9.21 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as postcss from "postcss";
2interface RawContent<T = string> {
3 extension: string;
4 raw: T;
6interface RawCSS {
7 raw: string;
9interface ExtractorResultDetailed {
10 attributes: {
11 names: string[];
12 values: string[];
13 };
14 classes: string[];
15 ids: string[];
16 tags: string[];
17 undetermined: string[];
19type ExtractorResult = ExtractorResultDetailed | string[];
20type ExtractorFunction<T = string> = (content: T) => ExtractorResult;
21interface Extractors {
22 extensions: string[];
23 extractor: ExtractorFunction;
25type StringRegExpArray = Array<RegExp | string>;
26type ComplexSafelist = {
27 standard?: StringRegExpArray;
28 deep?: RegExp[];
29 greedy?: RegExp[];
30 variables?: StringRegExpArray;
31 keyframes?: StringRegExpArray;
33type UserDefinedSafelist = StringRegExpArray | ComplexSafelist;
34interface UserDefinedOptions {
35 content: Array<string | RawContent>;
36 css: Array<string | RawCSS>;
37 defaultExtractor?: ExtractorFunction;
38 extractors?: Array<Extractors>;
39 fontFace?: boolean;
40 keyframes?: boolean;
41 output?: string;
42 rejected?: boolean;
43 stdin?: boolean;
44 stdout?: boolean;
45 variables?: boolean;
46 safelist?: UserDefinedSafelist;
47 blocklist?: StringRegExpArray;
48 skippedContentGlobs?: Array<string>;
49 dynamicAttributes?: string[];
51interface Options {
52 content: Array<string | RawContent>;
53 css: Array<string | RawCSS>;
54 defaultExtractor: ExtractorFunction;
55 extractors: Array<Extractors>;
56 fontFace: boolean;
57 keyframes: boolean;
58 output?: string;
59 rejected: boolean;
60 stdin: boolean;
61 stdout: boolean;
62 variables: boolean;
63 safelist: Required<ComplexSafelist>;
64 blocklist: StringRegExpArray;
65 skippedContentGlobs: Array<string>;
66 dynamicAttributes: string[];
68interface ResultPurge {
69 css: string;
70 file?: string;
71 rejected?: string[];
73declare class ExtractorResultSets {
74 private undetermined;
75 private attrNames;
76 private attrValues;
77 private classes;
78 private ids;
79 private tags;
80 constructor(er: ExtractorResult);
81 merge(that: ExtractorResult | ExtractorResultSets): this;
82 hasAttrName(name: string): boolean;
83 private someAttrValue;
84 hasAttrPrefix(prefix: string): boolean;
85 hasAttrSuffix(suffix: string): boolean;
86 hasAttrSubstr(substr: string): boolean;
87 hasAttrValue(value: string): boolean;
88 hasClass(name: string): boolean;
89 hasId(id: string): boolean;
90 hasTag(tag: string): boolean;
92declare const defaultOptions: Options;
93declare function standardizeSafelist(userDefinedSafelist?: UserDefinedSafelist): Required<ComplexSafelist>;
95 * Load the configuration file from the path
96 * @param configFile Path of the config file
97 */
98declare function setOptions(configFile?: string): Promise<Options>;
100 * Merge two extractor selectors
101 * @param extractorSelectorsA extractor selectors A
102 * @param extractorSelectorsB extractor selectors B
103 */
104declare function mergeExtractorSelectors(...extractors: (ExtractorResultDetailed | ExtractorResultSets)[]): ExtractorResultSets;
105declare class PurgeCSS {
106 private ignore;
107 private atRules;
108 private usedAnimations;
109 private usedFontFaces;
110 selectorsRemoved: Set<string>;
111 private variablesStructure;
112 options: Options;
113 private collectDeclarationsData;
114 /**
115 * Get the extractor corresponding to the extension file
116 * @param filename Name of the file
117 * @param extractors Array of extractors definition
118 */
119 /**
120 * Get the extractor corresponding to the extension file
121 * @param filename Name of the file
122 * @param extractors Array of extractors definition
123 */
124 private getFileExtractor;
125 /**
126 * Extract the selectors present in the files using a purgecss extractor
127 * @param files Array of files path or glob pattern
128 * @param extractors Array of extractors
129 */
130 /**
131 * Extract the selectors present in the files using a purgecss extractor
132 * @param files Array of files path or glob pattern
133 * @param extractors Array of extractors
134 */
135 extractSelectorsFromFiles(files: string[], extractors: Extractors[]): Promise<ExtractorResultSets>;
136 /**
137 * Extract the selectors present in the passed string using a PurgeCSS extractor
138 * @param content Array of content
139 * @param extractors Array of extractors
140 */
141 /**
142 * Extract the selectors present in the passed string using a PurgeCSS extractor
143 * @param content Array of content
144 * @param extractors Array of extractors
145 */
146 extractSelectorsFromString(content: RawContent[], extractors: Extractors[]): Promise<ExtractorResultSets>;
147 /**
148 * Evaluate at-rule and register it for future reference
149 * @param node node of postcss AST
150 */
151 /**
152 * Evaluate at-rule and register it for future reference
153 * @param node node of postcss AST
154 */
155 private evaluateAtRule;
156 /**
157 * Evaluate css selector and decide if it should be removed or not
158 * @param node node of postcss AST
159 * @param selectors selectors used in content files
160 */
161 /**
162 * Evaluate css selector and decide if it should be removed or not
163 * @param node node of postcss AST
164 * @param selectors selectors used in content files
165 */
166 private evaluateRule;
167 /**
168 * Get the purged version of the css based on the files
169 * @param cssOptions css options, files or raw strings
170 * @param selectors set of extracted css selectors
171 */
172 /**
173 * Get the purged version of the css based on the files
174 * @param cssOptions css options, files or raw strings
175 * @param selectors set of extracted css selectors
176 */
177 getPurgedCSS(cssOptions: Array<string | RawCSS>, selectors: ExtractorResultSets): Promise<ResultPurge[]>;
178 /**
179 * Check if the keyframe is safelisted with the option safelist keyframes
180 * @param keyframesName name of the keyframe animation
181 */
182 /**
183 * Check if the keyframe is safelisted with the option safelist keyframes
184 * @param keyframesName name of the keyframe animation
185 */
186 private isKeyframesSafelisted;
187 /**
188 * Check if the selector is blocklisted with the option blocklist
189 * @param selector css selector
190 */
191 /**
192 * Check if the selector is blocklisted with the option blocklist
193 * @param selector css selector
194 */
195 private isSelectorBlocklisted;
196 /**
197 * Check if the selector is safelisted with the option safelist standard
198 * @param selector css selector
199 */
200 /**
201 * Check if the selector is safelisted with the option safelist standard
202 * @param selector css selector
203 */
204 private isSelectorSafelisted;
205 /**
206 * Check if the selector is safelisted with the option safelist deep
207 * @param selector selector
208 */
209 /**
210 * Check if the selector is safelisted with the option safelist deep
211 * @param selector selector
212 */
213 private isSelectorSafelistedDeep;
214 /**
215 * Check if the selector is safelisted with the option safelist greedy
216 * @param selector selector
217 */
218 /**
219 * Check if the selector is safelisted with the option safelist greedy
220 * @param selector selector
221 */
222 private isSelectorSafelistedGreedy;
223 /**
224 * Remove unused css
225 * @param userOptions PurgeCSS options
226 */
227 /**
228 * Remove unused css
229 * @param userOptions PurgeCSS options
230 */
231 purge(userOptions: UserDefinedOptions | string | undefined): Promise<ResultPurge[]>;
232 /**
233 * Remove unused CSS variables
234 */
235 /**
236 * Remove unused CSS variables
237 */
238 removeUnusedCSSVariables(): void;
239 /**
240 * Remove unused font-faces
241 */
242 /**
243 * Remove unused font-faces
244 */
245 removeUnusedFontFaces(): void;
246 /**
247 * Remove unused keyframes
248 */
249 /**
250 * Remove unused keyframes
251 */
252 removeUnusedKeyframes(): void;
253 /**
254 * Transform a selector node into a string
255 */
256 /**
257 * Transform a selector node into a string
258 */
259 private getSelectorValue;
260 /**
261 * Determine if the selector should be kept, based on the selectors found in the files
262 * @param selector set of css selectors found in the content files or string
263 * @param selectorsFromExtractor selectors in the css rule
264 */
265 /**
266 * Determine if the selector should be kept, based on the selectors found in the files
267 * @param selector set of css selectors found in the content files or string
268 * @param selectorsFromExtractor selectors in the css rule
269 */
270 private shouldKeepSelector;
271 /**
272 * Walk through the CSS AST and remove unused CSS
273 * @param root root node of the postcss AST
274 * @param selectors selectors used in content files
275 */
276 /**
277 * Walk through the CSS AST and remove unused CSS
278 * @param root root node of the postcss AST
279 * @param selectors selectors used in content files
280 */
281 walkThroughCSS(root: postcss.Root, selectors: ExtractorResultSets): void;
283export { PurgeCSS as default, PurgeCSS, defaultOptions, standardizeSafelist, setOptions, mergeExtractorSelectors };