1 | {
2 | "name": "puppeteer-core",
3 | "version": "23.10.4",
4 | "description": "A high-level API to control headless Chrome over the DevTools Protocol",
5 | "keywords": [
6 | "puppeteer",
7 | "chrome",
8 | "headless",
9 | "automation"
10 | ],
11 | "type": "commonjs",
12 | "main": "./lib/cjs/puppeteer/puppeteer-core.js",
13 | "types": "./lib/types.d.ts",
14 | "browser": "./lib/esm/puppeteer/puppeteer-core-browser.js",
15 | "exports": {
16 | ".": {
17 | "types": "./lib/types.d.ts",
18 | "import": "./lib/esm/puppeteer/puppeteer-core.js",
19 | "require": "./lib/cjs/puppeteer/puppeteer-core.js"
20 | },
21 | "./internal/*": {
22 | "import": "./lib/esm/puppeteer/*",
23 | "require": "./lib/cjs/puppeteer/*"
24 | },
25 | "./*": {
26 | "import": "./*",
27 | "require": "./*"
28 | }
29 | },
30 | "repository": {
31 | "type": "git",
32 | "url": "https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/tree/main/packages/puppeteer-core"
33 | },
34 | "engines": {
35 | "node": ">=18"
36 | },
37 | "scripts": {
38 | "build:docs": "wireit",
39 | "build": "wireit",
40 | "check": "tsx tools/ensure-correct-devtools-protocol-package",
41 | "clean": "../../tools/clean.mjs",
42 | "prepack": "wireit",
43 | "unit": "wireit"
44 | },
45 | "wireit": {
46 | "prepack": {
47 | "command": "tsx ../../tools/cp.ts ../../README.md README.md",
48 | "files": [
49 | "../../README.md"
50 | ],
51 | "output": [
52 | "README.md"
53 | ]
54 | },
55 | "build": {
56 | "dependencies": [
57 | "build:tsc",
58 | "build:types",
59 | "build:es5"
60 | ]
61 | },
62 | "build:docs": {
63 | "command": "api-extractor run --local --config \"./api-extractor.docs.json\"",
64 | "files": [
65 | "api-extractor.docs.json",
66 | "lib/esm/puppeteer/puppeteer-core.d.ts",
67 | "tsconfig.json"
68 | ],
69 | "dependencies": [
70 | "build:tsc"
71 | ]
72 | },
73 | "build:tsc": {
74 | "command": "hereby build",
75 | "clean": "if-file-deleted",
76 | "dependencies": [
77 | "../browsers:build"
78 | ],
79 | "files": [
80 | "{src,third_party}/**",
81 | "../../versions.js",
82 | "!src/generated",
83 | "Herebyfile.mjs"
84 | ],
85 | "output": [
86 | "lib/{cjs,esm}/**"
87 | ]
88 | },
89 | "build:es5": {
90 | "command": "rollup -c rollup.config.mjs && node ../../tools/patch.mjs lib/es5-iife/puppeteer-core-browser.js lib/es5-iife/puppeteer-core-browser.d.ts lib/types.d.ts",
91 | "files": [
92 | "rollup.config.mjs"
93 | ],
94 | "output": [
95 | "lib/es5-iife/puppeteer-core-browser.js"
96 | ],
97 | "dependencies": [
98 | "build:tsc",
99 | "build:types"
100 | ]
101 | },
102 | "build:types": {
103 | "command": "api-extractor run --local && eslint --cache-location .eslintcache --cache --no-ignore --no-config-lookup -c=../../eslint.types.config.mjs --fix lib/types.d.ts",
104 | "files": [
105 | "../../eslint.types.config.mjs",
106 | "api-extractor.json",
107 | "lib/esm/puppeteer/types.d.ts",
108 | "tsconfig.json"
109 | ],
110 | "output": [
111 | "lib/types.d.ts"
112 | ],
113 | "dependencies": [
114 | "build:tsc"
115 | ]
116 | },
117 | "unit": {
118 | "command": "node --test --test-reporter=spec \"lib/cjs/**/*.test.js\"",
119 | "dependencies": [
120 | "build"
121 | ]
122 | }
123 | },
124 | "files": [
125 | "lib",
126 | "src",
127 | "!*.test.ts",
128 | "!*.test.js",
129 | "!*.test.d.ts",
130 | "!*.test.js.map",
131 | "!*.test.d.ts.map",
132 | "!*.tsbuildinfo"
133 | ],
134 | "author": "The Chromium Authors",
135 | "license": "Apache-2.0",
136 | "dependencies": {
137 | "@puppeteer/browsers": "2.6.1",
138 | "chromium-bidi": "0.8.0",
139 | "debug": "^4.4.0",
140 | "devtools-protocol": "0.0.1367902",
141 | "typed-query-selector": "^2.12.0",
142 | "ws": "^8.18.0"
143 | },
144 | "devDependencies": {
145 | "@types/chrome": "0.0.287",
146 | "@types/debug": "4.1.12",
147 | "@types/node": "^18.17.15",
148 | "@types/ws": "8.5.13",
149 | "mitt": "3.0.1",
150 | "parsel-js": "1.2.1",
151 | "rxjs": "7.8.1"
152 | }
153 | }