6.75 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2__proto.load = function (url, type, cache, group, ignoreCache) {
3 (cache === void 0) && (cache = true);
4 (ignoreCache === void 0) && (ignoreCache = false);
5 this._url = url;
6 if (url.indexOf("data:image") === 0) this._type = type = "image";
7 else {
8 this._type = type || (type = this.getTypeFromUrl(url));
9 url = URL.formatURL(url);
10 }
11 this._cache = cache;
12 this._data = null;
13 if (!ignoreCache && Loader.loadedMap[url]) {
14 this._data = Loader.loadedMap[url];
15 this.event("progress", 1);
16 this.event("complete", this._data);
17 return;
18 }
19 if (group) Loader.setGroup(url, group);
20 if (Loader.parserMap[type] != null) {
21 this._customParse = true;
22 if (((Loader.parserMap[type]) instanceof laya.utils.Handler)) Loader.parserMap[type].runWith(this);
23 else Loader.parserMap[type].call(null, this);
24 return;
25 }
26 if (type === "image" || type === "htmlimage" || type === "nativeimage") return this._loadImage(url);
27 if (type === "sound") return this._loadSound(url);
28 if (type === "ttf") return this._loadTTF(url);
29 var contentType;
30 switch (type) {
31 case "atlas":
32 case "plf":
33 contentType = "json";
34 break;
35 case "font":
36 contentType = "xml";
37 break;
38 case "pkm":
39 contentType = "arraybuffer";
40 break
41 default:
42 contentType = type;
43 }
44 // 添加此处代码适配
45 if (qg) {
46 if (url.startsWith('file://'))
47 url = url.substr('file://'.length);
48 var response;
49 var that = this;
50 if (type == 'pkm' || type == 'arraybuffer') {
51 qg.readFile({
52 uri: this._url,
53 //alt
54 encoding: 'binary',
55 success: function (params) {
56 response = params.text;
57 that.onLoaded(response);
58 },
59 fail: function (params) {
60 console.log(params);
61 }
62 });
63 }
64 else {
65 qg.readFile({
66 uri: this._url,
67 encoding: "utf8",
68 success: function (params) {
69 response = params.text;
70 if (type == 'atlas' || type == 'json') {
71 response = JSON.parse(response);
72 }
73 if (type == "xml") {
74 response = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(response);
75 }
76 that.onLoaded(response);
77 },
78 fail: function (params) {
79 console.log(params);
80 }
81 });
82 }
83 return;
84 }
85 //添加代码结束
86 if (Loader.preLoadedMap[url]) {
87 this.onLoaded(Loader.preLoadedMap[url]);
88 } else {
89 if (!this._http) {
90 this._http = new HttpRequest();
91 this._http.on("progress", this, this.onProgress);
92 this._http.on("error", this, this.onError);
93 this._http.on("complete", this, this.onLoaded);
94 }
95 this._http.send(url, null, "get", contentType);
96 }
99//(2)搜索“URL.formatURL = function (url, base)”,复制下面的代码覆盖该方法。。
100URL.formatURL = function (url, base) {
101 if (!url) return "null path";
102 if (url.indexOf(":") > 0) return url;
103 if (URL.customFormat != null) url = URL.customFormat(url, base);
104 var char1 = url.charAt(0);
105 if (char1 === ".") {
106 return URL.formatRelativePath((base || URL.basePath) + url);
107 } else if (char1 === '~') {
108 return URL.rootPath + url.substring(1);
109 } else if (char1 === "d") {
110 if (url.indexOf("data:image") === 0) return url;
111 } else if (char1 === "/") {
112 return url;
113 }
114 if (qg) {
115 return (base || 'file://') + url;
116 } else {
117 return (base || URL.basePath) + url;
118 }
121if (this.xs != 1 || this.ys != 1){
122 this._ctx.scale(this.xs, this.ys);
123 if(qg){
124 var string = this.font + "";
125 string = string.replace(/\d + /g, '');
126 var mFontSize = parseInt(parseInt(this.font) * ((this.xs > this.ys) ? this.xs : this.ys) + "");
127 this._ctx.font = mFontSize + string + "";
128 }
132 Input.area.blur = Input.input.blur = function(){}
133 return this._multiline ? Input.area :Input.input;
136var AudioSound = function (_super) {
137 function AudioSound() {
138 this.url = null;
139 this.audio = null;
140 this.loaded = false;
141 AudioSound.__super.call(this);
142 }
143 __class(AudioSound, 'laya.media.h5audio.AudioSound', _super);
144 var __proto = AudioSound.prototype;
145 __proto.dispose = function () {
146 var ad = AudioSound._audioCache[this.url];
147 if (ad) {
148 ad.src = '';
149 delete AudioSound._audioCache[this.url];
150 }
151 };
152 __proto.load = function (url) {
153 url = URL.formatURL(url);
154 this.url = url;
155 var ad;
156 if (url == SoundManager._tMusic) {
157 AudioSound._initMusicAudio();
158 ad = AudioSound._musicAudio;
159 if (ad.src != url) {
160 AudioSound._audioCache[ad.src] = null;
161 ad = null;
162 }
163 } else {
164 ad = AudioSound._audioCache[url];
165 }
166 if (ad && ad.readyState >= 2) {
167 this.event('complete');
168 return;
169 }
170 if (!ad) {
171 ad = qg.createInnerAudioContext()
172 var src = ""
173 if(/file:\/\//.test(url)){
174 src = url.slice(7)
175 }
176 AudioSound._audioCache[url] = ad;
177 ad.src = src;
178 ad.play()
179 var me = this;
180 let flag = 1
181 while (flag) {
182 if (ad.duration > 0) {
183 me.length = ad.duration
184 me.loaded = true;
185 me.event('complete');
186 ad.stop()
187 flag = 0
188 }
189 }
190 }
191 this.audio = ad;
192 };
193 __proto.play = function (startTime, loops) {
194 startTime === void 0 && (startTime = 0);
195 loops === void 0 && (loops = 0);
196 if (!this.url)
197 return null;
198 var ad;
199 if (this.url == SoundManager._tMusic) {
200 ad = AudioSound._musicAudio;
201 } else {
202 ad = AudioSound._audioCache[this.url];
203 }
204 if (!ad)
205 return null;
206 var tAd;
207 tAd = Pool.getItem('audio:' + this.url);
208 if (Render.isConchApp) {
209 if (!tAd) {
210 tAd = Browser.createElement('audio');
211 tAd.src = this.url;
212 }
213 } else {
214 if (this.url == SoundManager._tMusic) {
215 AudioSound._initMusicAudio();
216 tAd = AudioSound._musicAudio;
217 tAd.src = this.url;
218 } else {
219 tAd = tAd ? tAd : ad.cloneNode(true);
220 }
221 }
222 ;
223 var channel = new AudioSoundChannel(tAd);
224 channel.url = this.url;
225 channel.loops = loops;
226 channel.startTime = startTime;
227 channel.play();
228 SoundManager.addChannel(channel);
229 return channel;
230 };
231 __getset(0, __proto, 'duration', function () {
232 var ad;
233 ad = AudioSound._audioCache[this.url];
234 if (!ad)
235 return 0;
236 return ad.duration;
237 });
238 AudioSound._initMusicAudio = function () {
239 if (AudioSound._musicAudio)
240 return;
241 if (!AudioSound._musicAudio)
242 AudioSound._musicAudio = Browser.createElement('audio');
243 if (!Render.isConchApp) {
244 Browser.document.addEventListener('mousedown', AudioSound._makeMusicOK);
245 }
246 };
247 AudioSound._makeMusicOK = function () {
248 Browser.document.removeEventListener('mousedown', AudioSound._makeMusicOK);
249 if (!AudioSound._musicAudio.src) {
250 AudioSound._musicAudio.src = '';
251 AudioSound._musicAudio.load();
252 } else {
253 AudioSound._musicAudio.play();
254 }
255 };
256 AudioSound._audioCache = {};
257 AudioSound._musicAudio = null;
258 return AudioSound;
\No newline at end of file