8.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1//- JavaScript source code
3//- katamari.js ~~
5// This is adapted from a previously unpublished NPM module I wrote.
7// ~~ (c) SRW, 11 Dec 2012
8// ~~ last updated 07 Aug 2014
10(function () {
11 'use strict';
13 // Pragmas
15 /*jshint maxparams: 2, quotmark: single, strict: true */
17 /*jslint indent: 4, maxlen: 80, node: true */
19 /*properties
20 avar, base64, buffer, error, exit, extname, fail, forEach,
21 hasOwnProperty, isDirectory, isFile, join, last_mod_date,
22 last_modified, length, log, lstat, mime_type, normalize, on, Q,
23 readdir, readFile, roll_up, stringify, test, toGMTString, toString,
24 unroll, val, writeFile, '', '.appcache', '.css', '.html', '.ico',
25 '.jpg', '.js', '.json', '.manifest', '.png', '.txt', '.webapp', '.xml'
26 */
28 // Declarations
30 var avar, fs, ignore_patterns, mime_types, path, roll_up, unroll;
32 // Definitions
34 avar = require('quanah').avar;
36 fs = require('fs');
38 ignore_patterns = [
39 /^[.]/
40 ];
42 mime_types = {
43 '': 'text/plain',
44 '.appcache': 'text/cache-manifest',
45 '.css': 'text/css',
46 '.html': 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
47 '.ico': 'image/x-icon',
48 '.jpg': 'image/jpeg',
49 '.js': 'text/javascript',
50 '.json': 'application/json',
51 '.manifest': 'text/cache-manifest',
52 '.png': 'image/png',
53 '.txt': 'text/plain',
54 '.webapp': 'application/x-web-app-manifest+json',
55 '.xml': 'application/xml'
56 };
58 path = require('path');
60 roll_up = function (public_html, json_file) {
61 // This function needs documentation.
62 var dirpath, y;
63 dirpath = path.normalize(public_html);
64 y = avar({val: {}});
65 y.Q(function (evt) {
66 // This function checks to see that the input argument is actually a
67 // directory.
68 fs.lstat(dirpath, function (err, stats) {
69 // This function needs documentation.
70 if (err !== null) {
71 return evt.fail(err);
72 }
73 if (stats.isDirectory() === false) {
74 return evt.fail('"' + dirpath + '" is not a directory.');
75 }
76 return evt.exit();
77 });
78 return;
79 }).Q(function (evt) {
80 // This function reads all files located in the top level of `dirpath`
81 // into memory as the properties of an object.
82 fs.readdir(dirpath, function (err, files) {
83 // This function needs documentation.
84 if (err !== null) {
85 return evt.fail(err);
86 }
87 var count, remaining;
88 count = function () {
89 // This function needs documentation.
90 remaining -= 1;
91 if (remaining === 0) {
92 return evt.exit();
93 }
94 return;
95 };
96 remaining = files.length;
97 files.forEach(function (name) {
98 // This function needs documentation.
99 var flag, filepath, i, n;
100 flag = (name === json_file);
101 n = ignore_patterns.length;
102 for (i = 0; (flag === false) && (i < n); i += 1) {
103 flag = ignore_patterns[i].test(name);
104 }
105 if (flag === true) {
106 return count();
107 }
108 filepath = path.join(dirpath, name);
109 fs.lstat(filepath, function (err, stats) {
110 // This function needs documentation.
111 if (err !== null) {
112 return evt.fail(err);
113 }
114 /*
115 if (stats.isDirectory()) {
116 // Recurse ...
117 roll_up(filepath).Q(function (evt) {
118 // This function isn't working correctly yet ...
119 var key, temp, x;
120 x = this.val;
121 for (key in x) {
122 if (x.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
123 console.log(filepath, '-->', key);
124 temp = path.resolve(filepath, key);
125 y.val[temp] = x[key];
126 }
127 }
128 count();
129 return evt.exit();
130 }).on('error', function (message) {
131 // This function needs documentation.
132 return evt.fail(message);
133 });
134 return;
135 }
136 */
137 if (stats.isFile() === false) {
138 return count();
139 }
140 fs.readFile(filepath, function (err, file) {
141 // This function needs documentation.
142 if (err !== null) {
143 return evt.fail(err);
144 }
145 var temp = {
146 buffer: file,
147 last_modified: (new Date()).toGMTString(),
148 mime_type: mime_types[path.extname(name)]
149 };
150 if (temp.mime_type === undefined) {
151 temp.mime_type = 'application/octet-stream';
152 }
153 y.val['/' + name] = temp;
154 return count();
155 });
156 return;
157 });
158 return;
159 });
160 return;
161 });
162 return;
163 }).Q(function (evt) {
164 // This function writes `y.val` as JSON to `json_file` if the second
165 // input argument was a string.
166 if (typeof json_file !== 'string') {
167 console.log('Not a string.');
168 return evt.exit();
169 }
170 var filepath, key, obj;
171 filepath = path.normalize(json_file);
172 obj = y.val;
173 for (key in obj) {
174 // This function needs documentation.
175 if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
176 try {
177 obj[key].base64 = obj[key].buffer.toString('base64');
178 delete obj[key].buffer;
179 } catch (err) {
180 console.error(err, key);
181 }
182 }
183 }
184 fs.writeFile(filepath, JSON.stringify(obj), function (err) {
185 // This function needs documentation.
186 if (err !== null) {
187 return evt.fail(err);
188 }
189 console.log('Saved to "' + filepath + '".');
190 return evt.exit();
191 });
192 return;
193 }).on('error', function (message) {
194 // This is a default error handler that can be overwritten.
195 console.error('Error:', message);
196 return;
197 });
198 return y;
199 };
201 unroll = function (filename) {
202 // This function needs documentation.
203 var key, x, y;
204 x = require(filename);
205 y = {};
206 for (key in x) {
207 if (x.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
208 y[key] = {
209 buffer: new Buffer(x[key].base64, 'base64'),
210 last_modified: x[key].last_modified,
211 last_mod_date: new Date(x[key].last_modified),
212 mime_type: x[key].mime_type
213 };
214 }
215 }
216 return y;
217 };
219 // Out-of-scope definitions
221 exports.roll_up = roll_up;
223 exports.unroll = unroll;
225 // That's all, folks!
227 return;
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