1 | /**
2 | * Core package of PurgeCSS
3 | *
4 | * Contains the core methods to analyze the files, remove unused CSS.
5 | *
6 | * @packageDocumentation
7 | */
8 |
9 | import * as postcss from 'postcss';
10 |
11 | /* Excluded from this release type: AtRules */
12 |
13 | /**
14 | * @public
15 | */
16 | export declare type ComplexSafelist = {
17 | standard?: StringRegExpArray;
18 | /**
19 | * You can safelist selectors and their children based on a regular
20 | * expression with `safelist.deep`
21 | *
22 | * @example
23 | *
24 | * ```ts
25 | * const purgecss = await new PurgeCSS().purge({
26 | * content: [],
27 | * css: [],
28 | * safelist: {
29 | * deep: [/red$/]
30 | * }
31 | * })
32 | * ```
33 | *
34 | * In this example, selectors such as `.bg-red .child-of-bg` will be left
35 | * in the final CSS, even if `child-of-bg` is not found.
36 | *
37 | */
38 | deep?: RegExp[];
39 | greedy?: RegExp[];
40 | variables?: StringRegExpArray;
41 | keyframes?: StringRegExpArray;
42 | };
43 |
44 | /**
45 | * @public
46 | */
47 | export declare const defaultOptions: Options;
48 |
49 | /**
50 | * @public
51 | */
52 | export declare type ExtractorFunction<T = string> = (content: T) => ExtractorResult;
53 |
54 | /**
55 | * @public
56 | */
57 | export declare type ExtractorResult = ExtractorResultDetailed | string[];
58 |
59 | /**
60 | * @public
61 | */
62 | export declare interface ExtractorResultDetailed {
63 | attributes: {
64 | names: string[];
65 | values: string[];
66 | };
67 | classes: string[];
68 | ids: string[];
69 | tags: string[];
70 | undetermined: string[];
71 | }
72 |
73 | /**
74 | * @public
75 | */
76 | export declare class ExtractorResultSets {
77 | private undetermined;
78 | private attrNames;
79 | private attrValues;
80 | private classes;
81 | private ids;
82 | private tags;
83 | constructor(er: ExtractorResult);
84 | merge(that: ExtractorResult | ExtractorResultSets): this;
85 | hasAttrName(name: string): boolean;
86 | private someAttrValue;
87 | hasAttrPrefix(prefix: string): boolean;
88 | hasAttrSuffix(suffix: string): boolean;
89 | hasAttrSubstr(substr: string): boolean;
90 | hasAttrValue(value: string): boolean;
91 | hasClass(name: string): boolean;
92 | hasId(id: string): boolean;
93 | hasTag(tag: string): boolean;
94 | }
95 |
96 | /**
97 | * @public
98 | */
99 | export declare interface Extractors {
100 | extensions: string[];
101 | extractor: ExtractorFunction;
102 | }
103 |
104 | /* Excluded from this release type: IgnoreType */
105 |
106 | /**
107 | * Merge two extractor selectors
108 | *
109 | * @param extractorSelectorsA - extractor selectors A
110 | * @param extractorSelectorsB - extractor selectors B
111 | * @returns the merged extractor result sets
112 | *
113 | * @public
114 | */
115 | export declare function mergeExtractorSelectors(...extractors: (ExtractorResultDetailed | ExtractorResultSets)[]): ExtractorResultSets;
116 |
117 | /**
118 | * Options used by PurgeCSS to remove unused CSS
119 | * Those options are used internally
120 | * @see {@link UserDefinedOptions} for the options defined by the user
121 | *
122 | * @public
123 | */
124 | export declare interface Options {
125 | /**
126 | * You can specify content that should be analyzed by PurgeCSS with an
127 | * array of filenames or globs. The files can be HTML, Pug, Blade, etc.
128 | *
129 | * @example
130 | *
131 | * ```ts
132 | * await new PurgeCSS().purge({
133 | * content: ['index.html', '*.js', '*.html', '*.vue'],
134 | * css: ['css/app.css']
135 | * })
136 | * ```
137 | *
138 | * @example
139 | * PurgeCSS also works with raw content. To do this, you need to pass an
140 | * object with the `raw` property instead of a filename. To work properly
141 | * with custom extractors you need to pass the `extension` property along
142 | * with the raw content.
143 | *
144 | * ```ts
145 | * await new PurgeCSS().purge({
146 | * content: [
147 | * {
148 | * raw: '<html><body><div class="app"></div></body></html>',
149 | * extension: 'html'
150 | * },
151 | * '*.js',
152 | * '*.html',
153 | * '*.vue'
154 | * ],
155 | * css: [
156 | * {
157 | * raw: 'body { margin: 0 }'
158 | * },
159 | * 'css/app.css'
160 | * ]
161 | * })
162 | * ```
163 | */
164 | content: Array<string | RawContent>;
165 | /**
166 | * Similar to content, you can specify css that should be processed by
167 | * PurgeCSS with an array of filenames or globs
168 | */
169 | css: Array<string | RawCSS>;
170 | defaultExtractor: ExtractorFunction;
171 | extractors: Array<Extractors>;
172 | /**
173 | * If there are any unused \@font-face rules in your css, you can remove
174 | * them by setting the `fontFace` option to `true`.
175 | *
176 | * @defaultValue `false`
177 | *
178 | * @example
179 | * ```ts
180 | * await new PurgeCSS().purge({
181 | * content: ['index.html', '*.js', '*.html', '*.vue'],
182 | * css: ['css/app.css'],
183 | * fontFace: true
184 | * })
185 | * ```
186 | */
187 | fontFace: boolean;
188 | keyframes: boolean;
189 | output?: string;
190 | rejected: boolean;
191 | rejectedCss: boolean;
192 | /** {@inheritDoc postcss#SourceMapOptions} */
193 | sourceMap: boolean | (postcss.SourceMapOptions & {
194 | to?: string;
195 | });
196 | stdin: boolean;
197 | stdout: boolean;
198 | variables: boolean;
199 | /**
200 | * You can indicate which selectors are safe to leave in the final CSS.
201 | * This can be accomplished with the option safelist.
202 | */
203 | safelist: Required<ComplexSafelist>;
204 | /**
205 | * Blocklist will block the CSS selectors from appearing in the final
206 | * output CSS. The selectors will be removed even when they are seen
207 | * as used by PurgeCSS.
208 | */
209 | blocklist: StringRegExpArray;
210 | /**
211 | * If you provide globs for the content parameter, you can use this option
212 | * to exclude certain files or folders that would otherwise be scanned.
213 | * Pass an array of globs matching items that should be excluded.
214 | * (Note: this option has no effect if content is not globs.)
215 | */
216 | skippedContentGlobs: Array<string>;
217 | /**
218 | * Option to add custom CSS attribute selectors like "aria-selected",
219 | * "data-selected", ...etc.
220 | */
221 | dynamicAttributes: string[];
222 | }
223 |
224 | /**
225 | * @public
226 | */
227 | export declare type PostCSSRoot = postcss.Root;
228 |
229 | /**
230 | * Class used to instantiate PurgeCSS and can then be used
231 | * to purge CSS files.
232 | *
233 | * @example
234 | * ```ts
235 | * await new PurgeCSS().purge({
236 | * content: ['index.html'],
237 | * css: ['css/app.css']
238 | * })
239 | * ```
240 | *
241 | * @public
242 | */
243 | export declare class PurgeCSS {
244 | private ignore;
245 | private atRules;
246 | private usedAnimations;
247 | private usedFontFaces;
248 | selectorsRemoved: Set<string>;
249 | removedNodes: postcss.Node[];
250 | variablesStructure: VariablesStructure;
251 | options: Options;
252 | private collectDeclarationsData;
253 | /**
254 | * Get the extractor corresponding to the extension file
255 | * @param filename - Name of the file
256 | * @param extractors - Array of extractors definition
257 | */
258 | private getFileExtractor;
259 | /**
260 | * Extract the selectors present in the files using a PurgeCSS extractor
261 | *
262 | * @param files - Array of files path or glob pattern
263 | * @param extractors - Array of extractors
264 | */
265 | extractSelectorsFromFiles(files: string[], extractors: Extractors[]): Promise<ExtractorResultSets>;
266 | /**
267 | * Extract the selectors present in the passed string using a PurgeCSS extractor
268 | *
269 | * @param content - Array of content
270 | * @param extractors - Array of extractors
271 | */
272 | extractSelectorsFromString(content: RawContent[], extractors: Extractors[]): Promise<ExtractorResultSets>;
273 | /**
274 | * Evaluate at-rule and register it for future reference
275 | * @param node - node of postcss AST
276 | */
277 | private evaluateAtRule;
278 | /**
279 | * Evaluate css selector and decide if it should be removed or not
280 | *
281 | * @param node - node of postcss AST
282 | * @param selectors - selectors used in content files
283 | */
284 | private evaluateRule;
285 | /**
286 | * Get the purged version of the css based on the files
287 | *
288 | * @param cssOptions - css options, files or raw strings
289 | * @param selectors - set of extracted css selectors
290 | */
291 | getPurgedCSS(cssOptions: Array<string | RawCSS>, selectors: ExtractorResultSets): Promise<ResultPurge[]>;
292 | /**
293 | * Check if the keyframe is safelisted with the option safelist keyframes
294 | *
295 | * @param keyframesName - name of the keyframe animation
296 | */
297 | private isKeyframesSafelisted;
298 | /**
299 | * Check if the selector is blocklisted with the option blocklist
300 | *
301 | * @param selector - css selector
302 | */
303 | private isSelectorBlocklisted;
304 | /**
305 | * Check if the selector is safelisted with the option safelist standard
306 | *
307 | * @param selector - css selector
308 | */
309 | private isSelectorSafelisted;
310 | /**
311 | * Check if the selector is safelisted with the option safelist deep
312 | *
313 | * @param selector - selector
314 | */
315 | private isSelectorSafelistedDeep;
316 | /**
317 | * Check if the selector is safelisted with the option safelist greedy
318 | *
319 | * @param selector - selector
320 | */
321 | private isSelectorSafelistedGreedy;
322 | /**
323 | * Remove unused CSS
324 | *
325 | * @param userOptions - PurgeCSS options or path to the configuration file
326 | * @returns an array of object containing the filename and the associated CSS
327 | *
328 | * @example Using a configuration file named purgecss.config.js
329 | * ```ts
330 | * const purgeCSSResults = await new PurgeCSS().purge()
331 | * ```
332 | *
333 | * @example Using a custom path to the configuration file
334 | * ```ts
335 | * const purgeCSSResults = await new PurgeCSS().purge('./purgecss.config.js')
336 | * ```
337 | *
338 | * @example Using the PurgeCSS options
339 | * ```ts
340 | * const purgeCSSResults = await new PurgeCSS().purge({
341 | * content: ['index.html', '**\/*.js', '**\/*.html', '**\/*.vue'],
342 | * css: ['css/app.css']
343 | * })
344 | * ```
345 | */
346 | purge(userOptions: UserDefinedOptions | string | undefined): Promise<ResultPurge[]>;
347 | /**
348 | * Remove unused CSS variables
349 | */
350 | removeUnusedCSSVariables(): void;
351 | /**
352 | * Remove unused font-faces
353 | */
354 | removeUnusedFontFaces(): void;
355 | /**
356 | * Remove unused keyframes
357 | */
358 | removeUnusedKeyframes(): void;
359 | /**
360 | * Transform a selector node into a string
361 | */
362 | private getSelectorValue;
363 | /**
364 | * Determine if the selector should be kept, based on the selectors found in the files
365 | *
366 | * @param selector - set of css selectors found in the content files or string
367 | * @param selectorsFromExtractor - selectors in the css rule
368 | *
369 | * @returns true if the selector should be kept in the processed CSS
370 | */
371 | private shouldKeepSelector;
372 | /**
373 | * Walk through the CSS AST and remove unused CSS
374 | *
375 | * @param root - root node of the postcss AST
376 | * @param selectors - selectors used in content files
377 | */
378 | walkThroughCSS(root: PostCSSRoot, selectors: ExtractorResultSets): void;
379 | }
380 |
381 | /**
382 | * @public
383 | */
384 | export declare interface RawContent<T = string> {
385 | extension: string;
386 | raw: T;
387 | }
388 |
389 | /**
390 | * @public
391 | */
392 | export declare interface RawCSS {
393 | raw: string;
394 | name?: string;
395 | }
396 |
397 | /**
398 | * @public
399 | */
400 | export declare interface ResultPurge {
401 | css: string;
402 | /**
403 | * sourceMap property will be empty if
404 | * {@link UserDefinedOptions.sourceMap} inline is not set to false, as the
405 | * source map will be contained within the text of ResultPurge.css
406 | */
407 | sourceMap?: string;
408 | rejectedCss?: string;
409 | file?: string;
410 | rejected?: string[];
411 | }
412 |
413 | /**
414 | * Load the configuration file from the path
415 | *
416 | * @param configFile - Path of the config file
417 | * @returns The options from the configuration file
418 | *
419 | * @throws Error
420 | * This exception is thrown if the configuration file was not imported
421 | *
422 | * @public
423 | */
424 | export declare function setOptions(configFile?: string): Promise<Options>;
425 |
426 | /**
427 | * Format the user defined safelist into a standardized safelist object
428 | *
429 | * @param userDefinedSafelist - the user defined safelist
430 | * @returns the formatted safelist object that can be used in the PurgeCSS options
431 | *
432 | * @public
433 | */
434 | export declare function standardizeSafelist(userDefinedSafelist?: UserDefinedSafelist): Required<ComplexSafelist>;
435 |
436 | /**
437 | * @public
438 | */
439 | export declare type StringRegExpArray = Array<RegExp | string>;
440 |
441 | /**
442 | * Options used by PurgeCSS to remove unused CSS
443 | *
444 | * @public
445 | */
446 | export declare interface UserDefinedOptions {
447 | /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.content} */
448 | content: Array<string | RawContent>;
449 | /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.css} */
450 | css: Array<string | RawCSS>;
451 | /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.defaultExtractor} */
452 | defaultExtractor?: ExtractorFunction;
453 | /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.extractors} */
454 | extractors?: Array<Extractors>;
455 | /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.fontFace} */
456 | fontFace?: boolean;
457 | /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.keyframes} */
458 | keyframes?: boolean;
459 | /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.output} */
460 | output?: string;
461 | /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.rejected} */
462 | rejected?: boolean;
463 | /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.rejectedCss} */
464 | rejectedCss?: boolean;
465 | /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.sourceMap } */
466 | sourceMap?: boolean | (postcss.SourceMapOptions & {
467 | to?: string;
468 | });
469 | /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.stdin} */
470 | stdin?: boolean;
471 | /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.stdout} */
472 | stdout?: boolean;
473 | /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.variables} */
474 | variables?: boolean;
475 | /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.safelist} */
476 | safelist?: UserDefinedSafelist;
477 | /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.blocklist} */
478 | blocklist?: StringRegExpArray;
479 | /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.skippedContentGlobs} */
480 | skippedContentGlobs?: Array<string>;
481 | /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.dynamicAttributes} */
482 | dynamicAttributes?: string[];
483 | }
484 |
485 | /**
486 | * @public
487 | */
488 | export declare type UserDefinedSafelist = StringRegExpArray | ComplexSafelist;
489 |
490 | /**
491 | * @public
492 | */
493 | export declare class VariableNode {
494 | nodes: VariableNode[];
495 | value: postcss.Declaration;
496 | isUsed: boolean;
497 | constructor(declaration: postcss.Declaration);
498 | }
499 |
500 | /**
501 | * @public
502 | */
503 | export declare class VariablesStructure {
504 | nodes: Map<string, VariableNode[]>;
505 | usedVariables: Set<string>;
506 | safelist: StringRegExpArray;
507 | addVariable(declaration: postcss.Declaration): void;
508 | addVariableUsage(declaration: postcss.Declaration, matchedVariables: IterableIterator<RegExpMatchArray>): void;
509 | addVariableUsageInProperties(matchedVariables: IterableIterator<RegExpMatchArray>): void;
510 | setAsUsed(variableName: string): void;
511 | removeUnused(): void;
512 | isVariablesSafelisted(variable: string): boolean;
513 | }
514 |
515 | export { }