1.82 kBJSONView Raw
2 "swagger": "2.0",
3 "info": {
4 "description": "RippleOSI Middle Tier REST APIs",
5 "version": "1.0.0",
6 "title": "RippleOSI"
7 },
8 "schemes": ["http"],
9 "tags": [{
10 "name": "Ripple"
11 }],
12 "securityDefinitions": {
13 "QEWDToken": {
14 "description": "For accessing the API a valid token must be passed in all the queries in the 'Cookies' header. A valid token is generated by the /api/initialise API. The following syntax must be used in the 'Cookie' header : JSESSIONID=xxxxxxx",
15 "type": "apiKey",
16 "name": "Authorization",
17 "in": "header"
18 }
19 },
20 "paths": {
21 "/api/initialise": "=> get('initialise.json')",
22 "/api/application" : {
23 "get" : "=> get('application-get.json')",
24 "post": "=> get('application-post.json', 'desc', 'Saves users application settings')",
25 "put": "=> get('application-post.json', 'desc', 'Updates users application settings')"
26 },
27 "/api/user": "=> get('user.json')",
28 "/api/patients": "=> get('patients.json')",
29 "/api/patients/{patientId}/counts": "=> get('patientCounts.json')"
30 },
31 "definitions": {
32 "initialiseResponse": "=> get('initialiseResponse.json')",
33 "applicationPayload": "=> get('applicationPayload.json')",
34 "applicationSaveResponse": "=> get('applicationSaveResponse.json')",
35 "userResponse": "=> get('userResponse.json')",
36 "userError": "=> get('userError.json')",
37 "patientsResponse": "=> get('patientsResponse.json')",
38 "countsResponse": "=> get('countsResponse.json')",
39 "headingPostResponse": "=> get('headingPostResponse.json')"
40 }