const allInputValues = await page.$$eval('input', elements =>
5124 * elements.map(e => e.textContent),
5125 * );
5126 * ```
5127 *
5128 * @param selector -
5129 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
5130 * to query the page for.
5131 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
5132 * can be passed as-is and a
5133 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
5134 * allows quering by
5135 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
5136 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
5137 * and
5138 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
5139 * and
5140 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
5141 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
5142 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
5143 * @param pageFunction - the function to be evaluated in the page context.
5144 * Will be passed an array of matching elements as its first argument.
5145 * @param args - any additional arguments to pass through to `pageFunction`.
5146 *
5147 * @returns The result of calling `pageFunction`. If it returns an element it
5148 * is wrapped in an {@link ElementHandle}, else the raw value itself is
5149 * returned.
5150 */
5151 $$eval<Selector extends string, Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFuncWith<Array<NodeFor<Selector>>, Params> = EvaluateFuncWith<Array<NodeFor<Selector>>, Params>>(selector: Selector, pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>;
5152 /**
5153 * If no URLs are specified, this method returns cookies for the
5154 * current page URL. If URLs are specified, only cookies for those
5155 * URLs are returned.
5156 *
5157 * @deprecated Page-level cookie API is deprecated. Use
5158 * {@link Browser.cookies} or {@link BrowserContext.cookies} instead.
5159 */
5160 abstract cookies(...urls: string[]): Promise<Cookie[]>;
5161 /**
5162 * @deprecated Page-level cookie API is deprecated. Use
5163 * {@link Browser.deleteCookie} or {@link BrowserContext.deleteCookie}
5164 * instead.
5165 */
5166 abstract deleteCookie(...cookies: DeleteCookiesRequest[]): Promise<void>;
5167 /**
5168 * @example
5169 *
5170 *```ts
5171 * await page.setCookie(cookieObject1, cookieObject2);
5172 *```
5173 *
5174 * @deprecated Page-level cookie API is deprecated. Use
5175 * {@link Browser.setCookie} or {@link BrowserContext.setCookie}
5176 * instead.
5177 */
5178 abstract setCookie(...cookies: CookieParam[]): Promise<void>;
5179 /**
5180 * Adds a `<script>` tag into the page with the desired URL or content.
5181 *
5182 * @remarks
5183 * Shortcut for
5184 * {@link Frame.addScriptTag | page.mainFrame().addScriptTag(options)}.
5185 *
5186 * @param options - Options for the script.
5187 * @returns An {@link ElementHandle | element handle} to the injected
5188 * `<script>` element.
5189 */
5190 addScriptTag(options: FrameAddScriptTagOptions): Promise<ElementHandle<HTMLScriptElement>>;
5191 /**
5192 * Adds a `<link rel="stylesheet">` tag into the page with the desired URL or
5193 * a `<style type="text/css">` tag with the content.
5194 *
5195 * Shortcut for
5196 * {@link Frame.(addStyleTag:2) | page.mainFrame().addStyleTag(options)}.
5197 *
5198 * @returns An {@link ElementHandle | element handle} to the injected `<link>`
5199 * or `<style>` element.
5200 */
5201 addStyleTag(options: Omit<FrameAddStyleTagOptions, 'url'>): Promise<ElementHandle<HTMLStyleElement>>;
5202 addStyleTag(options: FrameAddStyleTagOptions): Promise<ElementHandle<HTMLLinkElement>>;
5203 /**
5204 * The method adds a function called `name` on the page's `window` object.
5205 * When called, the function executes `puppeteerFunction` in node.js and
5206 * returns a `Promise` which resolves to the return value of
5207 * `puppeteerFunction`.
5208 *
5209 * If the puppeteerFunction returns a `Promise`, it will be awaited.
5210 *
5211 * :::note
5212 *
5213 * Functions installed via `page.exposeFunction` survive navigations.
5214 *
5215 * :::
5216 *
5217 * @example
5218 * An example of adding an `md5` function into the page:
5219 *
5220 * ```ts
5221 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
5222 * import crypto from 'crypto';
5223 *
5224 * (async () => {
5225 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
5226 * const page = await browser.newPage();
5227 * page.on('console', msg => console.log(msg.text()));
5228 * await page.exposeFunction('md5', text =>
5229 * crypto.createHash('md5').update(text).digest('hex'),
5230 * );
5231 * await page.evaluate(async () => {
5232 * // use window.md5 to compute hashes
5233 * const myString = 'PUPPETEER';
5234 * const myHash = await window.md5(myString);
5235 * console.log(`md5 of ${myString} is ${myHash}`);
5236 * });
5237 * await browser.close();
5238 * })();
5239 * ```
5240 *
5241 * @example
5242 * An example of adding a `window.readfile` function into the page:
5243 *
5244 * ```ts
5245 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
5246 * import fs from 'fs';
5247 *
5248 * (async () => {
5249 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
5250 * const page = await browser.newPage();
5251 * page.on('console', msg => console.log(msg.text()));
5252 * await page.exposeFunction('readfile', async filePath => {
5253 * return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
5254 * fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', (err, text) => {
5255 * if (err) reject(err);
5256 * else resolve(text);
5257 * });
5258 * });
5259 * });
5260 * await page.evaluate(async () => {
5261 * // use window.readfile to read contents of a file
5262 * const content = await window.readfile('/etc/hosts');
5263 * console.log(content);
5264 * });
5265 * await browser.close();
5266 * })();
5267 * ```
5268 *
5269 * @param name - Name of the function on the window object
5270 * @param pptrFunction - Callback function which will be called in Puppeteer's
5271 * context.
5272 */
5273 abstract exposeFunction(name: string, pptrFunction: Function | {
5274 default: Function;
5275 }): Promise<void>;
5276 /**
5277 * The method removes a previously added function via ${@link Page.exposeFunction}
5278 * called `name` from the page's `window` object.
5279 */
5280 abstract removeExposedFunction(name: string): Promise<void>;
5281 /**
5282 * Provide credentials for `HTTP authentication`.
5283 *
5284 * :::note
5285 *
5286 * Request interception will be turned on behind the scenes to
5287 * implement authentication. This might affect performance.
5288 *
5289 * :::
5290 *
5291 * @remarks
5292 * To disable authentication, pass `null`.
5293 */
5294 abstract authenticate(credentials: Credentials | null): Promise<void>;
5295 /**
5296 * The extra HTTP headers will be sent with every request the page initiates.
5297 *
5298 * :::tip
5299 *
5300 * All HTTP header names are lowercased. (HTTP headers are
5301 * case-insensitive, so this shouldn’t impact your server code.)
5302 *
5303 * :::
5304 *
5305 * :::note
5306 *
5307 * page.setExtraHTTPHeaders does not guarantee the order of headers in
5308 * the outgoing requests.
5309 *
5310 * :::
5311 *
5312 * @param headers - An object containing additional HTTP headers to be sent
5313 * with every request. All header values must be strings.
5314 */
5315 abstract setExtraHTTPHeaders(headers: Record<string, string>): Promise<void>;
5316 /**
5317 * @param userAgent - Specific user agent to use in this page
5318 * @param userAgentData - Specific user agent client hint data to use in this
5319 * page
5320 * @returns Promise which resolves when the user agent is set.
5321 */
5322 abstract setUserAgent(userAgent: string, userAgentMetadata?: Protocol.Emulation.UserAgentMetadata): Promise<void>;
5323 /**
5324 * Object containing metrics as key/value pairs.
5325 *
5326 * @returns
5327 *
5328 * - `Timestamp` : The timestamp when the metrics sample was taken.
5329 *
5330 * - `Documents` : Number of documents in the page.
5331 *
5332 * - `Frames` : Number of frames in the page.
5333 *
5334 * - `JSEventListeners` : Number of events in the page.
5335 *
5336 * - `Nodes` : Number of DOM nodes in the page.
5337 *
5338 * - `LayoutCount` : Total number of full or partial page layout.
5339 *
5340 * - `RecalcStyleCount` : Total number of page style recalculations.
5341 *
5342 * - `LayoutDuration` : Combined durations of all page layouts.
5343 *
5344 * - `RecalcStyleDuration` : Combined duration of all page style
5345 * recalculations.
5346 *
5347 * - `ScriptDuration` : Combined duration of JavaScript execution.
5348 *
5349 * - `TaskDuration` : Combined duration of all tasks performed by the browser.
5350 *
5351 * - `JSHeapUsedSize` : Used JavaScript heap size.
5352 *
5353 * - `JSHeapTotalSize` : Total JavaScript heap size.
5354 *
5355 * @remarks
5356 * All timestamps are in monotonic time: monotonically increasing time
5357 * in seconds since an arbitrary point in the past.
5358 */
5359 abstract metrics(): Promise<Metrics>;
5360 /**
5361 * The page's URL.
5362 *
5363 * @remarks
5364 *
5365 * Shortcut for {@link Frame.url | page.mainFrame().url()}.
5366 */
5367 url(): string;
5368 /**
5369 * The full HTML contents of the page, including the DOCTYPE.
5370 */
5371 content(): Promise<string>;
5372 /**
5373 * Set the content of the page.
5374 *
5375 * @param html - HTML markup to assign to the page.
5376 * @param options - Parameters that has some properties.
5377 */
5378 setContent(html: string, options?: WaitForOptions): Promise<void>;
5379 /**
5380 * {@inheritDoc Frame.goto}
5381 */
5382 goto(url: string, options?: GoToOptions): Promise<HTTPResponse | null>;
5383 /**
5384 * Reloads the page.
5385 *
5386 * @param options - Options to configure waiting behavior.
5387 * @returns A promise which resolves to the main resource response. In case of
5388 * multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the
5389 * last redirect.
5390 */
5391 abstract reload(options?: WaitForOptions): Promise<HTTPResponse | null>;
5392 /**
5393 * Waits for the page to navigate to a new URL or to reload. It is useful when
5394 * you run code that will indirectly cause the page to navigate.
5395 *
5396 * @example
5397 *
5398 * ```ts
5399 * const [response] = await Promise.all([
5400 * page.waitForNavigation(), // The promise resolves after navigation has finished
5401 * page.click('a.my-link'), // Clicking the link will indirectly cause a navigation
5402 * ]);
5403 * ```
5404 *
5405 * @remarks
5406 *
5407 * Usage of the
5408 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History_API | History API}
5409 * to change the URL is considered a navigation.
5410 *
5411 * @param options - Navigation parameters which might have the following
5412 * properties:
5413 * @returns A `Promise` which resolves to the main resource response.
5414 *
5415 * - In case of multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the
5416 * response of the last redirect.
5417 * - In case of navigation to a different anchor or navigation due to History
5418 * API usage, the navigation will resolve with `null`.
5419 */
5420 waitForNavigation(options?: WaitForOptions): Promise<HTTPResponse | null>;
5421 /**
5422 * @param urlOrPredicate - A URL or predicate to wait for
5423 * @param options - Optional waiting parameters
5424 * @returns Promise which resolves to the matched request
5425 * @example
5426 *
5427 * ```ts
5428 * const firstRequest = await page.waitForRequest(
5429 * 'https://example.com/resource',
5430 * );
5431 * const finalRequest = await page.waitForRequest(
5432 * request => request.url() === 'https://example.com',
5433 * );
5434 * return finalRequest.response()?.ok();
5435 * ```
5436 *
5437 * @remarks
5438 * Optional Waiting Parameters have:
5439 *
5440 * - `timeout`: Maximum wait time in milliseconds, defaults to `30` seconds, pass
5441 * `0` to disable the timeout. The default value can be changed by using the
5442 * {@link Page.setDefaultTimeout} method.
5443 */
5444 waitForRequest(urlOrPredicate: string | AwaitablePredicate<HTTPRequest>, options?: WaitTimeoutOptions): Promise<HTTPRequest>;
5445 /**
5446 * @param urlOrPredicate - A URL or predicate to wait for.
5447 * @param options - Optional waiting parameters
5448 * @returns Promise which resolves to the matched response.
5449 * @example
5450 *
5451 * ```ts
5452 * const firstResponse = await page.waitForResponse(
5453 * 'https://example.com/resource',
5454 * );
5455 * const finalResponse = await page.waitForResponse(
5456 * response =>
5457 * response.url() === 'https://example.com' && response.status() === 200,
5458 * );
5459 * const finalResponse = await page.waitForResponse(async response => {
5460 * return (await response.text()).includes('<html>');
5461 * });
5462 * return finalResponse.ok();
5463 * ```
5464 *
5465 * @remarks
5466 * Optional Parameter have:
5467 *
5468 * - `timeout`: Maximum wait time in milliseconds, defaults to `30` seconds,
5469 * pass `0` to disable the timeout. The default value can be changed by using
5470 * the {@link Page.setDefaultTimeout} method.
5471 */
5472 waitForResponse(urlOrPredicate: string | AwaitablePredicate<HTTPResponse>, options?: WaitTimeoutOptions): Promise<HTTPResponse>;
5473 /**
5474 * Waits for the network to be idle.
5475 *
5476 * @param options - Options to configure waiting behavior.
5477 * @returns A promise which resolves once the network is idle.
5478 */
5479 waitForNetworkIdle(options?: WaitForNetworkIdleOptions): Promise<void>;
5481 /**
5482 * Waits for a frame matching the given conditions to appear.
5483 *
5484 * @example
5485 *
5486 * ```ts
5487 * const frame = await page.waitForFrame(async frame => {
5488 * return frame.name() === 'Test';
5489 * });
5490 * ```
5491 */
5492 waitForFrame(urlOrPredicate: string | ((frame: Frame) => Awaitable<boolean>), options?: WaitTimeoutOptions): Promise<Frame>;
5493 /**
5494 * This method navigate to the previous page in history.
5495 * @param options - Navigation parameters
5496 * @returns Promise which resolves to the main resource response. In case of
5497 * multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the
5498 * last redirect. If can not go back, resolves to `null`.
5499 */
5500 abstract goBack(options?: WaitForOptions): Promise<HTTPResponse | null>;
5501 /**
5502 * This method navigate to the next page in history.
5503 * @param options - Navigation Parameter
5504 * @returns Promise which resolves to the main resource response. In case of
5505 * multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the
5506 * last redirect. If can not go forward, resolves to `null`.
5507 */
5508 abstract goForward(options?: WaitForOptions): Promise<HTTPResponse | null>;
5509 /**
5510 * Brings page to front (activates tab).
5511 */
5512 abstract bringToFront(): Promise<void>;
5513 /**
5514 * Emulates a given device's metrics and user agent.
5515 *
5516 * To aid emulation, Puppeteer provides a list of known devices that can be
5517 * via {@link KnownDevices}.
5518 *
5519 * @remarks
5520 * This method is a shortcut for calling two methods:
5521 * {@link Page.setUserAgent} and {@link Page.setViewport}.
5522 *
5523 * This method will resize the page. A lot of websites don't expect phones to
5524 * change size, so you should emulate before navigating to the page.
5525 *
5526 * @example
5527 *
5528 * ```ts
5529 * import {KnownDevices} from 'puppeteer';
5530 * const iPhone = KnownDevices['iPhone 15 Pro'];
5531 *
5532 * (async () => {
5533 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
5534 * const page = await browser.newPage();
5535 * await page.emulate(iPhone);
5536 * await page.goto('https://www.google.com');
5537 * // other actions...
5538 * await browser.close();
5539 * })();
5540 * ```
5541 */
5542 emulate(device: Device): Promise<void>;
5543 /**
5544 * @param enabled - Whether or not to enable JavaScript on the page.
5545 * @remarks
5546 * NOTE: changing this value won't affect scripts that have already been run.
5547 * It will take full effect on the next navigation.
5548 */
5549 abstract setJavaScriptEnabled(enabled: boolean): Promise<void>;
5550 /**
5551 * Toggles bypassing page's Content-Security-Policy.
5552 * @param enabled - sets bypassing of page's Content-Security-Policy.
5553 * @remarks
5554 * NOTE: CSP bypassing happens at the moment of CSP initialization rather than
5555 * evaluation. Usually, this means that `page.setBypassCSP` should be called
5556 * before navigating to the domain.
5557 */
5558 abstract setBypassCSP(enabled: boolean): Promise<void>;
5559 /**
5560 * @param type - Changes the CSS media type of the page. The only allowed
5561 * values are `screen`, `print` and `null`. Passing `null` disables CSS media
5562 * emulation.
5563 * @example
5564 *
5565 * ```ts
5566 * await page.evaluate(() => matchMedia('screen').matches);
5567 * // → true
5568 * await page.evaluate(() => matchMedia('print').matches);
5569 * // → false
5570 *
5571 * await page.emulateMediaType('print');
5572 * await page.evaluate(() => matchMedia('screen').matches);
5573 * // → false
5574 * await page.evaluate(() => matchMedia('print').matches);
5575 * // → true
5576 *
5577 * await page.emulateMediaType(null);
5578 * await page.evaluate(() => matchMedia('screen').matches);
5579 * // → true
5580 * await page.evaluate(() => matchMedia('print').matches);
5581 * // → false
5582 * ```
5583 */
5584 abstract emulateMediaType(type?: string): Promise<void>;
5585 /**
5586 * Enables CPU throttling to emulate slow CPUs.
5587 * @param factor - slowdown factor (1 is no throttle, 2 is 2x slowdown, etc).
5588 */
5589 abstract emulateCPUThrottling(factor: number | null): Promise<void>;
5590 /**
5591 * @param features - `<?Array<Object>>` Given an array of media feature
5592 * objects, emulates CSS media features on the page. Each media feature object
5593 * must have the following properties:
5594 * @example
5595 *
5596 * ```ts
5597 * await page.emulateMediaFeatures([
5598 * {name: 'prefers-color-scheme', value: 'dark'},
5599 * ]);
5600 * await page.evaluate(
5601 * () => matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches,
5602 * );
5603 * // → true
5604 * await page.evaluate(
5605 * () => matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: light)').matches,
5606 * );
5607 * // → false
5608 *
5609 * await page.emulateMediaFeatures([
5610 * {name: 'prefers-reduced-motion', value: 'reduce'},
5611 * ]);
5612 * await page.evaluate(
5613 * () => matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)').matches,
5614 * );
5615 * // → true
5616 * await page.evaluate(
5617 * () => matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)').matches,
5618 * );
5619 * // → false
5620 *
5621 * await page.emulateMediaFeatures([
5622 * {name: 'prefers-color-scheme', value: 'dark'},
5623 * {name: 'prefers-reduced-motion', value: 'reduce'},
5624 * ]);
5625 * await page.evaluate(
5626 * () => matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches,
5627 * );
5628 * // → true
5629 * await page.evaluate(
5630 * () => matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: light)').matches,
5631 * );
5632 * // → false
5633 * await page.evaluate(
5634 * () => matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)').matches,
5635 * );
5636 * // → true
5637 * await page.evaluate(
5638 * () => matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)').matches,
5639 * );
5640 * // → false
5641 *
5642 * await page.emulateMediaFeatures([{name: 'color-gamut', value: 'p3'}]);
5643 * await page.evaluate(() => matchMedia('(color-gamut: srgb)').matches);
5644 * // → true
5645 * await page.evaluate(() => matchMedia('(color-gamut: p3)').matches);
5646 * // → true
5647 * await page.evaluate(() => matchMedia('(color-gamut: rec2020)').matches);
5648 * // → false
5649 * ```
5650 */
5651 abstract emulateMediaFeatures(features?: MediaFeature[]): Promise<void>;
5652 /**
5653 * @param timezoneId - Changes the timezone of the page. See
5654 * {@link https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/deps/icu.git/+/faee8bc70570192d82d2978a71e2a615788597d1:source/data/misc/metaZones.txt | ICU’s metaZones.txt}
5655 * for a list of supported timezone IDs. Passing
5656 * `null` disables timezone emulation.
5657 */
5658 abstract emulateTimezone(timezoneId?: string): Promise<void>;
5659 /**
5660 * Emulates the idle state.
5661 * If no arguments set, clears idle state emulation.
5662 *
5663 * @example
5664 *
5665 * ```ts
5666 * // set idle emulation
5667 * await page.emulateIdleState({isUserActive: true, isScreenUnlocked: false});
5668 *
5669 * // do some checks here
5670 * ...
5671 *
5672 * // clear idle emulation
5673 * await page.emulateIdleState();
5674 * ```
5675 *
5676 * @param overrides - Mock idle state. If not set, clears idle overrides
5677 */
5678 abstract emulateIdleState(overrides?: {
5679 isUserActive: boolean;
5680 isScreenUnlocked: boolean;
5681 }): Promise<void>;
5682 /**
5683 * Simulates the given vision deficiency on the page.
5684 *
5685 * @example
5686 *
5687 * ```ts
5688 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
5689 *
5690 * (async () => {
5691 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
5692 * const page = await browser.newPage();
5693 * await page.goto('https://v8.dev/blog/10-years');
5694 *
5695 * await page.emulateVisionDeficiency('achromatopsia');
5696 * await page.screenshot({path: 'achromatopsia.png'});
5697 *
5698 * await page.emulateVisionDeficiency('deuteranopia');
5699 * await page.screenshot({path: 'deuteranopia.png'});
5700 *
5701 * await page.emulateVisionDeficiency('blurredVision');
5702 * await page.screenshot({path: 'blurred-vision.png'});
5703 *
5704 * await browser.close();
5705 * })();
5706 * ```
5707 *
5708 * @param type - the type of deficiency to simulate, or `'none'` to reset.
5709 */
5710 abstract emulateVisionDeficiency(type?: Protocol.Emulation.SetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyRequest['type']): Promise<void>;
5711 /**
5712 * `page.setViewport` will resize the page. A lot of websites don't expect
5713 * phones to change size, so you should set the viewport before navigating to
5714 * the page.
5715 *
5716 * In the case of multiple pages in a single browser, each page can have its
5717 * own viewport size. Setting the viewport to `null` resets the viewport to
5718 * its default value.
5719 *
5720 * @example
5721 *
5722 * ```ts
5723 * const page = await browser.newPage();
5724 * await page.setViewport({
5725 * width: 640,
5726 * height: 480,
5727 * deviceScaleFactor: 1,
5728 * });
5729 * await page.goto('https://example.com');
5730 * ```
5731 *
5732 * @param viewport -
5733 * @remarks
5734 * NOTE: in certain cases, setting viewport will reload the page in order to
5735 * set the isMobile or hasTouch properties.
5736 */
5737 abstract setViewport(viewport: Viewport | null): Promise<void>;
5738 /**
5739 * Returns the current page viewport settings without checking the actual page
5740 * viewport.
5741 *
5742 * This is either the viewport set with the previous {@link Page.setViewport}
5743 * call or the default viewport set via
5744 * {@link ConnectOptions.defaultViewport |
5745 * ConnectOptions.defaultViewport}.
5746 */
5747 abstract viewport(): Viewport | null;
5748 /**
5749 * Evaluates a function in the page's context and returns the result.
5750 *
5751 * If the function passed to `page.evaluate` returns a Promise, the
5752 * function will wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
5753 *
5754 * @example
5755 *
5756 * ```ts
5757 * const result = await frame.evaluate(() => {
5758 * return Promise.resolve(8 * 7);
5759 * });
5760 * console.log(result); // prints "56"
5761 * ```
5762 *
5763 * You can pass a string instead of a function (although functions are
5764 * recommended as they are easier to debug and use with TypeScript):
5765 *
5766 * @example
5767 *
5768 * ```ts
5769 * const aHandle = await page.evaluate('1 + 2');
5770 * ```
5771 *
5772 * To get the best TypeScript experience, you should pass in as the
5773 * generic the type of `pageFunction`:
5774 *
5775 * ```ts
5776 * const aHandle = await page.evaluate(() => 2);
5777 * ```
5778 *
5779 * @example
5780 *
5781 * {@link ElementHandle} instances (including {@link JSHandle}s) can be passed
5782 * as arguments to the `pageFunction`:
5783 *
5784 * ```ts
5785 * const bodyHandle = await page.$('body');
5786 * const html = await page.evaluate(body => body.innerHTML, bodyHandle);
5787 * await bodyHandle.dispose();
5788 * ```
5789 *
5790 * @param pageFunction - a function that is run within the page
5791 * @param args - arguments to be passed to the pageFunction
5792 *
5793 * @returns the return value of `pageFunction`.
5794 */
5795 evaluate<Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFunc<Params> = EvaluateFunc<Params>>(pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>;
5796 /**
5797 * Adds a function which would be invoked in one of the following scenarios:
5798 *
5799 * - whenever the page is navigated
5800 *
5801 * - whenever the child frame is attached or navigated. In this case, the
5802 * function is invoked in the context of the newly attached frame.
5803 *
5804 * The function is invoked after the document was created but before any of
5805 * its scripts were run. This is useful to amend the JavaScript environment,
5806 * e.g. to seed `Math.random`.
5807 * @param pageFunction - Function to be evaluated in browser context
5808 * @param args - Arguments to pass to `pageFunction`
5809 * @example
5810 * An example of overriding the navigator.languages property before the page loads:
5811 *
5812 * ```ts
5813 * // preload.js
5814 *
5815 * // overwrite the `languages` property to use a custom getter
5816 * Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'languages', {
5817 * get: function () {
5818 * return ['en-US', 'en', 'bn'];
5819 * },
5820 * });
5821 *
5822 * // In your puppeteer script, assuming the preload.js file is
5823 * // in same folder of our script.
5824 * const preloadFile = fs.readFileSync('./preload.js', 'utf8');
5825 * await page.evaluateOnNewDocument(preloadFile);
5826 * ```
5827 */
5828 abstract evaluateOnNewDocument<Params extends unknown[], Func extends (...args: Params) => unknown = (...args: Params) => unknown>(pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise<NewDocumentScriptEvaluation>;
5829 /**
5830 * Removes script that injected into page by Page.evaluateOnNewDocument.
5831 *
5832 * @param identifier - script identifier
5833 */
5834 abstract removeScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument(identifier: string): Promise<void>;
5835 /**
5836 * Toggles ignoring cache for each request based on the enabled state. By
5837 * default, caching is enabled.
5838 * @param enabled - sets the `enabled` state of cache
5839 * @defaultValue `true`
5840 */
5841 abstract setCacheEnabled(enabled?: boolean): Promise<void>;
5843 /**
5844 * Captures a screencast of this {@link Page | page}.
5845 *
5846 * @example
5847 * Recording a {@link Page | page}:
5848 *
5849 * ```
5850 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
5851 *
5852 * // Launch a browser
5853 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
5854 *
5855 * // Create a new page
5856 * const page = await browser.newPage();
5857 *
5858 * // Go to your site.
5859 * await page.goto("https://www.example.com");
5860 *
5861 * // Start recording.
5862 * const recorder = await page.screencast({path: 'recording.webm'});
5863 *
5864 * // Do something.
5865 *
5866 * // Stop recording.
5867 * await recorder.stop();
5868 *
5869 * browser.close();
5870 * ```
5871 *
5872 * @param options - Configures screencast behavior.
5873 *
5874 * @experimental
5875 *
5876 * @remarks
5877 *
5878 * All recordings will be {@link https://www.webmproject.org/ | WebM} format using
5879 * the {@link https://www.webmproject.org/vp9/ | VP9} video codec. The FPS is 30.
5880 *
5881 * You must have {@link https://ffmpeg.org/ | ffmpeg} installed on your system.
5882 */
5883 screencast(options?: Readonly<ScreencastOptions>): Promise<ScreenRecorder>;
5886 /**
5887 * Captures a screenshot of this {@link Page | page}.
5888 *
5889 * @param options - Configures screenshot behavior.
5890 *
5891 * @remarks
5892 *
5893 * While a screenshot is being taken in a {@link BrowserContext}, the
5894 * following methods will automatically wait for the screenshot to
5895 * finish to prevent interference with the screenshot process:
5896 * {@link BrowserContext.newPage}, {@link Browser.newPage},
5897 * {@link Page.close}.
5898 *
5899 * Calling {@link Page.bringToFront} will not wait for existing
5900 * screenshot operations.
5901 *
5902 */
5903 screenshot(options: Readonly<ScreenshotOptions> & {
5904 encoding: 'base64';
5905 }): Promise<string>;
5906 screenshot(options?: Readonly<ScreenshotOptions>): Promise<Uint8Array>;
5908 /**
5909 * Generates a PDF of the page with the `print` CSS media type.
5910 *
5911 * @param options - options for generating the PDF.
5912 *
5913 * @remarks
5914 *
5915 * To generate a PDF with the `screen` media type, call
5916 * {@link Page.emulateMediaType | `page.emulateMediaType('screen')`} before
5917 * calling `page.pdf()`.
5918 *
5919 * By default, `page.pdf()` generates a pdf with modified colors for printing.
5920 * Use the
5921 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/-webkit-print-color-adjust | `-webkit-print-color-adjust`}
5922 * property to force rendering of exact colors.
5923 */
5924 abstract createPDFStream(options?: PDFOptions): Promise<ReadableStream<Uint8Array>>;
5925 /**
5926 * {@inheritDoc Page.createPDFStream}
5927 */
5928 abstract pdf(options?: PDFOptions): Promise<Uint8Array>;
5929 /**
5930 * The page's title
5931 *
5932 * @remarks
5933 *
5934 * Shortcut for {@link Frame.title | page.mainFrame().title()}.
5935 */
5936 title(): Promise<string>;
5937 abstract close(options?: {
5938 runBeforeUnload?: boolean;
5939 }): Promise<void>;
5940 /**
5941 * Indicates that the page has been closed.
5942 * @returns
5943 */
5944 abstract isClosed(): boolean;
5945 /**
5946 * {@inheritDoc Mouse}
5947 */
5948 abstract get mouse(): Mouse;
5949 /**
5950 * This method fetches an element with `selector`, scrolls it into view if
5951 * needed, and then uses {@link Page.mouse} to click in the center of the
5952 * element. If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an
5953 * error.
5954 *
5955 * @remarks
5956 *
5957 * Bear in mind that if `click()` triggers a navigation event and
5958 * there's a separate `page.waitForNavigation()` promise to be resolved, you
5959 * may end up with a race condition that yields unexpected results. The
5960 * correct pattern for click and wait for navigation is the following:
5961 *
5962 * ```ts
5963 * const [response] = await Promise.all([
5964 * page.waitForNavigation(waitOptions),
5965 * page.click(selector, clickOptions),
5966 * ]);
5967 * ```
5968 *
5969 * Shortcut for {@link Frame.click | page.mainFrame().click(selector[, options]) }.
5970 * @param selector -
5971 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
5972 * to query the page for.
5973 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
5974 * can be passed as-is and a
5975 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
5976 * allows quering by
5977 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
5978 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
5979 * and
5980 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
5981 * and
5982 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
5983 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
5984 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}. If there are
5985 * multiple elements satisfying the `selector`, the first will be clicked
5986 * @param options - `Object`
5987 * @returns Promise which resolves when the element matching `selector` is
5988 * successfully clicked. The Promise will be rejected if there is no element
5989 * matching `selector`.
5990 */
5991 click(selector: string, options?: Readonly<ClickOptions>): Promise<void>;
5992 /**
5993 * This method fetches an element with `selector` and focuses it. If
5994 * there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error.
5995 * @param selector -
5996 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
5997 * to query the page for.
5998 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
5999 * can be passed as-is and a
6000 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
6001 * allows quering by
6002 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
6003 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
6004 * and
6005 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
6006 * and
6007 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
6008 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
6009 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
6010 * If there are multiple elements satisfying the selector, the first
6011 * will be focused.
6012 * @returns Promise which resolves when the element matching selector
6013 * is successfully focused. The promise will be rejected if there is
6014 * no element matching selector.
6015 *
6016 * @remarks
6017 *
6018 * Shortcut for
6019 * {@link Frame.focus | page.mainFrame().focus(selector)}.
6020 */
6021 focus(selector: string): Promise<void>;
6022 /**
6023 * This method fetches an element with `selector`, scrolls it into view if
6024 * needed, and then uses {@link Page.mouse}
6025 * to hover over the center of the element.
6026 * If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error.
6027 * @param selector -
6028 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
6029 * to query the page for.
6030 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
6031 * can be passed as-is and a
6032 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
6033 * allows quering by
6034 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
6035 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
6036 * and
6037 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
6038 * and
6039 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
6040 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
6041 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}. If there are
6042 * multiple elements satisfying the `selector`, the first will be hovered.
6043 * @returns Promise which resolves when the element matching `selector` is
6044 * successfully hovered. Promise gets rejected if there's no element matching
6045 * `selector`.
6046 *
6047 * @remarks
6048 *
6049 * Shortcut for {@link Page.hover | page.mainFrame().hover(selector)}.
6050 */
6051 hover(selector: string): Promise<void>;
6052 /**
6053 * Triggers a `change` and `input` event once all the provided options have been
6054 * selected. If there's no `<select>` element matching `selector`, the method
6055 * throws an error.
6056 *
6057 * @example
6058 *
6059 * ```ts
6060 * page.select('select#colors', 'blue'); // single selection
6061 * page.select('select#colors', 'red', 'green', 'blue'); // multiple selections
6062 * ```
6063 *
6064 * @param selector -
6065 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
6066 * to query the page for.
6067 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
6068 * can be passed as-is and a
6069 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
6070 * allows quering by
6071 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
6072 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
6073 * and
6074 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
6075 * and
6076 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
6077 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
6078 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
6079 * @param values - Values of options to select. If the `<select>` has the
6080 * `multiple` attribute, all values are considered, otherwise only the first one
6081 * is taken into account.
6082 * @returns
6083 *
6084 * @remarks
6085 *
6086 * Shortcut for {@link Frame.select | page.mainFrame().select()}
6087 */
6088 select(selector: string, ...values: string[]): Promise<string[]>;
6089 /**
6090 * This method fetches an element with `selector`, scrolls it into view if
6091 * needed, and then uses {@link Page.touchscreen}
6092 * to tap in the center of the element.
6093 * If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error.
6094 * @param selector -
6095 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
6096 * to query the page for.
6097 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
6098 * can be passed as-is and a
6099 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
6100 * allows quering by
6101 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
6102 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
6103 * and
6104 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
6105 * and
6106 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
6107 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
6108 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}. If there are multiple elements satisfying the
6109 * selector, the first will be tapped.
6110 *
6111 * @remarks
6112 *
6113 * Shortcut for {@link Frame.tap | page.mainFrame().tap(selector)}.
6114 */
6115 tap(selector: string): Promise<void>;
6116 /**
6117 * Sends a `keydown`, `keypress/input`, and `keyup` event for each character
6118 * in the text.
6119 *
6120 * To press a special key, like `Control` or `ArrowDown`, use {@link Keyboard.press}.
6121 * @example
6122 *
6123 * ```ts
6124 * await page.type('#mytextarea', 'Hello');
6125 * // Types instantly
6126 * await page.type('#mytextarea', 'World', {delay: 100});
6127 * // Types slower, like a user
6128 * ```
6129 *
6130 * @param selector -
6131 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
6132 * to query the page for.
6133 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
6134 * can be passed as-is and a
6135 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
6136 * allows quering by
6137 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
6138 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
6139 * and
6140 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
6141 * and
6142 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
6143 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
6144 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
6145 * @param text - A text to type into a focused element.
6146 * @param options - have property `delay` which is the Time to wait between
6147 * key presses in milliseconds. Defaults to `0`.
6148 * @returns
6149 */
6150 type(selector: string, text: string, options?: Readonly<KeyboardTypeOptions>): Promise<void>;
6151 /**
6152 * Wait for the `selector` to appear in page. If at the moment of calling the
6153 * method the `selector` already exists, the method will return immediately. If
6154 * the `selector` doesn't appear after the `timeout` milliseconds of waiting, the
6155 * function will throw.
6156 *
6157 * @example
6158 * This method works across navigations:
6159 *
6160 * ```ts
6161 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
6162 * (async () => {
6163 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
6164 * const page = await browser.newPage();
6165 * let currentURL;
6166 * page
6167 * .waitForSelector('img')
6168 * .then(() => console.log('First URL with image: ' + currentURL));
6169 * for (currentURL of [
6170 * 'https://example.com',
6171 * 'https://google.com',
6172 * 'https://bbc.com',
6173 * ]) {
6174 * await page.goto(currentURL);
6175 * }
6176 * await browser.close();
6177 * })();
6178 * ```
6179 *
6180 * @param selector -
6181 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#selectors | selector}
6182 * to query the page for.
6183 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors | CSS selectors}
6184 * can be passed as-is and a
6185 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#non-css-selectors | Puppeteer-specific selector syntax}
6186 * allows quering by
6187 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#text-selectors--p-text | text},
6188 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#aria-selectors--p-aria | a11y role and name},
6189 * and
6190 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#xpath-selectors--p-xpath | xpath}
6191 * and
6192 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#querying-elements-in-shadow-dom | combining these queries across shadow roots}.
6193 * Alternatively, you can specify the selector type using a
6194 * {@link https://pptr.dev/guides/page-interactions#prefixed-selector-syntax | prefix}.
6195 * @param options - Optional waiting parameters
6196 * @returns Promise which resolves when element specified by selector string
6197 * is added to DOM. Resolves to `null` if waiting for hidden: `true` and
6198 * selector is not found in DOM.
6199 *
6200 * @remarks
6201 * The optional Parameter in Arguments `options` are:
6202 *
6203 * - `visible`: A boolean wait for element to be present in DOM and to be
6204 * visible, i.e. to not have `display: none` or `visibility: hidden` CSS
6205 * properties. Defaults to `false`.
6206 *
6207 * - `hidden`: Wait for element to not be found in the DOM or to be hidden,
6208 * i.e. have `display: none` or `visibility: hidden` CSS properties. Defaults to
6209 * `false`.
6210 *
6211 * - `timeout`: maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to `30000`
6212 * (30 seconds). Pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed
6213 * by using the {@link Page.setDefaultTimeout} method.
6214 */
6215 waitForSelector<Selector extends string>(selector: Selector, options?: WaitForSelectorOptions): Promise<ElementHandle<NodeFor<Selector>> | null>;
6216 /**
6217 * Waits for the provided function, `pageFunction`, to return a truthy value when
6218 * evaluated in the page's context.
6219 *
6220 * @example
6221 * {@link Page.waitForFunction} can be used to observe a viewport size change:
6222 *
6223 * ```ts
6224 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
6225 * (async () => {
6226 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
6227 * const page = await browser.newPage();
6228 * const watchDog = page.waitForFunction('window.innerWidth < 100');
6229 * await page.setViewport({width: 50, height: 50});
6230 * await watchDog;
6231 * await browser.close();
6232 * })();
6233 * ```
6234 *
6235 * @example
6236 * Arguments can be passed from Node.js to `pageFunction`:
6237 *
6238 * ```ts
6239 * const selector = '.foo';
6240 * await page.waitForFunction(
6241 * selector => !!document.querySelector(selector),
6242 * {},
6243 * selector,
6244 * );
6245 * ```
6246 *
6247 * @example
6248 * The provided `pageFunction` can be asynchronous:
6249 *
6250 * ```ts
6251 * const username = 'github-username';
6252 * await page.waitForFunction(
6253 * async username => {
6254 * const githubResponse = await fetch(
6255 * `https://api.github.com/users/${username}`,
6256 * );
6257 * const githubUser = await githubResponse.json();
6258 * // show the avatar
6259 * const img = document.createElement('img');
6260 * img.src = githubUser.avatar_url;
6261 * // wait 3 seconds
6262 * await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, 3000));
6263 * img.remove();
6264 * },
6265 * {},
6266 * username,
6267 * );
6268 * ```
6269 *
6270 * @param pageFunction - Function to be evaluated in browser context until it returns a
6271 * truthy value.
6272 * @param options - Options for configuring waiting behavior.
6273 */
6274 waitForFunction<Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFunc<Params> = EvaluateFunc<Params>>(pageFunction: Func | string, options?: FrameWaitForFunctionOptions, ...args: Params): Promise<HandleFor<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>>;
6275 /**
6276 * This method is typically coupled with an action that triggers a device
6277 * request from an api such as WebBluetooth.
6278 *
6279 * :::caution
6280 *
6281 * This must be called before the device request is made. It will not return a
6282 * currently active device prompt.
6283 *
6284 * :::
6285 *
6286 * @example
6287 *
6288 * ```ts
6289 * const [devicePrompt] = Promise.all([
6290 * page.waitForDevicePrompt(),
6291 * page.click('#connect-bluetooth'),
6292 * ]);
6293 * await devicePrompt.select(
6294 * await devicePrompt.waitForDevice(({name}) => name.includes('My Device')),
6295 * );
6296 * ```
6297 */
6298 abstract waitForDevicePrompt(options?: WaitTimeoutOptions): Promise<DeviceRequestPrompt>;
6304 * All the events that a page instance may emit.
6305 *
6306 * @public
6307 */
6308export declare const enum PageEvent {
6309 /**
6310 * Emitted when the page closes.
6311 */
6312 Close = "close",
6313 /**
6314 * Emitted when JavaScript within the page calls one of console API methods,
6315 * e.g. `console.log` or `console.dir`. Also emitted if the page throws an
6316 * error or a warning.
6317 *
6318 * @remarks
6319 * A `console` event provides a {@link ConsoleMessage} representing the
6320 * console message that was logged.
6321 *
6322 * @example
6323 * An example of handling `console` event:
6324 *
6325 * ```ts
6326 * page.on('console', msg => {
6327 * for (let i = 0; i < msg.args().length; ++i)
6328 * console.log(`${i}: ${msg.args()[i]}`);
6329 * });
6330 * page.evaluate(() => console.log('hello', 5, {foo: 'bar'}));
6331 * ```
6332 */
6333 Console = "console",
6334 /**
6335 * Emitted when a JavaScript dialog appears, such as `alert`, `prompt`,
6336 * `confirm` or `beforeunload`. Puppeteer can respond to the dialog via
6337 * {@link Dialog.accept} or {@link Dialog.dismiss}.
6338 */
6339 Dialog = "dialog",
6340 /**
6341 * Emitted when the JavaScript
6342 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/DOMContentLoaded | DOMContentLoaded }
6343 * event is dispatched.
6344 */
6345 DOMContentLoaded = "domcontentloaded",
6346 /**
6347 * Emitted when the page crashes. Will contain an `Error`.
6348 */
6349 Error = "error",
6350 /** Emitted when a frame is attached. Will contain a {@link Frame}. */
6351 FrameAttached = "frameattached",
6352 /** Emitted when a frame is detached. Will contain a {@link Frame}. */
6353 FrameDetached = "framedetached",
6354 /**
6355 * Emitted when a frame is navigated to a new URL. Will contain a
6356 * {@link Frame}.
6357 */
6358 FrameNavigated = "framenavigated",
6359 /**
6360 * Emitted when the JavaScript
6361 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/load | load}
6362 * event is dispatched.
6363 */
6364 Load = "load",
6365 /**
6366 * Emitted when the JavaScript code makes a call to `console.timeStamp`. For
6367 * the list of metrics see {@link Page.metrics | page.metrics}.
6368 *
6369 * @remarks
6370 * Contains an object with two properties:
6371 *
6372 * - `title`: the title passed to `console.timeStamp`
6373 * - `metrics`: object containing metrics as key/value pairs. The values will
6374 * be `number`s.
6375 */
6376 Metrics = "metrics",
6377 /**
6378 * Emitted when an uncaught exception happens within the page. Contains an
6379 * `Error`.
6380 */
6381 PageError = "pageerror",
6382 /**
6383 * Emitted when the page opens a new tab or window.
6384 *
6385 * Contains a {@link Page} corresponding to the popup window.
6386 *
6387 * @example
6388 *
6389 * ```ts
6390 * const [popup] = await Promise.all([
6391 * new Promise(resolve => page.once('popup', resolve)),
6392 * page.click('a[target=_blank]'),
6393 * ]);
6394 * ```
6395 *
6396 * ```ts
6397 * const [popup] = await Promise.all([
6398 * new Promise(resolve => page.once('popup', resolve)),
6399 * page.evaluate(() => window.open('https://example.com')),
6400 * ]);
6401 * ```
6402 */
6403 Popup = "popup",
6404 /**
6405 * Emitted when a page issues a request and contains a {@link HTTPRequest}.
6406 *
6407 * @remarks
6408 * The object is readonly. See {@link Page.setRequestInterception} for
6409 * intercepting and mutating requests.
6410 */
6411 Request = "request",
6412 /**
6413 * Emitted when a request ended up loading from cache. Contains a
6414 * {@link HTTPRequest}.
6415 *
6416 * @remarks
6417 * For certain requests, might contain undefined.
6418 * {@link https://crbug.com/750469}
6419 */
6420 RequestServedFromCache = "requestservedfromcache",
6421 /**
6422 * Emitted when a request fails, for example by timing out.
6423 *
6424 * Contains a {@link HTTPRequest}.
6425 *
6426 * @remarks
6427 * HTTP Error responses, such as 404 or 503, are still successful responses
6428 * from HTTP standpoint, so request will complete with `requestfinished` event
6429 * and not with `requestfailed`.
6430 */
6431 RequestFailed = "requestfailed",
6432 /**
6433 * Emitted when a request finishes successfully. Contains a
6434 * {@link HTTPRequest}.
6435 */
6436 RequestFinished = "requestfinished",
6437 /**
6438 * Emitted when a response is received. Contains a {@link HTTPResponse}.
6439 */
6440 Response = "response",
6441 /**
6442 * Emitted when a dedicated
6443 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API | WebWorker}
6444 * is spawned by the page.
6445 */
6446 WorkerCreated = "workercreated",
6447 /**
6448 * Emitted when a dedicated
6449 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API | WebWorker}
6450 * is destroyed by the page.
6451 */
6452 WorkerDestroyed = "workerdestroyed"
6456 * Denotes the objects received by callback functions for page events.
6457 *
6458 * See {@link PageEvent} for more detail on the events and when they are
6459 * emitted.
6460 *
6461 * @public
6462 */
6463export declare interface PageEvents extends Record<EventType, unknown> {
6464 [PageEvent.Close]: undefined;
6465 [PageEvent.Console]: ConsoleMessage;
6466 [PageEvent.Dialog]: Dialog;
6467 [PageEvent.DOMContentLoaded]: undefined;
6468 [PageEvent.Error]: Error;
6469 [PageEvent.FrameAttached]: Frame;
6470 [PageEvent.FrameDetached]: Frame;
6471 [PageEvent.FrameNavigated]: Frame;
6472 [PageEvent.Load]: undefined;
6473 [PageEvent.Metrics]: {
6474 title: string;
6475 metrics: Metrics;
6476 };
6477 [PageEvent.PageError]: Error;
6478 [PageEvent.Popup]: Page | null;
6479 [PageEvent.Request]: HTTPRequest;
6480 [PageEvent.Response]: HTTPResponse;
6481 [PageEvent.RequestFailed]: HTTPRequest;
6482 [PageEvent.RequestFinished]: HTTPRequest;
6483 [PageEvent.RequestServedFromCache]: HTTPRequest;
6484 [PageEvent.WorkerCreated]: WebWorker;
6485 [PageEvent.WorkerDestroyed]: WebWorker;
6489 * All the valid paper format types when printing a PDF.
6490 *
6491 * @remarks
6492 *
6493 * The sizes of each format are as follows:
6494 *
6495 * - `Letter`: 8.5in x 11in
6496 *
6497 * - `Legal`: 8.5in x 14in
6498 *
6499 * - `Tabloid`: 11in x 17in
6500 *
6501 * - `Ledger`: 17in x 11in
6502 *
6503 * - `A0`: 33.1102in x 46.811in
6504 *
6505 * - `A1`: 23.3858in x 33.1102in
6506 *
6507 * - `A2`: 16.5354in x 23.3858in
6508 *
6509 * - `A3`: 11.6929in x 16.5354in
6510 *
6511 * - `A4`: 8.2677in x 11.6929in
6512 *
6513 * - `A5`: 5.8268in x 8.2677in
6514 *
6515 * - `A6`: 4.1339in x 5.8268in
6516 *
6517 * @public
6518 */
6519export declare type PaperFormat = Uppercase<LowerCasePaperFormat> | Capitalize<LowerCasePaperFormat> | LowerCasePaperFormat;
6522 * @license
6523 * Copyright 2020 Google Inc.
6524 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
6525 */
6527 * @public
6528 */
6529export declare interface PDFMargin {
6530 top?: string | number;
6531 bottom?: string | number;
6532 left?: string | number;
6533 right?: string | number;
6537 * Valid options to configure PDF generation via {@link Page.pdf}.
6538 * @public
6539 */
6540export declare interface PDFOptions {
6541 /**
6542 * Scales the rendering of the web page. Amount must be between `0.1` and `2`.
6543 * @defaultValue `1`
6544 */
6545 scale?: number;
6546 /**
6547 * Whether to show the header and footer.
6548 * @defaultValue `false`
6549 */
6550 displayHeaderFooter?: boolean;
6551 /**
6552 * HTML template for the print header. Should be valid HTML with the following
6553 * classes used to inject values into them:
6554 *
6555 * - `date` formatted print date
6556 *
6557 * - `title` document title
6558 *
6559 * - `url` document location
6560 *
6561 * - `pageNumber` current page number
6562 *
6563 * - `totalPages` total pages in the document
6564 */
6565 headerTemplate?: string;
6566 /**
6567 * HTML template for the print footer. Has the same constraints and support
6568 * for special classes as {@link PDFOptions.headerTemplate}.
6569 */
6570 footerTemplate?: string;
6571 /**
6572 * Set to `true` to print background graphics.
6573 * @defaultValue `false`
6574 */
6575 printBackground?: boolean;
6576 /**
6577 * Whether to print in landscape orientation.
6578 * @defaultValue `false`
6579 */
6580 landscape?: boolean;
6581 /**
6582 * Paper ranges to print, e.g. `1-5, 8, 11-13`.
6583 * @defaultValue The empty string, which means all pages are printed.
6584 */
6585 pageRanges?: string;
6586 /**
6587 * @remarks
6588 * If set, this takes priority over the `width` and `height` options.
6589 * @defaultValue `letter`.
6590 */
6591 format?: PaperFormat;
6592 /**
6593 * Sets the width of paper. You can pass in a number or a string with a unit.
6594 */
6595 width?: string | number;
6596 /**
6597 * Sets the height of paper. You can pass in a number or a string with a unit.
6598 */
6599 height?: string | number;
6600 /**
6601 * Give any CSS `@page` size declared in the page priority over what is
6602 * declared in the `width` or `height` or `format` option.
6603 * @defaultValue `false`, which will scale the content to fit the paper size.
6604 */
6605 preferCSSPageSize?: boolean;
6606 /**
6607 * Set the PDF margins.
6608 * @defaultValue `undefined` no margins are set.
6609 */
6610 margin?: PDFMargin;
6611 /**
6612 * The path to save the file to.
6613 *
6614 * @remarks
6615 *
6616 * If the path is relative, it's resolved relative to the current working directory.
6617 *
6618 * @defaultValue `undefined`, which means the PDF will not be written to disk.
6619 */
6620 path?: string;
6621 /**
6622 * Hides default white background and allows generating pdfs with transparency.
6623 * @defaultValue `false`
6624 */
6625 omitBackground?: boolean;
6626 /**
6627 * Generate tagged (accessible) PDF.
6628 *
6629 * @defaultValue `true`
6630 * @experimental
6631 */
6632 tagged?: boolean;
6633 /**
6634 * Generate document outline.
6635 *
6636 * @defaultValue `false`
6637 * @experimental
6638 */
6639 outline?: boolean;
6640 /**
6641 * Timeout in milliseconds. Pass `0` to disable timeout.
6642 *
6643 * The default value can be changed by using {@link Page.setDefaultTimeout}
6644 *
6645 * @defaultValue `30_000`
6646 */
6647 timeout?: number;
6648 /**
6649 * If true, waits for `document.fonts.ready` to resolve. This might require
6650 * activating the page using {@link Page.bringToFront} if the page is in the
6651 * background.
6652 *
6653 * @defaultValue `true`
6654 */
6655 waitForFonts?: boolean;
6659 * @public
6660 */
6661export declare type Permission = 'geolocation' | 'midi' | 'notifications' | 'camera' | 'microphone' | 'background-sync' | 'ambient-light-sensor' | 'accelerometer' | 'gyroscope' | 'magnetometer' | 'accessibility-events' | 'clipboard-read' | 'clipboard-write' | 'clipboard-sanitized-write' | 'payment-handler' | 'persistent-storage' | 'idle-detection' | 'midi-sysex';
6664 * @public
6665 */
6666export declare interface Point {
6667 x: number;
6668 y: number;
6671declare namespace PQuerySelector {
6672 export {
6674 }
6678 * A list of pre-defined network conditions to be used with
6679 * {@link Page.emulateNetworkConditions}.
6680 *
6681 * @example
6682 *
6683 * ```ts
6684 * import {PredefinedNetworkConditions} from 'puppeteer';
6685 * (async () => {
6686 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
6687 * const page = await browser.newPage();
6688 * await page.emulateNetworkConditions(
6689 * PredefinedNetworkConditions['Slow 3G'],
6690 * );
6691 * await page.goto('https://www.google.com');
6692 * await page.emulateNetworkConditions(
6693 * PredefinedNetworkConditions['Fast 3G'],
6694 * );
6695 * await page.goto('https://www.google.com');
6696 * await page.emulateNetworkConditions(
6697 * PredefinedNetworkConditions['Slow 4G'],
6698 * ); // alias to Fast 3G.
6699 * await page.goto('https://www.google.com');
6700 * await page.emulateNetworkConditions(
6701 * PredefinedNetworkConditions['Fast 4G'],
6702 * );
6703 * await page.goto('https://www.google.com');
6704 * // other actions...
6705 * await browser.close();
6706 * })();
6707 * ```
6708 *
6709 * @public
6710 */
6711export declare const PredefinedNetworkConditions: Readonly<{
6712 'Slow 3G': NetworkConditions;
6713 'Fast 3G': NetworkConditions;
6714 'Slow 4G': NetworkConditions;
6715 'Fast 4G': NetworkConditions;
6719 * @public
6720 */
6721export declare type Predicate<From, To extends From = From> = ((value: From) => value is To) | ((value: From) => Awaitable<boolean>);
6723export { Protocol }
6726 * ProtocolError is emitted whenever there is an error from the protocol.
6727 *
6728 * @public
6729 */
6730export declare class ProtocolError extends PuppeteerError {
6732 set code(code: number | undefined);
6733 /**
6734 * @readonly
6735 * @public
6736 */
6737 get code(): number | undefined;
6738 set originalMessage(originalMessage: string);
6739 /**
6740 * @readonly
6741 * @public
6742 */
6743 get originalMessage(): string;
6747 * @public
6748 */
6749export declare type ProtocolLifeCycleEvent = 'load' | 'DOMContentLoaded' | 'networkIdle' | 'networkAlmostIdle';
6752 * @public
6753 */
6754export declare type ProtocolType = 'cdp' | 'webDriverBiDi';
6757 * The main Puppeteer class.
6758 *
6759 * IMPORTANT: if you are using Puppeteer in a Node environment, you will get an
6760 * instance of {@link PuppeteerNode} when you import or require `puppeteer`.
6761 * That class extends `Puppeteer`, so has all the methods documented below as
6762 * well as all that are defined on {@link PuppeteerNode}.
6763 *
6764 * @public
6765 */
6766export declare class Puppeteer {
6768 /**
6769 * Registers a {@link CustomQueryHandler | custom query handler}.
6770 *
6771 * @remarks
6772 * After registration, the handler can be used everywhere where a selector is
6773 * expected by prepending the selection string with `<name>/`. The name is only
6774 * allowed to consist of lower- and upper case latin letters.
6775 *
6776 * @example
6777 *
6778 * ```
6779 * import {Puppeteer}, puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
6780 *
6781 * Puppeteer.registerCustomQueryHandler('text', { … });
6782 * const aHandle = await page.$('text/…');
6783 * ```
6784 *
6785 * @param name - The name that the custom query handler will be registered
6786 * under.
6787 * @param queryHandler - The {@link CustomQueryHandler | custom query handler}
6788 * to register.
6789 *
6790 * @public
6791 */
6792 static registerCustomQueryHandler(name: string, queryHandler: CustomQueryHandler): void;
6793 /**
6794 * Unregisters a custom query handler for a given name.
6795 */
6796 static unregisterCustomQueryHandler(name: string): void;
6797 /**
6798 * Gets the names of all custom query handlers.
6799 */
6800 static customQueryHandlerNames(): string[];
6801 /**
6802 * Unregisters all custom query handlers.
6803 */
6804 static clearCustomQueryHandlers(): void;
6808 /**
6809 * This method attaches Puppeteer to an existing browser instance.
6810 *
6811 * @remarks
6812 *
6813 * @param options - Set of configurable options to set on the browser.
6814 * @returns Promise which resolves to browser instance.
6815 */
6816 connect(options: ConnectOptions): Promise<Browser>;
6820 * @public
6821 */
6822declare const puppeteer: Puppeteer_2.PuppeteerNode;
6823export default puppeteer;
6825declare namespace Puppeteer_2 {
6826 export {
6827 Protocol,
6828 Session,
6829 BrowserContextOptions,
6830 TargetFilterCallback,
6831 Permission,
6832 WaitForTargetOptions,
6833 BrowserEvent,
6834 BrowserEvents,
6835 DebugInfo,
6836 Browser,
6837 BrowserContextEvent,
6838 BrowserContextEvents,
6839 BrowserContext,
6840 CDPEvents,
6841 CDPSessionEvent,
6842 CDPSessionEvents,
6843 CommandOptions,
6844 CDPSession,
6845 Dialog,
6846 Quad,
6847 BoxModel,
6848 BoundingBox,
6849 Offset,
6850 ClickOptions,
6851 Point,
6852 ElementScreenshotOptions,
6853 ElementHandle,
6854 AutofillData,
6855 WaitForOptions,
6856 GoToOptions,
6857 FrameWaitForFunctionOptions,
6858 FrameAddScriptTagOptions,
6859 FrameAddStyleTagOptions,
6860 FrameEvents,
6861 Frame,
6862 ContinueRequestOverrides,
6863 InterceptResolutionState,
6864 ResponseForRequest,
6865 ResourceType,
6867 HTTPRequest,
6868 InterceptResolutionAction,
6869 ErrorCode,
6870 ActionResult,
6871 RemoteAddress,
6872 HTTPResponse,
6873 KeyDownOptions,
6874 KeyboardTypeOptions,
6875 KeyPressOptions,
6876 Keyboard,
6877 MouseOptions,
6878 MouseClickOptions,
6879 MouseWheelOptions,
6880 MouseMoveOptions,
6881 MouseButton,
6882 Mouse,
6883 TouchHandle,
6884 Touchscreen,
6885 JSHandle,
6886 Metrics,
6887 Credentials,
6888 WaitForNetworkIdleOptions,
6889 WaitTimeoutOptions,
6890 WaitForSelectorOptions,
6891 GeolocationOptions,
6892 MediaFeature,
6893 ScreenshotClip,
6894 ScreenshotOptions,
6895 ScreencastOptions,
6896 QueryOptions,
6897 PageEvent,
6898 PageEvents,
6899 NewDocumentScriptEvaluation,
6900 Page,
6901 TargetType,
6902 Target,
6903 WebWorker,
6904 VisibilityOption,
6905 ActionOptions,
6906 LocatorClickOptions,
6907 LocatorScrollOptions,
6908 LocatorEvent,
6909 LocatorEvents,
6910 Locator,
6911 Predicate,
6912 Mapper,
6913 AwaitedLocator,
6914 SerializedAXNode,
6915 SnapshotOptions,
6916 Accessibility,
6917 Connection,
6918 CoverageEntry,
6919 JSCoverageEntry,
6920 JSCoverageOptions,
6921 CSSCoverageOptions,
6922 Coverage,
6923 JSCoverage,
6924 CSSCoverage,
6925 DeviceRequestPromptDevice,
6926 DeviceRequestPrompt,
6927 ExtensionTransport,
6928 PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent,
6929 ProtocolLifeCycleEvent,
6930 NetworkConditions,
6931 InternalNetworkConditions,
6932 convertCookiesPartitionKeyFromPuppeteerToCdp,
6933 PredefinedNetworkConditions,
6934 TracingOptions,
6935 Tracing,
6936 ExperimentsConfiguration,
6937 Configuration,
6938 ChromeSettings,
6939 ChromeHeadlessShellSettings,
6940 FirefoxSettings,
6941 ConnectionTransport,
6942 ProtocolType,
6943 SupportedWebDriverCapability,
6944 SupportedWebDriverCapabilities,
6945 ConnectOptions,
6946 BrowserConnectOptions,
6947 ConsoleMessageLocation,
6948 ConsoleMessageType,
6949 ConsoleMessage,
6950 CookieSameSite,
6951 CookiePriority,
6952 CookieSourceScheme,
6953 CookiePartitionKey,
6954 Cookie,
6955 CookieParam,
6956 CookieData,
6957 DeleteCookiesRequest,
6958 CustomQueryHandler,
6959 Device,
6960 KnownDevices,
6961 PuppeteerError,
6962 TimeoutError,
6963 TouchError,
6964 ProtocolError,
6965 UnsupportedOperation,
6966 EventType,
6967 Handler,
6968 CommonEventEmitter,
6969 EventsWithWildcard,
6970 EventEmitter,
6971 FileChooser,
6972 PDFMargin,
6973 LowerCasePaperFormat,
6974 PaperFormat,
6975 PDFOptions,
6976 SupportedBrowser,
6977 Puppeteer,
6978 SecurityDetails,
6979 AwaitablePredicate,
6980 Moveable,
6981 AwaitableIterable,
6982 Awaitable,
6983 HandleFor,
6984 HandleOr,
6985 FlattenHandle,
6986 InnerParams,
6987 ElementFor,
6988 EvaluateFunc,
6989 EvaluateFuncWith,
6990 NodeFor,
6991 KeyInput,
6992 Viewport,
6993 DownloadPolicy,
6994 DownloadBehavior,
6995 ChromeReleaseChannel,
6996 LaunchOptions,
6997 BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions,
6998 PuppeteerNodeLaunchOptions,
6999 PuppeteerLaunchOptions,
7000 BrowserLauncher,
7001 PuppeteerNode,
7002 ScreenRecorder
7003 }
7007 * @license
7008 * Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
7009 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7010 */
7012 * The base class for all Puppeteer-specific errors
7013 *
7014 * @public
7015 */
7016export declare class PuppeteerError extends Error {
7022 * @deprecated Use {@link LaunchOptions}.
7023 * @public
7024 */
7025export declare type PuppeteerLaunchOptions = LaunchOptions;
7028 * @public
7029 */
7030export declare type PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent =
7032* Waits for the 'load' event.
7036* Waits for the 'DOMContentLoaded' event.
7038| 'domcontentloaded'
7040* Waits till there are no more than 0 network connections for at least `500`
7041* ms.
7043| 'networkidle0'
7045* Waits till there are no more than 2 network connections for at least `500`
7046* ms.
7048| 'networkidle2';
7051 * Extends the main {@link Puppeteer} class with Node specific behaviour for
7052 * fetching and downloading browsers.
7053 *
7054 * If you're using Puppeteer in a Node environment, this is the class you'll get
7055 * when you run `require('puppeteer')` (or the equivalent ES `import`).
7056 *
7057 * @remarks
7058 * The most common method to use is {@link PuppeteerNode.launch | launch}, which
7059 * is used to launch and connect to a new browser instance.
7060 *
7061 * See {@link Puppeteer | the main Puppeteer class} for methods common to all
7062 * environments, such as {@link Puppeteer.connect}.
7063 *
7064 * @example
7065 * The following is a typical example of using Puppeteer to drive automation:
7066 *
7067 * ```ts
7068 * import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
7069 *
7070 * (async () => {
7071 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
7072 * const page = await browser.newPage();
7073 * await page.goto('https://www.google.com');
7074 * // other actions...
7075 * await browser.close();
7076 * })();
7077 * ```
7078 *
7079 * Once you have created a `page` you have access to a large API to interact
7080 * with the page, navigate, or find certain elements in that page.
7081 * The {@link Page | `page` documentation} lists all the available methods.
7082 *
7083 * @public
7084 */
7085export declare class PuppeteerNode extends Puppeteer {
7090 /**
7091 * This method attaches Puppeteer to an existing browser instance.
7092 *
7093 * @param options - Set of configurable options to set on the browser.
7094 * @returns Promise which resolves to browser instance.
7095 */
7096 connect(options: ConnectOptions): Promise<Browser>;
7097 /**
7098 * Launches a browser instance with given arguments and options when
7099 * specified.
7100 *
7101 * When using with `puppeteer-core`,
7102 * {@link LaunchOptions.executablePath | options.executablePath} or
7103 * {@link LaunchOptions.channel | options.channel} must be provided.
7104 *
7105 * @example
7106 * You can use {@link LaunchOptions.ignoreDefaultArgs | options.ignoreDefaultArgs}
7107 * to filter out `--mute-audio` from default arguments:
7108 *
7109 * ```ts
7110 * const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
7111 * ignoreDefaultArgs: ['--mute-audio'],
7112 * });
7113 * ```
7114 *
7115 * @remarks
7116 * Puppeteer can also be used to control the Chrome browser, but it works best
7117 * with the version of Chrome for Testing downloaded by default.
7118 * There is no guarantee it will work with any other version. If Google Chrome
7119 * (rather than Chrome for Testing) is preferred, a
7120 * {@link https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/canary.html | Chrome Canary}
7121 * or
7122 * {@link https://www.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel | Dev Channel}
7123 * build is suggested. See
7124 * {@link https://www.howtogeek.com/202825/what%E2%80%99s-the-difference-between-chromium-and-chrome/ | this article}
7125 * for a description of the differences between Chromium and Chrome.
7126 * {@link https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/lkgr/docs/chromium_browser_vs_google_chrome.md | This article}
7127 * describes some differences for Linux users. See
7128 * {@link https://developer.chrome.com/blog/chrome-for-testing/ | this doc} for the description
7129 * of Chrome for Testing.
7130 *
7131 * @param options - Options to configure launching behavior.
7132 */
7133 launch(options?: LaunchOptions): Promise<Browser>;
7134 /**
7135 * The default executable path for a given ChromeReleaseChannel.
7136 */
7137 executablePath(channel: ChromeReleaseChannel): string;
7138 /**
7139 * The default executable path given LaunchOptions.
7140 */
7141 executablePath(options: LaunchOptions): string;
7142 /**
7143 * The default executable path.
7144 */
7145 executablePath(): string;
7148 /**
7149 * The name of the browser that was last launched.
7150 */
7151 get lastLaunchedBrowser(): SupportedBrowser;
7152 /**
7153 * The name of the browser that will be launched by default. For
7154 * `puppeteer`, this is influenced by your configuration. Otherwise, it's
7155 * `chrome`.
7156 */
7157 get defaultBrowser(): SupportedBrowser;
7158 /**
7159 * @deprecated Do not use as this field as it does not take into account
7160 * multiple browsers of different types. Use
7161 * {@link PuppeteerNode.defaultBrowser | defaultBrowser} or
7162 * {@link PuppeteerNode.lastLaunchedBrowser | lastLaunchedBrowser}.
7163 *
7164 * @returns The name of the browser that is under automation.
7165 */
7166 get product(): string;
7167 /**
7168 * @param options - Set of configurable options to set on the browser.
7169 *
7170 * @returns The default arguments that the browser will be launched with.
7171 */
7172 defaultArgs(options?: LaunchOptions): string[];
7173 /**
7174 * Removes all non-current Firefox and Chrome binaries in the cache directory
7175 * identified by the provided Puppeteer configuration. The current browser
7176 * version is determined by resolving PUPPETEER_REVISIONS from Puppeteer
7177 * unless `configuration.browserRevision` is provided.
7178 *
7179 * @remarks
7180 *
7181 * Note that the method does not check if any other Puppeteer versions
7182 * installed on the host that use the same cache directory require the
7183 * non-current binaries.
7184 *
7185 * @public
7186 */
7187 trimCache(): Promise<void>;
7191 * @deprecated Use {@link LaunchOptions}.
7192 * @public
7193 */
7194export declare type PuppeteerNodeLaunchOptions = LaunchOptions;
7197 * @public
7198 */
7199export declare type Quad = [Point, Point, Point, Point];
7202 * @public
7203 */
7204export declare interface QueryOptions {
7205 /**
7206 * Whether to run the query in isolation. When returning many elements
7207 * from {@link Page.$$} or similar methods, it might be useful to turn
7208 * off the isolation to improve performance. By default, the querying
7209 * code will be executed in a separate sandbox realm.
7210 *
7211 * @defaultValue `true`
7212 */
7213 isolate: boolean;
7217 * @public
7218 */
7219export declare interface RemoteAddress {
7220 ip?: string;
7221 port?: number;
7225 * Resource types for HTTPRequests as perceived by the rendering engine.
7226 *
7227 * @public
7228 */
7229export declare type ResourceType = Lowercase<Protocol.Network.ResourceType>;
7232 * Required response data to fulfill a request with.
7233 *
7234 * @public
7235 */
7236export declare interface ResponseForRequest {
7237 status: number;
7238 /**
7239 * Optional response headers.
7240 *
7241 * The record values will be converted to string following:
7242 * Arrays' values will be mapped to String
7243 * (Used when you need multiple headers with the same name).
7244 * Non-arrays will be converted to String.
7245 */
7246 headers: Record<string, string | string[] | unknown>;
7247 contentType: string;
7248 body: string | Uint8Array;
7252 * @public
7253 * @experimental
7254 */
7255export declare interface ScreencastOptions {
7256 /**
7257 * File path to save the screencast to.
7258 */
7259 path?: `${string}.webm`;
7260 /**
7261 * Specifies the region of the viewport to crop.
7262 */
7263 crop?: BoundingBox;
7264 /**
7265 * Scales the output video.
7266 *
7267 * For example, `0.5` will shrink the width and height of the output video by
7268 * half. `2` will double the width and height of the output video.
7269 *
7270 * @defaultValue `1`
7271 */
7272 scale?: number;
7273 /**
7274 * Specifies the speed to record at.
7275 *
7276 * For example, `0.5` will slowdown the output video by 50%. `2` will double the
7277 * speed of the output video.
7278 *
7279 * @defaultValue `1`
7280 */
7281 speed?: number;
7282 /**
7283 * Path to the {@link https://ffmpeg.org/ | ffmpeg}.
7284 *
7285 * Required if `ffmpeg` is not in your PATH.
7286 */
7287 ffmpegPath?: string;
7291 * @public
7292 */
7293export declare class ScreenRecorder extends PassThrough {
7296 /**
7297 * Stops the recorder.
7298 *
7299 * @public
7300 */
7301 stop(): Promise<void>;
7306 * @public
7307 */
7308export declare interface ScreenshotClip extends BoundingBox {
7309 /**
7310 * @defaultValue `1`
7311 */
7312 scale?: number;
7316 * @public
7317 */
7318export declare interface ScreenshotOptions {
7319 /**
7320 * @defaultValue `false`
7321 */
7322 optimizeForSpeed?: boolean;
7323 /**
7324 * @defaultValue `'png'`
7325 */
7326 type?: 'png' | 'jpeg' | 'webp';
7327 /**
7328 * Quality of the image, between 0-100. Not applicable to `png` images.
7329 */
7330 quality?: number;
7331 /**
7332 * Capture the screenshot from the surface, rather than the view.
7333 *
7334 * @defaultValue `true`
7335 */
7336 fromSurface?: boolean;
7337 /**
7338 * When `true`, takes a screenshot of the full page.
7339 *
7340 * @defaultValue `false`
7341 */
7342 fullPage?: boolean;
7343 /**
7344 * Hides default white background and allows capturing screenshots with transparency.
7345 *
7346 * @defaultValue `false`
7347 */
7348 omitBackground?: boolean;
7349 /**
7350 * The file path to save the image to. The screenshot type will be inferred
7351 * from file extension. If path is a relative path, then it is resolved
7352 * relative to current working directory. If no path is provided, the image
7353 * won't be saved to the disk.
7354 */
7355 path?: string;
7356 /**
7357 * Specifies the region of the page/element to clip.
7358 */
7359 clip?: ScreenshotClip;
7360 /**
7361 * Encoding of the image.
7362 *
7363 * @defaultValue `'binary'`
7364 */
7365 encoding?: 'base64' | 'binary';
7366 /**
7367 * Capture the screenshot beyond the viewport.
7368 *
7369 * @defaultValue `false` if there is no `clip`. `true` otherwise.
7370 */
7371 captureBeyondViewport?: boolean;
7375 * The SecurityDetails class represents the security details of a
7376 * response that was received over a secure connection.
7377 *
7378 * @public
7379 */
7380export declare class SecurityDetails {
7383 /**
7384 * The name of the issuer of the certificate.
7385 */
7386 issuer(): string;
7387 /**
7388 * {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time | Unix timestamp}
7389 * marking the start of the certificate's validity.
7390 */
7391 validFrom(): number;
7392 /**
7393 * {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time | Unix timestamp}
7394 * marking the end of the certificate's validity.
7395 */
7396 validTo(): number;
7397 /**
7398 * The security protocol being used, e.g. "TLS 1.2".
7399 */
7400 protocol(): string;
7401 /**
7402 * The name of the subject to which the certificate was issued.
7403 */
7404 subjectName(): string;
7405 /**
7406 * The list of {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subject_Alternative_Name | subject alternative names (SANs)} of the certificate.
7407 */
7408 subjectAlternativeNames(): string[];
7412 * Represents a Node and the properties of it that are relevant to Accessibility.
7413 * @public
7414 */
7415export declare interface SerializedAXNode {
7416 /**
7417 * The {@link https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/#usage_intro | role} of the node.
7418 */
7419 role: string;
7420 /**
7421 * A human readable name for the node.
7422 */
7423 name?: string;
7424 /**
7425 * The current value of the node.
7426 */
7427 value?: string | number;
7428 /**
7429 * An additional human readable description of the node.
7430 */
7431 description?: string;
7432 /**
7433 * Any keyboard shortcuts associated with this node.
7434 */
7435 keyshortcuts?: string;
7436 /**
7437 * A human readable alternative to the role.
7438 */
7439 roledescription?: string;
7440 /**
7441 * A description of the current value.
7442 */
7443 valuetext?: string;
7444 disabled?: boolean;
7445 expanded?: boolean;
7446 focused?: boolean;
7447 modal?: boolean;
7448 multiline?: boolean;
7449 /**
7450 * Whether more than one child can be selected.
7451 */
7452 multiselectable?: boolean;
7453 readonly?: boolean;
7454 required?: boolean;
7455 selected?: boolean;
7456 /**
7457 * Whether the checkbox is checked, or in a
7458 * {@link https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/examples/checkbox/checkbox-2/checkbox-2.html | mixed state}.
7459 */
7460 checked?: boolean | 'mixed';
7461 /**
7462 * Whether the node is checked or in a mixed state.
7463 */
7464 pressed?: boolean | 'mixed';
7465 /**
7466 * The level of a heading.
7467 */
7468 level?: number;
7469 valuemin?: number;
7470 valuemax?: number;
7471 autocomplete?: string;
7472 haspopup?: string;
7473 /**
7474 * Whether and in what way this node's value is invalid.
7475 */
7476 invalid?: string;
7477 orientation?: string;
7478 /**
7479 * Children of this node, if there are any.
7480 */
7481 children?: SerializedAXNode[];
7482 /**
7483 * Get an ElementHandle for this AXNode if available.
7484 *
7485 * If the underlying DOM element has been disposed, the method might return an
7486 * error.
7487 */
7488 elementHandle(): Promise<ElementHandle | null>;
7491export { Session }
7494 * @public
7495 */
7496export declare interface SnapshotOptions {
7497 /**
7498 * Prune uninteresting nodes from the tree.
7499 * @defaultValue `true`
7500 */
7501 interestingOnly?: boolean;
7502 /**
7503 * Root node to get the accessibility tree for
7504 * @defaultValue The root node of the entire page.
7505 */
7506 root?: ElementHandle<Node>;
7510 * @license
7511 * Copyright 2020 Google Inc.
7512 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7513 */
7515 * Browsers supported by Puppeteer.
7516 *
7517 * @public
7518 */
7519export declare type SupportedBrowser = 'chrome' | 'firefox';
7522 * WebDriver BiDi capabilities that are not set by Puppeteer itself.
7523 *
7524 * @public
7525 */
7526export declare interface SupportedWebDriverCapabilities {
7527 firstMatch?: SupportedWebDriverCapability[];
7528 alwaysMatch?: SupportedWebDriverCapability;
7532 * @public
7533 */
7534export declare type SupportedWebDriverCapability = any;
7537 * Target represents a
7538 * {@link https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Target/ | CDP target}.
7539 * In CDP a target is something that can be debugged such a frame, a page or a
7540 * worker.
7541 * @public
7542 */
7543export declare abstract class Target {
7545 /**
7546 * If the target is not of type `"service_worker"` or `"shared_worker"`, returns `null`.
7547 */
7548 worker(): Promise<WebWorker | null>;
7549 /**
7550 * If the target is not of type `"page"`, `"webview"` or `"background_page"`,
7551 * returns `null`.
7552 */
7553 page(): Promise<Page | null>;
7554 /**
7555 * Forcefully creates a page for a target of any type. It is useful if you
7556 * want to handle a CDP target of type `other` as a page. If you deal with a
7557 * regular page target, use {@link Target.page}.
7558 */
7559 abstract asPage(): Promise<Page>;
7560 abstract url(): string;
7561 /**
7562 * Creates a Chrome Devtools Protocol session attached to the target.
7563 */
7564 abstract createCDPSession(): Promise<CDPSession>;
7565 /**
7566 * Identifies what kind of target this is.
7567 *
7568 * @remarks
7569 *
7570 * See {@link https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/background_pages | docs} for more info about background pages.
7571 */
7572 abstract type(): TargetType;
7573 /**
7574 * Get the browser the target belongs to.
7575 */
7576 abstract browser(): Browser;
7577 /**
7578 * Get the browser context the target belongs to.
7579 */
7580 abstract browserContext(): BrowserContext;
7581 /**
7582 * Get the target that opened this target. Top-level targets return `null`.
7583 */
7584 abstract opener(): Target | undefined;
7588 * @public
7589 */
7590export declare type TargetFilterCallback = (target: Target) => boolean;
7593 * @public
7594 */
7595export declare enum TargetType {
7596 PAGE = "page",
7597 BACKGROUND_PAGE = "background_page",
7598 SERVICE_WORKER = "service_worker",
7599 SHARED_WORKER = "shared_worker",
7600 BROWSER = "browser",
7601 WEBVIEW = "webview",
7602 OTHER = "other",
7607 * TimeoutError is emitted whenever certain operations are terminated due to
7608 * timeout.
7609 *
7610 * @remarks
7611 * Example operations are {@link Page.waitForSelector | page.waitForSelector} or
7612 * {@link PuppeteerNode.launch | puppeteer.launch}.
7613 *
7614 * @public
7615 */
7616export declare class TimeoutError extends PuppeteerError {
7620 * TouchError is thrown when an attempt is made to move or end a touch that does
7621 * not exist.
7622 * @public
7623 */
7624export declare class TouchError extends PuppeteerError {
7628 * The TouchHandle interface exposes methods to manipulate touches that have been started
7629 * @public
7630 */
7631export declare interface TouchHandle {
7632 /**
7633 * Dispatches a `touchMove` event for this touch.
7634 * @param x - Horizontal position of the move.
7635 * @param y - Vertical position of the move.
7636 */
7637 move(x: number, y: number): Promise<void>;
7638 /**
7639 * Dispatches a `touchend` event for this touch.
7640 */
7641 end(): Promise<void>;
7645 * The Touchscreen class exposes touchscreen events.
7646 * @public
7647 */
7648export declare abstract class Touchscreen {
7653 /**
7654 * Dispatches a `touchstart` and `touchend` event.
7655 * @param x - Horizontal position of the tap.
7656 * @param y - Vertical position of the tap.
7657 */
7658 tap(x: number, y: number): Promise<void>;
7659 /**
7660 * Dispatches a `touchstart` event.
7661 * @param x - Horizontal position of the tap.
7662 * @param y - Vertical position of the tap.
7663 * @returns A handle for the touch that was started.
7664 */
7665 abstract touchStart(x: number, y: number): Promise<TouchHandle>;
7666 /**
7667 * Dispatches a `touchMove` event on the first touch that is active.
7668 * @param x - Horizontal position of the move.
7669 * @param y - Vertical position of the move.
7670 *
7671 * @remarks
7672 *
7673 * Not every `touchMove` call results in a `touchmove` event being emitted,
7674 * depending on the browser's optimizations. For example, Chrome
7675 * {@link https://developer.chrome.com/blog/a-more-compatible-smoother-touch/#chromes-new-model-the-throttled-async-touchmove-model | throttles}
7676 * touch move events.
7677 */
7678 touchMove(x: number, y: number): Promise<void>;
7679 /**
7680 * Dispatches a `touchend` event on the first touch that is active.
7681 */
7682 touchEnd(): Promise<void>;
7686 * The Tracing class exposes the tracing audit interface.
7687 * @remarks
7688 * You can use `tracing.start` and `tracing.stop` to create a trace file
7689 * which can be opened in Chrome DevTools or {@link https://chromedevtools.github.io/timeline-viewer/ | timeline viewer}.
7690 *
7691 * @example
7692 *
7693 * ```ts
7694 * await page.tracing.start({path: 'trace.json'});
7695 * await page.goto('https://www.google.com');
7696 * await page.tracing.stop();
7697 * ```
7698 *
7699 * @public
7700 */
7701export declare class Tracing {
7705 /**
7706 * Starts a trace for the current page.
7707 * @remarks
7708 * Only one trace can be active at a time per browser.
7709 *
7710 * @param options - Optional `TracingOptions`.
7711 */
7712 start(options?: TracingOptions): Promise<void>;
7713 /**
7714 * Stops a trace started with the `start` method.
7715 * @returns Promise which resolves to buffer with trace data.
7716 */
7717 stop(): Promise<Uint8Array | undefined>;
7721 * @public
7722 */
7723export declare interface TracingOptions {
7724 path?: string;
7725 screenshots?: boolean;
7726 categories?: string[];
7730 * Puppeteer will throw this error if a method is not
7731 * supported by the currently used protocol
7732 *
7733 * @public
7734 */
7735export declare class UnsupportedOperation extends PuppeteerError {
7739 * @license
7740 * Copyright 2020 Google Inc.
7741 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7742 */
7744 * @public
7745 */
7746export declare interface Viewport {
7747 /**
7748 * The page width in CSS pixels.
7749 *
7750 * @remarks
7751 * Setting this value to `0` will reset this value to the system default.
7752 */
7753 width: number;
7754 /**
7755 * The page height in CSS pixels.
7756 *
7757 * @remarks
7758 * Setting this value to `0` will reset this value to the system default.
7759 */
7760 height: number;
7761 /**
7762 * Specify device scale factor.
7763 * See {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/devicePixelRatio | devicePixelRatio} for more info.
7764 *
7765 * @remarks
7766 * Setting this value to `0` will reset this value to the system default.
7767 *
7768 * @defaultValue `1`
7769 */
7770 deviceScaleFactor?: number;
7771 /**
7772 * Whether the `meta viewport` tag is taken into account.
7773 * @defaultValue `false`
7774 */
7775 isMobile?: boolean;
7776 /**
7777 * Specifies if the viewport is in landscape mode.
7778 * @defaultValue `false`
7779 */
7780 isLandscape?: boolean;
7781 /**
7782 * Specify if the viewport supports touch events.
7783 * @defaultValue `false`
7784 */
7785 hasTouch?: boolean;
7789 * Whether to wait for the element to be
7790 * {@link ElementHandle.isVisible | visible} or
7791 * {@link ElementHandle.isHidden | hidden}.
7792 * `null` to disable visibility checks.
7793 *
7794 * @public
7795 */
7796export declare type VisibilityOption = 'hidden' | 'visible' | null;
7799 * @public
7800 */
7801export declare interface WaitForNetworkIdleOptions extends WaitTimeoutOptions {
7802 /**
7803 * Time (in milliseconds) the network should be idle.
7804 *
7805 * @defaultValue `500`
7806 */
7807 idleTime?: number;
7808 /**
7809 * Maximum number concurrent of network connections to be considered inactive.
7810 *
7811 * @defaultValue `0`
7812 */
7813 concurrency?: number;
7817 * @public
7818 */
7819export declare interface WaitForOptions {
7820 /**
7821 * Maximum wait time in milliseconds. Pass 0 to disable the timeout.
7822 *
7823 * The default value can be changed by using the
7824 * {@link Page.setDefaultTimeout} or {@link Page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout}
7825 * methods.
7826 *
7827 * @defaultValue `30000`
7828 */
7829 timeout?: number;
7830 /**
7831 * When to consider waiting succeeds. Given an array of event strings, waiting
7832 * is considered to be successful after all events have been fired.
7833 *
7834 * @defaultValue `'load'`
7835 */
7836 waitUntil?: PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent | PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent[];
7838 /**
7839 * A signal object that allows you to cancel the call.
7840 */
7841 signal?: AbortSignal;
7845 * @public
7846 */
7847export declare interface WaitForSelectorOptions {
7848 /**
7849 * Wait for the selected element to be present in DOM and to be visible. See
7850 * {@link ElementHandle.isVisible} for the definition of element visibility.
7851 *
7852 * @defaultValue `false`
7853 */
7854 visible?: boolean;
7855 /**
7856 * Wait for the selected element to not be found in the DOM or to be hidden.
7857 * See {@link ElementHandle.isHidden} for the definition of element
7858 * invisibility.
7859 *
7860 * @defaultValue `false`
7861 */
7862 hidden?: boolean;
7863 /**
7864 * Maximum time to wait in milliseconds. Pass `0` to disable timeout.
7865 *
7866 * The default value can be changed by using {@link Page.setDefaultTimeout}
7867 *
7868 * @defaultValue `30_000` (30 seconds)
7869 */
7870 timeout?: number;
7871 /**
7872 * A signal object that allows you to cancel a waitForSelector call.
7873 */
7874 signal?: AbortSignal;
7878 * @public
7879 */
7880export declare interface WaitForTargetOptions {
7881 /**
7882 * Maximum wait time in milliseconds. Pass `0` to disable the timeout.
7883 *
7884 * @defaultValue `30_000`
7885 */
7886 timeout?: number;
7887 /**
7888 * A signal object that allows you to cancel a waitFor call.
7889 */
7890 signal?: AbortSignal;
7894 * @public
7895 */
7896export declare interface WaitTimeoutOptions {
7897 /**
7898 * Maximum wait time in milliseconds. Pass 0 to disable the timeout.
7899 *
7900 * The default value can be changed by using the
7901 * {@link Page.setDefaultTimeout} method.
7902 *
7903 * @defaultValue `30_000`
7904 */
7905 timeout?: number;
7906 /**
7907 * A signal object that allows you to cancel a waitFor call.
7908 */
7909 signal?: AbortSignal;
7913 * This class represents a
7914 * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API | WebWorker}.
7915 *
7916 * @remarks
7917 * The events `workercreated` and `workerdestroyed` are emitted on the page
7918 * object to signal the worker lifecycle.
7919 *
7920 * @example
7921 *
7922 * ```ts
7923 * page.on('workercreated', worker =>
7924 * console.log('Worker created: ' + worker.url()),
7925 * );
7926 * page.on('workerdestroyed', worker =>
7927 * console.log('Worker destroyed: ' + worker.url()),
7928 * );
7929 *
7930 * console.log('Current workers:');
7931 * for (const worker of page.workers()) {
7932 * console.log(' ' + worker.url());
7933 * }
7934 * ```
7935 *
7936 * @public
7937 */
7938export declare abstract class WebWorker extends EventEmitter<Record<EventType, unknown>> {
7943 /**
7944 * The URL of this web worker.
7945 */
7946 url(): string;
7947 /**
7948 * The CDP session client the WebWorker belongs to.
7949 */
7950 abstract get client(): CDPSession;
7951 /**
7952 * Evaluates a given function in the {@link WebWorker | worker}.
7953 *
7954 * @remarks If the given function returns a promise,
7955 * {@link WebWorker.evaluate | evaluate} will wait for the promise to resolve.
7956 *
7957 * As a rule of thumb, if the return value of the given function is more
7958 * complicated than a JSON object (e.g. most classes), then
7959 * {@link WebWorker.evaluate | evaluate} will _likely_ return some truncated
7960 * value (or `{}`). This is because we are not returning the actual return
7961 * value, but a deserialized version as a result of transferring the return
7962 * value through a protocol to Puppeteer.
7963 *
7964 * In general, you should use
7965 * {@link WebWorker.evaluateHandle | evaluateHandle} if
7966 * {@link WebWorker.evaluate | evaluate} cannot serialize the return value
7967 * properly or you need a mutable {@link JSHandle | handle} to the return
7968 * object.
7969 *
7970 * @param func - Function to be evaluated.
7971 * @param args - Arguments to pass into `func`.
7972 * @returns The result of `func`.
7973 */
7974 evaluate<Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFunc<Params> = EvaluateFunc<Params>>(func: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>;
7975 /**
7976 * Evaluates a given function in the {@link WebWorker | worker}.
7977 *
7978 * @remarks If the given function returns a promise,
7979 * {@link WebWorker.evaluate | evaluate} will wait for the promise to resolve.
7980 *
7981 * In general, you should use
7982 * {@link WebWorker.evaluateHandle | evaluateHandle} if
7983 * {@link WebWorker.evaluate | evaluate} cannot serialize the return value
7984 * properly or you need a mutable {@link JSHandle | handle} to the return
7985 * object.
7986 *
7987 * @param func - Function to be evaluated.
7988 * @param args - Arguments to pass into `func`.
7989 * @returns A {@link JSHandle | handle} to the return value of `func`.
7990 */
7991 evaluateHandle<Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFunc<Params> = EvaluateFunc<Params>>(func: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise<HandleFor<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>>;
7992 close(): Promise<void>;
7995export { }
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