4.15 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1//- JavaScript source code
3//- couch-api-ddoc.js ~~
4// ~~ (c) SRW, 23 Oct 2012
5// ~~ last updated 20 May 2013
7(function () {
8 'use strict';
10 // Pragmas
12 /*global exports: false, getRow: false, send: false */
14 /*jshint maxparams: 2, quotmark: single, strict: true */
16 /*jslint couch: true, indent: 4, maxlen: 80, nomen: true, unparam: true */
18 /*properties
19 'as-array', body, box_status, 'Content-Type', data, _deleted, exp_date,
20 hasOwnProperty, headers, _id, jobs, key, lists, map, outdated, parse,
21 _rev, shows, split, stringify, updates, upsert, value, views
22 */
24 // Out-of-scope definitions
26 exports._id = '_design/app';
28 exports.lists = {
29 'as-array': function () {
30 // This function needs documentation.
31 var first, row;
32 first = true;
33 row = getRow();
34 send('[');
35 while (row !== null) {
36 if (first === true) {
37 first = false;
38 send(JSON.stringify(row.value));
39 } else {
40 send(',' + JSON.stringify(row.value));
41 }
42 row = getRow();
43 }
44 send(']');
45 return;
46 }
47 };
49 exports.shows = {
50 data: function (doc) {
51 // This function needs documentation.
52 var response;
53 response = {
54 headers: {
55 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
56 }
57 };
58 if ((doc === null) || (doc.hasOwnProperty('body') === false)) {
59 // If a document with the requested docid doesn't exist, return a
60 // plain old JSON object to avoid giving [evil] robots any useful
61 // information via 404s.
62 response.body = '{}';
63 } else {
64 response.body = doc.body;
65 }
66 return response;
67 }
68 };
70 exports.updates = {
71 // NOTE: Do not out-clever yourself here! You _can_ add the CORS
72 // headers in this function, but if you're already doing it inside an
73 // external webserver like Nginx or Node.js, it will cause CORS _not_
74 // to work.
75 upsert: function (doc, req) {
76 // This function needs documentation.
77 var key, newDoc, response;
78 newDoc = JSON.parse(req.body);
79 response = {
80 headers: {
81 'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
82 },
83 body: ''
84 };
85 if (doc === null) {
86 // We are inserting a new document.
87 return [newDoc, response];
88 }
89 // We are updating the existing document.
90 for (key in newDoc) {
91 if (newDoc.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
92 doc[key] = newDoc[key];
93 }
94 }
95 return [doc, response];
96 }
97 };
99 exports.views = {
100 jobs: {
101 map: function (doc) {
102 // This function needs documentation.
103 var flag;
104 flag = ((doc.hasOwnProperty('box_status')) &&
105 (doc.hasOwnProperty('key')));
106 if (flag === true) {
107 emit(doc.box_status.split('&'), doc.key);
108 }
109 return;
110 }
111 },
112 outdated: {
113 map: function (doc) {
114 // This function outputs a JSON array that I can modify slightly
115 // and POST back to Couch via the Bulk Documents API in order to
116 // delete all documents that are past their expiration dates.
117 if (doc.hasOwnProperty('exp_date')) {
118 emit(doc.exp_date, {
119 _id: doc._id,
120 _rev: doc._rev,
121 _deleted: true
122 });
123 }
124 return;
125 }
126 }
127 };
129 // That's all, folks!
131 return;
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